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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HRM to E-HRM : Change in Human Resource Management; effect to social sustainability

MUGERWA, EDWARD January 2020 (has links)
Problem:Many businesses today, based on the stakeholder’s theory, suggest thatsustainability can only be achieved through the fulfillment of the stakeholder’s in-terests. These interests are centered around adding value to the stakeholders forexample; shareholders in terms of increased dividends. The value in form of profitmaximization, which suppresses the need for other pillars of sustainability to prevail.In this thesis, an argument is presented that a balance should be achieved in all threepillars of. The economic, social and environmental sustainability. It further arguesthat the shift fromH.R.Mtoe−H.R.Mis crucial for innovations and inventions,focused on the development of such technologies, that bolster social sustainability.However, any change may have to put into consideration the company or organiza-tion’s size, this is because somee−H.R.Mtools might not be efficient and effectivefor small-size companies as defined in the report. Purpose:The purpose of this study is to add insight to the concept ofe−H.R.M, and further explore to which extent ise−H.R.Ma driver towards social sus-tainability, reflecting onthe downside of the change which such sustainability mightcreate. Method:Data collection was through interviews. Three managers, two C.E.Os anda former employee from three companies were involved. The interviews were con-ducted via telephone that lasted between30to40minutes. However, a face-to-facefollow up interview was conducted for one of the participants. All interviews wererecorded with the consent of the participants and later transcribed and analysed. Results:The interviewees agreed thate−H.R.Mtools and strategies helped tocreate harmony at work and simplified communication, training and aided the per-formance and appraisal process of employees, which is used during the incentivesprocess, a form of motivation in the organisation. Conclusion:The conclusion from this study is that,e−H.R.Mis a good changefromH.R.Mand that it plays a big role in organizational social sustainability. Abalance should, however, be gained to also put into consideration other pillars. Thestudy contradicts the stakeholders’ theory that only focuses on the economic part ofsustainability through profit maximization, favorable for functional markets alone.

The Impact of Pre-Adoption Stress on the Romanian Adoptees' Transitions to Adulthood and Adult Attachment: Perspectives of the Adoptees and the Adoptive Parents

Nedelcu, Cristina 01 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Southern California Water Management: Practical Adoptions and Policy Recommendations

Kos, Blake 01 January 2011 (has links)
Contrary to popular belief, the L.A. region is more of a desert than a tropical oasis. Little rainfall during the winter months and practically no rainfall during the summer months is characteristic of Southern California’s desert-like weather patterns. Due to these low precipitation levels, water is considered the most important commodity in the Los Angeles region. Prior to 1900, the inhabitants of this area were fully aware of the importance of water. Most settlements were established near water sources and had adopted various techniques and constructed small-scale dams to conserve and reuse rainwater. Yet these measures were not sufficient to sustain large populations during drought conditions. Most settlers were forced to seek other areas where more reliable sources of water were found. The construction of early engineering feats like the Los Angeles aqueduct quickly changed prior perceptions of the region’s potential. Such systems allowed for cheap and previously inaccessible water to flow to the abundant land, spurring an unprecedented population and agricultural boom. For decades, the construction of more aqueducts and canals provided a sufficient amount of water to meet the demand in the region’s growing agricultural and financial economy. As the abundance of land and favorable weather attracted more businesses and industries into the region, more and more homes were built to accommodate the workforce. By 1936, the Hoover Dam had been built and California had signed and agreed to the Colorado River Compact, which granted Southern California 4.4 million acre-feet annually of the Colorado River’s water. As a result, relatively cheap water was able to meet the demands, thus catapulting California’s agricultural industry and residential development.

"Lorsque l'enfant paraît", rencontres, liens et ruptures : une approche anthropologique des adoptions en Colombie.

