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Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Kompositmembranen aus seitlich von einer Polymermatrix eingefassten ZeolithpartikelnKiesow, Ina 23 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Für die hochselektive technische Trennung von Stoffen hält die Natur eine optimale Lösung namens Zeolithe bereit. In dieser Arbeit wurden Zeolith 4A in Form von Partikeln und wenig permeables Polymer in einer Membran kombiniert. Die Partikel lagen dabei in einer Monolage vor und wurden lediglich seitlich vom Polymer eingefasst, sodass sie beide Oberflächen der Polymerschicht durchbrachen. Diese Einbettung zu so genannten Zeolithkompositmembranen erlaubt einen Stofftransport ausschließlich durch die hochselektiven Zeolithpartikel. Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Zeolithkompositmembranen stehen im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit.
Für die Membranherstellung kam das Prinzip der partikelassistierten Benetzung einer Wasseroberfläche zum Einsatz. Hierfür wurden die Zeolithpartikel beschichtet und anschließend das unverändert zugängliche Porensystem mittels Thermogravimetrie in Wasseradsorptions-Desorptionsmessungen nachgewiesen. Aus beschichteten Partikeln und passendem Monomer konnten schichtdickenoptimierte Zeolithkompositmembranen hergestellt werden. Es wurde eine Permeabilität P für Wasserdampf von 49 barrer festgestellt, während die Gase Stickstoff und Sauerstoff keinen Transportnachweis zuließen (P < 0,03 barrer). Daraus ergeben sich Selektivitäten von über 1600.
Die Durchlässigkeit für Wasser beweist ein offenes Porensystem, die Impermeabilität für Stickstoff und Sauerstoff deutet auf eine sehr geringe Defektdichte hin, was beste Voraussetzungen für Trennmembranen darstellt.
Das Herstellungsprinzip soll als Vorlage für die Präparation maßgeschneiderter Kompositmembranen mit wählbarer Porengröße dienen. Vergleiche zu konventionellen Zeolithmembranen belegen, dass die partikelassistierte Benetzung die Methode der Wahl ist, partikelförmiges hochselektives Material optimal einzubetten, ohne die begehrten Permeationseigenschaften zu beeinträchtigen. / An optimal material for highly selective separation processes can be found in zeolites. We prepared composite membranes composed of zeolite 4A particles and a polymer of low permeability. The particles formed a dense monolayer which were embedded into the polymer sheet in such a way that each particle prenetrates both the top and the bottom surface of the sheet. Only this embedding offffers a transport through the highly selective particles exclusively. This work focusses on these so called zeolite composite membranes, on their preparation and characterization.
The preparation of the membranes was done via particle assisted wetting on a water surface. Therefore the zeolite particles were coated by a suitable silane agent and a blocking of the pore openings by the coating process was disproved by water adsorption-desorption measurements via TGA. Using the coated particles and a suitable monomer composite membranes could be formed and the optimum thickness was found. The membranes were permeable for water vapor (permeability P = 49 barrer), but impermeable for nitrogen and oxygene (P < 0,03 barrer (detection limit)). This results in a selectivity of above 1600.
The permeability for water indicates that the molecules are transported through the zeolite channels. The impermeability for nitrogene and oxygene indicates a very low amount of defects. Furthermore the composite nature of the membrane reduces brittleness thus rendering it a promising candidate for separation technology with tailoring the pore size.
