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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutrient and biomass allocation strategies in an invasive Australian Acacia and a co-occurring native Acacia in South Africa.

Tye, Donovan R.C. 05 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Rhizobia associated with Australian Acacia species ( Acacia mearnsii, Acacia dealbata and Acacia decurrens ) in South Africa as determined by sodium dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Joubert, Carinne 05 October 2005 (has links)
The projected exponential growth of the human population necessitates a concomitant increase in food supplies, and by implication an increase in fixed nitrogen for crops and pastures. This can to a large extent be supplied by biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). However, to achieve this goal improved effectivity of the legume-rhizobium symbiosis is required, implicating improvement in the macro- as well as the micro symbiont. Therefore the search for more effective microsymbionts is a sine qua non to provide better matching and tolerance to stress conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the range of rhizobia associated with the exotic Australian Acacia species (A. meamsii, A. dealbata and A. decurrens) in South Africa and to determine whether these species could be useful to provide rhizobial strains for application in the South African inoculant industry in order to improve local existing biological nitrogen-fixing systems. Although these Acacia species are geographically widespread throughout South Africa, their root nodule bacteria have never been investigated in depth. Their widespread occurrence and presumed promiscuity suggested that they might form nitrogen-fixing symbioses with a wide range of indigenous rhizobial strains with different ecological adaptations. In this study nodulated plants of the three Acacia spp. were collected from diverse geographic areas with diverse climatic conditions and different soil pH's. Isolates were obtained from root nodules, purified and the putative rhizobial isolates characterized with sodium dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), supplemented at the genomic level with 16S rDNA sequence data of selected isolates. The majority of the isolates investigated were members of the genus Bradyrhizobium, whilst some isolates showed close relationships to the genera Agrobacterium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium and Sinorhizobium. As a result of their predominant association with the slow-growing strains of the genus Bradyrhizobium, the legume spp. A. meamsii, A. dealbata and A. decurrens as trap plants would not playa significant role as a source of diverse rhizobia for application in the South African inoculant industry. / Dissertation (MSc (Microbiology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

The effect of elevated CO2 levels on the growth of two Acacia species.

Lotz, Michelle Karen. January 2001 (has links)
Climate change, induced by increases in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, can affect the growth and community structure of ecosystems in two ways. Firstly directly through changes in atmospheric concentration of CO2, and secondly indirectly through changes in temperature and rainfall. The aim of the present investigation was to test the effect of elevated CO2 and altitude-related temperature differences on the growth of two species of Acacia that form important components of the vegetation of KwaZulu-Natal. Plants of Acacia sieberana and Acacia nilotica were grown in chambers at elevated (700 pll-1) and ambient (350 IJW1) CO2 with and without rhizobial inoculation. Both treatments (elevated CO2 and the presence of rhizobial inoculation) stimulated growth and branching. A. nilotica was the most responsive to both elevated CO2 level and inoculation. Inoculated plants showed greater increases in mass and height than uninoculated plants. While elevated CO2 had a significant effect on plant mass, height and leaf area accumulation, other factors, such as species type and rhizobial inoculation had a somewhat greater influence on the short term mass accumulation under elevated CO2 , Significant differences existed between the average percentage leaf nitrogen for the two species (P < 0.001), and for inoculated and uninoculated plants (P < 0.005). There were no significant differences in photosynthetic rates (A) at any internal CO2 concentration (Cj) between plants grown in elevated CO2 compared to those grown under ambient conditions. When photosynthesis was plotted against C, (A/CJ, the initial slopes of the graphs for both A. sieberana and A. nilotica were shallower for plants grown in elevated CO2 , compared to plants grown in ambient conditions , indicating a decreased Rubisco concentration at low C, and greater nitrogen use efficiency. At higher C; A. sieberana continued to have lower A in plants grown at elevated CO2 levels suggesting an inability to regenerate RuBP or the possible accumulation of soluble carbohydrates. A. nilotica grown in elevated CO2 had a slightly increased Pj regeneration capacity at higher CO2 concentrations. While the A/Cj results demonstrate that CO2 ·has a minor effect on photosynthesis, growth responses indicated otherwise. This is a result often reported and indicates the importance of measuring as many parameters as is possible to determine actual plant responses to elevated CO2 levels. In the field experiment, the effect of temperature was studied by transplanting twenty plants of each species at three different elevations in the Drakensberg at Cathedral Peak. Plant height, mass, condition and finally survivorship were measured . All of these attributes decreased as elevation increased. Plants growing at the highest elevation all died back prior to winter while those growing at lower elevations grew throughout the experimental period. Results suggest that elevation and hence temperature are important factors controlling Acacia distribution. If the greenhouse gas induced increases in temperature occur as predicted, and the estimated latitudinal migration rates of 30-100km per decade are required for species to remain within their current climatic envelopes, it is expected that the structure and appearance of vegetation in the Drakensberg will change markedly with global warming . The presence or absence of Rhizobia in the soil will further complicate this. Those plants that have access to the elevated nitrogen levels as a result of these root nodule bacteria will have a distinct advantage over competitors growing without them. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

