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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Unraveling knowledge gaps about cyanobacterial blooms and proposing an alternative for lake restoration

Medeiros, Leonardo Rafael 28 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-14T22:36:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRafaelMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2075288 bytes, checksum: 2bc53649b8f302a0ac6c99aad966ca6a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-16T20:04:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRafaelMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2075288 bytes, checksum: 2bc53649b8f302a0ac6c99aad966ca6a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-16T20:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRafaelMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 2075288 bytes, checksum: 2bc53649b8f302a0ac6c99aad966ca6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-28 / A eutrofiza??o artificial tem sido considerada um problema de grande preocupa??o nos ecossistemas aqu?ticos em todo o mundo. Desde 1960, os avan?os cient?ficos t?m sido feitos a fim de desenvolver t?cnicas que atenuem os efeitos da eutrofiza??o. V?rios procedimentos f?sicos, qu?micos e biol?gicos podem ser usados e combinados para recuperar lagos de flora??es de cianobact?rias, como a aplica??o de um floculante combinado com argila natural ou modificada. No entanto, a efic?cia dos solos de regi?es ?ridas na mitiga??o de flora??es ? desconhecida para lagos artificiais brasileiros. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma an?lise bibliom?trica da evolu??o de publica??es sobre flora??es de cianobact?rias e identificamos registros que diretamente objetivam superar a ocorr?ncia dessas flora??es. Al?m disso, avaliamos, por meio de experimentos laboratoriais, o efeito do uso combinado do floculante policloreto de alum?nio (PAC) e um solo local do entorno do lago (LS), como lastro, no controle de flora??es de cianobact?rias em um lago raso da regi?o semi?rida do Brasil. A pesquisa bibliom?trica foi conduzida com o banco de dados "Web of Science" atrav?s da fun??o de busca ?TS = ((cyanobacteri* or blue green algae or cyanoprokariote or cyanophyceae) and (mass accumulation or bloom or domina*))?, de 1969 a junho de 2016. Realizamos uma an?lise de freq??ncia de palavras-chave e quantificamos o n?mero de registros com uma abordagem de restaura??o. Al?m disso, foram realizadas tr?s s?ries de experimentos em tr?s momentos com flora??es diferentes em composi??o e biomassa no Reservat?rio Armando Ribeiro Gon?alves. Nossa pesquisa revelou que os estudos sobre as flora??es de cianobact?rias aumentaram exponencialmente e seu impacto quantitativo nas ci?ncias aqu?ticas aumentou significativamente ao longo dos anos (F = 97,52; p <0,0001). Os EUA se destacam como a na??o mais produtiva, seguida pela China e pa?ses europeus. A China aumentou impressionantemente sua contribui??o para essa ?rea, superando os EUA nos ?ltimos cinco anos. Estudos sobre Microcystis e toxinas, tais como microcistinas, s?o tend?ncias de investiga??o, devido a sua omnipresen?a e suas consequ?ncias negativas hist?ricas. Tamb?m enfatizamos a necessidade de mais estudos com o objetivo de desenvolver t?cnicas para resolver e/ou mitigar a quest?o das flora??es. Em vista disso, nossos experimentos revelaram que o uso de PAC e LS teve um efeito not?vel na biomassa de cianobact?rias da coluna de ?gua em todas as amostragens, reduzindo at? 90% a concentra??o de clorofila-a. O uso de LS sozinho foi ineficiente para remover a biomassa de algas azuis. Em duas amostragens, a combina??o de floculante e lastro apresentou a mesma efic?cia que o uso apenas de PAC. Mesmo assim, o uso de LS ? importante para garantir a sedimenta??o. Combinado com PAC, o LS foi um lastro t?o eficiente em remover cianobact?rias quanto uma argila modificada comercialmente dispon?vel (Phoslock?). Embora LS in natura tenha liberado quantidades consider?veis de f?sforo e n?o apresentou capacidade de adsor??o de P, tal argila conseguiu adsorver quantidades moderadas de f?sforo dissolvido ap?s a mat?ria org?nica ter sido removida por muflagem. Este estudo mostra que LS ? uma alternativa economicamente vi?vel e sustent?vel para ser utilizada como a??o de manejo em reservat?rios apresentando flora??es na regi?o semi?rida do Brasil. / Artificial eutrophication has been considered a problem of major concern in aquatic ecosystems around the world. Since 1960, scientific advances have been made in order to develop techniques that mitigate the effects of eutrophication. Several physical, chemical and biological procedures can be used and combined to recover lakes from cyanobacterial blooms, such as the application of a flocculant combined with natural or modified clay. However, the efficacy of local dryland soils in mitigating blooms is unknown for Brazilian manmade lakes. In this paper, we present a