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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smallholder agriculture as local economic development (LED) strategy in rural South Africa: exploring prospects in Pondoland, Eastern Cape.

Manona, Siyabulela S January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the role and the prospects of smallholder agriculture as local economic development in Eastern Pondoland, in the former Transkei homeland. The study explored the role of agriculture in contributing to local economic development and the upliftment of the rural poor. It also explored the role that government and its agencies have played and could play in stimulating agricultural development.

Assessment of microbial levels in the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers and subsequent carry-over to fresh produce using source tracking as indicator

Huisamen, Nicola 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The agricultural sector of South Africa is currently facing a serious water crisis. The decreased availability of water as a result of climate change and the constantly growing population has left many farmers increasingly dependant on surface water as primary source of irrigation. Urbanisation along with out-dated and insufficient wastewater treatment works have all contributed to polluting large volumes of these resources. Consequently, many farmers have been forced to use irrigation water, not only of poor quality, but often water which has been polluted with untreated sewage. As a result, this project aimed at investigating the link between the quality of irrigation water and the impact on the safety of fresh produce. A base-line of the microbial load at three sites along the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers was established using standard microbial methods for the detection of indicator organisms such as total and faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and Enterococci as well as potential pathogens that included Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus, endosporeformers and aerobic colony counts. Chemical parameters such as pH, alkalinity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were also monitored, but were not correlated to microbial pollution levels in the rivers. High faecal coliform and E. coli concentrations, ranging from 310 to 7 x 106 cfu.100 mL-1 and 230 to 7 x 106 cfu.100 mL-1, respectively, were detected. The recommended irrigation water guidelines of ≤1 000 (WHO, 1989) and ≤4 000 cfu.100 mL-1 (DWAF, 2008) for faecal coliforms and E. coli were exceeded, indicating faecal pollution and thus a high health risk. This health risk was confirmed when potential pathogens such as Aerococcus viridans, Klebsiella, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium were detected at all three sites. The carryover of organisms from rivers to produce (green beans and grapes) was investigated by comparing the microbial population of the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers to the population recovered from irrigation water and the surface of fresh produce. Faecal coliforms, E. coli, Aerococcus viridans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella, L. innocua, L. grayi, L. monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in all three sample types, indicating a similarity between the microbial populations found in the river, the irrigation water and produce. Thus, the transfer of potential pathogens from the rivers to produce is a strong possibility. The build-up of organisms on the surface of green beans as a result of multiple irrigations was also confirmed by an increase in faecal coliform concentrations from initial concentrations of none detected to 44 000 cfu.100 mL-1 over a 10 day irrigation period. Finally, microbial source-tracking techniques including multi-antibiotic resistance (MAR) profiling, and the API 20E classification system were used to determine genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of 92 faecal isolates (from irrigation water and produce) and 13 reference strains. Numerical classification systems was used to classify the 105 faecal isolates according to the degree of similarity between the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the 105 isolates. A high degree of similarity indicates a high probability that isolates originate from the same strain and therefore from the same source, thereby confirming the transfer of organisms Faecal isolates (93 and 98%, respectively) were found to be resistant to Vancomycin at both the 5 and 30 μg concentrations. The majority of isolates presented some resistance to Erythromycin (15 μg) and Ampicillin (25 μg), with 82% of isolates presenting an inhibition zone ≤4 mm. Isolates were sensitive towards Ciprofloxacin (1 and 5 μg), Ofloxacin (15 μg), Ceftriaxone (30 μg) and Cefotaxime (5 μg), which were able to inhibit the growth of 79.8, 93.3, 79.8, 88.5 and 71.2% of the isolates, respectively. The 13 medical reference strains all presented different genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and thereby indicated a high degree of variability between isolates from the same species. Finally, 35% of the isolates could be grouped together based on similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, therefore, more