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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rational Drug Design for Neglected Diseases: Implementation of Computational Methods to Construct Predictive Devices and Examine Mechanisms

Collar, Catharine Jane 18 August 2010 (has links)
Over a billion individuals worldwide suffer from neglected diseases. This equates to approximately one-sixth of the human population. These infections are often endemic in remote tropical regions of impoverished populations where vectors can flourish and infected individuals cannot be effectively treated due to a lack of hospitals, medical equipment, drugs, and trained personnel. The few drugs that have been approved for the treatments of such illnesses are not widely used because they are riddled with inadequate implications of cost, safety, drug availability, administration, and resistance. Hence, there exists an eminent need for the design and development of improved new therapeutics. Influential world-renowned scientists in the Consortium for Parasitic Drug Development (CPDD) have preformed extensive biological testing for compounds active against parasites that cause neglected diseases. These data were acquired through several collaborations and found applicable to computational studies that examine quantitative structure-activity relationships through the development of predictive models and explore structural relationships through docking. Both of these in silico tools can contribute to an understanding of compound structural importance for specific targets. The compilation of manuscripts presented in this dissertation focus on three neglected diseases: trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis. These diseases are caused by kinetoplastid parasites Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania spp., respectively. Statistically significant predictive devices were developed for the inhibition of the: (1) T. brucei P2 nucleoside transporter, (2) T. cruzi parasite at two temperatures, and (3) two species of Leishmania. From these studies compound structural importance was assessed for the targeting of each parasitic system. Since these three parasites are all from the Order Kinetoplastida and the kinetoplast DNA has been determined a viable target, compound interactions with DNA were explored to gain insight into binding modes of known and novel compounds.

In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and the farnesoid x receptor (FXR)