bibliometric analysis of the evolution of publications about cyanobacterial blooms and identify records that directly aim to overcome the occurrence of these blooms. Also, we evaluate, through laboratory experiments, the effect of the combined use of flocculent polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and a local soil from the lake catchment (LS), as ballast, in controlling cyanobacterial bloom in a shallow lake of the semiarid region of Brazil. The bibliometric research was conducted with the ?Web of Science? database through the search function ?TS = ((cyanobacteri* or blue green algae or cyanoprokariote or cyanophyceae) and (mass accumulation or bloom or domina*))?, from 1969 to June 2016. We performed a keyword frequency analysis and quantified the number of records with a restoration approach. Besides, three sets of experiments were performed in three sampling occasions with different bloom compositions and biomass in Armando Ribeiro Gon?alves Reservoir. Our study revealed that studies about cyanobacterial blooms increased exponentially and their quantitative impact on the aquatic sciences increased significantly along the years (F = 97.52; p < 0.0001). The USA stands out as the most productive nation, followed by China and European countries. China has impressively increased its contribution to this area, surpassing the USA in the last five years. Studies about Microcystis and toxins, such as microcystins, are trends in research, due to their ubiquitousness and historical negative consequences. We also emphasize the need for more studies aiming at developing techniques to solve and/or mitigate the issue of blooms. In view of this, our experiments revealed that the use of PAC and LS had a remarkable effect on cyanobacterial biomass in the water column in all samplings, reducing up to 90% top chlorophyll-a concentration. The use of LS alone was inefficient to settle blue-green-algal biomass. In two samplings, the combination of flocculant and ballast exhibited the same efficacy as the use of solely PAC. Even so, the use of LS is important to ensure sedimentation. Combined with PAC, LS was as efficient a ballast to remove cyanobacteria as a commercially available modified clay (Phoslock?). Althugh LS in natura released considerable amounts of phosphorus and did not present P adsorption capacity, it managed to adsorb some dissolved phosphorus after organic matter was removed through muffling. This study shows that LS is a cheap, feasible and environment-friendly alternative to be used as a management action in reservoirs undergoing blooms in the semiarid region of Brazil.

Pesquisa-a??o: gest?o sustent?vel em meios de hospedagem situados no litoral norte da Para?ba / Action research: sustainable management in lodging facilities located in the north coast of Para?ba

C?sar, Pedro Henrique 06 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T22:21:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroHenriqueCesar_DISSERT.pdf: 4665098 bytes, checksum: 4c60c1f3162186f5f86c0e23d02435d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-13T19:45:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroHenriqueCesar_DISSERT.pdf: 4665098 bytes, checksum: 4c60c1f3162186f5f86c0e23d02435d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-13T19:45:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PedroHenriqueCesar_DISSERT.pdf: 4665098 bytes, checksum: 4c60c1f3162186f5f86c0e23d02435d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-06 / O litoral norte da Para?ba ? um local de grande peculiaridade onde se inserem aspectos hist?ricos, arquitet?nicos, ?tnicos e naturais diferenciados e de certa forma preservado. A regi?o conta com oito unidades de conserva??o onde suas gest?es s?o dividas entre as esferas municipal, estadual e federal. A regi?o ? territ?rio da etnia potiguara que a ocupa desde os tempos da coloniza??o sendo os ?nicos ind?genas a permanecerem no mesmo local desde ent?o, no Brasil. Com tantos aspectos singulares a regi?o resulta por recebe visitantes que buscam desde lazer a pesquisa. No entanto, essa busca, felizmente, ainda n?o ? feita de forma intensificada. Com isso, ? de extrema import?ncia que se desenvolva um planejamento tur?stico que vise ? sustentabilidade da regi?o. Nesse sentindo, ? necess?rio tamb?m que os meios de hospedagem que se inserem dentro desse contexto adotem m?todos que anseiem a mitiga??o dos seus impactos para com o meio ambiente. Com isso, ? importante conhecer os limites e anseios dos gestores que trabalham com a hospitalidade na regi?o, na perspectiva de uma gest?o sustent?vel. ? nesse contexto que essa pesquisa se insere buscando observar esses aspectos, ou seja, analisar se os meios de hospedagem do litoral norte da Para?ba internalizam na sua cultura organizacional o paradigma de uma gest?o que busque o equil?brio entre a opera??o dos servi?os e a manuten??o da natureza; al?m de propor uma aproxima??o entre os gestores e os