than a third of the faecal isolates obtained from the surface of the fresh produce was as a result of faecal contaminants in the irrigation water. It could therefore be concluded that a health risk is associated with the water from the Plankenburg and to a lesser extent, Eerste River when used as source of irrigation, thereby risking the transfer of potentially harmful organisms, present in the rivers as result of faecal pollution, to the surface of fresh produce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika stuur tans af op 'n dreigende water krisis. Klimaatsverandering tesame met 'n spoedig groeiende bevolking het gelei tot 'n aansienlike vermindering in die land se varswaterbronne terwyl veranderende reënvalpatrone daartoe bygedra het dat talle boere al hoe meer afhanklik geword het van oppervlakvarswaterbronne as hul hoof-besproeïngsbron. Verstedeliking, armoede asook verouderde en onvoldoende infrastrukture het egter bygedra tot die besoedeling van baie van hierdie oppervlakvarswaterbronne. Gevolglik is meeste boere genoodsaak om klaar te kom met besproeïngswater van, nie net onaanvaarbare mikrobiese kwaliteit nie, maar dikwels water wat gekontamineer is met onbehandelde riool. Hierdie studie was gevolglik daarop gemik om die impak van die mikrobiologiese kwaliteit van besproeïngswater op die veiligheid van vars groente en vrugte te bepaal. Standaard mikrobiologiese metodes vir die bepaling van indikator organismes soos totale en fekale kolivorms, E. coli en enterococci asook potensiële patogene wat Salmonella, Listeria en Staphylococcus insluit, was gebruik om die mikrobiese lading by drie verskillende punte (P1, P2 en P3) in die Plankenburg en Eerste Rivier te bepaal. Chemiese parameters soos pH, alkaliniteit, konduktiwiteit en Chemiese Suurstof Behoefte was ook bepaal maar geen korrelasie kon tussen hierdie eienskappe en die mikrobiese besoedelingsvlakke getref word nie. Hoë konsentrasies fekale kolivorms en E. coli wat onderskeidelik vanaf 3.1 x 102 tot 7 x 106 kve.100 mL-1 en 2.3 x 102 tot 7 x 106 kve.100 mL-1 gestrek het en gereeld die voorgeskrewe riglyne van onderskeidelik ≤1 000 (WHO, 1989) en ≤4 000 kve.100 mL-1 (DWAF, 2008) oorskry het, was by al drie punte gevind. Hierdie resultate het gedui op fekale besoedeling wat gevolglik met 'n hoë gesondheidsrisiko geassosieer kon word. Hierdie risiko was bevestig deur die teenwoordigheid van talle potensiële patogene, soos Aerococcus viridans, Klebsiella, Listeria monocytogenes en Salmonella typhimurium, wat vanaf al drie punte geïsoleer was. Die oordrag van organismes vanaf die besoedelde riviere na vars vrugte en groente (groen bone en druiwe) was bepaal deur die mikrobiese lading in die Plankenburg en Eerste Rivier te vergelyk met dié verkry vanuit die besproeïngswater en vanaf groen bone wat besproei was met hierdie water. Fekale kolivorms, E. coli, Aerococcus viridans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella, L. innocua, L. grayi, L. monocytogenes en Staphylococcus aureus was vanaf al drie die monster tipes geïsoleer. Hierdie resultate het gedui op eenderse mikrobiese populasies in al drie bronne en het daarom die moontlike oordrag van patogene bevestig. Die opbou van organismes as gevolg van veelvuldige besproeïngsessies aan die oppervlak van groen bone was bevestig deur die toename in fekale kolivorm konsentrasie vanaf 'n begin telling van nul tot 'n maksimum konsentrasie van 44 000 kve.100 mL-1. Laastens was mikrobiologiese bron naspeurbaarheidstegnieke soos multi-antibiotika weerstandbiedende profiele en die API 20E klassifikasie sisteem gebruik om individuele genotipe en fenotipe profiele van die 105 fekale isolate saam te stel. Numeriese klassifikasie sisteme was gebruik om die isolate op grond van ooreenkomste tussen hul individuele fenotipiese en genotipiese karaktereienskappe te groeppeer. 'n Hoë mate van ooreenkomstigheid sal dan daarop dui dat isolate van dieselfde besoedlingsbron afkomstig is en gevolglik die oordrag van organismes vanaf besproeïngswater na vrugte en groente bevestig. Onderskeidelik 93 en 98% van die fekale isolate het daarop gedui om weerstandbiedend te wees teen beide 5 en 30 μg Vancomycin. Die meerderheid isolate (82%) het ook 'n mate van weerstand teenoor Erythromycin (15 μg) en Ampicillin (25 μg) getoon met inhibisie sones ≤4 mm. Isolate was ook sensitief teenoor Ciprofloxacin (1 en 5 μg), Ofloxacin (15 μg), Ceftriaxone (30 μg) en Cefotaxime (5 μg). Hierdie antibiotikums was in staat om die groei van onderskeidelik 79.8, 93.3, 79.8, 88.5 en 71.2 % van die isolate te inhibeer. Alhoewel resultate 'n hoë mate van variasie tussen isolate van dieselfde spesie getoon het was dit nogtans moontlik om 35% van die isolate saam te groeppeer op grond van ooreenstemmende genotipe en fenotipe profiele. Meer as 'n derde van die fekale isolate wat vanaf die oppervlakte van die groente en vrugte geïsoleer was, was afkomstig vanaf fekale besmetting in die besproeïngswater. Die oordrag van potensieël patogene organismes vanaf besoedelde riviere na vars vrugte en groente tydens besproeïng was sodoende bevestig. 'n Hoë gesondheidsrisiko was gevolglik gekoppel aan die gebruik van water vanaf die Plankenburg Rivier, en in 'n minder mate die Eerste Rivier, as bron van besproeïngswater. / Water Research Commission / National Research Foundation

