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Estudio de la viabilidad del uso de una mezcla fenol/agua en el ensayo de solubildad diferencial del poliésterAmrein Tranche, Milagros 21 September 2012 (has links)
In the manufacture of polyester fiber, first takes place the synthesis of the polymer, and subsequently the spinning and stretching of the fibre. The conditions to which these processes occur, such as temperature, drawing speed or time, have great influence on the fine structure of the resulting fiber (crystallinity and orientation). If variations of these conditions occur, voluntary or not, it may produce differences in the properties of the fiber. This is because the fine structure of the resulting fiber can present irregularities, ie differences in crystallinity and / or orientation.
It is important to detect these irregularities in the structure as soon as possible, because the properties affected may be different: since an irregular deformation of the material until an irregular dyeing.
To achieve the final textile product, it is necessary to carry out different processes. In each of these processes (warping, weaving, bleaching, dyeing, finishing, ...), energy, water and chemicals consumption, occur, whith the corresponding cost. The earlier the detection of irregularities involuntary, the lower the economic losses of the company.
Differential solubility is a physicochemical technique that can reflect differences in the fine structure of the fiber. It informs about the compactness of the fiber. This is a relatively simple test that does not require high cost equipment, or complicated operation. Then, it is possible to use this technique in any laboratory quality control of a textile company. It can also be used when the fiber is still present as staple fibre.
In the differential solubility test, the fiber contacts with a solvent/non-solvent mixture, under certain conditions of temperature and time, and the percentage of dissolved fiber is determined. The more crystalline and/or oriented fiber has the lower differential solubility.
Traditionally in this test a mixture of phenol/tetrachloroethane (Ph/TCE), from 2.5/97.5 in weight for heat-treated fibers, and up to 30/70 samples at high heatseting temperatures has been used.
The European Union, with the intention of protecting the population and the environment, establishes a list of substances and preparations to which applies certain restrictions to the commercialisation and use. The tetrachloroethane is included, and although these restrictions do not apply in research activities, this has led supply problems and a considerable increase in price.
This thesis is a study of the differential solubility of polyester using non-chlorinated solvent/non-solvent mixtures, particularly phenol/water (Ph/H2O) as an alternative to the phenol/tetrachloroethane (Ph/TCE) mixture. If the results are satisfactory, it will be possible to use this technique so useful for the textile industry, with a solvent/non-chlorinated solvent mixture. The technique is optimized and applied to three different groups of polyester fibers. In each of these groups, the fibers exhibit differences in their fine structure.
Results have been compared with the differential solubilty in Ph/H2O mixtures with the values obtained for these same samples with other test to determine the technical feasibility of this test.
It concludes that the use of a unchlorinated phenol/water (Ph/H2O) mixture in the physico-chemical test of differential solubility is appropriate for determining the fine structure differences in the 3 groups of substrates studied and that the method is acceptable in terms of reproducibility. However, it is necessary to adjust the concentration and temperature Ph/H2O test for each group of substrates to be compared. / En la fabricació de fibra de polièster primer té lloc la síntesi de les molècules que formaran el polímer, després la seva polimerització, i posteriorment la filatura i l'estiratge. Les condicions a les quals tenen lloc aquests processos, tals com la temperatura, velocitat d'estiratge o temps, tenen gran influència en l'estructura fina de la fibra resultant (cristal•linitat i orientació). Si es produeixen variacions, voluntàries o no, d'aquestes condicions, es poden produir diferències en les propietats de la fibra. Això es deu al fet que l'estructura fina de la fibra resultant pot presentar també irregularitats, és a dir, diferències de cristal•linitat i/o d'orientació.
És important detectar aquestes irregularitats en l'estructura al més aviat possible, ja que les propietats afectades poden ser diverses: des d'una irregular deformabilitat del material, fins a una tintura irregular.
Per aconseguir el producte tèxtil final, s'han de realitzar diversos processos. En cadascun d'aquests processos (ordit, teixidoria, blanqueig, tintura, aprests, acabats,…) tenen lloc consums tant energètics com d'aigua i productes químics, que comporten un cost econòmic. Quant més aviat es detectin les irregularitats involuntàries, menors seran les pèrdues econòmiques de l'empresa. / En la fabricación de fibra de poliéster primero tiene lugar la síntesis de las moléculas que formarán el polímero, después su polimerización, y posteriormente la hilatura y el estirado. Las condiciones a las que tienen lugar estos procesos, tales como temperatura, velocidad de estirado o tiempo, tienen gran influencia en la estructura fina de la fibra resultante (cristalinidad y orientación). Si se producen variaciones, voluntarias o no, de estas condiciones, se pueden producir diferencias en las propiedades de la fibra. Ello se debe a que la estructura fina de la fibra resultante puede presentar también irregularidades, es decir, diferencias de cristalinidad y/o de orientación.
