Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afrikaans languagestudy anda teaching"" "subject:"afrikaans languagestudy ando teaching""
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'n Toegepas-linguistiese perspektief op Afrikaanse geletterheidsprogramme in die Suider-Afrikaanse konteksOdendaal, Adriaan Izak 03 September 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Applied Linguistics) / Despite a worldwide drive to eradicate illiteracy, the numbers of illiterates are still soaring. Southern Africa is no exception to this. Even though statistics regarding illiteracy may be misleading, there are an estimated 400 000 illiterate mother tongue speakers of Afrikaans in South Africa. This study tries to establish the reasons for this situation within a historical-political framework. It further provides a sociocognitive basis for mother tongue literacy teaching, relying on the discipline of sociolinguistics. Literacy skills form part of the language user's communicative competence; this study, therefore, endeavours to situate literacy teaching within the communicative approach to language teaching with its emphasis on the needs of the language learner, the functionality of the acquired skills and the active participation of the language learner in the teaching activities. From this perspective a selection of literacy material in Afrikaans, representative of both the mainstream "establishment" type and the more "radical" school, is discussed to arrive at a theoretical and practical rationale for the teaching of literacy to Afrikaans mother tongue speakers, stripped of political undertones which so often direct literacy programmes. The main critique on Afrikaans literacy material is that it is either too behaviouristically structured or that no planned progressive structuring has been built into the courses. Both types of material can lead to dissatisfaction amongst literacy students if the respective course does not fulfil their need for literacy. This situation is often the result of an incomplete needs analysis and the creation of literacy material without a clear image of the target group. The unstructured manner in which literacy material is created and distributed is due to the lack of a national literacy strategy, as well as the nature of adult literacy teaching where specific needs of specific groups of illiterates dictate the type of material. A way of counteracting these problems would be to establish a national organisation to coordinate, amongst others, the development and distribution of literacy material. In this material the needs of the learner will be in a central position with the interaction between the learner and the teacher taking place in meaningful contexts. A thorough knowledge of andragogy and applied linguistics can therefore help to develop literacy material that will benefit Afrikaans illiterates, be they mother tongue speakers of the language or second language users who need to be literate in Afrikaans.
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The effectiveness of multimedia and computer-assisted activities in the teaching of Afrikaans as a second language.Basson, Irene 08 January 2013 (has links)
Teachers are increasingly aware of the technological world in which their students live.
They are aware that the use of computers affects the motivation and attitudes of learners.
There has also recently been governmental pressure to integrate ICT in the teaching and
learning at school level. The question remains how exactly these technologies should be
implemented, particularly to aid in the acquisition of a second language.
This study investigates if the use of CALL in the teaching of second language Afrikaans
has affected the attitudes and motivation of learners and if it had any effect on the results
they achieved. A comparative study was conducted with a group Grade 11 learners in
which they completed a series of research tasks that included no technology or computerrelated
input. The same group was also exposed to lessons with a computer-assisted
approach, where a series of comparative research tasks were completed with the use of
technology. The group completed reflective questionnaires on the tasks they had
completed. The sets of tasks were analyzed and compared to each other and the
reflective questionnaires were analyzed and general trends and findings were noted.
The findings in this study suggests that learners respond well to computer-assisted tasks
and that there is a marked improvement in attitude and motivation when they are exposed
to technology in the second language classroom. Furthermore it is evident that the shift in
motivation contributes to an overall improvement of their results, which in computerassisted
tasks are on average 8%-12% higher.
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Geleenthede wat uitkomsgebaseerde taalhandboeke bied vir die ontwikkeling van leerders se meervoudige intelligensiesVan den Berg, Geesje 08 December 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study investigates the opportunities provided in outcomes-based language textbooks to develop learners' full potential. This is done by looking at how learners' multiple intelligences can flourish. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which is used as a framework in the current study, claims that learners have different combinations of intelligences, and that the various intelligences can be developed. By doing so, learners are developed in their totality as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced adults.
By giving learners a variety of activities which accommodate the different intelligences, they have the opportunity to use their strong intelligences in the language classroom. At the same time, learners are given the opportunity to expand their less developed intelligences. In this study, selected Afrikaans and English language textbooks are analysed to determine how the different intelligences are covered. Outcomes-based language textbooks are used because outcomes-based education deals with the development of learners' full potential. The assumption can be made that this approach to teaching and learning enables learners to develop their multiple intelligences.
