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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marriage, class and colour in nineteenth-century Cuba

Stolcke, Verena January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Modalités de choix du conjoint des petits-enfants de migrants marocains / Terms of spouse choice by moroccan migrants grandchildren

Abdoun, Maha 28 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’étudier les modalités de choix du conjoint des petits-enfants de migrants marocains. Mon but était de comprendre comment ces personnes choisissent leur futur conjoint et, en quoi leurs choix se différencient ou rompent avec les pratiques et les modèles matrimoniaux de leurs parents et grands-parents. Sur le terrain j’ai fait usage de l’entretien semi directif : l’objectif était de saisir l’univers de référence des enquêtés pour pouvoir comprendre leurs choix matrimoniaux. A partir du récit de la rencontre des deux futurs conjoints, ma démarche a consisté à recueillir l’ensemble des éléments qui ont contribué à privilégier tel choix conjugal plutôt qu’un autre. Cette démarche m’a semblé intéressante dans la mesure où la population étudiée a été socialisée dans deux cadres normatifs différents quant au choix du conjoint. / This thesis analyzes how Moroccan migrant’s grandchildren choose their spouse. My aim was to understand how this population chooses their future spouse and how this choice differ or break with parents and grandparents matrimonial patterns. On the field, I used semi-directive interviews: the goal was to understand the frame of respondents references in regards of matrimonial choices. Starting with the two future spouses meeting, I collected all elements that have contributed to favoring one matrimonial choice over another. The interest of this approach relies on the fact that the targeted population has been socialized in two different normative frameworks in regards of the choice of spouse.

Les rouages de l’amour et du hasard : homogamie et hypergamie dans la France et l’Europe contemporaines : dimensions socioéconomique et d’éducation, variations et mécanismes / The wheels of love and chance : homogamy and hypergamy in contemporary France and Europe : socioeconomic and educational dimensions, variations and mechanisms

Bouchet-Valat, Milan 08 December 2015 (has links)
Le constat d’une persistance de l’homogamie sociale est régulièrement réitéré ; la tendance à former des couples dans lesquels la femme occupe une position inférieure à son conjoint – hypergamie féminine – est elle aussi bien documentée : l’amour est loin d’être aveugle aux distinctions sociales. Pourtant, on a un peu rapidement conclu de ce résultat majeur que ces phénomènes étaient restés stables dans le temps. Cette thèse montre, à l’aide de données de grandes enquêtes, que l’homogamie s’est nettement affaiblie du point de vue du diplôme, de la classe et de l’origine sociales au cours des quarante dernières années en France. Cette évolution va au-delà de ce que l’évolution de la structure de la population implique (homogamie relative) : la composition des couples s’est rapprochée d’une situation de choix au hasard. L’hypergamie s’est elle aussi fortement réduite, et s’est même inversée en termes de diplôme, les femmes étant désormais plus diplômées que leurs conjoints depuis l’an 2000. En conséquence, le surcroît de célibat des femmes au statut social le plus élevé, et notamment des diplômées, qui tenait à leur position défavorable sur le marché conjugal, s’est résorbé. Les variations de ces deux dimensions du choix du conjoint parmi 64 régions d’Europe dans les années 2000 sont notables. L’homogamie d’éducation est plus élevée que l’homogamie socioéconomique ; l’hypergamie est majoritaire, mais n’est pas absolument généralisée. Le degré de libéralisme culturel et d’ouverture sociale apparaît comme le principal déterminant de ces deux phénomènes. Ils sont négativement corrélés au taux d’activité féminine, mais leur lien avec les inégalités économiques est ambigu. / The persistance of social homogamy is regularly observed; the tendency to form couples in which the woman occupies a lower position than her partner – female hypergamy – is also well documented: love is far from blind to social distinctions. Yet, it was concluded somewhat too fast from this major result that these phenomena have remained stable over time. This thesis shows, based on large-scale survey data, that education, social class and social class of origin homogamy has significantly weakened over the last forty years in France. This trend goes beyond what changes in the population structure would have implied (relative homogamy): the composition of couples has become closer to a random mating situation. Hypergamy has also clearly diminished, and has even reversed regarding education; females hold higher qualifications than their partners since the year 2000. As a consequence, the higher celibacy rate of women with a high social status, in particular that of the higher educated, which stemmed from their unfavorable position on the conjugal market, has converged to that of other groups. The variations of these two dimensions of partner choice over 64 regions of Europe in the 2000s are also sizable. Educational homogamy is higher than socioeconomic homogamy; hypergamy is the most frequent situation, but it is not an absolutely general pattern. The degree of cultural liberalism and of social openness appears as the strongest determinant of these two phenomena. They are negatively correlated with female labor force participation, but their relationship with economic inequalities is ambiguous.

