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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedload transport in water courses with submerged vegetation

Bonilla Porras, Jose Antonio 03 February 2022 (has links)
Vegetation has been identified to play a significant role in river environments by providing a wide range of ecosystem services. For this reason, the use of plants has become relevant in river restoration projects. However, the presence of plants in channel beds increases the flow resistance and, thus, the water levels during flood conditions. Additionally, river vegetation, whether instream or riparian, influences the morphological evolution of rivers. Observations show that instream vegetation has a strong impact on bedload transport. Yet, there is a scarcity of sediment transport predictors that directly account for the effects of plants, and existing methods, based on re-calculation of roughness coefficients, may present some inconsistencies. Therefore, an approach that extends Einstein’s (1950) parameters to include the effects of vegetation geometry and spatial density on sediment transport is herein proposed. The new formulations of the dimensionless transport parameter Φ and the flow intensity parameter Ψ were derived for their implementation in existing bedload predictors of the form Φ = (Ψ). The applicability of this new approach considers the presence of submerged and emergent vegetation, but reduces to the original Einstein’s model if vegetation is absent. The research methodology was carried out in four phases. First, a comprehensive literature review for the identification of, mainly, the different effects of vegetation on river morphodynamics, the state-of-the-art knowledge on the flow-sediment-vegetation interactions, and the current approaches to bedload estimation in channels with vegetated beds. Second, the derivation of the extended Einstein’s parameters, starting from a momentum balance for a control volume of a generic channel with instream submerged vegetation (as proposed by Petryk and Bosmajian, 1975). Third, an extensive experimental program carried out on a tilting flume with a mobile bed and with plants being represented by series of aluminum cylinders. Different scenarios of vegetation spatial density were tested while measurements of bedload rate, water level, bed level and flow velocity were periodically performed in order to assess conditions of stationarity and morphodynamic equilibrium. Last, a deep analysis of experimental results allowed for the calibration of the new approach, whereas external datasets from the literature were used to assess its performance in a wide variety of conditions. A study based on four statistical measures showed that the extended Einstein’s parameters are significantly more suitable for bedload rate estimation when compared to the original ones, since predicted and measured values have, on average, the same order of magnitude. Additionally, the new approach outperformed the widely-adopted method of Baptist (2005), which consists of the re-calculation of bed roughness in vegetated settings. Finally, the experimental observations suggest that the submergence ratio and the stem spatial density are the most important traits of river plants to display influence on bedload transport, channel bed stability, and bed form dimensions and patterns. A better understanding of these traits might lead to better prediction capabilities of river evolution. / La vegetazione svolge un ruolo fondamentale negli ambienti fluviali, poiché fornisce un ampio spettro di servizi ecosistemici; per questo essa è una componente rilevante dei progetti di riqualificazione fluviale. Tuttavia, la presenza di piante in alveo aumenta la resistenza al moto e di conseguenza anche il tirante idrico durante gli eventi di piena. Inoltre, la copertura vegetale in alveo e nelle zone riparie influenza l'evoluzione morfologica dei corsi d'acqua. Nonostante le evidenze sperimentali mostrino che la vegetazione in alveo ha un forte impatto sul trasporto dei sedimenti, sono poche le formule di trasporto che tengono conto in modo esplicito dell'effetto della vegetazione e i metodi esistenti, basati sulla determinazione di un coefficiente di scabrezza, possono dare luogo a incongruenze. Per questa ragione, in questa tesi si propone un approccio che estende la formulazione di Einstein (1950) e include l'effetto della geometria e della densità spaziale della vegetazione sul trasporto solido. Sono state derivate nuove espressioni per il parametro di trasporto adimensionale Φ e il parametro di intensità del trasporto Ψ, che possono essere introdotte in modelli di trasporto esistenti del tipo Φ = f(Ψ). Questo nuovo approccio consente di considerare l'effetto della presenza di vegetazione sommersa ed emergente e si riduce al modello originale di Einstein in assenza di vegetazione. L'attività di ricerca si è svolta in quattro fasi. Nella prima fase si è svolta un'analisi approfondita della letteratura mirata soprattutto a identificare gli effetti della vegetazione sulla morfodinamica fluviale, definire lo stato dell'arte relativo alle interazioni fra flusso liquido, sedimenti e vegetazione, ed analizzare gli approcci esistenti per la stima del trasporto di fondo in alvei vegetati. Nella seconda fase si sono derivati i parametri della formulazione di Einstein estesa a partire dal bilancio di quantità di moto per un volume di controllo di un canale generico con vegetazione sommersa (come