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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pojetí leasingu dle IAS/IFRS a českého účetnictví , daňové a právní aspekty / Aspects of Leasing in EU and in CR

Chytilová, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
This master thesis is adverting a leasing problematic form view of accounting and taxation. Because the Czech Republic is the part of European Union this master thesis includes theory of leasing according to International accounting standards IAS/IFRS. Principally in the leasing sector is appearing the difference from the Czech accounting system. The diversity of leasing theory is shown here as an example where leasing is displayed from the basic its forms to the developed system according to IAS/IFRS.

Rozdíly mezi českou a slovenskou účetní legislativou / Disparities in Czech and Slovak Accouting Law

Petríková, Monika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis theses solve and analyze differencies between the Czech and Slovak accounting legislation. It compares mainly the Act of accountancy in Czech and Slovak republik, the Czech accounting standards and arrangements of the Department of Finance SR dealing with circumstances of account manners for accounting units accounting in the double entry bookkeeping.

Are listed property companies in Sweden ready for fair value accounting?

Muyingo, Henry January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this Masters thesis has been to find out if, and how, listed Swedish property companies have prepared themselves for the regulation passed by the European Parliament that requires all EU companies listed in a regulated market as well as companies preparing admission to trading, at the latest from 2005 onwards, to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with a single set of accounting standards, International Accounting Standards (IAS). The thesis work has been concentrated on the analysis of the fair value model in IAS 40, investment property and how companies will measure the fair value of their property. The data and results for this study were collected through interviewing various actors in the real estate market in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands on the use of fair value accounting for investment properties. Results from the study show that: • 57% of the listed Swedish property companies have started preparations to apply IAS by the year 2005 but it is not likely that any of the companies will change before 2005. • Currently there is significant divergence between some of the IAS and the RRs, which is causing some problems in the conversion process. However there is a general misconception that Swedish laws will need to be revised before the EU regulation can come into effect. • Changes in accounting principles will not affect the underlying cash flows and financial analysts will probably not take much notice of the new " IAS profits". • Unlike in the UK and the Netherlands, use of the fair value model will not affect the dividend payouts or remuneration policies in Sweden. But it will affect the accounting for long leasehold property investments in all of the three countries. • The fair value model was considered to have a lot of advantages over the cost model. • Listed Swedish property companies, unlike the English and Dutch companies, are not ready to adopt the use of the fair value model mainly due to the uncertainty surrounding the measurement of the fair values. • Measurement of the fair values will be based mainly on the discounted cash flow method. • In contrast to the companies studied in the UK and the Netherlands, Swedish property managers were distrustful of the exclusive use of external valuers. / Enligt ett beslut i EU-parlamentet ska bolag vars aktier eller skuldebrev är noterade på en börs, upprätta sin externa redovisning enligt International Accounting Standards (IAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)1 senast år 2005. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka om och hur svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagen har förebrett sig för kravet om IAS som i praktiken kommer att medför redovisning enligt verkligt värde. Arbetet har koncentrerats till att analysera verkligt värde modellen i IAS 40 och hur fastighetsbolagen kommer att verkligt värdera sina fastigheter. För att får en uppfattning av hur redovisning av fastigheter enligt verkligt värde fungerar i praktiken gjordes ett antal intervjuer hos noterade fastighetsbolag och andra aktörer på fastighetsmarknaden i Storbritannien och Nederländerna innan intervjuerna i Sverige. Undersökningen visar att: • 57 % av de börsnoterade fastighetsbolagen i Sverige har kommit i gång med förberedelserna att redovisa enligt IAS/IFRS senaste år 2005 men det är osannolikt att noterade fastighetsbolagen övergår till IAS/IFRS tidigare än år 2005. • Det finns ett antal väsentliga skillnader mellan några IAS och RR vilket komplicerar konverteringsarbetet. Emellertid finns det en missuppfattning att det behövs några lagändringar innan beslutet om IAS/IFRS kan vara tillämplig i Sverige. • Ändringar i redovisningsnormer kommer inte att påverka företagets kassaflöde och finansanalytikerna troligen kommer inte att bry sig så mycket om de nya "IAS vinsterna". • I motsats till policyn i de engelska och nederländska fastighetsbolagen kommer tillämpning av den verkligt värde modellen inte att påverka utdelningspolicy eller ersättningar i de studerade svenska fastighetsbolagen. Men det kommer att ha en stor betydelse i frågan om leasingavtal. • Den verkligt värde modellen i IAS 40 ansågs att ha många fördelar över den kostnadsmodellen. •De undersökta svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagen, i motsats till de i UK och Nederländerna, är inte redo att välja verkligt värde modellen i IAS 40 mest på grund av osäkerheten kring värderingsprocessen och metoderna. • Undersökningen visar också på att bedömning av det verkliga värdet kommer, för det mesta, att baseras på kassaflödesmetoden. • I motsats till fastighetsbolagschefer i Storbritannien och Nederländerna är de svenska fastighetsbolagscheferna mycket negativa till att ha enbart externa värderare. • Den gemensamma tillämpningen av IAS/IFRS i Europa kommer att underlätta jämförelsen av noterade bolags finansiella rapporter och leda till mer fokus på bolagsledning och dess effektivitet. Men än så länge tillämpas inte gemensamma värderingsnormer i alla länder, eller ens i samma land, och därför rekommenderas fortsatt försiktighet gällande rapporterna.

