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Caracterització elèctrica de dielèctrics de porta de dispositius MOS amb CAFM: SiO2 i dielèctrics d'alta permitivitatBlasco Jiménez, Xavier 19 July 2005 (has links)
Des dels seus inicis fa unes quatre dècades, la tecnologia microelectrònica ha anat reduint contínuament les dimensions dels dispositius, per tal d'oferir millors prestacions. Actualment les dimensions d'interès dels dispositius han entrat profundament en el rang nanomètric. Com exemples representatius, la longitud de porta i el gruix de l'òxid de porta (SiO2) dels transistors MOS està per sota dels 100nm i d'uns 2nm, respectivament. Dos dels problemes més importants amb que es troba la indústria microelectrònica a l'hora de continuar millorant les característiques dels dispositius tenen el seu origen en la reducció dels dos paràmetres esmentats anteriorment: - Com reduir la longitud de porta fins a poques desenes de nm i- Com solucionar els problemes associats al corrent túnel tant gran que es té en òxids de porta tant extremadament prims.Per reduir la longitud de porta, i les dimensions superficials de les estructures en general, s'estan seguint dues tendències: per un costat continuar amb la fotolitografia convencional però utilitzant cada vegada radiacions amb longitud d'ona més curta, i per altra banda la utilització de tècniques radicalment noves com les microscopies de sonda propera. Entre aquestes darreres cal destacar la microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM), que permet fer oxidacions locals amb dimensions laterals mínimes de l'ordre de 10nm i dimensions verticals per sota de 1nm.- En aquesta tesi s'ha utilitzat aquest òxid crescut amb AFM com a dielèctric de porta en estructures MOS i s'ha caracteritzat amb Conductive-AFM (CAFM) tant a nivell microestructural com elèctric. A més, s'ha integrat l'oxidació amb AFM dintre d'un procés CMOS estàndard.Una de les estratègies principals que s'ha proposat per reduir el corrent túnel que es té a través de l'òxid de porta (que provoca un augment del consum d'energia del dispositiu inacceptable) és la substitució del SiO2 per altres materials amb permitivitat més alta (H-K materials), com el HfO2 o el ZrO2. Aquests materials H-K permetran assolir el gruix d'òxid equivalent necessari, però, amb un gruix físic més gran, reduint així dràsticament el corrent túnel. En aquesta tesi s'ha:- Caracteritzat microestructural i elèctricament amb CAFM alguns dels materials H-K amb més possibilitats de substituir al SiO2 per tal d'ampliar el coneixement sobre les seves propietats elèctriques.-Estudiat (principalment amb CAFM) la degradació i ruptura dielèctrica en estructures MOS amb dielèctric de porta H-K, i s'han proposat models per aquests fenòmens que permeten millorar les prediccions sobre la seva fiabilitat. / Desde sus inicios hace unas cuatro décadas, la tecnología microelectrónica ha ido reduciendo continuamente las dimensiones de los dispositivos, para ofrecer mejores prestaciones. Actualmente las dimensiones de interés de los dispositivos han entrado profundamente en el rango nanométrico. Como ejemplos representativos, la longitud del canal y el grosor del óxido de puerta (SiO2) de los transistores MOS está por debajo de los 100nm y de unos 2nm respectivamente. Dos de los problemas más importantes con que se encuentra la industria microelectrónica para continuar mejorando las prestaciones de los dispositivos tienen su origen en la reducción de los dos parámetros mencionados anteriormente:- Como reducir la longitud de canal hasta pocas decenas de nm y- Como solucionar los problemas asociados a la corriente túnel tan elevada que se tiene en óxidos de puerta tan extremadamente delgados.Para reducir la longitud de la puerta, y las dimensiones laterales de las estructuras en general, se están siguiendo dos tendencias: por un lado continuar con la fotolitografía convencional pero utilizando cada vez radiaciones con una longitud de onda menor, i por otro lado, la utilización de técnicas radicalmente nuevas como las microscopías de sonda cercana. Entre estas últimas se debe destacar la microscopía de fuerzas atómicas (AFM), que permite realizar oxidaciones locales con dimensiones laterales mínimas del orden de 10nm y dimensiones verticales por debajo de 1nm.