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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 2 / Patients’ experiences living with diabetes type 2

Rekic, Sanela January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p><strong>BAKGRUND</strong>: Diabetes typ 2 har under de senaste åren blivit en vanlig folksjukdom och det befaras att den ytterligare skall öka på grund av ohälsosamt kostintag och minskad fysisk aktivitet. För att förebygga utvecklingen samt minska sjukdomsprogressionen rekommenderas en livsstilsförändring och ett bra resultat kan uppnås genom vårdpersonalens hjälp och egenvård. <strong>SYFTE</strong>: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 2. <strong>METOD</strong>: Studien är en litteraturstudie med analys av kvalitativ forskning av tidigare genomförda studier. Datamaterialet som denna studies resultat grundar sig på består av tio vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar. <strong>RESULTAT:</strong> Resultatet ledde till två teman: <em>Acceptans leder till upplevelse av välbefinnande</em> hos de patienter som har förmågan att acceptera sjukdomen som en del av livet<em> </em>och <em>icke acceptans leder till upplevelse av svårigheter</em> hos de patienter som inte kan acceptera att de har insjuknat i diabetes typ 2. Dessa teman har subteman som beskriver upplevelser i förhållande till välbefinnande och svårigheter. <strong>DISKUSSION</strong>: Denna studie kan öka kunskaper hos sjuksköterskor om hur patienter upplever av att leva med diabetes typ 2. Denna kunskap kan sjuksköterskor använda som ett grundlag för att anpassa vården efter patienters egna behov och svårigheter i samband med sjukdomsbehandlingen.</p><p> </p> / <p>BACKGROUND: Diabetes type 2 has in recent years become a regular national disease and there is concern that the further increase due to unhealthy dietary intake and reduced physical activity. A lifestyle change is recommended in order to prevent the development of the disease and reduce the progression of the disease. A god result can be achieved by health care workers and self care. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe patients’ experiences living with diabetes type 2. METHOD: The study is a literature review with analysis of qualitative research based on already completed studies. Data material is based on ten scientific qualitative articles. RESULT: The result led to two themes: Acceptance leads to the experience of welfare in patients who have the ability to accept the disease as a part of life and non-acceptance leads to experience difficulties in patients who cannot accept that they have fallen ill in diabetes type 2. These themes have subthemes describing the experiences in relation to the welfare and difficulties. DISCUSSION: This study may increase the skills of nurses how patients experience living with diabetes type 2 and the knowledge can be used by nurses as a constitution to adapt care after the patients´ own needs and difficulties associated with disease treatment.</p>

Mobile learning in higher education : Students’ acceptance of mobile learning in three top Chinese universities

Zhu, Qiyao, Hu, Yan, Guo, Wentao January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Along with the swift spread of 3G and wireless network, wireless technologies are applied in many areas, especially in education. The advent of mobile learning overcomes several limitations and barriers of traditional classroom education. As for higher education in China, mobile learning is in its infancy stage. Understanding end-users’ acceptance of mobile learning is crucial, because new technological advances cannot enhance performance if they are not accepted by end-users. This study focuses on three top Chinese universities and answers the following research questions: How do students perceive mobile devices as a learning tool incorporated in class and what are their attitudes towards mobile learning? What are the motivational factors that affect students’ acceptance of mobile learning? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the proposed Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in explaining students’ acceptance in three top Chinese universities. The goal of this work is to enhance the understanding of user acceptance of incorporating learning into mobile device inside and outside classes. Method: A deductive, theory-testing approach was used in this study. Eleven hypotheses were built based on a literature review and on the proposed TAM model, and were tested using primary data and literature review. Primary data was gathered via semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The data collected through the questionnaire was analysed by Structural Equation Modeling. Conclusion: Through testing the proposed model, the authors found that students are positive towards mobile learning but they do not have a strong willingness to adopt it. The proposed TAM model can improve the understanding of students’ motivation by suggesting what factors are the most important in enhancing students acceptance of mobile learning.

