Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abundance"" "subject:"bundance""
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The biology of South African Bryde's whalesPenry, Gwenith S. January 2010 (has links)
The biology of South African Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera brydei/edeni), with a focus on the inshore form, was investigated through estimates of abundance and survival rate, seasonality of occurrence and variation in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Photographs, sightings data and biopsy samples were collected in Plettenberg Bay, on the south-east coast of South Africa. Additional genetic material was obtained from the Iziko South African Museum, Marine and Coastal Management, and the Port Elizabeth Museum. Mark-recapture methods applied to photo-identification data were used to estimate abundance and survival rate. Estimates of abundance ranged from 130 to 250 (CV = 0.07 - 0.38) and the estimated annual survival rate was 0.93 (CV = 0.047, 95% CI = 0.852 - 1.0). Seasonal increases in the encounter rate and number of individual whales were observed during summer and autumn, with a peak in April, which corresponded to increased feeding activity and larger average aggregation sizes. Chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature and wind speed were all significant factors in explaining the variability in the occurrence of whales. No seasonality in the occurrence of calves was detected. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences (685bp) were compared to published sequences. This confirmed the offshore form as Balaenoptera brydei and the inshore form as closely related to B.brydei, possibly at the sub-specific level, but excluded it as B.edeni. Phylogenetic analyses support complete separation between the two forms. The use of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed no population structure among the inshore samples (FST = 0.006). Pairwise estimates of relatedness found most individuals to be unrelated, with only a few distant relatives detected.
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Factors Influencing Future Canopy Composition at Tiromoana Bush, North Canterbury, New ZealandHenshaw, Alex January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate seedling recruitment beneath kanuka forest at Tiromoana Bush, North Canterbury. The regeneration of broadleaved tree species is evident throughout Tiromoana Bush. This research aimed to quantify the biotic and abiotic factors influencing the distribution of small and large seedlings of canopy tree species, their relative growth rates, their survival, abundance and composition throughout the forest understorey of Tiromoana Bush. Tiromoana Bush is a forest restoration area of 410 hectares adjacent to the Kate Valley landfill.
To determine the future tree species composition at Tiromoana Bush, seedling recruitment, growth and survival was quantified through remeasuring tagged seedlings in 26 permanent vegetation monitoring plots located in the major forest patches at Tiromoana Bush. In addition, seedling data from 78 temporary vegetation survey plots established in three major forest patches were used to assess the influence of different factors on seedling abundance.
At Tiromoana Bush, the most common canopy tree species as seedlings in the permanent vegetation monitoring plots was mahoe followed by fivefinger. Mahoe seedling density was significantly affected by canopy openness, distance to seed sources, light index, shrub cover and slope, but not by aspect, basal area and time. For fivefinger, seedlings increased in abundance with time, but the difference was not statistically significant. The relative growth rate of mahoe in the 20-49cm height class (in which most seedlings occurred) was significantly affected by shrub cover, light index and canopy
openness. Mahoe seedling recruits were significantly affected by light index and canopy openness. Survivability of mahoe was affected by aspect. For fivefinger, individual relative growth rates were significantly affected by canopy openness and light index.
Similar results were found for tree species seedlings present in the temporary survey plots provided with mahoe and fivefinger again the most common species, followed by kohuhu. Light index significantly affected golden akeake small seedlings as well as canopy openness. Light index significantly affected ngaio large seedling distribution. Aspect was the only significant factor for kohuhu large seedling distribution. Distance from seed sources significantly affected fivefinger small seedling distribution as seedlings are dependent upon dispersal away from the parent trees. Slope significantly affected the distribution of red matipou small seedlings.
The most important environmental attribute influencing seedling abundance is light. This is evident in both the permanent seedling monitoring plots and the temporary vegetation survey plots. Based on data from the temporary vegetation survey plots, mahoe, fivefinger and kohuhu are most abundant suggesting that these three canopy tree species will dominate the forest canopy at Tiromoana Bush once the kanuka starts to senesce.
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Spatiotemporal Variation in Occupancy and Productivity of Grebes in Prairie Canada: Estimation and Conservation Applications2012 September 1900 (has links)
Wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) provide important breeding habitat for greater than 30 species of waterbirds. Approximately 70% of PPR wetlands have been lost since European settlement and remaining wetlands are subjected to frequent degradation, primarily due to agricultural activities. Horned grebes (Podiceps auritus) are experiencing long-term population declines and are listed as a species of Special Concern in Canada. Because there is virtually no information on the status and trends of pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus podicep) this species is also of considerable conservation concern.
