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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les officiers français des 2e et 5e bureaux de l’état-major de l’armée (août 1919-juin 1919) / The french officers of the 2e and 5e bureaux in the headquarters of the War Office 1914, August - 1919, June

Bourlet, Michaël 21 November 2009 (has links)
Au début du XXe siècle, le 2e bureau incarne le renseignement militaire à l’état-major de l’armée à Paris. Entre août 1914 et juin 1919, 366 officiers servent dans cette administration secrète du ministère de la Guerre. Ce travail, qui a pour objet une histoire des services dits spéciaux à travers le prisme des dossiers individuels, comprend trois axes : une étude institutionnelle, une étude prosopographique et un dictionnaire biographique. En moins de quatre années, le dispositif de renseignement à l’EMA étend ses activités à des champs nouveaux (économie, politique, diplomatie, coopération interalliée). Ce développement passe par plusieurs réformes structurelles profondes. Pour mener à bien ces activités, le renseignement à l’EMA connaît un accroissement inédit de son personnel et un élargissement du recrutement, qui concerne en particulier les officiers de réserve. Les élites intellectuelles et économiques de la Nation occupent alors une place de choix dans cette organisation. Une fois la guerre terminée, le 2e bureau retrouve sa spécificité militaire. / At the beginning of the 20th century, the “2e bureau” embodied military intelligence at the headquarters of the War Office in Paris. Between August 1914 and June 1919, 366 officers served in this secret administration of the War Office. Through individual files and with the aim of relating the history of services known as special services, this thesis is made up of three main lines: first, an institutional study, then a prosopographic study and finally a biographical dictionary. In less than four years, the intelligence plan set up at the EMA (État-major de l’armée) opened to new fields (economy, politics, diplomacy, inter-allied cooperation). This development went through deep structural reforms. In order to bring its activities to a successful conclusion, the “2e bureau” increased personnel and recruitment, which applied to reserve officers in particular. The intellectual and economic elites of the Nation would then occupy a place of choice in this organisation. Once the war was over, the “2e bureau” was back in charge of purely military matters.

Speleogenesis of large flank margin caves of the Bahamas

Lascu, Ioan 06 August 2005 (has links)
Flank margin caves of the Bahamas are formed by mixing dissolution in a fresh-water lens. As they evolve, the probability of intersecting neighboring voids increases, and they enlarge in a nonlinear fashion. Large flank margin caves become constrained by surface topography and their morphology is influenced by the shape of the enclosing land mass as a result. High phreatic ceilings can be dissolved if the fresh-water lens is distorted by lithological heterogeneities or hydrologic loading due to storm events. Early diagenesis of the host rock causes the reorganization of porosity and permeability through dissolution and cementation processes. Meteoric overprinting occurs but cannot be used as a tool in determining the age of eolianites or the climatic conditions at the time of deposition. Current evidence indicates an OIS 5e speleogenesis of large flank margin caves. An OIS 11 origin can be advanced only with compelling evidence of a pre-OIS 5e highstand.

L’évolution de l’évaluation de la composante linguistique de la compétence à écrire par le ministère de l’Éducation : une étude longitudinale sur les épreuves uniques de 5e secondaire