A qualitative exploration of the experience and the impact of HIV/STIs among polygamous women in Muslim society of Nigeria

Giwa, Limota Goroso January 2015 (has links)
Background: The rationale for this study was developed from the personal and professional experience of the researcher living in a Muslim community in Nigeria where HIV/STIs are major health and social care problems. Most literature reviews on HIV/STIs and polygamy in Nigeria and in sub-Saharan Africa, have focused mainly on case studies and surveys. Aim: This study explores the experience and impact of HIV/STIs on Muslim women living in polygamous marriages in Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to explore their perceptions, knowledge and awareness of HIV/STIs, examine the effect of polygamy and identify factors to empower Muslim women to protect themselves. Method: The study adopts a qualitative approach, consisting of one-to-one in-depth interviews, within a feminist framework, with 20 women living in polygamous marriages in Nigeria. The qualitative approach was valuable because the words of the women who live in polygamous relationships cannot be quantified. A narrative, descriptive approach to the one-to-one in-depth interviews helped the researcher to listen and to describe their perspective; this was necessary because it is about their lived experience in polygamy. Using feminism, as the theoretical framework, offers an understanding of how polygamous women can be understood in relation to the dominant ideologies existing within a particular socio structure and it provides the lens to review the situation and suggest the necessary changes. The extract from the interview transcript was used to illustrate how the polygamous women’s accounts were explored in their own vernacular ways of speaking. Through the use of thematic analysis ten themes emerged. Findings: Ten themes were initially identified and four concepts finally emerged after coding and recoding of the similarities. These are the four concepts that emerged. They are; Education, Testing, Condom usage and an Economic empowerment (ETCE) approach. This means that there is a need for education, especially sex education as well as economic empowerment. The women’s accounts in this study area highlight the problems that polygamous women frequently experience such that, they cannot negotiate their sexual needs and cannot refuse their husbands taking on additional wives, within this kind of marriage system. The knowledge systems of polygamous women were evaluated and positioned in terms of women’s subjectivity and experiential knowledge. This study reveals that polygamy creates asymmetrical positioning, such asymmetrical positioning creates unequal power positions, not only among spouses, but among the co-wives within the polygamous marriage. The ways in which these social relations are negotiated and experienced are shaped by religion and traditions. This study also reveals that power and gender issues are critical factors in disempowering polygamous women, as they appear to be voiceless on issues that affect them in their polygamous marriage. Therefore, this means that there is a need for sexual education and for an improvement in the socio-economic status of women. Conclusions: Power and gender issues are critical factors in subordinating and disempowering polygamous women in their community; they are voiceless on their reproductive rights and limited in their option to control the spread of HIV/STIs. This study therefore, calls upon policy makers in Nigeria to consider these four concepts of Education, Testing, Condom Use and Economic empowerment (ETCE), as identified in the study, to help enhance the issue of economic empowerment of the polygamous women. Also this is to say that a window of opportunity exists; planners should develop partnerships with religious and community leaders to change the detrimental behaviours of polygamous men and women on issues of prevention and the control of HIV/STIs.