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Mécanismes de subversion de l'immunité innée par le virus de l'Hépatite C (VHC)Jouan, Loubna 04 1900 (has links)
L'hépatite C pose un problème de santé publique majeur, dans la mesure où le risque de développer une infection chronique est relativement élevé (40 à 60%) et où la résistance au traitement de choix - l’interféron alpha pégylé et la ribavirine - touche près de la moitié des patients. Cette persistence virale repose avant tout sur de puissantes stratégies d’évasion du système immunitaire inné de l’hôte par le virus. Dans ce projet, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation de la réponse antivirale dans des hépatocytes primaires humains normaux et chroniquement infectés avec le VHC, un domaine encore largement inconnu dû à la difficulté d’obtenir ce type de matériel primaire. Nous avons étudié la fonctionnalité de deux voies majeures de détection des pathogènes viraux suite à l’exposition d’hépatocytes primaires humains à de l’ARNdb intracellulaire, via le récepteur et adaptateur RIG-I/MDA5-CARDIF, et extracellulaire via TLR3-TRIF, mimant ainsi les étapes précoces de la détection d’un virus par la cellule hôte. Nous avons établi par RT-PCR quantitatif et analyse transcriptomique par microarray, que ces deux voies de stimulation sont fonctionnelles dans des hépatocytes primaires normaux et que leur activation entraîne à la fois l’expression de gènes antiviraux communs (ISG56, ISG15, CXCL10, …) mais aussi spécifiques avec les gènes IL28A, IL28B et IL29 qui sont une signature de l’activation de la voie de détection de l’ARNdb intracellulaire. La protéine virale NS3/4A joue un rôle majeur à la fois dans le clivage de la polyprotéine virale initiale, mais aussi en interférant avec les cascades de signalisation engagées suite à la détection par la cellule hôte de l’ARN du VHC. Plus particulièrement, nous avons démontré que l’expression ectopique de NS3/4A dans des hépatocytes primaires humains normaux entraîne une diminution significative de l’induction des gènes antiviraux dûe au clivage de CARDIF au cours de l’activation de la voie de signalisation médiée par RIG-I. Nous avons également démontré que l’expression de la NS3/4A entraîne des modifications de l’expression de gènes-clé impliqués dans la régulation de l’apoptose et du programme de mort cellulaire, en particulier lorsque la voie TLR3 est induite. L’ensemble de ces effets sont abolis en présence de BILN2061, inhibiteur spécifique de NS3/4A. Malgré les stratégies de subversion de l’immunité innée par le VHC, nous avons démontré l’induction significative de plusieurs ISGs et chemokines dans des hepatocytes primaires provenant de patients chroniquement infectés avec le VHC, sans toutefois détecter d’interférons de type I, III ou certains gènes antiviraux précoces comme CCL5. Ces observations, concomitantes avec une diminution de l’expression de CARDIF et une correlation inverse entre les niveaux d’ARNm des ISGs et l’ARN viral révèlent une réponse antivirale partielle dûe à des mécanismes interférents sous-jacents. Cette réponse antivirale détectable mais inefficace est à mettre en lien avec l’échec du traitement classique PEG-IFN-ribavirine chez la moitié des patients traités, mais aussi en lien avec l’inflammation chronique et les dommages hépatiques qui mènent ultimement au développement d’une fibrose puis d’une cirrhose chez une grande proportion de patients chroniquement infectés. / Hepatitis C infection is a worldwide health problem since the risk to develop a persistent infection is relatively elevated (40 to 60%) and nearly half of the infected patients do not respond to the classical anti-HCV therapy based on a combination of PEG-IFNα and ribavirin. Viral persistence is based on powerful evasion strategies of the host’s innate immune system. In our study, we characterized antiviral response in primary human normal and chronically HCV-infected hepatocytes, a cutting-edge in our field due to the difficulty to isolate this particular cell type. In order to better define the antiviral response in freshly isolated human primary hepatocytes, we stimulated these cells with extracellular and intracellular dsRNA to trigger TLR3/TRIF and RIG-I-MDA5/CARDIF-mediated antiviral signaling pathways. By using qRT-PCR and microarray analysis, we report that both detection pathways are functional in normal human hepatocytes, their activation leading to the expression of both common (IFIT1, OASL, ISG15 and CXCL10) and specific genes (IL28A, IL28B and IL29), these last ones being a signature of the intracellular dsRNA-mediated pathway. HCV NS3/4A plays a key role in the viral polyprotein processing and upon viral RNA detection by interfering with the host’s antiviral signalling cascades. We report that major antiviral genes induction following activation of RIG-I mediated pathway are severely impaired in ectopically NS3/4A expressing normal hepatocytes due to CARDIF cleavage, but can be restored by specific NS3/4A inhibitor BILN2061. Our microarray analysis also revealed a role for NS3/4A following TRL3-mediated pathway activation on regulation of apoptosis and programmed cell death, which could be linked to strategies for the virus to persist in its host. Despite HCV strategies to circumvent the host’s immune defense system, we observed significant upregulation of ISGs and chemokines in liver biopsies and corresponding isolated hepatocytes from chronically HCV-infected patients. However, no type I and III interferon, neither key-antiviral genes (e.g., CCL5) were detected, underlying an ongoing –but inefficient- antiviral response unable to eradicate the virus. Moreover, we obtained significant inverse correlations between ISGs mRNAs and viral RNA in addition to CARDIF decrease, clearly unravelling efficient viral interfering strategies in a context of chronic HCV infection. This sustained -albeit incomplete- hepatic innate immune response is certainly associated to the failure of the classical IFN-based therapy in half of the infected patients and to the chronic inflammation causing liver damages and eventually leading to hepatocarcinoma which is often observed at late stage of the disease.
