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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The fears expressed and coping mechanisms of a selected group of middle childhood South African children living in a children's home

Burkhardt, Kathe-Erla 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to establish normative data regarding the fears expressed by and coping mechanisms in a selected group of middle childhood children living in a children's home with respect to content, number, level and pattern of fears and the coping mechanisms as well as their perceived efficacy. Children living in a children's home were referred to as children who were removed from family care as a result of lawful intervention and were thus seen as a special population. The secondary aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the fears expressed were found with respect to the independent variables of a special population and gender. The three measuring instruments were the Free-Option Method (FOM), the Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised (FSSC-R) and the Coping Strategy (CS). The FOM was used to determine the content and number of fears, the structured FSSC-R to establish the content, number, level and pattern of fears and the CS to obtain the coping mechanisms used and their perceived effectiveness. A predominantly quantitative method of data collection was used. This was also true for the data analysis. In all three questionnaires were completed by 141 children living in a children's home (70 boys and 71 girls) in the Western Cape between the ages of 8 and 13. The three questionnaires comprised of the FOM, FSSC-R and the CS and were administered in the above-mentioned order. The content of fears based on the results of the FOM yielded only a few similarities upon comparison to the findings of a recent study by. More similarities were apparent upon comparison of the results of the FSSC-R implying that the structuredness of the measuring instrument plays a role in how universal childhood fears really are. The number as well as level of fear was higher for the children living in a children's home in comparison to the results of normative populations. This also holds true for the level of fear on all of the fear factors of the FSSC-R Gender differences that were apparent, were consistent with previous research with girls expressing a higher number and level of fears than boys. The girls in comparison to the boys also displayed a higher level of fear on all the five factors. The coping strategy most often used as well as perceived effective was the secondary coping strategy. This was followed by the primary coping strategy and finally the relinquished control coping strategy. Specific coping strategies, which were utilised, were support seeking and avoidance and these are associated with a higher level of intemalising symptoms. Overall, the coping strategies utilised were found to be effective in reducing the fear experienced. Only a few similarities were apparent upon companson of the results of the two measunng instruments, the FOM and the FSSC-R, emphasising the need for the development of an South African Fear Schedule. Lastly, recommendations for future studies are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die onderhawige studie was die insameling van ·normatiewe data omtrent die uitgesproke vrese van 'n geselekteerde groep kinderhuiskinders in die middelkinderjare met betrekking tot die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese en die hanteringstrategieë, sowel as die waargenome effektiwiteit daarvan. Kinders wat in kinderhuise woon is kinders wat van hulle gesinne verwyder is as gevolg van 'n wetlike ingreep en hulle word om hierdie rede as 'n spesiale populasie beskou. Die sekondêre doel van die onderhawige studie was om vas te stelof daar verskille was in die uitgesproke vrese met betrekking tot die onafhanklike veranderlikes van 'n spesiale populasie en geslag. Die drie meetinstrumente wat toegepas is, is die "Free Option Method" (FOM), die ''Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised" (FSSC-R) en die "Coping Strategy"(CS). Die FOM is gebruik om die inhoud en aantal vrese te bepaal, terwyl die FSSC-R gebruik is om die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese te bepaal. Die CS is gebruik om die hanteringstrategieë en hul effektiwiteit te bepaal. 'n Oorwegend kwantitatiewe metode van data insameling, sowel as dataverwerking is vir hierdie studie gebruik. Drie vraelyste is beantwoord deur 141 kinders (70 seuns en 71 meisies) tussen die ouderdomme van 8 en 13 jaar wat in kinderhuise in die Wes-Kaap woon. Die FOM, FSSC-R en die CS is gebruik en in hierdie volgorde toegepas. Die inhoud van vrese wat op die resultate van die FOM gebaseer is, het weining ooreengestem met die navorsingsbevindings van 'n onlangse studie. Meer ooreenstemming is gevind met betrekking tot die inhoud van vrese wat gebaseer is op die FSSC-R resultate. Dit impliseer dat die gestruktureerdheid van die meetinstrumente 'n rol speel in hoe universeel vrese is. Die aantal sowel as vlak van vrese, was hoër vir die kinders wat in 'n kinderhuis woon vergeleke met die resultate van normatiewe populasies. Die bogenoemde is ook van toepassing ten opsigte van die vlak van vrese op al vyf faktore van die FSSC-R. Geslagsverskille wat voorgekom het, is in ooreenstemming met ander navorsingsresultate waar meisies, in vergelyking met seuns, meer vrese sowel as 'n hoër vlak van vrese op al vyffaktore van die FSSC-R getoon het. Die hanteringstrategieë wat die meeste deur die kinders gebruik is is die sekondêre hanteringstrategieë. Dit is gevolg deur die primêre hanteringstrategieë en laastens die opgegeë beheer hanteringstrategieë. Spesifieke hanteringstrategieë wat gebruik is, is ondersteuning en vermyding. Hierdie strategieë word geassosieer met 'n hoër vlak van geïnternaliseerde simptome. Oor die algemeen is die hanteringstrategieë as effektief beskou in die vermindering van vrese. Daar was min ooreenstemming tussen die resultate van die twee vrees meetinstrumente, die FOM en die FSSC-R, wat die behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van 'n vrees meetinstrument vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede beklemtoon. Ten slotte word enkele riglyne vir toekomstige navorsing gegee.

