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Buoyant jets with two and three-dimensional trajectoriesKikkert, Gustaaf Adriaan January 2006 (has links)
Extensive experimental data is available from previous research into the behaviour of buoyant jets released into an unstratified ambient. The experimental data has been the basis for theoretical and numerical modelling work, and currently several numerical models exist that are employed in the design of engineering structures built for the disposal of wastewater in the ocean. However there are still flow configurations with limited or no available experimental data, and hence confidence in the use of the models under some circumstances is limited. These circumstances include two-dimensional trajectory flows that are discharged at oblique angles to the ambient and buoyant jet flows with three-dimensional trajectories. As part of the current project an experimental investigation is conducted into the behaviour of discharges that have either two-dimensional or three-dimensional trajectories, focussing particularly on those configurations with currently limited available experimental data. A light attenuation technique is developed for the investigation of such flows, largely because it enables the behaviour of discharges with three-dimensional trajectories to be recorded with relative ease. However, this technique provides integrated views of the flow and hence the interpretation of the integrated concentration data is aided by assumed mean cross-sectional concentration profiles. In the strongly advected region (with the exception of the weak-jet) a double-Gaussian approximation is shown to provide a reasonable representation of mean concentration profiles. In the weakly advected regions and the weak-jet region, it is well- known that a single Gaussian adequately represents the mean flow structure. A new numerical model, the Momentum Model, is developed to assist in the design and to monitor the performance of the experimental investigation. Unlike other models, the behaviour of the flow is determined by the relative magnitudes of the initial excess momentum flux, the buoyancy-generated momentum flux and the entrained ambient momentum flux. It is shown that ratios of these momentum fluxes are equivalent to the length-scales traditionally employed for this task. Predictions from the Momentum Model are compared with data from the current and previous experimental investigations and, in addition, predictions from two representative numerical models, VisJet and CorJet. Predictions from the Momentum Model are shown to be consistent with data for a wide variety of discharge configurations. These predictions are also generally consistent with those of VisJet and CorJet. However, the experimental results from the II buoyant jet discharged in a moving ambient show that the spreading rates of the strongly advected flows (puffs and thermals) differ, and while this difference is incorporated into the Momentum Model, it is not evident in the VisJet and CorJet predictions. Numerical model predictions of negatively buoyant discharges are shown to be inadequate. This discharge configuration is investigated in some detail experimentally and additional analytical solutions of the flow behaviour are developed to aid in the interpretation of the flow behaviour. The experimental results show that buoyancy-induced instabilities on the inner side of the jets, which generate additional vertical mixing, significantly alter the form of the mean concentration profiles in this region. This results in considerably higher integrated dilutions along the flow centreline. Another significant difference between the newly developed Momentum Model and the existing numerical models (VisJet and CorJet), is the approach taken to dealing with oblique discharges in a cross-flow. Experimental results in combination with additional analytical solutions show that for initial discharge angles of 20° and less, an oblique discharge in a cross-flow becomes a weak-jet in the strongly advected region, and for angles of 40° and above, the flow becomes a puff. The strongly advected behaviour predicted by the Momentum Model changes abruptly at the transition angle, and is reasonably consistent with the data. The gradual change in strongly advected behaviour employed by VisJet and CorJet does not appear to be appropriate in the puff region. Finally a preliminary experimental investigation of discharges with three-dimensional trajectories shows that there are significant discrepancies between the predicted behaviour and the experimental data. This is surprising given the numerical models are, for the most part, able to predict the behaviour of flows with two-dimensional paths with reasonable accuracy. It is evident that flows with three-dimensional paths are modified more severely by the different directions of the initial, buoyancy-generated, and entrained ambient momentum fluxes than the current models suggest.