conceitos de uma gest?o sustent?vel. Ao revelar os aspectos socioambientais da hotelaria dessa ?rea pretendemos conhecer melhor os ?nus e b?nus desse ramo e contribuir na efetiva??o de um planejamento tur?stico sustent?vel, ou seja, socialmente justo, ecologicamente consciente e economicamente equitativo para o estado da Para?ba. Para isso foi utilizado o m?todo de pesquisa qualitativa de forma que buscamos aprofundar os anseios dos administradores desses empreendimentos para com a gest?o ambiental e responsabilidade socioambiental. Para tal nos utilizamos de dois m?todos, no primeiro momento a pesquisa se apresenta como descritiva-explorat?ria e como t?cnica de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semiestruturada. As entrevistas foram feitas junto aos propriet?rios ou gerentes respons?veis pelo planejamento e execu??o dos servi?os. Observamos que os meios de hospedagem pesquisados n?o t?m uma proximidade com os conceitos de uma gest?o sustent?vel, no entanto, mant?m alguns m?todos que visam a redu??o de impactos socioambientais, por?m tais m?todos se encontram de forma desorganizada e sem atingir o seu objetivo fim. No segundo momento partimos para uma pesquisa-a??o, onde desenvolvemos a??es juntos aos gestores na inten??o de uma aproxima??o desses com os conceitos de uma gest?o sustent?vel. Foram alcan?ados 75% do total de meios de hospedagem de acordo com n?meros da Associa??o Brasileira das ind?strias de Hot?is ? ABIH/PB. No entanto, o n?mero que se disponibilizaram a participar da pesquisa ou que estavam operando durante o per?odo do campo foram 51% dos empreendimentos. Observamos que os meios de hospedagens da regi?o do litoral norte da Para?ba n?o internalizam no ?mago da sua estrutura organizacional o conceito de uma gest?o sustent?vel. Por?m se mostraram muito abertos a interven??es que os auxiliem na otimiza??o de suas gest?es, os entrevistados mostram o respeito e o desejo pela adequa??o de suas pr?ticas a m?todos sustent?veis. / The northern coast of Para?ba is a place of great peculiarity where historical, architectural, ethnic and natural aspects are differentiated and, in a certain way, preserved. The region has eight conservation units which management is divided between the municipal, state and federal spheres. The region is a territory of the Potiguara ethnic group that occupies it since the times of the colonization being the unique indigenous people to remain in the same place since then in Brazil. With so many unique aspects the region results in receiving visitors, searching for recreation, and researchers. However, this search, fortunately, is still doesn't happen too much intensively. With this, it is extremely important to develop a tourism planning that aims to the sustainability of the region. In this sense, it is also necessary that the means of lodging that are inserted in the context adopt methods that desired to the mitigation of its impacts towards the environment. In this way, it is important to know the limits and wishes of the managers who work with the hospitality in the region, with a view to sustainable management. It is in this context that this research is inserted, seeking to analyze the relation of the means of lodging of the northern coast of Para?ba with the nature and proposing to the managers an approach to the concepts of a sustainable management. In revealing the social and environmental aspects of the hotel industry in this area we intend to know better the burden and bonus of this branch and contribute to the realization of sustainable tourism planning, that is, socially fair, ecologically conscious and economically equitable for the State of Para?ba. For this, the qualitative research method was used so that we sought to deepen the managers' aspirations for environmental management and socio-environmental responsibility. For this, two methods were used: first a descriptive-exploratory research, making use of semi-structured interviews as data collection technique. The interviews were made with the owners or responsible managers for the planning and execution of the services. In a second moment, we set out for an action research, in which actions were developed together with the managers in the intention of an approximation of these with the concepts of a sustainable management. 75% of the total number of lodging facilities were reached, accordingly to the Brazilian Association of Hotel Industries - ABIH/PB. However, the percentage of those who were willing to participate in the survey or who were operating during the working times was 51% of the enterprises. We observed that the means of lodging in the northern coast of Para?ba do not internalize to the heart of their organizational structure any concept of sustainable management. However, they were very open to interventions that might help them to optimize their efforts. The interviewees show respect and desire for the appropriateness of their practices to sustainable methods.

