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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Membrane transport in red blood cells

Drew, Clare G. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of cocaine exposure on K+-Cl- cotransporter 2 expression in rat

Liou, Sih-min 26 December 2011 (has links)
Cocaine (CA) exposure during pregnancy causes long-lasting negative effects on fetal brain development and eventually results in motor dysfunction or changes in learning and memory performance. £^-amino-butyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain and undergo a switch from excitatory to inhibitory during early postnatal period. The excitatory/inhibitory switch is resulted in the relative temporal expression of K+-Cl- cotransporter 2 (KCC2). GABA is the neurotransmitter in the rat was born from excitement to inhibition and until the growth of thirty days have completely inhibitory. Here we test the effect of CA prenatal exposure on the expression of KCC2 in prefrontal cortex (recognition), hippocampus (memory), VTA (reward) and nucleus accumbens (reward). Protein expression profile of control or prenatal CA treated groups were evaluated by western blot in 2 days interval from postnatal day (PND) 8 to 30. The expression of KCC2 was time-dependently enhanced from PND 8 and reaches its maximal expression around PND 18 in prenatal CA exposure groups. The time-dependent profile of KCC2 expression in prefrontal cortex and NAc was significantly delayed in prenatal CA exposure group. We then correlate the KCC2 expression and the cocaine sensitivity by locomotor activity assay. We found group A shows a higher sensitivity to cocaine than group B in control rats. Surprisingly, group A of prenatal cocaine reduce the sensitive to cocaine to a similar extend like group B in control rats, suggesting prenatal exposure of cocaine might enhance the KCC2 expression. Furthermore, age range of A group (PND 22~27) and B group (PND 29~34) to repeated cocaine exposure resulted in up-regulation of KCC2 expression in B group earlier than A group. We found that the KCC2 expressions of repeated cocaine exposure in B group were higher than A group. In other words, in the B group, the inhibitory effect of GABA was significant and the locomotor activity was relatively slow. Therefore, the A group was more easy be cocaine addiction than B group. We next explore the signaling mechanism underlying cocaine exposure-induced KCC2 expression inhibition. Brain slices were incubated with cocaine with or without dopamine receptor antagonists and KCC2 expression was evaluated by western blot. Either SCH23390 (dopamine D1-receptor inhibitor) or eticlopride (dopamine D2-receptor inhibitor) significantly hamper the inhibition of KCC2 expression by cocaine in normal slices. However, only D2 antagonist eticlopride but not SCH23390 is effective reverse cocaine-induced KCC2 expression inhibition. Overall, results from our current studies provide a further insight into the molecular mechanism of cocaine-induced synaptic modification.


