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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of cocaine exposure on K+-Cl- cotransporter 2 expression in rat

Liou, Sih-min 26 December 2011 (has links)
Cocaine (CA) exposure during pregnancy causes long-lasting negative effects on fetal brain development and eventually results in motor dysfunction or changes in learning and memory performance. £^-amino-butyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain and undergo a switch from excitatory to inhibitory during early postnatal period. The excitatory/inhibitory switch is resulted in the relative temporal expression of K+-Cl- cotransporter 2 (KCC2). GABA is the neurotransmitter in the rat was born from excitement to inhibition and until the growth of thirty days have completely inhibitory. Here we test the effect of CA prenatal exposure on the expression of KCC2 in prefrontal cortex (recognition), hippocampus (memory), VTA (reward) and nucleus accumbens (reward). Protein expression profile of control or prenatal CA treated groups were evaluated by western blot in 2 days interval from postnatal day (PND) 8 to 30. The expression of KCC2 was time-dependently enhanced from PND 8 and reaches its maximal expression around PND 18 in prenatal CA exposure groups. The time-dependent profile of KCC2 expression in prefrontal cortex and NAc was significantly delayed in prenatal CA exposure group. We then correlate the KCC2 expression and the cocaine sensitivity by locomotor activity assay. We found group A shows a higher sensitivity to cocaine than group B in control rats. Surprisingly, group A of prenatal cocaine reduce the sensitive to cocaine to a similar extend like group B in control rats, suggesting prenatal exposure of cocaine might enhance the KCC2 expression. Furthermore, age range of A group (PND 22~27) and B group (PND 29~34) to repeated cocaine exposure resulted in up-regulation of KCC2 expression in B group earlier than A group. We found that the KCC2 expressions of repeated cocaine exposure in B group were higher than A group. In other words, in the B group, the inhibitory effect of GABA was significant and the locomotor activity was relatively slow. Therefore, the A group was more easy be cocaine addiction than B group. We next explore the signaling mechanism underlying cocaine exposure-induced KCC2 expression inhibition. Brain slices were incubated with cocaine with or without dopamine receptor antagonists and KCC2 expression was evaluated by western blot. Either SCH23390 (dopamine D1-receptor inhibitor) or eticlopride (dopamine D2-receptor inhibitor) significantly hamper the inhibition of KCC2 expression by cocaine in normal slices. However, only D2 antagonist eticlopride but not SCH23390 is effective reverse cocaine-induced KCC2 expression inhibition. Overall, results from our current studies provide a further insight into the molecular mechanism of cocaine-induced synaptic modification.

Dynamic Optical Model of the Primate Crystalline Lens and Implications for the Restoration of Accommodation

Borja, David 23 December 2008 (has links)
The human crystalline lens is a complex, inhomogeneous and dynamic optical element which enables the eye to adjust focus in a process known as accommodation. Age related changes in the optical and mechanical properties of the lens cause a loss in accommodative ability leading to a condition known as presbyopia. Several experimental surgical techniques are under development for the correction of presbyopia. The goal of this dissertation is to better understand the relationship between the crystalline lens shape, its non-uniform refractive index gradient and its optical power and their changes with age and accommodation. In this study direct lens power and shape measurements were acquired on isolated lenses, and on lenses mounted in a lens stretching system designed to simulate accommodation. Several lens shape and power measurement techniques were developed for this study including a Scheimpflug camera system optimized for imaging the crystalline lens. Direct measurements of lens shape and power were used to develop an age-dependent optical-mechanical model of the lens during accommodation. The study shows that the normal growth of the lens is a major contributor to the progressive loss of accommodation amplitude, independent of changes in the elastic properties of the lens. These findings suggest that accommodation can be restored by refilling the lens with a material having a uniform refractive index.

Availability Analysis for the Quasi-Renewal Process with an Age-Dependent Preventive Maintenance Policy

Intiyot, Boonyarit 26 September 2007 (has links)
A quasi-renewal process is more realistic in modeling the behavior of a repairable system than traditional models such as perfect repair and minimal repair since it reflects the deterioration process of the system over time while traditional models do not. The quasi-renewal parameter is set to a value between 0 and 1 to indicate the rate of deterioration. Moreover, a quasi-renewal process can also be used to model the increasing time of maintenance actions due to the increasing difficulty of maintaining an aging system by setting the parameter to a value larger than 1. We construct a model where the operating times follow a quasi-renewal process and the corrective/preventive maintenance times follow another quasi-renewal process. A quasi-renewal function and two equivalent point availability expressions are developed for the model described by a quasi-renewal process with and age-dependent preventive maintenance policy. In addition, numerical results from various theoretical distributions are obtained to illustrate the behavior of the models. The two equivalent point availability functions each contains an infinite sum and must be truncated to obtain a numerical approximation. The two approximated point availability functions form upper and lower bounds on the real value. The bounds are useful for determining the result accuracy, which can be arbitrarily increased by adding more terms to the truncated summation. Our framework provides a new time-dependent availability model for a non-stationary process with a preventive maintenance policy without any cost structure or optimization problem. / Ph. D.

