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Challenges to the hegemonic African state : media and civil society in Kenya and ZambiaMudhai, Okoth Fredrick January 2004 (has links)
The central argument in this thesis is that urban-based political Civil Society actors, particularly Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and news media, in both Kenya and Zambia, perceive Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as presenting them with significant opportunities for achieving greater democracy. Representatives of these non-state actors view the Internet, e-mail and the cell phone in particular as tools that have not only enhanced their operational efficiency but also helped them overcome obstacles that the ruling elites often erected - using human, material and ideological state machinery - to stifle any form of challenge to their incumbency. Increasingly, the new media enable the non-state actors to engage in cross-border communicational activities as a way of effecting changes within states. They facilitate what David Held has described as webs of relations and networks that stretch across national borders. However, unlike recent cosmopolitan approaches to democratic theory and practice, this study privileges local conditions and off-line factors concomitant with the use of rapidly diffusing new media technology. Taking a structural approach to democratic theory and thereby employing the civil society perspective with a focus on a recently modified public sphere concept, this thesis makes a significant contribution to knowledge through an empirical study based on interviews carried out in Nairobi and Lusaka around crucial election epoch. By providing a rare insight into perceptions on new media by a category of Africa's political actors who have been not only considered early ICT adopters and topmost users, but also largely accredited for recent waves of democratisation, this study departs from a plethora of existing literature that have been overly deterministic in favour of technological and conjectural slants to new media in the developing world. To augment authenticity and validity, every effort is made to contextualise the interviewees' claims. This directly addresses a substantial gap in the literature which has been widely identified but not, so far, addressed. The thesis has four core arguments which form the basis of its claim to originality. First of all, it argues that democratisation in Zambia and Kenya is not merely illusionary, and that the new media have played some role in the transfer of power and political activity from a narrow political elite. To that extent at least, it supports the widespread 'democratisation through new media' thesis. But at the same time, and secondly, it takes a critical view of the naivety of many of the proponents of that argument, and points out that that naivety is sustained, at least in large part, by a tendency to over-generalisation. Through very detailed and carefully researched case studies, the thesis demonstrates that the process of both democratisation and the deployment of the new media by CSOs and NOOs is more complex and much more nuanced than the literature on the subject usually suggests. Thirdly, then, the thesis is original in so far as it is grounded in the original field work which has been conducted over a sustained period of time, including a number of visits to the case study countries and interviews and communications with many of the key players as well as the main theorists in the field. As a former journalist in Kenya, the author is aware that he has at once a privileged position in doing this research, which has allowed him access and insights which might well be denied to others, and at the same time a potentially dangerous proximity to the material, 'dangerous' here in a methodological sense. The strategies which have been used to counter those potential dangers are outlined and explained in the earlier chapters of the study. Fourthly, and finally, the thesis is original in its critical use of the Habennassian notion of the public sphere and its relationship to the potential for degrees of genuine or emancipatory democracy. That concept is helpful in explaining processes of socio-political change in Kenya and Zambia; the limitations may also be helpful to explain why the process of democratisation, though real, has been partial, and why the new media have only partially fulfilled the aspirations which their proponents have held for them in the specific context studied here.
