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Retscreen Decision Support System For Prefeasibility Analysis Of Small Hydropower ProjectsKucukbeycan, Mehmet 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Renewable energy sources are getting much more important to reduce the increasing threat coming from greenhouse gases. Hydropower is the most important source of renewable energy. However, development of a hydropower project is a challenging engineering process. Several computer programs have been developed to make initial estimations on hydropower schemes. A computer program named RETScreen Small Hydro Project Model has been developed with the objective to make complete pre-feasibility studies including costing and financial analysis. Two case studies, which have been under construction in Turkey, will be used to check the accuracy of software in Turkish practice. Then in light of the results, RETScreen software will be used to make a pre-feasibility report on an existing multipurpose dam in Turkey. Electricity can be generated at existing dams which requires minor civil works. Porsuk Dam which is a 36 year old dam used for domestic, industrial and irrigation water supply will be evaluated for energy generation by constructing a penstock, powerhouse and installing electromechanical equipment.
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A Study On The Reliability-based Safety Analysis Of Hardfill DamsKitapcigil, Sulen Nur 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dams are important large structures providing vital benefits to human life. These
strategic structures are necessary in order to supply water and energy and to control
floods. Moreover, dams have important roles in regional development and national
economy. Thus, the design of dams deserves rigorous studies. Deterministic
approach may be acceptable for design of dams and may satisfy safety requirements
if large safety factors are used. However, such an approach will not be cost-effective
in economic terms. High safety factors utilized in deterministic approaches
necessitates large dimensions. One remedy for this overestimation is integrating
statistical information and techniques, such as Monte-Carlo simulations into the
analysis and design of dams. Probabilistic approaches may result in more
economical and reasonable designs. CADAM is a software program which allows
the user to analyze dams using Monte-Carlo simulation technique. Uncertainties
associated with tensile strength, peak cohesion, peak friction coefficient, normal
upstream reservoir elevation, drain efficiency and horizontal peak ground
acceleration are incorporated into stability and stress analysis using Monte-Carlo
simulations. In this thesis, utilization of CADAM software is demonstrated on a case
study. Cindere dam is evaluated in terms of structural safety
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Ilisu Dam And Hepp, Investigation Of Alternative SolutionsYalcin, Emrah 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study is an assessment of a hydraulic solution not only rescues Hasankeyf with countless ancient monuments from inundation but also supplies the foreseen energy production of the Ilisu Dam and HEPP Project. An alternative composed of five dams on the Tigris River and its branches was developed as a result of the conducted hydro-meteorological, water potential, flood analysis and optimization studies considering the topographical and geological characteristics of the proposed dam locations. While there is a 27 percent decrease in the overall reservoir area compared to the existing project, 4426.1 hm3 of water can be stored in these dams with a fill volume of 14.8 hm3. Over this storage, determined according to the maximum water levels designated by considering the upstream schemes developed by General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI), General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE) and incorporated companies according to Law No.4628, a volume of 3634.4 hm3 can be used as active storage. In the fully developed upstream stage, according to the conducted consecutive operation studies, while the existing project has an energy production capacity of 3094.3 GWh/year, the proposed project is capable of providing 3139.1 GWh/year with a smaller installed power although there is a slight decrease in the produced firm energy.
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Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season 2008Baars, Holger 19 April 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften von atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikeln im tropischen Regenwald des Amazonasgebietes bestimmt. Dazu wurden die Daten einer fast einjährigen Lidarmesskampagne ausgewertet und diskutiert.
Die Messungen wurden mit einem automatischen Mehrwellenlängen-Polarisations-Raman-Lidar im zentralen Amazonasbecken nahe Manaus, Brasilien, im Zeitraum von Januar bis November 2008 durchgeführt. Somit konnten erstmalig optische und mikrophysikalische Aerosoleigenschaften im Amazonasgebiet während der Regenzeit
(ca. Dezember-Mai) und Trockenzeit (ca. Juni-November) höhenaufgelöst charakterisiert werden.
