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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economic impact of HIV/AIDS on smallholder agriculture in Mopani District of Limpopo Province

Maponya, Matlhabjane Maria 09 1900 (has links)
MSCAGR (Agricultural Economics) / Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness / See the attached abstract below

The impact of subsistence farming and informal settlement on Dukuduku Forest as a tourist resource

Ntombela, Thulani Eugene. January 2003 (has links)
A dissertation of limited scope submitted to the Faculty of Arts in partial fulmment of the requirements for the course-work degree of Masters of Recreation and Tourism in the Centre for Recreation and Tourism at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2003. / Dukuduku forest is one of the largest remaining stretches of coastal sand forest in South Africa More than 10 000 illegal squatters have invaded the forest and chopped down the trees and undergrowth in the area. This has created many problems such as extinction of some plant and animal species. The cleared areas have become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which in turn scares off the tourists from the area. The invasion of this indigenous forest has led to it being excluded from being part of St Lucia Wetland Park, which has recently acquired the status of being a World heritage site. Pursuant to problems associated with St Lucia Wetland Park and the neighbouring natural forest, the objectives of this study include the following: • To discover the impact of subsistence farming and informal settlement on the Dukuduku Forest as a tourist resource. • To identify activities the Dukuduku Forest dwellers are engaged in which may be a direct cause of the destruction of the natural forest S • To reveal forest management options that may be taken to save the natural forest from devastation. • To distinguish tourism related benefits, which are associated with the Dukuduku Forest reserve. • To indicate the extent to which the local community participates in the management of the forest The collection of data was achieved through the survey questionnaires and field observations in the study area. Residents of the forest and principals of five schools in the forest were interviewed. Person-to-person interviews were conducted with the resettlement project manager. The study revealed that more and more people still invade the forest. They include fugitives who have committed a number of illegal acts, refugees from violence-ridden areas, immigrants from Mozambique and many unemployed and homeless folk. Attempts to resettle the Dukuduku forest dwellers have so far not been a success, but the government is still trying to resolve the issue. Loosing Dukuduku natural forest will be a huge blow to South African tourism since the forest is a natural resource for leisure and an aesthetic potential to attract tourists.

Exploring the impact of operational performance on smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development at Elias Motsoaledi Municipality in Limpopo

Malapela, Ramadimetje Joyce January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. ( Planning and Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Cooperatives are recognised as an important instrument to reduce poverty, create employment, achieve economic growth and development. As a result, smallholder farmers with common interests have organised themselves and registered agricultural cooperatives. However, the operational performance of smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development has remained poor. The purpose of the study is to explore the operational performance of smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development in Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality in Limpopo Province. Mixed research design was used in this study. Data was collected from sixty participants, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to collect primary data for both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study found that smallholder agricultural cooperatives in the area of the study face challenges such as lack of managerial skills, poor governance, lack of adequate financial support and access to loans, lack of clarity on policy as well as lack of alternative strategies. The main findings of the study confirmed that there are challenges associated with the operational performance for sustainable community development. Inadequate financial support and lack of managerial skills were regarded as the main challenges that hinder the operational performance for sustainable community development. The study has suggested alternative strategies and recommendations that can assist smallholder agricultural cooperatives to improve their operational performance for sustainable community development.

Assessing risk in the Paarl/Berg River region by means of various portfolio diversification models

