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Procedimentos de análise em magnetometria: estimativa de magnetização remanente visando inversões para exploração mineral / Analysis Procedures in Magnetics: Estimative of Remanent Magnetization Aiming for Inversions for Mineral ExplorationLouro, Vinicius Hector Abud 06 March 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo é apresentado um procedimento de análise de dados magnéticos em casos de presença de magnetização remanente para, ao final do processo, a realização de uma inversão mais rápida e fiel ao comportamento do alvo em sub-superfície. O procedimento é composto por seis passos: (1) Delimitação lateral do alvo; (2) Estimativa de suas profundidades; (3) Estimativa das direções de inclinação e declinação aparentes de seu vetor de magnetização total; (4) Modelagem inicial com inferência de valores de susceptibilidades oriundos de estudos geológicos anteriores sobre o alvo e/ou sua região; (5) Inversão dos dados magnéticos utilizando o modelo inicial; e (6) atribuição das características magnéticas do passo (3) sobre o modelo de contraste de susceptibilidade magnética obtido com a inversão para a modelagem final do alvo, conhecendo-se seus vetores de magnetização induzida, total e, por subtração vetorial de ambos, remanente. Este procedimento foi aplicado a 108 casos sintéticos e a 8 casos reais pertencentes às províncias ígneas do Alto do Paranaíba e Rondoniana-San-Ignácio. Os resultados do uso deste procedimento indicaram uma recuperação das direções das componentes de magnetização com erro menor que 10%, em casos sintéticos, uma redução de mais de 20% no tempo de inversão com o uso de modelos iniciais, e qualitativamente, apresentaram modelos mais próximos dos originais (nos casos sintéticos) e geologicamente factíveis nos casos reais. / In this study, we present a procedure of analysis of magnetic data when remanence is present in order to, at the end of the process, obtain an inversion faster and more reliable inversion. The procedure is composed of six steps: (1) Estimation of the borders of the target; (2) Estimation of its depths; (3) A sweeping for the total apparent inclination and declination directions; (4) Initial modeling of a synthetic body, based on the recovered geometry and depth, on the directions of inclination and declination of the total magnetic field, and on previous analysis of the target and/or its region; (5) Inversion of magnetic data using the initial model; and (6) Attribution of the magnetic features of step (3) to the model recovered by the inversion for a final modeling of the target, estimating as well its remanent magnetization; the last through the vectorial resultant of the induction and total magnetization subtraction. This procedure was applied to 108 synthetic and to 8 real cases from the Alto do Paranaíba and Rondonian-San Ignacio Igneous Provinces. Their results pointed out that the error between the recovered directions of the magnetization components and the original values, in synthetic cases, was smaller than 10%; The inversions had their processing-time reduced in more than 20% and, qualitatively, presented models were more similar to the original (synthetic cases) and geologically feasible (real cases).
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Procedimentos de análise em magnetometria: estimativa de magnetização remanente visando inversões para exploração mineral / Analysis Procedures in Magnetics: Estimative of Remanent Magnetization Aiming for Inversions for Mineral ExplorationVinicius Hector Abud Louro 06 March 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo é apresentado um procedimento de análise de dados magnéticos em casos de presença de magnetização remanente para, ao final do processo, a realização de uma inversão mais rápida e fiel ao comportamento do alvo em sub-superfície. O procedimento é composto por seis passos: (1) Delimitação lateral do alvo; (2) Estimativa de suas profundidades; (3) Estimativa das direções de inclinação e declinação aparentes de seu vetor de magnetização total; (4) Modelagem inicial com inferência de valores de susceptibilidades oriundos de estudos geológicos anteriores sobre o alvo e/ou sua região; (5) Inversão dos dados magnéticos utilizando o modelo inicial; e (6) atribuição das características magnéticas do passo (3) sobre o modelo de contraste de susceptibilidade magnética obtido com a inversão para a modelagem final do alvo, conhecendo-se seus vetores de magnetização induzida, total e, por subtração vetorial de ambos, remanente. Este procedimento foi aplicado a 108 casos sintéticos e a 8 casos reais pertencentes às províncias ígneas do Alto do Paranaíba e Rondoniana-San-Ignácio. Os resultados do uso deste procedimento indicaram uma recuperação