Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adaption"" "subject:"daption""
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Från serie till film : En studie av filmadaptionerna av serien Hellblazer och serien Watchmen / From comics to film : A study of the filmadaptations of the comics Hellblazer and WatchmenSivermo, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Sjömännens skrönsång : En studie om hur sjömansvisetraditionen porträtteras i kommersiella sjömansvisböcker under 1900-talet.Ekedahl, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
Sailor's sea songs and shanties are still popular, even though the ships where they were sung are long gone. Instead these songs have been relocated into a corpus of folk-songs. This study aims to show how song-books focused on sea songs and shanties portray the traditional aspects of these song, with emphasis on musical and textual aspects. Those aspects are largely undescribed vis-á-vis the history and function behind the songs. To demonstrate this a number of 20th century song-books have been studied and put in relation to literature regarding sea songs and shanties. This study shows that sailor's songs in song-books portrays a different image than their traditional counterpart. That is due to what the authors of the song-books include and what they leave out. This is both about the choice of the song as well as what is described about them.
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An analytical framework for workflow technology adoption in local government authoritiesSajjad, Farhana January 2014 (has links)
The focus of the study is to develop a novel framework of workflow technology adoption (WAF) for public policy making. Workflow technology (WfT) has emerged to support both technological and economic importance for private and public organisations to meet competitive business and computational environment. Despite all the benefits of WfT, there has been limited adoption by policy makers. One of the reasons for this is the lack of a theoretical framework for researchers and a tool for decision makers that help in evaluating WfT adoption. Due to the limited knowledge on workflow adoption, from the socio-technical and organisational side, an academic challenge is to identify the key factors that influence adoption. To overcome these limitations, the proposed workflow adoption framework is based on the amalgamation of Technology, Organisation, Environment and Task Technology Fit theories that is evaluated and extended by using a qualitative multiple case study approach. Qualitative content analysis of the empirical data collected from three UK local government authorities resulted in a novel framework for WfT adoption, particularly for the policy making context, that has 17 factors, which influence adoption decisions. Findings revealed that attitude, organisation structure and competition did not have any influential role due to immense managerial support, constructive communication and thorough training provided to employees. Also, competition as an environmental factor had no influence over the adoption of WfT, since public services do not compete like in the private sector over market share, instead imitative pressure emerged due to close collaboration with neighbouring LGAs. It was also found that stakeholders and timescale had influence on the decisions and collection proved to be an important task characteristic of the LGAs. The major contribution of the framework is that it provides an understanding of the phenomenon by identifying key factors from the contextual perspective (i) technological set (complexity, relative advantage, compatibility and timescale), (ii) organisational set (managerial support, cost, information intensity and stakeholders), (iii) environmental set (government regulations and imitative pressure). In addition, it identifies functional fit of WfT with the task requirements by classifying functions (communication, information processing and process structuring) and policy making task characteristics (generation, choice, collection and combination) and then analysing the fit. Together it provides a holistic understanding of the phenomenon that aids informed decision making relevant to WfT adoption. Although, the literature has emphasised the technical aspects so far, this study contributes to future studies through organisational and managerial knowledge, classifying WfT’s functions and policy making task characteristics. Practical implications exist for the policy makers who can adopt the WAF as a recommendation tool to make informed decisions and achieve competitive advantage. Keywords: Workflow technology, IT adoption, decision making, policy making process and e-government.
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Breaking down the wall of difficulty : Adapting a translation for new readersSvensson, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This study is an analysis of a translation of the text ”A Lotta Night Music: The Sound of Film Noir” written by Richard R. Ness. The study focuses on the adaption of film and music terminology as well as complex sentence structures for a new and broader target audience. The analysis was accomplished with the help of Marianne Lederer’s theory of deverbalization and re-expression. Furthermore, Vinay and Darbelnet’s methodology for translation was utilized along with Andrew Chesterman’s syntactic strategies in order to help clarify the restructuring. First of all, concerning film and music terminology, the main issue of interest was how to best adapt the terms for the target readers. From the analysis of various examples of difficult terminology it was concluded that the strategy best used for the different terms depends on the presupposed knowledge of the target reader. Whether you borrow, translate literally or adapt is a matter of how much the target reader knows beforehand. Secondly, as for the complex sentence structures of this highly academic text, the extensive, highly hypotactic sentences were extracted and broken down into shorter sentences while keeping the author’s message intact. In this way, the readability was increased and hence the text was adapted for a wider target audience. Moreover, the fact that readability increased was proven with the aid of LIX, a means of measuring the degree of difficulty of a specific text. Finally, it has been determined in this study that, although this particular text is still highly academic, breaking down overly long sentences generally helps to increase readability without compromising the author’s intended message.
