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Exploring the Brain : Interactivity and LearningOscarsson, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
This study has examined whether the use of an interactive 3D model of the human brain would be a more effective way of teaching it's anatomy in comparison to traditional book and paper-based techniques. The artefact created for the project was a three dimensional model of the brain made up of several anatomical structures that could be dissected to provide the user with a more accurate sense of the spatial relationships between each structure. The study conducted did not give sufficient information to accurately answer the research question, but interviews conducted during the experiment show interest in the technology. If developed, there could be potential for the use of this type of technology in the future.
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Digital texturering för augmented reality : En studie i möjligheten att återskapa effekten av subsurface scattering i albedo texturer / Digital texturing for augmented reality : A study in the ability to recreate the effect of subsurface scattering in albedo texturesKoitzsch, Robin January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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ABConstrucciónBohórquez Rubio, Estephanie, Rivero Wensjoe, Carmen Romina, Rojas Bustinza, Javier Arturo, Villarreal Chávez, Dennis Alvaro 15 July 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo ofrecer todas las herramientas para concretar una construcción de manera eficiente y fácil, desde el diseño virtual hasta concretar la construcción en la realidad, la construcción combina varios tipos de herramientas y campos, todo esto es utilizado por el cliente para realizar su proyecto guiándose por el asesoramiento de un albañil donde siempre es el usuario final quien por su inexperiencia recibe una mal asesoramiento y construye dejando de lado aspectos importantes como las normas técnicas y poniendo en riesgo la construcción, este problema genera una pérdida de tiempo, dinero y sobre todo confianza hacia el albañil.
Mediante este trabajo se dará a conocer la experiencia de constructores, usuarios y ferreterías para concretar un proyecto que beneficiará a gran parte de la población de Lima Metropolitana y Callao, esta información será recabada mediante entrevistas en profundidad por los investigadores y desarrollada para crear este proyecto. La información brindada permitirá que nuevos usuarios no caigan en malas prácticas y tengan una base de conocimiento en construcción brindada por expertos y transmitirá de manera sencilla mediante videos, gráficos y publicidad web. En el trabajo se toma como punto de trabajo los sectores C y D de Lima Norte, distritos como Puente Piedra, los Olivos, San Martin de Porres, Comas, Carabayllo y Ventanilla.
Nuestra propuesta tiene dos clientes, uno de ellos son los usuarios, quienes son aquellas personas interesadas en construir y el segundo, son las ferreterías, a quienes ayudaremos a promocionar sus productos mediante nuestra plataforma y por medio de las redes sociales aumentaremos el público hacia nuestra página web. / The present work aims to offer all the tools to make a construction efficient and easy, from the virtual design to concreting the construction in reality, the construction combines several types of tools and fields, all this is used by the client to carry out your project guided by the advice of a bricklayer where it is always the end user who by his inexperience receives a bad advice and builds leaving aside important aspects such as technical standards and putting construction at risk, this problem generates a waste of time, money and above all trust towards the mason.
Through this work will be known the experience of builders, users and hardware stores to finalize a project that will benefit much of the population of Metropolitan Lima and Callao, this information will be collected through in-depth interviews by researchers and developed to create this project . The information provided will allow new users not to fall into bad practices and have a knowledge base under construction provided by experts and will transmit easily through videos, graphics and web advertising. In the work, sectors C and D of Lima Norte are taken as work points, districts such as Puente Piedra, Los Olivos, San Martin de Porres, Comas, Carabayllo and Ventanilla.
Our proposal has two clients, one of them is the users, who are those interested in building and the second, are the hardware stores, to whom we will help to promote their products through our platform and through social networks we will increase the public towards our Web page. / Trabajo de investigación
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3D-Weichteilanalyse - sagittale Parameter / 3D Soft Tissue Analysis – Part 1: Sagittal ParametersStrnad, Friederike January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Untersuchung war die Entwicklung einer reliablen dreidimensionalen (3D) Analyse der Gesichtsweichteile. Es sollten sagittale 3D-Durchschnittswerte bestimmt werden und Beziehungen zwischen sagittalen skelettalen Parametern und digital erfassten 3D-Weichteilparametern dargestellt werden. / The aim of this study was to develop a reliable threedimensional (3D) analysis of facial soft tissues. We determined the mean sagittal 3D values and relationships between sagittal skeletal parameters, and digitally recorded 3D soft tissue parameters.