Produ??o de alimentos e mudan?as clim?ticas: a import?ncia da agroecologia e da apicultura como alternativas para mitiga??o de impactos / Food production and climate change: the importance of agroecology and beekeeping as impact mitigation alternatives

Azevedo, Adriano Rodrigues de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-18T12:33:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adriano Rodrigues de Azevedo.pdf: 1397023 bytes, checksum: 91ed43d77bb2f1de942c29be437aa359 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T12:33:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Adriano Rodrigues de Azevedo.pdf: 1397023 bytes, checksum: 91ed43d77bb2f1de942c29be437aa359 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / This study is the analysis of data from the Fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, which presents scientifically the implications that global warming will have on terrestrial ecosystems and human society. From these data, in two chapters, the pros and cons of large Brazilian conventional farming on the need to adapt to the current scenario of climate change were analyzed. The fact that Brazil is one of the largest food producers in the world raises its level of importance in global discussions. The analyzes indicate that while agriculture and livestock contributes to economic stability and the country's food, is a powerful delay in the actions of environmental conservation, reduced emissions, agroecological transition and biodiversity conservation. Through official data and theoretical review also found themselves a serious decline of pollinators in the world and the considerable degree of dependence of these by Brazilian cultures. Among the pollinators, Apis mellifera honeybee is the one that stands out and brings more benefits to the human species, is necessary for maintaining global food production and human and animal well-being, through various types of ecosystem services. Because the high level of involvement of Brazil with conventional agriculture and livestock, it was concluded that hardly occur a significant agroecological transition in the short or medium term, which strengthens the need to improve apiculture and national agroecology - still insufficient - as a way of minimize the impacts of global warming and generate more conditions to adaptation / Este estudo parte da an?lise de dados do Quinto Relat?rio do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudan?as Clim?ticas ? IPCC, que apresenta de forma cient?fica as implica??es que o aquecimento global ter? sobre os ecossistemas terrestres e a sociedade humana. A partir destes dados, em dois cap?tulos, foram analisados os pr?s e os contras da grande agropecu?ria convencional brasileira em rela??o ? necessidade de adapta??o ao atual cen?rio de mudan?as clim?ticas. O fato do Brasil ser um dos maiores produtores aliment?cios do planeta eleva o seu n?vel de import?ncia nas discuss?es globais. As an?lises indicam que ao mesmo tempo em que a agropecu?ria contribui para a estabilidade econ?mica e alimentar do pa?s, representa um poderoso atraso nas a??es de preserva??o ambiental, diminui??o de emiss?es, transi??o agroecol?gica e conserva??o da biodiversidade. Por meio de dados oficiais e revis?o te?rica, constatou-se tamb?m um grave decl?nio de polinizadores no mundo e o grau consider?vel de depend?ncia destes pelas culturas brasileiras. Dentre os polinizadores, a abelha Apis mellifera ? a que mais se destaca e traz mais benef?cios para a esp?cie humana, sendo necess?ria para a manuten??o da produ??o aliment?cia mundial e para o bem estar humano e animal, atrav?s de diversos tipos de servi?os ecossist?micos. Pelo alto n?vel de envolvimento do Brasil com a agropecu?ria convencional, concluiu-se que dificilmente ocorrer? uma transi??o agroecol?gica significativa no curto ou m?dio prazo, o que fortalece a necessidade de se incrementar a apicultura e a agroecologia nacionais ? ainda insuficientes ? como forma de se minimizar os impactos do aquecimento global e gerar mais condi??es de adapta??o.