White storks (Ciconia ciconia) of Eastern Germany: age-dependent breeding ability, and age- and density-dependent effects on dispersal behavior

Itonaga, Naomi January 2009 (has links)
Dispersal behavior plays an important role for the geographical distribution and population structure of any given species. Individual’s fitness, reproductive and competitive ability, and dispersal behavior can be determined by the age of the individual. Age-dependent as well as density-dependent dispersal patterns are common in many bird species. In this thesis, I first present age-dependent breeding ability and natal site fidelity in white storks (Ciconia ciconia); migratory birds breeding in large parts of Europe. I predicted that both the proportion of breeding birds and natal site fidelity increase with the age. After the seventies of the last century, following a steep population decline, a recovery of the white stork population has been observed in many regions in Europe. Increasing population density in the white stork population in Eastern Germany especially after 1983 allowed examining density- as well as age-dependent breeding dispersal patterns. Therefore second, I present whether: young birds show more often and longer breeding dispersal than old birds, and frequency of dispersal events increase with the population density increase, especially in the young storks. Third, I present age- and density-dependent dispersal direction preferences in the give population. I asked whether and how the major spring migration direction interacts with dispersal directions of white storks: in different age, and under different population densities. The proportion of breeding individuals increased in the first 22 years of life and then decreased suggesting, the senescent decay in aging storks. Young storks were more faithful to their natal sites than old storks probably due to their innate migratory direction and distance. Young storks dispersed more frequently than old storks in general, but not for longer distance. Proportion of dispersing individuals increased significantly with increasing population densities indicating, density- dependent dispersal behavior in white storks. Moreover, the finding of a significant interaction effects between the age of dispersing birds and year (1980–2006) suggesting, older birds dispersed more from their previous nest sites over time due to increased competition. Both young and old storks dispersed along their spring migration direction; however, directional preferences were different in young storks and old storks. Young storks tended to settle down before reaching their previous nest sites (leading to the south-eastward dispersal) while old birds tended to keep migrating along the migration direction after reaching their previous nest sites (leading to the north-westward dispersal). Cues triggering dispersal events may be age-dependent. Changes in the dispersal direction over time were observed. Dispersal direction became obscured during the second half of the observation period (1993–2006). Increase in competition may affect dispersal behavior in storks. I discuss the potential role of: age for the observed age-dependent dispersal behavior, and competition for the density dependent dispersal behavior. This Ph.D. thesis contributes significantly to the understanding of population structure and geographical distribution of white storks. Moreover, presented age- and density (competition)-dependent dispersal behavior helps understanding underpinning mechanisms of dispersal behavior in bird species. / Das Verständnis der Mechanismen, die dem Ausbreitungsverhalten und der Wahl des Neststandorts zugrunde liegen, gibt wichtige Einsichten in Strukturen und Dynamiken von Tierpopulationen. Der Gesundheitszustand, die Produktivität und Konkurrenzfähigkeit sowie das Ausbreitungsverhalten eines Individuums können über das Alter ermittelt werden. Alters- und dichteabhängige Veränderungen in Verbreitungsmustern kommen bei vielen Vogelarten vor. In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchten wir zunächst den Effekt des Alters auf die Reproduktivität, auf die Wahl des Neststandorts sowie auf die Geburtsorttreue des Weißstorchs (Ciconia ciconia). Wir fragten, ob sowohl der Anteil der brütenden Individuen als auch die Geburtsorttreue mit dem Alter zunimmt. Weißstörche sind Zugvögel, die während der Migration zumeist segelnd die Thermik nutzen und in weiten Teilen Europas brüten. Nach einem starken Bestandsrückgang konnte in vielen Regionen Europas ab den 1970er Jahren wieder ein positiver Trend in der Populationsentwicklung beobachtet werden. Die zunehmende Populationsdichte, besonders nach 1983 in der ostziehenden Subpopulation in den fünf Bundesländern der ehemaligen DDR, erlaubte die Analyse von dichte- und altersabhängigen Präferenzen in der Richtung der Brutstandorte sowie in der Verbreitungsfrequenz und -distanz. Wir untersuchten zudem die Alters- und Dichteabhängigkeit der Ausbreitungsrichtung einer Teilpopulation. Wir fragten, ob und wie die Hauptzugrichtung im Frühjahr mit der Verbreitungsrichtung interagiert: Beeinflussen Alter und Populationsdichte die Ausbreitungsrichtung? Der Anteil der brütenden Individuen, die älter als 22 Jahre sind, nahm innerhalb der beobachteten Teilpopulation ab, vermutlich aufgrund einer altersbedingten Abnahme des Gesundheitszustands. Junge Vögel zeigten eine starke Geburtsorttreue, was auf eine genetische Komponente in den Zugmustern junger Störche hinweist. Generell trat bei jungen Störchen häufiger Ausbreitungsverhalten auf als bei älteren Störchen. Eine signifikante Zunahme der Ausbreitungsdistanz von Individuen über die Zeit lässt auf eine dichteabhängige Komponente im Ausbreitungsverhalten der Weißstörche schließen. Weiterhin wurde eine signifikante Interaktion zwischen dem Alter sich ausbreitender Individuen und dem betrachteten Jahr gefunden. Demzufolge breiteten sich alte Vögel über die Zeit über größere Distanzen aus, vermutlich um der ansteigenden Konkurrenz, bedingt durch den wachsenden Bestandsdruck, zu entgehen.

