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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydroconversion of model Fischer‑Tropsch wax over noble metal/silica-alumina catalysts

Regali, Francesco January 2013 (has links)
Synthetic fuels produced using the Fischer-Tropsch technology will play an important role in the future of the transportation sector. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) allows converting synthesis gas (CO + H2) into fuels of outstanding quality. The synthesis gas can be obtained from different carbon sources: natural gas, coal and biomass. In order to maximize the yield of middle distillates, the process is carried out in two main steps: the FT-synthesis that produces long-chain hydrocarbons (waxes) and a hydrocracking step, to selectively convert the waxes into fuels. Diesel produced by this process is characterized by excellent combustion properties and reduced harmful tailpipe emissions compared to conventional diesel. Due to the growing interest in synthetic fuel production, from the industry and the academia, and to the peculiar characteristics of the Fischer-Tropsch products, research in hydrocracking has received renewed attention. Catalysts for the hydrocracking of long-chain paraffins have been the subject of the present work, which is the summary of four scientific publications. Noble metals supported on acid carriers have been compared, especially for what regards the mechanisms through which hydrocracking proceeds. The catalysts were synthesized and characterized by various techniques, including N2 physisorption, H2 chemisorption, TEM, pyridine adsorption FTIR, ammonia TPD, etc. It was shown that catalytic activity is mainly dependent on the acid support used; that selectivity is strongly dependent on conversion, high conversion favoring highly branched cracking products. Two main reaction routes were observed: bifunctional hydrocracking and hydrogenolytic cracking. Platinum-containing catalysts showed high selectivity towards the latter, while palladium/silica-alumina behaved as pure bifunctional catalysts. Catalyst deactivation was investigated and initial sintering of metal particles was observed. Coking was also a cause of deactivation. Formation of coke deposits was highly dependent on the metal loading of the catalysts. Metal loading also influenced catalyst selectivity, especially in the case of platinum/silica-alumina catalysts. Monofunctional hydrogenolysis on the platinum particles, superimposed to the bifunctional mechanism was observed. This route increased selectivity towards linear hydrocarbons and methane, with increasing amounts of platinum. The specific rate of hydrogenolysis was constant for different loadings of platinum on the same acid silica-alumina support. Using a different, less acid, support negatively affected the hydrogenolytic activity of the platinum catalytic sites. It was concluded that metal-support interactions might play an important role in the catalytic properties of platinum surfaces. This work has contributed to increasing the knowledge about hydrocracking of long-chain alkanes and pointed out some features that might have practical interest in the application of this technology to synthetic-fuel production. / Syntetiska drivmedel tillverkade genom Fischer-Tropsch teknologin kommer i framtiden att ha en betydande roll för transportsektorn. Fischer-Tropsch syntesen (FTS) möjliggör omvandling av syntesgas (CO + H2) till högkvalitativa bränslen. Syntesgasen kan erhållas från olika kolkällor: naturgas, kol och biomassa. För att maximera utbytet av medeldestillat, utförs processen i två huvudsteg: FT-syntes som producerar långa kolväten (vaxer) och ett hydrokrackning steg, för att selektivt omvandla vaxerna till bränslen. Diesel som produceras med denna process kännetecknas av utmärkta förbränningsegenskaper och ger upphov till minskade utsläpp av skadliga ämnen jämfört med vanlig diesel. På grund av det växande intresset för syntetiska bränslen, både från industrin och den akademiska världen, och av de speciella egenskaperna hos Fischer-Tropsch-produkter, har forskningen i vätekrackning fått förnyad uppmärksamhet. Ämnet för detta arbete, som är en sammanfattning av fyra vetenskapliga publikationer, är katalysatorer för hydrokrackning av långkedjiga paraffiner. Ädelmetaller uppburna på sura bärare har jämförts, särskilt vad gäller vätekrackningsmekanismer. Katalysatorerna preparerades och karaktäriserades med hjälp av olika tekniker, bland andra N2 fysisorption, H2 kemisorption, TEM, pyridin adsorption FTIR, ammoniak TPD, etc. Det visade sig att den katalytiska aktiviteten är främst beroende av surheten hos bärarmaterialet, att selektivitet är starkt beroende av omsättningen, där hög omsättning gynnar flergrenade krackningsprodukter. Två huvudsakliga reaktionsvägar observerades: bifunktionell vätekrackning och hydrogenolytisk crackning. Platinakatalysatorer visade hög selektivitet mot det senare, medan katalysatorer med palladium på kiseloxid-aluminiumoxid uppträdde som rena bifunktionella katalysatorer. Katalysatordeaktivering undersöktes och sintring av metallpartiklar observerades. Koksning var också en orsak till deaktivering. Koksbildning var starkt beroende av metallhalten i katalysatorerna. Metallhalten påverkade också selektivitet, särskilt för platina-kiseloxid-aluminiumoxidkatalysatorer. Monofunktionellt hydrogenolys på platinapartiklarna, observerades utöver den bifunktionella mekanismen. Med denna reaktionsväg ökade selektivitet mot linjära kolväten och metan, med ökande platinahalter på katalysator. Den specifika reaktionshastigheten för hydrogenolys var konstant för olika platinahalter på en sur kiseloxid-aluminiumoxidbärare. Den hydrogenolytiska aktiviteten hos platina katalytiska säten påverkas negativt när en mindre sur bärare användes. Slutsatsen var att interaktioner mellan metallen och bäraren kan spela en viktig roll för de katalytiska egenskaperna hos platina ytor. Detta arbete har bidragit till att öka kunskapen om vätekrackning av långkedjiga alkaner och påpekade vissa funktioner som kan ha praktiskt intresse vid tillämpningen av denna teknik för produktionen av syntetiska bränslen. / <p>QC 20131007</p>


