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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatially-homogeneous Vlasov-Einstein dynamics

Okabe, Takahide. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Φαινόμενο διαχωρισμού εγκάρσιων κυμάτων : η εξέλιξη του φαινομένου πριν και μετά το σεισμό της Μόβρης (Αχαΐα, 8 Ιουνίου 2008, Mw 6.4)

Γιαννόπουλος, Δημήτριος 14 February 2012 (has links)
Την 8η Ιουνίου 2008, στις 15:25 τοπική ώρα (12:25 GMT) ένας σεισμός μεγέθους Mw 6.4 εκδηλώθηκε στη ΒΔ Πελοπόννησο, στη Δυτική Ελλάδα. Το επίκεντρο προσδιορίστηκε κοντά στο χωριό Μιχόι, στη Δημοτική Ενότητα Μόβρης, περίπου 35 km ΝΔ της Πάτρας. Στην παρούσα εργασία, έγινε μία μελέτη ανισοτροπίας στην επικεντρική περιοχή του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου. Συγκεκριμένα, έγινε μία μελέτη για την ανίχνευση του φαινομένου διαχωρισμού των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων και της εξέλιξής του σε σχέση με την εκδήλωση του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι καταγραφές από τον σεισμολογικό σταθμό του Ριόλου (RLS), καθώς είναι ο μόνος κοντινός σταθμός στο επίκεντρο του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου που βρισκόταν σε συνεχή λειτουργία κατά τα χρονικά διαστήματα πριν και μετά την εκδήλωση του σεισμού. Για τη μελέτη του φαινομένου του διαχωρισμού των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος cross-correlation (Ando et al., 1983; Fukao, 1984). Μετά την επεξεργασία των δεδομένων, προσδιορίστηκαν οι παράμετροι του φαινομένου, φ (διεύθυνση ταλάντωσης της ταχύτερης συνιστώσας των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων) και dt (χρόνος καθυστέρησης μεταξύ των δύο συνιστωσών) για κάθε ένα σεισμικό γεγονός. Ο διαχωρισμός των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων (shear-wave splitting) είναι ένα φαινόμενο κατά το οποίο, τα εγκάρσια κύματα διαχωρίζονται σε δύο συνιστώσες, με διαφορετικές διευθύνσεις πόλωσης και διαφορετικές ταχύτητες διάδοσης. Ο διαχωρισμός αυτός πραγματοποιείται κατά την διάδοση των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων μέσα από ένα ανισοτροπικό μέσο (Crampin and Chastin, 2003; Crampin and Peacock, 2005). Σύμφωνα με τη θεωρία, ο διαχωρισμός των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων στον φλοιό, προκαλείται εξαιτίας της ύπαρξης μικρο-ρωγμών, μικρο-διαρρήξεων κορεσμένων με ρευστά. Οι μικρο-διαρήξεις αυτές έχουν συνήθως διευθύνσεις παράλληλες ή υπό-παράλληλες με αυτή της μέγιστης οριζόντιας συμπιεστικής τάσης σε μία περιοχή (Crampin, 1993). Η ανάλυση των δεδομένων κατέδειξε την ύπαρξη του φαινομένου διαχωρισμού των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων στην υπό μελέτη περιοχή. Τόσο πριν, όσο και μετά την εκδήλωση του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου, οι διευθύνσεις πόλωσης της ταχύτερης συνιστώσας των εγκαρσίων κυμάτων ακολουθούν μία μέση διεύθυνση ΒΒΔ-ΝΝΑ. Η μέση διεύθυνση της ταχύτερης συνιστώσας δεν είναι σύμφωνη με τα χαρακτηριστικά του πεδίου των τάσεων στην περιοχή, όπως προσδιορίστηκαν από τους Konstantinou et al. (2011) και Hollenstein et al. (2008), με μία μέση διεύθυνση οριζόντιας συμπιεστικής τάσης Α-Δ. Η ΒΒΔ-ΝΝΑ διεύθυνση πόλωσης της ταχύτερης συνιστώσας οφείλεται πιθανόν στη δράση ενός πεδίου τάσεων γύρω και κάτω από τη θέση καταγραφής με τοπικά χαρακτηριστικά. Τέλος, παρατηρήθηκε μία αύξηση στις τιμές των χρόνων καθυστέρησης μετά την