Wheat, Valerie Jo 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Feinkartierung eines Schizophrenielocus auf Chromosom 15q und Assoziationsstudien seltener Mutationen des Kandidatengens SLC12A6 mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen / Positional cloning of schizophrenia-related genes on chromosome 15q and association studies of rare variants of the gene encoding the potassium chloride co-transporter SLC12A6 with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Johannssen, Kirsten Anke January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Sowohl die zu den Schizophrenien zählende periodische Katatonie als auch die bipolare Erkrankung werden gegenwärtig als multifaktoriell polygen bedingte Erkrankungen mit komplexem Vererbungsmodus verstanden. Für die periodische Katatonie wurden im Rahmen vorangegangener Kopplungsanalysen zwei chromosomale Loci auf Chromosom 15 und 22 bestätigt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Kandidatengenregion auf Chromosom 15q13 -15 mittels Feinkartierung einer Mehrgenerationsfamilie mit familiärer katatoner Schizophrenie (SCZD10, OMIM %605419) durch Genotypisierung zusätzlicher polymorpher Marker auf 7,7 cM zwischen den Markern D15S1042 und D15S182 verkleinert. Hierdurch konnten viele interessante Kandidatengene für die periodische Katatonie wie zum Beispiel RYR3, CX36 und auch SLC12A6 als krankheitsverursachend ausgeschlossen werden. Trotz Ausschluss in der untersuchten Familie stellt das für den Kalium-Chlorid-Kotransporter 3 codierende Gen SLC12A6 aufgrund seiner funktionellen Eigenschaften und vermuteten Bedeutung in der Pathogenese einiger neuro-psychiatrischer Erkrankungen wie zum Beispiel dem Andermann Syndrom (ACCPN, OMIM 218000) ein interessantes Kandidatengen für die periodische Katatonie und die bipolare Störung dar. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei seltene SLC12A6-Varianten, die im Promotor bzw. der 5’-UTR-Region gelegenen SNPs 32418760 (G/A) und 32416574 (G/A), im Rahmen einer Fall-Kontroll-Studie auf Assoziation mit Erkrankungen des schizophrenen Formenkreises und der bipolaren Störung hin untersucht. Der Nachweis einer signifikanten Assoziation der G-Variante des proximal gelegenen SNP 32418760 mit der bipolaren Erkrankung und auch dem Gesamtkollektiv einerseits und einem Trend zur Assoziation für die G-Variante des zweiten SNP 32416574 andererseits, unterstützt die Hypothese, dass SLC12A6 eines von mehreren Risikogenen insbesondere für die bipolare Störung darstellt. In anschließenden funktionellen Untersuchungen als Teil einer naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorarbeit konnte eine mutmaßliche regulatorische Funktion der G-Variante des SNP 32418760 nachgewiesen werden. Zukünftig ist die weitere Untersuchung der verbleibenden Kandidatengene und deren funktioneller Bedeutung nötig, des weiteren unterstützen die hier erhobenen Ergebnisse die Forderung nach der Weiterentwicklung des gängigen pathophysiologischen Krankheitsverständnisses der endogenen Psychosen und deren aktuell verwendeter Klassifikation. / Polygenic inheritance is assumed for both periodic catatonia, a clinical subtype of unsystematic schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Within a genomewide linkage study evidence for two major susceptibility loci on 15q15 and 22q13 was found. In the first part of this work members of a large family with periodic catatonia strongly supporting the chromosome 15q13–22 region were genotyped with additional polymorphic markers in order to narrow down the candidate region to 7.7 cM. Several candidate genes such as RYR3 and CX36 were excluded. SLC12A6, the gene encoding the potassium chloride co-transporter 3, is localized on chromosome 15q14, a region where linkage to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder has previously been shown. Recessive mutations of SLC12A6 cause severe peripheral neuropathy frequently associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum and psychoses (ACCPN). In the second part of this work a case-control study was performed to assess association of two rare SLC12A6 single nucleotide polymorphisms (G/A, G/A) in the promoter and 5'-UTR with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in a large sample. The two G variants were found to be in linkage disequilibrium with each other, and significantly associated with bipolar disorder. Our data strongly suggest that rare variants of SLC12A6 may represent risk factors for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia with bipolar features. Further functional analysis support a putative regulatory function of the promoter variant.

Norepinephrine-evoked renal regulation of sodium homeostasis in salt-sensitive hypertension

Walsh, Kathryn 15 June 2016 (has links)
Hypertension affects 1 in 3 adults and is the single greatest risk factor for premature death. Salt-sensitive hypertension occurs in approximately 50% of hypertensive patients and results in a 3-fold increase in the risk of adverse cardiovascular events. However, the pathophysiology of salt-sensitive hypertension remains to be fully elucidated. There has been increased interest in the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the kidney and how that interaction mediates sodium excretion to drive the development of salt-sensitivity. Previous studies show that sympathetic over-activity increases expression of the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) resulting in increased NCC-mediated sodium reabsorption, and the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. In this thesis, I show the effect of increased norepinephrine (NE) and high salt intake in salt-resistant vs. salt-sensitive rat phenotypes on blood pressure regulation, NCC activity, and the adrenoreceptor-mediated regulatory kinase network signal transduction pathway. A high salt diet 1) exacerbates NE-induced hypertension in salt-resistant Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats and 2) results in hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive (DSS) rats. In contrast to salt-resistant phenotypes (SD & Dahl salt-resistant), dietary sodium-evoked suppression of NCC expression and activity is prevented in salt-sensitive rats (SD-NE infusion & DSS) - I show that this occurs through a failure of a high salt intake to suppress renal OxSR1, SPAK, and WNK1 (NCC regulatory proteins). I demonstrate that α1-adrenoreceptors are responsible for mediating the salt-sensitive component of hypertension and restore dietary sodium-evoked suppression of the NCC via a predominant OxSR1 pathway. Chronic β-adrenoreceptor antagonism significantly reduces blood pressure in NE-mediated hypertension. How the body senses salt remains unknown, but my data show that selective removal of the afferent renal nerves prevents dietary sodium-evoked suppression of NCC expression and activity resulting in salt-sensitive hypertension, suggesting that the afferent renal nerves play an important role as a sodium-sensing mechanism. Overall, these data demonstrate that attenuated afferent renal nerve feedback drives renal efferent nerve release of NE to prevent the downregulation of the NCC via an α1-adrenergic receptor-gated WNK1-OxSR1 signal transduction pathway to evoke the development of salt-sensitive hypertension.

