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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eficácia do método de estimativa de idade de Lamendin / Efficacy of Lamendins dental age estimation method

Lopes, Juliana Ribeiro 06 August 2012 (has links)
Diante das dificuldades em estimar a idade de adultos e procurando se basear em pesquisas com evidência de qualidade, o presente trabalho objetivou verificar a eficácia do método de estimativa de idade de Lamendin por meio de uma revisão sistemática com metanálise e também aplicando a técnica a uma amostra brasileira. Para a metanálise, foram pesquisados estudos que tinham como objetivo mostrar a eficácia do método, comparando as idades cronológica e estimada da amostra. Foram excluídos os artigos com amostra histórica, os que modificaram a técnica, os que analisaram outros aspectos do método sem retratar sua eficácia e os que apresentaram a amostra em grupo único com indivíduos de menos de 25 anos de idade. Em seguida, a escala de qualidade de evidência QUADAS foi utilizada com modificações. A amostra final foi constituída de oito estudos. O trabalho de campo foi realizado numa amostra composta de 49 dentes provenientes de 26 crânios da coleção do Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa em Ciências Forenses do IML de Guarulhos-SP. Os resultados mostraram que os estudos identificados descuidam de alguns aspectos metodológicos e que o método é ineficaz em idosos, mas que produz boas estimativas nos outros adultos. Nos brasileiros, adultos jovens mostraram as menores médias das diferenças Entretanto, existem discordâncias na literatura quanto à faixa etária em que o método funciona melhor. Diante do exposto, sugerimos que os estudos tenham mais rigor metodológico e que a técnica seja testada antes de ser usada numa determinada população, para que se possa constatar em qual faixa etária os resultados são mais precisos. Uma pesquisa com uma amostra brasileira maior também deve ser realizada, para que se possa verificar se sexo e tipo de dente influenciam os resultados. / Given the difficulties in estimating the age of adults and trying to rely on surveys of quality evidence, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Lamendins method of age estimation through a systematic review and meta-analysis and also by applying the technique to a Brazilian sample. For the meta-analysis, we researched studies that aimed to show the effectiveness of the method by comparing the chronological and estimated ages of the sample. We excluded studies with historical samples, those that changed the technique, the ones that analyzed other aspects of the method without presenting results on effectiveness and the ones that presented the sample in a single group with individuals less than 25years of age. Then, the quality evidence scale QUADAS was used with some modifications. The final sample consisted of eight studies. Fieldwork was conducted in a sample of 49 teeth from 26 skulls from the collection of the Center for Study and Research in Forensic Sciences from the IML Guarulhos-SP. The results showed that the studies identified could be methodologically careless and that the method is ineffective in the elderly, but produces good estimates for other adults. In Brazil, young adults showed the smallest mean errors. However, there are discrepancies in the literature as to the age at which the method works best. We suggest that the studies have more methodological rigor and that the technique be tested before used in a given population, so it can be verified at what age the results are more accurate. A research with a larger Brazilian sample should be made, so it can be confirmed if sex and type of tooth influence the results.

Eficácia do método de estimativa de idade de Lamendin / Efficacy of Lamendins dental age estimation method

Juliana Ribeiro Lopes 06 August 2012 (has links)
Diante das dificuldades em estimar a idade de adultos e procurando se basear em pesquisas com evidência de qualidade, o presente trabalho objetivou verificar a eficácia do método de estimativa de idade de Lamendin por meio de uma revisão sistemática com metanálise e também aplicando a técnica a uma amostra brasileira. Para a metanálise, foram pesquisados estudos que tinham como objetivo mostrar a eficácia do método, comparando as idades cronológica e estimada da amostra. Foram excluídos os artigos com amostra histórica, os que modificaram a técnica, os que analisaram outros aspectos do método sem retratar sua eficácia e os que apresentaram a amostra em grupo único com indivíduos de menos de 25 anos de idade. Em seguida, a escala de qualidade de evidência QUADAS foi utilizada com modificações. A amostra final foi constituída de oito estudos. O trabalho de campo foi realizado numa amostra composta de 49 dentes provenientes de 26 crânios da coleção do Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa em Ciências Forenses do IML de Guarulhos-SP. Os resultados mostraram que os estudos identificados descuidam de alguns aspectos metodológicos e que o método é ineficaz em idosos, mas que produz boas estimativas nos outros adultos. Nos brasileiros, adultos jovens mostraram as menores médias das diferenças Entretanto, existem discordâncias na literatura quanto à faixa etária em que o método funciona melhor. Diante do exposto, sugerimos que os estudos tenham mais rigor metodológico e que a técnica seja testada antes de ser usada numa determinada população, para que se possa constatar em qual faixa etária os resultados são mais precisos. Uma pesquisa com uma amostra brasileira maior também deve ser realizada, para que se possa verificar se sexo e tipo de dente influenciam os resultados. / Given the difficulties in estimating the age of adults and trying to rely on surveys of quality evidence, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Lamendins method of age estimation through a systematic review and meta-analysis and also by applying the technique to a Brazilian sample. For the meta-analysis, we researched studies that aimed to show the effectiveness of the method by comparing the chronological and estimated ages of the sample. We excluded studies with historical samples, those that changed the technique, the ones that analyzed other aspects of the method without presenting results on effectiveness and the ones that presented the sample in a single group with individuals less than 25years of age. Then, the quality evidence scale QUADAS was used with some modifications. The final sample consisted of eight studies. Fieldwork was conducted in a sample of 49 teeth from 26 skulls from the collection of the Center for Study and Research in Forensic Sciences from the IML Guarulhos-SP. The results showed that the studies identified could be methodologically careless and that the method is ineffective in the elderly, but produces good estimates for other adults. In Brazil, young adults showed the smallest mean errors. However, there are discrepancies in the literature as to the age at which the method works best. We suggest that the studies have more methodological rigor and that the technique be tested before used in a given population, so it can be verified at what age the results are more accurate. A research with a larger Brazilian sample should be made, so it can be confirmed if sex and type of tooth influence the results.