- En esta tesis se ha utilizado este óxido crecido mediante AFM como dieléctrico de puerta en estructuras MOS y se ha caracterizado con Conductive-AFM (CAFM) tanto a nivel microestructural como eléctrico. Además se ha integrado la oxidación con AFM dentro de un proceso CMOS estándar.Una de las estrategias principales que se ha propuesto para reducir la corriente túnel que se tiene a través del óxido de puerta (que provoca un aumento inaceptable del consumo de energía del dispositivo) es la substitución del SiO2 por otros materiales con permitividad mayor (materiales H-K, del inglés high-k materials), como el HfO2 o el ZrO2. Estos materiales H-K permiten alcanzar el grosor eléctrico equivalente necessario, pero, con un grosor físico superior, reduciendo drásticamente la corriente túnel. En esta tesis se ha:- Caracterizado microestructural y eléctricamente con CAFM algunos de los materiales H-K con más posibilidades de substituir al SiO2, para ampliar los conocimientos sobre sus propiedades eléctricas.- Estudiado (principalmente mediante CAFM) la degradación y la ruptura dieléctrica en estructuras MOS con dieléctrico de puerta H-K, y se han propuesto modelos para estos fenómenos. / Since its early days, microelectronics has always searched for smaller devices in order to increase the performance of its products. At present, this means that the dimensions of the electronic devices have deeply entered into the nanometric range. At this scale, two of the main showstoppers related to MOS fabrication and reliability are: - From a lateral size viewpoint, how to define smaller patterns, and- From a vertical dimension viewpoint, how to reduce the tunneling current through the ultra thin SiO2 layers used as the GOX.To achieve the demanded lateral dimensions, nanofabrication has evolved following mainly two strategies: on the one hand, the standard photolithographic process resolution has been improved by using for instance shorter wavelengths, whereas, on the other, several new techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) oxidation, based on completely different working principles than standard photolithography, have emerged. AFM can oxidize with lateral resolution of a few nm and with a vertical resolution below the nm.- In this Thesis AFM grown SiO2 has been used as the gate oxide in MOS structures, and it has been characterized by Conductive-AFM (CAFM). Moreover, AFM oxidation has been integrated in a standard CMOS process.In order to reduce the tunneling current, one of the several solutions proposed is replacing thermal SiO2 by another material with a higher dielectric constant (known as high-k materials) such as HfO2 or ZrO2. High-k materials could allow to reach the required equivalent oxide thickness, but with a larger physical oxide thickness, which reduces the leakage current drastically. In this Thesis:- Some of these high-k materials has been studied by CAFM in order to analyze their electrical properties.- The electrical degradation and breakdown of HfO2/SiO2 stacks have been analyzed by CAFM in order to study their dielectric reliability.
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Ionisation in mercury vapour and heliumM'Ewen, Marjorie B. January 1938 (has links)
The greater part of the experimental research, described in this thesis, has been devoted to an investigation, by direct electrical methods, of the formation of ionised molecules in mercury vapour and helium. […] This thesis is divided into four parts. The first contains a brief outline of the quantum theory of the atom and the molecule, a summary of our present knowledge of the interchange of energy in various collision processes, and a discussion of the theory of the thermionic emission from a heated filament and its applications. Particular reference for the development of the experimental research described in Parts 2, 3 and 4.