Hu, Wenchong 01 January 2002 (has links)
Fabrication of ordered anodic alumina nanopore arrays and anodization parameters including electrolyte, concentration, voltage, temperature and time have been investigated. Cobalt nanoparticles were electrodeposited at the bottom of the pores. Vertically aligned, open-tipped multi-walled carbon nanotube arrays of high density and uniformity were synthesized via a flame method on silicon substrates using a nanoporous template of anodized aluminum oxide. The diameter and length of the nanotubes are controlled by the geometry of the aluminum oxide template. It is the cobalt catalyst particles, not the porous aluminum templates, help the growth of carbon nanotubes through graphitization and bonding of carbon nanotubes to the silicon substrates. Fabrication of nano-structures has been demonstrated. Nano-trenches of 20 nm have been achieved using single-walled nanotube bundles as shadow masks, which were aligned across electrodes under high frequency AC voltage.


Jayaraman, Vivekanand 01 January 2004 (has links)
In this research work, porous films on aluminum foil, with vertical through and through pores, were fabricated. The films were anodized at different applied voltages and the conditions were reported. In some cases, aluminum foil films were anodized under constant current conditions. Thicker aluminum films, referred to as aluminum tape in this thesis, were also anodized to get good porous films. While the porous alumina films using aluminum tape produced pores with good uniformity, the films did not produce through and through pores. Porous alumina films were also prepared on aluminum evaporated ITO substrate. The films on ITO substrate were different from the porous alumina films using aluminum foil/tape. In case of ITO substrate based films, an additional condition, temperature was also varied. The anodization process on ITO substrate based films was done at lower temperatures in order to reduce the effect of high currents on the process. The SEM images for different anodization conditions were compared and the porosity of films was calculated. CdS was electrodeposited inside porous alumina. D.C as well as a.c. voltages were applied and duration of the process was varied to study their effect on film morphology and the thickness of the deposited CdS. The current-voltage characteristics of the CdS-deposited alumina films were plotted and the phase of the electrodeposited CdS was found to be hexagonal using XRD.

Fabrication and Characterization of CIS/CdS and Cu2S/CdS Devices for Applications in Nano Structured Solar Cells

Jayaraman, Visweswaran 01 January 2005 (has links)
Nano structured solar cells provide an opportunity for increased open circuit voltages and and short circuit currents in solar cells due to quantum confinement of the window and absorber materials and an increase in the optical path length for the incident light. In this study, both bulk and nano heterojunctions of CIS/CdS and Cu2S/CdS devices have been fabricated and studied on plain glass substrates and inside porous alumina templates to compare their performance. The devices have also been characterized SEM, XRD and JV measurements. The J-V curves have also been analyzed for series resistance, diode ideality factor and reverse saturation current density.


