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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Starkey, D., Horne, Keith, Fausnaugh, M. M., Peterson, B. M., Bentz, M. C., Kochanek, C. S., Denney, K. D., Edelson, R., Goad, M. R., Rosa, G. De, Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Barth, A. J., Bazhaw, C., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Cackett, E. M., Carini, M. T., Croxall, K. V., Crenshaw, D. M., Bontà, E. Dalla, Lorenzo-Cáceres, A. De, Dietrich, M., Efimova, N. V., Ely, J., Evans, P. A., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Grier, C. J., Grupe, D., Hall, P. B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B. C., Kennea, J. A., Kim, S. C., Kim, M., Klimanov, S. A., Korista, K. T., Kriss, G. A., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mathur, S., McHardy, I. M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S. V., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Okhmat, D. N., Pancoast, A., Parks, J. R., Pei, L., Pogge, R. W., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Schnülle, K., Sergeev, S. G., Siegel, M. H., Spencer, M., Sung, H.-I., Teems, K. G., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, and S., Zheng, W., Zu, Y. 18 January 2017 (has links)
We conduct a multiwavelength continuum variability study of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 to investigate the temperature structure of its accretion disk. The 19 overlapping continuum light curves (1158 angstrom to 9157 angstrom) combine simultaneous Hubble Space Telescope, Swift, and ground-based observations over a 180 day period from 2014 January to July. Light-curve variability is interpreted as the reverberation response of the accretion disk to irradiation by a central time-varying point source. Our model yields the disk inclination i = 36 degrees +/- 10 degrees, temperature T-1= (44 +/- 6) x 10(3) K at 1 light day from the black hole, and a temperature-radius slope (T proportional to r(-alpha)) of alpha = 0.99 +/- 0.03. We also infer the driving light curve and find that it correlates poorly with both the hard and soft X-ray light curves, suggesting that the X-rays alone may not drive the ultraviolet and optical variability over the observing period. We also decompose the light curves into bright, faint, and mean accretion-disk spectra. These spectra lie below that expected for a standard blackbody accretion disk accreting at L/L-Edd = 0.1.


Godon, Patrick, Sion, Edward M., Gänsicke, Boris T., Hubeny, Ivan, de Martino, Domitilla, Pala, Anna F., Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo, Szkody, Paula, Toloza, Odette 13 December 2016 (has links)
We present a spectral analysis of the spectrum from the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (HST/COS) of the southern VY Scl nova-like variable BB Doradus, obtained as part of a Cycle 20 HST/COS survey of accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in cataclysmic variables. BB Dor was observed with COS during an intermediate state with a low mass accretion rate, thereby allowing an estimate of the WD temperature. The results of our spectral analysis show that the WD is a significant far-ultraviolet (FUV) component of the spectrum with a temperature of about 35,000-50,000 K, assuming a WD mass of 0.80 M-circle dot (log(g) = 8.4). The disk, with a mass accretion rate of approximate to 10(-10) M-circle dot yr(-1), contributes about 1/5 to 1/2 of the FUV flux.

Acreção esfericamente simétrica de matéria: Conceitos básicos e aplicações em cosmologia / Spherically symmetrical accretion of matter: Basic concepts and cosmological applications