das direções das componentes de magnetização com erro menor que 10%, em casos sintéticos, uma redução de mais de 20% no tempo de inversão com o uso de modelos iniciais, e qualitativamente, apresentaram modelos mais próximos dos originais (nos casos sintéticos) e geologicamente factíveis nos casos reais. / In this study, we present a procedure of analysis of magnetic data when remanence is present in order to, at the end of the process, obtain an inversion faster and more reliable inversion. The procedure is composed of six steps: (1) Estimation of the borders of the target; (2) Estimation of its depths; (3) A sweeping for the total apparent inclination and declination directions; (4) Initial modeling of a synthetic body, based on the recovered geometry and depth, on the directions of inclination and declination of the total magnetic field, and on previous analysis of the target and/or its region; (5) Inversion of magnetic data using the initial model; and (6) Attribution of the magnetic features of step (3) to the model recovered by the inversion for a final modeling of the target, estimating as well its remanent magnetization; the last through the vectorial resultant of the induction and total magnetization subtraction. This procedure was applied to 108 synthetic and to 8 real cases from the Alto do Paranaíba and Rondonian-San Ignacio Igneous Provinces. Their results pointed out that the error between the recovered directions of the magnetization components and the original values, in synthetic cases, was smaller than 10%; The inversions had their processing-time reduced in more than 20% and, qualitatively, presented models were more similar to the original (synthetic cases) and geologically feasible (real cases).
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Development of a three-dimensional all-at-once inversion approach for the magnetotelluric methodWilhelms, Wenke 27 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A three-dimensional inversion was implemented for magnetotellurics, which is a passive electromagnetic method in geophysics. It exploits natural electromagnetic fields of the Earth, which function as sources. Their interaction with the conductive parts of the subsurface are registered when components of the electric and the magnetic field are measured and evaluated.
The all-at-once approach is an inversion scheme that is relatively new to geophysics. In this approach, the objective function – the basis of each inversion – is called the Lagrangian. It consists of three parts: (i) the data residual norm, (ii) the regularisation part, and (iii) the forward problem. The latter is the significant difference to conventional inversion approaches that are built up of a forward calculation part and an inversion part. In the case of all-at-once, the forward problem is incorporated in the objective function and is therefore already taken into account in each inversion iteration. Thus, an explicit forward calculation is obsolete. As an objective function, the Lagrangian shall reach a minimum and therefore its first and second derivatives are evaluated. Hence, the gradient of the Lagrangian and its Hessian are constituent parts of the KKT system – the Newton-type system that is set up in the all-at-once inversion. Conventional inversion approaches avoid the Hessian because it is a large, dense, not positive definite matrix that is challenging to handle. However, it provides additional information to the inversion, which raises hope for a high quality inversion result.
As a first step, the inversion was programmed for the more straightforward one-dimensional magnetotelluric case. This was particularly suitable to become familiar with sQMR – a Krylov subspace method which is essential for the three-dimensional case to be able to work with the Hessian and the resulting KKT system. After the implementation and validation of the one-dimensional forward operator, the Lagrangian and its derivatives were set up to complete the inversion, which successfully solved the KKT system. Accordingly, the three-dimensional forward operator also needed to be implemented and validated, which was done using published data from the 3D-2 COMMEMI model. To realise the inversion, the Lagrangian was assembled and its first and second derivatives were validated with a test that exploits the Taylor expansion. Then, the inversion was initially programmed for the Gauss-Newton approximation where second order information is neglected. Since the system matrix of the Gauss-Newton approximation is positive definite, the solution of this system of equations could be carried out by the conventional solver pcg. Based on that, the complete KKT system (Newton\\\'s method) was set up and preconditioned sQMR solved this system of equations.