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La maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) représente un large groupe hétérogène de neuropathies périphériques héréditaires. Les mutations du gène GDAP1 (ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated protein 1), codant pour une protéine de la membrane externe mitochondriale, sont associées à des formes récessives (CMT4A) et à des formes dominantes de CMT (CMT2K). GDAP1 participerait au processus de fission des mitochondries sans que son rôle soit bien défini. L'objectif de ce travail a été d'étudier le métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial de cellules de peau issues de patients porteurs de mutations du gène GDAP1. Nous avons mis en évidence un déficit énergétique mitochondrial associé au complexe I sans altération majeure du réseau mitochondrial. Ce déficit fonctionnel du complexe I est associé à une production accrue de radicaux libres et un défaut de régulation de la protéine sirtuine 1, une désacétylase NAD-dépendante impliquée dans la biogenèse mitochondriale. Nos travaux ont ainsi montré que GDAP1 a un rôle important dans le métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial. Dans le but d'établir des corrélations génotype-phénotype, nous avons créé une base de données internationale permettant de répertorier les données cliniques et les variations de séquence de GDAP1.
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Discovery and evaluation of direct acting antivirals against hepatitis C virusAbdurakhmanov, Eldar January 2015 (has links)
Until recently, the standard therapy for hepatitis C treatment has been interferon and ribavirin. Such treatment has only 50% efficacy and is not well tolerated. The emergence of new drugs has increased the treatment efficacy to 90%. Despite such an achievement, the success is limited since the virus mutates rapidly, causing the emergence of drug resistant forms. In addition, most new drugs were developed to treat genotype 1 infections. Thus, development of new potent antivirals is needed and drug discovery against hepatitis C is continued. In this thesis, a FRET-based protease assay was used to evaluate new pyrazinone based NS3 protease inhibitors that are structurally different to the newly approved and currently developing drugs. Several compounds in this series showed good potencies in the nanomolar range against NS3 proteases from genotype 1, 3, and the drug resistance variant R155K. We assume that these compounds can be further developed into drug candidates that possess activity against above mentioned enzyme variants. By using SPR technology, we analyzed interaction mechanisms and characteristics of allosteric inhibitors targeting NS5B polymerases from genotypes 1 and 3. The compounds exhibited different binding mechanisms and displayed a low affinity against NS5B from genotype 3. In order to evaluate the activity and inhibitors of the NS5B polymerase, we established an SPR based assay, which enables the monitoring of polymerization and its inhibition in real time. This assay can readily be implemented for the discovery of inhibitors targeting HCV. An SPR based fragment screening approach has also been established. A screen of a fragment library has been performed in order to identify novel scaffolds that can be used as a starting point for development of new allosteric inhibitors against NS5B polymerase. Selected fragments will be further elaborated to generate a new potent allosteric drug candidate. Alternative approaches have successfully been developed and implemented to the discovery of potential lead compounds targeting two important HCV drug targets.
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Hipótese volátil / -Sergio de Moraes Bonilha Filho 29 May 2015 (has links)
Percebendo no lentíssimo voo dos aeromodelos F1D um sublime que a aceleração contemporânea subtrai à vida, a presente pesquisa busca formular hipóteses em torno ao fenômeno desacelerante desse voo; para tal, entendese a \"dúvida\" enquanto potência e o \"desconhecido\" como instância de liberdade. / Observing the F1D\'s slow flight, we can realize a sublime feeling that contemporary acceleration subtracts from life. Our research looks for hypotheses about this deceleration generated by the F1D; besides that, we take the \"doubt\" as potency and the \"unknown\" as a field of freedom.