Gest?o de Res?duos S?lidos em Aeroportos: Estudo de Caso do Aeroporto de Congonhas-S?o Paulo / Solid Waste Management in Airports: a Case Study of Congonhas Airport - S?o Paulo

Coentro, Rita Maria Cunha Leite 11 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-10T13:16:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RITA MARIA CUNHA LEITE COENTRO.pdf: 1945020 bytes, checksum: beca7021135b0e326146e966de9ebf74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T13:16:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RITA MARIA CUNHA LEITE COENTRO.pdf: 1945020 bytes, checksum: beca7021135b0e326146e966de9ebf74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / At airports, one of the great challenges is to combine social, cultural and economic development, important to the country, and to mitigate the impacts caused by their implementation and operation. In this sense, the integrated management of solid waste is approached in this work, in order to bring, through a matrix of sustainability indicators, trends in the current scenario and sustainable development. The legislation used is characterized by considering the nature of the solid waste of Airports as dangerous to human health, so it is exclusive for this type of equipment and it has ANVISA as regulatory and oversight agency. The Congonhas Airport in S?o Paulo was chosen as a case study, since it is currently the largest in transit and revenue network in INFRAERO's Airports network and that, after the last update of PGRS, it has developed generation mechanisms focused on the reduction, reuse and recycling ofwaste, has shown significant results. Personally, since I was working at this airport during the period of updating the plan, I had contact with the diagnosis and follow-up of the actions developed. Some topics are rich in discussion, due to the small existence of literature referring to airports ofthe size ofCongonhas. The Congonhas Airport Solid Waste Management Plan is the main information source for this research. The management actions of the signed contracts and management actions are diagnosed to ensure the effectiveness of the health of passengers, users and society itself, with a focus on reducing these impacts. Through the analysis of the various dimensions of sustainability, and using the applicable methodology the full costs, the trends ofthe Congonhas Airport in sustainable development are evaluated, as well as the strengths and weaknesses that deserve attention in order to arrive at the best practices to reduce waste to landfills with incentives for recycling. In order to identify the best global practices regarding the Integrated and Sustainable Management of Solid Waste, a comparative study is carried out between the US, Europe and Congonhas Airport. / Em aeroportos, um dos grandes desafios ? aliar o desenvolvimento social, cultural e econormco, importantes para o pa?s, e a mitiga??o dos impactos causados por sua implanta??o e opera??o. Nesse sentido, a gest?o integrada de res?duos s?lidos ? abordada neste trabalho, de forma a trazer, atrav?s de uma matriz de indicadores de sustentabilidade, as tend?ncias no cen?rio atual e de desenvolvimento sustent?vel. A legisla??o utilizada se caracteriza por considerar a natureza do res?duo s?lido de Aeroportos como perigosa ? sa?de humana, por isso ? exclusiva para esse tipo de equipamento e tem a ANVISA como ?rg?o regulador e fiscalizador. Foi escolhido o Aeroporto de Congonhas em S?o Paulo, como estudo de caso, por ser hoje na rede de Aeroportos da INFRAERO o maior em movimento e receita, e que, ap?s a ?ltima atualiza??o do PGRS ter desenvolvido mecanismos de gera??o com foco na redu??o, reutiliza??o e reciclagem dos res?duos, tem apresentado resultados significativos. Por estar trabalhando nesse aeroporto durante o per?odo de atualiza??o do referido plano, a autora teve contato com o diagn?stico e acompanhamento das a??es desenvolvidas. Alguns t?picos d?o ?nfase nas discuss?es, pela pequena exist?ncia de literatura referente a aeroportos do porte de Congonhas. Afim de identificar as melhores pr?ticas mundiais quanto a Gest?o Integrada e Sustent?vel de Res?duos S?lidos, realiza-se um estudo comparativo entre os Aeroporto dos EUA, Europa e o Aeroporto de Congonhas. O Plano de Gerenciamento de Res?duos S?lidos do Aeroporto de Congonhas ? a fonte de informa??es principal desta pesquisa. S?o diagnosticadas as a??es de gest?o dos contratos firmados e a??es gerenciais que visam garantir a efetividade quanto a sa?de dos passageiros, usu?rios e a pr?pria sociedade, com foco na redu??o desses impactos. Atrav?s da an?lise das diversas dimens?es de sustentabilidade, e utilizando a metodologia aplic?vel dos custos completos, s?o avaliadas as tend?ncias do Aeroporto de Congonhas quanto ao desenvolvimento sustent?vel, bem como identificados os pontos fortes e fracos, que merecem aten??o para atingir as melhores pr?ticas para redu??o do envio dos res?duos a aterros sanit?rios, com incentivo ? reciclagem.