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Utilização dos métodos eletroresistividade e polarização induzida com aquisição de dados 3D para caracterização geoambiental de uma área à jusante do Aterro de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos de Bauru-SP / The use of resistivity and induced polarization with a 3D acquisition technique for geoenvironmental characterization of an area downstream Baurus solid waste disposal site.Ustra, Andréa Teixeira 28 March 2008 (has links)
Uma área contaminada à jusante do Aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos de Bauru foi investigada através dos métodos Eletroresistividade e Polarização Induzida, com uma técnica de imageamento 3D. O conjunto de dados 3D foi formado por dados de uma série de caminhamentos elétricos paralelos realizados com o arranjo dipolo-dipolo, e foi invertido como um levantamento 3D. Os resultados dos modelos invertidos de resistividade e cargabilidade sugerem a presença de uma pluma contaminação e seu caminho preferencial, que segue o sentido do fluxo subterrâneo. Dados de análises químicas das águas de poços de monitoramento comprovam a contaminação incipiente. / A contaminated site downstream a landfill in Brazil was investigated using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization imaging technique. The data set consisted of a series of parallel electrical profile data acquired with the dipole-dipole array, and was inverted as a 3D survey. . The results suggest the presence of a contamination plume and their preferential path, which is in good agreement with the underground water flow data. Chemical analysis data from the monitoring wells confirm the incipient contamination.
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Seismics, 2D and 3D Inversion of Magnetotellurics : Jigsaw pieces in understanding the Skellefte Ore DistrictGarcía Juanatey, María de los Ángeles January 2012 (has links)
The Skellefte District (SD) is one of the richest metallogenic mining areas in Sweden. The main deposits consist of volcanic-hosted massive sulphides (VHMS) rich in zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver, that have been explored and mined for more than a century. Considering that technological advancements allow deeper mining, and that today new discoveries rarely occur, renewed efforts are now directed at locating targets at greater depths. Thus, current exploration strategies need to be adapted, and a better understanding of regional scale structures is necessary. To address these questions the project VINNOVA 4D modeling of the Skellefte District was launched. Its main purpose is to unravel the regional structures and tectonic setting of the SD. To accomplish this, new geological and geophysical data have been acquired in two key localities. This thesis presents the contribution from 2D and 3D inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data and seismic reflection data. The main findings include: conductive hydrothermally altered zones within the otherwise resistive rocks of the Skellefte Group, the depth extension of early and postorogenic intrusions, prominent shear zones in the central part of the district, and enhanced reflectivity and conductivity at the base of the Skellefte Group throughout the SD. Even though the application of these methods is challenged by the complex geological setting of the SD, it is shown that after a careful processing and analysis of the data, they are able to provide a robust image of the deep subsurface. Additionally, the combination of reflection seismics and MT has proved to be a powerful tool for hypothesis testing and to develop the general understanding of the configuration and history of the SD. Furthermore, two 3D inversion models of MT data are presented and compared with the results of standard 2D determinant inversions. The 3D procedure shows significant improvements in data fit and is able to constrain better the observed model features. Although 3D inversion of MT data is not yet a run of the mill scheme and issues like model assessment and galvanic distortion effects need to be further addressed, results from complex environments with areal coverage, are already superior to those from 2D inversions. / Skellefteåfälten är ett av de viktigaste malmdistrikten i Sverige. Malmkropparna består av vulkaniskvärda Massiva Sulfider (VHMS) rika på Zink, Koppar, Bly, Guld och Silver, och har utforskats och brutits i mer än ett sekel. Med tanke på att de senaste tekniska framstegen tillåter djupare brytning, och att nya upptäckter är ovanliga idag, riktas nya ansträngningar mot att lokalisera malm på större djup. Aktuella prospekteringsstrategier måste därför anpassas, och en bättre förståelse av regionala strukturer är nödvändig. För att lösa dessa frågor lanserades projektet VINNOVA 4D modeling of the Skellefte District. Dess främsta syfte är att utreda de regionala strukturerna och det tektoniska läget av Skelleftefältet. För att uppnå detta, har nya geologiska och geofysiska data insamlats vid två viktiga platser i distriktet. Denna avhandling presenterar bidrag från inversionsmodellering i 2D och 3D av magnetotelluriska (MT) data samt resultaten av en reflektionsseismisk profil. De viktigaste resultaten är: bra ledande hydrotermiskt förändrade zoner inom de annars resistiva bergarterna i Skellefte-gruppen, djupet till tidiga och postorogeniska intrusioner, framstående skjuvzoner i den centrala delen av området, och ökad reflektionsförmåga och konduktivitet vid basen av Skellefte-gruppen i hela fältet. Även om tillämpningen av dessa metoder utmanas av fältens komplexa geologiska läge, visas det efter en noggrann bearbetning och analys av data att de ger en robust bild av den lite djupare berggrunden. Dessutom har kombinationen av reflektionsseismik och MT visat sig vara ett kraftfullt verktyg för hypotesprövning och för att utveckla den allmänna förståelsen av Skelleftefältet och dess historia. Därutöver presenteras två 3D inversionsmodeller av MT data och jämförs sedan med resultaten från 2D determinantinversioner. 3D tekniker visar betydande förbättringar av datapassform och begränsar observerade anomalier bättre. Även om 3D inversion av MT data ännu inte är en vanlig teknik och frågor som modellbedömning och galvaniska distorsionseffekter måste behandlas ytterligare, är resultat från komplexa miljöer med lagom yttäckning redan överlägsna. / VINNOVA 4D modeling of the Skellefte District