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Transformace ontologií / Transformations of OntologiesKopecký, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis describes importing the ontology in language OWL 2 into the internal structures of 4A annotation server. It is concerned in anonymous nodes, for example in anonymous classes or anonymous properties. The solution was to use the library The OWL API for import ontology. The solution also allows automatic generation of names to anonymous classes and properties.
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Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Kompositmembranen aus seitlich von einer Polymermatrix eingefassten ZeolithpartikelnKiesow, Ina 24 February 2012 (has links)
Für die hochselektive technische Trennung von Stoffen hält die Natur eine optimale Lösung namens Zeolithe bereit. In dieser Arbeit wurden Zeolith 4A in Form von Partikeln und wenig permeables Polymer in einer Membran kombiniert. Die Partikel lagen dabei in einer Monolage vor und wurden lediglich seitlich vom Polymer eingefasst, sodass sie beide Oberflächen der Polymerschicht durchbrachen. Diese Einbettung zu so genannten Zeolithkompositmembranen erlaubt einen Stofftransport ausschließlich durch die hochselektiven Zeolithpartikel. Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Zeolithkompositmembranen stehen im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit.
Für die Membranherstellung kam das Prinzip der partikelassistierten Benetzung einer Wasseroberfläche zum Einsatz. Hierfür wurden die Zeolithpartikel beschichtet und anschließend das unverändert zugängliche Porensystem mittels Thermogravimetrie in Wasseradsorptions-Desorptionsmessungen nachgewiesen. Aus beschichteten Partikeln und passendem Monomer konnten schichtdickenoptimierte Zeolithkompositmembranen hergestellt werden. Es wurde eine Permeabilität P für Wasserdampf von 49 barrer festgestellt, während die Gase Stickstoff und Sauerstoff keinen Transportnachweis zuließen (P < 0,03 barrer). Daraus ergeben sich Selektivitäten von über 1600.
Die Durchlässigkeit für Wasser beweist ein offenes Porensystem, die Impermeabilität für Stickstoff und Sauerstoff deutet auf eine sehr geringe Defektdichte hin, was beste Voraussetzungen für Trennmembranen darstellt.
Das Herstellungsprinzip soll als Vorlage für die Präparation maßgeschneiderter Kompositmembranen mit wählbarer Porengröße dienen. Vergleiche zu konventionellen Zeolithmembranen belegen, dass die partikelassistierte Benetzung die Methode der Wahl ist, partikelförmiges hochselektives Material optimal einzubetten, ohne die begehrten Permeationseigenschaften zu beeinträchtigen. / An optimal material for highly selective separation processes can be found in zeolites. We prepared composite membranes composed of zeolite 4A particles and a polymer of low permeability. The particles formed a dense monolayer which were embedded into the polymer sheet in such a way that each particle prenetrates both the top and the bottom surface of the sheet. Only this embedding offffers a transport through the highly selective particles exclusively. This work focusses on these so called zeolite composite membranes, on their preparation and characterization.
The preparation of the membranes was done via particle assisted wetting on a water surface. Therefore the zeolite particles were coated by a suitable silane agent and a blocking of the pore openings by the coating process was disproved by water adsorption-desorption measurements via TGA. Using the coated particles and a suitable monomer composite membranes could be formed and the optimum thickness was found. The membranes were permeable for water vapor (permeability P = 49 barrer), but impermeable for nitrogen and oxygene (P < 0,03 barrer (detection limit)). This results in a selectivity of above 1600.
The permeability for water indicates that the molecules are transported through the zeolite channels. The impermeability for nitrogene and oxygene indicates a very low amount of defects. Furthermore the composite nature of the membrane reduces brittleness thus rendering it a promising candidate for separation technology with tailoring the pore size.
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Humans and ecosystems in the priestly creation account : an ecological reading of Genesis 1:1-2:4AKavusa, Kivatsi Jonathan 10 1900 (has links)
This study attempts to offer an ecological interpretation of Genesis 1: 1-2:4a in view of
the question as to what extent this passage bears footprints of anthropocentrism, on the
one hand, and/or ecological wisdom, on the other hand. Extant ecological readings of
this text tend to either recover its ecofriendliness, or they criticise the text on the basis
of its dominion and subdual language in Genesis 1:26-28 which seems to go against
the grain of ecological sensibilities.
