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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och design för additiv tillverkning av selektivlödningsfixturer

Sundin, Albin January 2021 (has links)
During circuit board manufacturing, custom fixtures are commonly utilized to ensure quality and to facilitate the operators’ work tasks. Conventionally, these fixtures are manufactured using subtractive manufacturing techniques such as milling. A product development project has been carried out in collaboration with Eskilstuna Elektronikpartner AB (EEPAB), a company that manufactures circuit boards through Surface Mount Technology (SMT) and Through-hole-Technology. The purpose of the study was to investigate possibilities with additive manufacturing (AM) to produce fixtures for use within the company’s circuit board production unit. The used methodology for product development was a modified variant of the generic product development process, focusing heavily on the concept development stages. Data collection was carried out through a literature study as well as meetings and discussions with employees at the case company. A specific circuit board was studied in the project. This circuit board contains through-hole-components that requires the use of fixtures to reliably meet the customer requirements fors oldering. The existing solution was to solder these components by hand, with the use of a custom hand soldering fixture. The components in question are six LEDs as well as a semiconductorpackage. The aim of the project was to provide the company with concept fixtures, designed for additive manufacturing, that enables selective soldering of these components. All prototypes developed in this project have been digital 3D CAD models. This approach was used since nocphysical copies of the circuit board would be available for study within the time frame of the project. Two research questions were designed to aid in reaching the purpose and aim of the study: Research question 1: How can fixtures for selective soldering be designed for additivemanufacturing? Research question 2: What factors should be considered when designing fixtures for selectivesoldering? The project resulted in two new digital fixture concepts, which in theory can replace the hand soldering fixture and enable selective soldering of the components. The results are presented as 3D visualizations along with prepared print files ready for 3D printing, in correct dimensions based on accurately measured Gerber data. The strength of the fixture concepts has been tested in computer simulations where the material was assumed to be isotropic. As a result, the effect of printer settings on the parts’ strength has not been tested. This report also contains recommendations for further research within the subject. Keywords: fixtures, design for additive manufacturing, 3D printing, circuit board manufacturing, selective soldering

Design and implementation of an energy harvesting system in a prosthetic limb / Design och implementering av ett energiskördssystem i en protetisk lem

Rúnarsson, Ódinn K. January 2023 (has links)
Energy Harvesting, also known as power harvesting or ambient power, is the process of obtaining small amounts of power from secondary sources, such as vibrations, light, temperature variations and even radio-frequency emissions. These systems have been uncommon in personal and wearable electronics in the past, however they are slowly gaining traction. With the increasing sophistication of prosthetic limbs and implants, devices that in some cases require a consistent and reliable power source, the potential field of application for energy harvesting grows wider. This thesis project evaluates whether energy harvesting methods could be implemented in future prosthetic limb designs without significantly affecting weight, user comfort, complexity of design etc., and whether the gains of such an implementation would be worth the effort and cost put into it. For reference the project used the RHEO KNEE® by Össur Hf., a microcontroller controlled prosthetic knee, as a device that such a system could be integrated with. Energy harvesting is still an emerging field and is a long time away from being a viable primary power source for most electronic devices. However, it still might have potential as a supplementary source for extending charge cycles or making smaller (and therefore more lightweight) power cells viable. This master’s thesis project was broad in scope and included 3D-design; mechanical, electrical and embedded software design; and setting up a miniature kinetic power generator as well as a photovoltaic harvesting system. No amputees were available for testing the designs so the system was tested with a 3D-printed model that was moved by hand to simulate the generation process. Due to some incorrect inital assumptions, the final electronic design was not optimal for this kind of system. However, a kinetic generator that harvested power from a modeled heel striking the ground 50 times a minute produced about 23mW of power. 53cm2 of photovoltaic panels produced 42μW of power in an ambient light setting. For comparison, a low-power microcontroller needed about 119μW of power on average to do some simple processing and send Bluetooth transmissions once every two seconds. / Energiinsamling (e. Energy Harvesting), är processen för att erhålla små mängder kraft från sekundära källor, såsom vibrationer, ljus, temperaturvariationer och utstrålning i radiofrekvens. Dessa system har varit ovanliga i hemelektronik och bärbar teknik, men de vinner sakta dragkraft. Med den ökande förfining av proteser och implantat, som i vissa fall kräver en jämn och pålitlig strömkälla, växer det potentiella användningsområdet för energiinsamling. Detta examensarbete utvärderar huruvida energiinsamlingsmetoder skulle kunna implementeras i framtida proteskonstruktioner utan att nämnvärt påverka vikt, användarkomfort, komplexitet i design etc., och om vinsterna med en sådan implementering skulle vara värd ansträngningen och kostnaden. Som exempel använde detta projekt en datoriserad knäprotes av Össur HF, RHEO KNEE®, som exempel på ett system som energiinsamling skulle kunna integreras med. Energiinsamling är fortfarande ett växande forskningsområde och är långt ifrån att en strömkälla för det mesta elektronik.. Det kan ändå ha potential som en kompletterande strömkälla som kan förlänga laddningscykler eller göra mindre (och därför lättare) batterier möjliga. Detta examensarbete var brett i omfattning och inkluderade 3D-design; mekanisk-, elektrisk- och mjukvara-design; och inrättning av en kinetisk kraftgenerator i miniatyr samt ett ljusdrivet energiinsamlingssystem. Inga amputerade var tillgängliga för att testa designen, därför så testades systemet med en 3D-printad modell som rördes för hand för att simulera strömförsörjelseprocessen. På grund av några felaktiga initiala antaganden var den slutliga elektroniska designen inte optimal för denna typ av system. Ändå lyckades en kinetisk generator som använde energiinsamlingsprinciper producera cirka 23mW ström genom en simulerad häl som träffade marken cirka 50 gånger i minuten. 53cm2 solcellspaneler producerade 42μW energi i en ljussatt miljö. Som jämförelse behövde en strömsnål styrkrets i genomsnitt cirka 119μW effekt för att genomföra enkla programprocesser och skicka Bluetooth-överföringar en gång varannan sekund. / Hliðarorkuöflun (e. energy harvesting), sem einnig bætti kalla umhverfisöflun, er ferlið við að fá lítið magn af orku frá óbeinum aflgjafa, svo sem frá hristingi, ljósi, hitabreytingum og jafnvel útvarpsbylgjum. Þessi kerfi hafa verið sjaldgæf í raftækjum hingað til, þó þau eru hægt og rólega að fá hlutdeild. Með nýrri og fágaðri gervilimum og ígræðslum, tæki sem í sumum tilvikum þurfa samfellda og áreiðanlega orkjugjafa, víkkar mögulegt notkunarsvið hliðarorkuöflunar. Þetta lokaverkefni metur hvort aðferðir við hliðarorkuöflun gætu verið notaðar í hönnun gervilima framtíðarinnar án þess að hafa neikvæð áhrif á þyngd, þægilegheit, flóknun hönnunar o.þ.h., og hvort hagur sé í samræmi við framlag og kostnað. Þetta verkefni notar RHEO KNEE® frá Össuri Hf. sem viðmið, sem er gervihné stjórnað af örtölvu. Viðmiðinu er ætlað að sýna notagildi kerfisins. Hliðarorkuöflun er ennþá svið í þróun og er nokkuð í að það geti orðið frumorkugjafi fyrir flest raftæki. Hins vegar þá gæti það enn átt möguleika á að vera aukaorkugjafi til að auka tímalengd hverrar hleðslu eða gera minni og léttari rafhlöður raunhæfari. Þetta meistaraverkefni var viðamikið að því leiti að það fól í sér þrívíddarhönnun; vél-, raf- og hugbúnaðarhönnun; og uppsetningu á hreyfirafal ásamt ljósorkuöflunarkerfi. Engir einstaklingar sem misst hafa fót voru til staðar til að prófa hannanir þessa verkefnis. Þ.a.l. voru þær prófaðar með þrívíddarprentuðum líkönum sem hreyfð voru með handafli til að líkja eftir orkuframleiðsluferlinu. Vegna rangrar upprunalegrar forsendu þá var endanleg rafhönnunin ekki ákjósanleg fyrir slíkt kerfi. Hreyfirafall tengdur við gervihæl sem sló jörðu 50 sinnum á mínútu framleiddi þó 23mW af orku. 53cm2 af ljósorkueiningum framleiddu 42μW af afli í meðal herbergisbirtu. Til samanburðar þá eyðir skilvirk örtölva u.þ.b. 119μW af afli í einfaldri tölvuvinnslu ásamt því að senda Bluetooth sendingu á tveggja sekúnda fresti.

