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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tėvų požiūris į vaikų išsilavinimą, mokymąsi, mokyklą / Influence of parents’ education on children learning

Valečkaitė, Liana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Visi piliečiai, nepriklausomai nuo jų socialinės padėties, gyvenamosios vietos ar amžiaus, turi galimybę mokytis jiems patogioje aplinkoje: švietimo institucijose, darbe, namuose. Toks pagrindinis Mokymosi visą gyvenimą strategijos siekis, kur švietimas įvardijamas kaip neatskiriamas žmogaus palydovas nuo jo gimimo iki gilios senatvės. Svarbiausi per paskutinius 10 metų atlikti tyrimai liudija apie didelį šalies visuomenės bei mokslininkų dėmesį vaikų išsilavinimui ir jį įtakojantiems vidiniams bei išoriniams veiksniams. Jau nuo XX amžiaus Lietuvos bei kitų šalių sociologai nuolat akcentavo, kad būtent tėvų išsilavinimo (ir bendras sociologinis-kultūrinis) lygis dažniausiai lemia jų norą bei pasirengimą suteikti vaikams aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Darbas reikšmingas teoriškai ir praktiškai, nes tėvų išsilavinimo, kaip vieno svarbiausių veiksnių, lemiančių mokinių mokymąsi, įtaka ( svarba, reikšmė?) Vilniaus miesto Užupio gimnazijoje netyrinėta. / All citizens independently from their social status, residential area or age have a possibility to study in comfortable surroundings: educational institution, work, home. This is the main objective of life-long learning where education must go along with a person from his/her birth to old age. The most important research done in ten years time shows our society and scientists’ great attention to children education and inner and outer factors which affect it. Since the 20th century Lithuanian and foreign sociologists have emphasized that parents’ education (and general socio-cultural) level often affects their wish and readiness to give their children higher education. The work is significant both theoretically and practically because the influence of the factors has not been studied in Vilnius Užupis high school.

Daugiabučių namų šilumos kainų kitimo priežastys ir jų mažinimo galimybės Šiaulių mieste / The causes of the heat price changes and the posibilities of reducing of apartment buildings in Siauliai city

Šimkutė, Ingrida, Lukštaitė, Gabrielė 16 July 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe nagrinėjamos Šiaulių miesto daugiabučių namų šilumos kainų kitimo priežastys ir galimi būdai kaip jas sumažinti. Šilumos tiekimas yra viešąjį interesą atitinkanti paslauga, kuria naudojasi daugelis miesto gyventojų. Kylančios centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos sektoriaus paslaugų kainos kelia nepasitenkinimą tarp šilumos vartotojų, kurie tų kainų svyravimus pajaučia gaudami didesnes sąskaitas už šildymą. Aptarus šilumos energijos sektoriaus ypatumus, šilumos kainą lemiančius veiksnius, nustatymo metodiką bei institucijas, reguliuojančias šilumos ūkį, buvo išnagrinėti pagrindiniai veiksniai, turintys įtakos šilumos kainų pokyčiams. Atlikta šilumos kainos struktūrinė analizė. Įvertinta Šiaulių termofikacinės elektrinės teikiama nauda gyventojams. Atliktas šilumos kainos tarifo ir alternatyvaus kuro šildymui vidutinių kainų tyrimas. Pateikta mokėjimų už šilumą analizė, nagrinėjant atskiras pastatų grupes, daugiabučių pasiskirstymą pagal bendrijas ir renovuotus bei nerenovuotus namus. Vertinant šilumos kainą lemiančius veiksnius atlikta daugialypė regresinė analizė. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius daugiabučių namų šilumos kainų aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojos darbo išvados ir siūlymai kaip sumažinti šilumos kainas. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, du skyriai, išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 69 p. teksto be priedų, 7 lent., 16 pav., 43 šaltiniai. / The final bachelor‘s paper deals with reasons of the heat price changes and the posibilities of reducing them in Siauliai city. The heat supply is a service of the public interest, which is used by many population of the city. The rising prices of district heating sector services, raises the dissatisfaction among users of the heat fluctuations in the consciousness of those receiving the higher heating bills. After dealing with the thermal energy sector, the heat price determinants, detection methods and institutions to regulate the heating system, the major factors affecting the heat price changes were explored. Structural analysis of the rates of heat was accomplished. The benefit for people of the thermal power plant in Siauliai was assessed. Also the heat price tariff and alternative fuel for heating medium-price test was accomplished. Presented payments for heat analysis, examining the separate groups of buildings, multi-distribution of communities and renovated houses. In assessing the determinants of the price of heat conducted multiple regression analysis. The examination of the theoretical and practical aspects of the apartment home prices, the conclusions of the work and proposals on how to reduce the heat are presented in the final work. The paper consist of the followings 6 parts: introduction, two sections, conclusions and recommendations, list of references. Amount of paper – 69 pages of text without annexes, 7 tables, 16 illustrations, 43 sources.