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Utilização dos métodos eletroresistividade e polarização induzida com aquisição de dados 3D para caracterização geoambiental de uma área à jusante do Aterro de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos de Bauru-SP / The use of resistivity and induced polarization with a 3D acquisition technique for geoenvironmental characterization of an area downstream Baurus solid waste disposal site.Andréa Teixeira Ustra 28 March 2008 (has links)
Uma área contaminada à jusante do Aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos de Bauru foi investigada através dos métodos Eletroresistividade e Polarização Induzida, com uma técnica de imageamento 3D. O conjunto de dados 3D foi formado por dados de uma série de caminhamentos elétricos paralelos realizados com o arranjo dipolo-dipolo, e foi invertido como um levantamento 3D. Os resultados dos modelos invertidos de resistividade e cargabilidade sugerem a presença de uma pluma contaminação e seu caminho preferencial, que segue o sentido do fluxo subterrâneo. Dados de análises químicas das águas de poços de monitoramento comprovam a contaminação incipiente. / A contaminated site downstream a landfill in Brazil was investigated using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization imaging technique. The data set consisted of a series of parallel electrical profile data acquired with the dipole-dipole array, and was inverted as a 3D survey. . The results suggest the presence of a contamination plume and their preferential path, which is in good agreement with the underground water flow data. Chemical analysis data from the monitoring wells confirm the incipient contamination.
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Geophysical vectoring of mineralized systems in northern NorrbottenVadoodi, Roshanak January 2021 (has links)
The Fennoscandian Shield as a part of a large Precambrian basement area is located in northern Europe and hosts economically important mineral deposits including base metals and precious metals. Regional geophysical data such as potential field and magnetotelluric data in combination with other geoscientific data contain information of importance for an understanding of the crustal and upper mantle structure. Knowledge about regional-scale structures is important for an optimized search for mineralisation. In order to investigate in more detail the spatial distribution of regional electrically conductive structures and near-surface mineral deposits, complementary magnetotelluric measurements have been done within the Precambrian Shield in the north-eastern part of the Norrbotten ore province. The potential field data provided by the Geological Survey of Sweden have been included in the current study. Processing of magnetotelluric data was performed using a robust multi-remote reference technique. The dimensionality analysis of the phase tensors indicates complex 3D structures in the area. A 3D crustal model of the electrical conductivity structure was derived based on 3D inversion of the data using the ModEM code. The final inversion 3D resistivity model revealed the presence of strong crustal conductors with the conductance of more than 3000 S at depth of tens of kilometres within a generally resistive crust. A significant part of the middle crust conductors is elongated in directions that coincide with major ductile deformation zones that have been mapped from airborne magnetic data and geological fieldwork. Some of these conductors have near-surface expression where they spatially correlate with the locations of known mineralisation. Processing and 3D inversion of the regional magnetic and gravity field data were performed, and the structural information derived from these data by using an open-source object-oriented package code written in Python called SimPEG. In this study, a new approach is proposed to extract and analyse the correlation between the modelled physical properties and for domain classification. For this, a neural net Self-Organizing Map procedure (SOM) was used for data reduction and simplification. The input data to the SOM analysis contain resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and density model values for some selected depth levels. The domain classification is discussed with respect to geological boundaries and composition. The classification is furthermore applied for prediction of favourable areas for mineralisation. Based on visual inspection of processed regional gravity and magnetic field data and a SOM analysis performed on higher-order derivatives of the magnetic data, an interpretation of a sinistral fault with 52 km offset is proposed. The fault is oriented N10E and can be traced 250 km from Karesuando at the Swedish-Finish border southwards to the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary marked by the Luleå-Jokkmokk Zone.