Construct Validation and Measurement Invariance of the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory for Educational Settings

Sanguras, Laila Y., 1977- 05 1900 (has links)
The present study examined the factor structure and measurement invariance of the revised version of the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28), following adjustment of the wording of items such that they were appropriate to assess Coping Skills in an educational setting. A sample of middle school students (n = 1,037) completed the revised inventory. An initial confirmatory factor analysis led to the hypothesis of a better fitting model with two items removed. Reliability of the subscales and the instrument as a whole was acceptable. Items were examined for sex invariance with differential item functioning (DIF) using item response theory, and five items were flagged for significant sex non-invariance. Following removal of these items, comparison of the mean differences between male and female coping scores revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. Further examination of the generalizability of the coping construct and the potential transfer of psychosocial skills between athletic and academic settings are warranted.

Sibbe van kinders met kanker se belewenis in die gesinsdinamika na behandeling

Boon, Wietske 30 November 2008 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The problem that motivated the study was that siblings of children with cancer may experience the relationships within the family differently after cancer treatment. The purpose was to investigate and describe how family dynamics are experienced by the siblings of a cancer patient after his/her treatment for cancer. The research methodology includes qualitative research of an explorative and descriptive nature. Data were collected through unstructured interviews with siblings of children who had received treatment for cancer. From this data eight categories were identified accordingly. Although the data do not indicate that siblings experienced family dynamics after treatment as problematic, as expected, the information contributes by making parents of cancer patients more aware of the siblings' emotions and needs. / Social Work / M.Diac (Spelterapie)

Kind in die middelkinderjare se belewing van vaderlike afwesigheid

De Jager, Irma 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / The child in his middle childhood years are confronted with physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual demands. The support from his parents enables him to make changes by using them as male and female role models. With a physically absent father the child has to face his absence and learn to handle it. The aim of this study was to investigate the child in the middle childhood’s experience of a physically absent father. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen respondents within the middle childhood years with the aim to explore their perceptions, experiences and how they manage with a physically absent father. The data collected during the empirical study was analyzed and compared with existing literature as a control mechanism. The study was completed with conclusions and recommendations that could be of value during an intervention with children in the middle childhood years experiencing a physically absent father. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