A Structural Equation Modeling Study: Factors Affecting Science Achievement On Obbs-2002 Across Grade Levels And School Types

Kalender, Ilker 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, factors that affect students&#039 / science achievement were modeled based on the data which was obtained from Study for Determination of Student Achievement &ndash / 2002 (Ogrenci Basarisinin Belirlenmesi Calismasi &ndash / OBBS). First, using principle components analysis tecnique, dimensions of the student questionnaires and science achievement tests were found out. Using these dimensions for student questionnaires, latent variables socioeconomic status, student-centered activities, teacher-centered activities, private tutoring, experiments/technological material usage, and perception of interest and success were selected to be included in this study. Then, a reference model was proposed for factors affecting students&#039 / science achievement. Lastly, this reference model was tested across three grade levels (6th, 7th, and 8th) and three school types (state, boarding, and private) and comparisons among them were made. As a result of modeling which was conducted by structural equation modeling technique (SEM) using LISREL 8.30, the study yielded the followings: Socioeconomic status has a strong effect on science achievement for all grade levels investigated. While teacher-centered activities generally affect students&#039 / science achievement in a positive way, student-centered activities show a negative effect. Teacher-centered activities affect perception of interest and success as much as nearly they do for science achievement. Direct effect of teacher-centered activities is not significant for state and boarding schools, but their indirect effects strengthen the effect of teacher-centered activities on science achievement. Effect of experiments and technological material on perception of interest and success is negative for all grade levels and school types, except state schools in which it is positive.

Hydrologické simulace odtoků vody z povodí při srážko-odtokových událostech / Event-based rainfall-runoff modelling of the selected river basin

TICHÁČEK, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the event-based rainfall-runoff modelling of the selected river basin. This thesis is based on my previous work "Factors affecting the water discharge from the river basin during rainfall-runoff events". In that work I described factors, which have effect on water runoff from the river basin. This thesis was solved on basin of Jílecký stream. Water runoff from basin is affected with a number of factors, the most significant are slope of the terrain, soil saturation, geological and pedological conditions, vegetation cover and anthropogenic influence. Calculations of direct runoff were realised with method of CN curves, with using BPEJ map, land use map gained from Corine Land Cover 2006 and maximum daily precipitation sums with 2, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years probabilities recurrence obtained from the rainfall station Netřebice. Calculations were performed in a numerical method using vector data and a raster method performed in ArcMap. In the next step I performed simulations of various scenarios of change in river basic characteristics such as soil saturation change, grassing of arable land with a slope greater than 12°, grassing of all arable land and enlargement the built-up area in the river basin.