The study brings to light that only some intelligences receive attention in language textbooks, namely the linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial intelligences. On the other hand, other intelligences get little or even no attention in the textbooks that were analysed, namely the bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic and musical intelligences. In spite of the important role that music plays in language teaching, it appears that the musical intelligence is afforded the least attention of all the intelligences in seven of the eight textbooks that were analysed. As a result, learners' uniqueness in this regard is not respected, and their total development as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced human beings can therefore be hindered.
Recommendations are made regarding the curriculum, teaching practice and teacher training, and are directed to stakeholders in the writing of textbooks. The recommendations make it clear that different aspects of all the intelligences should be taken into consideration in the development of textbooks and other learning materials for language teaching and, by implication, teaching in general. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T²-AfrikaansonderrigDilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D.Litt. et Phil.)--Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 2002.
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Tjommie en Vriende - an interactive language journey through the wonders of Afrikaans : a computer-based programme for international students.Coetzee, Marisca 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Computers play an influential role in our daily lives. Language teachers need to understand the importance of computers and the role computers can play in language learning and instruction.
This study investigated the effect of an interactive computer application, Tjommie en Vriende, on foreign language students’ accuracy in their Afrikaans language proficiency. The application aimed to improve students’ overall communicative competence, but accentuated linguistic competence, in three of the four language skills namely speaking, listening and reading.
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Die bevordering van lees met behulp van media-onderrigstrategiee vir Afrikaans (graad 7) : 'n gevallestudieLe Cordeur, Michael Lucien Arnaud 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study involves a qualitative and quantitative investigation into the promotion
of reading by means media reading instructional strategies to Afrikaans grade 7
learners at one school. The research methodology used is a case study
supported by a literature study.
The aim of this study is five-fold. Firstly, based on the literature study, the study
sets out to establish a theoretical framework for reading at school. This is related
to three problem areas: poor reading comprehension, limited fluency in reading,
and a negative attitude to reading. Underlying assumptions are that reading
problems occur even in learners with above-average intellectual ability and that
many learners cannot function optimally in society because they are poor
readers. Instructional models and different approaches to teaching reading are
explored. This study questions the efficacy of traditional approaches to reading
instruction and makes a strong case for a balanced approach in which both topdown
and bottom-up approaches are integrated in an interactive approach.
Secondly, drawing on the literature survey the study provides a theoretical
framework for using the media and technology in developing and improving
reading. The role of visual literacy in the development of reading is also
examined. It seems that learners have a strong interest in the media as well as
technological aids so educators who have access to these should use them in
the classroom.
Thirdly, the study sets out to design media reading instructional strategies based
on learners' interest in mass media, as well as technological aids. This is so that learners can be empowered with strategies that will enable them to successfully
address their reading problems. The use of media reading instructional strategies
is applied as an alternative to the traditional approach to reading instruction. The case study explores the use of media reading instructional strategies
developed for grade 7 learners studying Afrikaans as a primary language and the
extent to which this is successful. The learners are exposed to an instructional
reading programme consisting of media reading strategies (designed by the
researcher) for a period of 16 weeks. Data generation comprises individual
diagnostic reading tests for learners, interviews with educators and learners and
questionnaires administered to educators and learners. The literature study
provides evidence that poor readers do not necessarily lack the intellectual ability
to make sense of what they read or to read independently.
Results from the case study support the findings that these learners have the
ability to learn a variety of reading strategies which help them to apply the
reading skills that enable them to read successfully. Although the learners in the
experimental group still experienced problems with comprehension, they had
made significant gains in reading fluency and developed a more positive attitude
towards reading.
The main conclusion is that interactive media reading instructional activities can
make a meaningful contribution to learners with reading problems. According to
the findings of this study, learners are more likely to read successfully and follow
a successful academic career if their problems are diagnosed early and they
receive the necessary help and support. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was 'n kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe ondersoek na die
bevordering van lees in Afrikaans by die graad 7-leerders van een skool deur die
daarstelling van media-leesonderrigstrategieë. Die navorsingsmetode was 'n
gevallestudie ondersteun deur 'n literatuurstudie.
