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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expression des ABC-Transporters ABCA3 in Zellen der physiologischen Hämatopoese und in maligne transformierten lymphatischen Zellen / ABC-transporter ABCA3 expression in normal hematopoiesis and in transformed lymphoid cells

Corsham, Sabrina F. E. 07 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Atia, Sawsan 16 April 2013 (has links)
The bacterium Streptococcus sanguinis is a primary member of the human oral microflora and also has been recognized as a key player in the bacterial colonization of the mouth. It is considered the most common viridians streptococcal species implicated in infective endocarditis. In all kingdoms of life, ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters are essential to many cellular functions. Sequencing of the SK36 genome provided the opportunity to study ABC transporter mutants and their relationship with acidity of the oral environment. Despite numerous studies that have focused on carbohydrate uptake systems in closely related streptococcal species such as S. mutans, S. pneumonia and S. pyogenes, the mechanism of the response of these ABC transporters to acidic conditions in S. sanguinis is still unknown. The capability of S. sanguinis to adapt in these harsh environments suggests this bacterium is capable of responding to various environmental stimuli. The purpose of this study was to examine ABC mutants to identify functions that contribute to acid tolerance in S. sanguinis. This study demonstrates that two acid-sensitive mutant genes, SSA_1507 and SSA_1508, identify genes involved in acid tolerance. The two mutants grew on different sugars and none of them showed a defect in sugar utilization at acid pH. We couldn’t recognize any significant differences in sugar uptake for the two acid sensitive mutants or in mutants of their neighboring genes. Thus, the observed acid sensitivity is not due to a failure to take up any of the common sugars tested. The cytoplasmic pH of S. sanguinis was studied with the fluorescent pH indicator (BCECF) and SK36 was observed to have a wider pH range than either of the two acid-sensitive mutants SSA_1507 or SSA_1508. In these two mutants, intracellular pH was not as well maintained. At all pH values tested, the mutants displayed a lower intracellular pH than the wild type. These observations indicate that the cell membrane of these two mutants is unable to protect the interior components from adverse effects of higher pH values and lower pH values, and prove that these two mutant genes SSA_1507 and SSA_1508 are unable to grow in lower pH values. These results support a role for these ABC transporters in proton pump or export and indicate that the mutants are less able to pump out protons.

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung des vakuolaren ABC-Transporters Mlt1p und der Phospholipase B Plb5p von Candida albicans / Identification and characterisation of the vacuolar ABC-transporter Mlt1p and the phospholipase B Plb5p of Candida albicans

