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Estudo da blenda poli(3-hidroxibutirato) / poli(etileno glicol). / Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) / poly(ethylene oxide) blend study.Gustavo Russo Blazek 16 December 2011 (has links)
Esse projeto visa a melhoria das propriedades mecânicas e de processabilidade do Poli(3-hidroxibutirato) (PHB) para futuras aplicações. Foram preparados filmes de blendas de PHB por dissolução em clorofórmio. Poli(etileno glicol), com massa molar de 300 (PEG) ou 4.000.000 g mol-1 (PEO), foi misturado em proporções de 5 a 30 % em massa e análises termogravimétricas (TG), de calorimetria diferencial exploratória (DSC) e ensaios dinâmico-mecânicos (DMTA) foram realizadas para avaliar a miscibilidade da blenda. Foram também analisados filmes recém-preparados e filmes envelhecidos, para avaliar o avanço da cristalização e consequente alteração das propriedades dos filmes com o passar do tempo. Para isso foram feitas comparações visuais de imagens microscópicas da morfologia das blendas, obtidas através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As blendas foram analisadas quanto ao grau de cristalinidade através de análise calorimétrica (DSC) e de difratometria de raio-X. As curvas de DSC mostram uma redução da Tm do PHB com a adição de PEG e PEO, o que indica uma forte interação entre os polímeros. As análises de TG mostram uma etapa principal de degradação, evidenciando a miscibilidade entre os polímeros. A TG também mostra uma sensível redução na temperatura de degradação do PHB para concentrações acima de 10 % em PEG, o que é indesejável. Através do MEV nota-se que existe também uma segregação de fases que aumenta com o tempo de estocagem do material, levando à recristalização do PHB e sua consequente fragilização. A difração de raios-X nos mostra que a adição de PEG e PEO ao PHB traz uma redução considerável para a cristalinidade do sistema, e que o aumento de 5 % para 30 % no teor de PEG é responsável por apenas uma pequena redução na cristalinidade, mas uma considerável redução na recristalização sofrida pela blenda com o tempo de estocagem. As análises de DMTA mostram que as blendas possuem módulo de armazenamento similar ao de polímeros flexíveis, evidenciando uma efetiva tenacificação do PHB. Amostras utilizando PEO apresentam maior rigidez do que as amostras contendo PEG. / This project aims the enhancement of both processability and mechanical properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) for future applications. Films of blends of PHB and poly(ethylene oxide) were prepared by chloroform solution casting and evaporation. Poly(ethylene oxide) having molar mass of 4,000,000 (PEO) or 300 g.mol-1 (PEG) was blended in proportion of 5 to 30 wt %, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic-Mechanic Analysis (DMTA) were performed in order to evaluate the miscibility of the blends. As-cast and aged films were also compared in order to analyze the crystallization progress and the consequent changes in the blends properties due to the aging process. For this, visual comparison was drawn between microscopy pictures obtained through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The blends have their crystallinity degree determined by analyzing their X-ray diffraction curves. The DSC curves show a reduction at the PHBs Tm as the mass percentage of PEG increases, indicating a strong interaction in between the polymers. The TG and DTG analyses reveal a single main degradation step, what denotes miscibility in between the polymers. The TG also shows a considerable reduction of the PHBs degrading temperature for PEG concentrations over 10 %, which is undesirable. Through SEM one can note a phase segregation that increases with storaging time, leading to further crystallization of PHB and its subsequent enbrittlement. The X-ray diffraction curves show that the PEG and PEO bring a considerable crystallinity reduction to the system, and that the increasing of PEG content from 5 to 30% has only a minor effect per se, though also a considerable reduction of the perfection undergone by the system with storage time. The DMTA shows that the blends have a storage modulus similar to the one of flexible polimers, hence showing an effective PHB toughening. Samples containing PEO are more rigid than those containing PEG.
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Kompostování biologicky rozložitelných biopolymerů / Composting of biodegradable polymersHollá, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the study of composting of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polylactic acid (PLA). The experimental part focuses on the composting test based on the IS/ISO 20200 standard, in which biopolymers were degraded within 8 weeks. The advantage of the composting test was the unique use of bags for polymer granules, which simplified the handling of samples. The placement of the polymers ensured an even load of compost, which simulated the landfill environment, which also made this experiment exceptional. The use of different methods of analysis ensured the investigation of the influence of compost on the degradation of polymers, but also the influence of polymers on the compost microbiome. In the compost environment all of the studied polymers degraded. After 8 weeks the weight loss of approximately 40 % was detected in PHB. Amorphous PLA degraded completely in the 5th week of experiment, while semicrystalline PLA lost approximately 70 % of its weight in 8 weeks. Using SEM images and SEC analysis, we conclude that PHB degradation was predominantly biological. Degradation of PLA samples was found to be predominantly abiotic. Analysis of compost samples revealed that the enzymatic activity of esterases increased in composts with polymers compared to compost without polymers. The effect of polymers on the microbiome in compost was analyzed using Biolog EcoPlates™. Compost with PHB showed a high ability to adapt to various substrates and microbiome expanded during composting. In the case of a sample with semicrystalline PLA, it was found that in the last week of composting, the ability of microorganisms to adapt and use substrates decreased, which indicates a possible negative effect of this polymer on compost development.
