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Une économie politique de la pauvreté énergétique : le cas du Sénégal / Political economy of energy poverty in SenegalRobert, Pierre 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse livre une analyse de la pauvreté énergétique au Sénégal, dans une perspective d’économie politique. L’apport de notre recherche est de considérer que ce phénomène s’évalue selon un rapport entre des consommations énergétiques (demande effective) et des besoins en énergie (demande sociale). L’ancrage théorique institutionnaliste de la thèse nous permet d’identifier et d’articuler ces deux aspects. Dans un premier temps, avec l’Économie des Conventions nous montrons que la demande sociale en énergie peut être appréhendée au travers d’une convention de service énergétique. Cette convention dont nous étudions les évolutions sur plus d’un siècle soutient l’action de l’État sénégalais dans le secteur de l’énergie. Dans un second temps, nous mobilisons l’approche par les capabilités et celle des « sustainable rural livelihoods », afin de caractériser la demande sociale sur deux études de cas en zone rurale. Le travail empirique consiste à étudier les trajectoires de vulnérabilité et de conditions énergétiques des ménages, à travers deux enquêtes de terrain réalisées dans le bassin arachidier et dans la zone des Niayes. Nous avançons deux résultats principaux. Tout d’abord, nous montrons que ce sont les populations rurales qui sont les plus touchées par la pauvreté énergétique au Sénégal, car ces dernières sont absentes du processus politique de formulation de la demande sociale. Ensuite, nous mettons en évidence un mécanisme d’accès à l’énergie qui débute par une dégradation des ressources naturelles énergétiques, qui entraîne une institutionnalisation de la rareté et qui débouche sur une extension des rapports marchands en matière énergétique. / This thesis presents an analysis of the energy poverty in Senegal, from a political economy point of view. Our research aims at analyzing this phenomenon by looking at the energy consumption (effective demand) in relation with energy needs (social demand). The institutional theoretical framework of this thesis allows us to identify and articulate these two aspects: In the first instance, with the help of the Convention Economics we will show that the social demand for energy may be analyzed with the help of an energy services convention. This convention supports the state’s course of action in the energy sector. We study the dynamics of this convention through a historical analysis of the public policies for more than a century. In the second instance, we will use the Sen capabilities approach and “sustainable rural livelihood” in order to contemplate the social demand with two case studies in rural areas. The empirical work involves studying points of vulnerability and the energetic circumstances of households, thanks to fieldwork led in the groundnut basin and in the Niayes zone. We will show two main results: First, we demonstrate that the rural populations are the most affected by the energy poverty in Senegal as they are not involved in the political process formulating the social demand. Second, we show that the process of energy access starts with a degradation of the energy natural resources, leading to an institutionalisation of the scarcity and ultimately leading to an expansion of market relations.
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A contribuiçao de florestas de araucária para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas faxinaisSilva, Marcio da January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Ademir Clemente / Inclui apendice / Dissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Desenvolvimento Econômico. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005 / Inclui bibliografia / Resumo: A desagregação dos sistemas faxinais é um processo persistente e praticamente inevitável, considerando-se os padrões atuais de sustentabilidade. Este processo se intensifica nos tempos atuais, onde mudanças macroeconômicas que favorecem as commodities, eleva a pressão dos setores ligados a produção, sobre os sistemas faxinais. No entanto, é sobre a persistência dos agricultores faxinalenses que trata esse trabalho, analisando o sistema faxinal, sobretudo pelos aspectos de sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental sem perder, no entanto, a percepção dos aspectos culturais e organizacionais, próprios desse sistema. Para isso o presente estudo aborda questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável, e a visão que os pensamentos da economia ambiental e ecológica têm sobre os recursos naturais; a origem e situação atual dos sistemas faxinais; as convenções mundiais que visam mitigar os efeitos nocivos do aquecimento global; os sistemas agroflorestais; culminando com a análise de rentabilidade do sistema faxinal, percebido como um sistema silvipastoril. A este sistema é introduzido o plantio de araucária, com o objetivo de produção de pinhão e seqüestro florestal de carbono, como forma de contribuir para a sua sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental, transformando-o num sistema silvipastoril ecológico (ecosilvipastoril), onde, além das atividades introduzidas pelo projeto proposto, são mantidas as demais atividades atualmente desenvolvidas, notadamente a criação de bovinos e suínos e a produção de erva-mate. A análise da rentabilidade é realizada por meio de planilhas eletrônicas do Microsoft EXCEL (Windows), onde é simulado um faxinal típico, que representa na média os faxinais da região Centro-Sul do Paraná. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que o projeto proposto melhora a sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental dos sistemas faxinais, uma vez que eleva a renda monetária anual média familiar, em cerca de 600%, analisada a partir das informações disponíveis, para o período do projeto (30 anos), além de gerar impacto positivo ao meio ambiente. O projeto proposto, além de contribuir para a consolidação do sistema, visa fortalecer os aspectos culturais e organizativos dos agricultores faxinalenses. / Abstract: Considering the latest sustainability patterns, the dissociation of the Faxinal systems is a persistent and practically inevitable process. Nowadays it is intensified due to macroeconomic changes that benefits the commodities and elevates the pressure of production sectors and cognate areas on the faxinal systems. Nevertheless, this work is about the faxinal farmers perseverance, an analysis of the faxinal system through economical and environmental sustainability aspects without missing the cultural and organizational aspects characteristic of this system. This study approaches sustainable development topics and environmental and ecological economy point of view about natural resources; the origin and the actual situation of the faxinal systems; the world conventions that aim to mitigate the global heating noxious effects; agro forestry systems; and yield analysis of the faxinal system which is considered a silvipastoril system. Araucaria plantation is added to this system to produce pinhão (Araucaria angustifolia seed) and forest carbon sequestration that will contribute to its economical and environmental sustainability, turning it in an ecological silvipastoril system (ecosilvipastoril). In this system, besides the activities introduced by the project, the other existent activities are also supported, such as cattle and hog raise and mate production. The yield analysis is done through Microsoft EXCEL (Windows), where a typical faxinal is simulated representing the average of the faxinal systems from central-southern Paraná. The results show that the project improves the economical and environmental sustainability of the faxinal systems since it raises in about 600% the family average annual income, which was analyzed from available information for the project period (30 years), and besides that there is the positive impact to the environment. The proposed project contributes to the consolidation of the system and also aims to strengthen the cultural and organizational aspects of the faxinal farmers.
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