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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The architectural design of U.K. supermarkets 1950-2006

Kirby, Audrey January 2008 (has links)
This thesis addresses the evolution of supermarket architecture in the UK from the period following the Second World War up to the present day. It records the history of this phenomenon and explores the relationship between the developing architectural design styles of supermarket buildings and the social economic and political changes that have influenced their design. Focusing on the main objectives the research progressed through interview, observation and the analysis of archive material towards an inquiry into the nature, and particular significance, of these buildings and their place in the field of retail commerce. In order to examine in depth the concept of supermarket architectural design, four case studies are presented, both to illustrate the evolution of store design and to demonstrate the complex processes involved in the design and the completion of specific developments. These studies of individual stores together present a clear picture of the many variable elements that must be considered in the design and construction of a supermarket building. The discussion and conclusions drawn from the research material, in particular the four case studies, records and demonstrates the substance and meaning of these and other supermarket buildings and the influences, both mandatory and elective, that are important and significant in their design and the design of the sites they occupy. The review of relevant literature supports the conclusion that this research presents new knowledge in a field as yet unexplored by academic study.

A study of multi-use space

Salih, S. A. H. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Prestandabaserad Parametrisk Arkitektur : - en fallstudie i utformning av lamellhus

Dahlblom, Sverker January 2017 (has links)
Tidigt i utformningsprocessen måste arkitekten ta flera viktiga beslut som direkt påverkar slutresultatet. Byggkostnad, energieffektivitet, hållbarhet såväl som arkitektoniska kvalitéer riskerar att fallera ifall arbetet baseras på en utformning som har grundläggande problem. Ett sätt att hantera denna svårighet är att skapa ett datorverktyg som ger arkitekten indikationer på hur byggnadens utformning påverkar dess prestanda. För att undersöka denna möjlighet har en modell som parametriskt genererar byggnads-utformningar och beräknar dessas prestanda tagits fram. Prestandabedömningen sker inom tre huvudsakliga kriterier: byggkostnad, energiförbrukning och dagsljusinsläpp. Resultatet av detta arbete validerades därefter genom en bedömning av modellens användarvänlighet och dess potential som verktyg i utformningsprocessen. Det visade sig vara möjligt att programmera en sådan modell. Då de genererade utformningarna inte har fullgod detaljeringsgrad kan dock inte resultaten användas för bedömning av den slutgiltiga byggnadens prestanda med tillfredsställande säkerhet. Som underlag för jämförelse mellan olika utformningsförslag är däremot funktionaliteten god och tillfrågade inom byggbranschen uttryckte ett intresse kring arbetet. / Early in the design process, the architect must take several important decisions that directly affect the end result. Construction costs, energy efficiency, sustainability as well as architectural qualities are likely to fail if the work is based on a design that has fundamental flaws. One way to handle this issue is to create a computer tool that provides the architect indications of how design affects the performance of the building. To investigate this possibility, a model that parametrically generates building designs and calculates their performance has been developed. Performance assessment is conducted within three main criteria: construction cost, energy consumption and daylight. The result of this work is then validated by an assessment of usability and its potential as a tool in the design process. It proved possible to develop such a model. The level of detail in the generated designs are not adequate to provide results of the building's final performance with reasonable confidence. However, as a basis for comparison between different design proposals functionality is good and the respondents in the construction industry expressed an interest in the work.

Utformning av matsal och trädgårdsrum på ett äldreboende / Design of the dining room and garden room in a nursing home

Åkerman, Christina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Brazilian low cost housing : interactions and conflicts between residents and dwellings

Malard, Maria Lucia January 1992 (has links)
In order to improve the general quality of low-cost housing in Brazil, a research project was conducted to identify the existing conflicts in the interactions between residents and dwellings. The conceptual framework is that architectural spaces have their origin in the interactive process occurring between social forms and physical forms. Whenever architectural situations do not match cultural patterns, conflicts are likely to arise between performers and objects and spaces. Conflicts can be provoked by architectural elements that either have not been provided or are inadequate. Performing his activities, man endows spaces with significance. Thus, architectural spaces are always meaningful and can be approached as a text to be read, decoded and interpreted. A fieldwork study was conducted to survey about 175 low cost houses in &10 Horizonte, Brazil, by READING SPACES in order to identify existing conflicts. The fieldwork methodology consisted of a SYSTEMATICOBSERVATIONof the interactions between residents and houses, describing them by means of architectural tools: annotated sketches, pictures and reports on people's comments. Nineteen conflicts have been identified, characterised and analysed in comparison to the vernacular architecture and technical literature. The conclusions may constitute_a theoretical guide-line for further projects of a similar context.