Détermination de l'âge et du sexe et modélisation de la canine en anthropologie médico-légale

Tardivo, Delphine 09 November 2011 (has links)
Les méthodes osseuses de diagnose sexuelle donnent d’excellents résultats, avec des taux de bonnes prédictions du sexe supérieurs à 90%. Néanmoins, les éléments osseux ne sont pas toujours disponibles et, lorsqu’ils le sont, selon les causes de la mort et/ou les conditions de conservation du corps, ils peuvent avoir été lourdement dégradés. Pour parvenir à déterminer le sexe d’un individu dans ces situations là, des techniques dentaires de diagnose sexuelle sont nécessaires.Contrairement à la détermination du sexe, la problématique de la détermination de l’âge a fait l’objet de nombreuses études et d’autant de propositions de techniques différentes, signe d’une insuffisance de l’ensemble de ces méthodes, que la littérature n’a pas manqué de mettre en exergue.Le premier objectif de ce travail est de proposer une technique dentaire de détermination du sexe simple et précise, de façon à pouvoir répondre à cette problématique anthropologique de façon fiable en l’absence d’autres éléments du squelette.Le second est de développer une méthode d’estimation de l’âge de mise en œuvre facile, rapide et ne nécessitant ni un plateau technique lourd, ni la détérioration du matériel, pour une application aussi bien anthropologique que médico-légale. L’échantillon d’apprentissage était composé de 210 scanners d’individus présentant chacun 4 canines saines. L’échantillon d’application était composé de 55 scanners d’individus, présentant chacun au moins 1 canine saine. Les volumes pulpaire et total de chaque dent ont été modélisés et calculés à l’aide du logiciel Mimics. Une régression logistique binaire a été utilisée pour déterminer sept modèles de prédiction du sexe, en fonction du nombre et du type de canines exploitables. La comparaison des aires sous la courbe ROC a mis en évidence une plus grande performance du modèle utilisant les volumes des 4 canines. La méthode des moindres carrés pondérés a été utilisée pour déterminer les équations d’estimation de l’âge pour les sept mêmes modèles. Une plus grande performance du modèle utilisant les volumes des 2 canines maxillaires a été mise en évidence. Toutes ces régressions ont été testées sur l’échantillon d’application pour procéder à leur validation externe.Il s’avère que dans un contexte scientifique historique où les canines mandibulaires constituaient l’outil dentaire de référence dans la diagnose sexuelle, la modélisation tridimensionnelle souligne l’intérêt potentiel de leurs homologues maxillaires. Par ailleurs, il semblerait que l’évaluation de la réduction pulpaire physiologique, imputable à l’apposition naturelle de dentine secondaire sur les canines uniquement, soit un critère performant dans la détermination de l’âge.A défaut d’être parfaits, les modèles proposés à l’issue cette étude permettent donc toutefois de disposer d’éléments fiables, qui ont toute leur place dans l’indispensable faisceau de preuves, nécessaire à la détermination de l’âge et du sexe dans le cadre d’une identification estimative. / The bone methods of sexual diagnosis give excellent results, with rates of good predictions over 90%. Nonetheless, bones are not always available and, when they are, according to the causes of death and/or storage conditions of the body, they may have been severely degraded. To be able to determine the sex of an individual in these situations, dental techniques of sexual diagnosis are needed.In contrast to sex determination, the problem of age estimation has been the topic of many studies and so many different techniques, evidence of failure of all these methods, which the literature did not fail to highlight.The first aim of this work was to propose a simple and accurate dental technique for determining sex, in order to resolve this anthropological issue, reliably in the absence of other elements of the skeleton.The second was to develop a method for estimating the age of easy and fast implémentation, neither requiring a heavy technical support nor damage to material, for an application as well in forensics as in anthropology.The training sample consisted of 210 subjects’ CT-scans, each with four canines healthy. The validation sample was composed of 55 CT-scans, each with at least one healthy canine. Pulp and total volumes of each tooth were modeled and calculated using the software Mimics . A binary logistic regression was used to determine seven prediction models of sex, according to the number and type of canine available in practice. The comparison of the areas under the ROC curve showed a greater performance of the model using the volumes of the four canines. The weighted least squares method was used to determine the equations for estimating the age for the same seven models. Greater performance of the model using the volumes of maxillary canines has been demonstrated. All these regressions were tested on the validation sample to perform their external validation.It turns out that in a scientific context where historical mandibular canines were the reference tool in the sex diagnosis, three-dimensional modeling emphasizes the potential value of maxillary counterparts. Moreover, it appears that the evaluation of the physiological pulp reduction, due to the natural apposition of secondary dentine on canines only, is a performance criterion in determining age.The models proposed in this study can therefore have reliable evidence, which all have all their place in the necessary body of evidence for determining age and sex, in estimating identification.

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