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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mejoramiento del Proceso de Asignación de Cargos de Oficiales Superiores y Subalternos de la Policía Nacional del Perú

Ato Morales, Carlos Augusto, Calla Delgado, Walter Octavio 18 July 2023 (has links)
El proyecto de innovación aborda el problema de la administración de recursos humanos de la Policía Nacional del Perú [PNP], habiéndose definido el problema que viene aquejando a la PNP en la asignación anual de Oficiales Superiores y Subalternos (desde Alférez a Coronel), que es la inoportuna asignación de cargos de dichos Oficiales PNP. En el capítulo I del presente Proyecto de innovación se realizó la definición y la descripción del problema a estudiar: La Inoportuna asignación de cargos de Oficiales Superiores y Subalternos de la PNP durante el periodo 2018-2019, determinándose su marco conceptual, arquitectura y marco institucional y normativo. En el capítulo II, las causas del problema fueron identificadas, usándose el método de la espina de Ishikawa, identificando sus causas principales como son: el deficiente planeamiento de recursos humanos, el favoritismo y la descoordinación de la Unidades que ejecutan los procesos técnicos en la PNP. Se seleccionó la causa que obtuvo mayor puntaje: Deficiente planeamiento en la gestión de recursos humanos en la PNP, siendo la Unidad responsable la Dirección de Recursos Humanos [DIRREHUM] de la PNP. Este deficiente planeamiento en la gestión de recursos humanos en la PNP es la causa principal que viene ocasionando el problema de la inoportuna asignación de cargos de Oficiales en la PNP, ya que la asignación de cargos es un proceso técnico que se da en forma anual y debe planificarse con antelación para lograr que los Oficiales PNP sean asignados en sus cargos los primeros días de enero de cada año. En el Capítulo III, se diseñó un prototipo de alta resolución que constituye una Directiva que regule el mapa de proceso de asignación de cargos de Oficiales PNP, estableciéndose tres fases: Fase inicial (Setiembre): Fase intermedia (Setiembre-octubre), y Fase final y de ejecución (noviembre- diciembre). En cada una de estas fases se ha establecido etapas de cumplimiento obligatorio con un cronograma de actividades para realizar el planeamiento de los recursos humanos y lograr la asignación de cargos en forma oportuna en la PNP. / This innovation project addresses the problem in Human Resources Management of the Peruvian Police Institution (PNP), after defining the problem that has been afflicting the PNP in the annual assignment of Superior and Subaltern Officers (from the Second Lieutenant to Colonel) to their positions, which is the inopportune assignment of officers. In Chapter I, of this Innovation Project, the problem to be studied was defined and described as: The inopportune assignment of Superior and Subaltern Officers of the PNP for 2018 and 2019, defining its conceptual framework, architecture, and institutional and regulatory framework. In Chapter II, the causes of the problem were identified using the Ishikawa fishbone method. Its main causes were determined as deficient planning of Human Resources, Favoritism, and Lack of Coordination of the PNP Departments that execute the technical processes. The cause that obtained the highest score was chosen: Deficient Planning of the PNP Human Resources, with the responsible Department being the Human Resources Directorate (DIRREHUM). Deficient Planning in the PNP Human Resources Management is the main cause of the problem of the inopportune assignment of officers, due to the assignment of officers is a technical process that occurs annually and must be planned in advance to ensure that PNP Officers are assigned to their positions each year in the first days of January. In Chapter III, a Directive model was designed to establish regulations for the PNP Officers assignment process, defining three phases: Initial phase (September), Intermediate phase (September-October), and Final phase & Execution (November-December). In each of these phases, mandatory stages were determined with a schedule of activities to carry out the Human Resources Planning in order to achieve an opportune Officers assignment in the PNP.