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Lithospheric structure in Central Europe : integrated geophysical modelling / Détermination d’un modèle lithosphérique en Europe centrale : modélisation géophysique intégrée / Stavba litosféry v Strednej Európe : integrované geofyzikálne modelovanieGrinc, Michal 24 October 2013 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur la structure tectonique et la lithosphérique de la région des Carpates et du bassin pannonien. Nous avons appliqué trois méthodes différentes: modélisation 1D,modélisation 2D géophysique intégrée et inversion 3D pour atteindre cet objectif. Ces méthodes sont similaires concernant les bases de données utilisées, mais diffèrent par le traitement et l'interprétation de données. Au début, nous avons appliqué la modélisation automatique 1D pour obtenir un premier aperçu de la région étudiée. Deuxièmement, nous avons appliqué la modélisation 2D intégré de la lithosphère qui combine l'interprétation du flux de chaleur,du géoïde, de la gravité et des données topographiques de la région des Carpates et du bassin pannonien et des régions avoisinantes. Cette approche est capable de contraindre des structures lithosphériques compliquées de la région étudiée mieux que l'interprétation de chaque donnée indépendamment. Nous présentons quatre modèles intégrés 2Dde la lithosphère dans la région des Carpates et du bassin pannonien et des régions avoisinantes. Enfin, sur la base de l'algorithme d'inversion 3D, nous présentons les modèles géophysiques de la lithosphère dans la région des Carpates et du bassin pannonien. L'algorithme calcule la structure de la densité lithosphèrique par l'inversion conjointe de la gravité, géoïde et données topographiques basé sur une approche bayésienne. Les modèles sont basés sur différents ensembles de données d'entrée et ils sont contraints par différentes données a priori. Sur la base de notre modélisation, nous ne pouvons pas confirmer l'amincissement extrême (moins de 70 km)de la lithosphère du bassin pannonien proposé par d'autres auteurs. D'autre part, les résultats montrent la tendance à l'augmentation de l'épaisseur lithosphérique de Carpates d'occidentales vers de Carpates de l'est ce que confirme les théories antérieures sur la propagation du processus de subduction. Nous avons obtenu des résultats controversés dans la région des Carpates du sud.Les résultats basés sur l'inversion 3D montrent une lithosphère extrêmement mince dans ce domaine mais les résultats basés sur la modélisation 2D intégrée ne supportent pas cet amincissement. Cependant, les deux méthodes indiquent qu'il est plausible que la plateforme Moésienne soit courbée et chevauchée sous les Carpates du sud. Dans le modèle 3D, le bord sud-est du bassin Pannonien montre une lithosphère inattendue et étonnamment mince. Puisque la zone est assez grande, nous pouvons exclure un effet de flexion, par conséquent, cette région pourrait être potentiellement intéressante pour une recherche plus approfondie. / The main aim of this thesis is to gain new knowledge about the lithospherical structure and tectonics of the Carpathian–Pannonian Basin region. We applied three different methods: 1Dautomatic modelling, 2D integrated geophysical modelling and 3D inversion to achieve this goal.These methods are similar concerning the used databases but differ by used processing andinterpretation. At first we apply 1D automatic modelling to get a very first overview of thestudied region. Secondly, we apply 2D integrated modelling of the lithosphere which combines the interpretation of surface heat flow, geoid, gravity, and topography data in the Carpathian–Pannonian Basin region and surrounding areas. This approach is able to constrain the complicated lithospheric structures of the studied region better than interpreting