Činitelé ovlivňující pracovní výkon pedagogických pracovníků středních škol v Příbrami / Factors affecting performance of teaching staff of secondary schools in Pribram

Kotěšovská, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes and analyses the factors influences the working performance. It deals with the basic terms from the management area about the working performance. Mainly the terms work performance, work efficiency, working performance management are described, also the factors influencing the working efficiency are described. It clarifies the difference between the personal assumptions for the working performance relating directly with the worker and external factors, which cannot be influenced by the worker. Thesis is closely aimed at the process and setting which emerges from the organisation running. These factors are verified by the research done at the secondary school in Pribram. The research is executed by quantitative method with the usage of questionnaires. These questionnaires were drawn up that it enabled to compare with the analysis of current definitions of the working performance and working productivity. In the implementation of the research were compared the influences of the individual groups of factors which influence the pedagogical workers' working productivity on the secondary high schools in Pribram. The analysis of the current definitions dealing with the working performance and productivity were confirmed.

Clients of the Pretoria Cochlear Implant Programme : characteristics and perceived outcomes of children and their families

Jessop, Marguerite Anne 04 October 2005 (has links)
In order to provide evidence demonstrating the efficacy of cochlear implantation in the children enrolled in the Pretoria Cochlear Implant Programme (PCIP), an in-depth analysis of the numerous variables involved in determining each individual child’s success with his/her cochlear implant needs to be undertaken. As the PCIP has been operating for over a decade, a standardised database that includes the variables identified by similar cochlear implant programmes world-wide as being related to outcomes of children with cochlear implants and their families, has to be assembled. As the PCIP functions partly as a paediatric cochlear implant programme, an Early Communication Intervention (ECI) approach with the emphasis on the family unit is of critical importance. To address this need, a comprehensive questionnaire was used in a cross sectional study combining qualitative, and predominantly quantitative methods. The aim was to determine the perceptions of parents/caregivers of children with cochlear implants in the PCIP of the children’s outcomes. The questionnaire was further used to gather relevant data pertaining to children and their families’ biographical, medical, environmental, audiological, linguistic and educational histories and current functioning. A total of 45 participants, all mothers of children with cochlear implants, returned questionnaires. Results indicated that several key factors played a role in determining a positive outcome in the children’s audiological, linguistic, social and educational functioning leading to placement in an inclusive educational setting. These included an early age at diagnosis and prompt fitting of hearing aids and subsequent cochlear implantation, the absence of prenatal and perinatal complications including feeding difficulties, a higher level of maternal education, achievement of developmental milestones within normal age norms, the use of an FM system in the primary school phase, access to ECI, the presence of an older sibling to act as a language model, the absence of birth trauma and congenital rubella syndrome as cause of hearing loss, and later (acquired) onset of hearing loss. Children whose cause of hearing loss was non-syndromic and hereditary or unknown, were more likely to have positive outcomes. The clinical implications for the PCIP were synthesised and presented as a developmental systems model, providing guidelines for the entire process from referral to the cochlear implant programme to exiting of the system. The urgency of the need for a universal newborn or infant hearing screening programme as well as reliable systems of early referral to cochlear implant programmes, emerged strongly in the recommendations of the study. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

Analýza spokojenosti zaměstnanců podniku z oblasti telekomunikací / Analysis of the satisfaction of employees of Telecommunication Company

Kůstková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Thesis is focused on issues of employee satisfaction. The aim was to identify and assess the level of employee satisfaction from the business department of Telecommunication Company, to detect factors that influence satisfaction and then to propose measures that would help improve the status quo. The work is divided into three parts. Firstly there are given the objective of work, the conditions for research, a working hypothesis and methods of solution. Than follows theoretical background examination of the satisfaction of working. It deals with the job satisfaction, motivation and their relationship and the factors affecting them. Empirical part is devoted to brief the characteristics of company and the respondents. The analysis includes a description and assessment of information obtained through electronic questionnaire ends by measures to improve the current state.

Nájemné bytů v Jihlavě a faktory, které je ovlivňují v letech 2017 a 2018 / Rent Rates for Flats in Jihlava and the Influencing Factors in 2017 and 2018

Hlaváčková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis and comparison of rental flats in Jihlava and factors that influence the amount of rent. The work contains text and graphics part. For the analysis were used dispositions 1+kk, 1+1, 2+kk, 2+1, 3+kk a 3+1. The assessment of these dispositions is given in the tables and graphs. The result of the thesis is the evaluation of the factors which influence the price of rental flats.