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Efeitos pelicular e de proximidade em condutores nao-magnéticosBerleze, Sérgio Luiz Meister January 1988 (has links)
Orientador: René Robert / Dissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná / Resumo: Consideram-se os efeitos pelicular e de proximidade em condutores cilíndricos de secção transversal qualquer, não-magnéticos e em regime quase-estacionário. Usa-se o formalismo da equação integral. Desenvolvem-se expressões para o calculo da distribuição de corrente através da secção transversal. Desenvolve- se um método para o cálculo da matriz de impedâncias do sistema a partir das densidades de corrente. Generalizam-se as expressões para casos de diversos condutores paralelos interagindo entre si. Discretizam-se tais expressões, adequando-as ao cálculo numérico, o que permite o tratamento de condutores de secção transversal qualquer. Mostram-se alguns resultados e comparações com valores experimentais. / Abstract: The skin and proximity effects in cylindrical and nonmagnetic conductors are considered. The conductors are assumed to be of arbitrary cross-sectional shape and in steady state. The integral equation formalism is used. Formulas for calculations of current distribution within the cross-section are presented. A method for calculation of the impedance matrix of the system based on current densities is developed. Expressions are then generallized for situations of several parallel interacting conductors. The problem is solved by means of numerical techniques, which allows to study a wide variety of conductor shapes. Some typical results are shown and comparisons with experimental data are made.
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Spin-dependent transport in oxide-based tunnel junctionsGalceran Vercher, Regina 25 February 2015 (has links)
Aquesta tesi estudia les propietats de magnetotransport en unions túnel on un dels elèctrodes és l’òxid ferromagnètic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO). En concret, ens interessem per dos fenòmens diferents: (i) magnetoresistència (MR) en unions túnel amb un sol elèctrode magnètic i (ii) filtratge d’espí en unions túnel magnètiques. L’efecte túnel és extremadament dependent de les interfícies i una bona qualitat de les heteroestructures resulta crucial per a obtenir un bon rendiment dels dispositius. És per aquest motiu que bona part d’aquesta tesi es dedica al creixement (per polvorització catòdica) i caracterització de capes primes, a l’estudi de les interfícies de les heterostructures i a la fabricació de les unions.
Pel que fa a les unions amb un únic elèctrode magnètic, ens centrem en l’estudi del transport túnel en funció de la temperatura i del camp magnètic aplicat en unions de Pt/LaAlO3/LSMO. En el nostre treball hem identificat diferents mecanismes físics que juguen un paper important en la MR d’aquest sistema: la magnetoresistència túnel anisòtropa (TAMR), de l’ordre de 4 % a baixa temperatura, i una altra contribució a la magnetoresistència, de l’ordre de 17%. A més, TAMR a baix camp magnètic s’atribueix a la rotació de dominis magnètics.
En el cas d’unions amb dos elèctrodes magnètics, també cal tenir en compte l’orientació relativa entre les magnetitzacions d’aquests. El sistema que estudiem és Fe/MgO/LSMO, en el qual s’espera un valor de magnetoresistència túnel (TMR) gran degut a la combinació del filtratge d’espín per part del Fe/MgO i la semimetal·licitat del LSMO. Com a conseqüència de la formació de FeOX en la interfície Fe/MgO, obtenim diferent signe de TMR per a diferents unions: una TMR negativa de 4% a baixes temperatures s’atribueix a un FeOX magnèticament desordenat i una TMR positiva de 25% a 70 K s’atribueix a la ordenació magnètica del FeOX a la intercara amb el MgO, que dóna lloc a filtratge d’espín. Quan el gruix de la barrera d’MgO es redueix a 1.2 nm, aquesta capa ordenada de FeOX s’acobla antiferromagnèticament amb la de LSMO donant lloc a un comportament molt interessant de la MR especialment quan es mesura aplicant el camp magnètic fora del pla de la capa. La formació de FeOX en aquesta estructura no s’ha aconseguit eliminar ni amb creixement in-situ ni amb recuits, i se suggereix que la barrera d’MgO és permeable a l’oxigen de la manganita, fet que duria a l’oxidació del Fe.