each data set onits own. We present four 2D integrated models of the lithosphere in the Carpathian–PannonianBasin region and surrounding areas. Finally, based on the 3D Inversion algorithm, we present the geophysical models of the lithosphere in the Carpathian–Pannonian region. The algorithm returns the density structure of the lithosphere from joint inversion of free air gravity, geoid andtopography data based on a Bayesian approach. The models are based on different input data sets and constrained by different a priori data. Based on our modelling we cannot confirm theextreme thinning (less than 70 km) of the Pannonian Basin lithosphere proposed by other authors.On the other hand, the results show the increasing trend of the lithospherical thickness of theCarpathian Arc from the Western Carpathians toward the Eastern Carpathians which confirms theprevious theories about the propagation of subduction process. We got some controversial resultsin the area of the Southern Carpathians. The results based on 3D inversion show extremely thinlithosphere in the area; on the other hand, the results based on 2D integrated modelling do notsupport such thinning. However both methods indicate that it is probable that the MoesianPlatform is bend and underthrusted underneath the Southern Carpathians. The south-eastern edge of the Pannonian Basin based on 3D inversion shows unexpected and surprisingly thinlithosphere. Since the area is quite large, we could exclude an effect of flexure, therefore this area might be potentially interesting for further investigation. / Hlavnou myšlienkou tejto práce bolo rozšírenie poznatkov o štruktúre a tektonike karpatsko–panónskej oblasti. Na výskum študovanej oblasti sme použili tri rôzne metódy, 1D automatickémodelovanie, 2D integrované geofyzikálne modelovanie a 3D inverziu. Tieto metódy sú podobnév zmysle použitých vstupných databáz, ale líšia sa spôsobom spracovania a interpretácie. Akoprvé sme aplikovali 1D automatické modelovanie, ktoré slúžilo ako prvý náhľad na študovanéúzemie. Ako druhé sme použili 2D integrované geofyzikálne modelovanie litosféry, ktorékombinuje interpretáciu povrchového toku, geoidu, tiažových anomálií a topografie v karpatsko–panónskej oblasti a okolitých tektonických jednotkách. Tento prístup k interpretácii je schopnývymedziť komplikované štrúktúry v litosfére lepšie, ako interpretácia každého jednéhogeofyzikálneho poľa samostatne. V tejto práci predstavíme štyri 2D integrované modely litosféryv karpatsko–panónskej oblasti a okolitých jednotiek. Ako posledné, predstavíme geofyzikálnemodely litosféry študovanej oblasti na základe modelovania použitím 3D inverzie. Algoritmus jeschopný vypočítať hustotnú distribúciu v litosfére na základe Bayesianského prístupu zospoločnej inverzie tiažovej anomálie na voľný vzduch, geoidu a topografie. Tieto modely súvypočítavané na základe rôznych vstupných datových setov a a priori informácií. Na základenášho modelovania nemôžeme potvrdiť extrémne stenčenie (menej ako 70 km) litosférypanónskej panvy. Na druhej strane naše výsledky poukazujú na narastajúci trend litosférickéhohrubnutia Karpatského oblúka od Západných Karpát smerom do Východných, čo potvrdzujepredchádzajúce teórie o postupnom procese subdukcie. V oblasti Južných Karpát sme dosiahliprotichodné výsledky. Výsledky získané na základe 3D inverzie poukazujú na extrémne stenčenúlitosféru na druhej strane 2D integrované modelovania takéto extrémne stenčenie v danej oblastinepodporuje. Napriek tomu je pravdepodobnejšie, že moezíjska platforma je ohnutá a podsunutápod Južné Karpaty. Ďalšia zaujímavá vec sa ukazuje v juhovýchodnej oblasti panónskej panvy,kde výsledky 3D inverzie odhaľujú taktiež výrazné stenčenie litosféry. Táto oblasť môže byťpotenciálne zaujímavá a bolo by vhodné ďalej pokračovať vo výskume danej oblasti.