The innovative application of the coated glass surface in architecture

Johnston, Laura January 1997 (has links)
The practice-led research is concerned with the changes to the material vocabulary available to the glass artist as a result of developments in technology. Many stained glass artists continue to use a one hundred year old vocabulary in the production of works for contemporary buildings. In this research programme, the potential of a relatively new material - dichroic glass - is explored and an appropriate aesthetic developed. Dichroic glass is selected as focus in the research due to its unique qualities of reflection and transmission of specific wavelengths of light. Thin films technology has resulted in its production and is able to transform standard float glass into a magical material with enormous aesthetic potential. The approach to the application of the material is essentially a response as an artist to its unique qualities, but this approach is informed by a study of historical precedence and contemporary practice, which sets the context within which the research is carried out. The vital importance of light as the phenomena with which artists designing glass for architecture are primarily concerned, is revealed by this contextual study. The relationship of artistdesigned glass to its architectural" context is examined and in-depth case studies reveal the approaches of three contemporary artists. Personal practice is thus linked to contemporary practice and historical precedent. Developments in glass technology are reviewed and the current and developing functions of glass in architecture are outlined. This study establishes the wider context within which the artist, designing glass for contemporary architecture, is working. A study of thin film technology places dichroic glass within its technical framework. In depth analysis of how dichroics are produced and the subsequent production of a range of samples gives valuable insight into the nature of the material. The research uses a range of methods to address the artistic application of dichroic glass. To utilise the unique qualities of the material, forms are developed both in experimental models and in existing architectural settings. In seeking to enhance the experience of architectural space, the design of forms are developed in response to the particular lighting conditions of the chosen contexts. The various strands of the research work together to uncover data which would assist artists and designers in their approach to the architectural application of dichroic glass. The methods explored and developed provide useful tools for other practitioners in their approach to design.

The Evolution of Doors and Doorways

Griffith, Tom Jack 08 1900 (has links)
It has been desired that this work will provide interested students informative reading concerning doorways as a part of architecture. It is hoped that it will be a literary contribution to the beginning architectural student and that he study will provide a point of interest for the further study of architecture and its many elements.

Interdine: celebrating human transactions in space, a new form of integration. / Interdine: att fira mänskliga transaktioner i stadsrummet, en ny form av integration

Crocella, Gaia January 2018 (has links)
Humans are evolutionarily programmed to respond to danger, natural disasters, wars, destruction and harassment through fleeing and migration. Finding refuge in a new place is a necessity for the survival, health and well being of every individual. This is crucial within the context of what the western world defines as the Refugee Crises. Today, an unprecedented 65.6 million people around the world have been forced to leave their home. Among them, there are nearly 22.5 million refugees fleeing from misery, environmental defacement, wars and harassment; mainly coming from south saharan countries and middle eastern one. After the peak of incomers in 2015, Europe started shutting its borders. Since then, the number of approved asylum applications in Europe has decreased drastically. In the meanwhile, the urgent need for integration has increased in all welcoming states. Having reached Sweden, refugees are being located according to where the Migration Agency can find accomodation for them. This happens often without considering their relation to the surroundings, hindering the process of integration to take place. The goal of Interdine, as a thesis project, is to celebrate human transactions in space. To address the modern era of mass displacement and the subsequent need for integration, the role of the architect, myself in this context, is to claim space for integration and mutual exchange in our cities. This will be proposed through two scales of action: a 1:1 live action research project and a speculative design proposition confronting legacy and providing a permanent space for Interdine. In Sweden, the thesis investigation takes the example of the city of Umeå, which homes today 698 asylum seekers. Here, organisations working with integration are positioned in the city centre, whereas accommodations and housing for refugees are often located along the outskirts of the city. In order to bring visibility and critical denounce, the key site of intervention is Kulturvaven, the so called House of Culture . During time, discursive dinners, civic classrooms, and dining rituals will be adopted as a means to investigate the problem, claim space and educate the city and its community. Throught food, the thesis project aims to redefine the term integration in a spirit of celebration, interaction and mutual enrichment. The proposed design hopes to be a revolutionary prototype to be applied in other cities within Europe.