Vaqué Marquès, Montserrat 19 December 2007 (has links)
In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès En aquesta tesis es pretén aplicar metodologies computacionals (generació de farmacòfors i docking proteïna lligand) en l'àmbit de la nutigenòmica (ciència que pretén entendre, a nivell molecular, com els nutrients afecten la salut). S'aplicaran metodologies in silico per entendre a nivell molecular com productes naturals com els compostos fenòlics presents en la nostra dieta, poden modular la funció d'una diana comportant un efect en la salut. Aquest efecte es creu que podria ser degut a la seva interacció directa amb proteïnes de vies de senyalització molecular o bé a la modificació indirecta de l'expressió gènica. Donat que el coneixement de l'estructura del complex lligand-receptor és bàsic per entendre el mecanisme d'acció d'aquests lligands s'aplica la metodologia docking per predir l'estructura tridimensional del complex. En aquest sentit, un dels programes de docking és AutoGrid/AutoDock (un dels més citats). No obstant, l'automatització d'AutoGrid/AutoDock no és trivial tan per (a) la cerca virtual en una llibreria de lligands contra un grup de possibles receptors, (b) l'ús de flexibilitat, i (c) realitzar un docking a cegues utilitzant tota la superfície del receptor. Per aquest motiu, es dissenya una interfície gràfica de fàcil ús per utilitzar AutoGrid/AutoDock. Blind Docking Tester (BDT) és una aplicació gràfica que s'executa sobre quatre programes escrits en Fortran i que controla les condicions de les execucions d'AutoGrid i AutoDock. BDT pot ser utilitzat per equips d'investigadors en el camp de la química i de ciències de la vida interessats en dur a terme aquest tipus d'experiments però que no tenen suficient habilitats en programació. En la modulació del metabolisme de la glucosa, treballs in vivio i in vitro en el nostre grup de recerca s'han atribuït els efectes beneficiosos de l'extracte de pinyol de raïm en induir captació de glucosa (punt crític pel manteniment de l'homeostasis de la glucosa). No obstant alguns compostos fenòlics no tenen efecte en la captació de la glucosa, d'altres l'inhibeixen reversiblement. En alguns casos aquesta inhibició és el resultat de la competició dels compostos fenòlics amb ATP pel lloc d'unió de l'ATP de la subunitat catalítica de la fosfatidil inositol 3-kinasa (PI3K). Estudis recents amb inhibidors específics d'isoforma han identificat la p110α (la subunitat catalítica de PI3Kα) com la isoforma crucial per la captació de glucosa estimulada per insulina en algunes línies cel·lulars. Els programes computacionals han estat aplicats per tal de correlacionar l'activitat biològica dels compostos fenòlics amb informació estructural per obtenir una relació quantitativa estructura-activitat (3D-QSAR) i obtenir informació dels requeriments estructura-lligand per augmentar l'afinitat i/o selectivitat amb la diana (proteïna). Tot hi haver-se demostrat que l'adició d'extractes de compostos fenòlics en l'aliment pot tenir en general un benefici per la salut, s'ha de tenir en compte que l'estudi 3D-QSAR (construït a partir d'inhibidors sintètics de p110α) prediu que algunes d'aquestes molècules poden agreujar la resistència a la insulina en individus susceptibles dificultant la capatació de glucosa en múscul i teixit adipós i, per tant, produir un efecte secundari indesitjat. Resultats en el nostre grup de recerca han demostrat que compostos fenòlics presents en extractes de llavor de raïm incrementen l'activitat del receptor "farnesoid x receptor" (FXR) de manera dosi depenent quan el lligand natural de FXR (CDCA) és present. Les metodologies in silico, docking i 3D-QSAR, han estat aplicades juntament amb dades biològiques d'agonistes no esteroidals de FXR que s'uneixen a un lloc d'unió proper però diferent al lligand esteroidal 6CDCA. Els resultats han mostrat que els compostos fenòlics no són capaços d'activar FXR per ells mateixos però poden afegir noves interaccions que estabilitzarien la conformació activa de FXR en presència del lligand natural CDCA. Els compostos fenòlics podrien induir canvis conformacionals específics que augmentarien l'activitat de FXR. In silico studies of the effect of phenolic compounds from grape seed extracts on the activity of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and farnesoid X receptor (FXR)Montserrat Vaqué Marquès This thesis was written with the aim of applying computational methods that have already been developed for molecular design and simulation (i.e. pharmacophore generation and protein-ligand docking) to nutrigenomics. So, in silico tools that are routinely used by the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs have been used to understand, at the molecular level, how natural products such as phenolic compounds (i.e. molecules that are commonly found in fruits and vegetables) can improve health and prevent diseases. Therefore, we first focused on predicting the structure of protein-ligand complexes. The docking algorithms can use the individual structures from receptor and ligand to predict (1) whether they can form a complex and (2) if so, the structure of the resulting complex. This prediction can be made, for instance, with AutoGrid/AutoDock, the most cited docking software in the literature. The automation of AutoGrid/AutoDock is not trivial for tasks such as (1) the virtual screening of a library of ligands against a set of possible receptors; (2) the use of receptor flexibility and (3) making a blind-docking experiment with the whole receptor surface. Therefore, in order to circumvent these limitations, we have designed BDT (i.e. blind-docking tester; http://www.quimica.urv.cat/~pujadas/BDT), an easy-to-use graphic interface for using AutoGrid/AutoDock. BDT is a Tcl/Tk graphic front-end application that runs on top of four Fortran programs and which controls the conditions of the AutoGrid and AutoDock runs. As far as the modulation of the glucose metabolism is concerned, several in vivo and in vitro results obtained by our group have shown that grape seed procyanidin extracts (GSPE) stimulate glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and thus help to maintain their glucose homeostasis. In contrast, it is also well known that although some phenolic compounds do not affect glucose uptake, others reversibly inhibit it in several cell lines. Moreover, for at least some of these phenolic compounds, this inhibition is the result of their competition with ATP for the ATP-binding site in p110α (i.e. the α isoform of the catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase or PI3Kα). Furthermore, recent studies with isoform-specific inhibitors have identified p110α as the crucial isoform for insulin-stimulated glucose-uptake in some cell lines. Therefore, although it has been proved that the addition of phenolic compound extracts to food can have an overall benefit on health, it should be taken into account that some of these molecules may exacerbate insulin resistance in susceptible individuals via impaired glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissues and, therefore, produce an undesirable side effect. In this context, we have applied computational approaches (i.e. protein-ligand docking and 3D-QSAR) to predict the IC50 (i.e. the concentration that reduces the p110α activity to 50%). Our results agree with previous experimental results and predict that some compounds are potential inhibitors of this enzyme. Recent results in our research group have demonstrated that the phenolic compounds in GSPE increase the activity of the farnesoid X receptor (i.e. FXR) in a dose-dependent way when the natural ligand of FXR (i.e. CDCA) is also present. The phenolic compounds might induce specific conformational changes that increase FXR activity and then contribute to cardioprotection through mechanisms that are independent of their intrinsic antioxidant capacities but that involve direct interaction with FXR to modulate gene expression. Taking into account this hypothesis a 3D-QSAR analysis was made in an attempt to understand how phenolic compounds activate FXR. So, our results explain why phenolic compounds cannot activate FXR by themselves and how they can add new interactions to stabilize the active conformation of FXR when its natural ligand (i.e. CDCA) is present. Therefore, we proposed a mechanism of FXR activation by dietary phenolic compounds in which they may enhance bile acid-bound FXR activity.

Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of pyrimidobenzothiazole-3-carboxylate derivatives as selective L-type calcium channel blockers

Chikhale, R., Thorat, S., Pant, A., Jadhav, A., Thatipamula, K.C., Bansode, Ratnadeep V., Bhargavi, G., Karodia, Nazira, Rajasekharan, M.V., Paradkar, Anant R, Khedekar, Pramod 05 September 2015 (has links)
No / L-type voltage gated calcium channels play essential role in contraction of various skeletal and vascular smooth muscles, thereby plays important role in regulating blood pressure. Dihydropyridine receptors have been targeted for development of newer antihypertensive agents, one of the structurally analogs nucleus dihydropyrimidines have been reported earlier by us as a potential agent toward development of calcium channel modulator. A pre-synthetic QSAR was run and on the basis of structure activity relationship a series of twenty three molecules was synthesized and studied by myosin light chain kinase assay (MLCK), Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) colorimetric assay, non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and invasive blood pressure (IBP) methods. Molecules with significant efficacy were studied for their single crystal X-ray diffraction, molecular docking, molecular dynamics and post-synthetic QSAR. The NIBP and IBP methods screened molecules with better percentage inhibition versus time compared to standard drug Nifedipine. The lead compound ethyl 2-methyl-4-(3-nitrophenyl)-4H-pyrimido [2,1-b] [1,3] benzothiazole-3-carboxylate (26) presented a triclinic structure with polymeric chain packing in lattice. 26 exhibited IC50 on MLCK assay of 2.1+/-1.7 muM with selectivity of L-type calcium channels and comparative to Nifedipine. It offered satisfactory physicochemical properties with partition coefficient of (ClogP) 4.64. Its pharmacokinetic profile is also good with Cmax at 0.40 mug/ml by oral route with Tmax reaching in 0.5 h which means in 30 min. 26 also exhibits superior t1/2 of 5.4 h and oral bioavailability of (F) 56.75% with an AUC0-infinity of 0.84 mug h/ml. Molecular docking studies indicates toward the interaction of lead compound via hydrogen bonds with Lys144, Glu181 and Asp183, it forms the Van der Walls interactions with Ser18, Asp20, Asn187, Pro185, Glu180, Glu181 and Arg10 with Glide score and Glide energy to be -3.602 and -47.098, respectively. Post-synthetic QSAR of newly synthesized molecules indicates toward improvement with respect to steric descriptor which contributed negatively in former series.