Es importante detectar estas irregularidades en la estructura lo antes posible, ya que las propiedades afectadas pueden ser diversas: desde una irregular deformabilidad del material, hasta una tintura irregular.
Para conseguir el producto textil final, se tienen que realizar diversos procesos. En cada uno de estos procesos (urdido, tejeduría, blanqueo, tintura, aprestos, acabados,…) tienen lugar consumos tanto energéticos como de agua y productos químicos, que conllevan un coste económico. Cuanto antes se detecten las irregularidades involuntarias, menores serán las pérdidas económicas de la empresa.
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Métodos físico-químicos de caracterización de las fibras de polilactidaMontero Palacios, Lucila Araceli 04 October 2012 (has links)
The interest of studying this fiber resides in the fact that it is a biodegradable polymer that is obtained from annually renewable resources, besides being a fiber that is beginning to be introduced in the market. Nowadays there is no deep knowledge about the variation in its fine structure (332699) during its textile process and we wish to study it in order to improve, if possible, the processes in which it is extracted. The determination on the variation of the microstructure of the polylactide fibres (PLA) during its textile process and the influence over the most relevant properties, are all part of the characterized study of this thesis.
Along its fabrication and chemical-textile manipulation processes, polylactide fibres are submitted to a series of thermal, hydrothermal and mechanical treatments to which the fibers structure can be sensitive and therefore its mechanical and dyeing properties. These changes in its fine structure or microstructure can reflex in more or less important modifications on its degree of crystallinity or orientation.
We have used as raw material polylactide filaments (POY) textured with different temperatures and stretching relationships. The overall objective of this thesis is to know, through the available techniques and physio-chemical methods, the effect that different extracting processes produce over the fine structure of this fiber.
We will specifically study the variation on the microstructure of PLA with the textured variables (stretching and temperature relationship), just as after a subsequent application of a process of thermal stabilizer on all the substrata. In order to reach this general objective we have established the next specific objectives:
¿To determine the microstructure through physic-chemical characterized techniques such as critical dissolution time, differential solubility and iodine sorption. To compare the results of the fine structure obtained through physic-chemical techniques with the crystallinity and the orientation. In order to determine crystallinity we recur to differential scanning calorimetry techniques (DSC) and to density gradient column and orientation will be determined by sonic modulus.
¿To know the variation with the mechanical parameter processing such as tenacity, elongation, elasticity modulus and rupture work. To know the importance of the differences in the fine structure found on the application that was produced by the dyeing. To know the behavior to ageing that PLA fibres suffer in different conditions of temperature, moist and light exposure. For this we will analyze the loss of resistance (load- elongation curve) and the molecular weight of these substrata.
¿The study of texturized and stabilized polylactide degradability. / El interés de estudiar esta fibra reside en que se trata de un polímero biodegradable obtenido a partir de recursos anualmente renovables, además de ser una fibra que se está empezando a introducir en el mercado. Actualmente no se conoce en profundidad la variación de su estructura fina (332699) durante el procesado textil y se desea estudiar para mejorar, en lo posible, los procesos de obtención. La determinación de la variación de la microestructura de las fibras de polilactida (PLA) durante su procesado textil y la influencia sobre las propiedades más relevantes, son parte del estudio de caracterización de esta tesis.