Bayesian assessment of reliability dynamics for age-dependent systems / Bajesinis patikimumo dinamikos vertinimas nuo amžiaus priklausančioms sistemoms

Iešmantas, Tomas 31 August 2011 (has links)
Age-dependent highly reliable systems provide small amount of statistical information and for that reason classical frequentist methods cannot be applied due to their asymptotical assumptions. However, Bayesian methods, due to their ability to naturally couple all sources of information (including expert subjective opinions) and not rely on asymptotic assumptions, are attractive approach to solve small sample problems in age-dependent reliability modelling. In this thesis Bayesian paradigm and its applicability were presented and general methodology to analyse previously mentioned problem was obtained. Methodology successfully was applied for two real data samples: failures in European natural gas grid and electrical Instrumentation and Control components. It was concluded that presented approach is able to easily investigate small samples in nonlinear age-dependent models. Also, analysis showed that different model goodness-of-fit approaches can provide different inferences and that sometimes it can fail due to nonlinearities and heteroscedasticity present in data. For that reason Bayesian posterior model averaging procedure were applied and concluded that it gives more reliable and better calibrated results than would be in one model case. Also adaptive Metropolis superiority over classical Metropolis – Hastings algorithm for highly correlated parameters and nonlinearities in model was validated. / Nuo amžiaus priklausomos aukšto patikimumo sistemos suteikia labai mažai statistinių duomenų ir dėl šios priežasties klasikiniai dažninistiniai metodai negali būti taikomi, nes jie remiasi asimptotinėmis prielaidomis. Tačiau Bajesiniai metodai, dėl jų savybės natūraliai sujungti visus informacijos resursus (įskaitant ir subjektyvią ekspertinę nuomonę) ir nesiremti asimptotinėmis prielaidomis yra patraukli paradigma, tinkama spręsti mažų imčių problemas nuo amžiaus priklausomo patikimumo modeliavime. Šiame darbe pristatomas Bajesinis požiūris ir jo pritaikymas bei buvo sudaryta bendra metodologija, kaip analizuoti anksčiau minėtą problemą. Metodologija buvo sėkmingai pritaikyta dviems realioms sistemoms analizuoti: gedimai Europos gamtinių dujų tinkluose bei elektriniuose kontrolės komponentuose, naudojamuose atominėse elektrinėse. Padaryta išvada, kad sudaryta metodologija yra tinkama analizuoti mažoms imtims netiesiniuose nuo laiko priklausomuose modeliuose. Be to, analizė parodė, kad skirtingi modelio tikimo metodai gali vesti į skirtingas išvadas apie modelius ir kartais šie metodai gali neveikti dėl heteroskedastiškumo duomenyse. Dėl šios priežasties atlikta Bajesinio posteriorinio vidurkinimo procedūra, kurios rezultatas yra patikimesnis ir geriau kalibruotas, nei kad vieno modelio atveju. Taip pat nustatytas adaptyvaus Metropolis algoritmo pranašumas lyginant su Metropolis-Hastings algoritmu analizuojant labai koreliuotus parametrus bei netiesinius modelius.