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Roubování VTMOS na PHB / Grafting VTMOS onto PHBNovotný, Igor January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the grafting of vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMOS) onto poly(3–hydroxybutyrate)PHB. Subsequent characterization of the amount of grafted VTMOS and changes in the thermal properties associated with the rate of crystallization. The theoretical part deals with mechanism and the influences of grafting. In the experimental part VTMOS was grafted onto PHB without subjecting VTMOS to hydrolysis and subsequent crosslinking. By differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Avrami equation, the effect of grafted silane group on pure was studied. The MVR was used to compare the rheological properties of initial PHB, grafted PHB and crosslinked PHB by siloxane linkages.
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Biotechnologická produkce poly(3-hydroxybutyratu-co-4-hydroxybutyratu) [P(3HB-co-4HB)] / Microbial synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB-co-4HB)]Dugová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis studied the ability of Cupriavidus malaysiensis, Delftia acidovorans and Azohydromonas lata to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate), [P(3HB-co-4HB)], by using -butyrolactone and 1,4-butanediol as carbon substrates. The objective of this work was the production and characterisation of isolated polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). The theoretical part deals with the basic description and classification of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Next, the biosyntheses of the most investigated PHAs were described. The practical section of the work discusses and presents the output of the cultivation of five bacterial strains selected for the production of [P(3HB-co-4HB)], namely, Cupriavidus malaysiensis (DSM 19379), Delftia acidovorans (DSM 39), Delftia acidovorans (CCM 2410), Delftia acidovorans (CCM 283) and Azohydromonas lata (CCM 4448). The effect of the modified cultivation conditions for each of the used bacteria on the PHA production yields was discussed. The produced biomass after the cultivation was characterised spectrophotometrically, gravimetrically and by gas chromatography. Polymers were isolated from the biomass by the extraction in chloroform. The isolated polymers were characterised from the viewpoint of chemical composition, molecular weight and thermal properties by using Attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy, Size exclusion chromatography, Differential scanning calorimetry and Thermogravimetric analysis.
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Mikrovlákna na bázi polyhydroxybutyrátu pro medicínské aplikace / Microfibers based on polyhydroxybutyrate for medical applicationsGregušková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práca je zameraná na mikrovlákna na báze biopolyméru poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu) a ich využitie v medicínskych aplikáciách. Teoretická časť práce sa zaoberá štúdiom procesu tvorby vláken pomocou technológie odstredivého zvlákňovania, jeho kinetikou a faktormi ovplyvňujúcimi vznik a vlastnosti vláken. Teoretická časť sa následne orientuje na krátky prehľad biopolymérov používaných v tejto technológii, charakteristiku materiálu poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu) a taktiež prezentuje návrh potenciálnej cieľovej aplikácie daných mikrovláken. Praktická časť sa koncentruje sa prípravu mikrovláken zo spomínaného poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu). Sledované a optimalizované sú viaceré parametre vedúce k lepšej zvlákniteľnosti materiálu. Praktická časť je rozšírená o modifikáciu polymérneho roztoku prídavkom iných biopolymérov a zmäkčovadiel a prípravu mikrovláken z takto modifikovanej polymérnej zmesi. Pozornosť je venovaná taktiež optimalizácii procesných parametrov. Pripravené mikrovlákna sú následne analyzované a charakterizované viacerými metódami a vzájomne porovnávané s cieľom vyvinúť alternatívu k súčasne používaným substrátom pre rast buniek v 3D.