Lombard, Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à décrire comment a évolué l’évaluation de la compétence à écrire dans les épreuves uniques d’écriture de 5e secondaire, en portant spécifiquement le regard sur la composante linguistique de cette compétence. Une recherche documentaire a permis de recueillir des épreuves et autres documents les concernant pour une période allant de 1971 à 2012. Bien que notre étude porte en particulier sur les épreuves uniques d’écriture, implantées en 1986, nous avons pu remonter plus loin dans le temps afin de brosser un tableau le plus large possible de l’évaluation certificative de l’écriture en 5e secondaire. Plusieurs aspects sont analysés : le contexte des épreuves, les tâches qu’elles contiennent, les paramètres encadrant leur correction, ainsi que les seuils de réussite relatifs à la langue, les épreuves entières, la compétence à écrire et la matière français, langue d’enseignement. Nous avons également pu observer, à l’échelle provinciale, l’évolution des résultats des élèves aux épreuves uniques d’écriture. À l’aide de divers concepts théoriques reliés à l’évaluation de la compétence écrire et sa composante linguistique, un cadre méthodologique a été développé pour permettre l’analyse des épreuves d’écriture. Celle-ci révèle notamment que la nature des tâches et leurs paramètres sont restés assez constants dans le temps, particulièrement depuis 1986. Le nombre d’erreurs linguistiques permises a augmenté, alors que les résultats des élèves sont restés stables. De plus, le regard historique de cette étude montre comment le ministère de l’Éducation accorde à notre époque une grande importance à l’écriture et à la correction de l’orthographe. / This research aims to describe the ways in which the evaluation of written French has evolved within the “épreuves unique” of secondary 5. More specifically, it analyzes the evolution of evaluation methods regarding written language conventions in these examinations. A documentary research has allowed us to collect examinations and other related documents for a time span stretching from 1971 to 2012. Although our study specifically looks into the “épreuves uniques”, which were implanted in 1986, we have chosen to go back further in time in order to depict a larger portrait of certificate evaluation of French writing in secondary 5. Many aspects are analyzed: context of examinations, tasks contained within them, scoring parameters and pass levels regarding language conventions, examinations as a whole as well as writing and the French language. We have also observed the province-wide evolution of students’ results for these examinations. Using a variety of theoretical concepts related to the evaluation of written language conventions, a methodology was developed in order to allow the analysis of writing assignments. The latter notably reveals that the nature of such tasks and their parameters have remained relatively constant in time, particularly since 1986. The number of allowed language-related mistakes has augmented, whereas students’ results have remained stable. Furthermore, the historic perspective of this study illustrates how the ministère de l’Éducation nowadays allows a great importance to writing and the correction of spelling mistakes.

The Effects Of 5e Learning Cycle Model Based On Constructivist Theory On Tenth Grade Students

Kilavuz, Yeliz 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 5E learning cycle model based on constructivist theory approach over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on ninth grade students&rsquo / understanding of acid-base concepts. Sixty tenth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in Ankara Atat&uuml / rk Anatolian High School 2004-2005 spring semester were enrolled in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. Students in the control group were instructed by traditionally designed chemistry instruction whereas students in the experimental group were taught by the instruction based on constructivist approach. Acid-Base Concepts Achievement Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to acid-base. Students were also given Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test. The results indicated that instruction based on constructivist approach caused significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to acid-base and produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to acid-base.

Improving 11th Grade Students&#039 / Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts By Using 5e Learning Cycle Model

Pabuccu, Aybuke 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model over traditionally instruction on students&amp / #8217 / understanding of acid-base concepts. Also, the effect of instruction on students&amp / #8217 / attitude toward chemistry as a school subject and the effect of gender difference on understanding of acid-base concepts and attitudes toward chemistry were investigated. During the second semester of 2007-2008, 130 eleventh grade students from six classes of two different high schools attended this study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experiment groups. Students in the control groups were instructed by traditional instruction whereas students in the experimental groups were taught by 5E model. Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject and Acid-Base Concept Test were administered as a pre and post-tests. In addition, Science Process Skill Test and Views on Science-Technology-Society instrument was utilized. The hypotheses were tested by using two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results revealed that 5E Model caused a significantly better understanding of acids and bases than the traditional instruction. In addition, these models of instruction developed the similar attitude toward science as a school subject. Science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts. On the other hand, no significant effect of gender difference on understanding the acids and bases and on students&amp / #8217 / attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject was found. The results of Views on Science-Technology-Society gave a picture of the students&amp / #8217 / views on nature of science.