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Estimation of geometric properties of three-component signals for condition monitoring / Estimation des propriétés géométriques de signaux à trois composantes pour la surveillance des systèmesPhua, Gailene 07 January 2016 (has links)
La plupart des méthodes de surveillance des systèmes sont basées sur l'analyse et la caractérisation de grandeurs physiques qui sont par nature tridimensionnelles. Tracées dans un repère euclidien à trois dimensions, ces grandeurs parcourent en fonction du temps une trajectoire dont les caractéristiques géométriques sont représentatives de l'état du système surveillé. Les techniques classiques de surveillance des systèmes étudient les grandeurs mesurées composante par composante, sans prendre en compte leur nature tridimensionnelle et les propriétés géométriques de leur trajectoire. Une part importante de l'information est ainsi ignorée. Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche, on se propose de développer une méthode d'analyse et de traitement de grandeurs à trois composantes permettant de mettre en évidence les spécificités géométriques des données et de fournir une information complémentaire pour la surveillance des systèmes. La méthode proposée a été appliquée à deux cas différents : la surveillance des creux de tension des réseaux de puissance triphasés et la surveillance des défauts de roulement des machines électriques tournantes. Dans ces deux cas, les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs et montrent que les indicateurs géométriques estimés mènent à de l'information complémentaire qui peut être utile pour la surveillance des systèmes. / Most methods for condition monitoring are based on the analysis and characterization of physical quantities that are three-dimensional in nature. Plotted in a three-dimensional Euclidean space as a function of time, these quantities follow a trajectory whose geometric characteristics are representative of the state of the monitored system. Usual techniques of condition monitoring study the measured quantities component by component, without taking into account their three-dimensional nature and the geometric properties of their trajectory. A significant part of the information is thus ignored. In this research work, we would therefore like to develop a method for the analysis and processing of three-component quantities capable of highlighting the special geometric features of such data and providing complementary information for condition monitoring. The proposed method has been applied to two different cases: voltage dips monitoring in three-phase power networks and bearing faults monitoring in rotating electrical machines. In this two cases, the results obtained are promising and show that the estimated geometric indicators lead to complementary information that can be useful for condition monitoring.
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Automatic American Sign Language Imitation EvaluatorFeng, Qianli 16 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Generación de maniobras suaves en el espacio 3DVanegas Zabala, Gloria Isabel 10 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El desarrollo tecnológico en la creación de trayectorias que permitan navegación libre de colisiones de Vehículos Autónomos (AVs) ha sido un objetivo constante de estudio debido a su fuerte interés científico y tecnológico en las últimas tres décadas. Las diferentes clases de AVs, ya sean Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados (UAVs), Vehículos Terrestres no Tripulados (UGVs) o Vehículos Submarinos no Tripulados (UUVs), fomentan el desarrollo e implementación de trayectorias en el espacio tridimensional (3D). Un grupo especial de tecnología UAV está caracterizado por su ala fija, lo cual destaca características particulares en los AVs, debido a las restricciones no-holonómicas (un sistema que se describe mediante un conjunto de parámetros sujetos a restricciones diferenciales que no permiten que un vehículo se mueva de forma instantánea en cualquier dirección). En este sentido, las trayectorias navegables para estos UAVs no deben ser construidas como un conjunto de líneas rectas y círculos como en la gran mayoría de planificadores basados en primitivas, ya que no
se garantiza una continuidad en su curvatura. Por lo tanto, las trayectorias construidas para esta rama tecnológica deben ser resueltas considerando las diferentes restricciones de maniobrabilidad del UAV, además de criterios de continuidad de curvas (el problema de continuidad se refiere principalmente a la continuidad geométrica, en términos de continuidad tangencial o de curvatura), suavidad en las curvas (una curva es suave si sus derivadas son continuas en el intervalo definido) y la seguridad en el vuelo (el control de seguridad garantiza que una trayectoria suave esté suficientemente lejos de los obstáculos). Finalmente, la cinemática del movimiento de los vehículos es otro factor que debe ser considerado mientras se suavizan las trayectorias.
El presente trabajo está enfocado en la creación de trayectorias navegables en el espacio 3D, para UAVs de características no-holonómicas. La principal dificultad al solventar este problema se debe a la movilidad de esta clase de UAVs, pues se ven obligados a avanzar sin la posibilidad de detenerse a través de trayectorias 3D, realizando curvas con curvaturas limitadas (una máxima capacidad de giro a una velocidad definida). En consecuencia, se han desarrollado las herramientas necesarias para proporcionar una completa caracterización de trayectorias óptimas (con un radio de giro limitado) para UAVs que se mueven en el espacio 3D a una velocidad constante.
Esta tesis se centra en la generación de caminos con trayectorias navegables en el espacio Euclídeo 3D, que contenga curvas con curvatura continua, considerando de esta manera las restricciones cinemáticas de los UAVs. Por tal motivo el objetivo principal es el desarrollo de la matemática necesaria para definir curvas clotoides en el espacio tridimensional, de modo que puedan ser
utilizadas como primitivas en la generación de trayectorias. Finalmente, culminado el desarrollo de esta herramienta básica, y en función de los obstáculos del entorno, se puede completar una planificación y replanificación activa de movimientos.
Para complementar la investigación, la verificación de las herramientas de planificación de trayectorias y del sistema, se han realizado simulaciones con la ayuda del entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) Matlab. De la misma forma, se ha preparado una plataforma de simulación de vuelo, tomando las virtudes del simulador de vuelo FlightGear 2018, y el modelo dinámico del avión de ala fija con restricciones no-holonómicas (Kadett 2400 ). En cuanto a la generación de trayectorias 3D, se han desarrollado simulaciones off-line, donde las acciones de control que debe ejecutar el avión para que siga la trayectoria calculada son definidas por: acceleración, brusquedad de curvatura y brusquedad de torsión.