εκδήλωση του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου. Η μέση τιμή των χρόνων καθυστέρησης πριν την εκδήλωση του σεισμού ήταν περίπου 27.3 ms, ενώ μετά την εκδήλωσή του 41.7 ms. H αύξηση των χρόνων καθυστέρησης, υποδηλώνει μία μεταβολή των ιδιοτήτων του μέσου στον ανώτερο φλοιό εξαιτίας της εκδήλωσης του σεισμού. Η εκδήλωση του σεισμού της 8ης Ιουνίου προκάλεσε πιθανόν την διεύρυνση και την επιμήκυνση των προϋπαρχόντων μικρο-διαρρήξεων του φλοιού, τη δημιουργία νέων και την επιπλέον πλήρωσή τους με ρευστά. / On June 8, 2008, at 15:25 local time (12:25 GMT) an Mw 6.4 earthquake occurred in the area of northwest Peloponnesus, Western Greece. The epicenter was located near Mihoi village, in the municipality of Movri, about 35 km southwest of Patras. In this paper, a crustal anisotropy analysis was performed in the epicentral area of Movri Mountain earthquake. Specifically, there was a study to detect shear-wave splitting phenomenon and its temporal evolution in relation to the occurrence of Movri Mountain earthquake. For the needs of the study, we used seismic records from the seismological station of Riolos (RLS). Riolos station is the nearest station from the epicenter of Movri Mountain earthquake which was in continuous operation during the periods before and after the occurrence of the earthquake. The method that was used to study shear-wave splitting phenomenon was the cross-correlation method (Ando et al., 1983; Fukao, 1984; Kuo et al., 1994). Through the data processing, splitting parameters φ (polarization direction of the fastest component of shear waves) and dt (time delay between the two components) were measured for each seismic event. Shear-wave splitting is a phenomenon in which shear-waves are separated into two components with different polarization directions and velocities. The phenomenon in the upper crust is caused by the existence of stress-aligned, fluid-filled micro-cracks/micro-fractures. The polarization directions of the fast components are usually parallel or sub-parallel to the direction of the maximum horizontal compressive stress (Crampin, 1993). Data analysis revealed the existence of shear-wave splitting phenomenon in the study area. Both before and after the occurrence of Movri Mountain earthquake, the polarization directions of the fast component of shear waves follow a general NNW-SSE direction. The observed mean fast polarization direction is not consistent with the estimated characteristics of the regional stress field of the broader area, as identified by Kontsantinou et al. (2011) and Hollenstein et al. (2008), who report a general E-W direction of the maximum horizontal compressive stress. The difference between the estimated fast polarization directions and the properties of the regional stress field shows the presence of a local stress field in the study area. Finally, an increase in time delays was observed after the occurrence of Movri Mountain earthquake. The average value of delay times before the occurrence of the earthquake was about 27.3ms, while after the occurrence was about 41.7ms. The increase in delay times which was observed after the occurrence of Movri Mountain earthquake possibly indicates changes in the properties of the medium in the upper crust. The occurrence of Movri Mountain earthquake caused the expansion/ lengthening of micro-cracks and its further filling with fluids.