A comparative study of the seed bank dynamics of two congeneric alien invasive species

Holmes, P M January 1989 (has links)
Includes bibliographies. / The unique vegetation in the lowlands of the fynbos biome is threatened by alien Acacia encroachment. The seed bank dynamics of the two most widespread invaders in the region, Acacia saligma and A. cyclops, was studied to elucidate those factors contributing most to their invasive success. This information was then used to assist in developing optimal control methods. On the basis of information available prior to this study, it was predicted that both species would have large, persistent seed banks in the so.il, and that seed bank processes would provide the - key to invasive success: namely, high seed longevity and heat-stimulated germination. Seed banks were monitored for several years following clearing of the parent stand, using either sites sampled in an earlier study, or sites providing chronosequences of clearing dates. Concurrently, a demographic study of the species' seed banks, including processes from seed rain through to seedling emergence and survival, was done in dense Acacia stands and in fynbos vegetation. Acacia saligma seed banks conformed to predictions, being large and persistent owing to high percentage viability and water-impermeable dormancy. Seed banks accumulate rapidly under dense stands and are "disturbance-coupled" as they have potentially high longevity unless stimulated to germinate by fire. Although A. cyclops seed banks also may be large and long-lived, they display variable percentage viability and dormancy, with the majority of a seed cohort surviving less than a year. Acacia cyclops seed banks do not respond to heat treatment and appear to be "disturbance-uncoupled".

The ecological effect of Acacia saligna in a sand plain fynbos ecosystem of the Western Cape, South Africa