Integrated renal and neural mechanisms contributing to sodium homeostasis and blood pressure regulation

Frame, Alissa 07 October 2019 (has links)
Hypertension affects one in two adults in the United States and contributes to more than 10% of deaths worldwide. The salt sensitivity of blood pressure, a clinical phenomenon present in one half of hypertensive patients and one quarter of normotensive individuals, predicts the development of hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension rises with age, and age-related increases in salt sensitivity and sympathetic nervous system activity, which promotes renal sodium reabsorption and plays a pathophysiological role in salt sensitivity and hypertension, have been documented. Increased mechanistic insight into the integrated renal and neural mechanisms influencing sodium homeostasis and blood pressure, particularly in aging, could yield valuable information for the phenotypically targeted treatment of hypertension. The renal nerves, comprised of the sensory afferent renal nerves (ARN) and the efferent renal sympathetic nerves, influence sodium homeostasis and blood pressure. The ARN, which include mechanosensitive and chemosensitive fibers, mediate a sympathoinhibitory reno-renal reflex that suppresses renal sympathetic nerve activity. The renal sympathetic nerves release norepinephrine, which can promote salt-sensitive hypertension in part by activating the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC). In this thesis, Sprague Dawley rats were used as a model of normal aging to demonstrate that 1) the ARN are critical to the sympathoinhibitory and natriuretic responses to alterations in sodium homeostasis and protect against salt sensitivity of blood pressure, 2) the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus may be a site of central integration of the mechanosensitive sympathoinhibitory reno-renal reflex, 3) norepinephrine promotes NCC activity through an α1-adrenoceptor-gated WNK1-OxSR1-dependent signaling pathway, driving salt-sensitive hypertension, and 4) impairments in the sympathoinhibitory reno-renal reflex may promote sympathoexcitation and NCC-mediated sodium retention, driving salt-sensitive hypertension in aging rats. Finally, data from the Genetic Epidemiology of Salt Sensitivity study were used to demonstrate that variance in the gene encoding Gαi2 proteins, which are upregulated in the paraventricular nucleus during high salt intake in salt-resistant animal models and are required for dietary sodium-evoked suppression of renal sympathetic outflow, may be a biomarker for the salt sensitivity of blood pressure in humans. Together, these findings highlight the integrated renal and neural mechanisms contributing to salt sensitivity and age-related hypertension.

Biological Ion Transporters as Gating Devices for Chemomechanical and Chemoelectrical Energy Conversion

Sundaresan, Vishnu Baba 01 June 2007 (has links)
This dissertation presents a new class of engineered devices, fabricated from synthetic materials and protein transporters extracted from cell membranes of plants, that use chemomechanical and chemoelectrical energy conversion processes to perform mechanical and electrical work. The chemomechanical energy conversion concept is implemented in a protein based actuator. The chemical energy is applied as an electrochemical gradient of protons across a membrane assembly formed from phospholipids and SUT4 -a proton-sucrose cotransporter. The membrane assembly forms a physical barrier between two chambers in the actuator. The SUT4 proteins in the membrane assembly balances the applied electrochemical gradient by a concentration gradient of sucrose across the membrane. The sucrose gradient simultaneously generates an osmotic flow which deforms a flexible wall in a constrained chamber of the actuator, thus exhibiting mechanical strain. The sucrose concentration balanced by the protein transporter is used as the control variable for fluid flow through the membrane. The transport properties of the membrane assembly has been characterized for the control variable in the system. The reaction kinetics based model for solute transport through the cotransporter is modified to compute the equilibrium constant for solute binding and fluid translocation rate through the membrane. The maximum initial flux rate through the membrane is computed to be 2.51+/-0.6 ul/ug.cm^2.min for an applied pH4.0/pH7.0 concentration gradient across the membrane. The flux rate can be modulated by varying the sucrose concentration in the actuator. The prototype actuator has been fabricated using the characterized membrane assembly. A maximum deformation of 60microns at steady state is developed by the actuator for 20 mM sucrose concentration in the system. The chemoelectrical energy conversion concept is based on the electrogenic proton pumps in plasma and vacuolar membranes of a plant cell. A prototype device referred to as a BioCell demonstrates the chemoelectric energy conversion using V-type ATPase extracted from plant cell membranes. The enzyme in the bilayer lipid membrane hydrolyzes ATP and converts the chemical energy from the reaction into a charge gradient across the membrane. Silver-silver chloride electrodes on both the sides of the membrane convert the charge established by the proton pumps into cell voltage. The redox reactions at the surface of the electrodes result in a current through the external load connected to the terminals of the BioCell. The single cell behaves like a constant current power source and has an internal resistance of 10-22kOhms. The specific power from the cell of the membrane assembly is estimated to be around 2microwatts/sq/cm. The demonstration of chemoelectrical energy conversion shows the possibility to use ATP as an alternative source of electrical power to design novel chemo-electro-mechanical devices. / Ph. D.