Definisanje lipofilnosti, farmakokinetičkih parametara i antikancerogenog potencijala novosintetisane serije stiril laktona / Defining of lipophilicity, pharmacokinetic parameters and anticancer potential of newly synthesized series of styryl lactones

Lončar Davor 15 October 2018 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Reverzno-faznom tečnom hromatografijom pod visokim pritiskom primenom dva sistema<br />rastvarača ispitano je pona&scaron;anje i hromatografska lipofilnost prirodnih stiril laktona 7-(+)-<br />goniofufurona, 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurona, krasalaktona B i C i dvadeset njihovih<br />novosintetizovanih derivata i analoga. U ranijim ispitivanjima pokazalo se da ova jedinjenja<br />imaju veliki biolo&scaron;ki potencijal jer pokazuju zapaženu citotoksičnost prema vi&scaron;e humanih<br />tumorskih ćelijskih linija. Hromatografsko pona&scaron;anje jedinjenja uglavnom je u skladu sa<br />njihovom strukturom. Ustanovljene su linearne veze između hromatografskih retencionih<br />konstanti i većine in silico parametara lipofilnosti. Primenom hemometrijske QSRR analize<br />utvrđeni su veoma dobri multi linearni regresioni prediktivni modeli kvantitativne zavisnosti<br />između eksperimentalno dobijene hromatografske retencione konstante, koja defini&scaron;e<br />retenciju jedinjenja u čistoj vodi i in silico molekulskih deskriptora odnosno strukture<br />jedinjenja. Lipofilnost jedinjenja ima najveći uticaj na njihove farmakokinetičke, tj. ADME<br />(apsorpcija, distribucija, metabolizam, eliminacija) osobine. Definisani su i statistički<br />potvrđeni najbolji multi linearni regresioni modeli zavisnosti farmakokinetičkih parametara<br />stiril laktona i od drugih molekulskih deskriptora. In vitro citotoksična aktivnost jedinjenja<br />evaluirana je prema četiri nove humane maligne ćelijske linije: kancer prostate (PC3), kancer debelog creva (HT-29), melanom (Hs294T), adenokancer pluća (A549). Najaktivnije<br />novosintetizovano jedinjenje je triciklični 4-fluorocinamatni analog, koji ispoljava<br />nanomolarnu aktivnost (IC<sub>50</sub> 2,1 nM) prema ćelijama melanoma i aktivniji je preko 2250 puta od komercijalnog antitumorskog agensa doksorubicina (DOX). SAR analizom utvrđena je zavisnost između strukture i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti jedinjenja. Molekulskim dokingom ispitana je veza stiril laktona i ciljanog proteina značajnog za kancer prostate. Jedinjenja sa visokom inhibitornom aktivno&scaron;ću prema ćelijama kancera prostate imaju visok doking skor i mogu graditi koordinativno-kovalentnu vezu sa Fe<sup>2</sup>+jonom prisutnim u aktivnom centru enzima. 3D-QSAR analizom, koja je izvedena metodama komparativnih polja CoMFA i CoMSIA, formiran je značajan prediktivni model između hemijske strukture i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti stiril laktona.</p> / <p>The behavior and the chromatographic lipophilicity natural styryl lactone 7-(+)-<br />goniofufurone, 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurone, crassalactones B and C and twenty of their newly<br />synthesized derivatives and analogs were examined using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography in the two solvent systems. In previous studies it has been shown that these compounds have great biological potential toward several human tumor cell lines. Chromatographic behavior of the compounds is generally in accordance with their structure. The relationships between the chromatographic retention constants and the majority of their in silico lipophilicity parameters are linear. The application of chemometric QSRR analysis determined very good multiple linear regression predictive models of quantitative correlation between experimentally obtained chromatographic retention constant, which determines the retention of the compound in pure water and in silico molecular descriptors, i.e. the structure of the compound. The lipophilicity of the compounds has a major influence on their pharmacokinetics, i.e. ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination) properties. The best multi-linear regression models depending on the pharmacokinetic parameters of styryl lactone and other molecular descriptors have been defined and statistically validated. In vitro cytotoxic activity of the compounds was evaluated according to four novel human malignant cell lines: prostate cancer (PC3), colon cancer (HT-29), melanoma (Hs294T), lung adenocarcinom (A549). The most active compound was tricyclic 4-fluorocinnamic analog, which exhibits a nanomolar activity (IC50 2,1 nM) toward melanoma cells. This compound is over 2250 times more active than commercial antitumor agent doxorubicin (DOX). SAR analysis has revealed a correlation between the structure and the biological activity of the compounds. Using the molecular docking the relationship of the styryl lactone and the target protein important for prostate cancer was examined. The compounds with high inhibitory activity against prostate cancer cells have a high docking score and are capable to form a coordinative-covalent bond with a Fe2+ ion present in the active centre of the enzyme. 3DQSAR analysis, which was performed by methods of comparative CoMFA and CoMSIA fields, has formed a good predictive model between chemical structure and biological activity of the styryl lactone.</p>