NIC 19: Beneficios a los empleados y su impacto en la rentabilidad de las empresas del sector transporte terrestre de Lima Este en el periodo 2018

Ccaccro Peña, Jakeline Evelin, Panéz Amaro, Karla Jardy 24 May 2020 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación busca establecer el impacto que genera la aplicación de la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad 19: “Beneficios a los empleados” en las empresas del sector transporte terrestre de Lima Este en el periodo 2018, ya que, si no se refleja de forma correcta en los Estados Financieros, los usuarios podrían tomar decisiones erradas. El objetivo principal es determinar el impacto en la rentabilidad de la NIC 19: “Beneficios de los empleados” en las empresas del sector transporte terrestre de Lima Este en el periodo 2018 y de acuerdo con la norma, estos beneficios se clasifican en: beneficios a corto plazo, largo plazo y por terminación. Para lograr este objetivo, la investigación se desarrolla en cinco partes: en el capítulo I, se investiga el marco teórico y los tipos de beneficios. En el capítulo II, se aborda la problemática de la investigación, objetivos, hipótesis, limitaciones y parámetros. En el capítulo III, se analiza el tipo de metodología de investigación y se determina el tamaño de muestra. En el capítulo IV, se desarrollan las entrevistas a expertos en NIC 19 y en administración de empresas del sector transporte terrestre; también se analiza las encuestas a empresas de transporte terrestre de Lima Este. Adicionalmente, se realizará un caso práctico donde se explicará de qué forma los beneficios a los empleados impactan en la rentabilidad de las empresas. Finalmente, en el capítulo V, se analizan los resultados y se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigación realizada. / The following research work seeks to investigate the impact generated by the application of International Accounting Standard 19: “Employee benefits” in companies of the land transport sector in East Lima in the period of 2018. Because if not reflected correctly in the Financial Statements, users of such financial statements may make erroneous decisions. The main objective is to determine the impact on profitability of IAS 19: employee benefits of companies in the Eastern Lima land transport sector for the 2018 period and according to IAS 19, these benefits are classified: short-term, long-term and termination benefits for employees in Peru. In this way, the research was developed in five parts: In Chapter I, the theoretical issues that support the approach and the types of benefits that we will investigate. In Chapter II, we will address the research issues, objectives, hypotheses, limitations and parameters. Then in Chapter III, we will discuss the type of Research methodology and determine the sample size for a mixed research type analysis. In Chapter IV, interviews with the experts of IAS 19 and the transport sector will be developed; surveys to 12 land transport companies in East Lima will also be conducted; in addition, a case study will be carried out, explaining how employee benefits impact the companies profitability. Finally, in chapter V, the results will be analyzed, conclusions and recommendations will be made for the research carried out. / Tesis

Accounting and taxation practices of selected mining exploration companies in South Africa

Sturdy, Joline 30 June 2011 (has links)
The promulgation of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) led to a significant increase in the number of junior exploration companies. In this regard, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 allows companies to develop their own accounting policies for exploration and evaluation expenditure. However, there is no definition of either prospecting or exploration in the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 (Income Tax Act). The objective of this study was to perform a literature review and to carry out empirical research by using questionnaires that were distributed to junior exploration companies to investigate whether accounting and taxation practices are consistently applied. Accordingly, the findings confirmed that the accounting and taxation practices followed by junior exploration companies are not consistently applied. / Financial Accounting / M.Com. (Accounting)

Value-relevance of the aging disclosure of accounts receivable: evidence from Chinese A-share listed firms.

January 2001 (has links)
Zhang Yinghong. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 34-36). / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Διεθνή λογιστικά πρότυπα : η επίδρασή τους στις οικονομικές καταστάσεις των επιχειρήσεων, η διαφοροποίησή τους από το ελληνικό λογιστικό σχέδιο και η εφαρμογή τους στα τραπεζικά ιδρύματα

Κωστοπούλου, Γεωργία 19 January 2011 (has links)
Βασικός άξονας της εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση των επιδράσεων της αλλαγής που επέφεραν τα Διεθνή Λογιστικά Πρότυπα στις οικονομικές καταστάσεις των εισηγμένων στο ΧΑ επιχειρήσεων κατά τη μεταβατική περίοδο 2004 με 2005. Παρουσιάζεται ο ορισμός, τα είδη, η ιστορική αναδρομή, οι αλλαγές, τα σφάλματα και το μέλλον των Διεθνών Λογιστικών Προτύπων, η διαφοροποίησή τους με τα Ελληνικά Πρότυπα και η εφαρμογή τους στα Τραπεζικά Ιδρύματα. / The aim of the present study is to investigate the repercussions of the accounting changeover from the Greek Accounting Standards (GAS) to the International Accounting Standards (IAS) in relation to the published financial statements of greek listed companies to the stock market of Athens for the transient period of 2004 to 2005. It is, also, presented the definition, the history, the future of IAS, the degree that the companies were ready to accept them. Furthermore, it appeArs the most important changes and the wrong things that do the companies while using them. In addition, it shows the differientation of GAS and IAS and the way the IFRS apply to financial institutions.

