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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A lawyer's perspective on the regulatory environment of consumer credit reporting in the European community

Ferretti, Federico January 2008 (has links)
This work examines the legal framework of consumer credit information systems in the EC in view of a single retail credit market.

The effects of financial liberalisation on acess to credit by Ghanaian households

Yeboah, Josephine January 2010 (has links)
This research specifically investigates the factors that influenced access by households and individuals to credit in the financial sector in Ghana, using the Ghana Living Standards Survey for years 1988/89, 1991/92 and 1998/99. The research sheds light on the extent at which the financial liberalisation policy has affected households and individuals in accessing credit with the view of improving their standard of living. In this research, two sources of credit are identified. Formal credit including debts from commercial banks and other financial institutions; and informal credit including debts from relatives and friends, traders, and moneylenders. Probit, Heckman probit with sample selection, multinomial logit, seemingly unrelated regression estimates and treatment effects models were used for the analytical work. The results suggest that the different characteristics of households and individuals affect access to credit and these have changed over the time with the implementation of the financial liberalisation policy. An additional result shows that the consumption pattern of households changes with access to credit. At both the national and rural community level, the analysis of the data revealed that you are more likely to access credit the older you are, the larger your household size and if you owned a house. You are more likely to access credit (whether formal or informal) if you were a professional or in an administrative job and married. However, the farther away you live from a bank, the less likely you are to access credit but surprisingly the more likely you are to access credit if you live farther away from a market. On the effects of access to credit on the consumption pattern of households, the results showed that households with access to credit improve on their consumption pattern by consuming more non-food items. The results suggest that there is need to address key factors that inhibit access to credit by micro-economic units that would facilitate economic growth and development.

Markov Modulated Poisson Processes in Credit Risk Modelling

Miao, Daniel Wei-Chung January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, we use the Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) to model default arrival, a central issue of credit risk modelling. We work within the framework of reduced-form models to describe default rates as Markov chains, as an alternative to diffusion-based models. On one hand, the Markov chain models are able to approximate closely the diffusion models. On the other hand, their discrete nature provides more modelling flexibility and allows for the incorporation of advanced features. With these benefits they can be applied to a range of credit derivative pricing problems.

Developing a business model framework : case of an automotive finance business in China

Yang, S. January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, Automotive Finance Companies (AFCs) face increasing challenges of finding means to improve and better utilise business models in Chinese market. While, academic researchers are also seeking a clear definition of business model that can be widely accepted as the basis for further development of business model research. This research is aiming to develop a business model framework, which can help business managers to confront and resolve these challenges for automotive finance business in China, and most critically to guide them when making strategic decision. Meanwhile, such a framework can also provide academic researchers a foundation for conducting further business model researches. The research draws a journey of developing a business model framework under Chinese automotive finance business context. The interpretivist approach was applied as the methodology to guide the qualitative research with an engaged automotive finance organisation. Accordingly, case study was applied as the research strategy and major approach. SIYANG Framework implementation and semi-structured interview were the two steps consisting in it. As the 1st step, SIYANG Framework, after being developed as an initial business model, was later implemented in the engaged organisation. SIYANG Framework was introduced to the managers in the aim of the business model improvement and it lasted over eighteen months. In the 2nd step, six semi-structured interviews were conducted to review managers’ feedback on SIYANG Framework and explored the insight of SIYANG Framework enrichment. According to the result of implementation, it can be concluded that SIYANG Framework is feasible for guiding the practices of AFC business model improvement. As the outcome of the research, SIYANG Framework has been enriched eventually as a business model framework by analysing data academically and empirically, which reaches level 4 of BMRS (Lambert, 2006). Furthermore, SIYANG Framework describes a clear definition and component of business model that can be a foundation of conducting further business model researches. While, it illustrates a detail process of business modelling that draws a clear way of building, improving and operating a business model for automotive finance business. On one level, SIYANG Framework has been experimented as a constructive guidance to automotive finance organisations improving the business models in Chinese market.

Analyse de la contribution des coopératives et mutuelles de crédit à l'amélioration du bien-être des ménages sociétaires au Bénin

