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Použití protlačovacích zkoušek na miniaturních discích pro materiály s vyšší úrovní strukturní nehomogenity / The use of small punch tests for materials with a higher level of structural inhomogeneityGordiak, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with evaluating applicability of correlation relationships between material characteristics determined by Small Punch Test and standard tensile test for material AlSi7Mg0,6 manufactured by casting and technology SLM. Results of Small Punch Tests are correlated with yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and Young's modulus of elasticity. For each material characteristic various correlation methods are compared, while for each method corresponding coefficients are determined. Consequently, the applicability of individual methods is evaluated by substituting coefficients determined by various studies. Primarily analyzed are correlation methods for which future normalization is expected. The results of master's thesis show that structural inhomogeneity caused by SLM process does not result in high inaccuracies in determining material characteristics. Larger impact on material characteristics has high porosity, which was identified in cast material and led to significant deviations in evaluating tensile strength and elongation.
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Stanovení anizotropie tepelné vodivosti polymerních chladičů pro chlazení elektroniky / Determination of thermal conductivity anisotropy of polymeric heatsinks for electronicsBrachna, Róbert January 2021 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on creating a numerical model of a polymeric heat sink with emphasis on its significant thermal conductivity anisotropy. This anisotropy is caused by highly thermally conductive graphite filler. Its final orientation is given by the melt flow inside the mould cavity during injection molding. The numerical model is created on the basis of a heat sink prototype subjected to experimental measurements, whose physical conditions are reliably replicated by the model. The determination of anisotropy is divided into two parts. The qualitative part is based on the fracture analysis of the heat sink prototype and determines the principal directions of the conductivity tensor in individual sections of the geometry. The computation of principal conductivities falls into the quantitative part, in which this task is formulated as an inverse heat conduction problem. The input data for the proposed task are experimentally obtained temperatures at different places of the geometry. The values of principal conductivities are optimized to minimize the difference between the measured and simulated temperatures.
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Technika anisotropie a časově rozlišené anisotropie ve výzkumu koloidních systémů / Anisotropy and time-resolved anisotropy techniques in colloidal systems researchHolínková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
In this diploma thesis were investigated in terms of microviscosity liquid and condensed systems composed of hyaluronan (Hya) and cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The excitation and emission spectra, lifetime, steady-state fluorescence anisotropy and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of the samples were measured. First, was studied the formation of hydrophobic domains in the system Hya-CTAB at concentration of CTAB lower than its critical micelle concentration in an aqueous solution and 0.15M NaCl. It was found that in an aqueous solution small hydrophobic domains linked to chains Hya are formed. Then an increasing concentration of CTAB leads to phase separation and formation of gel. Due to the addition of NaCl then leads to the reorganization of this system and probably the formation of free micelles in the solution. Were also studied condensed phase of system Hya-CTAB-NaCl at high concentrations of surfactant during fourteen days of ageing. It was found that the microviscosity of hydrophobic domains is constant, but the microviscosity of hydrophilic parts gradually decreases.
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Směsné lipidy a jejich interakce s biopolymery / Mixed lipids and their interaction with biopolymersCigánková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the study of interactions between hyaluronan and lipid DOTAP and its mixtures with DPPC in water. First, the aggregation behavior of the lipid itself and its mixtures was measured, afterwards the influence of hyaluronan in different concentration was studied. Further the fluorescence anisotropy of fluorescence probe DPH in these mixtures and influence of cholesterol was measured. These properties were investigated by fluorescence spectoscopy using pyrene and DPH as fluorescence probes. The measurements revealed that the addition of hyaluronan has observable influence on the aggregation behavior of the lipid DOTAP and its mixtures with DPPC and that cholesterol influences liposomes fluidity.
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Fabrication and Simulation of Nanomagnetic Devices for Information ProcessingDrobitch, Justine L 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nanomagnetic devices are highly energy efficient and non-volatile. Because of these two attributes, they are potential replacements to many currently used information processing technologies, and they have already been implemented in many different applications. This dissertation covers a study of nanomagnetic devices and their applications in various technologies for information processing – from simulating and analyzing the mechanisms behind the operation of the devices, to experimental investigations encompassing magnetic film growth for device components to nanomagnetic device fabrication and measurement of their performance.