Biodiversity and the South African wine sector: a successful blend?

Bridgman, Corrie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The acceleration of biodiversity loss is understood to threaten the ecosystems upon which life on earth depends. Existing conservation approaches have proved insufficient to stem global biodiversity losses. Mounting evidence indicates that responsible biodiversity conservation requires an integration of ecology with economics. Accordingly, contemporary conservation interventions incorporate a concept that ecosystems and biodiversity can be used and also conserved. In South Africa, such interventions can be appropriately applied in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), an area containing severely endangered biodiversity where land use and conservation goals rarely mesh. More than 80% of land in the CFR is privately owned, with large tracts transformed for viticulture. Conservation challenges thus include the reconciliation of wine production needs with biodiversity protection necessities. This thesis comprises a case study of the Biodiversity and Wine Initiative, an organisation that simultaneously promotes biodiversity conservation in the South African wine sector, by a process of mainstreaming within an viticultural context. The overall study aim was to improve understanding of the BWI as a mainstreaming initiative. Specifically, the area of inquiry is an investigation into how effectively the BWI has protected biodiversity in the CFR between 2005 and 2008. Individual aims were to investigate reductions in threat to biodiversity in the CFR; to assess farmer adoption levels of BWI strategy; and to formulate a sustainability appraisal of the Biodiversity and Wine Initiative. A strategic triangulation of methods was employed. Stakeholder interviews were conducted to probe adoption levels and opinions of BWI strategy. Case studies of two BWI champion estates provided data on best practice. Towards a critical appraisal of sustainability, an assessment was made of the BWI as a functioning mainstreaming model, which included case studies of two model farms.