Etudes des matériaux magnétiques nanocristallins FeCuNbSiB pour applications en électronique de puissance / Improvement of magnetic properties of nanocristalline magnetic soft alloys dedicated to power electronics

Yao, Yunxia 14 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse résulte d'une collaboration entre le laboratoire académique G2Elab et les entreprises Aperam Amilly et Aperam Imphy.Les matériaux magnétiques nanocristallins de type Finemet sont constitués d'une phase nanocristalline et d'une phase amorphe. Cette structure singulière leur confère des anisotropies magnéto-cristalline et magnéto-élastique évanescentes. On peut alors induire, par le biais de recuits adaptés, une anisotropie contrôlée conditionnant la forme du cycle d’Hystérésis et la perméabilité. D’un point de vue applicatif, il s’agit d’une aptitude capitale puisque les caractéristiques du circuit magnétique peuvent être adaptées pour répondre à des cahiers des charges spécifiques. La mise au point des protocoles de recuit mis en œuvre industriellement est cependant empirique.Le sujet de la thèse porte donc sur la mise au point d'un modèle capable de prédire l'amplitude K_u de l'anisotropie induite sur ces matériaux en fonction des paramètres du recuit sous champ (température T_re, champ appliqué H_re) et des caractéristiques structurales (fraction cristalline f_c, taille moyenne D des nanograins, composition y de la phase cristalline Fe1-ySiy). / This thesis is the result of a collaboration between Grenoble Electrical Engineering laboratory, Aperam Alloys Amilly and Aperam Alloys Imphy manufactories.The magnetic materials nanocrystalline Finemet are made of Fe-Si nanocrystallites embedded in a residual amorphous phase. This unconventional crystallographic structure features vanishing magnetocristalline and magnetoelastic anisotropies. As a result, it is possible to induce a cohenrent magnetic anisotropy in such material by suitable annealing treatments, allowing to control the shape of the hysteretic loop and permeability. In view of applications in electronic devices, this attract a great interest, the magnetic circuit characteristics being could be easily adapted by this way to satisfy the requirement of the regarded sensor or actuator.However, the optimization of annealing parameters (temperature, duration, amplitude of applied field…) to fit the desired properties is focused on time and resources consuming, which are based on empirical experience at present.As a result, the aim of this work is to build a model which will be able to predict the magnitude of induced anisotropy according to the field annealing parameters and the structural ones (crystalline fraction f_c, size of nanograins D, and composition of FeSi phase).

Effect of Rolling Induced Anisotropy on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Short Crack Propagation in Al 2024-T351

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: A full understanding of material behavior is important for the prediction of residual useful life of aerospace structures via computational modeling. In particular, the influence of rolling-induced anisotropy on fatigue properties has not been studied extensively and it is likely to have a meaningful effect. In this work, fatigue behavior of a wrought Al alloy (2024-T351) is studied using notched uniaxial samples with load axes along either the longitudinal or transverse direction, and center notched biaxial samples (cruciforms) with a uniaxial stress state of equivalent amplitude about the bore. Local composition and crystallography were quantified before testing using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and Electron Backscattering Diffraction. Interrupted fatigue testing at stresses close to yielding was performed on the samples to nucleate and propagate short cracks and nucleation sites were located and characterized using standard optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Results show that crack nucleation occurred due to fractured particles for longitudinal dogbone/cruciform samples; while transverse samples nucleated cracks by debonded and fractured particles. Change in crack nucleation mechanism is attributed to dimensional change of particles with respect to the material axes caused by global anisotropy. Crack nucleation from debonding reduced life till matrix fracture because debonded particles are sharper and generate matrix cracks sooner than their fractured counterparts. Longitudinal samples experienced multisite crack initiation because of reduced cross sectional areas of particles parallel to the loading direction. Conversely the favorable orientation of particles in transverse samples reduced instances of particle fracture eliminating multisite cracking and leading to increased fatigue life. Cyclic tests of cruciform samples showed that crack growth favors longitudinal and transverse directions with few instances of crack growth 45 degrees (diagonal) to the rolling direction. The diagonal crack growth is attributed to stronger influences of local anisotropy on crack nucleation. It was observed that majority of the time crack nucleation is governed by the mixed influences of global and local anisotropies. Measurements of crystal directions parallel to the load on main crack paths revealed directions clustered near the {110} planes and high index directions. This trend is attributed to environmental effects as a result of cyclic testing in air. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Mechanical Engineering 2011

Modélisation Multiéchelle du Comportement Mécanique d'un Matériau Energétique : Le TATB / Multiscale Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of an Energetic Material : TATB