Understanding and Predicting Students' Intention to Pay for Private Cloud Storage Services

Meier, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Date: 05 June 2017 Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTS Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Meier, Philip Soltani, Nazila Khodabandeloo (88/03/11) (93/07/05) Title: Understanding and Predicting Students’ Intention to Pay for Private Cloud Storage Services Tutour: Konstantin Lampou Keywords: cloud storage service, iCloud, technology acceptance model, information systems, user acceptance, intention to pay Research Question: What are students’ intention to pay for private cloud storage services and why? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ intention to pay for private cloud storage services, in order to find out how willing they are to pay for such services and for what reasons. Method: This study takes a qualitative approach, where both primary and secondary data are collected. Secondary data was collected through i.e. empirical studies and annual publications. Primary empirical data was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 21 students of Mälardalen University. The primary empirical data was analysed using a thematic analysis. Conclusion: Conducting this study showed, that most of the factors’ influences on students’ intention to pay for private cloud storages were positive, resulting in an overall high willingness to pay. The perceived monetary sacrifice was regarded as very low, hence not preventing potential customers from paying for the services. Considerable issues were however found in the perceived quality, more precisely in the perceived reliability and the lack of trust expressed in private cloud services. Finally, unused potential for private cloud service providers to positively influence students’ attitudes was found both in the perceived usefulness and subjective norm factors.

A Study of Some of the Variables as Related to Peer Acceptance at the State Training School for Girls, Gainesville, Texas

Weber, Louis C. 06 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to (1) determine the amount of peer acceptance existing among a group of delinquent girls committed to the Texas State Training School for Girls and (2) to determine the relationships between peer acceptance and some other variables.

Acceptance of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles for Last Mile Delivery in Germany : Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model to an Autonomous Delivery Vehicles Acceptance Model

Hinzmann, Jessica, Bogatzki, Katharina January 2020 (has links)
The steady growth of the e-commerce sector and the associated logisticalchallenges in the last mile, as well as the equally increasing expectations ofconsumers for parcel delivery call for innovation in the last mile. Drones androbots seem to be a reasonable alternative delivery option to meet thesechallenges. Before these technologies are used as means of transport in the lastmile, it is necessary to investigate whether it will be accepted by potentialconsumers. This thesis aims to identify the factors influencing conumser’ acceptance ofautonomous delivery vehicles for delivery in Germany. To determine thebehaviour of potential consumers, the Technology Acceptance Model wasextended by several factors from different acceptance models that seemedrelevant from a consumer perspective. In order to investigate consumer acceptance, a quantitative approach wasconducted using questionnaires. The propsed hypotheses were tested usingstructural equation modelling. Further, a multi-group analysis was conducted toindentify sociodemographic differences. The results show that price sensitivity, perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation,and perceived ease of use influence the behavioural intention of consumers inGermany to use autonomous delivery vehicles, whereas privacy security andfacilitating conditions do not have a significant effect. Further no significantdifferences were found in the multigroup analysis.

The Development of a Management Training Program Using Adlerian Theoretical Principles

Preiss, Amy E. 12 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine whether participation in an eight hour training program based on Adlerian theoretical principles would influence managerial attitudes. The effects of the training curriculum on three attitudinal dimensions were investigated: leadership style, acceptance of self and others and level of dogmatism. It was hypothesized that Adlerian training would increase the development of managerial human relations competence. Eighty-one managers participated in the study. The experimental group, comprised of 40 line managers, received eight hours of Adlerian training conducted in two one-half day sessions. The training was both didactic and experiential in content and contained modules on lifestyles/management styles, conflict resolution, effective communication strategies and understanding personality dynamics. The control group, comprised of 41 managers, did not receive training but participated in the pre-testing and post-testing process. Managers completed The Leadership Opinion Questionnaire, The Acceptance of Self and Others Questionnaire, and The Rokeach Dogmatism Scale, prior to the first training session and again two weeks after the final training session. A one-way analysis of covariance revealed a significant difference between the experimental and control groups on both the Consideration and Structure dimensions of the Leadership Opinion Questionnaire. This suggests that managers in the experimental group demonstrated a more participative and less authoritarian management style two weeks after training was completed. No significant differences were found between the two groups on managers' level of dogmatism or acceptance of self and others.

Hur medarbetare kan introduceras till ett nytt affärssystem : En fallstudie inom Uddeholm AB / How Employees can be Introduced to a new ERP System : A case study within Uddeholm AB