Activation de la voie du monoxyde d’azote dans les cellules endothéliales par les anthocyanes du cassis : caractérisation des molécules actives et rôle des co-transporteurs sodium-glucose 1 et 2 / Blackcurrant anthocyanin induces activation of NO pathway : role of sodium glucose cotransporter 1 and 2

Lee, Hyunho 12 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis quelques décennies, de nombreuses données suggèrent que l’effet protecteur cardiovasculaire des anthocyanes implique vraisemblablement une amélioration de la fonction endothéliale par une augmentation de la formation de monoxyde d’azote (NO). Cependant, les mécanismes protecteurs du transport intracellulaire des anthocyanes dans la cellule endothéliale demeurent mal compris. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer la contribution de SGLT1 et SGLT2, les co-transporteurs majeurs du sodium et du glucose, dans l’entrée des anthocyanes issues du cassis et de ses dérivés glucoside et rutinoside dans les cellules endothéliales. Cette entrée promeut l’activation de la voie de la monoxyde d’azote synthase endothéliale (eNOS) qui est ici étudiée par l’utilisation de vaisseaux isolés et de cellules endothéliales en culture. Un extrait de cassis riche en anthocyanes (BCE) induit la relaxation dépendante de l’endothélium par la voie du NO sur des anneaux d’artère coronaire de porc et active la voie de signalisation Akt-eNOS au sein des cellules endothéliales en culture. De plus, des expériences additionnelles suggèrent que l’effet protecteur des anthocyanes dépend à la fois du type de glucoside présent dans la structure des anthocyanes mais aussi de la contribution des transporteurs SGLTs dans l’influx cellulaire des anthocyanes. La capacité des anthocyanes à lutter contre la dysfonction endothéliale est hautement potentialisée dans un modèle cellulaire de sénescence réplicative par l’augmentation de l’influx des anthocyanes due à une forte expression des SGLTs. L’ensemble de ces données indique que les anthocyanes extraits du cassis sont de puissants activateurs de la voie du NO endothélial dans les cellules natives et en culture. Parmi les anthocyanes contenus dans le cassis, les dérivés glycosidiques comme la cyanidine et la delphinidine-3-O-glucoside, sont les anthocyanes les plus puissantes afin d’activer la voie du NO. En conclusion, les anthocyanes peuvent être particulièrement intéressantes afin de cibler précocement les sites à risque d’athérosclérose par leur effet de stimulation de l’expression des transporteurs SGLT1 et 2. / Since last few decades, considerable data have been suggested that the protective effect of anthocyanin on cardiovascular system is likely to involve an improvement of endothelial function by increase nitric oxide (NO) formation. However, comprehensive studies on the subsequent mechanisms of protective effect by anthocyanin intracellular transportation in vascular endothelial cell is poorly understood. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility that SGLT1 and 2, the two major sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLT), contribute to blackcurrant anthocyanins and its major glucoside- and rutinoside-conjugated anthocyanins uptake into endothelial cells that promoting the subsequent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) pathway using isolated blood vessels and cultured endothelial cells. An anthocyanin rich blackcurrant extract (BCE) induced NO-mediated endothelium dependent relaxation in porcine coronary artery rings and activated Akt-eNOS signaling pathway in cultured endothelial cell. Furthermore, additional experiments suggested that such a protective effect of anthocyanin is based on the type of glucoside in anthocyanin structure and contribution of SGLTs for the intracellular transportation of anthocyanins. An ability of anthocyanin against endothelial dysfunction is highly potentiated in the endothelial cell replicative senescence model by the increase anthocyanin efflux according to the high expression of SGLTs. Altogether, the present findings indicate that blackcurrant anthocyanins are potent activator of the endothelial NO pathway in native and cultured endothelial cells. Among blackcurrant anthocyanins, glucose derivatives such as cyanidin and delphinidin -3-O-glucoside are the most potent anthocyanins for activation of NO pathway. In conclusion, anthocyanin can be more prominent by preferentially targeting an early stage of atherosclerotic site by their increase expression of SGLT1 and 2.

Efeito da glicose sobre recuperação do pHi em células HEK-293. / Effect of glucose on pHi recovery in HEK-293 cells.

