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The current state of AI-music generation services : Can non-music professionals and music students correctly identify what music is human made respective AI-generated?Connor, John-Paul January 2024 (has links)
The primary purpose of this project is to gain a deeper insight into the current state of artificial intelligence, or AI, within the realm of music, what music generation services are currently available, what they cost, how much input is needed from a human for the service to generate a piece of music and what can be done with said musical piece post-generation. The secondary purpose is to determine whether it is possible for non-music professionals and music students to correctly identify which of two musical pieces is AI-generated and which is human made. The method used to research the questions surrounding the primary purpose of this study was literature study, whereby various scientific articles, AI-music generation service’s home pages and textbooks among other things, are used to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of AI-music generation services and AI in general. The method used to research the question regarding the secondary purpose of this project was the gathering of data from an online survey filled out by both non-music professionals and music students. The research revealed that there is currently a wide range of AI-music generation services available, each with different pricing tiers. The research has also shown that with the higher paid tiers, there are more benefits than the lower paid tiers, or the free tiers. The seven researched services have similar ways of generating music and they all require the user to choose criteria such as genre, mood, tempo, and key to generate music. The survey results revealed that the majority of respondents were able to identify which song was AI-generated, and that the majority of respondents preferred the human made song over the AI-generated song
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Musikproduktion och Artificiell intelligens : En studie om AI som verktyg inom musikproduktionBerggren, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur AI kan användas som verktyg inommusikproduktion. De tre program som valdes ut för undersökningen var: AIVA, GoogleAI och Jukebox. För att genomföra undersökningen har deskriptiv fallstudie valts sommetod med komplettering av autoetnografi och designforskning. Resultatet visade påhur de olika programmen kunde användas i olika områden av musikproduktion. AIVAkan användas för att komplettera och/eller återskapa mänsklig kreativitet. Jukebox somär en generativ modell kan användas för att emulera ljudfiler till att imitera olika låtareller andra kompositörers stilar. Google AI består av flera AI program bland annatScribe och Magneta Studios ingår. Där Scribe kan användas för att transkriberapianoljudfiler till MIDI och Magenta Studios kan användas som fristående programeller som plugins i en DAW och med MIDI eller ljudfiler kan programmet utökakreativiteten, ge nya idéer eller bara för experimentera med AI. AI i musikproduktionkan användas som ett effektivt hjälpmedel för att skapa, hitta eller utöka kreativitet.Studien bidrar till att ge ytterligare kunskap om hur AI kan användas som ett kreativtverktyg i musikproduktion genom forskaren själv använder programmen och på ettdetaljerat sätt förklarar processen från början till slut och tar upp exempel på hurprogrammen kan användas i musikproduktion.
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Artificiell intelligensen i cool jazz : En undersökning över kompositionsförmågan inom AIBergman, David January 2021 (has links)
This essay focuses on the compositional ability of Artificial Intelligence Visual Artist(AIVA) and how it performs compared to an amateur jazz musician, in this case I amthe musician. Through a survey published on several social media websites, anyonewho saw the link had the option to participate without the need of any previousexperience. The participants listened to two compositions, one composed by me and theother one composed by AIVA. They were given two options: Was this composed by ahuman or an AI? The last part of the survey the participants were asked to elaborate ontheir previous experience and thought process, to see if experience correlated with theresults. Further, they were also given the option to further explain why they thoughtpicked as they did, and lastly if they thought AI could be used as a tool and how.Ultimately, the majority of the participants could not differentiate between an amateurand AIVA and some argued that the both of the compositions were composed by an AI.Some participants thought both compositions felt harmonically stale, whilst some gavethorough explanations as to why why they could not tell the compositions apart. Inconclusion, elements of AIVA could definitely be improved but the majority agrees thatit can be used as a tool in composition.
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