Eriksson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att ge fallföretaget underlag att använda föratt kunna förbereda sina medarbetare inför ett systembyte och därmed undvika vanligafallgropar. Uddeholm AB är studiens fallföretag och syftet har formulerats utifrån ettkunskapsbehov företaget upplever. Litteraturstudier har använts för att precisera studiensfrågeställningar och som underlag för en intervjuguide som användes i intervjuer medanvändare och systemexperter.Undersökningsfrågorna handlar om vilka åtgärder som behöver vidtas för att förberedaanvändare inför det kommande affärssystemsbytet, samt hur dessa åtgärder ska utföras. Dessafrågor har besvarats från både ett användarperspektiv och perspektiv från systemexperter.Slutsatserna ur ett användarperspektiv var att användarinvolvering var viktigast. Detta menaranvändarna kan göras genom att de får vara delaktiga i att identifiera brister i det nuvarandesystemet och därmed bidra med hur de anser att det kommande systemet ska anpassas. Andraslutsatser var att key users kunde användas till att motivera medarbetarna, att få tid tillutbildning innehållande introduktion, testning i verklig miljö, ta del av nya funktioner menäven att jämföra nya affärsprocesser med nuvarande som användarna inte ville skulle ändras.Manualer ansåg användarna vara oväsentliga medan däremot lathundar, chattfunktioner ochhjälpbubblor hade varit bättre. Aktiva ledningsstöd ansåg användarna vara viktigt och det kangöras genom att de delar med sig av lättillgänglig information, har en kontaktperson blandanvändarna och att användarna får delta i möten och avstämningar.Systemexperterna anser att användarinvolvering är oerhört viktigt och menar att workshopskan användas för detta men berättar inte i vilket syfte. Utbildning i det nya systemet ärmycket väsentligt anser de också. Deras uppfattningar om utbildningens innehållöverensstämmer med användarnas med avseende på introduktion och ta del av nya funktioner.De nämner interaktiva filmer som en del av användarutbildningen vilket inte användarnanämner men deras förslag med testning i verklig miljö kan vara jämförbart. Systemexperternaanser att det kan vara en nödvändighet att användarna ändrar sina arbetsprocesser. Dettaskiljer sig ifrån användarnas önskemål. Systemexperterna anser också att ledningens aktivastöd inte är viktigt vilket också skiljer sig från användarnas uppfattning som menar attledningens stöd är väsentlig.

Smooth Sailing : An Exploratory Study Navigating the Acceptance of Digital Health Solutions and the Impact on Seafarer Well-Being

Herkommer, Charlotta, Siljevik Laine, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Background: To ensure a sustainable future in the maritime industry; new measures of employee well-being are needed. Digital health solutions have proven to possess great potential to ensure employee well-being regardless of location, with opportunities for a proactive instead of a reactive approach where health and safety issues can be avoided.  Research Problem: Despite the potential benefits of using digital health solutions, the acceptance and impact of such solutions remain unexplored in the maritime industry, which is essential for achieving improvements.   Purpose: This study aims to explore what influences the acceptance of digital health solutions for improving seafarer well-being to understand how the maritime industry accepts digital health solutions and, more importantly, the potential impact this acceptance has on seafarer well-being. Research Question: How does the acceptance of digital health solutions in the maritime industry impact the employee well-being of seafarers?  Methodology and Method: This is a qualitative and inductive study, with a relativist view of reality and a social constructionist view of knowledge, that aims to build new theories through semi-structured interviews and Gioia’s analysis method.  Conclusion: Our findings focus on what influences the acceptance of digital health solutions and how these solutions impact employee well-being. With the aid of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), we find that there are levels of acceptance dependent on the nature of different influential factors. Furthermore, we discover that digital health solutions can influence physical, mental, and social well-being. From this, we develop a framework explaining the impact acceptance has on employee well-being. As a result, we illustrate that acceptance is a crucial aspect of improving employee well-being with digital health solutions.

Biometric authentication systems for secured e-transactions in Saudi Arabia. An empirical investigation of the factors affecting users' acceptance of fingerprint authentication systems to improve online security for e-commerce and e-government websites in Saudi Arabia.