Lafourcade, Paul 19 September 2018 (has links)
The construction of mesoscopic (micrometer scale) constitutive laws in materialsscience is studied for a long time. However, the constant progress in high performance computing changes the perspectives. Indeed, constitutive laws now aim at explicitly take into account the microstructure and its underlying physics at the atomic scale, for which simulation techniques prove to be very accurate but definitely expensive. The multiscale approach is therefore perfectly adapted to such a challenge and the dialogue between scales necessary. In this thesis, the mechanical behavior of the energetic material TATB in temperature and pressure is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations in order to understand the microscopic deformation mechanisms responsible for plastic activity. The local computation of mechanical variables was developed in atomistic simulations, allowing the dialogue with continuum mechanical methods. Additionally, prescribed deformation paths were coupled with molecular dynamics, allowing to reveal the plasticity mechanism of TATB single crystal. Nucleation of complex dislocation structures with intrinsic dilatancy, twinning transition pathway and a twinning-buckling pseudo phase transition are three distinct behaviors triggered for different loading directions. Then, mesoscopic simulations inferred by atomic scale observations aim at reproducing the twinning-buckling pseudo-phase transition under tri-axial compression using a Lagrangian code. The comparison between both simulation techniques is made possible thanks to the mechanical tools that have been implemented in themolecular dynamics code. Finally, polycrystalline TATB is simulated with non linear elasticity and we demonstrate the necessity to consider an equation of state compatible with this pseudo phase transition, which has a strong influence on the polycristal behavior. / La conception de lois de comportement en science des matériaux n’est pas nouvelle. Cependant, le progrès constant en calcul haute performance change la donne. En effet, ces lois visent désormais à tenir compte de la microstructure et de la physique sous-jacente, à l’échelle atomique, pour laquelle les techniques de simulation sont précises mais très coûteuses. L’approche multiéchelles semble parfaitement adaptée à ces problématiques et le dialogue entre échelles nécessaire. Dans cette thèse, le comportement mécanique du matériau énergétique TATB en température et en pression est étudié via des simulations de dynamique moléculaire afin de caractériser les mécanismes microscopiques responsable de son comportement irréversible. Le calcul local de variables mécaniques a été développé dans des simulations atomistiques, permettant le dialogue avec les méthodes continues. De plus, une méthode d’application de chemins de déformation a été couplée avec la dynamique moléculaire, menant à la caractérisation de la réponse mécanique très anisotrope du monocristal de TATB. Nucléation de dislocations au cœur complexe, chemin de transition pour le maclage et pseudo-transition de phase de type maclage-flambage sont trois comportements distincts associés à trois types de sollicitation dans différentes directions. Des simulations à l’échelle mésoscopique, alimentées par les données calculées à l’échelle microscopique, sont ensuite effectuées et visent à reproduire la pseudo-transition de phase sous compression triaxiale dans un code Lagrangien. La comparaison des résultats aux deux échelles est rendue possible par les outils de mécanique des milieux continus implémentés dans le code de dynamique moléculaire. Finalement, un polycristal de TATB est simulé en élasticité non linéaire et nous montrons l’importance de considérer une équation d’état compatible avec cette pseudo-transition de phase, qui semble avoir une forte influence sur le comportement du polycristal.

Flux et anisotropie du rayonnement cosmique galactique : au-delà des modèles continus / Flux and anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays : beyond homogeneous models