Insect pests of cultivated and wild olives, and some of their natural enemies, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mkize, Nolwazi January 2009 (has links)
This thesis has two focuses. The first problem facing the olive industry in the Eastern Cape is the growers’ perceptions of both what the industry will provide them and what a pest management program might entail. The second focus is the biology of olive pests in the Eastern Cape in terms of understanding their populations and their natural enemies on private farms, with future hopes of understanding how Integrated Pest Management strategies can be developed for this crop. Eastern Cape private farmers, small-scale farmers and workers from agricultural training institutions were interviewed regarding the history and cultivation of the local olive crop. Only one commercially viable olive grove was identified; other groves were small, experimental pilot ventures. The introduction of olives to small-scale farmers and agricultural training schools was generally a top-down initiative that led to a lack of sense of ownership and the trees being neglected. Other problems included poor human capital; poor financial capital; lack of adequate support; lack of knowledge transfer and stability; lack of communication and evaluation procedures of the project; miscommunication; and finally, olive pests. Apart from hesitancy to plant at a commercial scale, the main problem facing private farmers (Varnam Farm, Hewlands Farm and Springvale Farm) was pests. Therefore an investigation of pests from private farms was conducted ranging from collection of cultivated and wild olive fruit and flea beetle larvae for parasitism, trapping systems both for fruit flies and olive flea beetle adults. A survey of olive fruits yielded larval fruit flies of the families Tephritidae (Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), B. biguttula (Bezzi) and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)) and Drosophilidae (Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen)) from wild olives (O. europaea cuspidata (Wall. ex G. Don) Cif.) but none from cultivated olives (O. e. europaea L.). Braconid wasps (Opiinae and Braconinae) were reared only from fruits containing B. oleae and B. biguttula. This suggests that B. oleae is not of economic significance in the Eastern Cape, perhaps because it is controlled to a significant level by natural enemies, but B. biguttula may be a potential economic pest. A survey of adult fruit flies using ChamP traps baited with ammonium bicarbonate and spiroketal capsules and Sensus trap baited with methyl eugenol and Questlure confirmed the relative importance of B. biguttula over B. oleae. ChamP traps were over 50 times better than Sensus traps for mass trapping of B. biguttula but both were ineffective for trapping B. oleae and C. capitata. Six indigenous flea beetles of the genus Argopistes Motschulsky (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) were found, three described by Bryant in 1922 and 1944 and three new species. Their morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and mutivariate morphometric analysis. The leaf-mining larvae are pests of wild and cultivated olives in South Africa and threaten the local olive industry. At Springvale Farm, A. oleae Bryant and A. sexvittatus Bryant preferred the upper parts of trees, near new leaves. Pseudophanomeris inopinatus (Blkb.) (Braconidae) was reared from 23 Argopistes larvae. The beetle larvae might not be controlled to a significant level by natural enemies because the rate of parasitism was low. The olive flea beetles showed no attraction to traps containing various volatile compounds as baits. The lace bug, Plerochila australis Distant (Tingidae), was sometimes a pest. It showed a preference for the underside of leaves on the lower parts of the trees. A moth, Palpita unionalis Hübner (Crambidae), was reared in very low numbers and without parasitoids. A twig-boring beetle larva, chalcidoid parasitoids and seed wasps of the families Eurytomidae, Ormyridae and Eupelmidae were also recorded.

Application of the sustainable livelihoods framework to the analysis of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan of the Eastern Cape: a case study of the Massive Food Production Programme in Nkonkobe Municipality and Buffalo City Municipality

Dirwayi, Tafadzwa P January 2010 (has links)
The Government of the Eastern Cape Province introduced the Massive Food Production programme, which is a cornerstone within the agrarian reform initiative of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP). The programme has been going on for more than seven years, however little has been documented on its impact. The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme on the livelihoods in Nkonkobe Municipality. This study did not only investigate its impact on the participants but also assessed its impact on the recipient communities. Accordingly, the specific objectives of the study were to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Programme on the asset base of participants, the general livelihood activities, and the livelihood outcomes. Among other livelihood activities, the study made an in-depth investigation on the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme on maize crop production. This is because the Massive Food Production was aimed at maize crop production. Previous studies investigated on the indicators of success that can be used to measure the impact of this programme. After the wide-ranging evaluation of views, arguments and research findings, a model to measure impact of the programme was designed. The asset base improvement was used as the proxy of impact. Nine factors were selected from the principal component analysis of the many factors that were taken to affect participation. Three other dummy variables to proximate location, participation and group turnover were added to the regression model that was developed to measure impact. The DFID Sustainable Livelihood Framework was used to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme. This approach was used in both conceptualizing the study and the selection of variables. The DFID Sustainable Livelihood Approach was selected because unlike the CARE or UNDP Sustainable Livelihood models, it was designed for such purposes. Data collection was accomplished through observation, interviewing, and focus group discussions. The researcher also made use of project annual reports on change of livelihoods, baseline survey reports, project log frame, internal reports, work plans, budgets and mid-term evaluation reports as sources of secondary data. v The research findings were analysed using several analytical procedures, including the conventional descriptive statistics, principal components analysis, and linear regression analysis. The use of the different types of analysis was driven by the research questions under investigation and the theories on which they are based, and by the available data. The study revealed that to some extent the Massive Food Production Programme has managed to improve the asset base of the farmers. However, its impact on ensuring food security is still debatable. Findings of the study revealed that most of the participants and the non-participants communities experienced food shortages in the last season 2007/8 for at most three months. The study revealed that the highest agricultural income is from livestock sales. The varying locations showed the potential of livestock production. It is recommended that development agencies consider livestock production as an agricultural strategy with immense potential for enhancing sustaining rural livelihoods