Per altra banda, amb l’objectiu de fabricar unions amb una barrera túnel magnètica que actuï com a filtre d’espín, hem estudiat la possibilitat d’utilitzar capes primes de La2CoMnO6 (LCMO) com a barrera. Aquest material és ferromagnètic, aïllant i amb estructura de doble perovskita, però hi ha pocs treballs sobre la seva preparació en capes primes. A més a més, en aquests les capes estan crescudes per depòsit de làser pulsat i els gruixos són superiors a 100 nm, i per tant no aptes per actuar com barreres aïllants en filtres d’espí. L’objectiu principal s’ha orientat cap a un estudi detallat del creixement, optimització i caracterització de les propietats de capes primes de LCMO. En aquest sentit, s’han aconseguit capes (de 20 a 5 nm) epitaxials, aïllants i ferromagnètiques amb temperatures de Curie prop del 230 K i anisotropia magnètica perpendicular. S’han crescut heterostructures epitaxials de LCMO/LSMO, les propietats magnetoresistives de les quals es preveuen aprofundir en futurs treballs. / This thesis studies the magnetotransport properties of tunnel junctions in which one of the electrodes is the ferromagnetic oxide La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO). In particular, we focus on two different phenomena: (i) magnetoresistance (MR) in tunnel junctions with a single magnetic electrode and (ii) spin filtering in magnetic tunnel junctions. The tunneling effect is extremely sensitive to the interfaces and good quality of the heterostructures is crucial toward the optimal performance of the devices. For this reason, much of the thesis is dedicated to the growth (by sputtering) and characterization of thin films, to the study of interfaces in heterostructures and to the fabrication of junctions.
With respect to the junctions with a single magnetic electrode, we concentrate on the tunnelling transport as a function of temperature and magnetic field applied in Pt/LaAlO3/LSMO junctions. In our work, we have identified the different physical mechanisms which play a relevant role on the MR of this system: tunnelling anisotropic magnetoresistance (TAMR), of the order of 4 % at low temperature, and another contribution to the MR, of the order of 17 %. Furthermore, TAMR at low magnetic field is attributed to rotation of magnetic domains.
In the case of junctions with two magnetic electrodes, we must also take into account the relative orientation between their magnetizations. The studied system is Fe/MgO/LSMO, in which a large tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) is expected due to the combination of spin filtering from the Fe/MgO and the half-metallicity of LSMO. As a consequence of the formation of FeOX at the Fe/MgO interface, we obtain different sign of the TMR for different junctions: a negative TMR of 4 % at low temperatures is ascribed to a magnetically disordered FeOX and a positive TMR of 25 % at 70 K is attributed to magnetic ordering of the FeOX at the interface with MgO, which results in spin filtering. When the MgO barrier thickness is reduced to 1.2 nm, this ordered FeOX coupled antiferromagnetically to the LSMO layer gives rise to an interesting magnetoresistive behaviour, especially when measured with the magnetic field applied out-of-plane. We have not been able to avoid the formation of FeOX in this heterostructure, even for in-situ growth or annealings, and we suggest that the MgO barrier is permeable to the oxygen from the manganites, which would be responsible for the oxidation of the Fe.
On the other hand, aiming at the fabrication of junctions with magnetic tunnel barrier which acts as spin filter, we have studied the possibility of using La2CoMnO6 (LCMO) thin films as barrier. This material is ferromagnetic, insulating and possesses perovskite structure, but there are only a few works on its thin film growth. What is more, such works are performed with pulsed laser deposition and thicknesses are above 100 nm, thus not suitable as insulating barriers in spin filters. We have performed a detailed study of the growth, optimization and characterization of LCMO thin films. In this regard, we have achieved epitaxial, insulating, ferromagnetic thin films (from 20 to 5 nm), with Curie temperatures around 230 K and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. LCMO/LSMO heterostructures, whose magnetoresistive properties remain to be studied in future work, have also been grown.
