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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hot-Wire Anemometer for the Boundary Layer Data System

Neumeister, William D 01 July 2012 (has links)
Hot-wire anemometry has been routinely employed for laboratory measurements of turbulence for decades. This thesis presents a hot-wire anemometer suitable for use with the Boundary Layer Data System (BLDS). BLDS provides a unique platform for in- flight measurements because of its small, self-contained, robust design and flexible architecture. Addition of a hot-wire anemometer would provide BLDS with a sensor that could directly measure flow velocity fluctuations caused by turbulence. Hot-wires are commonly operated in constant-temperature mode for high frequency response, but require a carefully tuned bridge. The constant-voltage anemometer (CVA) uses a simple op-amp circuit to improve frequency response over constant-current operation. Due to its balance between ease of operation and performance, a CVA system built for this project was tested with a 3.8 micron diameter, platinum-coated tungsten probe. The CVA was calibrated in a steady jet and a power-law curve fit accurately represented the calibration data. The CVA successfully measured velocity fluctuations in a turbulent jet, as well as in laminar and tripped turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate in a 110 MPH wind tunnel. CVA frequency response was investigated using a thermal/electrical model, controlled oscillation in a steady flow, and with a square wave test; these three methods showed agreement. The CVA is selected for integration with BLDS.

Rayleigh Flow of Two-Phase Nitrous Oxide as a Hybrid Rocket Nozzle Coolant

Nelson, Lauren May 01 September 2009 (has links)
The Mechanical Engineering Department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo currently maintains a lab-scale hybrid rocket motor for which nitrous oxide is utilized as the oxidizer in the combustion system. Because of its availability, the same two-phase (gas and liquid) nitrous oxide that is used in the combustion system is also routed around the throat of the hybrid rocket’s converging-diverging nozzle as a coolant. While this coolant system has proven effective empirically in previous tests, the physics behind the flow of the two-phase mixture is largely unexplained. This thesis provides a method for predicting some of its behavior by modeling it using the classic gas dynamics scenarios of Rayleigh and Fanno flows which refer to one-dimensional, compressible, inviscid flow in a constant area duct with heat addition and friction. The two-phase model produced utilizes a separated phase with interface exchange model for predicting whether or not dryout occurs. The Shah correlation is used to predict heat transfer coefficients in the nucleate boiling regime. The homogeneous flow model is utilized to predict pressure drop. It is proposed that a Dittus-Boelter based correlation much like that of Groeneveld be developed for modeling heat transfer coefficients upon the collection of sufficient data. Data was collected from a series of tests on the hybrid rocket nozzle to validate this model. The tests were first run for the simplified case of an ideal gas (helium) coolant to verify the experimental setup and promote confidence in subsequent two-phase experimental results. The results of these tests showed good agreement with a combined Rayleigh-Fanno model with a few exceptions including: (1) reduced experimental gas pressure and temperature in the annulus entrance and exit regions compared to the model and (2) reduced experimentally measured copper temperatures uniformly through the annulus. These discrepancies are likely explained by the geometry of the flowpath and location of the copper thermocouples respectively. Next, a series of two-phase cooled experiments were run. Similar trends were seen to the helium experiment with regards to entrance and exit regions. The two-phase Rayleigh homogeneous flow model underpredicted pressure drop presumably due to the inviscid assumption. Ambiguity was observed in the fluid temperature measurements but the trend seemed to suggest that mild thermal non-equilibrium existed. In both cases, the dryout model predicted that mist flow (a post-CHF regime) occurred over most of the annulus. Several modifications should be implemented in future endeavors. These include: (1) collecting more data to produce a heat transfer coefficient correlation specific to the nitrous oxide system of interest, (2) accounting for thermal non-equilibrium, (3) accounting for entrance and exit effects, and (4) developing a two-phase Fanno model.

Mechanisms and Identification of Unsteady Separation Development and Remediation

Melius, Matthew Scott 09 January 2018 (has links)
Unsteady flow separation represents a highly complex and important area of study within fluid mechanics. The extent of separation and specific time scales over which it occurs are not fully understood and has significant consequences in numerous industrial applications such as helicopters, jet engines, hydroelectric turbines and wind turbines. A direct consequence of unsteady separation is the erratic movement of the separation point which causes highly dynamic and unpredictable loads on an airfoil. Current computational models underestimate the aerodynamic loads due to the inaccurate prediction of the emergence and severity of unsteady flow separation especially in response to a sudden change in the effective angle of attack. To capture the complex flow phenomena over wind turbine blades during stall development, a scaled three-dimensional non-rotating blade model is designed to be dynamically similar to a rotating full-scale NREL 5MW wind turbine blade. A time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) investigation of flow behavior during the stall cycle examines the processes of stall development and flow reattachment. The flow fields are examined through the application of Eulerian techniques such as proper orthogonal decomposition and empirical mode decomposition to capture unsteady separation characteristics within the flow field. Then, for a higher order description, coherent structures such as vortices and material lines are resolved to fully characterize the flow during a full pitching cycle in a Lagrangian framework. The Eulerian and Lagrangian methods described in the present analysis is extended to investigate the spanwise characteristics within the root section of a three dimensional airfoil. Furthermore, statistical information of the separation point is pursued along four spanwise positions during two cases of unsteady separation. The results of the study describe a critical role of surface vorticity accumulation in unsteady separation and reattachment. Evaluation of the unsteady characteristics of the shear layer reveal evidence that the build-up and shedding of surface vorticity directly influence the dynamic changes in separation point. The quantitative characterization of surface vorticity and shear layer stability enables improved aerodynamic design, but also has broader implications on the larger discipline of unsteady fluid dynamics.