Theiß, Stephanie January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die opportunistische Hefe Candida albicans ist in der Lage durch ein koordiniertes Zusammenspiel bestimmter zellulärer Eigenschaften sich unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen anzupassen und unterschiedliche Nischen innerhalb des menschlichen Wirts zu kolonisieren. Die Sekretion hydrolytischer Enzyme, wie Proteinasen und Phospholipasen, stellt eine wichtige Eigenschaft des Pilzes dar, die als wesentlicher Faktor für die Aufrechterhaltung der Pathogenität von C. albicans angesehen wird. Ein Schwerpunkt der hier vorliegenden Studie ist die funktionale Charakterisierung des caPLB5-Gens, eines neuen Mitglieds der insgesamt 5 Mitglieder umfassenden Phospholipase-B-Genfamilie. Im Gegensatz zu den gut untersuchten sekretorischen PLBs caPlb1p and caPlb2p scheint das caPlb5-Protein GPI-verankert und letztlich zellwandgebunden zu sein. Mittels Northernexpressions-Studien ließen sich in verschiedenen C.-albicans-Stämmen und unterschiedlichen Wachstumsbedingungen caPLB5-spezifische Transkripte nachweisen. Während des Hefe-Hyphe-Wechsels in Lee’s Medium zeigte sich interessanterweise eine differentielle Regulation der Gene caPLB5, caPLB1 and caPLB2. Durch Sequenzanalyse einzelner caPLB5-Allele konnte die Anwesenheit zweier unterschiedlicher Allele in C. albicans bei verschiedenen Stämmen nachgewiesen werden. Die gezielte Geninaktivierung beider Allele in zwei verschiedenen Stämmen resultierte in einer attenuierten Virulenz, was sich im Mausmodell für systemische Infektion anhand des Kolonisationsgrads des Wirtsgewebes messen ließ. Die Phänotypen sowohl der Nullmutanten als auch der caPLB5-Revertanten belegen, dass die Phospholipase B caPlb5p für die vollständige Virulenz des Pathogens benötigt wird und dabei eine Rolle bei der in vivo Organbesiedlung spielt. Diese Arbeit präsentiert zudem die Isolierung und Charakterisierung des ATP-Binding-Cassette-(ABC)-Transporter-Gens caMLT1 aus C. albicans. CaMlt1p zählt zur MRP/CFTR-Unterfamilie ATP-bindender Transportproteine, eine Proteinkategorie, die in diesem Pilz bislang noch nicht beschrieben wurde. Energiebetriebene Transportproteine der ABC-Superfamilie schleusen eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Substrate aktiv durch biologische Membranen und erfüllen dabei wichtige Funktionen im zellulären Metabolismus und in der Entgiftung. Das caMlt1-Protein zeigt hohe sequenzielle und strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten zu den vakuolaren Efflux-Pumpen Ycf1p und Bpt1p von S. cerevisiae. Durch genomische Markierung mit dem grün fluoreszierenden GFP-Protein konnte caMlt1p in der vakuolaren Membran lokalisiert werden. Northernblothybridisierungen belegten die Induzierbarkeit der Gentranskripte durch die metabolischen Gifte Cadmium und CDNB, beides Substrate der scYcf1-Pumpe. Obwohl diese Untersuchungen darauf hindeuten, dass caMlt1p ein Ortholog von scYcf1p sein könnte, zeigte sich bei dem Komplementationsversuch einer scycf1-negativen S.-cerevisiae-Mutante mit einer caMLT1-Genkopie keine Reversion des sensitiven Phänotyps gegenüber Cadmium oder CDNB. Auch wiesen die in dieser Arbeit konstruierten, camlt1-negativen Mutanten in C. albicans, die zur Identifizierung potentieller caMlt1p-Substrate eingesetzt wurden, keinen hypersensitiven Phänotyp gegenüber CdCl2, CDNB oder irgendeiner anderen getesteten inhibitorischen Substanz auf. CaMlt1p ist demzufolge kein funktionales Homolog von scYcf1p. Als vakuolar lokalisiertes Protein weist caMLT1 ein für diese Proteingruppe typisches Transkriptionsprofil auf. Die mRNA-Expression erfolgt dabei wachstumsphasenabhängig mit der höchsten Geninduktion während des Diauxic-Shifts, wenn ein Mangel an Glucose (und anderen Nährstoffen) im Medium entsteht. Eine generierte camlt1-Nullmutante war interessanterweise in einem murinen Peritonitismodell in ihrer Fähigkeit die Leber zu invadieren drastisch reduziert. Durch Reintegration einer funktionalen caMLT1-Genkopie konnte der Virulenzdefekt aufgehoben werden. CaMlt1p scheint in die Fähigkeit von C. albicans involviert zu sein an intestinale Organe adhärieren und Gewebebarrieren penetrieren zu können, möglicherweise durch Einbindung des Transporters in Stressantwort- und Detoxifikationsmechanismen. Beide Gene, caMLT1 und caPLB5, wurden auf zweierlei Weise inaktiviert: mittels einer klassischen Mutagenesemethode für C. albicans (dem URA3-Blaster-System im Ura--auxotrophen Stamm CAI4) und durch Entwicklung