A lo largo de sus procesos de fabricación y manipulación químico-textil, las fibras de polilactida se someten a una serie de tratamientos térmicos, hidrotérmicos y mecánicos a los que puede ser sensible la estructura de la fibra y por lo tanto sus propiedades mecánicas y tintóreas. Esos cambios de estructura fina o microestructura pueden reflejar en modificaciones más o menos importantes de su grado de cristalinidad o de su orientación.Como materia prima se han utilizado filamentos de polilactida POY texturado con diferentes temperaturas y relaciones de estirado. El objetivo global de esta tesis es conocer, con las técnicas disponibles y las técnicas físico-químicas que se han puesto a punto, el efecto que los diferentes procesos de obtención de las fibras de polilactida producen sobre la estructura fina de esta fibra. En concreto se estudiará la variación de la microestructura del PLA con las variables del texturado (relación de estirado y temperatura), así como tras una posterior aplicación de un proceso de estabilización térmica a todos los sustratos. Para alcanzar este objetivo general se han planteado los siguientes objetivos específicos:Determinar la microestructura mediante técnicas físico-químicas de caracterización de la microestructura como el tiempo crítico de disolución, la solubilidad diferencial y la sorción de yodo.Comparar los resultados de la estructura fina obtenidos mediante las técnicas físico-químicas con la cristalinidad y la orientación. Para determinar la cristalinidad se recurre a las técnicas de calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) y determinación de la densidad por columna de gradientes de densidades; para la orientación se determinará por módulo sónico. Conocer la variación con el procesado de parámetros mecánicos como tenacidad, elongación, módulo de elasticidad y trabajo de rotura.Conocer la importancia de las diferencias de estructura fina encontradas por la aplicación de pequeñas diferencias en el procesado en el proceso de tintura.Conocer el comportamiento al envejecimiento que sufren las fibras de PLA en diferentes condiciones de temperatura, humedad y exposición a la luz. Para ello se analiza la pérdida de resistencia (curva carga-alargamiento) y el peso molecular de estos sustratos. Estudio de la degradabilidad de la polilactida texturada y estabilizada.
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Pesticide use at Expo '67: Can we find the evidence 40 years later?El-Fityani, Tamzin 28 April 2010 (has links)
The applications of the pesticide DDD to the water of the St. Lawrence River prior to and during the World Exhibition of 1967 in Montréal, Québec were examined. The pesticide was applied between 1965 and 1967 in excess of 16 000 kg to abate nuisance shadflies. To determine if the evidence was captured in the environmental media, sediment cores were sampled from a fluvial lake downstream of the Expo ’67 site, Lac Saint-Pierre, Québec, Canada and from an upstream fluvial lake, Lac Saint-François, Ontario and Québec, Canada. Sequential slices of sediment cores from the two lakes were analyzed and compared for pesticide concentrations using gas chromatography and dated using 137Cs isotopes. The percentage of total carbon in the sediments was also analyzed to express pesticide concentrations on a carbon basis. Concentrations of DDD and DDE in Lac Saint-François ranged from below detection to 12.2 ppb and from below detection to 11.5 ppb, respectively. Concentrations of both contaminants were highest approximately between the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, consistent with historical use patterns. DDT was not detected in sediment slices from Lac Saint-François at any depth. Concentrations of total DDD, DDE and DDT in Lac Saint-Pierre ranged from below detection to 26.4 ppb, from below detection to 20.9 ppb, and from below detection to 80.5 ppb, respectively. Contaminant concentration distributions demonstrated very complex and multi-peaked profiles that were not reflective of expected historical use patterns. The influence of sediment grain size and carbon content on the contaminant profiles was examined but did not appreciably explain the complexity. Mixing of sediment due to physical processes in combination with other variables may help explain the complex contaminant and 137Cs activity profiles. Although pesticide concentrations were generally higher in the downstream lake compared to the upstream lake, conclusions of the source of the pesticide cannot be accurately drawn due to the complex signals in Lac Saint-Pierre and the absence of DDT in Lac Saint-François, which prevents the comparison of a DDD:DDT breakdown ratio. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2010-04-27 18:58:14.505
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Automação de células de produção de radiofármacos / Automation of cells of radiopharmaceuticals productionNegrini, Aguinaldo Donizete 13 October 2010 (has links)
O 67Ga é um importante radiofármaco usado para identificar processos inflamatórios em doenças crônicas, diagnóstico por imagem de tumores em tecidos moles e a possibilidade de avaliar o resultado para intervenção terapêutica. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um módulo de processamento de 67Ga, com o objetivo de reduzir as intervenções na célula quente, causadas pela oxidação dos materiais metálicos e desgastes nas mangueiras das bombas peristálticas, que soltavam resíduos e bloqueavam a passagem através das válvulas utilizadas no processo. Utilizaram-se materiais como: acrílico, PVC, PEEK e teflon e vácuo como meio de transferência de fluidos líquidos na maioria dos procedimentos, com estas modificações obteve-se redução no comprimento das mangueiras de transferência, aumentando o rendimento do processo com menos intervenções para manutenção e menos tempo de exposição dos trabalhadores à radiação, garantindo a qualidade e reduzindo-se o tempo do processamento. Utilizando-se um sistema móvel para deslocamento do módulo de processamento, facilitou-se a limpeza e manutenção da célula que opera com material radioativo, atendendo-se a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada da ANVISA que dispõe sobre as Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Medicamentos (RDC-17). / The 67Ga is an important radiopharmaceutical used to identify inflammatory processes in chronic illnesses, diagnosis by image of tumors in soft tissues and the possibility to evaluate the result for therapeutic intervention. In the present work a module of 67Ga processing was developed with the objective to reduce the interventions in the hot cell, in order to avoid oxidation caused by metallic materials, and consuming in hoses of the peristaltic pumps, that release residues that blocked the valves used in the process. With materials such as: acrylic, PVC, PEEK e teflon and they are used vacuum as method (way) of fluid transferences instead of peristaltic pump in the majority of the procedures, with this improvements the system can make shorter the lengths of transference hoses, increasing the yield in the process with less interventions for maintenance and time exposure of the workers, guaranteeing the quality and reducing the time of the processing. using a mobile system for displacement of the processing module making in the cleanness and maintenance of the cell that works with radioactive material. Reducing the time of exposure dose of the workers in compliance with RDC-17 of ANVISA, which ruling the Good Manufacturing Practice Procedures.
