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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplica??o de microemuls?o na recupera??o de petr?leo de reservat?rios carbon?ticos

Soares, Ana Paula Justino 08 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPJS_DISSERT.pdf: 3475683 bytes, checksum: 0a1aca9ea1cc67fdf9f54a968369acd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-08 / The large investment in exploration activities offshore Brazil has generated new findings, generally in carbonate reservoirs, with different wettability conditions usually considered in the sandstone, strongly water-wet. In general, the carbonates reservoirs tend to be oil-wet, it difficult to mobilize of oil these reservoirs. These oils can be mobilized by different methods, or it may reverse the wettability of the surface of the reservoir and facilitate the flow of oil, improving production rates. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the influence of inversion on the wettability of the rock in the production and recovery of petroleum from carbonate reservoirs, using microemulsions. Three systems were chosen with different classes of surfactants: a cationic (C16TAB), an anionic (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90). Studies of the influence of salinity on the formation of the microemulsion as well as the characterization of fluids using density and viscosity measurements were also performed. To verify the potential of microemulsion systems in changing the wettability state of the chalk oil-wet to water-wet, contact angle measurements were performed using chalk of neutral-wet as surface material. Overall, with respect to the ionic character of the surfactants tested, the cationic surfactant (C16TAB) had a greater potential for reversal in wettability able to transform the rock wettability neutral to strongly water-wet, when compared with the anionic surfactant (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90), which showed similar behavior, improving the wettability of the rock to water. The microemulsions of all surfactants studied were effective in oil recovery, resulting in 76.92% for the system with C16TAB, 67.42% for the SDS and 66.30% for Unitol L90 of residual oil / O grande investimento em atividades explorat?rias no mar brasileiro tem gerado novas descobertas, geralmente em reservat?rios carbon?ticos, com condi??es de molhabilidade diferentes das usualmente consideradas em reservat?rios aren?ticos, fortemente molh?veis ? ?gua. De uma maneira geral, os reservat?rios carbon?ticos tendem a ser molh?veis ao ?leo, dificultando a mobiliza??o do ?leo no reservat?rio. Esses ?leos podem ser mobilizados por diferentes m?todos, ou ainda, pode-se inverter a molhabilidade da superf?cie do reservat?rio e facilitar o escoamento do ?leo, melhorando os ?ndices de produ??o. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influ?ncia da invers?o na molhabilidade da rocha na produ??o e recupera??o de petr?leo de reservat?rios carbon?ticos, utilizando sistemas microemulsionados. Foram escolhidos tr?s tensoativos de classes diferentes: um cati?nico (C16TAB), um ani?nico (SDS) e um n?o-i?nico (Unitol L90). Estudos da influ?ncia da salinidade na forma??o da microemuls?o, bem como a caracteriza??o dos fluidos atrav?s de medidas de densidade e viscosidade, tamb?m foram realizados. Para verificar o potencial dos sistemas microemulsionados em alterar a molhabilidade da rocha carbon?ticas de molh?vel ao ?leo para molh?vel a ?gua, medidas de ?ngulo de contato foram realizadas utilizando calc?rio de molhabilidade neutra como material de superf?cie. Pode-se observar, com rela??o ao car?ter i?nico dos tensoativos testados, que o tensoativo cati?nico (C16TAB) apresentou um potencial maior de invers?o na molhabilidade conseguindo transformar a rocha de molhabilidade neutra para fortemente molh?vel ? ?gua, quando comparado aos demais tensoativos, ani?nico (SDS) e n?o-i?nico (Unitol L90), que apresentaram comportamento semelhante entre eles, melhorando tamb?m a molhabilidade da rocha ? ?gua, mas em menor intensidade. As microemuls?es de todos os tensoativos estudados mostraram-se efetivas na recupera??o de petr?leo, obtendo-se 76,92% para o sistema com C16TAB, 67,42% para o SDS e 66,30% para o Unitol L90 de recupera??o do ?leo residual in place