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The impact of information and communication technology adoption on stock market development in AfricaIgwilo, Jerry Ikechukwu 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The information communication technology (ICT) sector has, arguably, grown in leaps and bounds over the years to assume a key role in every facet of economic activity. In the wake of the fourth industrial revolution, the major policy preoccupation of governments is how to harness ICT to spur economic growth. As such, the principal objective of this study was to examine the impact of adopting ICT on the development of African stock exchanges, determine whether ICT adoption and stock market development are co-integrated, and establish any causal links between ICT adoption and stock market development. The study examined a panel of 11 African stock exchanges for the period 2008-2017 and employed various econometric techniques to test its objectives. The dependent variable for this study was stock market development, while the independent variable was ICT adoption. The control variables employed were financial freedom and economic growth proxied by gross domestic product. In its findings, the study established that the adoption of ICT has a positive and statistically significant effect on the number of listed companies, stock market capitalisation and the total value of shares traded at the selected African stock exchanges. Hence, as an economy turns out to be progressively ICT-situated, expanded access to and utilisation of ICT advances, thus improving a nation's financial economy. Secondly, it established that ICT adoption and the stock market are cointegrated and positively related in the long run. The results further indicated a bi-directional causal relationship (complementarity) between ICT adoption and stock market development. In essence, ICT adoption and stock market development reinforce each other. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in a number of ways. This is the first study to examine the phenomenon of ICT-stock market nexus employing a panel study. Moreover, the study employed a robust methodology underpinned by using indices to proxy ICT and stock market development. Thirdly, unlike other studies on this topic, this study did not just end with the first inquiry of a deterministic relationship, but also probed for co-integration of the series tested for causality and proffers policy advice. The findings of the research imply that policymakers should be more resolute when formulating ICT policies that can drive stock market development for better economic growth and for better integration with other African stock exchanges. / Umkhakha wezethekinoloji yelwazi kanye nokuthintana (ICT) ngaphandle kokuphikiswa, ukhule wandlondlobala eminyakeni edlulileko ukobana uthome ukudlala indima eqakathekileko kiyo yoke imisebenzi yezomnotho. Ekuthomeni kwamatjhuguluko wesine wezamabubulo, into ekulu yokuthoma ngomthethomgomo karhulumende kuqala ukobana ihlelo le-ICT lingasetshenziswa bunjani ukobana lihlumise umnotho. Ngakho-ke, umnqopho omkhulu werhubhululo leli bekukuhlola umthintela wokutjhugulukela ku-ICT mayelana nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga ye-Afrika yezokutjhentjhiselana ngamatjhezi, ukuqinisekisa ukuthi mhlambe ukutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi kungahlanganiswa na, begodu nokuhloma nginanyana ngiliphi itjhebiswano phakathi kokutjhugulukela kwi-ICT kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi. . Irhubhululo belihlola iphanele yeemaraga ezili-11 zokutjhentjhiselwana mwamatjhezi esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2008-2017 begodu lisebenzise iindlela ezahlukeneko zokumeda umnotho ukobana ihlole iminqopho yayo. Ivarebuli engakazijameli yerhubhululweli bekukuthuthukiswa kweemaraga zamatjhezi, kanti ivarebuli ezijameleko yona bekukutjhugulukela ku-ICT. Amavarebuli asetjenziswe ngeemedo kube kukhululeka ngokweemali nangokuhlumisa umnotho lokhu okukhambisana nomkhiqizo woke wangekhaya wenarha. Kilokho okutholwe lirhubhululo, irhubhululo lithole ukuthi ukutjhugulukela kwi-ICT kunomthelela omuhle khulu nokuqakatheka ngokwamanani phezu kwembalo yeenkhamphani ezitloliswe ngaphasi kwemaraga yokutjhentjhisana ngamatjhezi, phezu kokuqiniswa ngeemali kwemaraga yamatjhezi kanye nenani loke lamatjhezi athengiswa eemaraga ezikethiweko zamatjhezi ze-Afrika. Yeke-ke, njengombana ituthuko yomnotho ibonakala idzimelele phezu kwe-ICT, njengombana ukutholakala kanye nokusetjenziswa kwetuthuko ye-ICT, kanti lokho kuthuthukisa umnotho