Data Driven Personalized Management of Hospital Inventory of Perishable and Substitutable Blood Units

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The use of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) is a pillar of modern health care. Annually, the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients are saved through ready access to safe, fresh, blood-type compatible RBCs. Worldwide, hospitals have the common goal to better utilize available blood units by maximizing patients served and reducing blood wastage. Managing blood is challenging because blood is perishable, its supply is stochastic and its demand pattern is highly uncertain. Additionally, RBCs are typed and patient compatibility is required. This research focuses on improving blood inventory management at the hospital level. It explores the importance of hospital characteristics, such as demand rate and blood-type distribution in supply and demand, for improving RBC inventory management. Available inventory models make simplifying assumptions; they tend to be general and do not utilize available data that could improve blood delivery. This dissertation develops useful and realistic models that incorporate data characterizing the hospital inventory position, distribution of blood types of donors and the population being served. The dissertation contributions can be grouped into three areas. First, simulations are used to characterize the benefits of demand forecasting. In addition to forecast accuracy, it shows that characteristics such as forecast horizon, the age of replenishment units, and the percentage of demand that is forecastable influence the benefits resulting from demand variability reduction. Second, it develops Markov decision models for improved allocation policies under emergency conditions, where only the units on the shelf are available for dispensing. In this situation the RBC perishability has no impact due to the short timeline for decision making. Improved location-specific policies are demonstrated via simulation models for two emergency event types: mass casualty events and pandemic influenza. Third, improved allocation policies under normal conditions are found using Markov decision models that incorporate temporal dynamics. In this case, hospitals receive replenishment and units age and outdate. The models are solved using Approximate Dynamic Programming with model-free approximate policy iteration, using machine learning algorithms to approximate value or policy functions. These are the first stock- and age-dependent allocation policies that engage substitution between blood type groups to improve inventory performance. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 2020

Short-Term Adolescence N-3 PUFA Supplementation and Environmental Enrichment Induce Sex-Specific Impact on Emotionality, Stress Coping/Reactivity and Cognitive Performance

Raymond, Julie 01 September 2022 (has links)
Dietary N-3 PUFA plays a key role in brain maturation, development, stress response and cognitive abilities (Weiser et al., 2016; Devarshi et al., 2019). As adolescent’s prefrontal cortex is maturating, the period becomes sensitive to external factors such as environment, nutrition, and stress (Petrovich et al., 2001; Calabro et al., 2020). In this thesis, we aim to expand our knowledge of the influence of external factors, such as dietary omega-3 supplementation and enriched environment, during this critical maturation period. By designing four distinct studies, we tested the hypothesis that visible sex-specific alterations would arise from adolescence targeted diet n-3 PUFA supplementation and enriched environment, which would act to modify physiological and stress responses, as well as socio-emotional and cognitive performance. Our first study characterized the impact n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA regimen on corticosterone secretion and behavioural responses in adolescent male rodents. Additionally, it assessed the effects of delivery method (gavage versus restricted feeding) during this sensitive maturation period to ensure using a method with limited stress-mediated outcomes. This study highlighted gavage to induce reduced effects on corticosterone (CORT) secretion, regardless of the provided supplementation. On the last day of feeding, CORT secretion was diminished in fish oil (FO) fed rats exposed to restricted feeding, suggesting FO diet to promote physiological adjustments. Data also demonstrated that FO and soybean (CSO) rich diets were able to reduce anxiety-like behaviour compared to a high-fat diet intake (Hydrogenated Vegetal Fat - HVF), highlighting the role of n-3 PUFA dietary supplementation during adolescence on stress regulation. Our second study assessed sex-specific impact of adolescence targeted dietary supplementation on brain Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), Arachidonic Acid (AA) and Linolenic acid (LA) concentrations immediately following supplementation and during adulthood. Our findings demonstrated overall elevated DHA, AA and LA brain tissue concentrations in female compared to male rats, regardless of dietary supplementation. Benefit of supplementation were most apparent in adolescent males, where FO led to higher DHA concentrations compared to soybean oil supplementation, supporting a positive influence of FO dietary supplementation in males during intensive hormonal fluctuation and brain maturation. However, adolescent male rats showed reduced ability to extract nutrient essential fatty acids compared to female counterparts. Our third study characterized sex-specific coping strategies, socioemotional responses, and glucocorticoid regulation following an n-3 PUFA rich diet and enriched environment (EE) during the adolescent period. While basal CORT secretions were not significantly altered by supplementation in males, a gradual increase in CORT was observed during supplementation, peaking at DAY21. Passive coping strategies was preferred in the FST in RC (Regular Cage)- housed females exposed to FO while RC-housed CSO-fed males opted for an active climbing coping strategy. Increase locomotion and anxiolytic behaviour were observed in CSO-supplemented males (exposed to EE), while CSO by itself promoted social recognition in males. In contrast, sociability was improved in FO EE exposed females, indicating possible synergic effects. Adulthood hippocampal GR-ir expression was reduced at the hippocampal CA3 region in FO/RC and CSO/EE rat groups, which could have influenced memory consolidation and stress resilience. Overall, results from this study provided insights on positive effects associated with short-term adolescent n-3 PUFA supplementation in females, while male appeared to most benefited from soybean diet supplementation. Our fourth and last study assessed age- and sex-dependent influences of dietary supplementation on cognitive performance in the Barnes Maze Test. Our results showcase a gradual decrease in latencies to the escape box, as well as progressive decrease in working memory errors (WME) in adult compared to adolescent rats. Over the testing period, the FO females and CSO males showed improved performance through reduction of WMEs on specific days, which could subtend sex-related effects of dietary supplementations. However, while discrete effects of n-3 PUFA were more apparent in female rats, short-term supplementation appeared insufficient to promote consistent enhancement of visuospatial performance or cognitive flexibility that could be observed throughout the testing period. In conclusion, our findings support the importance of studying single and combined factors to understand overall impact. We were able to consistently demonstrate beneficial effects on coping strategies, stress reactivity, sociability, and cognitive performance of adolescence-targeted fish oil supplementation, especially in female rodents.