Bernard, Guilhem 29 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les conséquences du fait que les sources de rayons cosmiques sont distribuées de façon non homogène dans notre Galaxie. Elle débute par plusieurs synthèses théoriques et expérimentales. Dans un premier temps la présentation du milieu interstellaire permet de comprendre les mécanismes en jeu dans la propagation et l'accélération des rayons cosmiques. Puis l'étude du mécanisme détaillé de la diffusion des rayons cosmiques sur le champ magnétique conduit à l'équation de propagation utilisée communément. Les solutions stationnaires de cette équation seront rappelées, puis la thèse s'articule autour de l'étude des solutions non stationnaires dans le cadre de sources ponctuelles dépendantes du temps. Une étude statistique permet d'évaluer la dispersion du flux de rayons cosmiques autour de sa valeur moyenne. Le calcul de cette dispersion conduite à des divergences mathématiques et des outils statistiques sont développés pour contourner ce problème. Ainsi l'effet de la granularité des sources est discuté et l'impact sur le spectre du rayonnement cosmique permet d'expliquer les récentes mesures de flux de protons et d'héliums de expériences CREAM et PAMELA.D'autre part la thèse porte sur l'étude de l'anisotropie du rayonnement cosmique. Les méthodes de mesures expérimentales seront rappelées, et une partie du manuscrit est consacrée à relier les calculs théoriques, menés dans le cadre des modèles de propagation, aux expériences. S'en suit d'une part le calcul de l'effet de l'environnement local sur la mesure d'anisotropie, comme l'influence d'un coefficient de diffusion local. Puis, l'anisotropie et sa variance sont calculées dans le cadre de sources ponctuelles avec l'aide des outils développés dans la première partie. Enfin, la possible influence des sources locales sur l'anisotropie est discutée à la lumière des derniers résultats expérimentaux. / In this thesis I study the consequence of non homogeneously distributed cosmic ray sources in the Milky way. The document starts with theoretical and experimental synthesis. Firstly, I will describe the interstellar medium to understand the mechanism of propagation and acceleration of cosmic rays. Then, the detailed study of cosmic rays diffusion on the galactic magnetic field allows to write a commonly used propagation equation. I will recall the Steady-state solutions of this equation, then I will focus on the time dependant solutions with point-like sources. A statistical study is performed in order to estimate the standard deviation of the flux around its mean value. The computation of this standard deviation leads to mathematical divergences. Thus, I will develop statistical tools to bypass this issue. So i will discuss the effect of the granularity of cosmic ray sources. Its impact on cosmic ray spectrum can explain some recent features observed by the experiments CREAM and PAMELA.Besides, this thesis is focused on the study of the anisotropy of cosmic rays. I will recap experimental methods of measurements, and I will show how to connect theoretical calculation from propagation theories to experimental measurements. Then, the influence of the local environment on the anisotropy measurements will be discussed, particularly the effect of a local diffusion coefficient. Then, I will compute anisotropy and its variance in a framework of point-like local sources with the tools developed in the first part. Finally, the possible influence of local sources on the anisotropy is discussed in the light of the last experimental results.

Influência da petrografia sobre a anisotropia à tensão de compressão e dilatação térmica de rochas ornamentais /

Navarro, Fabiano Cabañas. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos Artur / Banca: Antenor Braga Paraguassú / Banca: José Eduardo Rodrigues / Banca: Maria Heloisa Barros de Oliveira Frascá / Banca: Peter Christian Hackspacher / Resumo: Considerando um conjunto de 21 tipos de rochas utilizadas como revestimento e subdivididas em quatro conjuntos por afinidade da composição mineral (rochas carbonáticas, quartzosas, feldspáticas e quartzo-feldspáticas) foram realizados ensaios tecnológicos para a determinação do coeficiente de dilatação térmica linear e da resistência à compressão uniaxial, bem como a anisotropia dessas propriedades. Os dados tecnológicos obtidos foram correlacionados com informações petrográficas qualitativas e quantitativas referentes à composição mineral, variações texturais e estruturais determinadas em seções ortogonais entre si a partir de um sistema de referência (xyz) baseado na foliação e lineação macroscopicamente visíveis. A análise integrada dos dados utilizando estatística convencional e multivariada procurou apontar as variáveis petrográficas mais relevantes para as duas propriedades tecnológicas enfocadas e suas respectivas anisotropias. A dilatação térmica e sua anisotropia são influenciadas principalmente pela composição mineral e pela orientação preferencial dos minerais embora as microfissuras desempenhem papel importante em alguns casos. A tensão de compressão mostra sua variabilidade e anisotropia influenciadas pela granulação média, tipos de contatos minerais predominantes e padrões de microfissuras mais ou menos definidos por influência da foliação presente. Constatou-se que no conjunto analisado a presença da foliação não implica necessariamente em anisotropia das duas propriedades estudadas. / Abstract: The anisotropy of thermal expansion coefficient and compressive tensile strength were determined for 21 commercially used stones gathered in four set according the main mineral composition named carbonatic, quartz-rich, feldspar-rich and quartz-feldspar-rich rocks. Using a coordinate reference system (xyz) based on the macroscopic visible foliation and lineation the samples were submitted to normalized laboratorial analyses for determination of the both technological properties and the petrographical features such as mineral composition, texture and fabric. Additionally was carried out measurements of weathered area and microcrack quantification by image analysis and texture quantification by U-stage methods. In order to understand the relationship between the anisotropy measured and petrographical data it was applied traditional and multivariate statistical analysis. The results pointed to the great significance of mineral composition and the crystallographic preferred orientation for thermal expansion and respective anisotropy, especially to monomineralic and/or foliated rocks, in spite of some cases microcracks play this role. The compressive strength is mainly controlled by a complex interaction between grain size distribution, grain boundary and microcrack patterns related or not to foliation. / Doutor