Optimization of Turbulent Prandtl Number in Turbulent, Wall Bounded Flows

Bernard, Donald Edward 01 January 2018 (has links)
After nearly 50 years of development, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become an indispensable component of research, forecasting, design, prototyping and testing for a very broad spectrum of fields including geophysics, and most engineering fields (mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, chemical and civil engineering). The fastest and most affordable CFD approach, called Reynolds-Average-Navier-Stokes (RANS) can predict the drag around a car in just a few minutes of simulation. This feat is possible thanks to simplifying assumptions, semi-empirical models and empirical models that render the flow governing equations solvable at low computational costs. The fidelity of RANS model is good to excellent for the prediction of flow rate in pipes or ducts, drag, and lift of solid objects in Newtonian flows (e.g. air, water). RANS solutions for the prediction of scalar (e.g. temperature, pollutants, combustable chemical species) transport do not generally achieve the same level of fidelity. The main culprit is an assumption, called Reynolds analogy, which assumes analogy between the transport of momentum and scalar. This assumption is found to be somewhat valid in simple flows but fails for flows in complex geometries and/or in complex fluids. This research explores optimization methods to improve upon existing RANS models for scalar transport. Using high fidelity direct numerical simulations (numerical solutions in time and space of the exact transport equations), the most common RANS model is a-priori tested and investigated for the transport of temperature (as a passive scalar) in a turbulent channel flow. This one constant model is then modified to improve the prediction of the temperature distribution profile and the wall heat flux. The resulting modifications provide insights in the model’s missing physics and opens new areas of investigation for the improvement of the modeling of turbulent scalar transport.

Large Eddy Simulation of Oscillatory Flow over a Mobile Rippled Bed using an Euler-Lagrange Approach

Hagan, Daniel S. 01 January 2018 (has links)
A volume-filtered Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of oscillatory flow over a rippled mobile bed is conducted using an Euler-Lagrange approach. As in unsteady marine flows over sedimentary beds, the experimental data, referenced in this work for validation, shows quasi-steady state ripples in the sand bed under oscillatory flow. This work approximately reproduces this configuration with a sinusoidal pressure gradient driven flow and a sinusoidally rippled bed of particles. The LES equations, which are volume-filtered to account for the effect of the particles, are solved on an Eulerian grid, and the particles are tracked in a Lagrangian framework. In the Discrete Particle Method (DPM) used in this work, the particle collisions are handled by a soft-sphere model, and the liquid and solid phases are coupled through volume fraction and momentum exchange terms. Comparison of the numerical results to the experimental data show that the LES-DPM is capable of capturing the mesoscale features of the flow. The large scale shedding of vortices from the ripple peaks are observed in both datasets, which is reflected in the good quantitative agreement between the wall-normal flow statistics, and good qualitative agreement in ripple shape evolution. Additionally, the numerical data provides three insights into the complex interaction between the three-dimensional flow dynamics and bed morphology: (1) there is no observable distinction between reptating and saltating particle velocities, angular velocities or observed Shields parameters; (2) the potential motion of the mobile bed may create issues in the estimation of the bed shear stress used in classical models; and, (3) a helical pairing of vortices is observed, heretofore not known to have to have been identified in this type of flow configuration.

A Study of Nonlinear Combustion Instability

Jacob, Eric J 01 December 2009 (has links)
Combustion instability (CI) has been persistent in all forms of propulsion since their inception. CI is characterized by pressure oscillations within the propulsion system. If even a small fraction of the dense energy within the system is converted to acoustic oscillations the system vibrations can be devastating. The coupling of combustion and fluid dynamic phenomena in a nonlinear system poses CI as a significant engineering challenge. Drawing from previous analysis, second order acoustic energy models are taken to third order. Second order analysis predicts exponential growth. The addition of the third order terms capture the nonlinear acoustic phenomena (such as wave steepening) observed in experiments. The analytical framework is derived such that the energy sources and sinks are properly accounted for. The resulting third order solution is compared against a newly performed simplified acoustic closed tube experiment. This experiment provides the interesting result that in a forced system, as the 2nd harmonic is driven, no energy is transferred back into the 1st mode. The subsequent steepened waveform is a summation of 2nd mode harmonics (2, 4, 6, 8...) where all odd modes are nonexistent. The current third order acoustic model recreates the physics as seen in the experiment. Numerical experiments show the sensitivity of the pressure wave limit cycle amplitude to the second order growth rate, highlighting the importance of correctly calculating the growth rates. The sensitivity of the solution to the third order parameter is shown as well. Exponential growth is found if the third order parameter is removed, and increased nonlinear behavior is found if it retained and as it is increased. The solutions sensitivity to this term highlights its importance and shows the need for continued analysis via increasing the models generality by including neglected effects. In addition, the affect of a time varying second order growth rate is shown. This effect shows the importance of modeling the system in time because of the time lag between changes in the growth rate to a change in the limit cycle amplitude.