Al-Harby, Fahad M. January 2010 (has links)
Security is becoming an increasingly important issue for business, and with it comes the need for appropriate authentication; consequently, it is becoming gradually more important to develop secure e-commerce systems. Fraud via the web, identity theft, and phishing are raising concerns for users and financial organisations. In addition, current authentication methods, like passwords, have many problems (e.g. some users write them down, they forget them, or they make them easy to hack). We can overcome these drawbacks by using biometric authentication systems. Biometric systems are being used for personal authentication in response to the rising issue of authentication and security. Biometrics provide much promise, in terms of preserving our identities without the inconvenience of carrying ID cards and/or remembering passwords. This research is important because the securing of e-commerce transactions is becoming increasingly important. Identity theft, hacking and viruses are growing threats to Internet users. As more people use the Internet, more identity theft cases are being reported. This could harm not only the users, but also the reputation of the organisations whose names are used in these illegal acts. For example, in the UK, online banking fraud doubled in 2008 compared to 2007. More users took to e-shopping and online banking, but failed to take necessary protection. For non-western cultures, the figures for web security, in 2008, illustrated that Saudi Arabia was ranked ninth worldwide for users who had been attacked over the web. The above statistics reflect the significance of information security with e-commerce systems. As with any new technology, user acceptance of the new technology is often hard to measure. In this thesis, a study of user acceptance of biometric authentication systems in e-transactions, such as online banking, within Saudi society was conducted. It examined whether Saudis are practically willing to accept this technology. This thesis focuses upon Saudi Arabia, which has developing economy. It has achieved a rapid rate of growth, and therefore makes an interesting and unique case study. From an economist¿s point of view, Saudi Arabia is the powerhouse of the Middle East. It has the leading regional economy, and, even though it is still relatively young. It has a young and rapid growing population; therefore, this makes Saudi Arabia an attractive potential market for all kinds of e-commerce applications. Having said that, with more than half of population under the age of 30 are more to be expected to take the risk of accepting new technology. For this work, 306 Saudi participants were involved in the experiments. A laboratory experiment was created that actively tested a biometric authentication system in combination with a survey. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted in the first experimental phase as the theoretical basis on which to develop the iv research framework, the model has proven its efficiency as a good predictor for the biometric authentication system. Furthermore, in a second experimental phase, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with moderating variables such as age, gender and education level was examined as a proposed conceptual framework to overcome the limitations of TAM. The aim of the study was to explore factors affecting users¿ acceptance of biometric authentication systems. The findings from Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis indicate that education level is a significant moderating factor, while gender and age do not record as significant. This thesis added new knowledge to this field and highlighted the importance of the perceptions of users regarding biometric security technologies. It helps determine the factors affecting the acceptance of biometric technology. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic study of this issue carried out by academic and non-biased researchers in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the thesis presents security technology companies and developers of information security products with information to help in the determination of what is significant to their user base when taking into account the introduction of new secure systems and products.

Exploring the Technology Acceptance Behaviour Among Swedish Doctors : A Single Case Study of an Innovative Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis Tool / Undersökning av svenska läkares acceptansbeteende gentemot nya teknologiker

Jonsson, Estrid, Wikström, Martina January 2023 (has links)
The introduction of new, innovative technologies within cancer diagnosis is needed, however, the barriers to entering the healthcare market are high, with various regulations and stakeholders to consider. The purpose of this thesis is to research doctors’ attitudes toward the current and emerging methods within cancer diagnosis, with the ultimate objective of providing insights into how companies can affect doctors’ technology acceptance behavior. Understanding of the end-user can facilitate the early involvement of doctors in a company's development process, which can contribute to a successful introduction of a new technology to the healthcare market. This thesis adopts a qualitative single case study approach, where the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with doctors specialized in General Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology. The findings reveal that doctors are cautiously positive towards new technologies, but require them to deliver greater benefits compared to their costs, have high performance, and have good usability. In addition, they demand them to be supported by research studies that substantiate their efficacy. Furthermore, a company must build trust by means such as establishing credibility and demonstrating a clear clinical purpose. The thesis also concludes that doctors’ attitudes are influenced by their belief systems and social factors, including the opinions of colleagues or hospital leaders. Finally, the findings suggest that companies should conduct research studies, create resource-sharing collaborations, involve doctors early in the development process, and establish effective communication strategies to influence doctors’ technology acceptance behaviors. / Det finns ett uttalat behov av att introducera innovativa teknologier inom cancerdiagnostik till marknaden, men hälso- och sjukvårdsmarknaden har höga inträdesbarriärer men många regulationer och aktörer att ta hänsyn till. Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa förståelsen av läkares inställning till existerande och nya teknologier inom cancerdiagnostik. Det yttersta målet är att bidra med insikter rörande hur företag kanpåverka läkares acceptans av nya teknologier. Genom förbättrad förståelse och tidig involvering av slutanvändaren, i detta fall läkarna, kan en introduktion av nya teknologier simplifieras. Denna studie innefattar en kvalitativ, enkel fallstudie, där datainsamlingen skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer hölls med läkare med specialisering inom allmänmedicin samt obstetrik och gynekologi. Resultatet visar att läkarna har en försiktigt positiv attityd till nya teknologier, men har höga krav på prestation, användbarhet och nytta-kostnad förhållandet. De kräver även att teknologin stöds av noga utförda forskningsstudier som kan påvisa dess effektivitet och nytta. Studien visar även att företag måste bygga förtroende hos läkarna, genom att exempelvis visa på ett tydligt kliniskt syfte. Vidare visar resultatet att läkarnas attityder influeras av deras trossystem samt sociala faktorer, däribland kollegors och sjukhusledares åsikter och rekommendationer. Slutligen uppmanas företag att genomföra forskningsstudier, etablera samarbeten mellan berörda grupper, involvera läkare tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen, och etablera effektiva kommunikationsstrategier för att påverka läkares acceptans av ny teknologi.

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