Silva, Michel Aguena da 25 June 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação discutimos o processo da acreção de materia sobre objetos compactos em suas diferentes abordagens. Iniciando com o caso clássico, estudamos sua contraparte relativística e, por fim, investigamos a acreção de fluidos cosmológicos (energia escura e matéria escura) em buracos negros. Devido a simetria esférica adotada, a formação dos chamados discos de acréscimo é proibida (tanto no caso clássico quanto no relativístico) e, portanto, os problemas relacionados com a física dos discos (sua formação e evolução) não foram investigados. No contexto clássico, analisamos inicialmente a chamada acreçao de Bondi, onde o fluido acretado obedece a uma equação de estado politropica e o processo de acreção é descrito pela hidrodinâmica euleriana. A existância de 6 tipos possíveis de solucões para o campo de velocidades é identicada e suas consequências fsicas são discutidas em detalhe. Apenas uma dessas soluções descreve de forma fisicamente consistente o processo de acreção. A taxa de materia acretada é constante, um resultado esperado devido a hipotese de regime estacionário. O estudo do caso relativstico é completamente baseado na Teoria da Relatividade Geral, com o campo gravitacional do corpo central sendo descrito pela metrica de Schwarzschild. O processo relativstico também ocorre sob condições estacionárias e, portanto, a taxa de acreção resultante também é constante. Uma atenção especial foi dedicada para a acreção de fluidos cosmologicos satisfazendo uma equação de estado linear e tambem para o chamado gás de Chaplygin. Estudamos separadamente o comportamento espacial do fluido na região dominada pela acreção e também a influência da evolução cosmologica nas regiões mais distantes. Mostramos que a massa do buraco negro central pode apresentar uma evolução no tempo em escala cosmológica. Os resultados de Babichev (caso linear) e o gás de Chaplygin foram unicadamente descritos através de uma equacão de estado generalizada. Por fim, determinamos também sob que condições a acreção de matéria pode provocar mudancas significativas na massa do buraco negro. / In this dissertation the matter accretion process upon compact objects is discussed in its diferent approaches. Starting with the classical case, the relativistic type was studied and, in the end, the accretion of cosmological fluids (dark energy and dark matter) onto a black hole is investigated. Due to spherical symmetry adopted, the formation of accretion disks is forbidden (both in the classical and relativistic case) and, thus, the problems related to disk physics (the formation and evolution) were not investigated. On the classical approach, the so called Bondi accretion is examined, in which the matter flux occurs according to a polytropic equation of state and the accretion itself is described by the Eulerian hydrodynamic. The existence of 6 possible families of solutions for the velocity field is identied and its physical consequences are thoroughly discussed. Only one of these solutions describes the accretion process in a physically consistent manner. The mass accretion rate is found to be constant, as expected duo to the steady-state hypothesis. The relativistic approach is completely based on the General Relativity Theory. In this case, the gravitational field of the central body is described by the Schwarzschild metric. The relativistic process also occurs in steady-state conditions and, therefore, the accretion flux also is constant. A particular interest is given to the accretion of cosmological fluids with a linear equation of state and of Chaplygin gas. Both the spacial behaviour of the fluids in the accretion dominated region and their cosmological evolution in farther regions are looked into individually. The mass of the central black hole\'s evolution is shown to occur in cosmological times. The Babichev (linear equation of state) and Chaplygin results were unied through a generalised equation of state. At last, it is also determined under which conditions the accretion of cosmological fluids can have astonishing effects on the black hole\'s mass.