Van den Berckt, Tom 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The invasive Australian acacia, A. sa ligna, is widespread in the Western Cape, South Africa, and is widely used by local communities. Not surprisingly, the introduction of the biological control agent, the fungus Uromycladium tepperianum in 1987 was received with mixed emotions. In an effort to determine the socio-economical and ecological impact of the fungus, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry has commissioned a study, of which this thesis forms part. For this thesis, a number of parameters, environmental as well as biological, were sampled, analyzed and compared with existing data from previous studies. The goal was to obtain a comprehensive estimation of the effect of A. saligna on a Sand Plain Fynbos community near Atlantis and to assess whether or not, the detrimental effect A. saligna has on plant biodiversity, has reached the stage where it has become irreversible. The floristic data confirmed results from earlier studies, that invasion of A. saligna in Fynbos communities induces a decline in plant diversity, especially in dense acacia thickets. This study mainly revealed structural changes rather than community shifts. The enrichment of the soil as noted by others authors was also confirmed for the study area. However, it was outside the scope of this study to determine the long-term effects of this enrichment on the Sand Plain Fynbos communities. Soil moisture content was sampled on three different occasions, in densely invaded and uninvaded study plots. The aim was to see if A. saligna had any influence on the availability of water in the upper soil. Contrary to expectations, moisture content under acacia stands was higher in spring and early summer in the top soil than in pristine fynbos. Pitfall traps were used to sample the arthropods that dwell the surface of the study area. For arthropods in general, the survey did not produce conclusive data, but spider species seem to be positively affected by the presence of A. saligna, probably due to the structural diversity they add to the fynbos. This study revealed that the full ecological impact of A. saligna on its environment is far from understood, mainly due to the richness and complexity of the fynbos communities and a lack of research about faunal aspect of the Fynbos ecosystem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Australiese akasia, A. saligna, is wydverspreid in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, en word dikwels gebruik deur die plaaslike gemeenskap. Dit is dan nie verbasend dat die invoering van die biologiese bestrydingsmiddel, die swam Uromycladium Tepperianum in 1987, met teenstrydige emosies ontvang is nie. In 'n poging om die sosio-ekonomiese en ekologiese impak van die swam te bepaal, het die Department van Waterwese en Bosboukunde 'n ondersoek aangevra waarvan die tesis deel vorm. Vir die tesis word 'n aantal parameters, omgewings sowel as biologies, geproef, geanaliseer en vergelyk met bestaande data van vroeër navorsing. Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal watter effek A. saligna op 'n sandpleinfynbos gemeenskap naby Atlantis het en om sodoende vas te stelof die nadelige effek van A. saligna op die biodiversiteit onomkeerbaar is. Plantaardige data bevestig resultate uit vroeër studies dat A. saligna 'n afuame in plant diversiteit, veral in digte akasiabosse, veroorsaak. In die studie word getoon dat die toename van A. saligna strukturele veranderings in plaas van gemeenskaplike verskuiwings tot gevolg het. Die verryking van die grond, deur ander navorsers genoteer, word ook in die studie bevestig. Dit is egter buite die veld van studie om die lang termyn gevolge van die verryking van die grond op die sandpleinfynbosgemeenskap te beslis. Op drie verskillende geleenthede word die watergehalte van die grond getoets onder die akasiabosse en die fynbos. Die doel van die toetse is om vas te stel hoe A. saligna die beskikbaarheid van water in die boonste grondlaag beïnvloed. In teenstelling is hoër vogtigheidsvlakke in die boonste grondlaag onder die akasiabosse as onder die fynbos gevind gedurende lente en vroeë somer. Lokvalle is gebruik om monsters te neem van die antropodieë woonagtig op die oppervlak van die studiearea. Oor die algemeen is die opname vir die antropodieë onvoldoende. Dit is egter insiggewend dat die spinnekopspesies voordeel trek uit die aanwesigheid van A. saligna. Dit is waarskynlik omdat die akasia strukturele diversiteit aan die fynbos verleen. Die studie onthul dat die volle ekologiese impak van A. saligna op sy omgewing moeilik verstaanbaar is as gevolg van die diversiteit en kompleksiteit van fynbos asook 'n gebrek aan navorsing.

A predictive biogeography of selected alien plant invaders in South Africa

Youthed, Jennifer Gay January 1997 (has links)
Five techniques were used to predict the potential biogeography of the four alien plant species, Acacia longifolia, Acacia mearnsii, Opuntia ficus-indica and Solanum sisymbrifolium. Prediction was based on five environmental factors, median annual rainfall, co-efficient of variation for rainfall, mean monthly maximum temperature for January, mean monthly minimum temperature for July and elevation. A geographical information system was used to manage the data and produce the predictive maps. The models were constructed with presence and absence data and then validated by means of an independent data set and chisquared tests. Of the five models used, three (the range, principal components analysis and discriminant function analysis) were linear while the other two (artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic) were non-linear. The two non-linear techniques were chosen as a plant's response to its environment is commonly assumed to be non-linear. However, these two techniques did not offer significant advantages over the linear methods. The principal components analysis was particularly useful in ascertaining the variables that were important in determining the distribution of each species. Artifacts on the predictive maps were also proved useful for this purpose. The techniques that produced the most statistically accurate validation results were the artificial neural networks (77% correct median prediction rate) and the discriminant function analysis (71% correct median prediction rate) while the techniques that performed the worst were the range and the fuzzy classification. The artificial neural network, discriminant function analysis and principal component analysis techniques all show great potential as predictive distribution models.