Estudo do processo de drenagem gravitacional assistido por vapor utilizando po?os injetores verticais e horizontais na recupera??o de ?leos pesados

Rocha, Marcel Ara?jo 14 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T12:25:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelAraujoRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 5011334 bytes, checksum: d4996c7516aeda7455db92bc1ebfc1d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-23T13:23:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelAraujoRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 5011334 bytes, checksum: d4996c7516aeda7455db92bc1ebfc1d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-23T13:23:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcelAraujoRocha_DISSERT.pdf: 5011334 bytes, checksum: d4996c7516aeda7455db92bc1ebfc1d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-14 / A explora??o de reservas de hidrocarbonetos pesados e extrapesados ? de interesse primordial para muitas companhias de petr?leo, uma vez que, a magnitude desses recursos representa parte da energia mundial. A produ??o de ?leo pesado, a partir de dep?sitos subterr?neos, ? complexa, at? mesmo sob as melhores circunst?ncias, devido principalmente ? elevada viscosidade do ?leo. Para melhor desenvolver o processo de produ??o, tornando-o eficiente, de maneira que os fluidos que n?o seriam produzidos consigam chegar ? superf?cie, foram desenvolvidos m?todos de recupera??o convencionais e especiais, para obten??o de um maior fator de recupera??o e, consequentemente, uma maior lucratividade na opera??o de explota??o dessas jazidas. Para reduzir a alta viscosidade e as elevadas tens?es interfaciais, foram desenvolvidos os m?todos t?rmicos. Nesse trabalho, simulou-se a inje??o continua de vapor, com po?os injetores verticais e horizontais, para desenvolver um reservat?rio com caracter?sticas do Nordeste brasileiro, de ?leo pesado, atrav?s da condu??o dos fluidos produzidos com po?o horizontal. Foram feitas an?lises t?cnicas e econ?micas dos modelos que diferiam quanto ?s suas restri??es e arranjos estruturais do sistema. Na configura??o horizontal se observou a influ?ncia da vaz?o de inje??o, da dist?ncia vertical e da dist?ncia lateral sobre o fator de recupera??o. Na configura??o vertical se analisou a influ?ncia da vaz?o de inje??o, da completa??o dos injetores, da dist?ncia lateral e da quantidade de po?os injetores sobre o fator de recupera??o. Diante dos modelos proposto, analisou-se a produ??o acumulada de ?leo, o Volume Poroso Injetado, a forma??o das c?maras de vapor e o Valor Presente L?quido. Tecnicamente, os modelos em que se injetou vapor com po?os verticais obtiveram maior fator de recupera??o de ?leo, j? os modelos horizontais se sobressa?ram economicamente. / The reserves exploration of heavy and extra heavy hydrocarbon is of prime interest to many oil companies, since the magnitude of these resources the magnitude of these resources still stands out on the global and Brazilian energy matrix. The production of heavy oil, from the underground deposits is complex, even on the best of circumstances, mainly due to the high viscosity of the oil. To further develop the process of production, making it efficient, so that the fluids that would not be produced get to reach the surface, complementary recovery methods and advanced were developed to obtain a higher recovery factor and, hence, greater profitability in operation exploitation of these deposits. To combat the high viscosity and high interfacial tensions, thermal methods were developed. In this work, the steam injection continues was simulated in vertical and horizontal injection wells, to develop a reservoir with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast of heavy oil, by conducting fluid produced with horizontal well. Technical and economic analyzes were made of the models that differ in their structural constraints and system arrangements. In horizontal configuration was observed the influence of the injection flow, of the vertical distance and of the lateral distance over the recovery factor. In vertical configuration was analyzed the influence of the injection flow, of the injection wells completion, of the lateral distance and the amount of injection wells over the recovery factor. Faced the proposed models, was analyzed the cumulative oil production, the Pore Volume Injected, the formation of steam chambers and the Net Present Value. Technically, the models in which steam is injected with vertical wells had higher recovery factor of oil, since the horizontal models stood out economically.