Einleitend werden die meteorologischen Bedingungen im Amazonasgebiet erläutert und eine Literaturübersicht über Aerosolforschung in dieser Region gegeben. Das Messgerät
sowie verschiedene Kalibrier- und Korrekturschemen, die zur Datenauswertung notwendig sind, werden vorgestellt. Auch Vergleiche mit anderen Messgeräten werden diskutiert.
Diese zeigen, dass die aus den Lidarmessungen abgeleiteten Parameter von hoher Qualität sind. Anhand von Fallstudien werden mit Hilfe von Rückwärtstrajektorien und Satellitenmessungen typische Aerosolbedingungen am Messstandort diskutiert.
Um die generellen Unterschiede zwischen Regen- und Trockenzeit zu quantifizieren, wird eine statistische Auswertung aller analysierten Lidarmessungen präsentiert.
Die Analyse der Lidardaten zeigt, dass während der Regenzeit im Amazonasgebiet in ca. der Hälfte aller Fälle sehr saubere Bedingungen mit einer Aerosol Optischen Dicke (AOD) von weniger als 0.05 (bei 532 nm) vorherrschen können. Allerdings wurde in ca. 30% aller analysierten Fälle im Zeitraum von Januar bis Mai auch afrikanisches
Aerosol, vornehmlich Saharastaub und Biomasseverbrennungsaerosol (BBA), am Messstandort detektiert. Dabei dominierte meist BBA die Aerosolpopulation, wie die Depolarisationsmessungen zeigten. In der Trockenzeit ist die Atmosphäre im Amazonasbecken hauptsächlich mit BBA aus Südamerika belastet. Daher ist die AOD im Durchschnitt um einen Faktor drei größ er als in der Regenzeit. BBA wurde zu dieser
Jahreszeit regelmäßig bis zu einer Höhe von 4-6 km detektiert. Basierend auf den vorgestellten Langzeitmessungen werden erstmalig die optischen Eigenschaften von südamerikanischem BBA statistisch analysiert und diskutiert. / Continuous lidar measurements were performed in the Amazon rain forest for almost one year in 2008. The results of the automated multiwavelength-Raman-polarization lidar observations were presented in this dissertation. These measurements are the first long-term observations of the vertical aerosol structure ever made in the Amazon Basin. The advanced lidar observations were conducted 60 km north of Manaus in the central northern part of Amazonia. The area is widely covered with pristine rain forest. A HYSPLIT backward-trajectory analysis showed that the observations were representative on a regional scale for the central northern part of the Amazon rain forest. The general weather conditions in this region are characterized by a wet (December-June) and a dry season (July-November). During the dry season, a high fire activity occurs in Amazonia, which heavily influences the atmospheric conditions. With the lidar instrument, vertical profiles of the particle backscatter coefficient at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, of the particle extinction coefficient at 355 and 532 nm, and of the particle linear depolarization ratio at 355 nm can be determined.
The results from the long-term lidar observations performed in Brazil contain a lot of new information about the aerosol conditions in the central northern Amazon Basin and corroborate certain findings from former aerosol measurements in Amazonia.
It was shown for the first time that advection of Saharan dust together with biomass burning aerosol (BBA) from Africa occurred regularly throughout the wet season. In about one third (32%) of all lidar observations during the wet season, African aerosol was dominating the optical aerosol properties in Amazonia. The analysis of the vertical aerosol structure during such events revealed that the African aerosol arriving in the central northern Amazon Basin was usually trapped in the lowermost 3-3.5 km of the troposphere. To quantify the amount of Saharan dust and African smoke transported towards the lidar site, the dust contribution to the measured optical aerosol properties was separated by means of the measured particle depolarization ratio. This study led to the result that in about one half of the cases with African aerosol advection, smoke particles contributed to more than 50% to the total Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). The smoke transport from Africa towards Amazonia occurred predominantly between January and April when the fire activity in Central Africa was highest.
BBA is thus a major constituent of the aerosol plumes that are regularly transported from Africa towards Amazonia. This is a key finding of the presented study.
During clean conditions, an AOD (532 nm) of less than 0.05 was observed and the aerosol was trapped in the lowermost 2 km of the troposphere. However, the analysis of the long-term data set revealed that these clean atmospheric conditions occurred in only 48% of all wet-season cases. One example for such background conditions was intensively discussed and it was shown that a major meso-scale rain event occurred in the Amazon region at the same time. This precipitation event was possibly partly responsible for the very low aerosol load.