Οι οικονομικές και οργανωτικές επιπτώσεις από την υποχρεωτική εφαρμογή των διεθνών λογιστικών προτύπων (Δ.Λ.Π.) και των διεθνών προτύπων χρηματοοικονομικής πληροφόρησης (Δ.Π.Χ.Π.) στην ελληνική οικονομία / The financial and organizational consequences of the mandatory application of International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards in Greece

Παπαδάτος, Κωνσταντίνος 21 December 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι να καταγραφούν οι συνέπειες της υποχρεωτικής λογιστικής μετάβασης, από τα μέχρι πρότινος και για πολλά χρόνια εφαρμοζόμενα Ελληνικά Λογιστικά Πρότυπα (ΕΛΠ) στα ΔΛΠ/ΔΠΧΠ. Κινούμενοι προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση η παρούσα διατριβή αρχικά μελετά το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο των ΔΛΠ/ΔΠΧΠ και των ΕΛΠ και αναλύει, ταξινομεί και σχολιάζει τις διαφορές τους. Στη συνέχεια, προκειμένου να αποκαλυφτούν οι συνέπειες της υποχρεωτικής λογιστικής μετάβασης και να αναδειχτούν οι ανωτέρω διαφορές, πραγματοποιήθηκαν δύο ξεχωριστές εμπειρικές έρευνες. Στην πρώτη, μέσα από την πραγματοποίηση εξισώσεων παλινδρόμησης, εξετάστηκαν οι άμεσες συνέπειες της υποχρεωτικής υιοθέτησης των ΔΛΠ/ΔΠΧΠ, διερευνώντας την επιρροή τους στις οικονομικές καταστάσεις των εισηγμένων εταιριών του Χρηματιστηρίου Αθηνών. Στην δεύτερη εμπειρική ανάλυση, πραγματοποιήθηκε έρευνα πεδίου με ερωτηματολόγια στις εισηγμένες επιχειρήσεις του Χρηματιστηρίου Αθηνών, καταγράφοντας τις απόψεις των άμεσα θιγόμενων από την εξεταζόμενη λογιστική μετάβαση. Και για τις δύο εμπειρικές αναλύσεις που έλαβαν χώρα, εξετάστηκε το κατά πόσο οι συνέπειες της εφαρμογής των ΔΛΠ/ΔΠΧΠ είναι ομοιογενείς για όλες τις επιχειρήσεις. / The present PhD thesis intends to present the consequences of mandatory transition from Greek Accounting Standards (GAS) to IAS/IFRS. The study initially examines the theoretical background of IAS/IFRS and GAS and analyses, classifies and comments on their differences. Then two independent empirical investigations were carried out in order to reveal the above mentioned differences. The first one examined, with the use of regression analysis, the direct consequences of the mandatory transition by exploring its effect on financial statements of listed companies in the Athens Stock Exchange. The second one recorded the opinion of the listed companies toward IAS/IFRS by using questionnaires as a research instrument. Both empirical investigations examined whether IAS/IFRS mandatory implementation has similar effects on all companies.

Accounting and taxation practices of selected mining exploration companies in South Africa

Sturdy, Joline 30 June 2011 (has links)
The promulgation of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) led to a significant increase in the number of junior exploration companies. In this regard, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 allows companies to develop their own accounting policies for exploration and evaluation expenditure. However, there is no definition of either prospecting or exploration in the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 (Income Tax Act). The objective of this study was to perform a literature review and to carry out empirical research by using questionnaires that were distributed to junior exploration companies to investigate whether accounting and taxation practices are consistently applied. Accordingly, the findings confirmed that the accounting and taxation practices followed by junior exploration companies are not consistently applied. / Financial Accounting / M.Com. (Accounting)

Komparace účetních výkazů dle české legislativy a IFRS/IAS / Comparison of Accounting Statements Under Czech Legislation and Under IFRS/IAS.

JAREŠOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to compare financial statements prepared under Czech law (?ČÚL? or ?CZ GAAP?) and financial statements prepared under international accounting standards IAS/IFRS. The theoretical part elaborates on the formal comparison of financial statements prepared under ČÚL and under IAS/IFRS and the objective of the comparison is the contents, form and methods used for preparing financial statements under the two legislations. General accounting in the Czech Republic is governed by Act 563/1991 Coll., on Accounting and IAS/IFRS is similarly governed by the Framework. The other part discusses some selected IAS/IFRS standards that are applied in a certain company and they are compared with Czech accounting standards. The practical part of the thesis discusses the transformation of the financial statements prepared under ČÚL to financial statements under IAS/IFRS in a certain company. As a result of such transformation, certain lines disclosed under the balance sheet and the income statement show different figures and they have impact on the closing amounts and the profit/loss of the company. The outcome of the practical part are reports prepared under ČÚL and under IAS/IFRS and in the end I assess the influence of different methods used on the reported data. I focused only on two most important parts of financial statements, i.e. balance sheet and income statement.

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