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Contribution à la perception visuelle multi-résolution de l’environnement 3D : application à la robotique autonome / Contribution to the visual perception multi-resolution of the 3D environment : application to autonomous roboticsFraihat, Hossam 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le travail de recherche effectué dans le cadre de cette thèse concerne le développement d’un système de perception de la saillance en environnement 3D en tirant l’avantage d’une représentation pseudo-3D. Notre contribution et concept issue de celle-ci part de l'hypothèse que la profondeur de l’objet par rapport au robot est un facteur important dans la détection de la saillance. Sur ce principe, un système de vision saillante de l’environnement 3D a été proposé, conçu et validée sur une plateforme comprenant un robot équipé d’un capteur pseudo-3D. La mise en œuvre du concept précité et sa conception ont été d’abord validés sur le système de vision pseudo-3D KINECT. Puis dans une deuxième étape, le concept et les algorithmes mis aux points ont été étendus à la plateforme précitée. Les principales contributions de la présente thèse peuvent être résumées de la manière suivante : A) Un état de l'art sur les différents capteurs d'acquisition de l’information de la profondeur ainsi que les différentes méthodes de la détection de la saillance 2D et pseudo 3D. B) Etude d’un système basé sur la saillance visuelle pseudo 3D réalisée grâce au développement d’un algorithme robuste permettant la détection d'objets saillants dans l’environnement 3D. C) réalisation d’un système d’estimation de la profondeur en centimètres pour le robot Pepper. D) La mise en œuvre des concepts et des méthodes proposés sur la plateforme précitée. Les études et les validations expérimentales réalisées ont notamment confirmé que les approches proposées permettent d’accroitre l’autonomie des robots dans un environnement 3D réel / The research work, carried out within the framework of this thesis, concerns the development of a system of perception and saliency detection in 3D environment taking advantage from a pseudo-3D representation. Our contribution and the issued concept derive from the hypothesis that the depth of the object with respect to the robot is an important factor in the detection of the saliency. On this basis, a salient vision system of the 3D environment has been proposed, designed and validated on a platform including a robot equipped with a pseudo-3D sensor. The implementation of the aforementioned concept and its design were first validated on the pseudo-3D KINECT vision system. Then, in a second step, the concept and the algorithms have been extended to the aforementioned robotic platform. The main contributions of the present thesis can be summarized as follow: A) A state of the art on the various sensors for acquiring depth information as well as different methods of detecting 2D salience and pseudo 3D. B) Study of pseudo-3D visual saliency system based on benefiting from the development of a robust algorithm allowing the detection of salient objects. C) Implementation of a depth estimation system in centimeters for the Pepper robot. D) Implementation of the concepts and methods proposed on the aforementioned platform. The carried out studies and the experimental validations confirmed that the proposed approaches allow to increase the autonomy of the robots in a real 3D environment
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Prototypframtagning av robotarm med sex axlar genom 3D-skrivningNorstedt, Erik, Bräne, Olof January 2019 (has links)
3D-skrivare är inte längre något som endast stora företag har råd att använda sig av, utan någonting som har tagit sig ända till konsumentmarknaden. Detta har givit både hobbyanvändare och småföretag tillgång till ett kraftfullt verktyg för iterativ design. Det görs idag även stora framsteg inom robotik som ger upphov till möjligheter för tillämpningar av både industri- och konsumentrobotar i framtiden. Komplexiteten i robotar gör 3D-skrivare till användbara verktyg när det kommer till att ta fram robotprototyper. Målet med detta projekt var därför att analysera fördelar och nackdelar med 3D-skrivning i samband med prototypframtagning av en robotarm med sex axlar som kunde utföra enkla pick-and-place-rörelser. Roboten designades i Fusion360 och skrevs ut med 3D-skrivare i PETG. En Arduino MEGA användes till att styra stegmotorer i robotens axlar och styrningen implementerade en analytisk lösning till robotens kinematisk modell. Resultatet var en fungerande prototyp som kunde programmeras till att flytta och rotera föremål. Ett antal förbättringar av prototypen går att göra, till exempel går det att öka robotens rörlighet genom att designa om delar för att tillåta att axlar rotera längre och att implementera ytterligare funktionalitet i programmet som accelerationsrampning av stegmotorer och rörelse längs förvald bana. Utifrån analys av 3D-skrivningens inverkan på projektet framgick det att 3D-skrivning verkar användbart i prototypframtagning om dess möjlighet till iterativ design är önskvärd, men att det passar ännu bättre till mindre projekt då robotens storlek hindrade möjligheten till att utnyttja iterativ design till fullo och på så sätt hindrades även effektiviteten i 3D-skrivningsprocessen.
