Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dadaptation -"" "subject:"aadaptation -""
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Klimatanpassning av dagvattenhantering : Hur arbetar kommuner i Västra Götalands län med klimatanpassning av sin dagvattenhantering?Glennvall, Julia January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this report was to investigate how municipals in the county of Västra Götaland work with climate adaptation of storm water management and to identify problems that occur in the work. As with the rest of the world, Sweden will be affected by expected climate changes and it is therefore important that Swedish municipalities work with climate adaptation and to help them make the work manageable. The method used was semi-structural qualitative interviews where 13 municipalities were interviewed in April 2016. The result of the interviews shows that there is an ambition to work with climate adaptation of storm water management but that there are different problems associated with the work that have made it difficult to start. 69% of the municipalities include climate adaptation to some extent when they work with master plans and 5 out of 8 municipalities are or will be including climate adaptation strategies in their storm water management document. A majority of the municipalities don’t prioritize climate adaptation and could be doing more to include climate adaptation in their work. The most common problems reported by the municipalities were too little resources/lack of finance, undecided responsibility and not clear enough laws regarding the subject.
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Vuxna personers hanterande av livets slut med hjälp av coping strategier vid obotlig cancersjukdom : En litteraturstudieKabir, Fahmida, Lindroth, Betty January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cancer är ett hälsoproblem som är stort över hela världen och mer än var tredje person riskerar att bli drabbad under sin livstid. Varje år ökar antalet människor som drabbas av cancer, men även överlevnaden ökar. Syfte: Att beskriva hur vuxna personer med obotlig cancersjukdom hanterar sin livssituation med hjälp av coping strategier vid livets slutskede samt metodologiskt granska hur undersökningsgrupp och urvalsmetod är beskrivet i granskade artiklar. Metod: En litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design som baserades på 10 artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Artiklarna hittades i databasen Pubmed. Huvudresultat: Familj, vänner och trosuppfattning var viktiga källor för att personer med obotlig cancer sjukdom skulle kunna hantera faktumet att livets slut var nära. Socialt stöd och religiös tro var nyckelkomponenterna för att personer som levde sin sista tid i livet skulle klara av att hantera sin livssituation, antingen genom att finna en mening i den pågående situationen eller genom stöd från sina nära och kära. Resultatet baserades på fyra kvantitativa artiklar och sex kvalitativa artiklar. I granskningen av de ingående artiklarnas datainsamlingsmetod framkom både urvalsmetod och undersökningsgrupp. I studierna förekommer semistrukturerade intervjuer, strukturerade intervjuer och enkäter. Slutsats: Coping strategier i form av socialt stöd och religiöst stöd var nyckelkomponenter för att personer med obotlig cancersjukdom skulle klara av att hantera sin sista tid i livet. Personerna såg olika på komponenterna, vilka coping strategier de använde och vilka som fungerade, men även vilket stöd som var av betydelse. De flesta personerna upplevde att stöd från familj och anhöriga var viktigt för att kunna hantera livets slutskede, men likaså stödet från en religiös bakgrund. / Background: Cancer is a major health problem worldwide and more than every third person has got the risk to get cancer during their lifetime. The number of people getting diagnosed with cancer is increasing, but the survival rate is increasing as well. Aim: To describe how adults with incurable cancer manage their lives with the help of coping strategies at the end of life as well as methodologically review how the selection of the study group and the selection method in the reviewed articles were described. Method: A literature study with a descriptive design based on ten articles with both qualitative and quantitative approach. The articles were found in the database PubMed. Findings: Family, friends and religious beliefs were important sources for people with terminally ill cancer to cope with the fact that life was about to come to an end. Social support and religious beliefs were the main important facts for the people who were facing end of life to be able to cope with their situation, either trying to find meaning in the current situation or through support from loved ones. The findings were based on four quantitave articles and six qualitative articles. The selection of the study group and the selection method in the reviewed articles were described in each article. The data collection methods that the included articles used were semistructed interwievs, unstructed interwievs and surveys. Conclusion: Coping strategies as in social support and religious support were the main facts for people to cope with end of life. People had different views on both of the facts, which coping strategies they used and which ones that worked, but also what kind of support that was more important. Most of the people felt that support from family and friends were important to have so that they could cope with the end of life, but religious support was just as much important.