Grebes are recorded on the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Surveys (WBPHS) conducted annually in May by the Canadian Wildlife Service; however, how accurately these counts reflect actual abundance has been unknown. Using a repeated counts method in 2010 and 2011, estimates of detection probabilities averaged 0.48 and 0.18 for horned and pied-billed grebes, respectively. These results suggest that WBPHS ground surveys may be used as an efficient and effective management tool for monitoring horned grebe abundances. However, low detection rates for pied-billed grebes lend little support for including the species in future monitoring efforts using the WBPHS. I recommend that the Canadian Wildlife Service consider implementing standardized ground survey methods to facilitate annual monitoring of horned grebe abundances.
Marshbird research has focused primarily on breeding habitat use or selection but has seldom examined how productivity is related to wetland characteristics. Understanding processes that affect distribution patterns and productivity of grebes could provide insights into actions needed to achieve conservation goals. Therefore, occupancy of wetlands by breeding and brood-rearing horned and pied-billed grebes was evaluated on 6-7 study sites (5.8-11.6 km2) in south-central Saskatchewan, 2010 and 2011, and related to wetland and upland habitat features. Wetland occupancy by grebes was influenced by interspecific competition as well as local and landscape-level wetland features. Horned and pied-billed grebes rarely co-occurred on smaller (≤4 ha) semi-permanent and permanent wetlands. At the wetland level, horned grebe occupancy and productivity were highly correlated with the amount of emergent vegetation, whereas wetland area alone was a better predictor of adult pied-billed grebe occupancy and productivity. At a landscape level, the number of semi-permanent, permanent, and artificial wetlands on each study site was an important predictor of breeding and brood-rearing wetland occupancy probability for horned grebes in 2010 and for pied-billed grebes in both years. However, breeding horned grebe occupancy probability and productivity were higher in low wetland density landscapes in 2011. Horned grebes may be opportunistic, exploiting more of the available wetland habitats in low wetland density landscapes during years of above-average water conditions. Conservation initiatives for grebes should consider the roles of wetland-specific and landscape-level features while protecting semi-permanent and permanent wetlands in landscapes characterized by both high and low wetland densities.
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The Effects of Conventional Oil Wells and Associated Infrastructure on the Abundances of Five Grassland Songbird Species in Alberta’s Mixed-grass PrairieNenninger, Heather R. 31 August 2016 (has links)
Although grassland bird populations have steadily declined, little research has examined the effect of oil infrastructure on abundances of grassland songbirds. Even less research has identified mechanisms that explain observed effects. To evaluate this, I sampled abundance of 5 songbird species at oil well sites with different pump mechanisms, power sources, and activity levels; I also evaluated the effects of perch and road density and exotic vegetation, all of which are associated with oil development. Both Baird’s sparrows (Ammodramus bairdii) and Sprague’s pipits (Anthus spragueii) had lower abundances at all sites that contained oil infrastructure. The other 3 species, chestnut-collared longspurs (Calcarius ornatus), western meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), and Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), were relatively unaffected by oil wells, linear features, or exotic vegetation. Given that oil well sites negatively affected two species of concern, more research is needed to determine mitigation strategies. / October 2016
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Estimating Detection Probability and Abundance for the Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) and the Yacare Caiman (Caiman yacare)Svalberg, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) and the yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) have in the past been exposed to overexploitation due to the economic profit for their hides, and therefore suffered from great declines in population sizes, especially black caimans. Legal regulation efforts made it possible for these two species to recover and today they are widely distributed in South America. Evaluation of protection and management of populations of top predators like these caimans depend on the ability to detect the animals. The probability of detecting a crocodile, or any animal, is affected by several factors such as habitat complexity and behaviour why it is of importance to acknowledge such matter in order to obtain reliable results for further implications. This study aims to investigate the detection probability and abundances in these two species as a contribution to the monitoring efforts at a local scale. Night counts were performed in Cedral lagoon located in the Beni region in Bolivia. By using the relation between marked animals and resightings of them, as well as the abundance estimate produced by the Lincoln-Petersen estimator, estimates of detection probabilities could be accounted for the total caiman population (black plus yacare caimans) and the black caiman population. Very low sighting probabilities (p = 0.03) were obtained when based on marked animals who tend to be more wary after a capture event. Those based on the L-P output were higher (total caiman population p = 0.15, black caimans p = 0.15). Population sizes were estimated to 25 ± 8.5 black caimans and 34 ± 12 caimans in total. The population size based on marked animals was 12 ± 25.4 caimans.
