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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Basis of intentions as a moderator of the intention health behavior relationship

Conner, M., McEachan, Rosemary, Lawton, R., Gardner, Peter 20 February 2020 (has links)
Yes / Objective: Previous research has shown that the degree to which individuals base their intentions on particular underlying cognitions (i.e., motives) significantly moderates the intention-behavior relationship. Studies have individually examined the moderating effect of intentions based on overall attitude, affective attitudes, injunctive norms, and moral norms. The present research used a within-persons approach to simultaneously test the moderating effects of intentions based on instrumental attitude, affective attitude, anticipated affective reactions, injunctive norms, descriptive norms, and moral norms on the intention-behavior relationship and the impact of controlling for intention stability, self-efficacy and past behavior. Main Outcome Measures: Self-reported performance of 20 health behaviors. Design: Adults (N = 366) completed questionnaires assessing instrumental attitude, affective attitude, anticipated affective reactions, injunctive norms, descriptive norms, moral norms, self-efficacy and past behavior at baseline; intentions at baseline and one month follow-up; and behavior at two month follow-up for 20 health behaviors. Results: When tested simultaneously using multi-level modelling the only significant moderator of the intention-behavior relationship was the extent to which intentions were based on anticipated affective reactions (intentions more strongly based on anticipated affective reactions were significantly stronger predictors of behavior). This effect remained when we also controlled for intention stability (which also moderated the intention-behavior relationship), self-efficacy and past behavior. Conclusions: Intentions based on anticipated affective reactions may be particularly important predictors of health behaviors. Studies manipulating such intentions to test their effects on behavior change are required. / The research reported here was supported by a grant from the British Academy

Commercials as context for other commercials: Context Effects in Sequences of Affective and Non-Affective ads/ Les annonces télévisées comme contexte pour les autres annonces diffusées dans le même écran : effets de contexte dans des séquences d'annonces émotionnelles ou pas.

Poncin, Ingrid 18 September 2003 (has links)
Bien que les annonces soient généralement présentées en écran publicitaire c’est-à-dire en un bloc ininterrompu d’annonces, peu de recherches ont pris en compte ce « contexte rapproché » (le contexte immédiat d’une annonce étant les autres annonces qui l’entourent). L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de tenter de mieux comprendre les nombreuses interactions et influences qui se produisent au sein d’une séquence publicitaire et d’étudier si une ou plusieurs annonces peuvent créer un « climat » pour les publicités suivantes qui pourrait améliorer ou réduire les effets de celles-ci. Dans ce cadre, cette recherche s’est centrée sur l’influence des effets de contexte sur les réactions affectives déclenchées par les annonces en d’autres termes sur l’existence d’effets de séquence affectifs au sein d’un écran publicitaire. Etant donné l’absence de littérature spécifique en marketing, plusieurs théories issues de la psychologie (théorie de l’assimilation-contraste, théorie de l’adaptation, théories de l’humeur, théorie du transfert affectif) ont été utilisées pour construire un cadre théorique capable de prédire l’occurrence des différents effets de séquence affectifs potentiels (assimilation, contraste, adaptation et inhibition) au sein de l’écran publicitaire. Les hypothèses proposées ensuite se sont centrées soit sur les effets de proaction (effets des annonces précédentes) soit les effets de rétroaction (effets des annonces suivantes). En outre, les hypothèses ont été rédigées afin de mettre en évidence l’importance de chacune des trois caractéristiques principales des réactions affectives à savoir l’intensité, la polarité et le contenu. La méthodologie présidant à la validation des hypothèses de recherche repose sur la mise en place d’un protocole expérimental rigoureux (procédures de pré-test des stimuli publicitaires, constitution de groupes « équivalents » de sujets sur base de caractéristiques marketing, psychologiques et socio-démographiques, utilisation de plusieurs méthodes - décodage des expressions faciales, moniteur des réactions affectives, échelles verbales - pour mesurer les réactions affectives effectivement déclenchées par les annonces lorsqu’elles sont en contexte). A l’issue d’une vaste étude (sur 500 personnes) constituée de 4 expérimentations menées en laboratoire sur les effets de séquence, il a ainsi été montré que les réactions affectives déclenchées par les annonces environnantes (qu’elles soient placées avant ou après l’annonce-cible) pouvaient dans certaines circonstances avoir une influence sur les réactions affectives effectivement induites par l’annonce-cible et par conséquent sur l’efficacité publicitaire de celle-ci. Différents types d’effet de séquence affectif ont été observés (effet d’assimilation, effet de contraste, effet d’adaptation, effet d’inhibition). Cette étude a permis de souligner qu’il était indispensable de tenir compte à la fois de la polarité et de l’intensité des réactions affectives induites afin d’être à même de prédire quel type d’effet de séquence est susceptible d’être observé. En outre, de nombreuses variables caractéristiques tant de l’individu ou de l’annonce que de l’environnement sont susceptibles d’influer sur ce type d’effets ou d’interagir avec lui. Finalement, de nombreuses implications tant théoriques et méthodologiques que managériales ont été mises en évidence et des voies de recherches futures sont ouvertes. Despite the importance of the affective stream of research in the advertising literature and the fact that most of the commercials are run in pods, the effect of the position in a sequence on affective reactions elicited by commercials has been understudied. The goal of this dissertation is to break new ground to understand this complex phenomenon. The central problem of this research is the effects of commercials as contexts for other commercials. How commercials will create a specific context for other commercials embedded in the same pod since the closest advertising context of a commercial is in fact the other ads of the string We are especially interested in the influence of context effects on the affective reactions elicited by the ads, in other words, in the existence of affective sequence effects in a pod. Given the scarcity of research devoted to affective sequence effects and of specific marketing literature, we need to build on other research streams or psychological theories to constitute the conceptual framework (the assimilation-contrast theory, mood theories, priming research, excitation transfer theory, adaptation theory) and in order to try to understand and predict the four potential affective sequence effects (spillover, assimilation, contrast and adaptation effect). The research hypotheses examine both proaction effect (the effect of preceding ads) or retroaction effect (the effect of succeeding ads) and stress the importance of taking into account each of the three characteristics of the affective reactions (i.e., polarity, intensity and content). The methodology and the experimental design used to validate the research hypotheses are extremely rigorous (pretesting phase, check of the groups equivalence based on marketing, socio-demographical and psychological variables, use of three complementary methods in order to measure the ad-induced affective reactions (emotional facial expressions coding, feelings monitor and post-facto verbal measurement)). The results obtained in our four laboratory experiments (n = 500) show that when commercials are aired in a pod, sequence effects are clearly observed. This is a core contribution of this dissertation. In terms of ad effectiveness, if the affective context has no clear direct effect on the attitude toward the ad, it has for some ads an effect on the relationship between the affective reactions elicited and Aad. Several types of affective sequence effects have been observed (assimilation, contrast, adaptation and spillover effect). The importance of taking into account simultaneously the intensity and the polarity of affective reactions induced to determine which type of sequence effects is likely to be observed is also stressed. Moreover, due to the complexity of the phenomenon, numbers of variables (personal as well as contextual) are likely to impact on the type of observed effects and to interact with these effects. Finally, the discussion and conclusions chapter offers a discussion of the results, reminds of some limitations and develops on implications of the current study as well as avenues for future research.