Effects Of 5e Learning Cycle Model On Understanding Of State Of Matter And Solubility Concepts

Ceylan, Eren 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of 5E learning cycle model based instruction and traditionally designed chemistry instruction on 10th grade students&rsquo / understanding of state of matter and solubility concepts and attitudes towards chemistry as a school subject / and students&rsquo / perceived motivation and perceived use of learning strategies. In this study, 119 tenth grade students from chemistry courses instructed by same teacher from Atat&uuml / rk Anatolian High School took part. The study was conducted during 2007-2008 spring semester. This study included two groups which were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups. Control group students were taught by traditionally designed chemistry instruction, while the experimental group students were instructed by 5E learning cycle model based instruction. In the experimental group, students were taught with respect to the sequence of 5E learning cycle model which are engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation through the use of activities such as demonstrations, video animations, laboratory ectivities, and discussions. In the control group, traditionally designed chemistry instruction was implemented through teacher explanations and use of textbook. State of Matter and Solubility Concepts Test (SMSCT), Attitude Scale toward Chemistry (ASTC), and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) were administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test to assess the students understanding of state of matter and solubility concepts, students&rsquo / attitudes toward chemistry, students&rsquo / perceived motivations and students perceived use of learning strategies, respectively. Science Process Skills Test was given at the beginning of the study to determine students&rsquo / science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVAs). The results showed that instruction based on 5E learning cycle model caused significantly better acquisition of the scientific conceptions related to state of matter and solubility concepts than traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, instruction based on 5E learning cycle model improved students&rsquo / attitudes as a school subject, intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, elaboration strategy use, organization strategy use. A Science process skill was determined as a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related state of matter and solubility.

Effectiveness Of Context-based Approach Through 5e Learning Cycle Model On Students&#039 / Understanding Of Chemical Reaction And Energy Concepts, And Their Motivation To Learn Chemistry

Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of study was to investigate the effect of context-based approach (CBA) through 5E learning cycle (LC) model over traditional instruction on students&rsquo / understanding, achievement, and chemical literacy on chemical reactions and energy concepts. The effect of instruction on students&rsquo / motivation to learn chemistry and the factors of motivation questionnaire were also explored. Additionally, the effect of gender difference was investigated. Six eleventh grade classes with 187 students taught by three teachers from two public Anatolian high schools of Ankara in 2011-2012 fall semester were enrolled in this study. Each teacher had experimental and control group. These classes were assigned randomly as experimental and control groups. The experimental groups were treated with CBA through 5E LC model, control groups were treated with traditional instruction. Chemical reactions and energy concept test and chemistry motivation questionnaire were administered as pre- and post-tests to groups. Achievement test and open-ended chemical literacy items on chemical reactions and energy were administered as post-tests to all groups. Science process skill test was administered to all groups at the beginning of the instruction. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used for the analysis of data. The results revealed that CBA through 5E LC model was superior to traditional instruction on students&rsquo / understanding, achievement, and chemical literacy in the chemical reactions and energy unit. Although, students&rsquo / overall motivation scores did not changed across the groups, experimental groups intrinsic motivation and relevance of learning chemistry to personal goals was superior than control groups. No gender difference was found.

Les Wisigoths du royaume de Toulouse au Ve siècle : des barbares pas comme les autres?

Auclair, Martin 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire vise à vérifier, à l'aide des sources écrites, appuyées par l'archéologie, si les Wisigoths du royaume de Toulouse au Ve siècle étaient différents des autres Barbares, en quoi ils l'étaient et si cette différence fut à l'origine du succès du royaume de Toulouse. Pour aborder la culture wisigothique et tenter de découvrir qui étaient les Wisigoths, l'histoire des représentations est utilisée ici à partir de sources romaines (puisqu'il n'existe à peu près pas de sources wisigothiques). Puis une histoire plus traditionnelle est utilisée pour trouver dans les sources et dans l'archéologie ce qu'ont fait les Wisigoths. L'hypothèse selon laquelle les Wisigoths étaient différents des autres Barbares et que cela les a aidés à construire un royaume stable et prospère se confirme. Les Wisigoths étaient pragmatiques et proactifs, ils n'ont pas cherché à imiter les Romains mais plutôt à puiser chez eux de bonnes bases pour y construire leurs propres versions des structures gouvernementales, fiscales, juridiques et sociales pour leur royaume. Ils ont conservé une identité wisigothique forte tout en acceptant de faire une place aux Romains et à la culture romaine dans l'Administration de leur royaume et, en partie, dans leur vie. Cette approche pragmatique et proactive du gouvernement ainsi que leurs bonnes relations avec les Gallo-Romains furent à l'origine d'un système nouveau qui a ensuite été imité par beaucoup d'autres peuples barbares et qui fut à l'origine des structures du Moyen Âge occidental. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Wisigoths, Barbares, Aquitaine, Toulouse, Ve siècle, Antiquité tardive.