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Development of a three-dimensional all-at-once inversion approach for the magnetotelluric methodWilhelms, Wenke 21 June 2016 (has links)
A three-dimensional inversion was implemented for magnetotellurics, which is a passive electromagnetic method in geophysics. It exploits natural electromagnetic fields of the Earth, which function as sources. Their interaction with the conductive parts of the subsurface are registered when components of the electric and the magnetic field are measured and evaluated.
The all-at-once approach is an inversion scheme that is relatively new to geophysics. In this approach, the objective function – the basis of each inversion – is called the Lagrangian. It consists of three parts: (i) the data residual norm, (ii) the regularisation part, and (iii) the forward problem. The latter is the significant difference to conventional inversion approaches that are built up of a forward calculation part and an inversion part. In the case of all-at-once, the forward problem is incorporated in the objective function and is therefore already taken into account in each inversion iteration. Thus, an explicit forward calculation is obsolete. As an objective function, the Lagrangian shall reach a minimum and therefore its first and second derivatives are evaluated. Hence, the gradient of the Lagrangian and its Hessian are constituent parts of the KKT system – the Newton-type system that is set up in the all-at-once inversion. Conventional inversion approaches avoid the Hessian because it is a large, dense, not positive definite matrix that is challenging to handle. However, it provides additional information to the inversion, which raises hope for a high quality inversion result.
As a first step, the inversion was programmed for the more straightforward one-dimensional magnetotelluric case. This was particularly suitable to become familiar with sQMR – a Krylov subspace method which is essential for the three-dimensional case to be able to work with the Hessian and the resulting KKT system. After the implementation and validation of the one-dimensional forward operator, the Lagrangian and its derivatives were set up to complete the inversion, which successfully solved the KKT system. Accordingly, the three-dimensional forward operator also needed to be implemented and validated, which was done using published data from the 3D-2 COMMEMI model. To realise the inversion, the Lagrangian was assembled and its first and second derivatives were validated with a test that exploits the Taylor expansion. Then, the inversion was initially programmed for the Gauss-Newton approximation where second order information is neglected. Since the system matrix of the Gauss-Newton approximation is positive definite, the solution of this system of equations could be carried out by the conventional solver pcg. Based on that, the complete KKT system (Newton\\\'s method) was set up and preconditioned sQMR solved this system of equations.
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Natural and Controlled Source Magnetotelluric Data Processing and ModelingShan, Chunling January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, four studies using different geophysical electromagnetic methods are presented. In the first study dealing with airborne measurements, the noise response due to the rotation of the aircraft and the aircraft itself as a metallic conductive body on the Earth's electromagnetic response in very low frequency and low frequency band was investigated. The magnetic fields are independent of the aircraft in the VLF band and part of the LF band. But at higher frequencies (above 100 kHz), the signals are more influenced by the aircraft. The aircraft also generates its own noise frequencies which are mixed with the radio transmitter signals. The second and third studies are applications of radio-, controlled source-magnetotellurics and electrical resistivity tomography methods at a quick-clay landslide site in southwest Sweden. The data are processed and modeled in 2D and 3D, and the models are compared with high-resolution seismic and geotechnical data. The obtained results were further validated and refined by performing synthetic tests in the second study. The third study shows that the 3D models provide larger and more continuous volume of the quick clay structure than traditional 2D models. Both studies have shown that integrated application of geophysical methods for landslides is ideal. Quick clays often overlie the coarse-grained layers showing an increase of resistivity values in the models. In the fourth study, a new audio magnetotelluric data acquisition technique is developed and is named moving magnetotellurics (MMT). In this new technique, the magnetic sensors are placed on the ground and only 15 to 20 minutes data are acquired for each station, which usually is enough to cover the frequency range 30-300 Hz. The new technique is more efficient and convenient than the traditional magnetotelluric method, and test measurements have shown that it is an applicable method in shallow depth studies.
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