Caractérisation et modélisation de l’endommagement des géomatériaux par méthode ultrasonore / Caracterization and modeling of damage geomaterials by ultrasonic method

Bui, Truong Son 19 May 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche est consacré à l’étude de l’endommagement des géomatériaux en utilisant la méthode non destructive par ultrasons. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous développons dans un premier temps un dispositif à ultrasons modern et novateur qui, en combinant avec un système de sollicitation mécanique, permet de caractériser le processus de l’endommagement du matériau au cours des essais telle que la compression uniaxiale/triaxiale. Plus précisément, le système ultrasonore construit comporte 96 voies et au cours des essais il est capable de mesurer de manière continue les trois types des ondes grâces aux capteurs piézoélectriques spécifiques.L’application de ce système ultrasonore à la caractérisation de l’endommagement des géomatériaux à matrice cimentaire a montré l’efficacité de cette approche. Au cours des essais de compression uniaxiale, l’évolution de la vitesse et de l’atténuation de trois types d’onde a été mise en évidence comme conséquence de l’endommagement au sein du matériau. Nous nous intéressons dans un deuxième temps l’application du système ultrasonore à capturer les images d’endommagement progressif à travers les tomographies des vitesses et de l’atténuation des ondes. L’étude sur les éprouvettes de mortier donne des résultats concordants avec les observations, surtout à la rupture, bien que la résolution reste assez grossière. La dernière partie de ce travail de recherche vise à modéliser l’endommagement du matériau par une approche dite changement d’échelle. Un modèle conceptuel est proposé pour ce type de matériau qui permet de prendre en compte deux mécanismes principaux d’endommagement : la propagation des fissures au sein de la matrice cimentaire et la décohésion entre les inclusions et la matrice. Via un schéma d’homogénéisation en deux étapes, l’influence de ces mécanismes sur l’évolution des vitesses des ondes ultrasonores a été élucidée. Une comparaison des prédictions numériques avec les résultats expérimentaux permet de valider le modèle utilisé. / This research is devoted to study the damage of geomaterials using the nondestructive method like ultrasound. To this aim, we develop in the first step a modern and innovative system of ultrasound which, in combining with a mechanical system, can characterize the process of damage in material during the tests such as uniaxial/triaxial compression. More specifically, our ultrasonic system comprises 96 channels and can be able to measure continuously the three types of waves thanks to the specific piezoelectric sensors.The application of the developped system for characterization of the damage of a cement-based géomatériaux showed the efficacy of this approach. Under uniaxial loading, the evolution of the ultrasonic velocities and the attenuation of three types of wave have been detected as a result of damage within the material.We are interested in the second step the application of the ultrasonic system on the tomography (such as the velocities and attenuation) of damage during loading of materials. The study on some mortar specimens give good agreement between the obtained results and the observations, especially at failure , although the resolution is fairly coarse. The last part of this research is to model the damage of material by using a so-called up-scaling approach. A conceptual model is proposed for this type of material that allows to take into account two main damage mechanisms: crack in the cement matrix and debonding effect between the matrix and inclusions. Via a scheme of homogenization in two steps, the impact of such mechanisms on the evolution of velocities of the ultrasonic waves has been elucidated. The comparison of numerical predictions with experimental results allows validating the model.