Novas nanoemuls?es aplicadas ? recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo em reservat?rios carbon?ticos / New nanoemulsions applied to enhanced oil recovery in carbonate rocks

Meneses, Zildiany Ibiapina 23 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-10T16:44:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ZildianyIbiapinaMeneses_TESE.pdf: 5538896 bytes, checksum: aeb6e8b7a1071f0fe7d56cd5089c7e65 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-10T21:58:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ZildianyIbiapinaMeneses_TESE.pdf: 5538896 bytes, checksum: aeb6e8b7a1071f0fe7d56cd5089c7e65 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T21:58:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ZildianyIbiapinaMeneses_TESE.pdf: 5538896 bytes, checksum: aeb6e8b7a1071f0fe7d56cd5089c7e65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-23 / As nanoemuls?es s?o sistemas geralmente compostos por tensoativos, fase aquosa e fase oleosa. Podem variar de acordo com a composi??o, tamanho das got?culas dispersas, aspecto, aplica??es, dentre outros. Apresentam got?culas dispersas em escala nanom?trica, estabilidade cin?tica e aspecto transparente a transl?cido. Dentre suas vantagens, destaca-se a maior superf?cie de contato devido ao tamanho das got?culas dispersas, associado ? menor quantidade de mat?ria ativa. Este trabalho prop?e produzir novas nanoemuls?es atrav?s da dilui??o de microemuls?o com sua fase aquosa ou com fase aquosa polim?rica salina, e aplica??o na recupera??o de petr?leo em rochas carbon?ticas. A microemuls?o precursora ? composta por tensoativos ani?nico e n?o i?nico (UNT-L90 e sab?o base), cotensoativo (n-butanol), fase oleosa (querosene) e fase aquosa (solu??o de NaCl a 3,50%). Os sistemas nanoemulsionados foram estudados em rela??o ao percentual de tensoativos (1,00%, 1,25%, 2,00%, 2,50%, 5,00% e 7,00%) e ? presen?a de pol?meros (ani?nico e cati?nico, a 0,08%). Os sistemas propostos neste estudo foram caracterizados usando as seguintes t?cnicas: tamanho de got?cula, turbidez, tens?o superficial, tens?o interfacial, condutividade el?trica, pH, ?ndice de refra??o, densidade, reologia e SAXS. A microemuls?o e as nanoemuls?es, sem pol?mero, foram caracterizadas como fluidos Newtonianos, enquanto as nanoemuls?es polim?ricas como fluidos pseudopl?sticos. A microemuls?o foi termodinamicamente est?vel, transparente e com got?culas monodispersas, com 11,8 nm de di?metro. Os sistemas nanoemulsionados foram metaest?veis, com got?culas variando de 16,80 nm a 61,40 nm. Os sistemas microemulsionado e nanoemulsionados apresentaram micelas diretas do tipo ?miolo-casca? em seu interior. A microemuls?o e algumas nanoemuls?es estudadas foram utilizadas na recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo, aplicadas a um reservat?rio carbon?tico contendo ?leo leve. Os melhores resultados foram de 99,56% e 75,18% de extra??o do ?leo remanescente, para a microemuls?o e nanoemuls?o, respectivamente; com recupera??es totais de ?leo original de 99,73% e 83,28%. O efeito sin?rgico entre o meio salino, micelas e pol?mero favoreceu a recupera??o de ?leo com as nanoemuls?es; cujo melhor resultado foi obtido com a NanoD2, composta por 2,50% de tensoativos, 3,50% de NaCl e 0,08% do pol?mero AN 934 PWG; embora as propriedades da rocha tamb?m tenham influ?ncia. O trabalho mostrou que nanoemuls?es e microemuls?es podem ser alternativas vi?veis para aplica??o em recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo. / Nanoemulsions are systems generally composed by surfactant, aqueous phase and oil phase. These systems may vary according to their composition, size of dispersed droplets, appearance, applications, among others. They have nano-scale dispersed droplets, kinetic stability and an appearance from transparent to translucent. Among their advantages, it may be highlighted the large contact surface, due to the size of the dispersed droplets, associated with smaller amount of active matter. This research proposes the production of new nanoemulsions, through the dilution of microemulsion, with its aqueous phase or with saline polymeric aqueous phase, and their use to recover oil in carbonate rocks. The precursor microemulsion is composed of nonionic and anionic surfactants (UNT-L90 and soap base), cosurfactant (n-butanol), oil phase (kerosene) and aqueous phase (NaCl solution at 3.50%). The nanoemulsionated systems were studied based on the percentage of surfactants (1.00%, 1.25%, 2.00%, 2.50%, 5.00% and 7.00%) and on the presence of polymers (anionic and cationic, at 0.08%). The proposed systems were characterized by using the following techniques: droplet size, turbidity, surface tension, interfacial tension, electrical conductivity, pH, refractive index, density, rheology, and SAXS. The microemulsion and the nanoemulsions, without polymers, were characterized as Newtonian fluids, while the polymeric nanoemulsions were characterized as pseudoplastic fluids. The microemulsion was thermodynamically stable, transparent and had monodispersed droplets with a diameter of 11.80 nm. The nanoemulsionated systems were metastable, with droplets ranging from 16.80 nm to 61.40 nm. The microemulsionated and nanoemulsionated systems presented direct micelles, with a core-shell inner type. The microemulsion and some studied nanoemulsions were applied as an enhanced oil recovery method, through carbonate rocks containing light oil. The best results extracted 99.56% and 75.18% of the remaining oil, for the microemulsion and nanoemulsion, respectively, with total oil recovery of 99.73% and 83.28%. The synergic effect among saline medium, micelles and polymer favored the oil recovery with nanoemulsions; whose best result was obtained by NanoD2, composed of 2.50% surfactants, 3.50% NaCl and 0.08% of the AN 934 PWG polymer; although the rock properties also influences the process. The work showed that nanoemulsions and microemulsions can be viable alternatives for application in enhanced oil recovery.