Por último, el enfoque de revisión bibliográfica presente en este documento se ha centrado en trabajos realizados que buscan cumplir con las tareas de planificación. / [CA] El desenvolupament tecnològic en la creació de trajectòries que permeten navegació lliure de col·lisions de Vehicles Autònoms (AVs) ha estat un objectiu constant d'estudi a causa del seu fort interés científic i tecnològic en les últimes tres dècades. Les diferents classes d'AVs, ja siguen Vehicles Aeris no Tripulats (UAVs), Vehicles Terrestres no Tripulats (UGVs) o Vehicles Submarins no Tripulats (UUVs), fomenten el desenvolupament i la implementació de trajectòries a l'espai tridimensional (3D). Un grup especial de tecnologia UAV està caracteritzat per la seua ala fixa, cosa que destaca característiques particulars en els AVs, a causa de les restriccions no-holonòmiques (un sistema que es descriu mitjançant un conjunt de paràmetres subjectes a restriccions diferencials que
no permeten que un vehicle es menege de forma instantània en qualsevol direcció). En aquest sentit, les trajectòries navegables per a aquests UAVs no han de ser construïdes com un conjunt de línies rectes i cercles com a la gran majoria de planificadors basats en primitives, ja que no es garanteix una continuïtat en la seua curvatura. Per tant, les trajectòries construïdes per a aquesta branca tecnològica han de ser resoltes considerant les diferents restriccions de maniobrabilitat de l'UAV, a més de criteris de continuïtat de corbes (el problema de continuïtat es refereix principalment a la continuïtat geomètrica, en termes de continuïtat tangencial o de curvatura), suavitat a les corbes (una corba és suau si les seves derivades són contínues en l'interval definit) i la seguretat en el vol (el control de seguretat garanteix que una trajectòria suau estiga prou lluny dels obstacles). Finalment, la cinemàtica del moviment dels vehicles és un altre factor que cal considerar mentre se suavitzen les trajectòries.
Aquest treball està enfocat a la creació de trajectòries navegables a l'espai 3D, per a UAVs de característiques no-holonòmiques. La principal dificultat en solucionar aquest problema es deu a la mobilitat d'aquesta classe de UAVs, ja que es veuen obligats a avançar sense la possibilitat d'aturarse a través de trajectòries 3D, fent corbes amb curvatures limitades (una màxima capacitat de gir a una velocitat definida). En conseqüència, s'han desenvolupat les ferramentes necessàries per proporcionar una completa caracterització de trajectòries òptimes (amb un radi de gir limitat) per a UAVs que es mouen al pla 3D a una velocitat constant.
Aquesta tesi se centra en la generació de camins amb trajectòries navegables a l'espai Euclidià 3D, que continguen corbes amb curvatura contínua, considerant així les restriccions cinemàtiques dels UAVs. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu principal és el desenvolupament de la matemàtica necessària per definir corbes clotoides a l'espai tridimensional, de manera que puguen ser utilitzades com a primitives en la generació de trajectòries. Finalment, culminat el desenvolupament d'aquesta ferramenta bàsica, i en funció dels obstacles de l'entorn, es pot completar una planificació i una replanificació activa de moviments.
Per complementar la investigació, la verificació de les ferramentes de planificació de trajectòries i del sistema, s'han fet simulacions amb l'ajuda de l'entorn de desenvolupament integrat (IDE) Matlab. De la mateixa manera, s'ha preparat una plataforma de simulació de vol, prenent les virtuts del simulador de vol FlightGear 2018 i el model dinàmic de l'avió d'ala fixa amb restriccions no-holonòmiques (Kadett 2400). Pel que fa a la generació de trajectòries 3D, s'han desenvolupat simulacions off-line, on les accions de control que ha d'executar l'avió perquè seguisca la trajectòria calculada són definides per: acceleració, brusquedat de curvatura i brusquedat de torsió.
Finalment, l'enfocament de revisió bibliogràfica present en aquest document s'ha centrat en treballs realitzats que busquen complir les tasques de planificació de trajectòria, planificació de moviment i construcció de corbes suaus per a AVs. / [EN] The technological development in the creation of trajectories that allow collision-free navigation of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) has been a continuous target of study due to its strong scientific and technological interest in the last three decades. Different classes of AVs, whether, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) or Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs), encourage the development and implementation of paths in three-dimensional (3D) space. A special group of UAV technology is characterized by its fixed wing, which emphasizes particular characteristics in UAVs, due to non-holonomic constraints (a system that is described by a set of parameters subject to differential constraints that do not allow a vehicle to move instantaneously in any direction). In this sense, navigable paths for these UAVs should not be built as a set of straight lines and circles as in the vast majority of primitive-based planners, since no continuity in their curvature is guaranteed. Therefore, the paths built for this technology branch must be solved considering the different maneuverability constraints of the UAV, in addition to curve continuity criteria (the continuity problem refers mainly to geometric continuity, in terms of tangential or curvature continuity), curve smoothness (a curve is smooth if its derivatives are continuous in the defined interval) and flight safety (safety control ensures that a smooth path is sufficiently far away from obstacles). Finally, the kinematics of vehicle motion is another factor to be considered while smoothing paths.