Hydrodynamics of astrophysical winds driven by scattering in spectral lines

Feldmeier, Achim January 2001 (has links)
Liniengetriebene Winde werden durch Impulsübertrag von Photonen auf ein Plasma bei Absorption oder Streuung in zahlreichen Spektrallinien beschleunigt. Dieser Prozess ist besonders effizient für ultraviolette Strahlung und Plasmatemperaturen zwischen 10^4 K und 10^5 K. Zu den astronomischen Objekten mit liniengetriebenen Winden gehören Sterne der Spektraltypen O, B und A, Wolf-Rayet-Sterne sowie Akkretionsscheiben verschiedenster Größenordnung, von Scheiben um junge Sterne und in kataklysmischen Veränderlichen bis zu Quasarscheiben. Es ist bislang nicht möglich, das vollständige Windproblem numerisch zu lösen, also die Hydrodynamik, den Strahlungstransport und das statistische Gleichgewicht dieser Strömungen gleichzeitig zu behandeln. Die Betonung liegt in dieser Arbeit auf der Windhydrodynamik, mit starken Vereinfachungen in den beiden anderen Gebieten. <br /> Wegen persönlicher Beteiligung betrachte ich drei Themen im Detail. <br /> 1. Windinstabilität durch Dopplerde-shadowing des Gases. Die Instabilität bewirkt, dass Windgas in dichte Schalen komprimiert wird, die von starken Stoßfronten begrenzt sind. Schnelle Wolken entstehen im Raum zwischen den Schalen und stoßen mit diesen zusammen. Dies erzeugt Röntgenflashes, die die beobachtete Röntgenstrahlung heißer Sterne erklären können. <br /> 2. Wind runway durch radiative Wellen. Der runaway zeigt, warum beobachtete liniengetriebene Winde schnelle, kritische Lösungen anstelle von Brisenlösungen (oder shallow solutions) annehmen. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen stabilisiert der Wind sich auf masseüberladenen Lösungen, mit einem breiten, abbremsenden Bereich und Knicken im Geschwindigkeitsfeld. <br /> 3. Magnetische Winde von Akkretionsscheiben um Sterne oder in aktiven Galaxienzentren. Die Linienbeschleunigung wird hier durch die Zentrifugalkraft entlang korotierender poloidaler Magnetfelder und die Lorentzkraft aufgrund von Gradienten im toroidalen Feld unterstützt. Ein Wirbelblatt, das am inneren Scheibenrand beginnt, kann zu stark erhöhten Massenverlustraten führen. / Line driven winds are accelerated by the momentum transfer from photons to a plasma, by absorption and scattering in numerous spectral lines. Line driving is most efficient for ultraviolet radiation, and at plasma temperatures from 10^4 K to 10^5 K. Astronomical objects which show line driven winds include stars of spectral type O, B, and A, Wolf-Rayet stars, and accretion disks over a wide range of scales, from disks in young stellar objects and cataclysmic variables to quasar disks. It is not yet possible to solve the full wind problem numerically, and treat the combined hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, and statistical equilibrium of these flows. The emphasis in the present writing is on wind hydrodynamics, with severe simplifications in the other two areas. <br /> I consider three topics in some detail, for reasons of personal involvement. <br /> 1. Wind instability, as caused by Doppler de-shadowing of gas parcels. The instability causes the wind gas to be compressed into dense shells enclosed by strong shocks. Fast clouds occur in the space between shells, and collide with the latter. This leads to X-ray flashes which may explain the observed X-ray emission from hot stars. <br /> 2. Wind runaway, as caused by a new type of radiative waves. The runaway may explain why observed line driven winds adopt fast, critical solutions instead of shallow (or breeze) solutions. Under certain conditions the wind settles on overloaded solutions, which show a broad deceleration region and kinks in their velocity law. <br /> 3. Magnetized winds, as launched from accretion disks around stars or in active galactic nuclei. Line driving is assisted by centrifugal forces along co-rotating poloidal magnetic field lines, and by Lorentz forces due to toroidal field gradients. A vortex sheet starting at the inner disk rim can lead to highly enhanced mass loss rates.

Accretion Disks and the Formation of Stellar Systems

Kratter, Kaitlin Michelle 18 February 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we examine the role of accretion disks in the formation of stellar systems, focusing on young massive disks which regulate the flow of material from the parent molecular core down to the star. We study the evolution of disks with high infall rates that develop strong gravitational instabilities. We begin in chapter 1 with a review of the observations and theory which underpin models for the earliest phases of star formation and provide a brief review of basic accretion disk physics, and the numerical methods which we employ. In chapter 2 we outline the current models of binary and multiple star formation, and review their successes and shortcomings from a theoretical and observational perspective. In chapter 3 we begin with a relatively simple analytic model for disks around young, very massive stars, showing that instability in these disks may be responsible for the higher multiplicity fraction of massive stars, and perhaps the upper mass to which they grow. We extend these models in chapter 4 to explore the properties of disks and the formation of binary companions across a broad range of stellar masses. In particular, we model the role of global and local mechanisms for angular momentum transport in regulating the relative masses of disks and stars. We follow the evolution of these disks throughout the main accretion phase of the system, and predict the trajectory of disks through parameter space. We follow up on the predictions made in our analytic models with a series of high resolution, global numerical experiments in chapter 5. Here we propose and test a new parameterization for describing rapidly accreting, gravitationally unstable disks. We find that disk properties and system multiplicity can be mapped out well in this parameter space. Finally, in chapter 6, we address whether our studies of unstable disks are relevant to recently detected massive planets on wide orbits around their central stars.

Timing Observations From Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (rxte)

Beklen, Elif 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, RXTE observations of 4U 1907+09 are presented. Timing analysis of these data sets have yielded quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) at orbital phases corresponding to the two flares in every orbital period. Known continuous spin down trend and QPO behaviour at the flares strongly suggest that a transient accretion disk occurs at the flares. Our findings strongly suggested that neutron star passes through the equatorial wind of Be companion star. During these passages a transient disk forms around Be neutron star.