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Effect of land-use history and site-specific environmental factors on solitary bees and flower beetles in clear-cuts of boreal coniferous forestEriksson, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Land-use history has been recognized as an important factor in shaping biological communities in clear-cuts. Many solitary bees and flower beetles (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) are commonly found in clear-cuts, which serve as early successional habitats. I analyzed the effect of land-use history on the abundance and species richness, as well as the preference for land-use history in specific species, of solitary bees and flower beetles in coniferous clear-cuts in southern Sweden. Additionally, the effect of site-specific environmental factors was examined. Insects were caught with blue, white and yellow pan-traps in 48 clear-cuts, of which half were meadow and half were forest in the 1870s. With few exceptions, the species found did not show preference for any land-use history. Furthermore, land-use history had no significant effect on the abundance or species richness of solitary bees or flower beetles. This may be due to pan-traps being less attractive in flower-rich locations, a bias in the sampling method. However, species richness and abundance of solitary bees was higher in young clear-cuts (2-4 years old), probably best explained by more exposed soil and higher frequencies of flowering plants in newer clear-cuts. Abundance of flower beetles was higher in old clear-cuts (6-8 years old). This may be due to larger amounts of more strongly decomposed wood in older clear-cuts, which is used in the flower beetles´ larval development. I conclude that solitary bees are likely to benefit if clear-cuts, particularly with meadow history, are kept more open by introducing disturbance regimes, as suggested by previous studies.
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Abstract Proof of concept for a continuous environmental sampling methodology that employs common terrestrial arthropods as environmental samplers was tested by analyzing pitfall, malaise and black light captures over a six month period over a replicated urban-suburban-rural gradient in Central Virginia. All arthropods captured at the nine sites were identified and assigned to aquatic, vegetation, or soil groups based on their association with these microhabitats. To offset variability in arthropod life history patterns and species abundance within habitat types, arthropod categories based on presence/absence data over the six month period were constructed to provide for sampling reliability within each microhabitat type. Arthropod categories ranged from single abundant species and families to synthetic groupings based on microhabitat associations (e.g., “soil beetles”), all of which could be easily identified. Mean weekly captures of individuals in each resulting category were compared within and among the nine sites using GLM or ranks analyses. Overall and weekly mean capture rates in the aquatic (two categories), soil (seven categories) and vegetation (11 categories) microhabitats were similar within each habitat type. With the exception of the two aquatic category members (midges and caddisflies), overall, monthly and weekly mean capture rates of all arthropod categories were highest in suburban and lowest in urban habitats. Results demonstrate reliability of the arthropod categories constructed and provide ground truthing for a continuously deployable and user-friendly arthropod-based system for monitoring environmental agents.
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Design for ground beetle abundance and diversity sampling within the National Ecological Observatory NetworkHoekman, David, LeVan, Katherine E., Ball, George E., Browne, Robert A., Davidson, Robert L., Erwin, Terry L., Knisley, C. Barry, LaBonte, James R., Lundgren, Jonathan, Maddison, David R., Moore, Wendy, Niemelae, Jari, Ober, Karen A., Pearson, David L., Spence, John R., Will, Kipling, Work, Timothy 04 1900 (has links)
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) will monitor ground beetle populations across a network of broadly distributed sites because beetles are prevalent in food webs, are sensitive to abiotic factors, and have an established role as indicator species of habitat and climatic shifts. We describe the design of ground beetle population sampling in the context of NEON's long-term, continentalscale monitoring program, emphasizing the sampling design, priorities, and collection methods. Freely available NEON ground beetle data and associated field and laboratory samples will increase scientific understanding of how biological communities are responding to land-use and climate change.
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Atmosférické vlastnosti bílých trpaslíků / Atmospheric characteristics of white dwarfsKrejčová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
We have analyzed the ultraviolet spectra of 40 hydrogen-rich (DA) white dwarfs. These spectra have been obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite and are publicly available via the MAST FUSE database. We derived the effective temperature and surface gravity by fitting the hydrogen Lyman spectral lines with model spectra. By applying white dwarf evolutionary models, we were able to determine the white dwarf mass, cooling age and absolute magnitude. These then allowed us to determine the distance to each star and its predicted gravitational redshift. We have identified several chemical elements in the white dwarf spectra. We determined the abundances of C, Si, P and S by measuring the equivalent widths of selected lines of these elements. Finally, we studied the spectra of J0623-376 and LM Com in more detail.
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Hodnocení vlivu využití území na stupeň přírodnosti krajiny / Assesment of land use influence on landscape naturalnessKaňková, Helena January 2013 (has links)
1 Assesment of land use influence on landscape naturalness Abstract Human activities are putting an increasing pressure on natural areas. Complex understanding and evaluation of human impact on the environment is considered to be a key tool to preserve natural balance. Biodiversity was chosen as proxy for naturalness as it has been recognized as one of the main components of environmental stability. Several different indices has been developed to assess human-induced changes in biodiversity. In this study, mean abundance of original species relative to their abundance in undisturbed ecosystems (MSA) is used as an indicator for current state of naturalness. Indicator MSA is built on simple cause-effect relationships between environmental drivers and biodiversity impacts, based on state-of-the-art knowledge. Drivers considered are landcover change, land-use intensity, fragmentation and infrastructure development. As most of biodiversity indices, MSA illustrate prevailingly poor condition of nature as a result of human induced pressures, especially land cover change. Considering constantly increasing population and economic development human pressure grow is likely to continue during the coming decades with irreversible loss in the diversity of life on the Earth. Keywords: Mean species abundance (MSA) - land...
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