Preventing forced marriage : a comparative analysis of France and Great Britain

Lauro, Giovanna January 2012 (has links)
This study aims at ascertaining via a cross-country/cross-city comparison why different national contexts characterized by allegedly opposite ideologies concerning the incorporation of immigrants (namely, the British Race Relations/multicultural model and French republicanism) have led to the adoption of similar policy tools in the prevention of forced unions amongst young people of ethnic minority background. In order to do so, the study will examine French republican and British multicultural rhetoric and policies aimed at the prevention of forced marriage at different institutional levels, with a focus on the preventive role played by the educational sector and within a historical institutionalist theoretical framework. The comparison begins with a consideration of French and British national rhetoric and policies against forced marriage from 1997 to 2008 to develop an adequate framework for the analysis of the preventive role attributed to educational policies in four major localities (the capital cities, Paris and London, and the second two largest cities per population size, Lyon and Birmingham). Despite differences in the policies and rhetoric adopted by multicultural Britain and republican France to tackle forced unions, the study hypothesizes a common trend in the ways French and British public authorities conceptualize the practice of forced marriage - intended mainly as the product of cultural difference. Similarities in the conceptualization of the practice, in turn, have contributed to the identification of similar policy tools despite dissimilar institutional contexts. Such a hypothesis contrasts with one of the key claims of historical institutionalism, according to which dissimilar institutions lead to different policy outcomes across different countries. The study will introduce the role of ideas – in the form of frames (Bleich 2003) – as a tool to explain the reasons why French and British policies aimed at the prevention of forced unions have led to similar policy outcomes despite dissimilar institutional contexts.

After the Act : narratives of display and the significance of civil partnership

Temple-Malt, Emma Jane January 2014 (has links)
Civil Partnership is significant because its availability indicates that social attitudes about sexual minorities have altered dramatically over the past two decades (Weeks 2007: 3, Shipman and Smart 2007). At one time, social attitudes labelled people’s attractions to persons of the same sex as ‘abnormal’, and resulting same-sex relationships were expected to be invisible and conducted in private (Plummer 1975, Weeks 1977, Rich 1980). These expectations have changed, to such an extent, that it is now rather common to view same-sex and opposite-sex relationships as the ‘same’ and equally worthy of recognition and rights (Weeks 2007, Heaphy et al. 2013).This project explored what (if any) impact inhabiting this contemporary socio-cultural and historical climate is having on the everyday lives of sexual minorities. Finch’s (2007) concept of ‘display’ was employed as a conceptual lens to explore the ‘narratives’ that 42 civil partners aged 30 to 65 told about displaying their non-heterosexual orientation and same-sex relationship in encounters with others. I argued that if these more liberal attitudes had impacted on their lives it should be discernible from the personal stories they told about the interactions they had with one of six different audiences (e.g. self, couple, family, friends, acquaintances and strangers).Three main findings and arguments were formed from my analysis of these civil partners’ narratives. First, despite the remarkable changes in social attitudes towards sexual minorities, the stories my interviewees told illustrated that there is a generational difference in terms of the impact that these more liberal attitudes have been able to have on the ways that they display their non-heterosexual orientation and relationship. Essentially, these social attitudes have noticeably influenced the lives that younger generations are able to lead. Second, my use of ‘display’ as a conceptual lens to examine interviewees’ narratives has illuminated how the stigmatizing spotlight attached to non-heterosexual orientation and same-sex relationships has diminished over time. This was signalled by how narrators approached the display of their non-heterosexual orientation and their same-sex relationship. Third, ‘display’ as a conceptual lens has been significant for illuminating the challenges and negotiations involved in displaying a civil partnership and, I argued, is able to offer a more nuanced understanding of the continuing salience of the heterosexual assumption in an ‘era of equality’.

Le matérialisme discursif : pour une critique féministe de la construction idéologique du "sexe" / Discursive materialism : for a feminist critical account of the ideological construction of sex