Modeling of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors and of theirs complexes with actual and potential antypsichotic drugs

Dezi, Cristina 28 January 2008 (has links)
La presente tesis "Modelling of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors and of their complexes with actual and potential antipsychotic drugs" tiene como objetivo de profundizar los conocimientos actuales sobre el mecanismo de acción de los fármacos antipsicóticos. En este proyecto de larga duración, se han construidos modelos computacionales de los receptores 5-HT2A y 5-HT2C, utilizando un nuevo protocolo de modelización basado sobre los datos experimentales de otras proteínas GPCR de la misma familia. Las estructuras 3D se han validado e utilizado en estudios de acoplamiento ligando-receptor, simulaciones de dinámica molecular, y estudios 3D-QSAR con el ligando natural (serotonina), un agonista inverso bien conocido (ketanserina) y una serie de butyrofenonas con afinidad para ambos subtipos receptoriales. Las metodologías directas e indirectas utilizadas, han permitido de comprender mejor los elementos claves que gobiernan el acoplamiento ligando - receptor, mediante la identificación de los residuos más involucrados en esta interacción, el rol de la quiralidad de los ligandos y también las posiciones alternativas de acoplamiento que algunos ligandos pueden asumir en el sitio de unión de los receptores.Los resultados son coherentes con los datos experimentales y su interpretación ha proporcionado información valiosa, difícilmente obtenible con la simple inspección visual de las estructuras de los ligandos y de los receptores. / This thesis "Modelling of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors and of their complexes with actual and potential antipsychotic drugs" has the objective of investigate the mechanism of action of antipsychotic drugs. During the development of this project, computational models of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors have been built, by means of a new modeling protocol based on experimental data from other GPCR of the same family. 3D structures have been validated by means of docking, molecular dynamic simulations and 3D-QSAR studies, using the natural ligand (serotonin), a well known inverse agonist (ketanserin) and a series of butyrophenones with affinity for both receptor subtypes. Direct and indirect methodologies have been applied, allowing a better comprehension of the key elements governing the ligand-receptor docking, thanks to the identification of the most important residues that stabilize such interaction, role of chirality and alternative positions within the binding site. The results are coherent with experimental data and its interpretation provided valuable information, not available at a simple visual inspection of ligand - receptor structures.

Structure-activity relationships for interactions of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls with human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase hSULT2A1