Verification of 3D-printed quasi-optical lenses for 60GHz radar applications

Hagström, Adrian L., Vass, L. Albin M. January 2018 (has links)
With the recent rise of 3D-printing as a form of manufacturing and their advantages for quick prototyping there is an interest for 3D-printed optical components. This thesis tests how well 3D-printed quasi-optical components preform and verify measurements with electromagnetic simulations. Measurements were made using a 60GHz FM-CW radar as well with a trihedral reflector, and tested on 3D-printed PLA lenses printed using an Ultimaker 2+. The measurements made are of the refractive index of the material, as well as the focal length of the lenses. Results showed PLA having a refractive index close to n = 1.654 in the 60GHz region. Results also showed the lenses having consistent properties like focal length and gain, two lenses having focal length of 23.7 and 23.9 mm which are close to the simulation of 24.05 mm. These findings shows 3D printed quasi-optical components have sufficient performance for use of prototyping or production depending on use. There are also some questions that have arisen like how does crystallisation in the plastic affect the components properties? And how does the PLA degrading affect the quality of the lenses over time? / På grund av framgångar inom 3D-utskrivning på senaste tiden som en form av tillverkning och dess fördelar med snabb framtagande av prototyper finns det ett intresse för utskrivna optiska komponenter. Detta examensarbete testar hur väl 3D-utskrivna kvasioptiska komponenter funger\-ar och verifierar testresultat med elektromagnetiska simuleringar. Mät\-ning\-arna gjordes med en FM-CW radar och en trihedral reflektor, och testade PLA linser utskrivna med en Ultimaker 2+. Mätningar\-na gjordes på materialets brytningsindex samt linsernas brännvidd. Resultaten visade att PLA har ett brytningsindex nära n = 1.654 i 60GHz området. Resultaten visade även hur linserna har konsekventa egenskaper som brännvidd och förstärkning. De två slutgiltiga linserna hade en brännvidd på 23.7 and 23.9 mm vilket är nära simuleringen på 24.05 mm. Dessa resultat visar att 3D-utskrivna komponenter har tillräcklig prestanda för användning i framtagande av prototyper eller produktion beroende på användning. Det finns en del frågor som kommit till, som hur påverkar plastens kristallisation komponentens egenskaper? Och hur påverkar PLAs nedbrytande linsernas kvalité?

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