Die doelwit van die ondersoek was vyfvoudig. Ten eerste het die studie gepoog
om op grand van die literatuurondersoek 'n teoretiese begranding van lees te
verskaf. Dit sluit drie problematiese aspekte van lees in, naamlik gebrekkige
leesbegrip en leesvlotheid en 'n negatiewe leeshouding. Die studie wys daarap
dat leesprobleme manifesteer ten spyte van 'n bo-gemiddelde intellek en dat baie
leerders nie optimaal in die samelewing kan fungeer nie omdat hulle swak lesers
is. Verskillende benaderings tot die onderrig van lees is ondersoek. Die studie
bevraagteken die effektiwiteit van tradisionele benaderings tot leesonderrig. Dit word ten sterkste aanbeveel dat 'n interaktiewe benadering gevolg word waar
beide die top - down en bottom - up -benaderings geïntegreer word.
Tweedens het die studie gepoog om vanuit die literatuurandersoek 'n teoretiese
begranding van katalisators wat lees kan bevorder, naamlik media en
tegnologiese hulpmiddele, te ondersoek. Die rol van visuele geletterdheid in die
onderrig van lees is ondersoek. Die uitgangspunt was leerders se belangstelling
in die media en tegnologiese hulpmiddele en dat opvoeders vandag toegang het
tot 'n verskeidenheid media en tegnologiese hulpmiddele wat hulle van hulp kan
wees met leesonderrig. Opvoeders moet hulself hiervan vergewis ten einde dit
sinvol by die bestaande leesonderrigprogram te kan integreer.
Derdens het die studie ten doel gehad om media-leesonderrigstrategieë te
ontwerp wat gebaseer is op leerders se belangstelling in die media en
tegnologiese hulpmiddele wat die swak leser in staat sal stel am sy / haar
leesprobleme suksesvol aan te spreek. Die gebruik van die media-leesonderrigstrategieë is derhalwe aangewend as 'n alternatief tot die
tradisionele benaderings van leesonderrig.
Vierdens is hierdie media-Ieesonderrigstrategieë by wyse van 'n gevallestudie op
die vlak van graad 7 in die vak Afrikaans geïmplementeer om die sukses daarvan
te bepaal. Leerders is vir 16 weke aan 'n intervensie, 'n program bestaande uit
media-leesonderrigstrategieë, in die Afrikaansperiode blootgestel.
Datagenerering tydens hierdie tydperk van ses maande het behels individuele
diagnostiese leestoetse vir leerders, onderhoude met opvoeders en leerders, en
vraelyste wat deur opvoeders en leerders voltooi is.
Uit die literatuurstudie was dit duidelik dat daar geen probleem was met die
intellektuele vermoëns van die leerders nie en dat hulle wel oor die vermoë
beskik om met begrip en onafhanklik te lees. Die resultate van die gevallestudie
ondersteun hierdie bevinding dat die swak leser wel die vermoë het om
strategies aan te leer wat hulle in staat sal stel om hul leesvaardighede te
verbeter en met sukses te lees.
Ten slote is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat media-leesonderrigstrategieë
wat deur middel van 'n interaktiewe benadering onderrig word, 'n betekenisvolle
bydrae kan maak tot die bevordering van lees by leerders met leesprobleme.
Alhoewel die leerders steeds met leesbegrip gesukkel het, het hulle leesvlotheid
heelwat verbeter terwyl hulle ook 'n meer positiewe houding jeens lees gehad
het. Daar is bevind dat ten spyte van leerders se leesprobleme hulle 'n baie
goeie kans het om met sukses te lees en 'n suksesvolle loopbaan te volg, mits
hulle betyds die nodige hulp en ondersteuning ontvang.
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First additional language teaching in selected Grade 4 - 6 classes in Western Cape urban schools : the case of AfrikaansThornhill, Christa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the current state of Afrikaans FAL
teaching in selected Gr 4 – 6 classes in Western Cape urban schools. This was done by
presenting an overview of the literature relevant to FAL teaching and FAL curricula as well as
the results from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with Gr 4 – 6 teachers. This
study does not offer a quick-fix solution to the problems in the Afrikaans FAL classrooms, but
the researcher believes that the findings will highlight the daily challenges Afrikaans FAL
teachers have to face and that all role players will become actively involved in improving the
state of Afrikaans FAL teaching in the Western Cape.