Maritz, Gerrit 12 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Masters of Agricultural management. / Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need to take account of risk in agriculture must be part of every decision taken in agriculture. Yet risk is nothing to be too afraid of Risk is a choice rather than a fate. The actions we dare to take, which depend on how free we are to make choices, are what the theory of risk is all about. The task is rather to manage risk effectively, within the capacity of the farmer, business or group in order to withstand adverse outcomes. Some methods of managing risks are feasible for all types of farms. Others are only feasible for certain sizes and types of farms. Therefore, farmers in general need a systematic technique that will enable them to choose an efficient investment strategy from among all feasible strategies. Specifically, given n risky assets (such as the different enterprises in the PaarlIBerg River region), it is essential to seek a diversification strategy which yields a portfolio lying on the efficient frontier. The research question was whether different diversification models (Markowitz diversification model, Single Index Model and the Capital Asset Pricing Model) that are normally applied in capital markets for the construction of optimal diversified portfolios consisting out of different shares, are also applicable on risky portfolios in agriculture comprising different enterprises in the PaarlIBerg River region. The efficient frontier can be seen as the graphical representation of a set of portfolios that maximize expected return for each level of portfolio risk. The Microsoft Excel portfolio optimiser (SOLVER) programme was used to illustrate the investment proportions, expected returns, and standard deviations of the portfolios ofthe efficient frontier. The Single Index Model (SIM) can be used as an alternative to Markowitz diversification model. It drastically reduces the number of parameters needed to be estimated and yields the efficient set relatively easily without the technical difficulties characterising the fullrank solution. However, if the SIM assumptions are in contradiction to the actual data, the simplification of the calculations is achieved at the cost of getting imprecise results. The simplicity of SIM calculations was attained at a cost of constructing a sub-optimal portfolio, which does not lie on the corresponding efficient frontier. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) reveals that there is a great deal of systematic risk in relation to the portfolio enclosed in this study. By using the CAPM it is possible to determine which part of the risk the producer can control (non-systematic risk) and which part the producer has no control over (systematic risk). The proportions of systematic risk that can be diversified away are small, relative to the total risk of the Farm Sector Portfolio. The success of these models depends on the efficiency of the market, as weU as a large, up-to-date and reliable data source. Many younger cultivars could not be included in this study, due to the limited availability of data. In the next few years as data become available, it will be possible to construct efficient frontiers out of a wider range of enterprises. Different enterprises and cultivars will increase the number of alternative uses for natural resources in the PaarlIBerg River region through diversification. This will result in more choices for the farmer, and more flexibility in the decision-making process. Without reliable data, the result will be "garbage in, garbage out." / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In elke besluit wat geneem word in landbou moet risiko as 'n faktor in ag geneem word. Tog is risiko nie iets om te vrees nie. Dit is eerder keuse as noodlot. Die stappe wat ons waag om te neem, wat afhang van hoe vry ons is om keuses te maak, is waaroor die teorie van risiko gaan. Die doel van die tesis is om risiko effektief te bestuur binne die vermoëns van die boer om sodoende negatiewe resultate die hoof te bied Sommige metodes van risikobestuur is lewensvatbaar vir alle soorte plase. Ander is slegs lewensvatbaar vir sekere groottes en tipes plase. Daarom benodig boere in die algemeen 'n tegniek wat dit vir hulle moontlik maak om 'n effektiewe beleggingstrategie te kies uit die verskillende uitvoerbare strategiee. Gegewe n as riskante aktiwiteite (soos die verskillende gewasse in die PaarllBergrivierstreek) is dit noodsaaklik om 'n diversifiseringstrategie te vind wat 'n portefeulje sal lewer wat raak aan die effektiewe grens. Die navorsingsvraag was of verskillende diversifiseringsmodelle (Markowitz diversifiseringsmodel (MVC), "Single Index Model" (SIM) en die "Capital Asset Pricing Model" (CAPM)) wat gewoonlik toegepas word in kapitaalmarkte vir die samestelling van optimale gediversifiseerde portefeuljes bestaande uit verskillende aandele, ook van toepassing sal wees op riskante portefeuljes in die landbou in die PaarlJBergrivierstreek, wat verskillende gewasse insluit. Die effektiewe grens kan gesien word as die grafiese voorstelling van 'n stel portefeuljes wat die verwagte winste vir elke vlak van portefeuljerisiko vermeerder. Die Microsoft Excel portefeulje optimeringsprogram (SOLVER) word gebruik om die beleggingsverhoudings, verwagte winste en standaardafwykings van die portefeuljes aan die effektiewe grens te illustreer. Die "Single Index Model" (SIM) kan gebruik word as 'n alternatief vir die Markowitz diversi:tikasiemodel. Dit verminder drasties die getal parameters en lewer maklik die effektiewe reeks, sonder die tegniese probleme wat ondervind word met die oplossing by die Markowitz model. Nietemin, indien die SIM die werklike data weerspreek sal die vereenvoudiging van die berekenings bereik word ten koste van onakurate resultate. Die eenvoud van die SIM is verkry ten koste van die samestelling van 'n suboptimale portfeulje, wat nie aan die ooreenstemmende effektiewe grens lê nie. Die "Capital Asset Pricing Model" (CAPM) wys dat daar baie sistematiese risiko gekoppel is aan die portfeulje ingesluit in hierdie studie. Deur gebruik temaak van die CAPM is dit moontlik om vas te stel watter deel van die risiko (nie-sistematies) die produsent kan beheer en watter deel die produsent nie kan beheer nie (sistematiese risiko). Die verhouding van sistematiese risiko wat weggediversifiseer kan word is klein in verhouding tot die algehele risiko van die boerderysektor portefeulje. Die sukses hang afvan die doeltreffendheid van die mark, sowel as 'n groot tot-op-datum en betroubare bron van data. Baie van die jonger aangeplante kultivars kan nie ingesluit word in hierdie studie nie as gevolg van beperkte data In die volgende paar jaar, soos data beskikbaar word, sal dit moontlik wees om effektiewe grense van 'n wye reeks gewasse saam te stel. Verskillende gewasse en kultivars sal die hoeveelheid alternatiewe gebruike van natuurlike hulpbronne in die PaarllBergrivierstreek vermeerder deur diversifikasie. Dit sal lei tot meer keuses vir die boer en meer buigsaamheid in die besluitnemingsproses. Sonder betroubare data kan betroubate resultate nie verkry word me.