O sistema de certifica??o do etanol brasileiro sob a ?tica do princ?pio constitucional do desenvolvimento sustent?vel

Cavalcante, Hellen Priscilla Marinho 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HellenPMC_DISSERT_Parcial.pdf: 508882 bytes, checksum: 9d41b9b3313de000e2f192fcb4662c09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / The gradual inclusion of biofuels is a necessary change that countries must include in their energy mixes. Energy sources still widely used in the world, such as oil and coal, are endowed with a high pollution load to the environment, bringing damages to the water, to the air and to humans as well. In addition, although there are conflicting studies, they are also identified as major causes of the greenhouse effect and the global warming phenomenon. They are, moreover, finite sources of energy, given that its reserves will surely run out. However, even if the introduction of biofuels, such as ethanol, in the energy mix is crucial for the survival of the present and future populations, this insertion cannot settle so disorderly and, thus, one must ensure the quality of these resources and promote transparency in international trade. In this manner, a certification process for ethanol is essential to attest that this biofuel meets the sustainable requirements defined for its production. Hence, this study sought to address the importance of the adoption of certification in the ethanol industry, according to the principle of sustainable development, by analyzing the evolution of its concept, its combination with the fundamental objectives sculptured in the Constitution of 1988, its regulation under Brazilian laws and the need for a balance between economic activities and the mentioned principle. The work also encompassed the criteria used to establish certification standards and their participating actors, combined with a study of ongoing initiatives. Finally, the consequences of the adoption of a certification process for ethanol in Brazil were presented, both in terms of sustainable development and in international trade / A gradual inser??o dos biocombust?veis nas matrizes energ?ticas dos pa?ses ? uma mudan?a necess?ria a ser contemplada. As fontes de energia ainda largamente utilizadas no mundo, tais como o petr?leo e o carv?o, s?o dotadas de uma alta carga de poluentes, configurando desde malef?cios ? ?gua, ao ar quanto aos seres humanos. Em adi??o, ainda que existam estudos divergentes, s?o elas tamb?m apontadas como grandes causadoras do efeito estufa e do fen?meno do aquecimento global. Constituem-se, ademais, o petr?leo e o carv?o em fontes finitas de energia, sendo certo que suas reservas chegar?o ao fim. Entretanto, mesmo que a introdu??o dos biocombust?veis nas matrizes energ?ticas, a exemplo do etanol, seja indispens?vel para a sobreviv?ncia das popula??es presentes e futuras, essa inser??o n?o pode se estabelecer de forma desregrada, devendo-se garantir a qualidade de tais recursos e promover a transpar?ncia no com?rcio internacional. Para isso, um processo de certifica??o do etanol ? essencial para atestar que o dito biocombust?vel cumpre com os requisitos de sustentabilidade definidos para a sua produ??o. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou abordar a import?ncia da ado??o da certifica??o na ind?stria do etanol, de acordo com o princ?pio do desenvolvimento sustent?vel, analisando a evolu??o do seu conceito, a sua conjuga??o com os objetivos fundamentais insculpidos na Constitui??o Federal de 1988, a sua regula??o nas leis brasileiras e a necessidade de um equil?brio entre as atividades econ?micas e o princ?pio em quest?o. O trabalho tamb?m analisou os crit?rios utilizados para estabelecer os padr?es de certifica??o e seus atores participantes, em conjunto com um estudo das iniciativas j? existentes. Por fim, foram apresentadas as consequ?ncias da ado??o de um processo de certifica??o para o etanol no Brasil, tanto no plano do desenvolvimento sustent?vel quanto no ?mbito do com?rcio internacional / 2020-01-01

Gest?o Sustent?vel da ?gua: um estudo da conscientiza??o ambiental em atividades residenciais urbanas / Water sustainable management: a study of the environmental awareness in urban household activities