L’évolution de l’évaluation de la composante linguistique de la compétence à écrire par le ministère de l’Éducation : une étude longitudinale sur les épreuves uniques de 5e secondaire

Lombard, Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à décrire comment a évolué l’évaluation de la compétence à écrire dans les épreuves uniques d’écriture de 5e secondaire, en portant spécifiquement le regard sur la composante linguistique de cette compétence. Une recherche documentaire a permis de recueillir des épreuves et autres documents les concernant pour une période allant de 1971 à 2012. Bien que notre étude porte en particulier sur les épreuves uniques d’écriture, implantées en 1986, nous avons pu remonter plus loin dans le temps afin de brosser un tableau le plus large possible de l’évaluation certificative de l’écriture en 5e secondaire. Plusieurs aspects sont analysés : le contexte des épreuves, les tâches qu’elles contiennent, les paramètres encadrant leur correction, ainsi que les seuils de réussite relatifs à la langue, les épreuves entières, la compétence à écrire et la matière français, langue d’enseignement. Nous avons également pu observer, à l’échelle provinciale, l’évolution des résultats des élèves aux épreuves uniques d’écriture. À l’aide de divers concepts théoriques reliés à l’évaluation de la compétence écrire et sa composante linguistique, un cadre méthodologique a été développé pour permettre l’analyse des épreuves d’écriture. Celle-ci révèle notamment que la nature des tâches et leurs paramètres sont restés assez constants dans le temps, particulièrement depuis 1986. Le nombre d’erreurs linguistiques permises a augmenté, alors que les résultats des élèves sont restés stables. De plus, le regard historique de cette étude montre comment le ministère de l’Éducation accorde à notre époque une grande importance à l’écriture et à la correction de l’orthographe. / This research aims to describe the ways in which the evaluation of written French has evolved within the “épreuves unique” of secondary 5. More specifically, it analyzes the evolution of evaluation methods regarding written language conventions in these examinations. A documentary research has allowed us to collect examinations and other related documents for a time span stretching from 1971 to 2012. Although our study specifically looks into the “épreuves uniques”, which were implanted in 1986, we have chosen to go back further in time in order to depict a larger portrait of certificate evaluation of French writing in secondary 5. Many aspects are analyzed: context of examinations, tasks contained within them, scoring parameters and pass levels regarding language conventions, examinations as a whole as well as writing and the French language. We have also observed the province-wide evolution of students’ results for these examinations. Using a variety of theoretical concepts related to the evaluation of written language conventions, a methodology was developed in order to allow the analysis of writing assignments. The latter notably reveals that the nature of such tasks and their parameters have remained relatively constant in time, particularly since 1986. The number of allowed language-related mistakes has augmented, whereas students’ results have remained stable. Furthermore, the historic perspective of this study illustrates how the ministère de l’Éducation nowadays allows a great importance to writing and the correction of spelling mistakes.

Effectiveness Of 5e Learning Cycle Model On Students&#039 / Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts

Akar, Elvan 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on tenth grade students&rsquo / understanding of acid-base concepts. Fifty- six tenth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in Atat&uuml / rk Anatolian High School 2003-2004 spring semester were enrolled in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. Students in the control group were instructed by traditionally designed chemistry instruction whereas students in the experimental group were taught by the instruction based on 5E learning cycle model. Acid-Base Concepts Achievement Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to acid-base. Students were also given Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test. The results indicated that instruction based on 5E learning cycle model caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to acid-base produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to acid-base.

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