@prender a @prender : na busca de processos metacognitivos com o uso das TIC

Koch, Simone Hack da Silva January 2011 (has links)
No dia-a-dia da sala de aula, quando propõe situações de aprendizagem, o professor fica surpreso em constatar que os alunos desenvolvem uma série de condutas. Algumas, que não parecem muito lógicas, revelam-se eficazes, ao passo que outras, aparentemente mais adequadas, dão resultados desconcertantes. Como compreender o que o aluno faz ou quis fazer? Como perceber suas verdadeiras aprendizagens? Nesse contexto que este trabalho teve como foco principal a investigação sobre como promover e evidenciar, por meio de estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem mediadas pelas TIC, processos metacognitivos nos sujeitos em ADA/AVA. Para responder a questão norteadora, estudos sobre processo de internalização, metacognição, mediação e estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem foram realizados sob uma perspectiva sóciointeracionista. O presente trabalho estruturou-se num estudo de caso (multicasos) de três alunos de ensino fundamental que participaram de um programa social na cidade de Novo Hamburgo. Os resultados mostraram que as estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem Tempestade Cerebral, Portfólio, Solução de Problemas e Mapas Conceituais, através de ações mediadas em ambientes ADA/AVA, evidenciam e promovem processos metacognitivos. / The teacher may surprised to find out that students develop a series of pipes, when he offers learning situations on day-to-day classroom. Some, that do not seem very logical, are prove effective, while others, seemingly more appropriate, have confusing results. How to understand what students do or wanted to do? How to realize their true learning? In this context this study was focus ,researching on how to promote and demonstrate through strategies of teaching/learning ,mediated by ICT, in the individual metacognitive processes through digital and virtual learning environment. To answer the research question, studies on internalization process, metacognition, mediation and teaching/learning strategies are carried out under a socio-interactionist perspective. This work was structured in a case study (multicases) of three primary school students who participated in a social program in the city of Novo Hamburgo. The results showed the strategy of teaching and learning: Brainstorm, Portfolio, Problem Solving and Conceptual Maps, through actions mediated in digital and virtual learning environments showing and promoting metacognition process.