Effect of Unsteady Combustion on the Stability of Rocket Engines

Rice, Tina Morina 01 May 2011 (has links)
Combustion instability is a problem that has plagued the development of rocket-propelled devices since their conception. It is characterized by the occurrence of high-frequency nonlinear gas oscillations inside the combustion chamber. This phenomenon degrades system performance and can result in damage to both structure and instrumentation. The goal of this dissertation is to clarify the role of unsteady combustion in the combustor instability problem by providing the first quantified estimates of its effect upon the stability of liquid rocket engines. The combination of this research with a new system energy balance method, accounting for all dynamic interactions within a system, allows for the isolation of combustion effects for this study. These effects are quantified through use of classical linear stability analysis to calculate the unsteady combustion heat release growth rate. Since combustion modeling can become very involved, including the mixing process and multiple reactions concerned, for this initial evaluation the model is limited to a one-dimensional flame analysis for a one-step premixed chemical reaction. Using classical analysis of oscillatory burning, the governing combustion equations are expanded into sets of steady and unsteady equations adapted for premixed liquid rockets. From this expansion process, the first real treatment of the effects of unsteady combustion in a rocket system is presented, and the first quantified values of the unsteady heat release in a rocket system are computed. Finally, the corresponding linear heat release growth rate for the system is then calculated for the first quantified effects of unsteady combustion on the overall system stability. The mechanism of unsteady combustion is shown to behave as a driving mechanism, serving as one of the more important stability mechanisms comparable to the magnitude of the nozzle damping mechanism. This analysis confirms that unsteady combustion is an important stability mechanism that warrants further investigation. This study also creates a firm foundation upon which to extend the analysis of this important mechanism to fully understand all of its effects within a rocket system.

The Biglobal Instability of the Bidirectional Vortex

Batterson, Joshua Will 01 August 2011 (has links)
State of the art research in hydrodynamic stability analysis has moved from classic one-dimensional methods such as the local nonparallel approach and the parabolized stability equations to two-dimensional, biglobal, methods. The paradigm shift toward two dimensional techniques with the ability to accommodate fully three-dimensional base flows is a necessary step toward modeling complex, multidimensional flowfields in modern propulsive applications. Here, we employ a two-dimensional spatial waveform with sinusoidal temporal dependence to reduce the three-dimensional linearized Navier-Stokes equations to their biglobal form. Addressing hydrodynamic stability in this way circumvents the restrictive parallel-flow assumption and admits boundary conditions in the streamwise direction. Furthermore, the following work employs a full momentum formulation, rather than the reduced streamfunction form, accounting for a nonzero tangential mean flow velocity. This approach adds significant complexity in both formulation and implementation but renders a more general methodology applicable to a broader spectrum of mean flows. Specifically, we consider the stability of three models for bidirectional vortex flow. While a complete parametric study ensues, the stabilizing effect of the swirl velocity is evident as the injection parameter, kappa, is closely examined.

An Empirical Model of Thermal Updrafts Using Data Obtained From a Manned Glider

Childress, Christopher E 01 May 2010 (has links)
Various methods have been used, including airborne radars, LIDAR, observation of flying birds, towers, tethered balloons, and aircraft to gain both a qualitative and quantitative representation of how heat and moisture are transported to higher altitudes and grow the boundary or mixing layer by thermal updrafts. This paper builds upon that research using an instrumented glider to determine the structure and build a mathematical model of thermals in a desert environment. During these flights, it was discovered that the traditional view of a thermal as a singular rising plume of air did not sufficiently explain what was being observed, but rather another phenomenon was occurring. This paper puts forth the argument and a mathematical model to show that thermals actually take the form of a hexagonal convection cell at higher levels in the convective boundary layer when the thermal acts as if unrestrained by borders as in non-linear cases of free convection.

Evaluation of the Aerodynamics of an Aircraft Fuselage Pod Using Analytical, CFD, and Flight Testing Techniques

Moonan, William C 01 December 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the execution and validity of various predictive methods used in the design of the aerodynamic pod housing NASA’s Marshall Airborne Polarimetric Imaging Radiometer (MAPIR) on the University of Tennessee Space Institute’s Piper Navajo research aircraft. Potential flow theory and wing theory are both used to analytically predict the lift the MAPIR Pod would generate during flight; skin friction theory, empirical data, and induced drag theory are utilized to analytically predict the pod’s drag. Furthermore, a simplified computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was also created to approximate the aerodynamic forces acting on the pod. A limited flight test regime was executed to collect data on the actual aerodynamic effects of the MAPIR Pod. Comparison of the various aerodynamic predictions with the experimental results shows that the assumptions made for the analytic and CFD analyses are too simplistic; as a result, the predictions are not valid. These methods are not proven to be inherently flawed, however, and suggestions for future uses and improvements are thus offered.

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