The relevance of this study lies in the national drive towards the promotion of multilingualism
among the general population and especially in education. Feedback from student teachers
returning from practice teaching indicated that not enough time is allocated by schools for the
instruction of Afrikaans FAL; greatly differing methodologies as well as teaching and learning
materials are being used in Afrikaans FAL classes; and learner and teacher Afrikaans
proficiency varies from class to class.
A theoretical framework for language teaching and learning, a literature study pertaining to
first additional language teaching nationally and internationally, and an analysis of South
African FAL curricula support the research. Constructivism, social constructivism and teacher
knowledge were identified as the underpinning theories for language teaching and learning.
The literature study provides an overview of all the major methodologies relevant to FAL
teaching and the researcher concluded that there is no single method or approach that will
ensure effective FAL teaching, but that teachers should implement an eclectic approach to
achieve the best results.
This study used a mixed methods approach to generate empirical data; 125 questionnaires,
completed by Grade 4 – 6 Afrikaans FAL teachers, provided the quantitative data. For the
qualitative strand of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 Afrikaans
FAL teachers. The data of these interviews were used as triangulation, to confirm or
disconfirm and elaborate on the results of the questionnaires.
One of the major factors impacting negatively on the teaching and learning of Afrikaans FAL
is the negative attitude towards Afrikaans among many learners and their parents. Teachers
are not equipped with teaching strategies and techniques to manage these negative
attitudes. The results show that many teachers still follow a teacher-centred approach to teaching, which is an indication that learners are not given enough opportunities to develop
their communicative competence through interaction with others. Another factor affecting
Afrikaans FAL teaching negatively is that not all schools implement the prescriptions of the
various language policies and curricula as they should.
The study also investigated the use of appropriate and relevant learning and teaching
support materials (LTSM) in the FAL classroom. The results showed that most teachers still
mainly use the textbook as teaching resource. There is a dire need for appropriate Afrikaans
LTSM for FAL. The expectation is that, in the age of technology we find ourselves in today,
learners’ interest will be stimulated through the use of technological teaching aids. Teachers
should therefore have access to, and use, a variety of media and technological teaching aids
and be able to integrate them effectively into their language teaching.
The findings of the study revealed teachers are caught up in traditional language teaching
methods and strategies which do not contribute to the enhancement of learners’ proficiency
in the target language. The study also closely examined the different types of knowledge that
a language teacher should have. The results showed that the teachers’ knowledge of the
curriculum, language policies, language teaching and learning theories as well as
methodologies is extremely limited. Therefore a new method or approach is needed, which is
why this study recommends that the HEIs and the WCED ensure that initial teacher training
programmes and in-service training workshops are upgraded and adapted in order to
prepare the teachers adequately to implement the prescribed curriculum using appropriate
methodologies and strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die huidige stand van Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
(EAT) onderrig in gekose Gr 4 – 6 klasse in Wes-Kaapse stedelike skole te ondersoek en
beskryf. Dit is gedoen by wyse van die aanbieding van ’n oorsig van die betrokke literatuur
oor EAT-onderrig en EAT-kurrikula, asook die resultate van vraelyste en semigestruktureerde
onderhoude met Gr 4 – 6-onderwysers. Hierdie studie bied nie ’n
kitsoplossing vir die probleme in die Afrikaans EAT klaskamers nie, maar die navorser glo
dat die bevindinge die uitdagings wat Afrikaans EAT-onderwysers daagliks trotseer, sal
beklemtoon en dat alle rolspelers aktief betrokke sal raak om die stand van Afrikaans EAT
onderrig in die Wes-Kaap te verbeter.
Die toepaslikheid van hierdie studie is gesetel in die nasionale klem op die bevordering van
meertaligheid onder die algemene pupliek en veral in die onderwys. Studente terugvoer na
die praktiese onderwys dui daarop dat nie genoeg tyd aan die onderrig van Afrkaans EAT in
skole bewillig word nie en dat daar ‘n groot verskeidenheid onderrigmetodes en onderrig- en
leerhulpmiddels in Afrikaans EAT-klasse aangewend word. Leerders en onderwysers se
vaardigheid in Afrikaans wissel ook van klas tot klas.