Two case studies from the dry season were presented for which BBA dominated the optical properties. In the first case, a comparable high aerosol load (AOD of 0.41) prevailed while in the second one, a medium aerosol load (AOD of 0.15) was observed. Aged BBA advected from regions south of the lidar site were identified to be the dominant aerosol species for both cases. However, very different geometrical, optical and microphysical properties of BBA (e.g., vertical layering, lidar ratio, Ångström exponent, effective radius, SSA) were observed on both days. In the first case, aerosol was present up to about 4.5 km. Extinction-related Ångström exponent s of about 1 and lidar ratios between 70 and 90 sr were found at different heights for the smoke aerosol. The BBA was highly absorbing (SSA of 0.81) at heights of the highest RH (85%), whereas above under dry conditions (RH=50%) only moderate absorption (SSA of 0.93) was detected. In the second case, smoke was detected up to 4.5 km, and Ångström exponent of about 2 and lidar ratios of 45-55 sr were measured in the aerosol layers. The BBA was only moderately absorbing indicated by SSA values between 0.92 and 0.94. The reason for the differences in the smoke properties could be the shorter travel time to the lidar site (<24 h), different aging processes (e.g., cloud/rain processing), or different burning conditions. In both cases, no depolarizing effects of the BBA could be observed.
The strong contrast between the aerosol conditions in the dry season and the wet season were confirmed by the statistical analysis of all lidar observations in 2008. Due to the high BBA concentration in the atmosphere, the mean AOD of the dry season was found to be a factor of 3 higher than the mean AOD of the wet season (0.26 compared to 0.08 at 532 nm). Maximum AOD values were less than 0.55 (at 532 nm) and hence show that the lidar location was not in the direct vicinity of fire events.
In only 7% of all cases in the dry season 2008, an AOD below 0.1 was observed. Also the maximum extinction and backscatter coefficient values in the dry season 2008 were 2-3 times higher than during the wet season of this year.
The vertical aerosol distributions differ also significantly between the two seasons. In the wet season, the aerosol was mostly trapped in the lowermost 2.5 km, while in the dry season aerosol typically reached up to 4.5 km. Aerosol was occasionally detected up to 6.14 km in the dry season. The majority of the aerosol (95% of the AOD), however, was found to be on average below 2.3 km in the wet season and below 3 km in the dry season. During the wet season, lofted aerosol layers and multiple aerosol stratification was less frequent than in the dry season. The extent of BBA plumes during the dry season showed no correlation to the ML top height. Virtually uniform smoke haze layers were observed up to the AL top. Thus, pyro-convection and/or cloud-related mixing seem to be the major processes for the vertical distribution of BBA.
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Three Dimensional Dynamic Response Of A Concrete Gravity DamYilmazturk, Sema Melek 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Hydroelectric power is a commonly used alternative source of energy in developing countries. In this regard, concrete gravity dams are the most preferred dam type especially with the developments in the engineering industry. Roller compacted concrete became more popular in dam construction due to its advantages of speed and economy. Several methods are used for the design of concrete gravity dams by analyzing the dam response under static and dynamic loads. This study provides three dimensional linear dynamic analysis of roller compacted concrete gravity dam with a complete dam-foundation-water interaction by using EACD-3D-08 program. Foundation flexibility was included with damping and mass using boundary elements. Three dimensional solid elements were used for the idealization of the dam and water with using finite element methods. Compressibility of water with reservoir absorption was studied. In the light of USACE, performance criteria of linear analyses were assessed. Parametric study was conducted to determine the most influential parameters on the dam response. The importance and necessity of three dimensional analyses were investigated by comparing with linear two dimensional analyses. Linear analyses were then compared with three dimensional nonlinear analyses. In conclusion, the realistic dam seismic response can only be obtained by using three dimensional linear analyses with full interaction of dam-foundation-water.
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Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season 2008Baars, Holger 12 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Eigenschaften von atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikeln im tropischen Regenwald des Amazonasgebietes bestimmt. Dazu wurden die Daten einer fast einjährigen Lidarmesskampagne ausgewertet und diskutiert.