Mededji, Damien Dieudonné Napoléon 20 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à analyser dans quelles mesures les coopératives financières concourent à laréduction de la pauvreté.De ce point de vue, nos analyses ont porté aussi bien sur l’adéquation du cadre conceptuel de cesinstitutions que sur leurs impacts sur les sociétaires. Par rapport au fonctionnement, nos analysesmontrent dans le cas du Bénin, que les principes coopératifs sont globalement appliqués. Toutefois, ellessont confrontées à des problèmes de viabilité financière et de gouvernance liés à la croissance dusociétariat.En ce qui concerne leurs impacts sur les sociétaires, nos résultats suggèrent dans le court terme, que lecaractère intégré de ces institutions s’est avéré globalement pertinent. Par rapport à la dimensionfinancière, il ressort des résultats obtenus que le crédit communautaire contribue favorablement àl’accroissement du revenu des ménages, à la promotion de l’investissement en capital humain des enfants àtravers à l’accroissement des dépenses d’éducation et de santé, mais avec une portée relativement faible.Par contre, le crédit communautaire n’a pas eu d’effet sur l’accroissement de l’épargne. Par rapport à ladimension non financière, nos résultats suggèrent que les services non financiers offerts exercent à traversle statut de sociétariat, une influence favorable sur la constitution du revenu des ménages bénéficiaires ducrédit coopératif.Dans le même ordre d’idées, du point de vue de la mobilité économique, les résultats suggèrent à courtterme, une mobilité des ménages bénéficiaires relativement faible et liée à l’état initial de bien-Être. Defaçon comparative, les résultats suggèrent dans une certaine mesure qu’il y a eu une mobilité ascendanteélevée au niveau des ménages bénéficiaires comparés aux non bénéficiaires. Sur un horizon de long terme,nos résultats suggèrent une convergence très lente des sociétaires vers l’état de bien-Être supérieur si lescoopératives ne subissent pas de mutation en termes de stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté.Par ailleurs, de l’analyse de l’influence du degré de la contrainte de crédit révélée par les sociétairesbénéficiaires du crédit communautaire, il ressort que l’existence de la contrainte de crédit du côté del’offre ne semble pas avoir influencé le niveau de vie des bénéficiaires ayant jugé la valeur du montant ducrédit obtenu « insuffisante ou très insuffisante », dans le court terme. Par contre, par rapport auxbénéficiaires qui ont jugé la valeur du montant du crédit obtenu « suffisante », nos résultats suggèrent dansun premier temps, l’existence d’un biais de sélection et dans un second temps, que la chance de sortir de lapauvreté est plus faible pour cette catégorie de bénéficiaires comparée au reste de la population quipossède les mêmes caractéristiques mais qui s’estiment très contraints « crédit obtenu très insuffisant » oupartiellement contraints «crédit obtenu insuffisant ».En somme, nos résultats soulignent que le caractère intégré des coopératives peut contribuer à lacroissance économique et l’amélioration du bien-Être sociétaires pauvres et vulnérables, mais à conditionque ces structures définissent clairement une stratégie dans ce sens et qu’elle soit étalée sur un horizon detemps bien défini. En outre, pour y parvenir, ces institutions nécessitent d’être appuyées par des dotationsexternes ou d’autres programmes complémentaires au regard de leur mode endogène de mobilisation deressources qui pourraient donner lieu à des contraintes apparentes de crédit. / This thesis contributes to analyze the extent to which financial cooperatives contribute to povertyreduction. From this point of view, our analysis focused on both the adequacy of the conceptualframework of these institutions and their impact on members. As for their operation, our analysis showsin the case of Benin that cooperative principles generally applied. However, they face problems offinancial sustainability and governance related to the growth of membership.With regard to their impact on shareholders, our results suggest that in the short term, the integratednature of these institutions has proven globally relevant. As for the financial dimension, it appears fromthe results that the community loan contributes positively to the growth of household income, theincrease of investment in human capital for children through higher education and health spending, butwith a relatively small range. However, the community loan had no effect on the growth of savings. As forthe non-Financial dimension, our results suggest that non-Financial services offered exercise through thestakeholder-Status, a positive influence on the formation of the income of households that arebeneficiaries of the cooperative loan.In the same vein, in terms of economic mobility, our results suggest, in short-Term a relatively lowmobility of recipient households which is also related to the initial state of well-Being. In other words, thefrequency of mobility is upward for all states of welfare for all recipients, except for the poorestshareholder households. Compared to non-Beneficiaries, our results suggest in some ways, a high upwardmobility for beneficiary households. Over a longer term, our results suggest a very slow convergence ofmembers to a state of higher well-Being when the cooperatives are not subject to change in their povertyreduction strategies.In addition, the analysis of the influence of the degree of credit constraints revealed by the shareholderswho were beneficiaries of the community loan, shows that the existence of credit constraints in the supplyside does not seem to have influenced the living standards of beneficiaries who rated the value of the loanreceived as "insufficient" or "very insufficient" in the short term. But, compared to recipients who foundthe value of the loan received "sufficient", our results suggest at first, the existence of a selection bias andin a second step, the chance to escape poverty is lower for this category of beneficiaries compared to therest of the population with the same characteristics but who feel very constrained ("loan received is veryinsufficient") or partially constrained ("loan received is insufficient".)In total, our results highlight that the integrated nature of cooperatives can contribute to economic growthand improve the welfare of poor and vulnerable members, provided that these cooperatives clearly definea strategy in that direction and spread it over a defined period of time. In addition, to achieve this, theseinstitutions need to be supported by external grants or other complementary programs, when oneconsiders their endogenous mode of resource mobilization.