Ekuase, Edugie Jennifer 01 May 2011 (has links)
Industrial chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were widely used for decades until their production was banned worldwide due to their persistence and toxicities to humans and other animals. Upon oxidative metabolism by cytochrome P450, hydroxylated metabolites of PCBs (OHPCBs) are formed. OHPCBs have been shown to competitively displace thyroxine from transthyretin, block normal hormonal activity, and inhibit phenol or family 1 sulfotransferases (SULTs) which catalyze sulfation of thyroid hormones and estrogens. Recently, three OHPCBs were shown to also interact with hydroxysteroid or family 2 sulfotransferases that play a role in the homeostasis of steroid hormones such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The objectives of the studies presented in this thesis were to further examine the effects of selected OHPCBs on the activity of human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase (hSULT2A1), to develop a three-dimensional quantitative structure activity relationship (3D-QSAR) model for OHPCBs as inhibitors of DHEA-sulfation catalyzed by this enzyme, and to investigate the mechanism of inhibition and binding of OHPCBs to hSULT2A1. All 15 OHPCBs examined inhibited the sulfation of 1 μ M [3H] DHEA, catalyzed by hSULT2A1 with IC50 values ranging from 0.6 to 96 μ M. The OHPCBs with a 3, 5-dichloro-4-hydroxy substitution were the most potent inhibitors of DHEA sulfation, and they were also shown to be substrates for hSULT2A1. Eight OHPCBs were substrates for hSULT2A1, and seven were solely inhibitors (i.e. they inhibited the sulfation of DHEA, yet they were not themselves sulfuryl-acceptors in hSULT2A1-catalyzed reactions). A 3D-QSAR model was developed utilizing comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). The model fit the data well and also had good predictability. The kinetics of inhibition showed that these OHPCBs were noncompetitive inhibitors of hSULT2A1. Binding studies utilizing the displacement of a fluorescent probe, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid, revealed that several of the OHPCBs interact either at more than one binding site or with more than one enzyme conformation. Further exploration of this binding by molecular modeling showed that OHPCBs bind similarly to different conformations of the enzyme. This work has helped in our understanding of the roles of sulfotransferases in the metabolism and toxicities of OHPCBs, and it opens new avenues for future work.

In silico approaches for studying transporter and receptor structure-activity relationships

Chang, Cheng 13 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Development of selective DprE1 inhibitors: Design, synthesis, crystal structure and antitubercular activity of benzothiazolylpyrimidine-5-carboxamides

Chikhale, R., Menghani, S., Babu, R., Bansode, Ratnadeep V., Bhargavi, G., Karodia, Nazira, Rajasekharan, M.V., Paradkar, Anant R, Khedekar, Pramod 26 May 2015 (has links)
No / Decaprenylphosphoryl-b-d-ribose 20-epimerase (DprE1) is a potential drug target for development of antitubercular agents. Structure based drug discovery approach yielded twenty novel derivatives of benzothiazolylpyrimidine-5-carboxamides (7a–t) which were synthesised by three component one pot reaction involving benzothiazolyl oxobutanamide, thiourea and substituted aromatic benzaldehydes. These derivatives were evaluated for antitubercular activity to determine MIC and compound 7a, 7e, 7f and 7o were found to be potentially active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv). Log P of these compounds was found to be between 2.0 and 3.0 making them suitable for oral dosing. DprE1 selectivity and pharmacokinetic studies were carried out for these compounds of which 7a and 7o were found to be highly selective and bioavailability was found to be above 52% by oral dose. Crystal structure of 7a was studied and molecular packing was determined, it exhibited a triclinic crystal lattice arrangement having hydrogen bonded dimeric arrangement. Drug receptor interactions were studied which exhibited docking in the active site of receptor with hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, vdW interactions with amino acid residues such as Cys387, Asn385, Lys418, Tyr314, Gln334 and Lys367 respectively. 3D QSAR analysis was carried out by kNN-MFA method to determine and develop theoretical model, best suitable model was found to be based on Simulated Annealing k-Neariest Neighbour Molecular Field Analysis (SA kNN-MFA). The model provided with hydrophobic descriptors in positive side indicating the need of bulky groups, steric and electronegative descriptors in negative coordinates hints with contribution by the electronegative substitutions as favourable and desirable moieties for enhancing the activity. The q2, q2_se and Pred_r2se were found to be 0.5000, 0.6404 and 1.0094 respectively. A pharmacophore model was generated which suggested for necessity of aromatic, aliphatic carbon centre and hydrogen bond donor for development of newer DprE1 selective inhibitors. / Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Salvinorin A: Fragment Synthesis and Modeling Studies