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Automação de células de produção de radiofármacos / Automation of cells of radiopharmaceuticals productionAguinaldo Donizete Negrini 13 October 2010 (has links)
O 67Ga é um importante radiofármaco usado para identificar processos inflamatórios em doenças crônicas, diagnóstico por imagem de tumores em tecidos moles e a possibilidade de avaliar o resultado para intervenção terapêutica. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um módulo de processamento de 67Ga, com o objetivo de reduzir as intervenções na célula quente, causadas pela oxidação dos materiais metálicos e desgastes nas mangueiras das bombas peristálticas, que soltavam resíduos e bloqueavam a passagem através das válvulas utilizadas no processo. Utilizaram-se materiais como: acrílico, PVC, PEEK e teflon e vácuo como meio de transferência de fluidos líquidos na maioria dos procedimentos, com estas modificações obteve-se redução no comprimento das mangueiras de transferência, aumentando o rendimento do processo com menos intervenções para manutenção e menos tempo de exposição dos trabalhadores à radiação, garantindo a qualidade e reduzindo-se o tempo do processamento. Utilizando-se um sistema móvel para deslocamento do módulo de processamento, facilitou-se a limpeza e manutenção da célula que opera com material radioativo, atendendo-se a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada da ANVISA que dispõe sobre as Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Medicamentos (RDC-17). / The 67Ga is an important radiopharmaceutical used to identify inflammatory processes in chronic illnesses, diagnosis by image of tumors in soft tissues and the possibility to evaluate the result for therapeutic intervention. In the present work a module of 67Ga processing was developed with the objective to reduce the interventions in the hot cell, in order to avoid oxidation caused by metallic materials, and consuming in hoses of the peristaltic pumps, that release residues that blocked the valves used in the process. With materials such as: acrylic, PVC, PEEK e teflon and they are used vacuum as method (way) of fluid transferences instead of peristaltic pump in the majority of the procedures, with this improvements the system can make shorter the lengths of transference hoses, increasing the yield in the process with less interventions for maintenance and time exposure of the workers, guaranteeing the quality and reducing the time of the processing. using a mobile system for displacement of the processing module making in the cleanness and maintenance of the cell that works with radioactive material. Reducing the time of exposure dose of the workers in compliance with RDC-17 of ANVISA, which ruling the Good Manufacturing Practice Procedures.