Die navorsing is ondersteun deur ‘n teoretiese raamwerk van taalonderrig en –leer, ‘n
literatuurstudie van eerste addisionele taalonderrig, nasionaal sowel as internasionaal,
asook ‘n analise van Suid-Afrikaanse EAT-kurrikula. Konstruktivisme. sosio-konstruktivisme
en onderwyser kennis is geïdentifiseer as die teoretiese begronding vir taalonderrig en –leer.
Die literatuurstudie gee ‘n oorsig van al die belangrike en relevante EAT-metodieke. Die
navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat nie een enkele metode of benadering
effektiewe EAT-onderrig kan verseker nie, maar dat onderwysers ‘n eklektiese benadering
behoort te volg om die beste resultate te verseker.
Hierdie studie het ‘n gemengde navorsingsbenadering gevolg ten einde empiriese data te
genereer. Die kwantatiewe data is ingesamel by wyse van talle vraelyste wat deur Gr 4 – 6
Afrikaans EAT-onderwysers voltooi is. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met 17 Afrikaans
EAT-onderwysers gevoer ten einde die kwalitatiewe data in te samel. Die data van hierdie
onderhoude is gebruik as tri-angulasie om die resultate van die vraelyste te bevestig of te
Een van die belangrikste faktore wat die onderrig en leer van Afrikaans EAT negatief
beïnvloed, is baie leerders en ouers se negatiewe houding teenoor Afrikaans. Onderwysers is nie toegerus met die nodige onderrigstrategieë en –tegnieke om hierdie negatiewe
houdings aan te spreek nie. Die resultate wys daarop dat baie onderwysers steeds ’n
onderwyser-gerigte benadering volg wat daartoe lei dat die leerders nie genoegsame
geleentheide kry om hulle kommunikatiewe vaardighede by wyse van interaksie met ander te
ontwikkel nie. ‘n Ander faktor wat Afrikaans EAT-onderrig negatief beïnvloed, is die feit dat
nie alle skole die voorskrifte van die verskillende taalbeleide en kurrikula implementeer soos
van hulle verwag word nie.
Hierdie studie het ook die gebruik van gepaste en relevante onderrig- en
leerondersteuningsmateriaal in die EAT-klaskamer ondersoek. Die resultate het daarop
gedui dat die meeste onderwysers nog steeds die handboek as belangrikste
onderrighulpmiddel gebruik. Daar bestaan ‘n geweldige behoefte na gepaste Afrikaanse
onderrig- en leermateriaal vir EAT. In die tegnologiese era waarin ons ons bevind, bestaan
die verwagting dat leerders se belangstelling gestimuleer sal word deur die gebruik van
tegnologiese onderrigmateriaal. Onderwysers behoort dus toegang te hê tot en ‘n wye
verskeidenheid media en tegnologiese onderrigmateriaal te kan gebruik en in staat wees om
dit suksesvol te integreer in hulle taalonderrig.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het gewys dat onderwysers vasgevang is in tradisionele
taalonderrigmetodes en –strategieë wat nie bydra tot die ontwikkeling van die leerders se
vaardigheid in die teikentaal nie. Die verskillende soorte kennis waaroor ‘n taalonderwyser
behoort te beskik is ook onder die vergrootglas geplaas. Die resultate het getoon dat die
onderwysers se kennis van die kurrikulum, taalbeleid, taalonderrig en –leerteorieë en
metodieke uiters beperk is. Daar is dus ‘n behoefte aan ‘n nuwe metode of benadering en
daarom beveel hierdie studie aan dat onderwyseropleidingsprogramme en
indiensopleidingswerkswinkels opgegradeer en aangepas word deur die
Hoëronderwysinstellings en die WKOD om te verseker dat onderwysers voldoende voorberei
word om gepaste metodieke en strategieë toe te pas in die implementering van die
voorgeskrewe kurrikula.
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Kompleksiteit in taakgebaseerde onderrig en leer van Afrikaans as tweede taal binne universiteitskonteksAdendorff, Elbie Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The implementation of a multilingual language policy for Higher Education in South Africa
(2002) requires the teaching and learning of different languages as a second or additional
language – also the teaching of Afrikaans for specific purposes to students as adult learners.