Pinheiro, Jos? Ivam 16 December 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-12T11:52:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseIP_TESE.pdf: 3470658 bytes, checksum: d6793946d3aaf1a838f9bd6bae5e02f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-12-16 / The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water / A busca por solu??es sustent?veis atrav?s de uma gest?o ambiental adequada dos recursos naturais dispon?veis, que venha de encontro ?s aspira??es de preserva??o do meio ambiente e do ser humano, de maneira a equacionar e solucionar os problemas ambientais e sociais com o menor impacto poss?vel ? natureza e ao homem ? o grande desafio, tanto para essa gera??o, como para as futuras gera??es. O estudo das problem?ticas ambientais da ?gua e a participa??o e conscientiza??o ambiental dos atores sociais como um todo, se insere no campo da tem?tica ambiental internacional, contemplando a necessidade estrat?gica de uma gest?o apropriada desse bem natural, atrav?s de um programa voltado ao diagn?stico dos problemas e na procura de solu??es sustent?veis compat?veis, em uma pol?tica social e ambiental de planejamento e educa??o ambiental, centrada acima de tudo na voz do cidad?o , usu?rio desse sistema. A presente tese visa estudar a problem?tica da gest?o sustent?vel da ?gua, enfocando a participa??o e a conscientiza??o ambiental do cidad?o no uso desse bem natural para atividades residenciais urbanas, no que concerne a abordagem e an?lises de vari?veis que tratam da mensura??o de conhecimentos gerais e ambientais, do senso de comunidade, do acesso aos meios de informa??o e das atitudes e comportamentos ambientais, al?m das vari?veis de caracteriza??o s?cio-demogr?fica ou identifica??o pessoal dos entrevistados de uma pesquisa explorat?ria do tipo survey", realizada atrav?s de uma amostragem aleat?ria estratificada, sendo os estratos cada uma das 4 (quatro) Regi?es Pol?tico-Administrativas da cidade do Natal, tendo ocorrido a coleta dos dados no per?odo de fevereiro a abril/2002. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho constitui na aplica??o de question?rios com escalas do tipo Likert para medir as eco-vari?veis do estudo, al?m de uma escala s?cio-demogr?fica para a caracteriza??o da amostra estudada. Para a an?lise dos resultados, foi inicialmente feito um estudo descritivo explorat?rio, seguido da utiliza??o de t?cnicas estat?sticas multivariadas, tais como, an?lise fatorial por meio da aplica??o de componentes principais, al?m da realiza??o de estudos de regress?o linear m?ltipla. Para complementar este estudo, procedeu-se a realiza??o de Testes de Independ?ncia atrav?s do Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, de modo a verificar a depend?ncia das associa??es entre as vari?veis Sociodemogr?ficas e as principais vari?veis selecionadas e presentes nos fatores resultantes da an?lise fatorial. Os resultados apontam para um baixo n?vel de conhecimento ambiental, de acesso ? informa??o e senso de comunidade, al?m da constata??o de que os principais fatores resultantes remetem para a necessidade de se dar ?nfase nos programas e a??es de gest?o direcionada para a conscientiza??o ambiental, os comportamentos e atitudes que abordam as informa??es e a educa??o ambiental, al?m do reuso da ?gua

Desenvolvimento de dispositivos fotoeletroqu?micos ? base de BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 para convers?o de energia solar em energia el?trica ou energia qu?mica a partir de res?duos l?quidos industriais

Santos, Wayler Silva dos 18 May 2017 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Produtos e coprodutos. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-10-03T14:42:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wayler_silva_santos.pdf: 9149649 bytes, checksum: 7d300a18f29fb2d1bfa9a3ab5c806ad3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-10-09T14:02:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wayler_silva_santos.pdf: 9149649 bytes, checksum: 7d300a18f29fb2d1bfa9a3ab5c806ad3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T14:02:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) wayler_silva_santos.pdf: 9149649 bytes, checksum: 7d300a18f29fb2d1bfa9a3ab5c806ad3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / A convers?o da energia da radia??o solar em H2(g), combust?vel verde, usando-se c?lulas fotoeletroqu?micas (PEC) ? uma estrat?gia atraente para armazenar energia e minimizar o uso extensivo de combust?veis f?sseis. Neste trabalho, foram fabricados fotoeletrodos por deposi??o spray pyrolysis de um comp?sito de BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 puro ou dopado com W, depositado diretamente sobre um substrato condutor FTO (sigla para fluorine-doped tin oxide) ou sobre uma camada de SnO2 previamente depositada sobre o substrato FTO. Inicialmente, os materiais foram testados na clivagem molecular da ?gua. Verificou?se a forma??o de uma camada de invers?o de buracos induzida pela perovskita ferroel?trica Bi4V2O11 na interface com BiVO4 de tipo?n criando uma jun??o p?n virtual. A fotovoltagem de sa?da elevada da jun??o, em rela??o a uma heterojun??o p?n convencional, que pode ser ainda