Modeling Layered Accretion and the Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Understanding the temperature structure of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) is paramount to modeling disk evolution and future planet formation. PPDs around T Tauri stars have two primary heating sources, protostellar irradiation, which depends on the flaring of the disk, and accretional heating as viscous coupling between annuli dissipate energy. I have written a "1.5-D" radiative transfer code to calculate disk temperatures assuming hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium. The model solves for the temperature at all locations simultaneously using Rybicki's method, converges rapidly at high optical depth, and retains full frequency dependence. The likely cause of accretional heating in PPDs is the magnetorotational instability (MRI), which acts where gas ionization is sufficiently high for gas to couple to the magnetic field. This will occur in surface layers of the disk, leaving the interior portions of the disk inactive ("dead zone"). I calculate temperatures in PPDs undergoing such "layered accretion." Since the accretional heating is concentrated far from the midplane, temperatures in the disk's interior are lower than in PPDs modeled with vertically uniform accretion. The method is used to study for the first time disks evolving via the magnetorotational instability, which operates primarily in surface layers. I find that temperatures in layered accretion disks do not significantly differ from those of "passive disks," where no accretional heating exists. Emergent spectra are insensitive to active layer thickness, making it difficult to observationally identify disks undergoing layered vs. uniform accretion. I also calculate the ionization chemistry in PPDs, using an ionization network including multiple charge states of dust grains. Combined with a criterion for the onset of the MRI, I calculate where the MRI can be initiated and the extent of dead zones in PPDs. After accounting for feedback between temperature and active layer thickness, I find the surface density of the actively accreting layers falls rapidly with distance from the protostar, leading to a net outward flow of mass from ~0.1 to 3 AU. The clearing out of the innermost zones is possibly consistent with the observed behavior of recently discovered "transition disks." / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Physics 2012

Acreção esfericamente simétrica de matéria: Conceitos básicos e aplicações em cosmologia / Spherically symmetrical accretion of matter: Basic concepts and cosmological applications

Michel Aguena da Silva 25 June 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação discutimos o processo da acreção de materia sobre objetos compactos em suas diferentes abordagens. Iniciando com o caso clássico, estudamos sua contraparte relativística e, por fim, investigamos a acreção de fluidos cosmológicos (energia escura e matéria escura) em buracos negros. Devido a simetria esférica adotada, a formação dos chamados discos de acréscimo é proibida (tanto no caso clássico quanto no relativístico) e, portanto, os problemas relacionados com a física dos discos (sua formação e evolução) não foram investigados. No contexto clássico, analisamos inicialmente a chamada acreçao de Bondi, onde o fluido acretado obedece a uma equação de estado politropica e o processo de acreção é descrito pela hidrodinâmica euleriana. A existância de 6 tipos possíveis de solucões para o campo de velocidades é identicada e suas consequências fsicas são discutidas em detalhe. Apenas uma dessas soluções descreve de forma fisicamente consistente o processo de acreção. A taxa de materia acretada é constante, um resultado esperado devido a hipotese de regime estacionário. O estudo do caso relativstico é completamente baseado na Teoria da Relatividade Geral, com o campo gravitacional do corpo central sendo descrito pela metrica de Schwarzschild. O processo relativstico também ocorre sob condições estacionárias e, portanto, a taxa de acreção resultante também é constante. Uma atenção especial foi dedicada para a acreção de fluidos cosmologicos satisfazendo uma equação de estado linear e tambem para o chamado gás de Chaplygin. Estudamos separadamente o comportamento espacial do fluido na região dominada pela acreção e também a influência da evolução cosmologica nas regiões mais distantes. Mostramos que a massa do buraco negro central pode apresentar uma evolução no tempo em escala cosmológica. Os resultados de Babichev (caso linear) e o gás de Chaplygin foram unicadamente descritos através de uma equacão de estado generalizada. Por fim, determinamos também sob que condições a acreção de matéria pode provocar mudancas significativas na massa do buraco negro. / In this dissertation the matter accretion process upon compact objects is discussed in its diferent approaches. Starting with the classical case, the relativistic type was studied and, in the end, the accretion of cosmological fluids (dark energy and dark matter) onto a black hole is investigated. Due to spherical symmetry adopted, the formation of accretion disks is forbidden (both in the classical and relativistic case) and, thus, the problems related to disk physics (the formation and evolution) were not investigated. On the classical approach, the so called Bondi accretion is examined, in which the matter flux occurs according to a polytropic equation of state and the accretion itself is described by the Eulerian hydrodynamic. The existence of 6 possible families of solutions for the velocity field is identied and its physical consequences are thoroughly discussed. Only one of these solutions describes the accretion process in a physically consistent manner. The mass accretion rate is found to be constant, as expected duo to the steady-state hypothesis. The relativistic approach is completely based on the General Relativity Theory. In this case, the gravitational field of the central body is described by the Schwarzschild metric. The relativistic process also occurs in steady-state conditions and, therefore, the accretion flux also is constant. A particular interest is given to the accretion of cosmological fluids with a linear equation of state and of Chaplygin gas. Both the spacial behaviour of the fluids in the accretion dominated region and their cosmological evolution in farther regions are looked into individually. The mass of the central black hole\'s evolution is shown to occur in cosmological times. The Babichev (linear equation of state) and Chaplygin results were unied through a generalised equation of state. At last, it is also determined under which conditions the accretion of cosmological fluids can have astonishing effects on the black hole\'s mass.