Mangu, Raghu 01 January 2008 (has links)
Multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) grown in highly ordered porous alumina templates were incorporated into a resistive gas sensor design and were evaluated for their sensitivities. The material characteristics and electrical properties of the nanotubes were analyzed. A study was undertaken to elucidate the effect of UV light on desorption characteristics and the dependence of sensitivity on (i) thickness of amorphous carbon layers and (ii) flow rates of analyte gases. These sensors were highly responsive to both oxidizing and reducing gases with steady state sensitivities of 5% and 10% for 100ppm of NH3 and NO2 respectively, at room temperature. As part of a comparative study, thick films of MWCNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrates were integrated into various nano-composite based sensors and were evaluated for their response. Steady state sensitivities as high as 10% and 11% were achieved for 100ppm of NH3 and NO2 respectively, at room temperature. MWCNTs were characterized for their electrical properties by I–V measurements at room temperatures. A typical I-V curve with an ohmic behavior was observed for a device with high work function metals (example: Au, Pt); Schottky behavior was observed for devices with metal contacts having low work functions (example: Al, Cu).

Etude des spécificités du frittage par micro-ondes de poudres d'alumine alpha et gamma / Investigation of the specific aspects of microwave sintering in alpha and gamma alumina powders

Croquesel, Jérémy 21 January 2015 (has links)
Pour répondre aux nouvelles contraintes économiques et environnementales auxquelles l'industrie doit faire face aujourd'hui, des techniques de frittage rapide se développent pour la fabrication des céramiques. Parmi elles, une technique prometteuse est le frittage par micro-ondes dans laquelle le champ électromagnétique à l'origine du chauffage pourrait permettre d'obtenir des microstructures innovantes, tout en réduisant la température, le temps de cycle et la consommation énergétique. Pour expliquer le comportement particulier des poudres en présence des micro-ondes, différentes théories prévoyant des effets thermiques ou non-thermiques ont été proposées. L'existence même de ces effets n'a cependant toujours pas été démontrée de façon sûre, notamment à cause des limites des dispositifs expérimentaux qui ne permettent pas une comparaison pertinente du frittage micro-ondes avec le frittage conventionnel. Dans ce contexte, les travaux réalisés pendant cette thèse, dans le cadre du projet ANR Fµrnace, ont été consacrés à la mise en évidence et à la compréhension de l'influence du champ électromagnétique sur les mécanismes responsables de la densification et de l'évolution microstructurale de poudres céramiques. Une forte attention a été portée au développement technologique de la cavité de chauffage micro-ondes monomode utilisée dans nos recherches. Le procédé a été entièrement automatisé et équipé de divers systèmes de contrôle de la température et du retrait des échantillons pour que les résultats obtenus puissent être comparés de façon incontestable avec ceux issus d'essais de frittage conventionnel. Des simulations numériques ont été réalisées pour améliorer la compréhension de la propagation du champ électromagnétique et de son interaction avec les éléments introduits au sein de la cavité micro-ondes. Un matériau de référence, l'alumine, a été choisi et l'influence de certaines caractéristiques des poudres (surface spécifique, présence de dopants, transformation de phase) sur les cinétiques de densification et l'évolution microstructurale a été étudiée. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d'identifier des effets spécifiques des micro-ondes sur les mécanismes de diffusion responsables de la densification et de la croissance granulaire. Ces effets se produisent principalement pendant les stades initial et intermédiaire du frittage, ainsi que pendant la transformation de phase de poudres de transition et ont été attribués à une force de type pondéromotrice déjà proposée dans la littérature. L'utilisation de cette technique de frittage n'a cependant pas permis d'obtenir des alumines avec des microstructures plus performantes que celles issues du frittage conventionnel. / To meet the new economic and environmental constraints that the industry faces today, fast sintering processes are developed for the fabrication of ceramics. Among them, a promising technique is microwave sintering, in which the electromagnetic field at the origin of heating could be used to obtain innovative microstructures, while reducing sintering temperature, cycle time and energy consumption. To explain the particular behavior of powders under microwaves, different hypotheses related with thermal or non-thermal effects have been proposed in the literature. These effects, however, has not really been demonstrated for the moment, especially because of the limits of experimental devices that do not allow for a meaningful comparison of microwave sintering with conventional sintering. In this context, the work performed during this thesis in the framework of FμRNACE ANR project has been dedicated to identifying and understanding the influence of the electromagnetic field on the mechanisms of densification and microstructure changes in ceramic powders. High attention has been paid to the technological development of the single-mode microwave cavity used in our research. The heating process has been fully automated and instrumented with various equipments allowing for temperature and sample shrinkage measurement. The aim was to ensure direct and reliable comparison of microwave sintering data with those resulting from conventional sintering. Numerical simulation has been conducted to improve our understanding of the propagation of the electromagnetic field and its interaction with the components introduced in the microwave cavity. Alumina has been chosen as a reference material and the influence of several features of the powders (specific surface area, doping elements, phase transformation) on densification kinetics and microstructure changes has been studied. The results have identified specific effects of microwaves on the mechanisms controlling densification and grain growth. These effects occur essentially during the initial and intermediate stages of sintering and during the phase transformation of transition powders. They have been attributed to the ponderomotive force as already proposed in the literature. However the use of microwaves as a heating mode does not permit obtaining alumina with better microstructures than those resulting from conventional sintering.