eines neuen dominanten Selektionssysstems. Die dominante Selektion basiert dabei auf der genomischen Insertion einer Einzelkopie eines mutierten caIMH3-Allels (MPAR), das Transformanten Resistenz gegenüber Mycophenolsäure (MPA) verleiht. Dieses System ermöglicht die genetische Manipulation von C. albicans Wildtypstämmen, wodurch die mühselige Konstruktion auxotropher und oft avirulenter Stämme nicht mehr nötig ist. / A coordinated interplay of certain traits enables the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans to adapt to different environmental conditions and to colonize different niches of the human host. Secretion of hydrolyzing enzymes, like proteinases and phospholipases, is an important characteristic of C. albicans which is considered to be integral to pathogenesis. This study focuses on the functional characterisation of the caPLB5 gene, a new member of the phospholipase B multigene family with five putative members. In contrast to the well characterized secretory PLBs caPlb1p and caPlb2p, the putative caPlb5-protein is likely to be GPI-anchored and ultimately bound to the cell wall. Northern expression studies showed caPLB5-specific transcripts in several strains of C. albicans under each growth condition tested. Interestingly, differential regulation of caPLB5, caPLB1 and caPLB2 could be detected during the yeast to hyphae transition in Lee’s medium. Sequence analysis of single caPLB5 allels resulted in the identification of two different alleles in several strains of C. albicans. The targeted gene disruption of both alleles in two different strains resulted in attenuated virulence as measured by host tissue colonization in a mouse model of systemic infection. The phenotypes expressed by null mutants and revertant strains of caPLB5 indicate that the phospholipase is required for complete virulence of this pathogen by playing a role for in vivo organ colonization. This study further presents the isolation and characterisation of the ABC-transporter gene caMLT1 in C. albicans belonging to the MRP/CFTR-subfamily of ATP-binding casette (ABC) transporters, a class of proteins so far not described in this fungus. Energy-driven transport proteins within the ABC-superfamily actively transport a wide variety of substances across biological membranes and fulfill important functions in cellular metabolism and detoxification. The protein encoded by the caMLT1 gene shows high similarities to the vacuolar efflux-pumps Ycf1p and Bpt1p of S. cerevisiae. Genomic tagging with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed vacuolar membrane localization of caMlt1p. Northern hybridisation experiments documented the inducibility of gene transcripts by the metabolic poisons cadmium and CDNB, which are also substrates of the scYcf1-pump. While caMlt1p could be an orthologue of scYcf1p, complementation of a scycf1-negative S. cerevisiae mutant with a caMLT1-gene copy did not reverse the sensitive phenotype to these toxins. Moreover, the construction of camlt1-negative mutants in C. albicans allowed for screening of substrates putatively transported by caMlt1p. These null mutants showed no hypersensitive phenotype to neither CdCl2 nor CDNB or any other tested inhibitory substances, hence caMlt1p is not a functional homologue of scYcf1p. The caMLT1 mRNA expression pattern is typical for a vacuolar gene, showing an extensively growth phase dependent regulation with the highest gene induction during the diauxic transition when glucose (and other nutrients) becomes limited. Most interestingly, a generated mlt1 null mutant showed a dramatic reduction in liver invasion in a mouse peritonitis model. Reintegration of a functional caMLT1 gene copy reverted the virulence defect. CaMlt1p seems to be involved in the capability of C. albicans to adhere to the intestinal organs and penetrate tissue barriers putatively because of its involvement in mechanisms of stress response and detoxification. Both genes, caMLT1 and caPLB5, were inactivated by using a classical disruption method for C. albicans (the URA3-Blaster-system in Ura- auxotrophic strain CAI4) and by developing a new dominant selection system. Dominant selection is based on genomic insertion of a single copy of a mutated caIMH3 allel (MPAR) that renders transformants resistant to mycophenolic acid (MPA). Using this system, the cumbersome generation of auxotrophic strains, which are often avirulent, is obsolete, while C. albicans wild-type strains become amenable to genetic manipulation.