The teaching of Afrikaans for specific purposes to students as adult learners has not
received much attention in the South African context, especially research on the learning
and teaching of Afrikaans for specific purposes in a university context. This research on
Afrikaans as a second language has as framework the theory of Task-Based Language
Learning and Teaching. The research focuses on issues relating to complexity in task-based
challenges which await students in a multilingual university context and the way in which a
task-based teaching syllabus contributes to these needs and challenges.
The main focus of this study is to explore the possibilities of a multiperspective approach to
the analysis of complexity in the design of a task-based syllabus for university students. The
aim of such a multiperspective approach is to research the full spectrum of approaches
which is available to research task complexity. The adequacy of the different approaches lies
in the architecture of the compositionality and combination of the individual researchers’
frameworks, which each on its’ own has elements of incompleteness regarding the
development of students’ interlanguage. There can be argued that the multiperspective
approach to complexity in task-based syllabus design is beneficial to task design for an
Afrikaans task-based syllabus at university level because each approach promotes the
development of an interlanguage. The central purpose of this study is to investigate the nature and properties of
communication tasks employed in generic social and academic communication in Afrikaans
on a university campus in South Africa within the framework of task-based language learning
and teaching, as well as syllabus design. This study analyses the communication tasks in
accordance with the needs of second language learners of Afrikaans in the context of
campus communication. For the purpose of the research, a needs analysis was conducted
through the use of a questionnaire and interviews with university students. This needs
analysis shows that students whose first language is not Afrikaans, have the need to acquire
communicative skills in Afrikaans to communicate effectively with fellow students and
lecturers at the university. As a result of the needs analysis ten student-student-dialogues
and ten student-lecturer-dialogues were constructed to simulate campus communication. The study researches the various cognitive and linguistic taskelements.The purpose of this
research is to to examine the cognitive and structural properties in a task design which
address the communication needs of students and lecturers for learning generic Afrikaans
for communicating on campus. A framework for the analysis of complexity in the
development of a task-based syllabus for a teaching and learning program for the teaching
and learning of Afrikaans as a second language in the multilingual university context of a
South African university campus will be proposed. The study examines the different
components of tasks and the components of designing a syllabus, and how they influence
the teaching and learning of the second language. This study analyses various complexity
properties of the twenty Afrikaans dialogues in order to determine criteria for syllabus
designers on how tasks can be graded and sequenced within a task-based language
learning and teaching syllabus for second language learners of Afrikaans. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van ’n meertalige taalbeleid vir Hoër Onderwys in Suid-Afrika (2002)
vereis die leer en onderrig van verskillende tale as ’n tweede of addisionele taal – ook wat
die onderrig van Afrikaans vir spesifieke doeleindes aan studente as volwasse leerders
betref. Hierdie onderrig van Afrikaans vir spesifieke doeleindes aan volwassenes het nog nie
veel aandag binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks ontvang nie, veral wat betref navorsing oor
die leer en onderrig van Afrikaans vir spesifieke doeleindes binne ’n universiteitskonteks. Die
navorsing wat vir hierdie proefskrif onderneem is, val binne die teorie van taakgebaseerde
leer en onderrig. Dit fokus op die aspekte wat verband hou met taakgebaseerde
kompleksiteitsuitdagings wat vir studente binne ’n meertalige universiteitskonteks voorlê en
die wyse waarop ’n taakgebaseerde leer- en onderrigprogram voldoen aan hierdie behoeftes
en uitdagings.
Die sentrale fokus van hierdie proefskrif behels ’n ondersoek na die moontlikheid van ’n
multiperspektiefbenadering tot die analise van kompleksiteit by die ontwerp van ’n
Afrikaanse taakgebaseerde sillabus op universiteitsvlak. Die doel van so ’n multiperspektiefbenadering
is om die volle spektrum van oorwegings wat ter sprake is in taakkompleksiteit te
ondersoek. Die toereikendheid van dié spesifieke benadering lê in die argitektuur van die
samehang en kombinasie van die verskillende navorsers se raamwerke wat elk op sigself
tekens van onvolledigheid toon ten opsigte van die optimale ontwikkeling van die studente
se intertaal. Daar word betoog dat dat hierdie multiperspektiefbenadering tot kompleksiteit in
taakgebaseerde sillabusontwerp voordelig is ten opsigte van sillabusontwerp vir Afrikaans
op universiteitsvlak aangesien intertaalontwikkeling optimaal binne elk van die benaderings
verantwoord kan word. Die sentrale fokuspunt van die proefskrif is om ondersoek in te stel na die aard en
eienskappe van kommunikasietake wat gevind word in generies sosiale en akademiese
kommunikasietake in Afrikaans by ’n universiteitskampus in Suid-Afrika. Dit vind plaas binne
die konteks van hedendaagse tweedetaalteorieë oor taakgebaseerde taalleer en -onderrig,
sowel as sillabusontwerp. Hierdie studie analiseer die kommunikasietake aan die hand van
die behoeftes van tweedetaalstudente van Afrikaans binne die konteks van kampuskommunikasie.
Dié behoeftes is bepaal na aanleiding van behoefte-analises wat onder
universiteitstudente onderneem is. Die behoefte-analises toon dat studente wie se eerste
taal nie Afrikaans is nie, die behoefte het om Afrikaans te verwerf ten einde suksesvol te kan
kommunikeer met medestudente en dosente. Na aanleiding van die behoefte-analises is tien student-student-dialoë en tien student-dosent-dialoë gekonstrueer wat verteenwoordigende
kampuskommunikasie simuleer.
Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om die verskeie kenmerke van take wat verband hou met
kognitiewe en linguistiese kompleksiteit in ’n taakgebaseerde ontwerp te ondersoek. Die
doel hiervan is om onder meer ’n raamwerk vir die analisering van kompleksiteit in ’n
taakgebaseerde sillabus vir leer en onderrig van generiese Afrikaans vir kampuskommunikasie
voor te stel. Saam met die ondersoek na kognitiewe en linguistiese
kompleksiteit, ondersoek die proefskrif die kenmerke van sillabusontwerp om te bepaal hoe
dit die leer en onderrig van Afrikaans as ’n tweede taal beïnvloed. Die insigte wat sodoende
oor die kompleksiteit van die take verkry word, skep verskeie moontlikhede vir die
ontwikkeling van take binne die konteks van ’n universiteitskampus met betrekking tot die
leer van Afrikaans as ’n tweede taal. Voorts verskaf die studie ook ontledings met betrekking
tot die kompleksiteitskenmerke van die twintig dialoë in Afrikaans sodat kriteria vir sillabusontwerpers
geskep kan word waarvolgens hulle take binne die taakgebaseerde leer en
onderrig kan gradeer en orden om ’n sillabus vir tweedetaalstudente van Afrikaans te
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The influence a reading intervention programme for grade 8 learners in their first language (Afrikaans) has on their first and second language (English) reading skillsStofberg, Elmarie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil )--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An increasing number of studies indicate that South African learners' literacy levels are
deplorably low. According to one international study, the Progress in International Literacy
Study (PIRLS), conducted in 2006, South African grade 4 learners' literacy levels are the lowest
of the 40 countries that participated in the study. The results of the first Annual National
Assessment (ANA), conducted in 2011, show that the average literacy performance of grade 3
learners in South Africa lies at 35%. Even though numerous reasons can be presented for these
low literacy levels - amongst others, large classes, insufficient teacher training, insufficient
educational practices (especially the fact that so little time is spent on reading instruction), and
a lack of teaching material - the blame is often cast on the insufficient language proficiency of
South African learners. South African learners often receive education in a language which is
not their first language. A large number of learners only receive education in their first
language for the first three years of their school career and thereafter English usually becomes
the language of learning and teaching. It is, however, not only those learners who receive
education in their second language who have low literacy skills. Learners who receive
education in their first language also encounter problems. The aim of this study was to
determine whether a reading intervention programme, designed on the basis of the most recent
research on reading, could improve the reading comprehension skills of grade 8 learners in their
first language Afrikaans and whether these skills could be transferred to their second language
English. The study showed that there was a significant improvement in the participating
learners' reading comprehension skills in their first language Afrikaans, as well as in their
second language English, even though the reading intervention was only offered in Afrikaans.