Delord, Amandine 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'adoption internationale en Colombie représente 14 % des adoptions françaises à l'étranger en 2011. Elle est un système de juxtaposition et d'imbrication d'acteurs et d'expériences de parenté. De par sa dimension transnationale, l'adoption lie des acteurs asymétriques avec pour extrémités les parents adoptants européens et la génitrice colombienne. Mais son inscription dans le contexte local de parenté colombienne révèle également l'importance d'un tissu relationnel dense et varié, constitué de divers transferts d'enfants en parallèle. Quant à son statut officiel et formel, il implique l'intervention de l'État dans la définition, la mise en forme et l'application de la pratique de l'adoption. Ainsi, ce travail est le fruit d'une ethnographie multi-située du système de l'adoption en Colombie avec un abord depuis les différentes positions possibles. L'objectif est alors d'interroger la logique de chaque acteur impliqué et les enjeux existants autour de l'enfant : comment l'acte de mise en adoption prend-il sens pour une mère, dont la grossesse n'est pas désirée ? Selon quels critères l'État définit-il l'adoptabilité d'un enfant ? Quelles sont les modalités d'implication de la famille d'accueil dans ce maternage transitoire ? Et enfin, de quelle manière les parents adoptants assument-ils leur rôle dans la (re)construction identitaire de l'enfant ? Regards, vécus, positionnements se rencontrent et s'articulent, témoignant souvent de rapports de pouvoir. L'adoption parle ainsi d'un exercice de contrôle sur la vie et les corps, mettant à jour une inter-sectionnalité de mécanismes de dominations (" postcoloniale ", étatique, hétérosexuelle, voire raciale), repérée et analysée dans cette thèse.

Public Child Welfare Adoption: The adoptive parent and adolescent adoptee perception of adoption outcomes

Wood, Zoe Breen 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Faktorer bakom adoption av styrmodeller : Tio svenska stora företag med olika strukturella attribut

Bodin Kristiansen, Malin, Johnson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskriva och kartlägga hur adoptionen av styrmodeller kan se ut i stora företag och utifrån detta identifiera vilken betydelse olika faktorer karaktäriserade av individuella-, organisationella- och omvärldsaspekter som påverkar adoptionen. Detta för att öka kunskapen om vilka faktorer som kan ligga bakom adoptionen av styrmodeller och hur dessa påverkar. Vidare är syftet att explorativt finna mönster mellan påverkande faktorer och företags strukturella attribut för att se hur möjliga kopplingar till företagens strukturer kan se ut. Studien bidrar därmed iutvecklingen av ett mer holistiskt synsätt. För att uppnå syftet utgår studien från sju faktorer; rationella och effektiva, psykodynamiska, retoriska och mode, politiska, kulturella, tvingande samt härmande och trender som på olika sätt påverkar adoptionen inom företag. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio stycken stora företag i Norrbotten med olika attribut inom ledartyp, ägarform och koncernförhållande. Företagens deltagare utgjordes av beslutsfattare med höga positioner inom företaget medinsikt i adoptionsprocessen som ingående kunde förklara händelser som påverkade adoptionen. Resultaten indikerar på att samtliga sju faktorer i olika grad påverkar företagens adoption av styrmodeller. Framförallt var de rationella och effektiva faktorerna klart framträdande som den faktor med högst påverkan inom samtliga företag eftersom att adoptionsbeslutet ofta grundade sig i någon form av problem eller kris. Resterande faktorer påverkade i olika utsträckning, där det fanns antydningar om mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. Studien formulerade sex hypoteser kopplat till funna mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. / The purpose of this thesis is to describe and map how the adoption of management practices works in large companies and to identify the importance of different factors characterized of individual, organizational and environmental aspects that can affect the adoption. This to increase knowledge about the underlying factors that might affect the adoption of management practices. Furthermore, the purpose is to exploratively find patterns between influencing factors and corporate structural attributes to identify how possible connections to corporate structures may exist. This study contributes to the development of a more holistic approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is based on seven different factors; Rational and effective, psychodynamic, rhetorical and fashion, political, cultural, forced-selection (coercive), and imitation (mimetic) and trends that affect business adoption in various ways. This study was conducted through qualitativeinterviews with ten large companies in Norrbotten with different attributes in the management type, ownership and corporate relationship. The companies’ participants consisted of high-level decision-makers within each company with insight into the adoption process, which could thus explain in detail the events that affected the adoption. The results indicate that all seven factors influence the companies’ adoption of management practices to a different extent. In particular, the rational and effective factors were clearly prominent as the factors with the highest impact within all companies, because the adoption decision was often based on some kind of problem or crisis. Remaining factors affected to varying degrees, where there were indications of patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes. The study formulated six hypotheses linked to found patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes.