Analysis of the ABC transporter CG31731 in engulfment during programmed cell death in the Drosophila melanogaster ovary

Santoso, Clarissa Stephanie 09 October 2018 (has links)
Programmed cell death (PCD) is an essential biological process in animal development and tissue homeostasis that is necessary to ensure the physiological well-being of the organism. During PCD, phagocytes facilitate the selective removal of excess, damaged, and potentially deleterious cells, in a multi-step engulfment process. Genetic studies in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mammals have identified two evolutionarily conserved signal transduction pathways that act redundantly to regulate engulfment: the CED-1/-6/-7 and CED-2/-5/-12 pathways. Of these cell death (CED) proteins, the ABC transporter CED-7 is the only protein reported to be required in both the engulfing cell and the dying cell. However, its function in the cell death process remains the most enigmatic and the ced-7 ortholog previously has not been identified in Drosophila. Homology searches revealed a family of putative ced-7 orthologs that encode transporters of the ABCA family in Drosophila. To determine which of these genes functions similarly to ced-7/ABCA1 in PCD, we analyzed their engulfment function in oogenesis, during which 15 germ cells in each egg chamber undergo programmed cell death and are removed by neighboring phagocytic follicle cells. It has been shown that genetically knocking down individual engulfment genes results in inefficient clearance of the germ cells, which then persist in late-stage egg chambers. Only two of the putative ced-7/ABCA1 genes are expressed significantly in the ovary, CG31731 and CG1718, and we have characterized these genes using transposon insertions, deficiencies, and RNAi knockdowns. Our genetic analysis reveals that CG31731 is necessary for germ cell clearance in the Drosophila ovary. Immunostaining shows that genetically knocking down CG31731 results in uncleared germ cells which persist in late-stage egg chambers. Altogether, our findings suggest that CED-7/ABCA1/CG31731 play evolutionarily conserved roles during engulfment.

Structural studies of the multi-drug resistance protein P-glycoprotein (ABCB1)

Thonghin, Nopnithi January 2018 (has links)
P-glycoprotein (P-gp or ABCB1) is a membrane-bound active transporter belonging to the ABC protein superfamily. It is responsible for xenobioIc efflux and also contributes to multidrug resistance in diverse diseases including cancer and epilepsy. P-gp has been increasingly recognised as a potential target for future therapeutics. Although the protein has been studied for decades, understanding of the P-gp transport mechanism is still incomplete. Two P-gp orthologues, mouse (m) and human (h), were therefore expressed in yeasts and purified in the presence of the detergent, n-Dodecyl-β-D- Maltoside (DDM). Purified proteins were examined for aggregation and monodispersity via dynamic light scattering (DLS) and their thermal stability was determined by an assay using a thiol-specific dye (CPM). ATPase activity, measured in a detergent environment, showed that the proteins were active with a basal activity of 60 ± 4 and 35 ± 3 nmol/min/mg for mP-gp and hP-gp, respectively. Crystallisation trials were conducted in the presence of nucleotide. In meso crystallisation using commercial monoolein pre- dispensed plates yielded hexagonal crystal-like objects however they failed to diffract X- rays. P-gp samples were also subjected to cryo-EM where mP-gp in the post-hydrolytic (ADP-bound, vanadate-trapped) state provided the highest resolution dataset that led to a reconstruction of 3D density map at the resolution of 7.9 Å which showed an inward- facing conformation. Rigid-body model fitting unveiled densities that were not accounted for by the fitted model illustrating new features such as bound ADP, extended NBD1- TMD2 linker and alternative allocrite-binding sites. Ultimately, the knowledge of P-gp conformation alteration was enhanced and a refined alternating access mechanism of P- gp was proposed based upon information derived from this study.