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Undersökning av fosfatsbegränsningseffekter på Escherichia coli AF1000 för bättre förståelse av 3-hydroxybutyratproduktion / Investigating the effects of phosphate limitation in Escherichia coli AF1000 for better understanding of 3-hydroxybutyrate productionSjöberg Gällnö, Karin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Polyhydroxyalkanoates production by a bacterium isolated from mangrove soil samples collected from Quang Ninh province: Research articleDoan, Thuoc Van, Nguyen, Binh Thi 15 July 2013 (has links)
A PHA producing bacterium (strain QN271) was selected from mangrove soil samples collected from Quang Ninh province by using the Nile red dying technique. PHA accumulation in the selected bacterium strain was confirmed by transmission electron microscope. With the exception of maltose or sucrose, the bacterium strain was found to be able to synthesize PHA from various carbon sources (glucose, xylose, fructose, glycerol, and glucose plus propionate). The strain accumulated poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from glucose, fructose, xylose, and glycerol whereas poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalarate) was produced when a combination of glucose and propionate was included in the culture medium. Fructose was found to be most suitable substrate for PHA synthesis by strain QN271. PHA content of 63.3% and CDW of 6 g/L were obtained after 32 hrs of cultivation in fructose medium. / Chủng vi khuẩn có khả năng sinh tổng hợp PHA đã được phân lập từ đất rừng ngập mặn tỉnh Quảng Ninh nhờ kỹ thuật nhuộm với Nile red. Ảnh quan sát dưới kính hiển vi điện tử dẫn truyền chứng tỏ rằng chủng vi khuẩn này có khả năng tích lũy lượng lớn PHA trong tế bào. Chủng vi khuẩn tuyển chọn có khả năng sinh tổng hợp PHA từ nhiều nguồn các bon khác nhau như glucose, xylose, fructose, glucerol, glucose và propionate nhưng không có khả năng tổng hợp PHA từ maltose hoặc saccharose. Chủng vi khuẩn tuyển chọn tổng hợp poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) từ các nguồn các-bon như glucose, xylose, fructose, hay glycerol, trong khi đó poly (3-hydroxybutyrateco- 3-hydroxyvalarate) sẽ được tổng hợp khi phối hợp sử dụng hai nguồn các-bon (glucose và propionate). Fructose là nguồn các-bon tốt nhất cho chủng QN271 sinh tổng hợp PHA, khi nuôi cấy trong môi trường có fructose chủng vi khuẩn này có thể tạo ra lượng sinh khối là 6 g/L trong đó có chứa 63.3% PHA sau 32 giờ.
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Modification of High trans-Polybutadiene Copolymer and Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) with Nano FillersDing, Leiyuchuan 18 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of new polyesters by organometallic and enzymatic catalysis / Développement de nouveaux polyesters par catalyse organométallique et enzymatiqueDebuissy, Thibaud 10 May 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte du développement durable, de nouvelles architectures macromoléculaires biosourcées ont été synthétisées à partir de synthons (diacides et diols) pouvant être obtenus par voies fermentaires à partir de sources carbonées issues de la biomasse. Dans un premier temps, différents copolyesters aliphatiques ont été synthétisés en masse, à l’aide d’un catalyseur organométallique à base de titane, à partir de diacides (acides succinique et adipique) et de diols (1,3-propanediol, 1,4-butanediol et 2,3-butanediol) courts. Dans un deuxième temps, des architectures macromoléculaires similaires ont été obtenues par catalyse enzymatique en solution à l’aide de la lipase B de Candida antarctica. L’influence de la longueur et de la structure des monomères sur leur réactivité en présence de la lipase a été particulièrement étudiée. Dans un troisième et dernier temps, des architectures macromoléculaires à base d’oligomères hydroxytéléchéliques d’un polyester bactérien : le poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)tels que des poly(ester-éther-uréthane)s et des copolyesters ont été obtenues soit par couplage de chaîne à l’aide d’un diisocyanate, ou par transestérification organométallique et enzymatique. Ces études ont permis d’analyser en détail l’effet de l’addition des synthons biosourcés dans les architectures macromoléculaires et notamment sur la structure cristalline, la stabilité thermique et les propriétés thermiques et optiques de ces polymères. De plus, le grand potentiel de la catalyse enzymatique pour la synthèse de polyesters et celui de l’utilisation d’oligomères de PHB pour l’élaboration de nouveaux matériaux performants ont pu être largement démontrés. / In the context of sustainable development, new biobased and aliphatic macromolecular architectures were synthesized from building blocks that can be obtained by fermentation routes using carbon sources from the biomass. First, several aliphatic copolyesters were synthesized in bulk from short dicarboxylic acids (such as succinic and adipic acids) and diols (such as 1,3-propanediol, 1,4-butanediol and 2,3-butanediol) by organometallic catalysis using an effective titanium-based catalyst. In a second time, similar macromolecular architectures were synthesized by an enzymatic process in solution using Candida antarctica lipase B as catalyst. The influence of the alkyl chain length and the structure of monomers on their reactivity toward the lipase were particularly discussed. In the third and last part, new macromolecular architectures based on hydroxytelechelic oligomers of a bacterial polyester: poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), such as poly(ester-ether-urethane)s and copolyesters, were obtained by either chain-coupling using a diisocyanate, or organometallic and enzymatic transesterification, respectively.These studies permitted to determine a close relationship between the effect of the building blocks structure integrated in the final macromolecular architectures and the intrinsic properties, such as the crystalline structure, the thermal stability and the thermal and optical properties, of these polymers. In addition, the great potential of the lipase-catalyzed synthesis of polyesters and the use of PHB oligomers for developing new high performance materials has been clearly established.