proposto da Petryk e Bosmajian, 1975). Nella terza fase è stato condotto un esteso set di esperimenti, utilizzando un modello fisico costituito da una canaletta di laboratorio a pendenza variabile e fondo mobile, in cui le piante sono state simulate tramite cilindri in alluminio. Sono stati riprodotti diversi scenari di densità spaziale della vegetazione e sono stati misurati periodicamente la portata solida, la quota della superficie libera e del fondo e la velocità della corrente per valutare le condizioni di stazionarietà ed equilibrio morfodinamico. Infine, il nuovo approccio è stato calibrato sulla base di un'analisi approfondita dei risultati sperimentali e quindi applicato a set di dati di letteratura per valutarne l'accuratezza in un ampio intervallo di condizioni. Un'analisi statistica basata su quattro indicatori ha mostrato che i parametri della formulazione di Einstein estesa producono stime di trasporto solido sensibilmente più accurate rispetto ai parametri originali, in quanto i valori calcolati sono, in generale, dello stesso ordine di grandezza dei valori misurati. Inoltre, il nuovo approccio dà risultati migliori rispetto al metodo di Baptist (2005), ampiamente adottato, che consiste nel ricalcolo della scabrezza per gli alvei vegetati. Infine, le osservazioni sperimentali suggeriscono che il rapporto di sommergenza e la densità spaziale delle piante sono i parametri che influenzano in modo più significativo il trasporto solido, la stabilità del fondo dell'alveo, la scala delle forme di fondo e la loro organizzazione spaziale. Una conoscenza più approfondita di questi aspetti può contribuire a una maggiore capacità di prevedere l'evoluzione dei corsi d'acqua. / Se ha identificado a la vegetación como un actor importante en ambientes fluviales al proporcionar una amplia gama de servicios ecosistémicos. Por esta razón, el uso de plantas se ha vuelto cada vez más relevante en proyectos de restauración de ríos. Sin embargo, su presencia en lechos fluviales impacta la resistencia al flujo, aumentando los niveles del agua en condiciones de inundación. Además, este tipo de vegetación, ya sea que esté en el lecho o en las márgenes, influye en la evolución morfológica de los ríos. Diversas observaciones han mostrado que la vegetación fluvial tiene un fuerte impacto en las tasas de transporte sólido de fondo. A pesar de ello, hay una escasez de métodos confiables para la estimación de este tipo de sedimentos que tome en consideración el efecto de las plantas y, aquéllos que existen, los cuales se basan en la corrección del coeficiente de rugosidad del canal, suelen presentar resultados inconsistentes. Por tanto, se propone aquí un método que extiende las definiciones fundamentales de Einstein (1950) en modo que se incluyan los efectos de la geometría y la densidad espacial de las plantas sobre el transporte sólido. Las nuevas ecuaciones del parámtero de transporte, Φ, y el parámetro de movilidad, Ψ, fueron obtenidas para su implementación en métodos predictores de transporte de fondo de la forma Φ = (Ψ). La aplicabilidad de este nuevo enfoque considera la posibilidad de vegtación fluvial tanto emergente como sumergida, y se reduce a las ecuaciones originales de Einstein si ésta fuera inexistente. La metodología de investigación se llevó a cabo en cuatro fases. Primero, una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura para la identificación, principalmente, de los diferentes efectos de la vegetación en la morfodinámica de ríos, los avances más recientes en el conocimiento sobre las interacciones flujo-sedimento-vegetación, y los métodos actualmente existentes para la estimación del transporte sólido de fondo en canales naturales vegetados. En segundo lugar, la obtención de los parámetros de Einstein extendidos a partir de un balance de momentum para el volumen de control de un canal genérico con vegetación sumergida (según lo propuesto por Petryk y Bosmajian, 1975). En tercer lugar, un extenso programa experimental realizado en un canal de fondo móvil y pendiente variable, con las plantas siendo representadas por series de cilindros metálicos. Se probaron diferentes escenarios de densidad espacial de vegetación, mientras que periódicamente se realizaron mediciones transporte sólido, niveles del agua, topografía del fondo y velocidad del flujo con el objeto de evaluar las condiciones de flujo uniforme y equilibrio morfodinámico. Por último, un análisis profundo de los resultados experimentales permitió la calibración del nuevo método, mientras que se utilizaron datos externos disponibles en la literatura para evaluar su desempeño bajo diversas condiciones. Un estudio basado en cuatro medidas estadísticas mostró que los parámetros extendidos de Einstein son mucho más adecuados para la estimación del transporte de fondo en comparación con los originales, ya que los valores estimados y los medidos muestran, en promedio, el mismo orden de magnitud. Además, el nuevo método superó al propuesto por Baptist (2005), ampliamente utilizado, el cual consiste en la corrección de la rugosidad del canal en presencia de vegetación. Finalmente, las observaciones experimentales sugieren que la sumergencia de las plantas y la densidad espacial de los tallos son las variables más influyentes en el transporte sedimentos de fondo, la estabilidad del lecho, y las dimensiones y patrones de la forma de fondo. Una mejor comprensión de estas variables puede significar una mejor capacidad para predecir la evolución de un río.