Der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe / The role of drug transporters in the pulmunary absorbtion of inhaled drugs

Schaaf, Lisa January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Arzneistofftransporter ermöglichen endogenen und exogenen Molekülen die Überwindung von Zellmembranen und tragen dadurch zur Aufnahme, Verteilung und Elimination von Arzneistoffen bei. Inhalativ applizierte Wirkstoffe, wie Vertreter aus der Gruppe der Beta-2-Sympathomimetika oder Anticholinergika, zählen zu den Substraten wichtiger, pulmonal exprimierter Arzneistofftransporter. Trotz intensivierter Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Transporter-Expression ist diese im humanen Lungengewebe bisher wenig untersucht und deren pharmakokinetische Auswirkungen auf pulmonal verabreichte Arzneistoffe sind kaum bekannt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte der Einfluss von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalierter Arzneistoffe untersucht und Erkenntnisse über deren Expressions-Profil im humanen Lungengewebe gewonnen werden. Pharmakokinetische Parameter des inhalativen Anticholinergikums Ipratropiumbromid wurden an einem ex vivo Modell der humanen Lunge untersucht. Nach vorheriger Applikation des kompetitiven OCTN1/2-Inhibitors L-Carnitin wurde keine signifikante Reduktion der absorbierten Wirkstoffmenge detektiert. Damit zeigten sich die beiden organischen Kationen/Carnitin-Transporter OCTN1 und OCTN2, anders als bisher vermutet, nicht als primär an der Absorption von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligte Transporter. Infolgedessen wurde die Beteiligung weiterer Transporter hypothetisiert. Erstmals wurden die am humanen Lungen-Perfusions-Modell gewonnenen pharmakokinetischen Daten zur pulmonalen Absorption in direkter Beziehung zur mRNA- und Protein-Expression von Arzneistofftransportern in den jeweiligen individuellen Gewebeproben betrachtet. Die pulmonale Genexpression des Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP5 wies eine signifikante negative Korrelation mit der Area under the curve (AUC0 – 60 min) von Ipratropiumbromid auf (r = -0,699; p < 0,05), was die Beteiligung von MRP5 an den Umverteilungsprozessen von Ipratropiumbromid in der humanen Lunge nahelegte. Auf Protein-Ebene wurde eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Expression des organischen Kationentransporters OCT3 und der AUC0 – 60 min von Ipratropiumbromid ermittelt (r = 0,7499,p < 0,05), woraus sich eine potentielle Beteiligung von OCT3 an der Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid aus dem luminalen Lungenbereich ableiten ließ. Zur Untermauerung dieser Hypothese wurden Untersuchungen mit stabil transfizierten HEK293-Zellen durchgeführt. Sowohl der organische Kationentransporter OCT1 als auch OCT3 trugen dabei signifikant zu einer erhöhten zellulären Aufnahme der beiden Tritium-markierten Bronchodilatatoren Ipratropiumbromid und Salbutamol bei. Damit wurde für OCT3 zum ersten Mal eine Beteiligung an der zellulären Aufnahme dieser beiden Arzneistoffe nachgewiesen. Im Kontext der Gendermedizin sind geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Transporter-Expression von großem Interesse. Inwiefern die drei Sexualsteroidhormone Estradiol, Progesteron und Testosteron einen regulatorischen Effekt auf die mRNA-Expression von Membrantransportern haben, wurde erstmals durch in vitro Inkubationsversuche in physiologischen Hormonkonzentrationen mit der humanen Bronchialepithelzelllinie Calu-3 geprüft. Mittels intensiv optimierter und sorgfältig validierter RT-qPCR-Analytik konnten vor allem nach Inkubation mit weiblichen Sexualhormonen verglichen zu keiner Hormon-Zugabe statistisch signifikante Expressions-Unterschiede detektiert werden: Nach Behandlung mit Estradiol zeigten der Oligopeptid-Transporter PEPT2 (80,8 ± 15,6 %) und OCTN2 (82,8 ± 4,2 %) eine geringere Genexpression, das Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein MRP1 (111,6 ± 9,1 %) sowie OCTN1 (112,9 ± 10,1 %) waren nach Zugabe von Estradiol kombiniert mit Progesteron höher exprimiert als ohne Hormon-Zusatz. Da Estradiol überdies als Inhibitor des OCT1- und OCT3-vermittelten Transports gilt, wurde die Auswirkung des Hormons, unter anderem in physiologischer Konzentration, auf die Aufnahme von Tritium-markierten Ipratropiumbromid in stabil transfizierte HEK293-Zellen untersucht, wobei tatsächlich eine reduzierte zelluläre Ipratropiumbromid-Aufnahme beobachtet wurde. Somit könnte auch in vivo eine geschlechtsspezifische Inhibition der beiden Transporter stattfinden, wodurch deren Substrate einer geschlechtsspezifisch variierenden Pharmakokinetik unterliegen könnten. Darüber hinaus wurde in rund 80 humanen Lungengewebsproben die Genexpression von Arzneistofftransportern hinsichtlich geschlechts- und altersspezifischer Unterschiede überprüft. In unter 50-jährigen Männern war das Multidrug-Resistance Protein MDR1 signifikant höher exprimiert verglichen zu Männern von 50 - 60 Jahren. OCT1 war in Patienten von 50 - 60 Jahren signifikant geringer exprimiert als in über 60-Jährigen. Daneben lieferte die Analyse aller Gewebeproben das Genexpressions-Profil von Arzneistofftransportern im humanen Lungengewebe, wobei OCT3 das höchste und OCT2 das geringste mRNA-Expressions-Niveau unter den untersuchten Transportern aufwies. Eine wesentliche Beteiligung von OCT3 an Transportvorgängen im humanen Lungengewebe erschien damit wahrscheinlich. Resümierend konnte mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Beitrag zur Aufklärung des Einflusses von Arzneistofftransportern auf die pulmonale Absorption inhalativ verabreichter Arzneistoffe geleistet werden. Dabei konnte OCT3 erstmals als maßgeblich an der zellulären Aufnahme von Ipratropiumbromid beteiligter Transporter in der humanen Lunge identifiziert werden, womit einerseits die Beteiligung von Arzneistofftransportern an pharmakokinetischen Prozessen in vivo und andererseits die Bedeutung von Arzneistofftransportern für die inhalative Arzneimitteltherapie deutlich wurde. / Drug transporters facilitate the transport of endogenous and exogenous compounds across cell membranes. Therefore they contribute to the absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs. Pulmonary administered drugs, such as members of the drug class of betamimetics or anticholinergics, are known substrates of relevant pulmonary expressed drug transporters. Despite intensified research in the field of transporter expression few data are available about their expression in the human lung and the pharmacokinetic implications on pulmonary administered drugs. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the impact of drug transporters on the absorption of inhaled drugs and to gain insights into their expression profiles in human lung tissue. Pharmacokinetic properties of the inhaled anticholinergic ipratropium bromide were explored using an ex vivo model of the human lung. After preceding application of the competitive OCTN1/2-inhibitor L-carnitine no significant decrease of the amount of absorbed active ingredient was detected. This contradicted previous assumptions regarding the contribution of the organic cation/carnitine transporters OCTN1 and OCTN2 to the absorption of ipratropium bromide. Consequently the involvement of additional transporters was hypothesized. For the first time pharmacokinetic data of the pulmonary absorption obtained by employing the human lung perfusion model were correlated with the mRNA and protein expression of drug transporters in respective individual tissue samples. The pulmonary gene expression of the multidrug resistance–related protein MRP5 showed a significant negative correlation with the area under the curve (AUC0 – 60 min) of ipratropium bromide (r = -0,699; p < 0,05). This might indicate that MRP5 contributes to the redistribution processes of ipratropium bromide in the human lung. A positive correlation between the protein expression of the organic cation transporter OCT3 and the AUC0 – 60 min of ipratropium bromide was detected (r = 0,7499, p < 0,05) suggesting a potential involvement of OCT3 in the absorption of ipratropium bromide in the luminal lung area. Uptake assays using stably transfected HEK293 cells were performed to substantiate this hypothesis. Both organic cation transporters, OCT1 and OCT3, contributed significantly to an increased cellular uptake of the tritium labeled bronchodilators ipratropium bromide and salbutamol. Thus, the contribution of OCT3 to the cellular uptake of both pharmaceutical substances was demonstrated for the first time. Gender-specific differences of drug transporter expression are of major interest in the context of gender medicine. In vitro incubation studies with the human bronchial epithelial cell line Calu-3 for the first time elucidated whether physiological concentrations of the three sex steroid hormones estradiol, progesterone and testosterone exert a regulatory effect upon the mRNA expression of membrane transporters. By thoroughly optimized and carefully validated RT-qPCR analytics statistically significant differences in gene expression were detected primarily after incubation with female sex hormones compared to no hormone exposure: After incubation with estradiol the peptide transporter PEPT2 (80,8 ± 15,6 %) and OCTN2 (82,8 ± 4,2 %) showed decreased expression whereas the multidrug resistance–related protein MRP1 (111,6 ± 9,1 %) as well as OCTN1 (112,9 ± 10,1 %) were upregulated after addition of both estradiol and progesterone compared to no treatment. Since estradiol is also a known inhibitor of the transport mediated by OCT1 and OCT3 its impact on the uptake of tritium labeled ipratropium bromide was investigated in stably transfected HEK293 cells. Indeed, a reduced cellular uptake of ipratropium bromide was observed after incubation with estradiol, also at physiological concentrations. Therefore, a gender-specific inhibition of both transporters in vivo is conceivable and could result in gender-specific pharmacokinetic characteristics for substrates of these transporters. Moreover, the gene expression of drug transporters in approximate 80 lung tissue samples was examined regarding gender and age related differences. The multidrug resistance protein MDR1 was significantly higher expressed in men younger than 50 years compared to 50 - 60 year old men. OCT1 was significantly less expressed in 50 - 60 years old patients compared to patients older than 60 years. Furthermore, the gene expression profile of drug transporters in the human lung was analyzed. In all tissue samples OCT3 showed the highest mRNA expression level whereas OCT2 was least expressed amongst the investigated transporters. This suggested a substantial involvement of OCT3 in transport processes in human lung tissue. In conclusion, the present research contributed to the elucidation of the role of drug transporters in the pulmonary absorption of inhaled drugs. For the first time OCT3 was identified to be substantially involved in the cellular absorption of ipratropium bromide in human lungs. Hence, the data supported the involvement of drug transporters in pharmacokinetic processes in vivo and emphasized the importance of drug transporters for inhaled pharmacotherapy.