Aanneming : 'n narratiewe pastorale studie

Doyer, Anton Wilhelmus 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Narratiewe navors:ing is gedoen om vas te stel watter rol geloof speel in die aanneemgesin. Onderhoudvoering met aanneemouers het die kernfaktor in die funksionering van die gesin as die aanvaarding of verwerping van die verskil tussen gesinne wat deur aanneming saamgestel is en gesinne wat deur geboorte saamgestel is, uitgewys. V erwerping strem verhoudinge binne die gesin, maak die gesin kwesbaar vir stres en vervreemding tussen ouer en kind. Aanvaarding, aan die antler kant, beteken dat die ouer die behoefte van sy kind om met sy natuurlike ouers in aanrak:ing te kom, erken. So 'n houding bring 'n verbetering in die ouer-kindverhouding mee en gevolglik ook in die vennoe om ontwikkelingskrisisse te hanteer. Geloofkan 'n rol speel om an.gs en selftwyfel by die aanneemouers as gevolg van die onnatuurlike samestelling van die gesin te besweer, sodat hulle die verskil aanvaar en sodoende 'n gesonder perspektief op gesinwees ontwikkel. / Narrative research was done in order to establish the role of faith in the adoptive family. In interviews with adoptive parents it was found that the crucial factor in the functioning of the family is the acceptance or rejection of the differences between families created by adoption and those created by childbirth. Rejection hampers relationships within the family and renders it vulnerable to stress and enstrangement between parent and child. Acceptance on the other hand means that the parent recognises the need of the child to connect with his birth parents. This latter attitude results in improved relationships between parent and child and in more effectiveness in coping with developmental crises. Faith can play a role to cl.ispell the anxciety and self-doubt of adoptive parents resulting from the unnatural constitution of their family, accept the differences and in that way may contribute to a healthier perspective on the family. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Pastoral Theraphy)

Riglyne vir die ouer van die chroniese siek kind

Green, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research sets guidelines for parents of chronically ill children. The guidelines are aimed at equipping the parents to cope more efficiently with the chronic illness and to support other family members in doing so. The nature of chronic illness and its effect on the sick child, his education, the parents and siblings have been researched in the literature study. Chronic illness affects family members in different ways. The· illness affects the sick child's physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development. The parent's total existence and the education of their child are also affected. The illness influences the emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development of siblings. The effect of chronic illness on family members gives rise to certain needs concerned with coping with the illness. Parents as the caretakers of the family and educators of the child are mainly responsible, to assist family members to deal with the illness and its consequences. An empirical study was carried out, involving 102 parents of chronically ill children. This study confirmed that the chronic illness impedes the education process and complicates the adequate development and maturation of specifically the sick child. The effect that chronic illness has on other family members was also confirmed. The empirical study proved that parents need assistance to cope with the illness. They need assistance for themselves as well as assistance in helping other family members to cope. Based on this literature study and the results of the empirical research, guidelines were developed for the parents of the chronically ill child. These guidelines empower the parents in their support roles. It enables them to deal with the needs of the family thereby enabling family members to cope more efficiently with the illness. Several guidelines have been given regarding how to cope with the matters concerned with educational, physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial consequences of the illness. Parents should streamline these guidelines to suit the needs of every unique child and the rest of his family. / Hierdie navorsing stel riglyne vir ouers van 'n cluoniese siek kind. Die riglyne is daarop gemik om die ouers te bemagtig om cluoniese siekte beter te kan hanteer en ander gesinslede te steun in hulle hantering van die siekte. Die aard van cluoniese siekte en die effek daarvan op die siek kind, sy opvoeding, die ouers en sibbe is in die literatuurstudie nagevors. Cluoniese siekte raak elke gesinslid op verskeie wyses. Die siek kind se liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling word deur die siekte beYnvloed. Ouers se totale bestaan en hulle opvoeding van die kind word deur die siekte geraak. Die siekte beYnvloed sibbe se emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling. Die effek van chroniese siekte op elke gesinslid laat behoeftes, wat met die hantering van die siekte verband hou, by elkeen ontstaan. Ouers as versorgers van die gesin en opvoeders van die kind is grootliks verantwoordelik om die siek kind en ander gesinslede te help om die siekte en die gevolge daarvan te hanteer. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby I 02 ouers van cluoniese siek kinders betrek is. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevestig dat cluoniese siekte opvoeding kan bemoeilik en toereikende ontwikkeling en volwassewording by veral die siek kind kompliseer. Chroniese siekte se effek op die ander gesinslede is ook bevestig. Die empiriese ondersoek het aangedui dat ouers behoeftes aan hulp het om die siekte te kan hanteer. Ouers se behoeftes het verband gehou met hulp aan hulself en hulp om die ander gesinslede te help om die siekte beter te hanteer. Op grond van die literatuurstudie en die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek, is riglyne vir ouers van die cluoniese siek kind geskryf. Die riglyne bemagtig ouers as steungewers deurdat hulle toenemend in staat gestel word om in die gesin se behoeftes te voorsien, sodat gesinslede die siekte beter kan hanteer. Verskeie riglyne om sake rakende die siekte te hanteer, is gegee. Daar is aan opvoedkundige, liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale aspekte aandag gegee. Die ouers behoort die riglyne te verbesonder vir elke unieke kind en sy gesin. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed.(Sielkunde Opvoedkunde)