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Patient Experiences after Undergoing Bariatric SurgeryAndersson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Background: Overweight and obesity has increased worldwide and is a leading cause of preventable death. This has led to the quantity of bariatric surgical procedures in Sweden increasing. Research has identified significant medical benefits such as long-term weight loss, improved risk factors and significant reduction of mortality resulting from the surgery, however research focusing on the experiences of patients has not been undertaken to the same degree. The increasing incidence of overweight and obesity suggest that this patient group will continue to increase each year. Knowledge about the experience of bariatric surgery, including the challenges it represents from the patients’ perspective, is essential for nurses in order to provide the best possible care. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the patient’s experiences after undergoing bariatric surgery beyond the initial post-operative period of 6 months. Method: This study has been conducted as a literature review of nine qualitative scientific nursing articles. The data was analysed by conducting a manifest content analysis. Result: The results found that experiences after bariatric surgery beyond the initial post-operative period were both positive and negative. How the individuals adapted to the changes the surgery entailed was found to be a strong factor in determining the nature of the experience. Two main categories emerged from the data; ‘Enforced Structure’ and ‘A Complete Transformation’. Conclusion: Undergoing bariatric surgery results in extensive and complex changes for this patient group to adapt to. Exploring their experiences has allowed factors for successful and challenging adaption to these changes to be identified. Nursing professionals can use this knowledge to help guide bariatric patients towards a successful adaption to the multitude of changes that surgery encompasses.
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An examination of adaptive behaviour in the relationship between users and computer aided design (CAD) systems with specific reference to the textile industryJerrard, R. January 1986 (has links)
The research involves the testing of Overall and Experimental Hypotheses concerning the nature of design activity and the relationship between designers' cognition and their use of CAD systems. In particular, a lack of understanding of the design process was perceived together with a need to utilize aspects of designers internal problem solving capabilities in the specification of electronio design aids. A multidisciplinary approach is used in review and experimental methods in order to associate theoretical aspects of design behaviour with the measurement of practice. The social, economic and industrial implications of new technology are reviewed in the light of their e~~ects upon intellectual industrial tasks, such as designing within the textile and other industries. Also considered are the theoretical aspects o~ designing and in particular the designers' cognitive activity is described in behavioural terms. Such theories are tested in experimental situations where the problem solving aspects are elicited from designers in relation to their internal schematic representation o~ design problems. Speci~ic conclusions in the area o~ person-system interaction concern both Hypotheses. Adaptation was ~ound to be best considered as another aspect of the holistio representation that a designer has of his task. This resulted ~rom a recognition o~ the individuals own methods o~ problem solving within the con~ines of the task. The use o~ repertory grid techniques ~or the investigation of designing did not prove however that a designer's internal spaoe is completely measurable. Indeed, it resulted that some phenomena associated with design appear ~undamentally subjective although it was £ound that identi~iable and individual oriteria are used by designers. The particular contribution that this work makes is in the assooiation o~ psychological, sociologioal and industrial aspects o~ designing in an approach to the adaptive behaviour of designers in their use of CAD "systems
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A Study of Dark Adaption of Freshman High School Girls and BoysWilliams, Ollie Ann 08 1900 (has links)
The children in this study were tested in their normal environment and without any effort to change this environment. It was felt that only through such an experiment could any evidence be gained regarding the influence of climatic conditions on the dark adaption of adolescents.