Faculty Senate Minutes September 12, 2016

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 04 October 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Obchodování s lidmi v Latinské Americe / Human Trafficking in Latin America

Špinderová, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis examined human trafficking in Latin America focusing on child trafficking in chosen countries and showed the importance of prevention. One major key point is to develop more strategies helping youngsters avoid being trapped in human trafficking. Major role is played by parents and teachers who are in daily contact with young people and can help them to develop their critical thinking. Method used in our research include case study approach, more precisely instrumental case study. Using this method, we try to illustrate the phenomena occurring in selected Latin American countries, namely the problem of child soldiers in Colombia, the criadazgo system in Paraguay, Brazil Baby Affair and the problem of illegal adoptions in Brazil, and last but not least, the issue of child sexual exploitation in Venezuela. Since these countries have different experiences and also their will to deal with the issue is distinct, it is not possible to compare their approaches to the problem. Therefore, based on our observations, we have created common factors that may contribute to increasing human trafficking in the region, as well as focusing on the characteristics of society that lead to the primary use of children and women as the main victims of this criminal activity. The aim of the thesis is to...

Har svenska nyhetsmedier privilegierat Apple Inc? : Undersökning av hur svenska nyhetsmedier publicerar artiklar kopplade till innovationer och företag

Rosrell, Cecilia Anna, Grunander, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Sverige anses vara en av världens mest avancerade IT-nationer, där användningen av IT ökar inom både den offentliga och privata sektorn. Företag inom IT branschen expanderar i en starkt föränderlig bransch. En rad olika faktorer har varit grunden till Sveriges position som IT-nation, bland annat en ingenjörs- och innovationstradition över en lång tid, även faktorer som den utbreda användningen av IT i samhället och en snabbhet att implementera nya innovationer. IT-branschen i Sverige utgör 4 % av de sysselsatta i Sverige där omsättning, såväl som antalet anställda, faktiskt ökat även under konjunktursvackor. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om svenska nyhetsmedier i större utsträckning publicerat nyheter om Apple än om deras konkurrenter på smartphone marknaden. For att lättare kunna genomföra studien ska dessa frågeställningar besvaras: Hur har Apple lyckats bygga upp en hajp kring sitt varumärke i Sverige? Har Apple exponerats mer i svenska nyhetsmedier än konkurrenterna på smartphone marknaden? På vilket sätt påverkar svensk nyhetsmedia bilden av Apple? De teorier som används i studien är innovationsteorin, dagordningsteorin samt konsumentbeteendeteorin. Inledningsvis sker en fallstudie där det via sökmotorn på DN och SvD nätupplagor har summerats ihop antalet ordträffar på utvalda ord. Baserat på resultaten av ordanalys utvecklas en semistrukturerad telefonintervju som genomförs med DN. Parallellt sker en semistrukturerad intervju med en anställd på en reklambyrå inriktat mot hur specifikt Apple har gått tillväga för att skapa hajp. Utifrån vår undersökning och analys kom vi fram till att svenska nyhetsmedier inte styrs av bakomliggande faktorer när de offentliggör nyheter om företag. Publiceringar sker baserat på deras uppfattning om hur det allmänintresset ser ut hos läsarna. Apple är väldigt selektiva med att släppa ut information gällande företaget och runt deras produkter, detta resulterar i ett intresse från pressen att först publicera information från Apple, motiverat utifrån ett allmänintresse i samhället.

Rodina a žena v kyrgyzské společnosti / The Family and Women in Kyrgyz Society

Gregorová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the status of women in Central Asian society, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, and the phenomena of the Kyrgyz family that is the central part of daily living of Kyrgyz people. We provide an introduction to the region, followed by an analysis of a social stratification of Kyrgyz society and a various types of families. The next chapter describes the three major historical periods and changes in women's position in the society. The first period spans up to 1917, its end marked by the Bolshevik coup. Until that time, The Kyrgyz society was nomadic, organized into tribes, clans, and large patriarchal families. The 1920's were tumultuous times for the Central Asian region, at that time newly dominated by the Soviet rule, undergoing industrialization, public education, experiencing improvements in health care, but on the other hand also confiscation, forced resettlement, and russification. New rights have been granted to women, however local patriarchal and feudal traditions persisted and continued in the local societies. After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Kyrgyz people started returning to their national traditions and discrimination against women started to be openly discussed in the society. Our historical retrospective analysis explores the major types of Kyrgyz...

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