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Flexoelectricity in single crystalsNarvaez Morales, Jackeline 29 February 2016 (has links)
En términos generales, la flexoelectricidad es la respuesta de la polarización a un gradiente de deformación. A diferencia del efecto piezoeléctrico, este efecto está presente en todos los materiales independientemente de su estructura cristalina. En esta tesis doctoral, hemos estudiado la polarización inducida por deformación en cristales dieléctricos y semiconductores, la cual surge desde dos mecanismos: flexoelectricidad macroscópica y flexoelectricidad superficial. Los dos mecanismos son del mismo orden en dieléctricos normales y hasta ahora sus respectivas contribuciones han sido indistinguibles entre ellas. La investigación desarrollada en esta tesis muestra que es posible separar las dos contribuciones, además de mostrar que la deformación induce reorientación de las nanoregiones polares las cuales también pueden incrementar el coeficiente flexoelectrico efectivo sobre el valor intrínseco.
La polarización puede ser generada por la separación de las cargas enlazadas entre los átomos o la celda unidad, pero también por la separación de cargas superficiales debido a las cargas libres. Hasta ahora cuando se refiere a flexoelectricidad, únicamente es tomada en cuenta la respuesta de las cargas enlazadas; sin embargo, en esta tesis doctoral se ha reportado que la polarización debida a las cargas libres también pueden contribuir, generando una gran respuesta flexoeléctrica efectiva en materiales semiconductores.
Antes de esta investigación, habían numerosas controversias respecto a la verdadera magnitud del coeficiente flexoelectrico y el origen de la discrepancia entre los valores predichos teóricamente y experimentalmente. En el presente trabajo hemos buscado dilucidar esta situación y cuantificar el valor intrínseco del coeficiente flexoelectrico e identificar el origen de contribuciones adicionales a este. El mensaje principal de esta tesis es que el coeficiente macroscópico flexoeléctrico efectivo permanece en valores relativamente pequeño con un riguroso límite superior de f ≈ 10V para el coeficiente de flexoacoplo de incluso los mejores materiales, pero hay otra gran cantidad de fenómenos de polarización inducida debida a gradientes de deformación que pueden incrementar la respuesta total de este: nanoregiones polares, piezoelectricidad superficial y movimiento de cargas libres son las tres que hemos identificado, pero no descartamos la existencia de otras. Entre estos, la incorporación de cargas libres a la respuesta flexoeléctrica total en semiconductores es cuantitativamente la más grande y la más prometedora dando lugar a aplicaciones macroscópicas debida a su elevada magnitud del coeficiente flexoeléctrico y permitiendo a su vez que compita con la piezoelectricidad. / In general terms, flexoelectricity is the response of polarization to a strain gradient. In contrast to the piezoelectric effect, this effect is present in all materials regardless of their crystal structure. In this doctoral dissertation, we studied the bending-induced polarization in dielectric and semiconductor single crystals that arises from two mechanisms: bulk flexoelectricity and surface flexoelectricity. Both mechanisms are of the same order in ordinary dielectrics and, before this work, their respective contributions were considered indistinguishable one from another. The research in this thesis shows that it is possible to separate the two contributions. Additionally, we show that bending-induced reorientation of polar nanoregions can also enhance the effective flexoelectric coefficients well above the intrinsic value.
Polarization can be generated by dielectric separation of bound charge within atoms or unit cells, but also by a space charge separation of free carriers. Until now, when referring to flexoelectricity, only the response from bound charge was taken into account; however, in this thesis dissertation we report that free charge also can also contribute, generating very big effective flexoelectric responses in semiconductor materials.