According to the results of this study, it seems that reading comprehension skills which are
acquired in the first language can indeed be transferred to a second language. The implications
of these findings for first and second language literacy development are discussed in the final
chapter of the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Toenemende aantal studies dui daarop dat Suid-Afrikaanse leerders se geletterdheidsvlakke
kommerwekkend laag is. Volgens een internasionale studie, die Progress in International
Literacy Study (PIRLS), wat in 2006 gedoen is, is Suid-Afrikaanse graad 4-leerders se
geletterdheidsvlakke die laagste van die 40 lande wat deelgeneem het. Die resultate van die
eerste Annual National Assessment (ANA) wat in 2011 gedoen is, wys dat graad 3-leerders in
Suid-Afrika se gemiddelde prestasie vir geletterdheid slegs 35% is. Hoewel talle redes vir
hierdie lae geletterdheidsvlakke aangebied kan word - waaronder groot klasse, onvoldoende
onderwyseropleiding, onvoldoende onderrigpraktyke (veral dat daar te min tyd aan leesonderrig
bestee word) en 'n gebrek aan onderrigmateriaal - word die blaam dikwels geplaas op die
onvoldoende taalvaardighede van Suid-Afrikaanse leerders. Suid-Afrikaanse leerders gaan
dikwels skool in 'n taal wat nie hul eerste taal is nie. Talle leerders ontvang slegs vir die eerste
drie jaar van hul skoolloopbaan onderrig in hul eerste taal en daarna word Engels gewoonlik die
taal van leer en onderrig. Dit is egter nie net die leerders wat in hul tweede taal onderrig
ontvang, wat lae geletterdheidsvlakke het nie. Leerders wat in hul eerste taal onderrig ontvang,
ondervind ook probleme. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of 'n
leesintervensieprogram, wat geskoei is op die nuutste navorsing oor lees, die
leesbegripsvaardighede van graad 8-leerders in hul eerste taal Afrikaans kan verbeter en of
hierdie vaardighede oorgedra kan word op hul tweede taal Engels. Die studie het aangedui dat
daar 'n beduidende verbetering in die leerders se leesbegripsvaardighede in hul eerste taal
Afrikaans sowel as hul tweede taal Engels was, alhoewel die leesintervensie slegs in Afrikaans
aangebied is. Volgens die resultate van die studie wil dit voorkom asof leesbegripsvaardighede
wat in die eerste taal verwerf word, oorgedra kan word na 'n tweede taal. Die implikasies van
hierdie bevindinge vir die ontwikkeling van geletterdheid in 'n eerste en tweede taal, word in
die finale hoofstuk van die tesis bespreek.
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Geleenthede wat uitkomsgebaseerde taalhandboeke bied vir die ontwikkeling van leerders se meervoudige intelligensiesvan den Berg, Geesje 08 December 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study investigates the opportunities provided in outcomes-based language textbooks to develop learners' full potential. This is done by looking at how learners' multiple intelligences can flourish. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which is used as a framework in the current study, claims that learners have different combinations of intelligences, and that the various intelligences can be developed. By doing so, learners are developed in their totality as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced adults.
By giving learners a variety of activities which accommodate the different intelligences, they have the opportunity to use their strong intelligences in the language classroom. At the same time, learners are given the opportunity to expand their less developed intelligences. In this study, selected Afrikaans and English language textbooks are analysed to determine how the different intelligences are covered. Outcomes-based language textbooks are used because outcomes-based education deals with the development of learners' full potential. The assumption can be made that this approach to teaching and learning enables learners to develop their multiple intelligences.
The study brings to light that only some intelligences receive attention in language textbooks, namely the linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial intelligences. On the other hand, other intelligences get little or even no attention in the textbooks that were analysed, namely the bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic and musical intelligences. In spite of the important role that music plays in language teaching, it appears that the musical intelligence is afforded the least attention of all the intelligences in seven of the eight textbooks that were analysed. As a result, learners' uniqueness in this regard is not respected, and their total development as knowledgeable, skilful and balanced human beings can therefore be hindered.
Recommendations are made regarding the curriculum, teaching practice and teacher training, and are directed to stakeholders in the writing of textbooks. The recommendations make it clear that different aspects of all the intelligences should be taken into consideration in the development of textbooks and other learning materials for language teaching and, by implication, teaching in general. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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