Die Messungen wurden mit einem automatischen Mehrwellenlängen-Polarisations-Raman-Lidar im zentralen Amazonasbecken nahe Manaus, Brasilien, im Zeitraum von Januar bis November 2008 durchgeführt. Somit konnten erstmalig optische und mikrophysikalische Aerosoleigenschaften im Amazonasgebiet während der Regenzeit
(ca. Dezember-Mai) und Trockenzeit (ca. Juni-November) höhenaufgelöst charakterisiert werden.
Einleitend werden die meteorologischen Bedingungen im Amazonasgebiet erläutert und eine Literaturübersicht über Aerosolforschung in dieser Region gegeben. Das Messgerät
sowie verschiedene Kalibrier- und Korrekturschemen, die zur Datenauswertung notwendig sind, werden vorgestellt. Auch Vergleiche mit anderen Messgeräten werden diskutiert.
Diese zeigen, dass die aus den Lidarmessungen abgeleiteten Parameter von hoher Qualität sind. Anhand von Fallstudien werden mit Hilfe von Rückwärtstrajektorien und Satellitenmessungen typische Aerosolbedingungen am Messstandort diskutiert.
Um die generellen Unterschiede zwischen Regen- und Trockenzeit zu quantifizieren, wird eine statistische Auswertung aller analysierten Lidarmessungen präsentiert.
Die Analyse der Lidardaten zeigt, dass während der Regenzeit im Amazonasgebiet in ca. der Hälfte aller Fälle sehr saubere Bedingungen mit einer Aerosol Optischen Dicke (AOD) von weniger als 0.05 (bei 532 nm) vorherrschen können. Allerdings wurde in ca. 30% aller analysierten Fälle im Zeitraum von Januar bis Mai auch afrikanisches
Aerosol, vornehmlich Saharastaub und Biomasseverbrennungsaerosol (BBA), am Messstandort detektiert. Dabei dominierte meist BBA die Aerosolpopulation, wie die Depolarisationsmessungen zeigten. In der Trockenzeit ist die Atmosphäre im Amazonasbecken hauptsächlich mit BBA aus Südamerika belastet. Daher ist die AOD im Durchschnitt um einen Faktor drei größ er als in der Regenzeit. BBA wurde zu dieser
Jahreszeit regelmäßig bis zu einer Höhe von 4-6 km detektiert. Basierend auf den vorgestellten Langzeitmessungen werden erstmalig die optischen Eigenschaften von südamerikanischem BBA statistisch analysiert und diskutiert. / Continuous lidar measurements were performed in the Amazon rain forest for almost one year in 2008. The results of the automated multiwavelength-Raman-polarization lidar observations were presented in this dissertation. These measurements are the first long-term observations of the vertical aerosol structure ever made in the Amazon Basin. The advanced lidar observations were conducted 60 km north of Manaus in the central northern part of Amazonia. The area is widely covered with pristine rain forest. A HYSPLIT backward-trajectory analysis showed that the observations were representative on a regional scale for the central northern part of the Amazon rain forest. The general weather conditions in this region are characterized by a wet (December-June) and a dry season (July-November). During the dry season, a high fire activity occurs in Amazonia, which heavily influences the atmospheric conditions. With the lidar instrument, vertical profiles of the particle backscatter coefficient at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, of the particle extinction coefficient at 355 and 532 nm, and of the particle linear depolarization ratio at 355 nm can be determined.
The results from the long-term lidar observations performed in Brazil contain a lot of new information about the aerosol conditions in the central northern Amazon Basin and corroborate certain findings from former aerosol measurements in Amazonia.
It was shown for the first time that advection of Saharan dust together with biomass burning aerosol (BBA) from Africa occurred regularly throughout the wet season. In about one third (32%) of all lidar observations during the wet season, African aerosol was dominating the optical aerosol properties in Amazonia. The analysis of the vertical aerosol structure during such events revealed that the African aerosol arriving in the central northern Amazon Basin was usually trapped in the lowermost 3-3.5 km of the troposphere. To quantify the amount of Saharan dust and African smoke transported towards the lidar site, the dust contribution to the measured optical aerosol properties was separated by means of the measured particle depolarization ratio. This study led to the result that in about one half of the cases with African aerosol advection, smoke particles contributed to more than 50% to the total Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). The smoke transport from Africa towards Amazonia occurred predominantly between January and April when the fire activity in Central Africa was highest.