Before this research, there were numerous controversies regarding the true magnitude of flexoelectricity and the origin of discrepancies between theoretically predicted values and actual experimentally measured ones. The present work has seeked to address this situation by quantifying the true value of the intrinsic flexoelectiricy and identifying the origin of additional contributions. The take-home message from this thesis is that true bulk flexoelectricity remains a relatively small effect with a stringent upper bound of f ≈10V for the flexocoupling coefficient of even the best materials, but that there are a number of other gradient-induced polarization phenomena that can greatly enhance the total response: polar nanoregions, surface piezoelectricity and movement of free charges are the three we have identified, but we do not discard the existence of others. Among these, the incorporation of free carriers to the total flexoelectric response in semiconductors is quantitatively the largest, and it also offers most promising route to elevating flexoelectricity to a level where it can compete with piezoelectricity even in bulk applications.
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Contribution à l'étude du magnéto-transport et aux phénomènes de ségrégation de phase dans les manganitesLlobet Megías, Anna 14 December 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Novel applications of Photonic Force MicroscopyVolpe, Giovanni 23 October 2008 (has links)
The ability of detecting farces and torques at the micro-and nano-scale is fundamental. When this Thesis started, various scanning probe techniques had already been developed to probe the mechanical properties of microsystems. In 1993 Ghislain and coworkers devised a new scanning force microscopy using an optically trapped microsphere as a probe. This technique was later called Photonic Force Microscope (PFM).A typical PFM comprises an optical trap that holds a probe - a dielectric or metallic particle of micrometer size, which randomly moves due to Brownian motion In the potential well formed by the optical trap - and a position sensing system. The analysis of the thermal motion provides information about the local forces acting on the particle. The three-dimensional probe position can be recorded through different devices, which detect the forward or backward scattered light from the particle.The PFM had been applied to measure forces in the range of femto- to pico-Newton - well below the limits of what can be achieved with techniques based an micro-fabricated mechanical cantilevers, such as AFM - in many different fields with exciting applications, for example, in biophysics, equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of small systems, and colloidal physics.We defined various problems that deserved our attention. All of them concerned the enhancement of the possibilities of the PFM, either by applying the PFM to new fields or by making it more powerful.These are the main results:1. Brownian motion in an nonhomegeneous force field and Photonic Torque MicroscopeWe reported how to expand the PFM technique to deal with force fields varying on the scale of the Brownian motion. We also proposed a concrete analysis workflow to reconstruct the force field from the experimental time series of the probe position. In particular, we analyzed the PFM probe movement in the presence of a torque. The value of the torque is found from the auto- and cross-correlation functions of the particles coordinates. We experimentally detected the torque exerted onto an optically trapped particle by an optical beam with orbital angular momentum.2. Backscattering position detectionWe studied theoretically the probe displacement sensitivity in back-scattering and forward-scattering geometry. To achieve this aim an original calculation procedure based on Mie scattering theory was developed and realized on MatLab platform. The calculation results were compared with known experimental data.3. Surface Plasmon (SP) Radiation FarcesWe reported the first experimental observation of the momentum transfer from a SP to a single dielectric sphere. We showed that the force at resonance conditions resulted enhanced 40 times compared to nonresonant illumination. We also reported a quantitative analysis of 20 surface-plasmon-based optical tweezers at a patterned metal surface.4. Characterization of microscopic flowsWe suggested an approach to microrheology based on optical traps capable of measuring fluid fluxes around singular points. The concept was to monitor the position of an optically trapped probe in order to locally characterize the drag torte field as a generic function of the space coordinates up to the first order in its Taylor expansion around the probe position. We experimentally demonstrated this technique, applying it to the charactedeation of controlled flows.5. Cell dynamics in an optical trapWe reported the analysis of the forward scattered light from a single optically trapped cell during its growth. We showed that the cell continued adjusting itself to the applied optical force because of the growth processes, and hence it kept changing its orientation in the trap. We pointed out the relevance of these findings for single optically trapped cell spectroscopic measurements. We also demonstrated the possibility of monitoring the cytoskeleton structural transformations in optically trapped yeast cells (S. cerevisiae ) using this technique.