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Optimization of Granulate 3D Printer : Focus on coolingYlander Mikkelsen, Kristoffer, Geraldsson, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
The authors, Oskar Geraldsson and Kristoffer Ylander Mikkelsen, together with Svenska Konstruktörsbyrån AB, have customized and optimized a granulate 3D printer. The main goal for the authors is to improve the cooling of the liquid ABS plastic leaving the nozzle to prevent displacement and dislocation during the printing process. Furthermore the printers current state is poor resulting in further work regarding the overall mechanics of the printer such as the power supply, electrical motors and linear guides. The authors have studied existing 3D printers and searched through scientific articlesto get inspiration and knowledge of the mechanical process of the printers aswell as the materials.
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Reconstruction d’un modèle B-Rep à partir d’un maillage 3D / Reconstruction of a B-Rep model from 3D meshBénière, Roseline 01 February 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, la majorité des objets manufacturés sont conçus par des logiciels informatiques de CAO (Conception Assistée par Ordinateur). Cependant, lors de la visualisation, d'échange de données ou des processus de fabrication, le modèle géométrique doit être discrétisé en un maillage 3D composé d'un nombre fini de sommets et d'arêtes. Or, dans certaines situations le modèle initial peut être perdu ou indisponible. La représentation discrète 3D peut aussi être modifiée, par exemple après une simulation numérique, et ne plus correspondre au modèle initial. Une méthode de rétro-ingénierie est alors nécessaire afin de reconstruire une représentation continue 3D à partir de la représentation discrète.Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons une procédure automatique et complète de rétro-ingénierie pour les maillages 3D issus principalement de la discrétisation d'objets mécaniques. Pour cela, nous proposons des améliorations sur la détection de primitives géométriques simples. Puis, nous introduisons un formalisme clair pour la définition de la topologie de l'objet et la construction des intersections entre les primitives. Enfin, nous décrivons une nouvelle méthode de construction de surfaces paramétriques 3D, fondée sur l'extraction automatique de grilles rectangulaires régulières supports. La méthode a été testée sur des maillages 3D issus d'applications industrielles et permet d'obtenir des modèles B-Rep cohérents. / Nowadays, most of the manufactured objects are designed using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Nevertheless, for visualization, data exchange or manufacturing applications, the geometric model has to be discretized into a 3D mesh composed of a finite number of vertices and edges. But, in some cases, the initial model may be lost or unavailable. In other cases, the 3D discrete representation may be modified, for example after a numerical simulation, and does not correspond anymore to the initial model. A retro-engineering method is then required to reconstruct a 3D continuous representation from the discrete one.In this Ph.D. Thesis, we present an automatic and comprehensive reverse engineering process mainly dedicated to 3D meshes of mechanical items. We present first several improvements in automatically detecting geometric primitives from a 3D mesh. Then, we introduce a clear formalism to define the topology of the object and to construct the intersections between primitives. At the end, we describe a new method to fit 3D parametric surfaces which is based on extracting regular rectangular grids. The whole process is tested on 3D industrial meshes and results in reconstructing consistent B-Rep models.