Reestructuración de la Comisión de Gestión de los recursos propios, y actividades productivas y empresariales de las instituciones educativas de la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP)

Quiñe Zavaleta, Victor Hugo, Sotil Niño, Santiago 18 July 2023 (has links)
The present research contains the proposal of Innovation on a prototype of Project for the "Restructuring of the management commission of own resources and productive and entrepreneurial activities of the PNP educational institutions" facing the ineffective administrative management in the PNP educational institutions in Lima during the period 2017-2018, whose objective is to answer the question In what way the Administrative Management has been ineffective in the PNP Educational Institutions in the Lima Region, during the period 2017 - 2018? From the approach of Education, the methodology of analysis has been developed structurally carrying out the research, through the evidence described and explained, applying the statistical operational method of descriptive analysis, complying with the methodological process of research for the survey of the administrative part, parents and teachers, whose result will facilitate the existence of the facts enunciated through the study. Concluding the research process through the descriptive method and explanations, it has been described in detail with evidence and the systematization of data from the method that the commissions of Management of own resources, and productive and entrepreneurial activities of the educational institutions of the National Police of Peru have demonstrated an inefficient administration of economic resources by those responsible, generating a situation of social conflict among the actors of the educational institutions of the PNP. / The present research contains the proposal of Innovation on a prototype of Project for the "Restructuring of the management commission of own resources and productive and entrepreneurial activities of the PNP educational institutions" facing the ineffective administrative management in the PNP educational institutions in Lima during the period 2017-2018, whose objective is to answer the question In what way the Administrative Management has been ineffective in the PNP Educational Institutions in the Lima Region, during the period 2017 - 2018? From the approach of Education, the methodology of analysis has been developed structurally carrying out the research, through the evidence described and explained, applying the statistical operational method of descriptive analysis, complying with the methodological process of research for the survey of the administrative part, parents and teachers, whose result will facilitate the existence of the facts enunciated through the study. Concluding the research process through the descriptive method and explanations, it has been described in detail with evidence and the systematization of data from the method that the commissions of Management of own resources, and productive and entrepreneurial activities of the educational institutions of the National Police of Peru have demonstrated an inefficient administration of economic resources by those responsible, generating a situation of social conflict among the actors of the educational institutions of the PNP.

Fortalecimiento de la gestión disciplinaria de la III MACREPOL-La Libertad mediante la implementación del aplicativo tecnológico Pulso Disciplinario

Pinto Aranibar, Rubi Elvis, Gurreonero Diaz, Walter Segundo 23 June 2023 (has links)
La disciplina es especialmente relevante en los cuerpos armados como los ejércitos de tierra, aire y agua; así como los cuerpos de seguridad pública y ciudadana. Debido principalmente, porque el adecuado cumplimiento de las órdenes superiores y asegurar el cumplimiento de la misión, demandará en muchas ocasiones, la exposición de la vida del militar o policía, o en el mejor de los casos poner en grave riesgo la integridad física y psicológica del servidor policial o militar. En los cuerpos armados, implica el acatamiento consciente y voluntario de las normas institucionales, así como las disposiciones emitidas por los superiores, para el cumplimiento adecuado de las acciones o actividades previstas, el éxito de la misión y el logro de los objetivos previstos. Desde esta perspectiva, la disciplina debe ser una condición especialmente necesaria en todos los efectivos policiales, para asegurar la calidad de los servicios policiales en general en favor de brindar seguridad pública y ciudadana a nivel de la III MACREPOL - La Libertad. El presente estudio está orientado a establecer el nivel de indisciplina del personal de la jerarquía de suboficiales de la PNP y su influencia en la calidad del servicio policial en la III MACREPOL - La Libertad. / Discipline is especially relevant in armed forces such as the army of land, air and water; as well as the public and citizen security bodies. Mainly, because the adequate fulfillment of superior orders and ensuring the fulfillment of the mission, will demand, on many occasions, the exposure of the life of the military or police officer, or in the best of cases, putting the physical and psychological integrity at serious risk. from the server. Discipline, in the armed forces, implies conscious and voluntary compliance with the institutional norms, as well as the provisions issued by superiors, for the adequate fulfillment of the planned actions or activities, the success of the mission, and the achievement of the objectives planned. From this perspective, discipline should be an especially necessary condition for all police officers, to ensure the quality of police services in general in favor of providing public and citizen security at the level of the III POLICE MACREPOL - LA LIBERTAD. This study is aimed at establishing the level of indiscipline of the subordinate personnel of the PNP and its influence on the quality of the police service in the III MACREPOL PNP LA LIBERTAD.

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