Fynbos riparian biogeochemistry and invasive Australian acacias

Naude, Minette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Riparian ecotones, transitional areas between upland terrestrial communities and aquatic ecosystems, are very dynamic and complex ecosystems with intrinsic ecological properties differing in spatial structure, function and temporal dynamics. Riparian habitats along rivers of the Mediterranean south-western Cape are sensitive to environmental change and particularly vulnerable to invasion by invasive alien plants (IAPs), especially nitrogen-fixing Acacia spp., and yet relatively little work has focused on how riparian ecosystems in this region respond to such stressors. The important roles that intact riparian vegetation play in maintaining ecosystem integrity and services have been increasingly highlighted as we acknowledge the degradation of these habitats. While the Working for Water (WfW) programme has been shown to be very successful in eradicating IAPs in riparian zones in the short-term, the extent to which riparian ecosystems recover following alien clearing activities remains poorly understood. The results presented in this study addressed several different aspects of riparian structure and function and acts as a steppingstone for guiding future research and management in riparian zones by adding to the evaluation of the success of clearing initiatives and restoration thereof. The aim of this study was to assess plant functional type (PFT) cover, soil physical and chemical properties, and selected biogeochemical processes in natural, Acacia- invaded and cleared riparian ecotones and associated non-riparian upland fynbos. Fieldwork was performed in mountain and foothill sections of six perennial river systems within the south-western Cape. Eleven sites of three categories were chosen: four natural sites (uninvaded); four moderate to highly invaded sites (predominantly A. mearnsii); and three cleared sites (a formerly invaded site that had been cleared more than 7 years prior to the study). Within each site, four to five replicate plots were established along each of three geomorphological zones (wet bank, dry bank, and upland fynbos). Seasonal soil samples were collected for a period of one year. Results from this study showed that PFT cover and composition, soil physical and chemical properties and rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) mineralization differed amongst invasion status, between geomorphological zones and across seasons. Regarding most soil physical and chemical properties and indices N and P cycling, river floodplains (dry banks) were very similar to terrestrial uplands. Acacia spp. changes soil properties and affects plant functional attributes by i) enriching the system with N; ii) enhancing litter inputs; iii) altering soil physical properties; iv) changing the composition and reducing the cover of PFT; and v) enhancing P mineralization rates. Although measured soil physical and chemical properties and N and P mineralization rates were reduced to levels that were similar to or resembled the situation at natural areas, available inorganic N remained two times higher after more than seven years of clearance. Furthermore, cleared areas were characterized by sparse woody cover and a high cover of alien grasses. Correlations between soil silt and clay content and several soil properties measured in this and other studies indicates important linkages between soil texture and resource availability. Clearing Acacia spp. may initiate restoration of invaded riparian ecosystems, but changes in ecosystem function (e.g. elevated soil N availability) as a result of invasion may necessitate active restoration following the removal of the alien species. Active restoration under such conditions would be required to facilitate the restoration of cleared riparian communities. However, we still lack the mechanistic understanding around fynbos riparian recovery after clearing, as the success of restoration may depend on complex interaction and feedback cycles between plants and their physical environment. A greater comprehensive understanding of fynbos riparian ecological processes will not only improve the effectiveness of restoration initiatives by integrating science and management, but also advance the field of riparian ecology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rivier oewerwal-areas, oorgang gebiede tussen aangrensende terrestriële gemeenskappe en akwatiese ekosisteme, is baie dinamiese en komplekse ekosisteme met intrinsieke ekologiese eienskappe wat verskil in struktuur, funksie (bv. biogeochemie siklusse) en temporale dinamika. Oewerhabitatte langs riviere van die