BBA is thus a major constituent of the aerosol plumes that are regularly transported from Africa towards Amazonia. This is a key finding of the presented study.
During clean conditions, an AOD (532 nm) of less than 0.05 was observed and the aerosol was trapped in the lowermost 2 km of the troposphere. However, the analysis of the long-term data set revealed that these clean atmospheric conditions occurred in only 48% of all wet-season cases. One example for such background conditions was intensively discussed and it was shown that a major meso-scale rain event occurred in the Amazon region at the same time. This precipitation event was possibly partly responsible for the very low aerosol load.
Two case studies from the dry season were presented for which BBA dominated the optical properties. In the first case, a comparable high aerosol load (AOD of 0.41) prevailed while in the second one, a medium aerosol load (AOD of 0.15) was observed. Aged BBA advected from regions south of the lidar site were identified to be the dominant aerosol species for both cases. However, very different geometrical, optical and microphysical properties of BBA (e.g., vertical layering, lidar ratio, Ångström exponent, effective radius, SSA) were observed on both days. In the first case, aerosol was present up to about 4.5 km. Extinction-related Ångström exponent s of about 1 and lidar ratios between 70 and 90 sr were found at different heights for the smoke aerosol. The BBA was highly absorbing (SSA of 0.81) at heights of the highest RH (85%), whereas above under dry conditions (RH=50%) only moderate absorption (SSA of 0.93) was detected. In the second case, smoke was detected up to 4.5 km, and Ångström exponent of about 2 and lidar ratios of 45-55 sr were measured in the aerosol layers. The BBA was only moderately absorbing indicated by SSA values between 0.92 and 0.94. The reason for the differences in the smoke properties could be the shorter travel time to the lidar site (<24 h), different aging processes (e.g., cloud/rain processing), or different burning conditions. In both cases, no depolarizing effects of the BBA could be observed.
The strong contrast between the aerosol conditions in the dry season and the wet season were confirmed by the statistical analysis of all lidar observations in 2008. Due to the high BBA concentration in the atmosphere, the mean AOD of the dry season was found to be a factor of 3 higher than the mean AOD of the wet season (0.26 compared to 0.08 at 532 nm). Maximum AOD values were less than 0.55 (at 532 nm) and hence show that the lidar location was not in the direct vicinity of fire events.
In only 7% of all cases in the dry season 2008, an AOD below 0.1 was observed. Also the maximum extinction and backscatter coefficient values in the dry season 2008 were 2-3 times higher than during the wet season of this year.
The vertical aerosol distributions differ also significantly between the two seasons. In the wet season, the aerosol was mostly trapped in the lowermost 2.5 km, while in the dry season aerosol typically reached up to 4.5 km. Aerosol was occasionally detected up to 6.14 km in the dry season. The majority of the aerosol (95% of the AOD), however, was found to be on average below 2.3 km in the wet season and below 3 km in the dry season. During the wet season, lofted aerosol layers and multiple aerosol stratification was less frequent than in the dry season. The extent of BBA plumes during the dry season showed no correlation to the ML top height. Virtually uniform smoke haze layers were observed up to the AL top. Thus, pyro-convection and/or cloud-related mixing seem to be the major processes for the vertical distribution of BBA.
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Hydraulic Characteristics Of Tyrolean WeirsYilmaz, Aslican Nazli 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Tyrolean type water-intake structures are widely used on mountain rivers to provide water to hydropower stations. The main concern encountered in these kinds of structures is the amount of water diverted from the main channel and sediment carried by this flow. The diverted flow should not be less than the design discharge of the hydropower station and the amount of the sediment entering the hydraulic system should be minimum. In this study a physical model of a Tyrolean weir was constructed at the Hydromechanics Laboratory and by varying the dimensions of the various components of this system / the length, the inclination angle of the rack and the distance between the rack bars, the amount of water and sediment entering the system were measured for a wide range of discharges. The experiments were conducted in two stages. In the first stage the tests were made with only water, and in the second stage, water and sediment having different gradation were used.