Constraints from Dust Mass and Mass Accretion Rate Measurements on Angular Momentum Transport in Protoplanetary Disks

Mulders, Gijs D., Pascucci, Ilaria, Manara, Carlo F., Testi, Leonardo, Herczeg, Gregory J., Henning, Thomas, Mohanty, Subhanjoy, Lodato, Giuseppe 20 September 2017 (has links)
In this paper, we investigate the relation between disk mass and mass accretion rate to constrain the mechanism of angular momentum transport in protoplanetary disks. We find a correlation between dust disk mass and mass accretion rate in Chamaeleon I with a slope that is close to linear, similar to the one recently identified in Lupus. We investigate the effect of stellar mass and find that the intrinsic scatter around the best-fit M-dust-M star and M-acc-M star relations is uncorrelated. We simulate synthetic observations of an ensemble of evolving disks using a Monte Carlo approach and find that disks with a constant alpha viscosity can fit the observed relations between dust mass, mass accretion rate, and stellar mass but overpredict the strength of the correlation between disk mass and mass accretion rate when using standard initial conditions. We find two possible solutions. In the first one, the observed scatter in M-dust and M-acc is not primordial, but arises from additional physical processes or uncertainties in estimating the disk gas mass. Most likely grain growth and radial drift affect the observable dust mass, while variability on large timescales affects the mass accretion rates. In the second scenario, the observed scatter is primordial, but disks have not evolved substantially at the age of Lupus and Chamaeleon I owing to a low viscosity or a large initial disk radius. More accurate estimates of the disk mass and gas disk sizes in a large sample of protoplanetary disks, through either direct observations of the gas or spatially resolved multiwavelength observations of the dust with ALMA, are needed to discriminate between both scenarios or to constrain alternative angular momentum transport mechanisms such as MHD disk winds.

The Properties of Reconnection Current Sheets in GRMHD Simulations of Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows

Ball, David, Özel, Feryal, Psaltis, Dimitrios, Chan, Chi-Kwan, Sironi, Lorenzo 05 February 2018 (has links)
Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects may play a significant role in determining the dynamics, thermal properties, and observational signatures of radiatively inefficient accretion flows onto black holes. In particular, particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection events may influence black hole spectra and flaring properties. We use representative general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of black hole accretion flows to identify and explore the structures and properties of current sheets as potential sites of magnetic reconnection. In the case of standard and normal evolution (SANE) disks, we find that in the reconnection sites, the plasma beta ranges from 0.1 to 1000, the magnetization ranges from 10(-4) to 1, and the guide fields are weak compared with the reconnecting fields. In magnetically arrested (MAD) disks, we find typical values for plasma beta from 10(-2) to 10(3), magnetizations from 10(-3) to 10, and typically stronger guide fields, with strengths comparable to or greater than the reconnecting fields. These are critical parameters that govern the electron energy distribution resulting from magnetic reconnection and can be used in the context of plasma simulations to provide microphysics inputs to global simulations. We also find that ample magnetic energy is available in the reconnection regions to power the fluence of bright X-ray flares observed from the black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

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