Open Code Translation from Executable and Translatable UML Models - Implicit Bridging

Löfqvist, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
Executable and Translatable UML (xtUML) is the next abstraction level in software development, where both programming language and software architecture have been abstracted away. xtUML is a well defined UML profile, extended with precise action semantics. This allows the developers to define a problem area, domain, in such a detail that it can be executed. By defining the system with xtUML-models, domains, the system functionality can be verified early in the development process. Translation to code can be done in different ways and this work will be performed in an environment where code is automatically generated with a model compiler. The goal with a domain is that it should be independent of other domains, reused without modification and exchanged with another domain solving the same problem. However a domain can make assumptions that certain functionality is available and these assumptions are requirements for another domain. To fulfil these goals there must be a minimal coupling between the domains. This can be solved with the technique Implicit Bridging, where the bridge dependency between domains is defined in a bridge. The dependency is in the form of mappings/coupling between elements in both domains. By defining a bridge interface for a server domain a client domain can use the resources offered by the server domain. The work performed shows how an implementation of Implicit Bridging could be realized by applying the technique in a microwave oven system. From the system design five different mapping types have been implemented. The applicability and the quality of the implementation have been verified by testing the generated system functionality and also verifying the goals, exchangeability and reuse of domains, of the system.

Improving MCDC adequate test sets for safety critical software to be RORG adequate

Nylén, Christoffer January 2015 (has links)
A number of logical code coverage criteria have been used throughout the years in the testing of safety-critical software. Kaminski, et al. proposed Relational Operator Replacement Global (RORG), a method to bring benefits from ROR mutation to Modified Condition / Decision Coverage (MCDC), which is widely used in the avionics industry. However, there is a lack of studies in the industry to support this method. In this thesis, we report on the results of applying RORG to avionic code, augmenting an MCDC adequate test set to satisfy RORG, evaluating its ability to find real faults in industrial software. Conclusions drawn from this thesis are: (1) Faults in relational operators in avionic code are rare, no faults were found in this study. (2) 24% of the relational operators in our study would require additional software requirements to be verified for RORG coverage. (3) 37% of the relational operators in our study were infeasible to test due to program semantics. (4) 84% of the tests added covered enumeration comparisons.

Species-specific DNA markers for improving the genetic management of tilapia

Syaifudin, Mochamad January 2015 (has links)
The tilapias are a group of African and Middle Eastern cichlid fish that are widely cultured in developed and developing countries. With many different species and sub-species, and extensive use of interspecies hybrids, identification of tilapia species is of importance in aquaculture and in wild populations where introductions occur. This research set out to distinguish between tilapia species and sub-species by retrieving species-specific nuclear DNA markers (SNPs) using two approaches: (i) sequencing of the coding regions of the ADA gene; and (ii) next-generation sequencing, both standard RADseq and double-digest RADseq (ddRADseq). The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) was used to verify tilapia species status. ADA gene sequence analysis was partially successful, generating SNP markers that distinguished some species pairs. Most species could also be discriminated using the COI sequence. Reference based analysis (RBA: using only markers found in the O. niloticus genome sequence) of standard RADseq data identified 1,613 SNPs in 1,002 shared RAD loci among seven species. De novo based analysis (DBA: based on the entire data set) identified 1,358 SNPs in 825 loci and RBA detected 938 SNPs in 571 shared RAD loci from ddRADseq among 10 species. Phylogenetic trees based on shared SNP markers indicated similar patterns to most prior phylogenies based on other characteristics. The standard RADseq detected 677 species-specific SNP markers from the entire data set (seven species), while the ddRADseq retrieved 38 (among ten species). Furthermore, 37 such SNP markers were identified from ddRADseq data from a subset of four economically important species which are often involved in hybridization in aquaculture, and larger numbers of SNP markers distinguished between species pairs in this group. In summary, these SNPs are a valuable resource in further investigating hybridization and introgression in a range of captive and wild stocks of tilapias.

