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Persistence in heterogeneous new-Keynesian economiesSaroliya, Gaurav January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Keynes's general theory, the rate of interest and 'Keynesian economics'Tily, Geoffrey Lawrence John January 2005 (has links)
Keynes was primarily concerned with monetary policy not fiscal policy. Viewed as a coherent whole, his work was concerned with the appropriate technique and infrastructure for the management of money. More specifically, his rejection of the gold standard led ultimately to his proposal for an international clearing union to support domestic debt-management and monetary policies aimed at cheap money. His ideas became reality. With the start of the great depression, governments across the world began an era of the deliberate management of money. While many others have argued that 'Keynesian' economics is a misrepresentation of Keynes's theory, I therefore argue that 'Keynesian' economics also permitted a gross misrepresentation of his economic policies. The first of two parts is concerned with explaining 'Keynesian' economics as a different theory opposed, and indeed rival, to Keynes's work. Hawtrey made the first contributions, followed by Robertson; Hicks and Modigliani only built on these foundations. The economics profession was willing to turn to this theory to recompense the obvious inadequacies of the classical theory in the wake of the great depression. It was unwilling to entertain the General Theory itself Keynes's response to this rival theory is examined. Lastly the discussion shows how post-war academic debate facilitated the gradual dismantling of the practical measures of monetary reform that Keynes had achieved. The second part of the thesis seeks to re-present Keynes's General Theory as a logical structure aimed at the practical monetary policy conclusions. The steps are as follows: first, the origin and foundation of his theory as monetary economics; second, the 'discovery' of the identity between saving and investment; third, the development of the theories of liquidity preference (why and how cheap money can be set) and of activity as a whole (why cheap money must be set).
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Economia keynesiana ou a economia de Keynes? Notas sobre a transmissão do ideário de Keynes no Brasil através do livro "Princípios de Economia Monetária" de Eugênio GudinSilva, Victor Nunes Leal Cruz e January 2016 (has links)
Orientador : Prof. Dr. Antonio ribas Cavalieri / Coorientador : Prof. Dr. Marcelo Luíz Curado / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Ecônomico. Defesa :11/04/2016 / Inclui referências : f.71-79 / Resumo: Eugênio Gudin pode ser considerado o decano dos economistas brasileiros. Apesar de graduado em engenharia, a partir de meados da década de 1930, ele passou a estudar e dirigir os seus esforços para o estabelecimento da ciência econômica no Brasil. Um dos maiores resultados de seu esforço foi a publicação, em 1943, do primeiro livro-texto de economia escrito por um brasileiro, o Princípios de Economia Monetária. O livro e suas sucessivas edições revelam um esforço constante de atualização do economista autodidata brasileiro em vários temas, mas com especial atenção, é claro, em relação à macroeconomia e à economia monetária. Dentro disso, Keynes ganha especial destaque, principalmente porque Gudin está entre os primeiros brasileiros a transmitir e, ao mesmo tempo, fazer uma leitura mais meticulosa do importante autor britânico. Sendo assim, nosso intuito é analisar como se deu a transmissão das ideias de Keynes para o Brasil através da obra de Eugênio Gudin. Perguntamo-nos como Gudin foi se atualizando e compreendendo as teorias que emergiam durante a revolução keynesiana. Para tal, apoiamos nosso trabalho no modelo da teoria da informação voltado à transmissão do pensamento econômico, desenvolvido por Joseph Spengler e aprimorado por Uskali Mäki. Nosso estudo mostra que as disputas intelectuais desencadeadas pelo livro seminal de Keynes, A Teoria Geral do Emprego, do Juro e da Moeda, foram difundidas na academia brasileira somente através da terceira edição do livro de Gudin, publicada em 1952. Verifica-se também que a vertente keynesiana à qual Gudin subscreve na obra é a mesma que por tanto tempo dominou quase por completo a macroeconomia internacional, qual seja, o cânone IS-LM/Hicks-Hansen, pilar da economia keynesiana. / Abstract: Eugênio Gudin might be considered the dean of Brazilian economists. Despite the fact that he graduated in engineering, from the mid-1930s onwards, his efforts were directed towards the establishment of economics in the Brazilian academia. Among his many accomplishments there is the publication of the first economics textbook authored by a Brazilian in 1943. The book is called Principles of Monetary Economics. The successive editions of the book reveal a constant effort on the part of Gudin towards a gradual incorporation of the edge of economic knowledge in his work. Regarding that, his special concerns were macroeconomics and monetary economics. Within this effort, Gudin paid special attention to the unfolding of Keynes' economics, and he was the first Brazilian to transmit Keynes's and Keynesian ideas in Brazil. Given that, our goal is to analyse how the transmission of Keynes' ideas into Brazil was undertaken through the works of Eugênio Gudin. We ask ourselves how Gudin gradually updated himself and understood the theories arising from the Keynesian Revolution. For this purpose, we base our research on the information theory model developed by Joseph Spengler and improved by Uskali Mäki. Our study shows that the intellectual disputes triggered by Keynes' seminal book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, were diffused into the Brazilian academy only in the third edition of Gudin's book, published in 1952. The Keynesian approach to which Gudin subscribes in it is the same that vanquished international macroeconomics, i.e., the IS-LM/Hicks-Hansen canon, pillar of the Keynesian economics.
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