aumentada alterando-se a polariza??o e dopando-se o material ferroel?trico com tungst?nio, acarreta diminui??o da recombina??o dos pares el?tron?buracos fotogerados na superf?cie e aumenta a fotocorrente em at? 180%. O comportamento de semicondutores de tipo?p e n quando iluminados sugere o uso potencial da heterojun??o como fotoanodo e fotocatodo em uma c?lula PEC (ou photoelectrochemical cell) com dois fotoeletrodos. Este conceito foi comprovado pela conex?o do fotoanodo BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 dopado com 1% em massa de tungst?nio com o fotocatodo BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 n?o dopado. O sistema formado pelo acoplamento fotoanodo-fotocatodo produziu uma fotovoltagem de 1,54 V, e 0,36% de efici?ncia STH (solar-to-hydrogen efficiency). Um fotoeletrodo BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 dopado com 2% em massa de W foi otimizado. Evidenciou-se a forma??o da camada de invers?o de buracos na interface semicondutora no filme mais denso. Este ?ltimo foi testado em diferentes solu??es, obtendo-se elevadas densidades de corrente em NaAc 0,5 mol L-1, ? medida que se adicionou glicerina e vinha?a. Obteve?se a menor resist?ncia na transfer?ncia de cargas na interface eletrodo/eletr?lito 1,16 k? sob ilumina??o, utilizando a solu??o NaAc 0,5 mol L-1 contendo 20 %v/v de vinha?a. Nessas condi??es, a efici?ncia da convers?o de energia foi aumentada em aproximadamente 100%, e dependendo do potencial aplicado a efici?ncia aumentou cerca de 30% em solu??o contendo 10 %v/v de glicerina, com rela??o ? solu??o NaAc 0,5 mol L-1 pura, demonstrando que glicerina e vinha?a atuam como agentes de sacrif?cio eficazes no sequestro de buracos eletr?nicos, para evitar a recombina??o dos pares de el?tron?buraco, no processo de foto?oxida??o acionado por buracos. / Tese (Doutorado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Biocombust?veis, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The conversion of solar energy into green fuel H2(g) using photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) is an attractive strategy for storing energy and minimizing the extensive use of fossil fuels. In this work, photoelectrodes were prepared by pyrolysis spray deposition from a pure or W?doped BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 composite deposited directly onto an FTO (fluorine-doped tin oxide) electron-conductive substrate or onto a SnO2 layer previously deposited on an FTO substrate. Initially, these materials were tested for molecular water cleavage. It was observed a hole inversion layer induced by the ferroelectric perovskite Bi4V2O11 at the interface of the n?type BiVO4; a virtual p?n junction with high output photovoltage in relation to a conventional p?n heterojunction was also created. Altering the polarization and doping the ferroelectric material with tungsten may increase the p-n heterojunction. This polarization also reduces the recombination of the photogenerated electron?hole pairs on the surface, to increase the photocurrent to as much as 180%. This characteristic behavior of the p?type and n?type semiconductors when illuminated suggests the use of such a heterojunction as photoanode and photocatode in a PEC cell with two coupled photoelectrodes. This concept was proved to effectively work, by connecting the photovoltaic BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 doped with 1 mass% of W to the non?doped BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 photocathode, which produced a high photovoltage of 1.54 V, and 0.36% STH (solar-to-hydrogen) efficiency. A BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 photoelectrode doped with 2 mass% tungsten was optimized, evidencing the inversion of the hole layer at the semiconductor interface in the resulting denser film. This film tested in different liquid solutions revealed to produce high current densities in 0.5 mol L-1 sodium acetate (NaAc), if glycerol and vinasse were added. The electric resistance in the charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface was relatively low, or 1.16 k? under illumination using 0.5 mol L-1 NaAc solution containing 20 %v/v vinasse. Adding vinasse meant an increase of the energy conversion efficiency corresponding to approximately 100%, and depending on the applied potential efficiency increased by about 30% in solution containing 10% v/v glycerin, relatively to the pure 0.5 mol L-1 NaAc solution. These results evidence that glycerin and vinasse act as effective sacrificing agents, to sequester holes and avoid the recombination of electron?hole pairs in the photo?oxidation driven by holes.

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