This thesis work is focused on the creation of navigable paths in 3D space for UAVs with non-holonomic characteristics. The main difficulty in solving this problem is due to the mobility of this kind of UAVs, since they are forced to move without the possibility of stopping through 3D paths, performing curves with limited curvatures (a maximum turning capacity at a defined speed). Consequently, the needed tools have been developed to provide a complete characterization of optimal paths (with a limited turning radius) for UAVs moving in the 3D plane at a constant velocity.
This thesis focuses on the generation of paths with navigable trajectories in 3D Euclidean space, containing curves with continuous curvature, thus considering the kinematic constraints of UAVs. Therefore, the main aim is the development of the necessary mathematics to define clothoid curves in the three-dimensional space, so that they can be used as primitives in the generation of paths. Finally, once the development of this basic tool has been completed, and depending on the obstacles in the environment, an active planning and replanning of movements can be completed.
To complement the research, the verification of the path planning tools and the system, simulations have been performed with the help of the integrated development environment (IDE) Matlab. In the same way, a flight simulation platform has been prepared, taking the virtues of the FlightGear 2018 flight simulator, and the dynamic model of the fixed-wing aircraft with non-holonomic constraints (Kadett 2400 ). Regarding the generation of 3D paths, off-line simulations have been developed, where the control actions to be executed by the aircraft to follow the calculated path are defined by: acceleration, curvature sharpness and torsion sharpness.
Finally, the literature review approach presented in this document has focused on works that address the tasks of path planning, motion planning and construction of smooth curves for AVs. Special care has been taken in the methodologies used, the variety of techniques, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages presented throughout the literature review. / The authors are grateful to the financial support of Spanish Ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). This
work was also supported by the postdoctoral fellowship “APOSTD/2017/055”
and the local administration “GV/2017/029” (Generalitat Valenciana, Conse-
lleria d’Educació) Valencia - Spain. / Vanegas Zabala, GI. (2024). Generación de maniobras suaves en el espacio 3D [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203122 / Compendio
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Geometric approach to multi-scale 3D gesture comparisonOchoa Mayorga, Victor Manuel 11 1900 (has links)
The present dissertation develops an invariant framework for 3D gesture comparison studies. 3D gesture comparison without Lagrangian models is challenging not only because of the lack of prediction provided by physics, but
also because of a dual geometry representation, spatial dimensionality and non-linearity associated to 3D-kinematics.
In 3D spaces, it is difficult to compare curves without an alignment operator since it is likely that discrete curves are not synchronized and do not share a common point in space. One has to assume that each and every single trajectory in the space is unique. The common answer is to assert the similitude between two or more trajectories as estimating an average distance error from the aligned curves, provided that the alignment operator is found.
In order to avoid the alignment problem, the method uses differential geometry for position and orientation curves. Differential geometry not only reduces the spatial dimensionality but also achieves view invariance. However,
the nonlinear signatures may be unbounded or singular. Yet, it is shown that pattern recognition between intrinsic signatures using correlations is robust for position and orientation alike.
A new mapping for orientation sequences is introduced in order to treat quaternion and Euclidean intrinsic signatures alike. The new mapping projects a 4D-hyper-sphere for orientations onto a 3D-Euclidean volume. The projection uses the quaternion invariant distance to map rotation sequences into 3D-Euclidean curves. However, quaternion spaces are sectional discrete spaces.
The significance is that continuous rotation functions can be only approximated for small angles. Rotation sequences with large angle variations can only be interpolated in discrete sections.
The current dissertation introduces two multi-scale approaches that improve numerical stability and bound the signal energy content of the intrinsic signatures. The first is a multilevel least squares curve fitting method similar to Haar wavelet. The second is a geodesic distance anisotropic kernel filter.
The methodology testing is carried out on 3D-gestures for obstetrics training. The study quantitatively assess the process of skill acquisition and transfer of manipulating obstetric forceps gestures. The results show that the multi-scale correlations with intrinsic signatures track and evaluate gesture differences between experts and trainees.
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Geometric approach to multi-scale 3D gesture comparisonOchoa Mayorga, Victor Manuel Unknown Date
No description available.
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