Silva, Olivia Beloto da 03 March 2009 (has links)
Os estudos foram realizados em cultura de células HEK-293 (human embrionic kidney cells). Por microscopia de fluorescência, avaliou-se a velocidade de recuperação do pHi (dpHi/dt). Por Western blot, avaliou-se a expressão de SGLTs e NHEs e a translocação dos SGLTs foi avaliada por imunofluorescência. Resultados: No controle, a dpHi/dt foi de 0,169 ± 0,020 unid pH/min (n=6). A glicose modula dose e tempo dependentemente a dpHi/dt. O tratamento crônico aumentou esse parâmetro e somente Florizina (inibidor dos SGLTs), H-89 (inibidor da PKA) e BAPTA (quelante de Ca2+intracelular Ca2+i) reduziram esse efeito. O tratamento crônico induziu a internalização do SGLT1, manteve o SGLT2 no citosol e aumentou sua expressão. Conclusões: No tratamento crônico, a internalização do SGLT1 depende da PKA, independe de Ca2+i e a permanência do SGLT2 no citosol depende tanto da PKA quanto do Ca2+i. Assim, a distribuição celular do SGLT2 altera a atividade dos NHEs. / In this work we used human embryonic kidney (HEK-293 cells). The pHi recovery rate (dpHi/dt) was evaluated through fluorescence microscopy. The expression of SGLT´s and NHEs was analysed through Western blot and translocation of SGLTs was evaluated through Imunofluorescence. Results: In the control situation, the dpHi/dt was 0,169 ± 0,020 units pH/min (n=6). This parameter was modulated by glucose in a concentration and time dependent manner. Chronic treatment increased the dpHi/dt and this stimulatory effect was inhibited by Phlorizin (SGLTs inhibitor), H-89 (PKA inhibitor) and BAPTA (intracellular Ca2+ cheleator - Ca2+i). The chronic treatment induced internalization of SGLT1, increased the expression of SGLT2 and kept it in the cytosol. Conclusions: In chronic treatment, the internalization of SGLT1 involves a PKA-dependent and Ca2+i- independent mechanism. The maintenance of SGLT2 in the cytosol depends on PKA and Ca2+i. Thus, the cellular distribution of SGLT2 is associated with NHEs activity.

Efeito da glicose sobre recuperação do pHi em células HEK-293. / Effect of glucose on pHi recovery in HEK-293 cells.

Olivia Beloto da Silva 03 March 2009 (has links)
Os estudos foram realizados em cultura de células HEK-293 (human embrionic kidney cells). Por microscopia de fluorescência, avaliou-se a velocidade de recuperação do pHi (dpHi/dt). Por Western blot, avaliou-se a expressão de SGLTs e NHEs e a translocação dos SGLTs foi avaliada por imunofluorescência. Resultados: No controle, a dpHi/dt foi de 0,169 ± 0,020 unid pH/min (n=6). A glicose modula dose e tempo dependentemente a dpHi/dt. O tratamento crônico aumentou esse parâmetro e somente Florizina (inibidor dos SGLTs), H-89 (inibidor da PKA) e BAPTA (quelante de Ca2+intracelular Ca2+i) reduziram esse efeito. O tratamento crônico induziu a internalização do SGLT1, manteve o SGLT2 no citosol e aumentou sua expressão. Conclusões: No tratamento crônico, a internalização do SGLT1 depende da PKA, independe de Ca2+i e a permanência do SGLT2 no citosol depende tanto da PKA quanto do Ca2+i. Assim, a distribuição celular do SGLT2 altera a atividade dos NHEs. / In this work we used human embryonic kidney (HEK-293 cells). The pHi recovery rate (dpHi/dt) was evaluated through fluorescence microscopy. The expression of SGLT´s and NHEs was analysed through Western blot and translocation of SGLTs was evaluated through Imunofluorescence. Results: In the control situation, the dpHi/dt was 0,169 ± 0,020 units pH/min (n=6). This parameter was modulated by glucose in a concentration and time dependent manner. Chronic treatment increased the dpHi/dt and this stimulatory effect was inhibited by Phlorizin (SGLTs inhibitor), H-89 (PKA inhibitor) and BAPTA (intracellular Ca2+ cheleator - Ca2+i). The chronic treatment induced internalization of SGLT1, increased the expression of SGLT2 and kept it in the cytosol. Conclusions: In chronic treatment, the internalization of SGLT1 involves a PKA-dependent and Ca2+i- independent mechanism. The maintenance of SGLT2 in the cytosol depends on PKA and Ca2+i. Thus, the cellular distribution of SGLT2 is associated with NHEs activity.

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