Phosphatidylethanolamine regulates the structure and function of HorA, a bacterial multidrug transporter

Gustot, Adelin 03 November 2009 (has links)
The biological membrane surrounding the living cell provides a sealed barrier that tightly regulates the interactions with the outside environment. A large number of integral membrane proteins mediate these interactions and are involved in a wide variety of biological processes. An increasing number of studies have led to the conclusion that lipids provide more than a hydrophobic solvent for membrane proteins, and that interactions between lipids and proteins are required to allow protein function. ABC transporters are one of the most important family of membrane proteins. However, the importance of their lipidic environment is largely unknown. Only a few studies showed that their activity was dependent on the lipidic composition of the surrounding bilayer. The bacterial ABC transporter HorA was used as a model to probe the influence of the lipidic environment on that class of membrane proteins. HorA is a multidrug transporter expressed in Lactobacillus brevis, a Gram-positive beer spoilage bacterium. It turned out that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was indispensable to maintain both the activity and the structural integrity of HorA. Surprisingly, replacement of PE by the chemically related PC (phosphatidylcholine) did not led to the suppression of HorA activity, but to an unexpected phenotype. Whereas the cytoplasmic domains of HorA were still able to hydrolyze ATP, the membrane parts of the transporter were unable to use that energy to mediate substrate transport. Using several biophysical methods particularly adapted to the study of reconstituted systems, we showed that the structure of HorA is strongly altered by this lipid replacement. In particular, the structural organization of the transmembrane domains of the protein is strongly affected.