Sibbe van kinders met kanker se belewenis in die gesinsdinamika na behandeling

Boon, Wietske 30 November 2008 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The problem that motivated the study was that siblings of children with cancer may experience the relationships within the family differently after cancer treatment. The purpose was to investigate and describe how family dynamics are experienced by the siblings of a cancer patient after his/her treatment for cancer. The research methodology includes qualitative research of an explorative and descriptive nature. Data were collected through unstructured interviews with siblings of children who had received treatment for cancer. From this data eight categories were identified accordingly. Although the data do not indicate that siblings experienced family dynamics after treatment as problematic, as expected, the information contributes by making parents of cancer patients more aware of the siblings' emotions and needs. / Social Work / M.Diac (Spelterapie)

Kind in die middelkinderjare se belewing van vaderlike afwesigheid

De Jager, Irma 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / The child in his middle childhood years are confronted with physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual demands. The support from his parents enables him to make changes by using them as male and female role models. With a physically absent father the child has to face his absence and learn to handle it. The aim of this study was to investigate the child in the middle childhood’s experience of a physically absent father. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen respondents within the middle childhood years with the aim to explore their perceptions, experiences and how they manage with a physically absent father. The data collected during the empirical study was analyzed and compared with existing literature as a control mechanism. The study was completed with conclusions and recommendations that could be of value during an intervention with children in the middle childhood years experiencing a physically absent father. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

Aanneming : 'n narratiewe pastorale studie

Doyer, Anton Wilhelmus 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Narratiewe navors:ing is gedoen om vas te stel watter rol geloof speel in die aanneemgesin. Onderhoudvoering met aanneemouers het die kernfaktor in die funksionering van die gesin as die aanvaarding of verwerping van die verskil tussen gesinne wat deur aanneming saamgestel is en gesinne wat deur geboorte saamgestel is, uitgewys. V erwerping strem verhoudinge binne die gesin, maak die gesin kwesbaar vir stres en vervreemding tussen ouer en kind. Aanvaarding, aan die antler kant, beteken dat die ouer die behoefte van sy kind om met sy natuurlike ouers in aanrak:ing te kom, erken. So 'n houding bring 'n verbetering in die ouer-kindverhouding mee en gevolglik ook in die vennoe om ontwikkelingskrisisse te hanteer. Geloofkan 'n rol speel om an.gs en selftwyfel by die aanneemouers as gevolg van die onnatuurlike samestelling van die gesin te besweer, sodat hulle die verskil aanvaar en sodoende 'n gesonder perspektief op gesinwees ontwikkel. / Narrative research was done in order to establish the role of faith in the adoptive family. In interviews with adoptive parents it was found that the crucial factor in the functioning of the family is the acceptance or rejection of the differences between families created by adoption and those created by childbirth. Rejection hampers relationships within the family and renders it vulnerable to stress and enstrangement between parent and child. Acceptance on the other hand means that the parent recognises the need of the child to connect with his birth parents. This latter attitude results in improved relationships between parent and child and in more effectiveness in coping with developmental crises. Faith can play a role to cl.ispell the anxciety and self-doubt of adoptive parents resulting from the unnatural constitution of their family, accept the differences and in that way may contribute to a healthier perspective on the family. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th.(Pastoral Theraphy)