Benoit, Audrey 08 December 2016 (has links)
On prend pour point de départ le constat d'une résistance dans la réception marxiste française de la thèse féministe de Judith Butler portant sur la construction discursive du «sexe» par le «genre». L'antagonisme apparent du matérialisme et du constructivisme, révélé par la réception française de Trouble dans le genre, invite à chercher, en amont, une solution matérialiste au problème épistémologique de la construction conceptuelle du donné. En remontant à la source de Marx, on peut montrer que sa pensée a nourri, chez Althusser et Foucault, une approche matérialiste du discours qu'on peut qualifier de constructiviste. Au prisme de l'épistémologie historique de Canguilhem, se dessinent des parentés entre Althusser et Foucault qui donnent une postérité inédite à Marx: l'exploration de deux figures du «matérialisme discursif» dans l'archéologie foucaldienne et l'épistémologie althussérienne, permet de rendre caduques les objections empiristes à l'idée d'une construction discursive du« sexe». L'objectif est de proposer une articulation entre le matérialisme marxiste et la pensée queer, en mettant au jour une tradition de pensée qui croise les apports de l'épistémologie historique et du matérialisme, et prend au sérieux la production de la nature et du corps par le discours. Il s'agit de donner à la thèse de Butler les conditions de son audibilité matérialiste et de déterminer en retour la fécondité de sa mise en question du donné pour le marxisme. / This analysis starts by pointing out a reluctance in the French Marxist reception of Judith Butler's feminist theories, mainly those regarding the discursive construction of « sex » by «gender». This apparent conflict between materialism and constructivism encourages us to look upstream for a materialistic solution to the epistemological issue of the conceptual construction of «facts». By getting back at the root of Marx, one can indeed show that his thought has provided input into Althusser's and Foucault's reflections for the development of a materialistic approach of discourse, which may be qualified as contructivist. In the light of Canguilhem's historical epistemology, some philosophical kinship between Althusser and Foucault takes shape, which provides a previously unseen posterity to Marx : the examination of two features of «discursive materialism» in Foucault's archeology and in Althusser's epistemology enables to make null and void the empiricist objections at the idea of a discursive construction of «sex». The goal is to pro vide a philosophical junction between Marxist materialism and queer theory, by highlighting a tradition of thought which combines the contributions of historical epistemology and materialism, and which takes seriously into consideration the production of nature and body by discourse. The goal is to provide Butler's theory with the means to be heard as a materialistic account, and in return to specify for marxism what it might gain when this theory challenges the given facts.

La mixité conjugale : une expérience de migration : approche comparée des effets de la stigmatisation sur les natifs et leurs partenaires "arabes" en Vénétie et en Alsace / The mixité conjugale : an experience of migration : compared approaches of the effects of the stigmatization on the "natives" and their "Arab" partners in Veneto and in Alsace

Odasso, Laura 20 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse comparative interroge l'influence du racisme et de l'islamophobie sur les parcours d'une séries de familles dont un partenaire se déclare Arabe. À partir des récits de vie et des participations observantes, le travail accorde une attention particulière aux enjeux qui dérivent de la nationalité et de la citoyenneté, de la religion et de la dimension linguistique. L'intérêt porté à ces trois indicateurs se dévoile grâce à une série des « scènes-situationnelles » (Szene) qui permettent de saisir l'action individuelle et l'action collective des individus qui résistent face à la stigmatisation que leur mixité particulière génère. L'analyse de cette mixité conjugale et du conséquent métissage se fonde sur le principe que les orientations individuelles ne peuvent pas être saisies sans une analyse de l’entourage social complexe des individus composant ces familles. L’hybridation, le dépassement de l’appartenance, le glissement de statut et la puissance d’agir des couples déclenchent des mécanismes micro- conflictuels dont l’articulation s’avère bien souvent difficile à saisir, toutefois utile pour dépasser des binômes classiques qui affectent les études sur la présence du monde arabe, voire musulman, en Italie et en France. Parmi les multiples variables qui agissent sur la vie de couples, les effets des lois de migration, les discriminations existantes entre la réalité « ici et là-bas », la monté des préjugés envers le monde arabe et musulman apparaissent des éléments incontournables. Avec l’objectif de sortir des dichotomies et de la domination en tant qu’angle d’analyse de ces dynamiques conflictuelles, il est envisagé de comprendre certaines stratifications complexes, fondées sur les rapports sociaux de genre, de classe sociale, de racisation et de génération, qui sont le fruit de la rencontre de la migration avec les structures et les stratégies familiales et institutionnelles. L'originalité de ce travail vient du fait que l’évolution de la mixité conjugale est étudiée en rapport à la migration physique d’un des membres du couple et à la migration « intérieure » de l’autre, ainsi qu’aux étapes de la création du groupe familial même. / This comparative PhD thesis aims to investigate the influence – in Veneto and in Alsace – of racism and islamophobia on the life course of couples whose one partner is Arab. Based on life histories and participant observations, the analysis focuses on the effects of laws and decrees on nationality and citizenship, of national belonging, and of religious affiliation. These contextual elements help to understand the individual and collective actions in reaction to the stigmatization of mixité. The analytic originality consists in studying marriage dynamics by considering the physical migration of the Arab partner but also the « intimate » or « inner » migration of the other. Laws and decrees, political and media discourses and stigmatizing representations do affect the lives of these couples. But instead of weakening them, the research shows how quite often they may strengthen the actors and led them to emerge as agents of change for themselves, their families, and their society.

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