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Från barnbok till musiksaga : En undersökning om hur karaktärerna i Kiras och Luppes Bestiarium uppfattas genom en adaption / From children book to music book : A study of how the characters in Kira and Luppes Bestiary are perceived through an adaptationLindvall, David January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Text till bild : Från en kontext till en annanPoon, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Adaptioner av romaner är idag mer förekommande än tidigare och efterfrågan på adaptioner av romaner som ännu inte har filmatiserats är större än någonsin. En vanlig fråga som ställs när det gäller adaptioner är hur väl filmatiseringen följer originalmaterialet. Denna fråga har diskuterats djupgående bland romanläsare och filmtittare samt kritiker och forskare ända sedan Shakespears tid. Mycket av den här kritiken och diskussionen fokuserar på hur väl adapterad filmen är efter romanen, att vissa element saknas eller att dessa element är mycket sämre än vad de är i romanen. Jag anser att denna syn på adaption är alldeles för ytlig. Whelehan, Cartmell (1999) och Sanders (2006) analyserar om hur adaption har använts i bl.a. film och text. De ger bilden av att adaption inte är ett ämne som talar om vad som är rätt eller fel, utan istället är en definitionsfråga av flera faktorer. I detta kandidatarbete har jag utfört en undersökning där jag hoppas kunna belysa problematiken som kan uppstå när en roman adapteras till en visuell gestaltning och på så sätt skapa förståelse för att adaptionsprocessen inte är så enkel som den ser ut att vara. I undersökningen adapteras The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World till en framtidsmiljö, genom att hitta motsvarigheter mellan romanens värld och en framtidsmiljö och sedan skapa estetiska element utifrån romanens koncept av vad som anses vara trovärdigt. Resultatet är en serie konceptbilder som visar de element som har gestaltats från romanen. Jag finner att i slutändan är detta ett djupare ämne än vad jag först trodde att det var. Framtida undersökningar, där den som undersöker även har rollen som gestaltare, bör kompletteras med ytterligare en faktor, person. Detta är för att både utöka diskussionen, men framförallt för att observera och anteckna personen som både undersöker och gestaltar. / Novel adaptations have in the last half a century been more occuring than ever before. And novels that have yet not been adapted into film are more in demand than ever. A question often raised about adaptation, is whether how well it follows the original. Ever since Shakespear’s time, this question has frequently resulted in profound discussions by novelreaders and film viewers as well as critics and scholars. Usually the critique and discussions focus on whether how well the adaptation follows the original, some elements that is missing or how bad the adaptation is compared to the original. I think this view of adaptation is too superficial. Whelehan, Cartmell (1999) and Sanders (2006) have analyzed how adaptation has been used in film and text. They present adaptation as a subject that doesn’t tell right from wrong but instead is defined by several factors. In this bachelor thesis I have researched, I hope to illuminate the problems that can occur when a novel is adapted to a visual design and in so tell and understand that the adaptationprocess isn’t as simple as it seems. This thesis will adapt the novel The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World into a futuristic environment, by finding counterparts between the world in the novel and a futuristic world. Then create aesthetic elements based on the novels’ concept of reality. The result is a series of conceptual images that shows the elements that have been designed from the novel. I found this research was more profound than I thought it was before. In future research, when the researcher also acts as the designer, I would recommend it to be accompanied by another person. This is for two reasons, first to widen the discussion range. Second, to observe and take notes of the person that acts both as the researcher and designer.
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Stereotyper och Yrkesroller : En undersökning om igenkänning via yrkesrelaterade attribut. / Stereotypes and Working roles : A study of recognition through work-related attributes.Nilsson, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Detta är en studie vilken har undersökt huruvida en karaktärs kläder eller andra attribut påverkar betraktarens uppfattning om karaktären. Främst har indikationer på vilka stereotypa attribut som har störst inverkan eftersökts, kläder eller andra föremål och accessoarer? Fokus i undersökningen har således varit karaktärens visuellt applicerbara attribut, dess kläder och accessoarer, inte dess fysionomi, genus eller etnicitet. En kvinnlig figur utformad som en kentaur har använts som en form av klippdocka att applicera de olika attributen på.
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