Resistance Of Alumina Ceramics To Kinetic Energy Projectiles

Cakir, Tanju 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to investigate the penetration and perforation resistance of alumina ceramics against kinetic energy projectiles. There are several different mechanisms by which a target can fail when it is subjected to impact of a projectile and these may occur singly or in combinations of two or more. The presence of large number of penetration and failure mechanisms makes the investigation of the perforation very difficult. Because of this difficulty, the analytical investigations of penetration and perforation processes usually assume one type of failure mechanism. One of these analytical investigations is reviewed and it is seen that this analytical model is capable of predicting after impact parameters reasonably accurately. A parallel investigation of this problem is also been carried out numerically by using Autodyn hydrocodes. Numerical study is capable of simulating the main changes in ceramic/steel composite target during penetration process of kinetic energy projectile. Results of analytical and numerical investigations are parallel to each other. A set of experiments was carried out for checking the results of analytical and numerical calculations with the experimental data.

Development of copper-alumina composites for abrasive wear applications

Toth-Antal, Bence, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Copper-alumina composites were developed for testing in abrasive wear applications. The composites featured a porous continuous ceramic-preform network infiltrated by a liquid metal to form the final consolidated composite. The liquid metal phase was pure copper. Six different ceramic preform variants were tested. Ceramic volume fractions of 40, 50 and 60% were used, of two preform types; one pure-alumina, and one with additional 2wt% copper(I) oxide (CU20), functioning as an infiltration aid, the effects of which were determined in a previous study; the copper-oxide reduced infiltration pressure and allowed the use of higher ceramic phase volume fraction in the final composite. Abrasive wear tests against two automotive braking system materials were conducted. Grey cast iron of alloy type GG15 was used to establish a baseline for behaviour of the six different composite samples and compare them. Following this, the three volume fraction variants of samples using the copper-oxide infiltration aid were trialled against a commercially-available European passenger vehicle brake pad friction material; ABEX 6091. Wear tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer. Hemispherical-headed pins were made from the composite and tested against rotating discs of the grey cast iron and the ABEX friction material. Contact velocity was kept constant at Ims-?? at room temperature in air, and contact loads up to 15N were used. Test loads of 1-4N were used against grey cast iron, and 15N against the ABEX friction material. Optical micrography was used to monitor the wear rate of samples tested against grey cast iron. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterise bulk microstructures and evaluate surface wear features. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used for further microstructural investigation of the sintering and interfacial features of the undamaged pin samples, as well as damage zones and tribofilm compositions. Focussed ion beam (FIB) milling was used to create subsurface cross-sections of wear regions and prepare TEM samples. The wear performance of the different sample types was compared by ceramic content and preform additives. It was found that the wear resistance of pure-alumina preform composites was dependent on ceramic volume fraction. Increasing ceramic content lead to increased wear resistance. The lower sinter temperature of the samples with the copper oxide additive led to reduced wear resistance compared with the monolithic alumina preforms and changes in ceramic volume fractions were not discernable in wear resistance against grey cast iron. This could be further supported by qualitative micrographic observations. All tests against grey cast iron were dominated by tribochemical film formation, which was determined to be oxidation of the iron which formed at the composite pin contact surface. Further testing of the copper-oxide containing samples against the ABEX friction material revealed a mixed result; the 50 and 60% ceramic volume samples produced near-identical wear performance, while the 40% sample suffered poor wear resistance. The dominant wear mechanism of composite pins tested against the ABEX friction material was abrasive wear. Sub-surface analysis of wear pins revealed a prominent damage layer forming at the contact surface of all pin samples which progressively grew into the bulk material. This layer was believed to have an important effect on the wear behaviour of the materials.