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Procedural reconstruction of architectural parametric models from airborne and ground laser scansEdum-Fotwe, Kwamina January 2018 (has links)
This research addresses the problem of efficiently and robustly reconstructing semantically-rich 3D architectural models from laser-scanned point-clouds. It first covers the pre-existing literature and industrial developments in active-sensing, 3D reconstruction of the built-environment and procedural modelling. It then documents a number of novel contributions to the classical problems of change-detection between temporally varying multi-modal geometric representations and automatic 3D asset creation from airborne and ground point-clouds of buildings. Finally this thesis outlines on-going research and avenues for continued investigation - most notably fully automatic temporal update and revision management for city-scale CAD models via data-driven procedural modelling from point-clouds. In short this thesis documents the outcomes of a research project whose primary aim was to engineer fast, accurate and sparse building reconstruction algorithms. Formally: this thesis puts forward the hypothesis (and advocates) that architectural reconstruction from actively-sensed point-clouds can be addressed more efficiently and affording greater control (over the geometric results) - via deterministic procedurally-driven analysis and optimisation than via stochastic sampling.
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Design e avaliação de um sistema controlado por gestos para manipulação interativa de imagens médicas e modelos anatômicos 3D / Design and Evaluation of a Gesture-Controlled System for Interactive Manipulation of Medical Images and 3D Anatomical Models (Inglês)Silva, Edimo Sousa 29 January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-30T00:01:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2015-01-29 / This work presents the design, development and evaluation of a gesture-controlled system for interactive manipulation of radiological images and 3D anatomical models using the Kinect and Leap Motion devices. Several abstractions have been implemented to improve the system performance, making the application simpler, at an affordable cost. Additionally, specific gestures to change the visualization settings of 3D models, represented by layers, were also successfully modeled. Further, usability testing was performed to provide quantitative measures, by comparing the results obtained in the users tests with those from an expert's one, as well as to produce qualitative data (usefulness, visual quality, ease of learning, ease of use, 3D spatial perception, level of interactivity, mental and physical fatigue, effectiveness and satisfaction) to get feedback from users about the system's design. The results show that the participants are able to perform the tasks of search, selection and manipulation of 2D images (zoom in/out and translations) and 3D models (zoom in/out and rotations), quickly and accurately, demonstrating the usefulness of the system as a possible effective and competitive alternative solution, to the traditional use of the negatoscope. Finally, the choice of a particular gestural input device depends not only on the user's ability, but also on the device being controlled, the environment, the task to be accomplished, and the particular goals and constraints present in the application's domain.
Keywords - Gesture-Controlled System; Interaction; Manipulation; Evaluation; Images; 3D Models. / Este trabalho apresenta o design, desenvolvimento e avaliação de um sistema controlado por gestos para manipulação interativa de imagens radiológicas e modelos anatômicos 3D usando os dispositivos Kinect e Leap Motion. Várias abstrações foram implementadas para melhorar o desempenho do sistema, tornando a aplicação mais simples, a um custo acessível. Adicionalmente, gestos específicos para alterar as configurações de visualização dos modelos 3D, representados por camadas, também foram modelados com sucesso. Além disso, testes de usabilidade com usuários foram realizados para determinar medidas quantitativas de desempenho, comparando os resultados obtidos nos testes dos usuários com os de um perito, bem como qualitativas (utilidade, qualidade visual da interface, facilidade de aprendizagem, facilidade de uso, percepção espacial 3D, nível de interatividade, fadiga física e mental, eficácia e satisfação) para obter feedback dos usuários sobre o design do sistema. Os resultados mostram que os participantes são capazes de realizar as tarefas de busca, seleção e manipulação de imagens 2D (zoom in/out e translações) e modelos 3D (zoom in/out e rotações), com rapidez e precisão, demonstrando a utilidade do sistema como uma possível solução alternativa eficaz e competitiva, frente ao uso do tradicional negatoscópio. Finalmente, a escolha de um dispositivo de entrada gestual em particular depende não apenas da habilidade do usuário, mas também do dispositivo a ser controlado, do ambiente, da tarefa a ser realizada e dos objetivos e restrições presentes no domínio da aplicação.
Palavras-chave - Sistema de Controle Gestual; Interação; Manipulação; Avaliação; Imagens; Modelos 3D.
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