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Understanding Effects of Nanoparticle Dispersion on Physical and Mechanical Properties of HA/PHBV NanocompositesWadcharawadee Noohom Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is inspired by a persistent limitation in the use of composite biomaterials for orthopaedic applications, namely the agglomeration of reinforcing particles in these composites, which has resulted in poor mechanical properties. The use of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles to produce biodegradable nanocomposites is investigated. More specifically, the thesis investigates different methods of composite processing, and interfacial modifying agents and the effect that these have on the nano- and micro- scale structure of composites and their mechanical properties. PHBV and HA were chosen because PHBV is a biodegradable/biocompatible polymer and it has a relatively high stiffness when compared to other biodegradable polymers frequently used in orthopaedic applications. HA is chemically similar to ceramic phase found in bones and hard tissues and the inclusion of HA into biomedical materials has been shown to enhance the rate of osteoconduction. HA/PHBV composites were produced using different dispersing agents including poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), a model dispersing agent, polyethyleneimine (PEI) which allowed for the development of a single solvent system for composite preparation, and heparin (Hep), a macromolecule which is produced in vivo. Additionally, HA/PAA/PHBV composites were prepared from both sonicated and non-sonicated HA/PAA suspensions up to approximately 17% by weight (wt %) of HA content. Attempts to prepare composites with higher HA loadings led to inhomogeneous composite mixtures, which were caused by the dual solvent system used for the composite preparation. The HA/PEI/PHBV and HA/Hep/PHBV composites were produced up to approximately 75 wt % of HA content. It was found that the HA/PEI/PHBV and HA/Hep/PHBV composites could be prepared at higher loadings than HA/PAA/PHBV composites due to the single solvent system used for the preparation of the HA/PEI/PHBV composites and the better dispersion of HA/Hep particles in precursor suspensions. Finally, selected HA/PEI/PHBV composites were further processed using a twin screw extruder. All of the composites were characterised in terms of their dispersion levels as well as their compressive mechanical properties. In addition, HA/PEI/PHBV composite reinforced with 20 wt % of HA content was also tested for its mechanical properties using three different test types; compression, three-point bending, and tensile tests. Finally, the HA/PAA/PHBV, HA/PEI/PHBV, and HA/Hep/PHBV composites were tested their compressive mechanical properties in wet state. It was found that the sonicated HA/PAA suspensions in general had better colloidal stability than non-sonicated ones and that this yielded composites with superior compressive moduli than those prepared from non-sonicated suspensions. In addition, the better dispersion of the particles in the composites prepared from the sonicated suspensions, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopic (TEM) images, led to higher percentage crystallinities when compared to the composites prepared from non-sonicated suspensions. It is likely that the greater number of individual HA particles and smaller HA agglomerates observed in the composites prepared from sonication treatment are acting as nuclei for crystal growth more effectively than large HA agglomerates. The largest modulus and yield strength that could be achieved with this system were approximately 1.45 GPa and 80 MPa, respectively. Composites of HA/PEI/PHBV and HA/Hep/PHBV with approximately 55 wt % of HA content were found to exhibit the largest compressive moduli of approximately 2.5 and 2.8 GPa, respectively. Moreover, the yield strengths for the same materials were found to be approximately 123 and 120 MPa, respectively. This was found to correlate with the better levels of dispersion within the nanocomposites that could be achieved using these stabilisers. The extruded samples were found to have an even greater degree of particle dispersion when compared to the unextruded ones. This improved degree of particle dispersion of the extruded samples resulted in higher moduli in comparison to unextruded samples. The largest compressive modulus and yield strength of the extruded samples were found to be approximately 3.2 GPa and 125 MPa, respectively. The compressive moduli of the composites produced in this thesis are significantly greater than that of cancellous bone (0.4 GPa), but significantly lower than that of cortical bone (12.8–17.7 GPa). However, maximum yield strengths of the HA/PEI/PHBV and HA/Hep/PHBV composites match to cortical bone (120–180 MPa), which is a noteworthy finding in this thesis. The wet mechanical results of all composites as well as pure PHBV polymer showed a reduction in both moduli and yield strengths when compared to dry state. In addition, after 2 weeks in wet state both moduli and yield strengths of the composites and pure polymer converged to approximately the same values. Finally, the HA/PEI/PHBV composite samples tested by tensile testing showed the highest Young’s modulus and those tested by compression testing possessed the lowest Young’s modulus. This resulted from the difference in periods of time for heating exposure and void contents of the tested samples, which were prepared by different methods. However, toughness values obtained from the samples tested using three-point bending and tensile tests, was not significantly different.
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