Mediterreense suid-wes Kaap is sensitief vir omgewingsveranderinge en kwesbaar vir indringing deur uitheemse plante (bekend as “invasive alien plants” (IAPs)), veral stikstof-fiksering Acacia spp., en relatief min werk het nog gefokus op hoe ekosisteme in die streek reageer op sulke veranderinge in die omgewing. Die belangrike rol wat gesonde oewerwal plantegroei speel in die handhawing van ekosisteemdienste- en integriteit, is al hoe meer uitgelig soos ons die agteruitgang van hierdie habitat in ag neem. Terwyl die Werk vir Water (WvW)-program al dat baie suksesvol was in die uitwissing van IAPs in oewersones in die kort termyn, is die mate waarin oewer-ekostelsels herstel na skoonmaakaksies swak verstaan. Fynbos oewerwal-areas is grootliks ingeneem deur houtagtige IAPs, veral stikstof fiksering Acacia spp. (soos Acacia mearnsii). Die resultate wat in hierdie studie aangebied is, het verskillende aspekte van oewer- struktuur en funksie aangespreek en dien as middel vir toekomstige navorsing en bestuur van oewerwal ekosisteme deur by te dra tot die evaluering van die sukses van skoonmaak inisiatiewe en die herstelproses daarvan. Die doel van hierdie projek was om die moontlikhede vir herstel van fynbos owerwal-ekostelsels te evalueer deur middel van verskeie grond- fisiese en chemiese eienskappe; plant funksionele groep dekking (genoem ‘plant functional types’ (PFT)); en geselekteerde grond biogeochemie prosesse in natuurlike, Acacia- aangetaste, en skoongemaakte rivierstelsels en nabygeleë terrestriese areas te vergelyk. Veldwerk is gedoen in bergstroom en voetheuwel rivierseksies van ses standhoudende rivierstelsels in Suid-wes Kaap, Suid Afrika. Van uit hierdie geselekteerde rivierstelsels is elf studie areas van drie kategorieë (of indringing status) gekies: vier natuurlike areas (nie aangetas); vier gematig- tot hoogs aangetaste areas (hoofsaaklik A. meanrsii); en drie skoongemaakte areas (rivieroewers wat meer as sewe jaar van te vore skoongemaak is). Binne elke studie area was vier tot vyf soortgelyke persele gevestig by elke van drie breë geomorfologiese sones: naamlik nat-, droë en hoogliggende terrestriese fynbos. Seisoenale grondmonsters vir 'n tydperk van een jaar is geneem. Resultate van hierdie studie het getoon dat PFT dekking en samestelling, grond fisiese- en chemiese eienskappe en N-mineralisasie en suur fosfatase aktiwiteit verskil tussen indringing status, geomorfologiese sones en oor seisoene. Ten opsigte van meeste grond fisiese en chemiese eienskappe en indekse van stikstof (N) en fosfor (P) siklusse kom die rivier vogregimes (droë oewersones) baie ooreen met die terrestriële gebiede. Aan die anderkant is die natbanksones gekenmerk deur grondeienskappe wat baie verskil van die ander twee geomorfologiese gebiede. Die gegewens ondersteun die hipotese dat indringing deur Acacia spp. verskeie grondeienskappe verander en plante se funksionele kenmerke beïnvloed deur i) die sisteem met voedingstowwe te verryk (veral N); ii) verhoog die toevoeging van plantmateriaal; iii) verander grond fisiese eienskappe; iv) verander die samestelling en verminder die dekking van PFT; v) en verhoog P biogeochemie. Hoewel grond fisiese -en chemiese eienskappe, en indekse van N en P mineralisasie verminder is tot vlakke wat soortgelyk aan natuurlike areas, het beskikbare anorganiese N twee keer hoër gebly by skoongemaakte gebiede. Nietemin, voorheen skoongemaakte gebiede is weer-binnegeval deur eksotiese grasse en die regenerasie of hertelling van inheemse fynbos gemeenskappe is taamlik beperk, veral houtagtige oewer struike en bome. Korrelasies tussen grond slik-en klei-inhoud en verskeie grondeienskappe gemeet in hierdie en ander studies dui op belangrike skakeling tussen die grondtekstuur en voedingstof beskikbaarheid. Die opruiming van Acacia spp. mag as aansporing dien vir die herstellingsproses van rivieroewerstelsels, maar veranderinge in die funksie van ekosisteme (bv. verhoogte grond N beskikbaarheid), as gevolg van indringing, mag aktiewe herstel noodsaak nadat die indringer spesies verwyder is. Aktiewe herstel onder sulke omstandighede sal verwag word om die herstel van skoongemaak oewer gemeenskappe te fasiliteer. Ons het wel egter nog 'n gebrek aan die meganistiese begrip in verband met die herstel van fynbos oewerwal areas na opruimings-inisiatiewe, sedert die sukses van herstel kan afhang van komplekse interaksie en terugvoer siklusse tussen die plante en hul fisiese omgewing. ʼn Meer omvattende begrip van fynbos rivieroewer ekologiese prosesse sal nie net die doeltreffendheid van opruimings-inisiatiewe deur die integrasie van wetenskaplike navorsing en bestuur verbeter nie, maar ook vooraf die gebied van rivieroewer-ekologie.