Causes of adaptive differences in age-dependent reproductive effort

Houslay, Thomas M. January 2014 (has links)
Sexually selected ornaments are among the most spectacular traits in nature. Indeed, the extreme costs associated with producing sexual traits seem to play a crucial role in their evolution by enforcing honest levels of advertisement: only males with high levels of acquired resources (or high ‘condition’, as it is known in the literature) can afford to produce extravagant signals, a phenomenon which maintains signal reliability in a constant environment. In my thesis I examine many implications of this condition-dependent model of ornament and preference evolution for variation in age-dependent allocation to sexual signals and other life history traits. In Chapter 1, I review theoretical implications of condition-dependent signalling for life history and sexual selection theory. I note that a universal cost of expenditure in sexual advertisement is metabolic in nature: metabolites used to fund ornament expression are by definition unavailable to other life history traits that compete for a limited resource pool. This universal constraint on expenditure does more than maintain honesty (as noted above), however: the reliance of sexual displays on high levels of nutrient acquisition may help maintain genetic variation in sexual signals that would otherwise be eroded by strong mate choice, and without which the selective basis for good-genes choice would disappear. Three mechanisms in particular probably help to maintain genetic variation in acquisition. 1) Because acquiring resources and converting them efficiently to useful forms depends on the high function of many biochemical pathways, condition is undoubtedly highly polygenic, which slows the erosion of genetic variation under strong directional selection by females (especially in the presence of epistatic interactions). 2) The highly polygenic nature of condition also presents a large target for mutation, which continually restores variation at the loci under selection. 3) The many loci underlying condition may also be particularly sensitive to environmental heterogeneity in time or space. By favouring the most ornate males, females acquire high performing genes for their offspring, regardless of the precise allele combinations that have conferred the ability to acquire resources. Selection on specific alleles is liable to fluctuate over time or space whenever allelic performance is strongly context-specific. I close by noting the considerable challenges in advancing research on sexual selection and life history allocation, including the fact that two key processes central to life history (acquisition and allocation) are latent variables that interact in complexways and are intrinsically difficult to measure empirically. In the remainder of my thesis I conduct a series of experiments involving decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus, which are useful models for studying life history because they enable precise measurement of male reproductive effort. Male G. sigillatus face important allocation decisions owing to the highly polyandrous nature of females, and the substantial costs involved in signalling and mating. Chapter 2 examines sex differences in age-dependent reproductive effort as a function of diet and development stage. I reared outbred crickets using four combinations of diet nutritional quality, and studied the effects of these combinations on male and female reproductive effort (calling effort in males and fecundity in females) and longevity. While I expected males to be more sensitive than females to variation in diet and developmental changes in its quality, I actually observed the opposite: males in all treatments increased calling effort over time, exhibiting consistently positive covariance between calling effort and longevity across treatments. By contrast, the relationships between female reproductive effort and longevity changed dramatically across treatments, and females who lived to intermediate ages had the highest fecundity. Although my results support sex-specific selection on life history allocation over time, a compelling additional explanation for my findings relates to the strategic role of calling for achieving male fitness. In the absence of positive feedback from potential mates, perhaps male allocation to sexual advertisement is careful and only increases gradually as a function of accumulating metabolic resources and increasing risk of intrinsic mortality. Alleles underlying condition are expected to be particularly sensitive to environmental heterogeneity. While this sensitivity may help maintain additive variation in male quality (which is essential for the sustenance of adaptive good-genes mate choice, as noted in Chapter 1), too much environmental sensitivity