Den gröna markens marginalisering : En diskursanalys av omförhandlade konstruktioner av välfärdens landskap

Zalar, Alva January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie är gjord som ett examensarbete inom Masterprogrammet i stadsplanering på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola under våren 2019. Det finns en större mängd forskning som resonerar kring nya entreprenörsurbanistiska ideal som sätter både planeringen som verksamhet och staden i ett nytt sammanhang. Det innebär nya utmaningar för mer traditionellt välfärdsorienterade motiv och praktiker till förmån för offentlig-privat samverkan samt nya sätt att arbeta för ekonomisk tillväxt. 1960-talet har lämnat efter sig ett diskursivt materiellt arv av välfärdsplanering som starkt präglat staden men som nu omvärderas och omförhandlas utifrån just nya ideal. Malmö är ett tydligt exempelpå denna utveckling, vilket är den avgörande anledningen till att Rosengård (Törnrosen och del av Örtagården) används som studieområde. Utemiljöerna och de gröna offentliga rummen har i sin tur spelat stor roll för 1960-talets stadsplanering och samhälle, vilket gör att dessa grönytor begreppsliggörs som “välfärdens landskap” i denna uppsats. Genom dem konceptualiseras planeringens vilja att ordna stadens (gröna) offentliga rum och medborgarna, men också hur de oplanerade och öppna grönytorna har varit platser för det alternativa och normbrytande. Mot en sådan bakgrund undersöks konstruktionen av utemiljöerna när ett 1960-talsområde förtätas och förnyas. Hur förhåller sig planeringen till dessa välfärdslandskap och kan planeringens konstruktion avdem relateras till övergripande narrativ? Vad innebär det i så fall för relationen planerare - medborgaren? För att kunna undersöka denna typ av frågor situeras studien i ett forskningsfält som dels berör konkurrens mellan välfärd och entreprenöriell stadsutveckling, dels den modernistiska staden (exempelvis miljonprogrammet) och dess utemiljöer som ett uttryck för välfärdsorienterade ambitioner, dels förtätning av grönytor. Vidare ramas analysen in av teori kring makt och normativitet för att förstå den intrikata samverkan mellan planeringen, staden och medborgaren. Den franska filosofen och idéhistorikern Michel Foucaults teorier är utgångspunkt för teorin men det är också en eklektisk läsning av olika sätt att förstå Foucaults idéer om normativitet och relationell makt. Metod och teori presenteras gemensamt eftersom det teoretiska ramverket går hand i hand med metoden, diskursanalys. Det entreprenörsurbanistiska narrativet framträder starkast genom analysen, traditionella välfärdsvärden omförhandlas utifrån hur de kan passa in i berättelsen om förtätning. Detta eftersom förtätningen framstår som det överordnade värdet. Konstruktionen av utemiljöerna grundar sig därför i att möjliggöra förtätning och förnyelse, vilket gör att grönytorna omförhandlas, ordnas hierakiskt och marginaliseras. Den postpolitiska och till synes neutrala förpackningen gör att projektet kan förmedla en bild av att grönytorna ökar (i kvalitet, intensitet, användbarhet) trots att ytan faktiskt kraftigt minskar. Analysen pekar på hur det visar på ett marginaliserande av det befintliga i området också spiller över på medborgarna, genom att ta grönytor i anspråk i förtätningens namn marginaliseras den befintliga invånaren till förmån för ett nytt medborgerligt subjekt. Gamla Rosengårds nya sammanhang som en tydligare del av innerstaden och ett område med “potential” gör att förändringen i sig är mer avgörande än områdets och den befintliga invånarens rätt i sig.

Stadsplanering i internetåldern : En studie i hur kommuner hanterar handel som förutsättning för en levande stadskärna

Rydbo, Johannes, Välimaa, Erica January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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