Essays on strategic asset allocation and risk management of pension funds / Trois essais sur la gestion des fonds de pension

Lemoine, Killian 11 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis une dizaine d'années, une part croissante de fonds de pension rencontrent des difficultés financières. Cette détérioration a soulevé des questions sur la gestion de ces institutions et sur l'efficacité du cadre réglementaires. Cette thèse a pour objet d'analyser les comportements financiers et la gestion des risques opérés par les fonds de pension à prestation définies et les institutions assimilées. En premier lieu, nous relions les choix d'investissement à la question du contrôle managériale. Notre analyse suggère que la bonne gestion des fonds de pension nécessite un partage optimal des droits de contrôle entre les participants du plan et l'entreprise sponsor. Nous montrons alors comment cette répartition affecte les décisions d'investissement. Notre seconde analyse étudie l'impact des fluctuations financières sur la gestion des fonds de pension. Nos résultats suggèrent que le cadre réglementaire actuel conduit à de larges effets pro-cycliques, en particulier sur les exigences de capital et les décisions d'investissement. Finalement, nous analysons comment les changement structurels de la mortalité affectent le risque et les politiques de risque des fonds de pension. / Since ten years, an increasing proportion of pension funds faces to severe financial difficulties, addressing some questions about the management of these institutions and the effectiveness of the regulatory framework. This thesis aims to analyze the investment decisions and financial risk management made by the pension fund defined benefit and assimilated institutions, in order to address some advances for the regulation purpose. First, we address the question of the pension funds management by analyzing the implications of the managerial control problem. Our analysis suggests that the efficient management may require an optimal splitting of control rights between plan participants and the sponsoring company. We then show how this splitting of right controls can affects investment decisions in pension funds. Second, we analyze the implications of financial cycles for pension fund management. Our results suggest that the regulatory framework produces large pro-cyclical, including regime-dependent capital requirement and regime-dependent investment decisions. Finally, we analyze how the structural change in mortality affect the risk and the risk management of pension funds.

Retraite et risque financier / Pension Plan Risk

Pradat, Yannick 04 July 2017 (has links)
Le premier chapitre examine les caractéristiques statistiques à long terme des rendements financiers en France et aux USA. Les propriétés des différents actifs font apparaître qu’à long terme les actions procurent un risque sensiblement moins élevé. En outre, les propriétés de retour à la moyenne des actions justifient qu’elles soient utilisées dans une stratégie de cycle de vie comme « option par défaut » de plans d’épargne retraite. Le chapitre deux fournit une explication au débat sur l'hypothèse d’efficience des marchés. La cause du débat est souvent attribuée à la petite taille des échantillons et à la faible puissance des tests statistiques dédiés. Afin de contourner ce problème, nous utilisons l'approche développée par Campbell et Viceira (2005) qui utilisent une méthode VAR pour mettre en évidence l’existence de retour vers la moyenne dans le cours des actifs risqués.Le troisième chapitre évalue la vitesse de convergence des cours des actions. Un moyen classique pour caractériser la vitesse de retour vers la moyenne est la « demi-vie ». En comparant les indices boursiers de quatre pays développés (États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, France et Japon) sur la période 1950-2014, nous établissons une vitesse de convergence significative, avec une demi-vie entre 4,0 et 5,8 ans.Le dernier chapitre présente les résultats d'un modèle conçu pour étudier les interactions entre la démographie et les régimes de retraite. Afin d’étudier les risques inhérents à l’utilisation des revenus du capital pour financer les retraites, nous utilisons un « Trending OU process » au lieu d’un MBG classique pour modéliser les rendements. Pour un épargnant averse au risque le marché pourrait concurrencer les régimes par répartition. / Chapter one examines the long run statistical characteristics of financial returns in France and the USA for selected assets. This study clearly shows that the returns’ distributions diverge from the Gaussian strategy as regards longholding periods. Thereafter we analyze the consequences of the non-Gaussian nature of stock returns on default-option retirement plans.Chapter two provides a reasonable explanation to the strong debate on the Efficient Market Hypothesis. The cause of the debate is often attributed to small sample sizes in combination with statistical tests for mean reversion that lackpower. In order to bypass this problem, we use the approach developed by Campbell and Viceira (2005) who have settled a vectorial autoregressive methodology (VAR) to measure the mean reversion of asset returns.The third chapter evaluates the speed of convergence of stock prices. A convenient way to characterize the speed of mean reversion is the half-life. Comparing the stock indexes of four developed countries (US, UK, France and Japan) during the period 1950-2014, we establish significant mean reversion, with a half-life lying between 4,0 and 5,8 years.The final chapter provides some results from a model built in order to study the linked impacts of demography and economy on the French pension scheme. In order to reveal the risks that are contained in pension fund investment, we use a Trending Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process instead of the typical GBM for modeling stock returns. We find that funded scheme returns, net of management fees, are slightly lower thanthe PAYG internal rate of return.

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