could also underiii mine the signal value of the male trait. For example, if there are strong genotypeby- environment interactions (GEIs) for sexual advertisement, in a rapidly changing environment females risk favouring a male whose alleles are no longer best suited to current conditions. This problem is particularly pressing for animals like crickets where males exhibit a behaviourally plastic sexual display (such as calling), and so may dynamically adjust signalling effort over time. In Chapter 3, I used inbred lines of decorated crickets to quantify age and diet dependent genetic variation in male signalling. I demonstrate that while genetic correlations across diets were quite strong for morphological traits, correlations between measures of the male sexual trait rapidly approached zero as I increased the distance in time (i.e., across widely spaced ages) or diet (i.e., comparing more dissimilar dietary histories) between samples. While extrapolating from my laboratory experiments to nature is difficult, my findings nevertheless cast doubt on the value of behaviourally dynamic signals (such as cricket calls) for reliably indicating genetic quality in realistically complex environments. In Chapter 4 I used physiological assays to evaluate factors affecting metabolite storage and use over time in decorated crickets. I manipulated the acquisition ability of all males using artificial diets that varied linearly in nutrient quality, and manipulated access to female mates over the course of the second week of adult life. By sacrificing crickets at key stages before and after manipulating the diet and social environment, I was able to estimate changes in stored metabolites, and relate these changes to calling effort and longevity. During the first week of adulthood (in the absence of females), higher diet quality significantly increased calling effort and storage of lipid, glycogen, and carbohydrate (but not protein). The presence of females increased both the probability of calling and the amount of calling during the second week, whereas diet quality only improved calling effort. By the end of the second week, calling effort had decreased, even by high quality males in the presence of females, suggesting a depletion of resources. Furthermore, the loss of condition during week 2 covaried with calling effort during the previous week irrespective of diet. Males who started the second week in high condition lost more glycogen and carbohydrate than rivals; meanwhile, lipid accumulation covaried positively with calling effort during week 2. The contrasting patterns of storage and use for lipids compared to the ‘quick-release’ metabolites (glycogen and carbohydrates) affirms starkly distinct functions for the different storage components, and underlines the importance of specific physiological measures in life history research. Finally, in the general discussion, I attempt to synthesise my thesis’s contributions to the study of life history trade-offs involving behavioural sexual displays.

Growth of Galton-Watson trees with lifetimes, immigrations and mutations

Cao, Xiaoou January 2011 (has links)
In this work, we are interested in Growth of Galton-Watson trees under two different models: (1) Galton-Watson (GW) forests with lifetimes and/or immigrants, and (2) Galton-Watson forests with mutation, which we call Galton-Watson-Clone-Mutant forests, or GWCMforests. Under each model, we study certain consistent families (Fλ)λ≥0 of GW/GWCM forests and associated decompositions that include backbone decomposition as studied by many authors. Specifically, consistency here refers to the property that for each μ ≤ λ, the forest Fμ has the same distribution as the subforest of Fλ spanned by the blue leaves in a Bernoulli leaf colouring, where each leaf of Fλ is coloured in blue independently with probability μ/λ. In the first model, the case of exponentially distributed lifetimes and no immigration was studied by Duquesne and Winkel and related to the genealogy of Markovian continuous-state branching processes (CSBP). We characterise here such families in the framework of arbitrary lifetime distributions and immigration according to a renewal process, and show convergence to Sagitov’s (non-Markovian) generalisation of continuous-state branching renewal processes, and related processes with immigration. In the second model, we characterise such families in terms of certain bivariate CSBP with branching mechanisms studied previously by Watanabe and show associated convergence results. This is related to, but more general than Bertoin’s study of GWCM trees, and also ties in with work by Abraham and Delmas, who study directly some of the limiting processes.


Braik, Abdullah Mousa Darwish 29 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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