Controls over stream temperature in a northern boreal landscape

Damström, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
With widespread increases in air temperature, it is expected that the temperature of aquatic ecosystems will also increase, especially at high latitudes. Warmer streams and rivers could have severe, direct impacts on cold-adapted aquatic fauna but may also indirectly influence species by reducing the amount of suitable habitat. Yet, increases in air temperature alone ara potentially insufficient to cause stream warming, which is also influenced by a range of other factors that govern the energy balance of individual stream reaches. Here, I used long-term water temperature data from seven streams in the Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) to ask whether there are recent trends in warming, and to evaluate how catchment properties regulate the sensitivity of streams to air temperature change during summer. Mann Kendall trend analysis at one headwater site showed that there has indeed been a warming trend in the KCS, but only during a brief time-window in early summer. Across, KCS sites, air temperature-water temperature regressions highlighted notable variation in the thermal sensitivity of streams depending on their catchment features. Finally, observations during extreme warm and dry years did not indicate strong responses in terms of stream temperature. In fact, extreme low-flow conditions seem to reduce the downstream propagation of warm lake water during these events. Collectively, my results suggest that ongoing climate changes in the boreal region have not had dramatic influences on stream temperature, although future changes occurring around the snowmelt season are likely.

Freshwater Salinization Alters the Biology and Ecology of Zooplankton.

Huber, Eric D. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Microplastic Abundances in the Guana River Estuary in Northeast Florida

Keplinger, McKenna 01 January 2022 (has links)
Plastic never fully disappears, but instead breaks into smaller pieces referred to as microplastics (< 5 mm length). Microplastics are common worldwide, and more studies are needed to understand the accumulation and diversity of microplastics found in various environments. In this study, six locations were sampled for one year in the Guana River Estuary, a partially impounded system with heavily urbanized headwaters. This study was conducted in conjunction with the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTM NERR) and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) at their water sampling stations. The objectives of this study were to investigate: 1) distribution patterns across sample sites over time, 2) the color, size, and shape of microplastics found, and 3) polymer composition. Water samples were collected from surface waters in 1-L bottles, with five replicates at each site. Sampling occurred once a month, at the beginning of each month from August 2020-August 2021. Samples were analyzed for abundance and characteristics of microplastics using a dissecting microscope and the polymer composition was determined using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. No pattern was found in the distribution of microplastics from north to south or over time. Variations in plastic color, size, and polymer composition suggests that there are multiple sources of pollution into the Guana River Estuary.

Using remote sensing to monitor herbicide injury and biomass of waterhyacinth

Robles, Wilfredo 08 August 2009 (has links)
Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the ecological interactions and processes within a water body. However, the presence of the invasive exotic aquatic plant species, waterhyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms], negatively affects those interactions as well as interfering with water use for recreation and navigation. An implemented management plan for waterhyacinth control relies on the use of herbicides. Efficacy is commonly assessed using visual injury and control ratings as well as estimating biomass. The problem is that those approaches are labor intensive only assessing single points throughout the entire water body. Therefore, technology like remote sensing, which is the focus of this research, is recommended as an additional tool to assess implemented management plans. Studies were conducted in a mesocosm research facility to evaluate the relationship between simulated spectral bands 3, 4, 5, and 7 Landsat 5 TM and waterhyacinth treated with the herbicides imazapyr and glyphosate. Results indicate that injury is better detected and predicted with band 4 and that relationship is negative when either herbicide was used. However, prediction is better when plants have developed sufficient injury to influence the spectral response of band 4. In the second study, the biomass of waterhyacinth was estimated using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using simulated data from Landsat 5 TM. This study was conducted over natural populations of waterhyacinth in Lakes Columbus and Aberdeen, MS over two growing seasons. Results indicate that the use of NDVI alone is a weak predictor of biomass; however, its combination with morphometric parameters like leaf area index enhanced predictive capabilities.In order to assess field herbicide treatments for waterhyacinth control and its consequent impact on native aquatic vegetation, lake-wide surveys were performed in Lake Columbus, MS using a point-intercept method. The herbicide assessed was 2,4-D which was applied aerially and by boats. Point-intercept surveys in a 400 by 400 grid of points aided with global positioning system (GPS) were performed before and after herbicide treatments. Obtained results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of waterhyacinth significantly decreased after herbicide treatments which consequently led to the reestablishment of native aquatic vegetation on the system.

Carnivore identity and nutrient supply ratio constraints on carryover effects and food chain efficiency

Rock, Amber Marie 27 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Surveillance of Influenza A Virus in Environmental Ice and Water Samples

Zhang, Gang 08 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Aquatic Ecology and Disturbance: Problem Solving Skills in Undergraduate Education and Effects of Land Use on Northeast Ohio Stream Habitats

McLean, Jaclyn E. 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Climate Change Effects on Lake Erie Yellow Perch Reproduction and Recruitment

Farmer, Troy M. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Smelling out the competition: Response behavior of naive crayfish to novel crayfish odors

Studer, Thomas 04 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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