Riglyne vir die ouer van die chroniese siek kind

Green, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research sets guidelines for parents of chronically ill children. The guidelines are aimed at equipping the parents to cope more efficiently with the chronic illness and to support other family members in doing so. The nature of chronic illness and its effect on the sick child, his education, the parents and siblings have been researched in the literature study. Chronic illness affects family members in different ways. The· illness affects the sick child's physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development. The parent's total existence and the education of their child are also affected. The illness influences the emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial development of siblings. The effect of chronic illness on family members gives rise to certain needs concerned with coping with the illness. Parents as the caretakers of the family and educators of the child are mainly responsible, to assist family members to deal with the illness and its consequences. An empirical study was carried out, involving 102 parents of chronically ill children. This study confirmed that the chronic illness impedes the education process and complicates the adequate development and maturation of specifically the sick child. The effect that chronic illness has on other family members was also confirmed. The empirical study proved that parents need assistance to cope with the illness. They need assistance for themselves as well as assistance in helping other family members to cope. Based on this literature study and the results of the empirical research, guidelines were developed for the parents of the chronically ill child. These guidelines empower the parents in their support roles. It enables them to deal with the needs of the family thereby enabling family members to cope more efficiently with the illness. Several guidelines have been given regarding how to cope with the matters concerned with educational, physical, emotional, cognitive, moral and psychosocial consequences of the illness. Parents should streamline these guidelines to suit the needs of every unique child and the rest of his family. / Hierdie navorsing stel riglyne vir ouers van 'n cluoniese siek kind. Die riglyne is daarop gemik om die ouers te bemagtig om cluoniese siekte beter te kan hanteer en ander gesinslede te steun in hulle hantering van die siekte. Die aard van cluoniese siekte en die effek daarvan op die siek kind, sy opvoeding, die ouers en sibbe is in die literatuurstudie nagevors. Cluoniese siekte raak elke gesinslid op verskeie wyses. Die siek kind se liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling word deur die siekte beYnvloed. Ouers se totale bestaan en hulle opvoeding van die kind word deur die siekte geraak. Die siekte beYnvloed sibbe se emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale ontwikkeling. Die effek van chroniese siekte op elke gesinslid laat behoeftes, wat met die hantering van die siekte verband hou, by elkeen ontstaan. Ouers as versorgers van die gesin en opvoeders van die kind is grootliks verantwoordelik om die siek kind en ander gesinslede te help om die siekte en die gevolge daarvan te hanteer. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby I 02 ouers van cluoniese siek kinders betrek is. Die empiriese ondersoek het bevestig dat cluoniese siekte opvoeding kan bemoeilik en toereikende ontwikkeling en volwassewording by veral die siek kind kompliseer. Chroniese siekte se effek op die ander gesinslede is ook bevestig. Die empiriese ondersoek het aangedui dat ouers behoeftes aan hulp het om die siekte te kan hanteer. Ouers se behoeftes het verband gehou met hulp aan hulself en hulp om die ander gesinslede te help om die siekte beter te hanteer. Op grond van die literatuurstudie en die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek, is riglyne vir ouers van die cluoniese siek kind geskryf. Die riglyne bemagtig ouers as steungewers deurdat hulle toenemend in staat gestel word om in die gesin se behoeftes te voorsien, sodat gesinslede die siekte beter kan hanteer. Verskeie riglyne om sake rakende die siekte te hanteer, is gegee. Daar is aan opvoedkundige, liggaamlike, emosionele, kognitiewe, morele en psigososiale aspekte aandag gegee. Die ouers behoort die riglyne te verbesonder vir elke unieke kind en sy gesin. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed.(Sielkunde Opvoedkunde)

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