McGovern, Donna 23 April 2009 (has links)
Salvinorin A is a non-nitrogenous, selective kappa opioid receptor agonist with potent hallucinogenic properties. Because Salvinorin A has no basic nitrogen, it does not readily adhere to the “message-address” concept of selectivity for the opioid receptors. Therefore, a better understanding of how salvinorin A and its analogs interact with the kappa opioid receptor may shed some light on how salvinorin A obtains its potency and selectivity. The structure-affinity relationships (SAFIR) of salvinorin A and its analogs along with a discussion of the selectivity of the opioid receptors, is presented. A fragment of salvinorin A, methyl-3-acetoxy-4-oxocyclohexanecarboxylate, was synthesized to determine if the B, C and D rings are or are not necessary for binding to the opioid receptors. The fragment was found not to bind to the kappa, delta or mu receptor which reinforces the importance of the B, C and D rings in the binding of salvinorin A to the kappa opioid receptor. Homology models of the kappa, delta and mu opioid receptors were constructed based on inactive bovine rhodopsin, light-activated bovine rhodopsin and the human beta-2 adrenergic receptors. The program MODELLER was also used to construct the kappa opioid receptor. Two comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) studies are then presented which compared three different types of alignment methods. The alignment methods employed included a receptor-docked alignment in which the salvinorin A analogs were docked into a model of the kappa opioid receptor using the program GOLD. The docked poses for this alignment were chosen based on their similarity to our postulated model of salvinorin A in the kappa opioid receptor. In our model the furan oxygen forms hydrogen bonds with Q115(2.60) and Y320(7.43), the methoxy oxygen of the C-4 position ester group may form a hydrogen bond with Y312(7.35) and the methyl group of the C-2 position acetoxy moiety forms a hydrophobic interaction with Y313(7.36). These interactions are consistent with mutagenesis studies. The other alignment methods employed were a FlexS alignment and a realignment of the receptor-docked poses using the Fit Atoms function within SYBYL. Only the receptor-docked alignment method resulted in robust and predictive CoMFA models which indicates that the analogs may bind to the kappa opioid receptor in a similar but non-identical way. In addition, information from the CoMFA models based on the receptor-docked alignment led to a postulated binding mode for a set of amine analogs of salvinorin A which were not part of the original data set. Docking studies have the positively charged C-2 position amine group interacting with E209(XL2.49) while the furan oxygen and C-4 position ester group interacts with the same residues as in our model of salvinorin A in the kappa opioid receptor. The studies presented here not only support our postulated model of salvinorin A binding to the kappa opioid receptor but may also explain the trend of the beta epimers of the amine analogs to have a higher affinity than the corresponding alpha epimers. Site-directed mutagenesis studies could provide data to support or refute the postulated models of the amines docked in the kappa opioid receptor presented here.

Cyclic Sulfamide HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors : Design, Synthesis and Modelling

Ax, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Ten years ago, the first protease inhibitor targeting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was approved for clinical use. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which combined protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors, quickly became the standard therapy for treating patients infected with HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Nevertheless, last year the AIDS pandemic reached its highest level ever. Many infected patients, mainly in the developing countries, are still without treatment. Among those patients who receive treatment, an increase in drug resistance and new-infection with drug-resistant strains are seen. To come to terms with these problems, new drugs that are efficient against resistant strains and can be produced at low cost are needed.</p><p>In this study, we have focused our research efforts on cyclic sulfamides active as HIV-1 protease inhibitors. Distinctive to this compound class, as compared to the inhibitors so far approved for clinical use, was the incorporation of a water mimic that displaces the structural water (W301) observed in the X-ray crystal co-complexes. The first part of the study was aimed at understanding the rationale behind the nonsymmetric binding mode that the inhibitor adopted when bound to the enzyme. Symmetric and nonsymmetric inhibitors were synthesized and the structure-activity relationships and preferable binding modes were rationalized with the help of Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA).</p><p>In the second part of the study, an attempt was made to reduce the size of these inhibitors. As a result, the traditional P1/P1' substituents were removed, while the P2/P2' substituents were elongated in an attempt to reach between the binding sites. The design hypothesis was shown to be successful and inhibitors possessing nanomolar activity were identified.</p>

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