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Análise das características clinicopatológicas, proliferação celular e alterações de número de cópias e metilação de genes supressores de tumor em carcinoma ex-adenoma pleomorfo / Analysis of clinicopathologic features, cell proliferation, and alteration of copies number and methylation of tumor suprressor genes in carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenomaMariano, Fernanda Viviane, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Luiz Paulo Kowalski, Oslei Paes de Almeida / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T00:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mariano_FernandaViviane_D.pdf: 3892005 bytes, checksum: a69171d91fdd09d696a1fb4a7bc5acc0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O Carcinoma ex-adenoma pleomorfo (CXAP) é uma neoplasia indolente, cuja patogênese ainda não está esclarecida, embora se acredite que resulte do acúmulo de alterações genéticas em adenoma pleomorfo (AP) de longa permanência. No presente estudo, avaliamos os fatores clincopatológicos em uma série de 38 casos de CXAP provenientes de três instituições do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Analisamos também, o índice de proliferação celular, através da imunomarcação de Ki-67 em 36 APs, 22 APs provenientes de CXAP e 36 CXAPs nas diferentes fases de progressão maligna (precoces e francamente invasivos), subdivididos quanto aos tipos histológicos, a fim de determinar uma possível ferramenta de auxílio diagnóstico. Com estes mesmos grupos de tumores, estudamos o perfil genético de ganho e perda de número de cópias e metilação de genes supressores de tumor, através da técnica de Multiplex Ligation Probe-Dependent Amplification (MLPA). Os resultados mostraram características clinicopatológicas semelhantes às descritas em grandes séries da literatura. Observamos que a marcação de Ki-67 pode ser uma útil ferramenta na distinção entre AP e CXAP, mesmo em fases precoces de transformação maligna. Este índice mostrou não ser importante para distinção dos subtipos histopatológicos. Além disso, encontramos várias alterações em genes supressores de tumor presentes durante a tumorigênese do AP e carcinogênese do CXAP, e observamos um aumento cumulativo de alterações genômicas, sendo algumas delas, específicas para cada fase / Abstract: Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CXPA) is an aggressive neoplasm, and its pathogenesis is still unclear, although it is believed to result from the accumulation of genetic alterations in pleomorphic adenomas (PAs) with long duration. In the present study, we evaluated the clinicopathological features in a series of 38 cases of CXPA from three institutions of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We also analyzed the index of cell proliferation by labeling of Ki-67 in 36 PA, 22 PA from CXPA, and 36 CXPA in different stages of malignant progression (early and frankly invasive) subdivided in histolopathological types, to determine a possible tool to aid the diagnosis. With the same groups of tumors, it was studied also the genomic profile of gain and loss of copy number and methylation of tumor suppressor genes across Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA). The results showed similar clinicopathological features to those described in large published series. We observed that Ki-67 is a useful tool in distinguishing between PA and CXPA, even in the early stages of malignant transformation. This index showed no importance for distinction among the several histological subtypes of CXPA. Furthermore, we find that various tumor suppressor genes are altered during PA tumorigenesis and CXPA carcinogenesis, and there is an accumulative increase of genomic alterations that seems to be specific for each phase / Doutorado / Patologia / Doutor em Estomatopatologia
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The curious role of "learning" in climate policy : should we wait for more data?10 1900 (has links)
Given the large uncertainties regarding potential damages from climate change and the significant but also uncertain costs of reducing greenhouse emissions, the debate over a policy response is often framed as a choice of either acting now or waiting until the uncertainty is reduced. Implicit behind the "wait to learn" argument is the notion that the ability to learn in the future necessarily implies that less restrictive policies should be chosen in the near-term. I demonstrate in the general case that the ability to learn in the future can lead to either less restrictive or more restrictive policies today. I also show that the initial decision made under uncertainty will be affected by future learning only if the actions taken today change the marginal costs or marginal damages in the future. Without this interaction, learning has no effect on what we do today, regardless of what we learn in the future. Results from an intermediate-scale integrated model of climate and economics indicate that the choice of current emissions restrictions is independent of whether or not uncertainty is resolved before future decisions, because the cross-period interactions in the model are minimal. Indeed, most climate and economic models fail to capture potentially important cross-period interaction effects. I construct a simple example to show that with stronger interactions, the effect of learning on initial period decisions can be more important. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 21). / Abstract in HTML and technical report in PDF available on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change website (http://mit.edu/globalchange/www/) / Sponsored in part by the U.S. Dept. of Energy (901214-HAR DE-FG02-94ER61937, DE-FG02-93ER61713)
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Un model d'empresa energètica local: "gas reusense" (1854-1969)Moyano Jiménez, Florentí 01 July 2009 (has links)
Gas Reusense és un model d'indústria energètica, formada per una majoria de capital local, que serveix com a referència per a l'anàlisi d'altres indústries creades el segle XIX, en ciutats espanyoles de dimensions similars. L'objectiu principal de l'empresa de Reus va ser la producció i subministrament de gas, primer destinat a l'enllumenat públic i poc després al consum particular. L'empresa reusenca, com va succeir en altres llocs de Catalunya i Espanya, també va introduir l'electricitat a la ciutat de Reus, l'any 1898, i els gasos derivats del petroli, l'any 1960. Amb el cas de Gas Reusense, es mostra l'evolució tecnològica del sector del gas, el desenvolupament de l'oferta i la demanda energètica i el procés de modernització què per a la societat va significar el gas i l'electricitat. De la mà del gas, la població de les ciutats va fer la transició cap a la contemporaneïtat energètica. / Gas Reusense is a model of energetic industry, formed by the majority of the local capital, which serves as a reference for the analysis of the other industries created in the 19th century, in Spanish cities of similar dimensions. The principal objective of the company from Reus was the production and provision of the gas, first destined for the street lighting and soon after to the private consumption.As it happened in other places of Catalonia and Spain, this company also brought electricity to the city of Reus, in 1898, as well as the butane gas, in 1960. The case of Gas Reusense shows the technological evolution in the gas sector, the development of the energetic supply and demand and also the process of modernization which meant for the society gas and electricity. Thanks to gas, the population of the cities made a transition towards the modern age of the energy.