In resonance with revisionist readings, this study shows that the only way to mollify
the dominion language of Genesis I :26-28 is to read this section as part of the whole
Priestly creation account. Elements of the exilic context and many literary features of
Genesis I: l-2:4a present humans as a member of a world of interdependences. Hence,
accusing Genesis I: l-2:4a of lying at the root of modern indifference towards nature,
is not the whole story. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Repulsive cues and signalling cascades of the axon growth coneManns, Richard Peter Charles January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the work described in this thesis is to investigate the nature and mechanisms of action of repellent cues for growing axons. In particular I try to resolve the controversy in the literature regarding the need for protein synthesis in the growth cone in response to external guidance cues. My results resolve the conflicting data in the literature on Semaphorin-3A signalling, where differing labs had shown that inhibiting protein synthesis either blocks or has no effect upon repulsion. They demonstrate the presence of at least two independent pathways, protein synthesis-dependent mTOR activation and -independent GSK3? activation. The higher sensitivity of the synthesis-dependent pathway, and its redundancy at higher concentrations where synthesis-independent mechanisms can evoke a full collapse response alone, resolve the apparent conflict. My experiments also demonstrated that Nogo-?20, a domain of Nogo-A, requires local protein synthesis to cause collapse. Unlike Semaphorin-3A, the dependence of collapse upon protein synthesis is concentration-independent and does not involve guanylyl cyclase, but it does share a dependence upon mTOR activity and the synthesis of RhoA, sufficient to cause collapse downstream of Semaphorin-3A. The other axon-repelling domain of Nogo-A, Nogo-66, is partially dependent upon the proteasome instead. It does not share a common pathway with Nogo-?20, except that both are RhoA-dependent. I further attempted to identify the nature of a repulsive activity found in grey matter, ruling out a previously suggested candidate identity. Finally, I examined the phenomenon of nitric oxide-induced growth cone collapse. My experiments revealed that S-nitrosylated glutathione causes growth cone collapse through the activity of protein disulphide isomerase. This mechanism shows only a partial dependence upon soluble guanylyl cyclase, but I argue that it has total dependence upon an S-nitrosylated donor. Coupled with its apparent relation to S-palmitoylation, the reciprocal of S-nitrosylation, I propose that nitric oxide causes collapse by crossing the cell membrane to inhibit S-palmitoylation-determined localisation of proteins. These results reveal some of the many pathways involved in growth cone collapse, whose further characterisation may provide new targets for the treatment of injuries of the central nervous system.
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Robust Drug Design Strategies and Discovery Targeting Viral ProteasesZephyr, Jacqueto 20 August 2021 (has links)
Viral proteases play crucial roles in the life cycle and maturation of many viruses by processing the viral polyprotein after translation and in some cases cleaving host proteins associated with the immune response. The essential role of viral proteases makes them attractive therapeutic targets. In this thesis, I provide an introductory summary of viral proteases, their structure, mechanism, and inhibition, while the breadth of this thesis focuses on the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3/4A and Zika virus (ZIKV) NS2B/NS3 viral proteases.
HCV NS3/4A protease inhibitors (PIs) have become a mainstay in combination therapies. However, drug resistance remains a major problem against these PIs. In this thesis, I applied insights from the HCV substrate envelope (SE) model to develop strategies for designing PIs that are less susceptible to resistance. Also, I used the HCV NS3/4A protease as a model system to decipher the molecular mechanism and role of fluorination in HCV PIs potency and drug resistance. The drug design strategies described in this thesis have broad applications in drug design.
The ZIKV is an emerging global threat, and currently, with no treatment available. In this thesis, I described the discovery, biochemical and antiviral evaluation of novel noncompetitive quinoxaline-based inhibitors of the ZIKV NS2B/NS3 protease. The inhibitors are proposed to interfere with NS2 binding to NS3, thereby preventing the protease from adopting the closed and active conformation. The inhibitors from this work will serve as lead compounds for further inhibitor development toward the goal of developing antivirals.
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