Análise das tensões residuais no processo de trefilação considerando os efeitos de anisotropia

Soares, Carla Adriana Theis January 2012 (has links)
A trefilação de barras é um dos mais antigos processos de conformação mecânica e pode ser definido como um processo de manufatura por deformação plástica, onde o fio-máquina (matéria-prima) é tracionado passando através de uma ferramenta cônica, causando uma redução da área da seção transversal e, aumentando o comprimento total. Este processo introduz tensões residuais no produto final. Parâmetros como ângulo de fieira, coeficiente de atrito e redução, bem como a anisotropia do material tem grande influência nestas tensões. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a influência dos parâmetros citados nas tensões residuais resultantes do processo de trefilação de barras redondas de aço AISI 1045 com diâmetro inicial de 20,46 mm e final, após trefilação, de 20,25 mm, através de simulação numérica, comparando os resultados obtidos numericamente com dados experimentais. Além disso, inseriram-se heterogeneidades nos modelos computacionais de trefilação para que fossem verificados seus efeitos sobre a distorção (empenamento) das barras. Foram criados seis modelos para simular as tensões residuais e para estes, realizadas diferentes validações numéricas, as quais sugerem uma grande proximidade entre o problema físico e o modelo computacional. O atrito teve uma maior influência na força de trefilação do que nas tensões residuais após trefilação. A utilização de duas fieiras para realizar a trefilação mostrou uma redução das tensões residuais trativas na superfície, sendo que reduzindo a distância entre as mesmas, observou-se uma redução ainda maior destas. A consideração da anisotropia do material também mostrou influência considerável no valor das tensões e deve ser levada em conta nas simulações. Observou-se também, pelas comparações entre as simulações, que pelas variações realizadas, os valores das tensões residuais simulados aproximaram-se dos valores experimentais medidos por difração de Nêutrons, porém os resultados ainda não foram satisfatórios. Neste trabalho também são discutidas as possíveis razões das diferenças observadas. / The wire drawing is one of the oldest mechanical forming processes and it may be defined as a manufacturing process for plastic deformation, where the wire rod (raw material) is pulled passing through a conical tool, causing a reduction in cross section area and increasing the total length. This process introduces residual stresses in the final product. Parameters such as die angle, friction coefficient, area reduction and the anisotropy of the material has great influence on these stresses. In this study was evaluated the influence of the parameters mentioned in the residual stresses resulting from the drawing process of round bars of AISI 1045 steel with initial diameter of 20.46 mm and final, after drawing, of 20.25 mm. Through numerical simulation, a comparison of numerical results and experimental data was carried out. Furthermore, heterogeneities were inserted in the drawing computational models to check their effects on distortion (warpage) of the bars. Six models were created to simulate the residual stresses with following numerical validations, showing good approximation between the physical problem and the computational model. Friction had a greater influence on the drawing force than in residual stresses after drawing. The use of two dies to perform the drawing showed a reduction of residual stresses, however if the distance between two dies is reduced, lower levels of resulting tensile residual stresses in the surface are seen. The consideration of the material anisotropy also showed considerable influence on the value of the residual stresses and it should be taken into account in the simulations. Concerning the comparison of simulated and measured residual stresses by the neutron diffraction method, the results approach similar profiles, however the results were still not satisfactory. This work discusses the possible reasons for the observed difference in terms of residual stresses.