wezeemali wenarha. . Kwesibili, irhubhululo likghonile ukubona ukuthi ukutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye neemarageni zamatjhezi kuzizinto ezihlangeneko nezihlobene ngendlela ehle esikhathini eside. Imiphumela iragele phambili nokuveza itjhebiswano elinikela indlela (complementarity) phakathi kokutjhugulukela ku-ICT kanye nekuthuthukisweni kweemaraga zamatjhezi. . Eqinisweni, ngokutjhugulukela ku-ICT neemarageni zamatjhezi kuyaziqinisa lezi zinto. Leli rhubhululo lifaka isandla kuziko lelwazi ngeendlela ezinengi. Leli kulirhubhululo lokuthoma elihlola indaba yethintano lemaraga yamatjhezi elisebenzisa irhubhululo lephaneli. Ngaphezu kwalokho, irhubhululo lisebenzisa indlela ekhutheleko esekelwa kusebenzisa amatshwayo ku-ICT esekelako kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwemaraga yamatjhezi. Kwesithathu, lokhu kuhlukile kamanye amarhubhululo amalungana nalesi sihloko, leli rhubhululo akhange aphelele nje ngokuthoma ukubuza itjhebiswano elivezako, kanti begodu leli rhubhululo belihlola ukuhlanganiswa ndawonye komlandelande ehlolwe ukudala ubujamo begodu nokunikela isiyeleliso somthethomgomo. Okutholwe lirhubhululo kutjho bona abenzi bomthethomgomo kufanele baqalisise khulu lokha nabatlama imithethomgomo ye-ICT leyo engakhozelela ituthuko yeemaraga zamatjhezi ukobana kuhlume umnotho begodu nokuhlanganiswa ncono neemaraga ze-Afrika zokutjhentjhana ngamatjhezi. / Icandelo leTheknoloji yoNxibelelwano loLwazi(i-ICT) nelinokuphikiswa, likhule kakhulu ngokukhawuleza eminyakeni egqithileyo ekudlaleni indima ephambili kwiinkalo zonke zemisebenzi yezoqoqosho. Ukuvela kwenguqu yesine yezoshishino, owona mgaqo-nkqubo uphambili koorhulumente ngowokufumana iindlela zokudibanisa ezobuchwepheshe ukukhuthaza uhlumo kwezoqoqosho. Kunjalo, injongo ephambili kolu phononongo ibikukuhlola impembelelo yokusebenzisa/ yokwamkela i-ICT kuphuhliso lotshintshiselwano lweempahla zase-Afrika, ukuhlola ukuba ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lweemarike zidityanisiwe, kunye nokumisa naliphi na ikhonco lonxibelelwano lonobangela phakathi kokwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike yotshintshiselwano lwempahla
Uphononongo lwahlola iphaneli ezili-11 zotshintshiselwano lwempahla eAfrika kwisithuba sowama-2008 kuya ku-2017 kwaye kwasetyenziswa uthotho lweendlela zobugcisa kwezoqoqosho ukuvavanya iinjongo zalo. Into eguqukayo yoxhomekeko kolu phando yayikuphuhlisa imarike yesitokhwe, ngelixa okwakuyinto ezimeleyo yayikukwamkela i-ICT. Izinto eziguquguqukayo ezilawulwayo ezazisetyenziswa yayiyinkululeko yezemali nokukhula koqoqosho okwakucaciswa ngemveliso yasekhaya ngokubanzi. Kwiziphumo zalo zophando, lufumanise ukuba ukusetyenziswa kwe-ICT kunefuthe elilungileyo elibonakalayo ngokwamanani kwiinkampani ezidwelisiweyo, ukurhweba kwimarike yesitokhwe kunye nexabiso elipheleleyo lezabelo ezithengiswa kwiimarike zesitokhwe zotshintshiselwano ezikhethiweyo zase- Afrika..
Ngenxa yoko, njengoko uqoqosho luguquka ngokuqhubekekayo luba kwimeko ye ICT lwandise ukufikeleleka kunye nokusetyenziswa kwenkqubela phambili ye-ICT, ngaloo ndlela iphucula uqoqosho lwezimali lukazwelonke. Okwesibini, yafumanisa ukuba ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nemarike yesitokhwe kudityanisiwe kwaye ziya kusebenzisana kakuhle ekuhambeni kwexesha. Iziphumo zaye zaphinda zabonisa ubudlelwane bozalwano macala (ukuphelelisa) phakathi kokwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike yotshintshiselwano/yesitokhwe. Ngokubalulekileyo, ukwamkelwa kwe-ICT kunye nophuhliso lweemarike kwenza zomelezane. Olu phando lunegalelo kulwazi oluninzi olukhoyo ngeendlela ezininzi.
Olu luphando lokuqala ukuvavanya uthotho lwamakhonco emarike yesitokwe ye-ICT-isebenzisa iiphaneli zophando. Ngaphaya koko, uphononongo lusebenzise indlela engqongqo exhaswa kukusebenzisa izalathiso (indices) zomelwano kwi-ICT kunye nophuhliso lwemarike. Okwesithathu, ngokungafaniyo nolunye uphando olwenziweyo kwesi sihloko, olu phononongo aluphelanga nje kuphando lwangaphambili olwalungobudlelwane lwezigqibo (zokuzimisela), kodwa lwaphinda lwaphandela ukuhlanganiswa kothotho oluvavanyiweyo lonobangela kunye nokuphakamisa ingcebiso yomgaqo-nkqubo. Iziphumo zophando zithetha ukuba abaqulunqi bemigaqo-nkqubo kufuneka bazimisele ngakumbi xa besenza imigaqo-nkqubo ye-ICT enokuqhubela phambili ukuphuculwa kwemakethi yesitokhwe ukwenzela ukukhulisa uqoqosho olungcono kunye nokusebenzisana kakuhle nezinye iimarike zotshintshiselwano zaseAfrika. / Business Management / D. Admin. (Business Management)
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