The Protein-Protein Interactome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABC Transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p

Hanif, Asad 20 November 2012 (has links)
The Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH) technology was used in this study to find protein-protein interactors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p. There were 23 interactors for Nft1p, 22 interactors for Pdr10p, 4 interactors for Pdr18p and 1 interactor for Vmr1p. The 43 unique interactors belong to a wide variety of functional categories. There were 11 interactors involved in metabolism, 9 interactors involved in transport, 8 interactors with unknown function, 4 interactors involved in trafficking and secretion, 3 interactors involved in protein folding, 2 interactors involved in stress response, and 1 interactor in each of the following categories: cell wall assembly, cytoskeleton maintenance, nuclear function, protein degradation, protein modification and protein synthesis. Follow up experiments also showed that Pdr15p and Pdr18p play an important role in zinc homeostasis because deletion of these ABC transporters results in sensitivity to zinc shock.

The Protein-Protein Interactome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABC Transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p

Hanif, Asad 20 November 2012 (has links)
The Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH) technology was used in this study to find protein-protein interactors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters Nft1p, Pdr10p, Pdr18p and Vmr1p. There were 23 interactors for Nft1p, 22 interactors for Pdr10p, 4 interactors for Pdr18p and 1 interactor for Vmr1p. The 43 unique interactors belong to a wide variety of functional categories. There were 11 interactors involved in metabolism, 9 interactors involved in transport, 8 interactors with unknown function, 4 interactors involved in trafficking and secretion, 3 interactors involved in protein folding, 2 interactors involved in stress response, and 1 interactor in each of the following categories: cell wall assembly, cytoskeleton maintenance, nuclear function, protein degradation, protein modification and protein synthesis. Follow up experiments also showed that Pdr15p and Pdr18p play an important role in zinc homeostasis because deletion of these ABC transporters results in sensitivity to zinc shock.

Role of transporters in pancreatic cancer drug resistance

Lo, Maisie K. Y. 05 1900 (has links)
Pancreatic cancer (PC) is known to be highly resistant to chemotherapy. Transporters, which regulate the influx and efflux of substrates across the plasma membrane, may play a role in PC drug resistance. ABC transporters are a large family of transmembrane proteins with diverse physiological functions, several of which play major roles in cancer drug resistance. Given that 90% of PC express a mutant K-ras oncogene and that PC are highly hypoxic, I postulated that constitutive K-ras activation and/or hypoxia may correlate with ABC transporter expression, which in turn may promote drug resistance in PC. Using normal and PC cell lines either overexpressing mutant K-ras or subjected to hypoxic treatment, mRNA expression was profiled for 48 ABC transporters. My findings indicate that expression of mutant K-ras and hypoxic treatment, as well as long-term exposure to chemotherapy, may contribute to the development of drug resistance in PC cells in part by inducing the expression of ABC transporters. Similar to ABC transporters, I investigated whether amino acid transporters would mediate drug resistance in PC. The xc" amino acid transporter (xc") mediates cellular uptake of cystine for the biosynthesis of glutathione, a major detoxifying agent. Because the xc" has been regulates the growth of various cancer cell types, and x," is expressed in the pancreas, I postulated that the xc" may be involved in growth and drug resistance in PC. The xc" transporter is differentially expressed in normal pancreatic tissues and is overexpressed in PC in vivo. UsingPC cell lines, I found that cystine uptake via the N.: was required for growth and survival in response to oxidative stress, and that expression of the xc" correlated with gemcitabine resistance. Accordingly, inhibition of xc" expression via siRNA reduced PC cell proliferation and restored sensitivity to gemcitabine. I also identified the anti-inflammatory drug sulfasalazine as a mixed inhibitor of the x,-, which acts to inhibit cell proliferation via reducing xc" activity and not by reducing NFKB activity. My findings thus indicate that the xc" plays a role in PC growth in part by contributing to glutathione synthesis to promote PC cell proliferation, survival, and drug resistance.

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