La notion de première impression dans la perception de nouveaux produits : une comparaison de méthodes de mesure / The concept of the first impression in the perception of new products : a comparison of measurement method / Khái niệm về ấn tượng ban đầu trong nhận thức về sản phẩm mới bởi người tiêu dùng : một sự so sánh về phương pháp đo lường

Ngo, Thi Khue Thu 31 May 2013 (has links)
La notion de première impression est fréquemment utilisée dans la socio-psychologie mais elle n'a pas été fortement exploitée dans le marketing. Même si cette notion apparait souvent dans le monde du commerce, il n’est pas toujours facile de la mesurer. La comparaison de deux méthodes de mesure nous permet d’affirmer d’une part, que sur un nouveau produit, la première impression est formée dans les 10 premières secondes, et d’autre part, qu’elle apporte sur ce produit une perception minimale. Le processus d’expérimentation a été réalisé sur de nouvelles voitures en voie de commercialisation au Vietnam. Les résultats obtenus sont convergents et cette thèse montre bien les intérêts mais aussi les limites de concept psychologique. / The concept of first impression is frequently used in social psychology, but it hasn’t been forcefully exploited in Marketing. Even though this notion appears daily in the business world, it is not always easily measured. The comparison of two methods allows us to affirm that the first impression of the new products is formed during the first 10 seconds and then, it provides us minimal perception of product. The process of the experiment was seriously carried out among new cars being commercialized in Vietnam. The results are convergent and this thesis shows not only the interests but also the limits of this psychological concept. / Khái niệm về ấn tượng ban đầu thường xuyên được sử dụng trong tâm sinh lý xã hội nhưng vẫn chưa thật sự được khai thác mạnh mẽ trong Marketing. Ngay cả khi ấn tượng ban đầu xuất hiện hàng ngày trong thế giới thương mại, nhưng thật không dễ để đo lường được nó. Một sự so sánh về hai phương pháp đo lường cho phép chúng ta khẳng định rằng ấn tượng ban đầu về sản phẩm mới được hình thành ngay từ 10 giây đầu tiên và đã mang đến cho chúng ta một nhận thức tối thiểu về sản phẩm. Việc xây dựng tiến trình thực nghiệm đã được thực hiện một cách nghiêm túc trên những chiếc xe ô tô mới đang trên đường được thương mại hóa tại Việt Nam. Những kết quả đạt được là hội tụ và cuốn luận án cũng đã chỉ rõ những lợi ích cũng như giới hạn từ khái niệm tâm sinh lý này.

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