Factors influencing the adoption of enterprise application architecture for supply chain management in small and medium enterprises with Capricorn District Municipality

Lamola, Kingston Xerxes Theophilus January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M.COM. (Business Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Increasing consumer demand, customer expectations, and change in technology compel industrial corporations, governments and small medium enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Enterprise Application Architecture (EAA). EAA is a system where the applications and software are connected to each other in such a way that new components can easily be integrated with existing components. This study focused on how internal and external factors impact the adoption of EAA for Supply Chain Management (SCM) in SMEs, located in the Capricorn District Municipality. Data is analysed through a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS version 25). A quantitative methodology with self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from SMEs (SMEs owners and managers). In total, 480 questionnaires were distributed and 310 useable were returned. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to measure reliability. Data validity is obtained through the use of Kolmogorov-Sminorv-Test to ensuring that the questionnaire was based on assumptions from accepted theories as set out in the literature review. From the research findings, it was concluded that the adoption of EAA for SCM in SMEs depends on internal factors, external factors and perceived attitudes towards the adoption of EAA. The managerial implications of the study is based on actual results such as; (a) Internal factors on owners’ characteristics were described as assessment of interior dynamics affecting the enterprise, of which the management have a full control over them, such as employees, business culture, norms and ethics, processes and overall functional activities, (b) The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) revealed that behavioural measures on Enterprise Resources that depends on speculations about the intensions towards the adoption of EAA for SCM, (c) Compatibility in Diffusion Theory of Innovation ascertains that Technology Acceptance Models need to be linked with relevant Information System Components to have a functional EAA for SCM, (d) The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) encourages apparent behaviour on control for supplementary forecaster on intentions of employees towards the adoption of EAA for SCM in SMEs, (e) The TPB encourages apparent behaviour on control for supplementary forecaster on intentions of employees towards the adoption of EAA for SCM in SMEs, (f) Consultations with government parastatals or legal representatives of the enterprise would save the SMEs against any unforeseen challenges such as product liabilities, legal costs on lawsuit, tax evasion or avoidance penalties so forth, (g) The Diffusion Theory of Innovation (DTI) proposes that the Perceived Attitudes towards the Adoption of EAA have is affected by behaviour challenges from employees’ personal conduct that affect SCM activities within the SMEs, and (h) The DTI on the intention towards the adoption of EAA for SCM provides the competence in limiting some negative thoughts about the integrative phases or steps limiting the adoption of EAA for SCM. Keywords: Enterprise Application Architecture; Supply Chain Management; Internal and External Factors Affecting Adoption; and Technology Acceptance Models

Exekuce srážkami ze mzdy a jiných příjmů / Enforcement of the Judgement of the Court by Deduction from Wages or Other Income

Pejcharová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
Enforcement of the Judgement of the Court by Deduction from Wages or Other Income - Abstract, Keywords Abstract The subject of this thesis is enforcement of the judgement of the court by deduction from wages or other income carried out by court enforcement officials in cooperation with wage payers. This is one of the methods through which a court enforcement official enforces a judgement and which is very often used in practice, therefore it deserves a more detailed analysis. The aim of this thesis is to create a comprehensive description of the process of this type of enforcement focusing on the position of the wage payer, the court enforcement official and the debtor. The thesis also deals with specific situations that may occur in the course of this enforcement and it offers their possible solutions. The beginning of this thesis focuses on the role of court judgement enforcement by deductions from wage and other income in comparison with other methods of enforcement. Further, it deals with sources of legal regulation which are related to the given issue and with basic terminology that is essential for orientation in this topic. This is followed by an explanation of the process of this type of enforcement from start to finish. A considerable part is further dedicated to the issue of the status of the wage...

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