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Ceci n'est pas un parc: Reconsidering the Island Site of Expo 67Hamilton, Edward Jae 05 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the landscape of Expo 67, in both its original and current state, and diagnoses a set of design and programming issues. In the mid-1960s, the city of Montreal undertook a vast construction project in the St. Lawrence River, which doubled the size of the existing Ile-Sainte-Hélène and entirely created the adjacent Ile-Notre-Dame. Together, these new islands provided the site for Expo 67. The world
exhibition has since been dismantled and the site now contains a patchwork of landscape design proposals.
The construction of the islands is investigated relative to the
earthwork practices that were emerging at the time they were built. Adjacent art practices are subsequently mined to develop
a response to the present state of the site. This somewhat rhetorical design method intends to provoke discussion of the
best use of the site and attempts to recover the specific nature of the place – a once densely built ground, partially conceived
as a laboratory of ideas for the future of the city – now obscured beneath a relatively generic mantle of picturesque landscaping.
The proposed design features a series of large-scale greenhouse structures arrayed in relation to the site’s existing metro station, connecting the present landscape’s features in an integrated network with sustainable elements. This network aims to restore the civic status of the park, to promote the use of the territory as an experimental ground, and to strengthen
the dialectic between the site and the culture of the city that created it.
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Stories in the Sediment: DDD Use at Expo 67Graham, ANNA 31 May 2012 (has links)
The toxic, persistent pesticide dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD) was used liberally prior to and during the World Exposition of 1967 (Expo 67) on Île Sainte-Hélène in Montréal to reduce the population of nuisance Trichoptera insects (also called caddisflies or shadflies) in the area. Sixteen thousand kilograms were applied over six periods in two years. Despite reports by the project leaders that the practice was not detrimental to the ecosystem and that DDD was not detected downstream in significant concentrations following applications to the river, further investigation was required to determine the occurrence of the pesticide, and its concentrations. Given the large volume of pesticide that was applied to the river, I hypothesized that there would be a strong DDD signal in sediments downstream of the Expo 67 site. I obtained a sediment core from the bay of Île de Grâce at the mouth of Lac St Pierre in the St. Lawrence River, downstream of Montréal. The core was sliced, dated radioisometrically, and analysed for the presence of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and related pesticides using gas chromatography. The isotopes cesium-137 (137Cs), radium-226 (226Ra), and lead-210 (210Pb) were used to establish dates of sediment deposition. Loss on ignition was used to determine organic carbon content. Stable lead content was analysed because it may also support sediment ages. Concentrations of DDT, DDD, and dichlorodiphenylethylene (DDE) ranged from below the detection limit to 3.3 parts per billion (ppb), 57.7 ppb, and 17.1 ppb, respectively. Adjusting the concentrations to reflect organic carbon content did not significantly affect the trend in concentration by depth. Peaks in DDD concentrations and related compounds were discovered that correspond to the Expo 67 applications. These findings demonstrate that DDD was present in unusually high concentrations (well above the probable effect level of 8.51 ppb (Ontario Ministry of the Environment)) in the St. Lawrence River in 1967, potentially exposing a wide variety of organisms. This finding may also be used to inform future decisions regarding the management of the St. Lawrence Seaway. I also investigated the role of fragmentation, specialisation, and interdisciplinarity in this research, and critically examined the historical context of this project in order to pursue knowledge of this field with as full an understanding of it as possible. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2012-05-31 02:27:28.215
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