Miniaturisation extrême de mémoires STT-MRAM : couche de stockage à anisotropie de forme perpendiculaire / Ultimate scalability of STT MRAM : storage layer with perpendicular shape anisotropy

Perrissin fabert, Nicolas 31 August 2018 (has links)
La plupart des efforts de développements actuels des STT-MRAM est centrée sur des jonctions tunnels magnétiques à aimantation hors du plan. Les derniers empilements mis au point utilisent avantageusement l’anisotropie perpendiculaire induite aux interfaces magnétiques métal / oxydes, qui permet de réconcilier la forte anisotropie demandée pour assurer une rétention suffisante de la mémoire ainsi qu’une faible densité de courant de retournement STT grâce au couplage spin-orbite faible. Cependant, pour des cellules mémoire de taille inférieure à 20 nm, il est difficile d’atteindre une rétention de 10 ans à 100°C en utilisant uniquement l’anisotropie interfaciale. Pour augmenter encore plus l’anisotropie magnétique, ceci impose l’utilisation de couches magnétiques de CoFeB ultraminces (épaisseur inférieure à 1.4nm) qui présentent un coefficient d’amortissement Gilbert augmenté ainsi qu’une magnétorésistance tunnel TMR réduite. Pour des nœuds technologiques inférieurs à 20 nm, des nouveaux matériaux présentant une forte anisotropie magnétocrystalline et faible coefficient d’amortissement doivent être trouvés. De plus, l’anisotropie interfaciale est très sensible aux propriétés structurelles et chimiques aux interfaces entre les métaux magnétiques et la barrière tunnel de MgO. Avec des techniques de nanofabrication conventionnelles, ces interfaces peuvent être endommagées durant notamment l’étape de gravure, ce qui conduit à une variabilité importante cellule à cellule. Pour résoudre ce genre de problèmes pour des cellules STT-MRAM de tailles très petites, nous proposons l’utilisation d’empilements jonctions tunnel magnétiques dans lesquels l’anisotropie de la couche de stockage est contrôlée uniquement par son anisotropie de forme hors du plan. Ceci donne notamment une couche de stockage de forme cylindrique avec un aspect de forme suffisamment large (épaisseur / diamètre environ > 1). De cette façon, pour des raisons purement magnétostatiques, l’aimantation de la couche de stockage sera orientée perpendiculairement au plan de la cellule. Dans cette approche, la géométrie planaire classique des couches minces est ainsi remplacée par une géométrie tridimensionnelle. Cette approche innovante a plusieurs avantages : (i) elle génère une source fiable et robuste d’anisotropie perpendiculaire, beaucoup moins sensible aux défauts de structure et aux fluctuations thermiques; (ii) permet d’utiliser des matériaux connus et facile à croître, avec des coefficients d’amortissement faible, comme le Permalloy, en combinaison avec du CoFeB aux interfaces avec la barrière tunnel de MgO et (iii) donne une approche miniaturisable, même à des diamètres sub-10 nm, car le même matériau peut être utilisé pour des nœuds technologiques très petits. / Most of the actual STT-MRAM development effort is nowadays focused on out-of-plane magnetized MTJ taking advantage of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) arising at magnetic metal/oxide interface. This interfacial anisotropy allows conciliating large anisotropy required to insure a sufficient retention of the memory together with low switching current density thanks to weak spin-orbit coupling. However this PMA is too weak to insure 10 year retention up to 100°C in sub-20 nm devices. For deeply sub-20 nm nodes, new materials with large bulk PMA and low damping still have to be found. Furthermore, because this PMA is an interfacial effect, it is very sensitive to the structural and chemical properties of the magnetic metal/MgO interfaces contributing to dot to dot variability. To solve these problems in very small feature size STT-MRAM, we propose a totally novel approach: use MTJ stacks in which the storage layer anisotropy is uniquely controlled by its out-of-plane shape anisotropy i.e. by giving the storage layer a cylindrical shape with large enough aspect ratio (thickness / diameter typically > 1). In such structure, for purely magnetostatic reasons, the storage layer magnetization lies out-of-plane. With this approach, the geometry of conventional 2D thin layers is thus replaced by a 3D geometry. This innovative approach had several advantages: (i) it creates a strong and robust source of perpendicular anisotropy, much less sensitive to interfacial defects and thermal fluctuations; (ii) allows the use of well-known materials with mastered growth and low magnetic damping, such as Permalloy in combination with FeCoB at the interface of the MgO tunnel barrier and (iii) yields to an extreme scalability of the memory point, down to the sub-10 nm node, as the same materials can be used at very low nodes.

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