Camelthorn (Acacia erioloba) firewood industry in Western Cape, South Africa

Raliselo, 'Muso Andreas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The reliance of firewood demand on indigenous trees such as Acacia erioloba is a continuing phenomena despite the concern that over-exploitation of these resources will degrade the environment. This study tested the hypothesis that the cutting of A. erioloba in the Northern Cape is driven by (a) market demand in the Western Cape, (b) ignorance of the long-term ecological consequences and/or (c) ignorance of legislation along the chain of custody of this product. The assumption is that whoever is involved in the A. erioloba firewood industry (resource owner, trader or user) is neither aware of the protected status of the resource nor the negative consequences associated with the over-exploitation of the resource or they are driven by short term monetary gains. Therefore, there is a need to understand the needs of every participant in the chain and to further find out if there may be substitutes for A. erioloba firewood. The results of this study show that there is a market for firewood in the study area and that this demand is driven mainly by the availability rather than the quality of firewood. It will also be shown that Acacia mearnsii which is available in the study area is a better product than A. erioloba and therefore it can be a suitable replacement but consumers were found to bum almost everything that would give them embers. The most preferred firewood in the study area is A. cyclops. The concept of indigenous trees is not clearly understood by retailers and consumers. The major role players in the supply chain were found to be the retailers and the transport owners who may be targeted when firewood trade is to be stopped in the short-term. The results further highlighted the fact that the majority of consumers were aware that indigenous trees were protected in South Africa but the majority of retailers were not aware. The study recommends that firewood trade should be stopped completely by strict enforcement of the law or by the involvement of every role-player and/or that the trade should be regulated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fenomeen dat die aanvraag vir vuurmaakhout staatmaak op inheemse bome soos Acacia erioloba duur steeds voort ten spyte van die kommer dat oorbenutting van hierdie hulpbronne, ter versadiging van die behoeftes van 'n steeds toenemende populasie, die omgewing sal degradeer. Hierdie studie het die hipotese getoets dat die afsny van A. erioloba in die Noord- Kaap aangedryf word deur (a) die mark aanvraag in die Wes-Kaap, (b) onkunde oor die langtermyn ekologiese gevolge en/of (c) onkunde oor die wetgewing van hierdie produk by die skakels in die verskaffersketting. Die aanname is dat wie ook al betrokke is by die A. erioloba vuurmaakhout-industrie (hulpbron eienaar, handelaar of gebruiker) is beide onbewus van die beskermde status van die hulpbron asook van die negatiewe gevolge geassosieer met die oorbenutting van die hulpbron of hulle is aangedryf deur korttermyn monetêre gewin. Daarom is dit nodig om die behoefte van elke deelnemer in die ketting te verstaan en om verder uit te vind of daar plaasvervangers vir A. erioloba vuurmaakhout is. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dat daar 'n aanvraag is vir vuurmaakhout in die studie-area en dat hierdie aanvraag hoofsaaklik gedryf word deur die beskikbaarheid, eerder as die kwaliteit van die hout. Daar salook aangetoon word dat Acacia mearnsii, wat in die studie-area beskikbaar is, 'n beter produk is as A. erioloba en dus 'n geskikte plaasvervanger kan wees, maar dit wil voorkom of die verbruikers omtrent enigiets sal brand wat kole sal verskaf. A. cyclops is die vuurmaakhout van voorkeur in die studie-area. Handelaars en verbruikers verstaan nie die konsep van inheemse bome duidelik nie. Die vernaamste rolspelers in die verskaffersketting is die handelaars en die eienaars van die vervoer en hulle kan die teikengroep wees as die handel in vuurmaakhout in die korttermyn stopgesit word. Die resultate het verder na vore gebring dat die meerderheid verbruikers daarvan bewus is dat inheemse bome beskermd is in Suid-Afrika, maar die meerderheid handelaars is nie hiervan bewus me. Hierdie studie maak die aanbeveling dat handel in vuurmaakhout totaal gestaak moet word deur strenger wette of deur die betrokkenheid van elke rolspeler en/of dat handel gereguleer moet word.

Seed ecology as a determinant of population structure in some Southern African Savanna Acacia species