Theoretical sections of this dissertation include simulation-based modeling of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy magnetic tunnel junctions (p-MTJ) and low energy barrier nanomagnets (LBM) – both important devices for magnetic device-based information processing. First, we propose and analyze a precessionally switched p-MTJ based memory cell where data is written without any on-chip magnetic field that dissipates energy as low as 7.1 fJ. Next, probabilistic (p-) bits implemented with low energy barrier nanomagnets (LBMs) are also analyzed through simulations, and plots show that the probability curves are not affected much by reasonable variations in either thickness or lateral dimensions of the magnetic layers.
Experimental sections of this dissertation comprise device fabrication aspects from the basics of material deposition to the application-based demonstration of an extreme sub-wavelength electromagnetic antenna. Magnetic tunnel junctions for memory cells and low barrier nanomagnets for probabilistic computing, in particular, require ultrathin ferromagnetic layers of uniform thickness, and non-uniform growth or variations in layer thickness can cause failures or other problems. Considerable attention was focused on developing methodologies for uniform thin film growth.
Lastly, micro- and nano-fabrication methods are used to build an extreme sub-wavelength electromagnetic antenna implemented with an array of magnetostrictive nanomagnets elastically coupled to a piezoelectric substrate. The 50 pW signal measured from the approximately 250,000-nanomagnet antenna sample was 10 dB above the noise floor.
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Strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ion irradiated anatase TiO2 thin filmsStiller, Markus, Barzola-Quiquia, Jose, Esquinazi, Pablo, Spemann, Daniel, Meijer, Jan, Lorenz, Michael, Grundmann, Marius January 2016 (has links)
The temperature and field dependence of the magnetization of epitaxial, undoped anatase TiO2 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates was investigated. Low-energy ion irradiation was used to modify the surface of the films within a few nanometers, yet with high enough energy to produce oxygen and titanium vacancies. The as-prepared thin film shows ferromagnetism which increases after irradiation with low-energy
ions. An optimal and clear magnetic anisotropy was observed after the first irradiation, opposite to the expected form anisotropy. Taking into account the experimental parameters, titanium vacancies as di-Frenkel pairs appear to be responsible for the enhanced ferromagnetism and the strong anisotropy observed in our films. The magnetic impurities concentrations was measured by particle-induced X-ray emission with ppm resolution. They are ruled out as a source of the observed ferromagnetism before and after irradiation.
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Magnetokalorický jev sloučenin vzácných zemin / Magnetocaloric properties of rare-earth compoundsKaštil, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This work presents study of magnetocaloric properties of compounds exhibiting unusual magnetic characteristics. Several systems were studied: TbNiAl, (Tb,Y)NiAl, TbNi(Al,In), TbFeAl, GdFeAl, Ni2MnGa based compounds and amorphous metallic alloy Gd-Co-Al-Y. Influence of magneto-crystalline anisotropy on magnetocaloric effect was studied on singlecrystalline sample of TbNiAl compound. The maximum of entropy change was measured with orientation of magnetic field along c axis and compared to polycrystalline sample a 100% increase was observed. Substitutions of Y and In in TbNiAl led to a change of magnetic ordering. Both substitution led to increase of RCP values of studied material. TbFeAl and GdFeAl compounds, characterized by partial disorder of Fe and Al atoms, showed magnetocaloric effect in wide temperature region which led to interesting values of RCP~350 J kg-1 . Very broad region of magnetocaloric effect was also observed on amorphous metallic material of Gd-Co-Al-Y. The effect of Er substitution in Ni2MnGa based compound on its magneto-structural transition, connected with inverse magnetocaloric effect, was studied. The direct measurement method of adiabatic temperature change is described and instrument for such measurement, developed in collaboration with FZU AVČR, v.v.i., is presented.