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Novel materials and processes for gate dielectrics on Silicon carbidePérez Tomàs, Amador 26 October 2005 (has links)
There is considerable evidence of the need for a semiconductor technology which exceeds the limitations imposed by silicon across a wide spectrum of industrial applications. Wide bandgap semiconductor, such as silicon carbide (SiC), gallium nitride (GaN) and diamond, offer the potential to overcome both the temperature and voltage blocking limitations of Si. SiC is nowadays the most attractive candidate, offering significant potential advantages at both high temperature and high voltage levels whilst benefiting from tractable materials technology. Moreover, SiC is the only that can be thermally oxidized to form a high quality native oxide (SiO2), which enables the fabrication of MOS based devices. However, very near the definitive emergence, the SiC technology needs to address two fundamental limitations: The price of the wafers and the poor SiC/SiO2 interface. The high density of imperfections encountered at the SiC/oxide interface represents a major obstacle in the development of functional SiC devices. The main efforts of this thesis have been directed to the detection and reduction of interface traps in the oxide/SiC interface. To achieve this demanding objective, two different ways have been contemplated: (1) Investigations have been carried out to improve the thermal oxidation or even to improve the formation of the interface with alternative techniques as nitridation or deposited oxides. (2) The classical insulator made up with SiO2 has been replaced by other innovative dielectrics.Innovative gate fabrication processes have been proposed in this thesis using deposited SiO2 gate oxides from PECVD with silane and TEOS as precursors. SiO2-TEOS deposited oxides are an alternative to thermal oxidation. 4H-SiC MOSFET with mobilities up to 38-45 cm2/Vs [(0001) face] and 216 cm2/Vs [(11-20) face] have been fabricated. We have demonstrated that the thermal oxidation of Ta2Si is a simple way to achieve a high-k dielectric on SiC (and on Si). We have fabricated one of the first well behaved high-k MOSFET on SiC with a mobility peak up to 45 cm2/VsIn the last section, a field-effect mobility model including Coulomb scattering at interface traps has been proposed fitting the experimental channel mobility of SiC MOSFETs and the device behavior depending on the density of interface traps, the substrate doping level and the temperature.
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Photoemission-monitored x-ray standing wave studies of molecular adsorbate surface structureLee, John Jethro January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelling of electromagnetic material properties at microwave frequenciesAlsadi, Majid Hamid Nassar January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, electromagnetic interference (EMI) has raised serious issues in terms of the unintentional radiation that disrupts the near proximity equipment from working properly. One solution to reduce the effects of EMI is the use of electromagnetic shielding. Carbon fibre composite (CFC) material is a promising customised product that has entered numerous industrial areas due to its attractive properties like high strength, low weight, and the resistance to chemical substances and corrosion. CFC has started to be used as electromagnetic shields, for example modern computer cases. However, not much is known about its electromagnetic behaviour. This research derives various models for CFC materials for the purpose of achieving better understanding to their interaction with electromagnetic waves at microwave frequencies. Throughout this research, the electrical properties of different materials have been investigated in terms of their shielding effectiveness (SE). The modelling was performed using the transmission-line modelling (TLM) method. The digital filter (DF) technique was used for small structures that are embedded in the system under modelling. In this way, the space mesh can be turned into coarser mesh. While maintaining the same accuracy, this technique has substantially saved on computational resources and has increased the speed of the modelling process. This in turn, has made it more feasible to model large scale practical systems. The formulae of DF cascading were derived to allow modelling systems of multiple embedded structures. Simulated models were validated by comparing them with the corresponding conventional fine mesh results. One-dimensional models were validated with the available analytic solution. Experimental measurements were conducted on panels made of this anisotropic material, which has manifested frequency-dependent characteristics that satisfy Drude model. These measurements have validated the corresponding numerical electromagnetic models. The final product of this study is gaining better knowledge about the electromagnetic behaviour of different materials. This knowledge can help in predicting the shielding performance when these materials are used within large-scale systems.
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