Walters, Michele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: African Acacia species are often major contributors to the progressive increase in the woody component of savannas, a phenomenon commonly referred to as bush encroachment. In Hluhluwe- Umfolozi Park, the numbers of adult Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Ex Del. trees per hectare far exceed (by III) that of A. karroo Hayne adults. The relative dominance is reversed in the juvenile stage with A. karroo (725 ha') outnumbering A. nilotica (225 ha-I) threefold outside closed woodlands. African acacias produce large quantities of seed and may have large soil-stored seed banks. They suffer pre-dispersal predation by bruchid beetles and may be either wind or animal dispersed. Once dispersed they are vulnerable to post-dispersal attack. This study tested several hypotheses regarding various aspects of seed ecology of A. karroo and A. nilotica. The null hypothesis that seed ecology does not contribute to the success of A. karroo over A. nilotica, was tested. Acacia karroo trees were smaller (mean basal diameter: 7.8 cm) than A. ni/otica trees (mean basal diameter: 18.5 cm) on average, but produced more seeds (A. karroo mean: 1628; A. nilotica mean: 992) for a given basal diameter size class. It was found that A. karroo showed less bruchid infestation (mean: 1.36-3.81%) than A. nilotica (mean: 14.67-86.70%) at all stages of pod development with a proportion of A. karroo seeds (7.1 %) being able to germinate after bruchid attack. Bruchid attack rendered A. ni/otica seeds unviable. There was no difference between the two species with regards to the soil-stored seed bank and the viability of seeds found in the soil. Acacia karroo showed higher germination levels (5.1%) and better establishment (4.9%) than A. nilotica (1.5% and 0.4% respectively). On average, there was no difference in germination levels between burnt and unbumt seeds, but there was a significant difference in germination of burnt seeds in both burnt (4.5%) and unbumt (2.5%) sites and unbumt seeds in both burnt (2.8%) and unbumt (4.9%) sites when considered separately. Post-dispersal predation of A. karroo seeds (21.8%) was higher than that of A. nilotica (12.7%). There was more rodent predation in tall grass areas (26.0%) than short grass (10.7%) or canopy areas (15.2%), and most seeds were lost from unprotected control groups. Rodent presence was a significant factor in unexplained seed disappearance. The ability of A. karroo to germinate easily and the low levels of beetle predation experienced by this species seemed to be its main advantage over A. nilotica as an encroaching species in Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Acacia spesies van Afrika is dikwels belangrike bydraers tot die progressiewe toename in die houtkomponent van savannas. Hierdie verskynsel word algemeen na verwys as bosindringing. In die Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park is die aantal volwasse Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Ex Del. bome per hektaar aansienlik meer (l l l meer) as die aantal volwasse A. karroo Hayne bome. In die jong stadium is die oorheersing omgekeerd, met driekeer soveel A. karroo (725 ha-I) as A. nilotica (225 ha-I) bome buite beboste gedeeltes. Afrika se Acacia spesies produseer groot hoeveelhede saad en kan oor aansienlike grond-gebergde saadbanke beskik. Voor verspreiding word die saad aan predasie deur bruchid-kewers blootgestel. Die saad kan óf deur wind óf diere versprei word en na verspreiding word dit ook aan predasie blootgestel. Hierdie studie het verskillende hipoteses rakende verskeie aspekte van die saadekologie van A. karroo en A. nilotica getoets. Die nulhipotese dat saadekologie nie tot die groter sukses van A. karroo teenoor A. nilotica bydrae nie, is getoets. Acacia karroo bome was oor die algemeen kleiner (gemid. basale omtrek: 7.8 cm) as A. nilotica (gemid. basale omtrek: 18.5 cm) bome maar het meer saad (A. karroo gemid.: 1628; A. nilotica gemid.: 992) per gegewe basale diameter grootte klas gelewer. Daar is geen verskil tussen die twee spesies rakende grondgebergde saadbanke en die lewensvatbaarheid van hierdie saad gevind nie. Acacia karroo het hoër vlakke van ontkieming (5.1%) en beter vestiging (4.9%) as A. nilotica (l.5% en .4% respektiewelik) getoon. Daar was oor die algemeen geen verskil in die ontkiemingsvlakke van gebrande en ongebrande sade nie, maar wel 'n beduidende verskil in die ontkieming van gebrande sade in beide gebrande (4.5%) en ongebrande (2.5%) areas en ongebrande sade in gebrande (2.8%) en ongebrande (4.9%) areas as dit afsonderlik geëvalueer is. Die predasie van A. karroo saad na verspreiding (21.8%) was hoër as dié van A. nilotica (12.7%). Daar was meer knaagdier-predasie in gebiede met lang gras (26.0%) as dié met kort gras (10.7%) of boomryke gedeeltes (15.2%). Die meeste saad is in onbeskermde kontrolegroepe verloor. Die teenwoordigheid van knaagdiere het 'n belangrike rol in die onverklaarde verdwyning van saad gespeel. Dit is gevind dat A. karroo se vermoë om maklik te ontkiem, asook die lae vlakke van insek skade aan die saad, die belangrikste voorsprong is wat dié spesie oor A. nilotica as 'n indringer in Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park het.

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