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Charakterizace procesu porušování migmatitu prostřednictvím ultrazvukových metod / Characterization of migmatite fracturing using ultrasonic methodsPetružálek, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
Submitted PHD thesis is focused on fracturing process of migmatite, which is a low porosity anisotropic rock. Migmatite, from a locality Skalka, was chosen as a suitable experimental material, namely due to its macroscopically visible, plane-parallel structure (foliation). The fracturing was studied by means of uniaxial loading experiments on cylindrical samples with different dip of migmatite foliation: 13ř (subhorizontal), 81ř (subvertical) and oblique (47ř and 67ř). The net of eight piezoceramic transducers was employed for ultrasonic sounding (US) measurement and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring during the loading experiments. Realized study of migmatite fracturing is based on the interpretation of both mentioned ultrasonic methods. Part of this work was a software development, including its testing for processing and interpretation of measured AE and US data. Methodical part of the thesis consists of: development and testing of algorithms for automatic P wave arrival detection; introduction of anisotropic velocity model to describe magnitude and orientation of velocity anisotropy, as well as to localize AE events in anisotropic velocity field; determination of crack initiation stress using first arrival amplitude of US. Based on the interpretation of AE and US data, there was found a...
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Magnetismus 5f-elektronů v intermetalických sloučeninách uranu / 5f-electron Magnetism in Intermetallic Uranium CompoundsVališka, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřená na studium magnetických vlastností tří r·zných sloučenin na bázi uranu obsahujících 5f elektrony (U4Ru7Ge6, UAu2Si2 a UIrGe). V rámci této práce byly, za pomoci r·zných metod, připraveny vysoce kvalitní krystaly těchto sloučenin. Vlastnosti těchto systém· byly studovány r·znými objemovými meto- dami (magnetizace, měrné teplo, teplotní roztažnost, elektrický transport) a také neu- tronovým a rentgenovým rozptylem při širokém spektru vnějších podmínek (nízká teplota, vysoké magnetické pole, vysoký tlak). Kombinace těchto metod odhalila komplexní chování těchto systém· a pomohla sestrojit jejich magnetické fázové diagramy. První studovanou sloučeninou je feromagnet U4Ru7Ge6vykazující velmi nízkou mag- netokrystalovou anizotropii, která je neočekávaná pro sloučeninu na bázi uranu. To se promítá do izotropní závislosti téměř všech měřených fyzikálních vlastností. Bylo zjištěno, že osa snadné magnetizace se mění v uspořádaném stavu a tento jev je spojen s anomáliemi v teplotní roztažnosti ukazující na možnou rhomboedrickou distorzi. Ta vede k vytvoření dvou odlišných pozic uranu s odlišným magnetickým momentem. Tato před- pově¤ byla potvrzena teoretickými výpočty a pomocí polarizované neutronové difrakce. Rozdíl magnetických moment· na dvou odlišných uranových pozicích je zp·soben...
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Magnetismus v necentrosymetricke uranove sloucenine: UIrSi3 / Magnetism in non-centrosymmetric uranium compound: UIrSi3Valenta, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
Title: Magnetism in the non-centrosymmetric uranium compound: UIrSi3 Author: RNDr. Jaroslav Valenta Department: Department of Condensed Matter Physics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: RNDr. Jiří Prchal, Ph.D., DCMP Abstract: The study presented in this thesis is focused on UIrSi3 which is one of two known uranium compounds that crystallize in a non-centrosymmetric structure. This first study of UIrSi3 in single-crystalline form confirms antiferromagnetic order below TN = 41.7 K and reveals strong uniaxial anisotropy. The antiferromagnetic order is suppressed by application of a magnetic field along the c axis (0HC = 7.3 T at 2 K). In contrast, application of a magnetic field up to 14 T along the a axis gives paramagnetic response. The high TN, contrasting with the low 0HC, together with the opposite signs of the paramagnetic Curie temperatures of the a-axis and c-axis paramagnetic susceptibility indicate a competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions. The first-order metamagnetic transition at HC shows asymmetric hysteresis which reflects a complex antiferromagnetic ground state. With increasing temperature, the hysteresis becomes gradually smaller and vanishes at 28 K where the first-order transition changes to second-order transition which remains up to TN. The point where the...
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