Algoritmy grafiky a video v GP-GPU / Graphics and Video Algorithms in GP-GPU

Kula, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on object detections through general-purpose computing on graphics processor units. There is an explanation of graphics adapters work and basics of their architecture in this thesis. Based on the adapters, there is the effective work in libraries for general-purpose computing on graphics processor units demonstrated in this thesis. Further, the thesis shows the available algorithms for object detection and which ones from them are possible to be effectively parallelized. In conclusion of this thesis, there is a comparison of the object detections speeds to common implementations on classical processors.

Mitigating the impact of antidrug antibodies against insulin on ELISA assay

Bøwadt, Thea January 2021 (has links)
Diabetes has, in the past three decades, surged immensely. Because of this, new insulin analogues are constantly in the making.  In clinical studies, the presence of antidrug antibodies can prove a challenge when measuring insulin. In order to overcome the interference from antidrug antibody complexes on the total insulin measurement in human serum, several pre-treatment methods on insulin and polyclonal antibodies spiked samples were tried using ELISA analysis. Several different methods were tried, acid dissociation using a glycine buffer with and without ethanol in different concentrations, high ionic strength dissociation using MgCl2, Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and filtration. The best results were found when using the acid dissociation technique. Using glycine promising results were achieved, especially when 20 % ethanol was added to the acid mixture. Pre-treatment using PEG, MgCl2 and filtration was unsuccessful with the methods used. The main goal was reached through the use of glycine with the addition of 20% ethanol for acid dissociation. The proposed method still leaves significant room for optimisation and needs further verification on real patient samples. However, it is a good step in the direction of a global methodology using ELISA to overcome antidrug antibody interference for total insulin measurement in human serum.

Failure Inference in Drilling Bits: : Leveraging YOLO Detection for Dominant Failure Analysis

Akumalla, Gnana Spandana January 2023 (has links)
Detecting failures in tricone drill bits is crucial in the mining industry due to their potential consequences, including operational losses, safety hazards, and delays in drilling operations. Timely identification of failures allows for proactive maintenance and necessary measures to ensure smooth drilling processes and minimize associated risks. Accurate failure detection helps mining operations avoid financial losses by preventing unplanned breakdowns, costly repairs, and extended downtime. Moreover, it optimizes operational efficiency by enabling timely maintenance interventions, extending the lifespan of drill bits, and minimizing disruptions. Failure detection also plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment involved in drilling operations. Traditionally, failure detection in tricone drill bits relies on manual inspection, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Incorporating artificial intelligence-based approaches can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy. This thesis uses machine learning methods for failure inference in tricone drill bits. A classic Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classification method was initially explored, but its performance was insufficient due to the small dataset size and imbalanced data. The problem was reformulated as an object detection task to overcome these limitations, and a post-processing operation was incorporated. Data augmentation techniques enhanced the training and evaluation datasets, improving failure detection accuracy. Experimental results highlighted the need for revising the initial CNN classification method, given the limitations of the small and imbalanced dataset. However, You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithms such as YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models exhibited improved performance. The post-processing operation further refined the results obtained from the YOLO algorithm, specifically YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models. While YOLO provides bounding box coordinates and class labels, the post-processing step enhanced drill bit failure detection through various techniques such as confidence thresholding, etc. By effectively leveraging the YOLO-based models and incorporating post-processing, this research advances failure detection in tricone drill bits. These intelligent methods enable more precise and efficient detection, preventing operational losses and optimizing maintenance processes. The findings underscore the potential of machine learning techniques in the mining industry, particularly in mechanical drilling, driving progress and enhancing overall operational efficiency

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