Development of copper-alumina composites for abrasive wear applications

Toth-Antal, Bence, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Copper-alumina composites were developed for testing in abrasive wear applications. The composites featured a porous continuous ceramic-preform network infiltrated by a liquid metal to form the final consolidated composite. The liquid metal phase was pure copper. Six different ceramic preform variants were tested. Ceramic volume fractions of 40, 50 and 60% were used, of two preform types; one pure-alumina, and one with additional 2wt% copper(I) oxide (CU20), functioning as an infiltration aid, the effects of which were determined in a previous study; the copper-oxide reduced infiltration pressure and allowed the use of higher ceramic phase volume fraction in the final composite. Abrasive wear tests against two automotive braking system materials were conducted. Grey cast iron of alloy type GG15 was used to establish a baseline for behaviour of the six different composite samples and compare them. Following this, the three volume fraction variants of samples using the copper-oxide infiltration aid were trialled against a commercially-available European passenger vehicle brake pad friction material; ABEX 6091. Wear tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer. Hemispherical-headed pins were made from the composite and tested against rotating discs of the grey cast iron and the ABEX friction material. Contact velocity was kept constant at Ims-?? at room temperature in air, and contact loads up to 15N were used. Test loads of 1-4N were used against grey cast iron, and 15N against the ABEX friction material. Optical micrography was used to monitor the wear rate of samples tested against grey cast iron. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to characterise bulk microstructures and evaluate surface wear features. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used for further microstructural investigation of the sintering and interfacial features of the undamaged pin samples, as well as damage zones and tribofilm compositions. Focussed ion beam (FIB) milling was used to create subsurface cross-sections of wear regions and prepare TEM samples. The wear performance of the different sample types was compared by ceramic content and preform additives. It was found that the wear resistance of pure-alumina preform composites was dependent on ceramic volume fraction. Increasing ceramic content lead to increased wear resistance. The lower sinter temperature of the samples with the copper oxide additive led to reduced wear resistance compared with the monolithic alumina preforms and changes in ceramic volume fractions were not discernable in wear resistance against grey cast iron. This could be further supported by qualitative micrographic observations. All tests against grey cast iron were dominated by tribochemical film formation, which was determined to be oxidation of the iron which formed at the composite pin contact surface. Further testing of the copper-oxide containing samples against the ABEX friction material revealed a mixed result; the 50 and 60% ceramic volume samples produced near-identical wear performance, while the 40% sample suffered poor wear resistance. The dominant wear mechanism of composite pins tested against the ABEX friction material was abrasive wear. Sub-surface analysis of wear pins revealed a prominent damage layer forming at the contact surface of all pin samples which progressively grew into the bulk material. This layer was believed to have an important effect on the wear behaviour of the materials.

Étude de la mouillabilité des particules granulaires par les alliages d'aluminium durant la filtration d'aluminium /

Ergin, Guvenc, January 2006 (has links)
Thèse (D.Eng.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2006. / La p. de t. porte en outre: Thèse présentée à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi pour l'obtention du doctorat en ingénierie. CaQCU Bibliogr.: f. 130-147. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

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