Tsweletswele: problems and prospects for development in a peri-urban closer settlement in Ciskei / Development Studies Working Paper, no. 13

Bekker, S B, Fincham, Robert John, Manona, C W, Whisson, Michael G January 1983 (has links)
In Ciskei, the development of urban housing and local authority structures has not been able to keep up with this immigration. As a result, a number of communities have sprung up in the tribal Authority areas close to this conurbation of some half a million people. These communities are neither urban nor rural, and comprise people with rural farmworker backgrounds who obtain their main source of income from employment in urban areas. In contradistinction to their true rural cousins, the breadwinners in these communities do not need to become migrants living and working far from home. Rather, they work during the week in an urban location close to home, and return on weekends to their families and children. This volume reports on one such community. The settlement of Tsweletswele is new, situated in a Tribal area, and within thirty kilometres of East London. Its residents who came from farms in the region work in East London. Their level of living is low, their access to state services minimal, and their tenure in the settlement uncertain. This report aims quite simply to establish what strategies these people choose to survive in their settlement. Subsequently, a set of recommendations are made which are aimed at improving the levels of living in the community, the delivery of essential services, and the tenure arrangements in the settlement / Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)

A decade of changes Eastern Cape white commercial farmers' discourses of democracy

Böhmke, Werner January 2005 (has links)
This paper deals with an analysis of the discursive accounts of Eastern Cape white commercial farmers on the subject of Democracy. Drawing on the theoretical perspectives of Social Constructionism and Discourse Analysis – which view individuals’ accounts of their realities as produced and informed by their particular social and historical context – the paper seeks to provide an analysis of the content of, and rhetorical strategies within the participants’ accounts and explanations. Such accounts of the social, historical and political circumstances in which Eastern Cape commercial farmers find themselves are thought to provide valuable insights into the manner in which the process of democratisation has been received by members of the agricultural sector. Data collection was conducted via brief, audio taped, semi-structured interviews. The participants were all white men and women, living in a commercial farming region of the Eastern Cape Province. Responses to the interviews were subjected to the Discourse Analytical procedure advanced by Ian Parker. Analyses reveal that participants are critical of the notion of democracy; utilize specific rhetorical and argumentation strategies; make use of notions and techniques of ‘Othering’; and subscribe to a colonial / patriarchal ideology which attempts to idealize pre-democratic South Africa. These findings illustrate what is in many ways still an ongoing political and ideological struggle in the rural regions of the country.

Determination and validation of plants used by resource-limited farmers in the ethno veterinary control of gastro-intestinal parasites of goats in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Maphosa, Viola January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Frontier heartland : analysing the impact of forestry and tourism on 'white' identity in Maclear

Griffin, Donna-Lee January 2006 (has links)
The North Eastern Cape in South Africa is part of a larger province that is in desperate need of job creation and economic development. In light of these needs, efforts have been made by members of the community and outside investors to generate new forms of income in the area. These economic developments emerged in the form of small-scale tourism initiatives and commercial forestry. The impact of these developments on the small community of Maclear differs in nature and is bringing about social change and influencing identity. In this thesis, I explore the effects of each of these developments on the local farming community, particularly the established white English-speaking farmers. For various important reasons, such as the changes to land use patterns occurring around them in terms of forestry and tourism initiatives, I chose to examine the situation of this minority. In general discussions and portrayals of white farmers, it is hypothesized that whites living in small farming communities are resistant to change, politically stagnant and socially conservative. In this thesis I test this hypothesis and investigate what South Africans might see as the core, or whether there is a core of, white settler identity. TIle idea of 'frontiers' being heartlands was emphasized in Maclear as residents spoke about the pioneering efforts of their forefathers and discussed these efforts as the essence of their identity. Forestry is a contemporary ' frontier' encroaching on these white Settlers. A dynamic concept of landscape is central to these identity construction efforts. In this thesis I explore, through different articulations of landscape, how residents, recent arrivals and investors attempt to embed their identity and resources in the community. I ask whether it is possible for members of the white community to produce an alternate and politically viable interpretation of landscape in post-apartheid South Africa. Can land and landscape offer them a sense of belonging and identity? What is their experience in view of the impositions of major investors who see land purely as an economic unit? The research does not explicitly investigate how 'new' black farmers and farming groups perceive and experience land and landscape. What is noted is the imagined passivity of black labourers on white-owned land. This thesis touches on issues inlportant to democratic change and progress in South Africa. How will the new government deal with the thorny issue of land redistribution in the face of competing claims for land and identity? How will the various sections of the white community (in this case the farming community) negotiate their identity in the new South Africa? Also, what do ' frontier' towns like Maclear reveal about the nature of white identity in post-apartheid South Africa? This thesis relies on gender and constructionist theories of landscape as developed by Appadurai (1996) to explain the dynamic nature of landscape in Maclear. It also explores and appraises the idea of ' frontier'. In the analysis of identity, I take into account that white settlers 'success' relies in part on the settlers ability to adapt to the ' frontier' and their ability to construct a new identity in their newfound 'homeland' (simliar to Paul Gilroy's (1993) "double consciousness). Keywords: South Africa, Maclear, Farming, White Identity, Landscape and Tourism.