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Towards a Better Comprehension of Adaptation to Information and Communication Technologies: A Multi-level ApproachSaidani, Najma 21 November 2016 (has links)
Despite the variety of literature on ‘adaptation to technology’, the literature still witnesses a gap concerning the concept of adaptation especially about its multi-level nature. Recognizing the multilevel nature of IS adaptation, we rise the challenge of conducting an alternate template analysis of three cases of adaptation to IS in order to provide complementary explanations about the phenomenon. In order to expand the comprehension of the ‘adaptation’ concept, a multi-study dissertation model is adopted. The objective is to examine the adaptation concept on three different levels: the individual, the group level, and the organizational level. This thesis aims at 1) exploring the shaping of individual adaptive actions that knowledge workers engage towards technostress with a focus on the factors that influence their adaptation process; 2) examining the adaptive performance of a group facing an newlyimplemented technology based on the adaptive structuration theory (DeSanctis and Poole 1994) under which were puzzled the concepts of affordances (Leonardi 2011, Leonardi, Huysman et al. 2013) and the structure of usage (Burton-Jones and Straub Jr 2006, Burton-Jones and Gallivan 2007); 3) examining, through an organizational learning lens (Argyris and Schon 1978), the case of an organizational adaptation to environmental technological changes examined within a managerial cognition conceptual framework (Orlikowski and Gash 1994); (Bijker 1987, Bijker 1995). To answer the different research questions, the three studies adopt a qualitative approach falling within a critical realist perspective.
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Investigating the neural substrates mediating visuomotor adaptation : from beginner to expertBouras, Raby January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Le rôle du capital social dans la capacité adaptative des pomiculteurs de la Municipalité de Saint-Joseph-du-Lac au changement climatiqueDa Costa, Elsa January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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'Little Red Riding Hood' in the 21st Century : adaptation, archetypes, and the appropriation of a fairy taleHayton, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
This interdisciplinary, archetypal study considers the numerous adaptation processes and techniques involved in the transposition of the fairy tale from one medium to another, exploring post-2000 adult adaptations and appropriations of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ across a variety of high-art and popular media, such as advertising, video gaming, and fine art, with a focus on literature and film. As well as examining explicit re-tellings of the tale such as Catherine Hardwicke’s 'Red Riding Hood' (2011), more implicit and intertextual references are discussed, with the intention of acknowledging the pervasive, and at times, unconscious nature of the adaptation process. This can be seen in films like 'The Village' (2004), 'Hard Candy' (2005) and the television series 'Merlin' (2008 - ). As a means of analysing the material I adopt a feminist-Jungian theoretical model which enables the consideration of the mythological and ideological concepts inherent to the works. Specifically, this establishes how Red Riding Hood can be understood as a shifting archetype when compared to her fairy tale sisters such as Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty et al, thus allowing for so many diverse portrayals of her character: as the child, the innocent victim, the femme-fatale, and the monstrous feminine. The rationale behind the thesis is threefold; firstly, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ is typically understood as a cautionary tale, rather than a female quest narrative, therefore, I will explore how the tale is often used as a vehicle for post/feminist issues and/or gender anxieties, providing a commentary on the construction and perception of girls’ and women’s roles in contemporary Western society. Secondly, the work creates a space for the acknowledgement and discussion of unconscious appropriation which has so far remained on the margins of adaptation studies. And thirdly, to establish fairy tales, using ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ as an example, as the ultimate intertext(s), demonstrating how characters, themes and plots are continually (re)appropriated.
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From Shakespeare's globe to our globeBen Gouider Trabelsi, Hajer January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Route 117 : une étude de la migration des jeunes abitibi-témiscamiens vers MontréalOuellette, Sébastien January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Predictors of adaptation in wives during the initial psychosocial phase of prostate cancerEzer, Hélène January 2003 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Adolescents' sociometric status and its relation to parenting and psychosocial adaptation variablesVenditti, Martina January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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