Applying dimensional analysis to the related parameters of the system dimensionless terms were defined for water capture efficiency and discharge coefficient of the system, and their variations with the relevant parameters were plotted. Using these diagrams one can determine the amount of water to be diverted by a Tyrolean weir of known geometry and main channel flow.
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Modified Gravity and the Phantom of Dark MatterBrownstein, Joel Richard January 2009 (has links)
Astrophysical data analysis of the weak-field predictions support the claim that modified gravity (MOG) theories provide a self-consistent, scale-invariant, universal description of galaxy rotation curves, without the need of non-baryonic dark matter. Comparison to the predictions of Milgrom's modified dynamics (MOND) provide a best-fit and experimentally determined universal value of the MOND acceleration parameter. The predictions of the modified gravity theories are compared to the predictions of cold non-baryonic dark matter (CDM), including a constant density core-modified fitting formula, which produces excellent fits to galaxy rotation curves including the low surface brightness and dwarf galaxies.
Upon analysing the mass profiles of clusters of galaxies inferred from X-ray luminosity measurements, from the smallest nearby clusters to the largest of the clusters of galaxies, it is shown that while MOG provides consistent fits, MOND does not fit the observed shape of cluster mass profiles for any value of the MOND acceleration parameter. Comparison to the predictions of CDM confirm that whereas the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) fitting formula does not fit the observed shape of galaxy cluster mass profiles, the core-modified dark matter fitting formula provides excellent best-fits, supporting the hypothesis that baryons are dynamically important in the distribution of dark matter halos.
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Modified Gravity and the Phantom of Dark MatterBrownstein, Joel Richard January 2009 (has links)
Astrophysical data analysis of the weak-field predictions support the claim that modified gravity (MOG) theories provide a self-consistent, scale-invariant, universal description of galaxy rotation curves, without the need of non-baryonic dark matter. Comparison to the predictions of Milgrom's modified dynamics (MOND) provide a best-fit and experimentally determined universal value of the MOND acceleration parameter. The predictions of the modified gravity theories are compared to the predictions of cold non-baryonic dark matter (CDM), including a constant density core-modified fitting formula, which produces excellent fits to galaxy rotation curves including the low surface brightness and dwarf galaxies.
Upon analysing the mass profiles of clusters of galaxies inferred from X-ray luminosity measurements, from the smallest nearby clusters to the largest of the clusters of galaxies, it is shown that while MOG provides consistent fits, MOND does not fit the observed shape of cluster mass profiles for any value of the MOND acceleration parameter. Comparison to the predictions of CDM confirm that whereas the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) fitting formula does not fit the observed shape of galaxy cluster mass profiles, the core-modified dark matter fitting formula provides excellent best-fits, supporting the hypothesis that baryons are dynamically important in the distribution of dark matter halos.
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A Study On Dam Instrumentation Retrofitting: Gokcekaya DamAri, Onur 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Multi-purpose project requirements lead to construction of large dams. In order to maintain the desired safety level of such dams, comprehensive inspections based on use of a number of precise instruments are needed. The ideal dam instrumentation system should provide time-dependent information about critical parameters so that possible future behavior of the structure can be predicted. New dams are normally equipped with adequate instrumentation systems. Most of the existing dams, however, do not have adequate instruments or current instrumentation systems may not be in good condition. By implementing the modern equipment to existing dams, the uncertainty associated with the impacts of aging or unexpected severe external events will be reduced and possible remedial measures can be taken accordingly. This study summarizes the major causes of dam failures and introduces the instruments to be used to monitor the key parameters of a dam. The concept of the instrument retrofitting to an unmonitored dam is highlighted through a case study. A sample system is proposed for Gö / kç / ekaya Dam, with reference to an investigation of the current condition of the structure. The deficiencies observed during a site visit are listed and the corresponding rehabilitative repair measures are suggested. Finally, different alternatives of a new instrumentation system are introduced and compared in terms of technical and economical aspects.
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