Productive minescape : the rehabilitative and productive relationship between architecture, an open cast mining landscape and the subsistence farming communities, Mogalakwena, Limpopo

Boniface, Dean 16 April 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Architectural Technology) / This project is an architectural response to a setting shared by an active open cast platinum mine and the surrounding rural traditional subsistence farming communities located in the Mogalakwena municipality, Limpopo Province. The area is characterised by its mine waste landscape and large open cast pits, all of which are remnants of the process of open cast mining. The Mogalakwena communities’ economic livelihood is largely dependent on agricultural land. This land is reducing, partly due to the establishment and expansion of the mine and partly to the increased growth rate of the surrounding communities. This project argues that the remnants of the mining industry (particularly open cast pits, mine waste rock and infrastructure) need not be redundant and can be reused and rehabilitated to result in productive outcomes by establishing the necessary systemic strategy for transposed use. It contends that the proposed reconfi gured mining infrastructure programs can be responsive to context (history, environment and communities), climate and natural processes of the area. In testing the strength of this argument, diff erent research investigations and theories were used as was appropriate to each area of research in this topic. These included, among others, investigations into the history and context of both the mining industry generally, including its legislative context, and the site specifi cally. Considerations of the embedded memory of the site were taken into account. Theories which assisted in leading to a proposed strategy for the site on a contextual scale included theories relating to contextual productive systems, continuous productive urban landscapes, permaculture and biomimicry, augmented landscapes, entropic architecture, architecture as a machine and the mortality of architecture. Ultimately, a proposed solution as an architectural product was sought. The following questions had to be answered in a eff orts to produce an appropriate architectural response to the site and its challenges: 1. How can the role of architecture reconfigure the redundant, disused mine waste landscape so as to harness a rehabilitative and productive system and how can that system be managed by the design? 2. How can contemporary rural agricultural projects be challenged to form new typologies that empower the communities to provide for their own present and future needs? 3. How can architecture as a system be designed to outlast the temporality of its program to transform a redundant open cast mining landscape into a productive landscape? The architectural intervention is a design of reconfi gured structures aimed at facilitating a productive and sustainable environment for agricultural advancement, in order to rehabilitate the existing “minescape” (industrially altered mining land), and reconcile the use of this land with the history of subsistence farming as practiced by members of the surrounding communities. The proposed architectural product strives to create a site and context responsive architectural program or system by fusing technological strategies into the body of architecture that are essentially environmental. It aims to employ air, water, sun, and earth to augment the productive relationship between architecture and the “minescaped” terrain, thereby creating a Productive Minescape, which yields tangible positive by-products such as agriculture, renewable energy, water treatment and harvesting systems, among others. Other productive by-products of the project are education and research facilities and facilities which aim to provide accessibility and reconciliation of the stakeholders of this area, to the site and to each other. The introduction of these systems and facilities will be phase one of the proposed architectural intervention. However, the intervention is networked, and therefore has a scalable logic which is envisaged to grow and develop at a much larger and more intensive scale, suggested to occur over the next 30 years, which are phases two, three and four (see figures 17 and 18).

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