Integrating aquaculture with crop systems : an aquaponic enterprise project proposal for the Ntinga Multipurpose Co-Operative in Philippi, South Africa

van der Merwe, Marnus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch University was approached to assist with developing a techno-financial model for an urban freshwater aquaculture system in Philippi, Cape Town. Rapidly growing urban areas are predominantly becoming concentrated zones for malnutrition and poverty which require attention. Having enough food to eat does not mean that a family is food secure, the problem is usually associated with the lack of access to nutritious food. Fish is seen as an extremely healthy food which has the potential to effectively support food security and alleviate malnutrition. Aquaculture is identified as a largely underdeveloped sector in South Africa. It is currently undergoing rapid transition, being promoted by government as an industry that has potential to develop and create jobs, provide food security and grow the South African economy. Aquaponics- a method to integrate aquaculture with growing crops in a symbiotic system is a highly resource efficient closed-integrated food producing technology which has the potential to benefit from South African biosecurity regulations and climate-geographic characteristics. It is viewed as an effective food production alternative to deal with the challenges of declining high quality freshwater resources and available arable land. Training and capacity building is important for the development of aquaponic technology. This study explores and identifies the advantages aquaponic technology development would have in South Africa. The study has reviewed and assessed the fundamental principles for aquaculture production and management required for aquaponic systems development and management. A practical case study identifies the daily challenges and design parameters of aquaponic systems. The study is concluded with a techno-financial project proposal which shows how aquaponic systems can be planned. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Universiteit Stellenbosch was genader om 'n tegno-finansiele model to ontwikkel vir 'n stedelike akwakultuur plaas in Philippi, Kaapstad. The tempo waarteen die stedelike areas groei ontwikkel kommerwekkende uitdagings soos wanvoeding en armoede. In hierdie studie is vis geindentifiseer as 'n uiters voedsame aanvulling in die dieet van Suid Afrikaners. Akwakultuur is grootliks agter in terme van ontwikkeling. Dit word beskou as 'n sektor wat groot potensiaal inhou vir Suid Afrika se eknomiese groei, werkskepping en voedselsekuriteit. Akwaponika is die hersirkulerende integrasie van akwakultuur en hidroponika. Akwaponika hou groot voordele in terme van Suid Afrika se biosekuriteit regulasies and geografiese eienskappe en is 'n effektiewe manier om gebruikte akwakultuur te suiwer. Opleiding en beplanning word gesien as 'n fundamentele benadering tot suskesvolle akwaponika ontwikkeling. Hierdie studie bestudeer die Suid Afrikaanse omgewing en potensiaal vir akwaponika ontwikkeling. Die fundamentele beginsels van akwakultuur en hidroponika bestuur en produksie is saamgesit wat beskou word as die aanbevele manier om akwaponika te bestuur. 'n Praktiese gevallestudie toon die daaglikse uitdagings aan en gee raad oor daaglikse bestuur van akwaponika stelsels. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n tegno-finansiele model wat wys hoe om 'n akwaponika sisteem te beplan.

Soil nitrogen dynamics and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) production in different cropping systems in the Swartland

Wessels, Pieter Gerhardus Wilhelmus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Protein and oilseed production in the winter rainfall region of South Africa (primarily the Southern and Western Cape) is well below the potential for the area. One possible method of increasing production is to convince producers that the inclusion of protein and oilseed rotational crops will enhance the sustainability of wheat production systems. A project to investigate, quantify and elucidate the effect of canola (Brassica napus), lupins (Lupinus angustifolius) and medics (Medicago spp.) on subsequent wheat (Triticum aestivum) production as well as their influence on soil fertility in respect to nitrogen was initiated in 1999. The long- term rotational crop system experiment on Langgewens experimental farm near Malmesbury, provided the infrastructure for the project. During the 1999 and 2000 wheat-growing seasons, 50m2 plots were demarcated in wheat fields where wheat, lupins, canola or medics were produced in 1998 and 1999 respectively. Each plot was cleared of all vegetation and received no fertilizer N. In these fallow plots, soil samples were collected at three to four week intervals and the available nitrate-N and ammonium-N content of the topsoil (0-15cm depth) and the subsoil (15-30cm depth) were determined. Additional soil samples were also taken from the topsoil on 09/03/2000 after a summer fallow period. These samples were taken on plots that were subjected to a wheat crop in 1999, but were preceded by either wheat, canola, lupins or medics in 1998. The soil samples were then subjected to a 60-day incubation period at 15°C while being maintained at 75% of their water holding capacity. Mineral N was determined after 0, 3, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of incubation. Large variation in the nitrogen contents observed made it difficult to always obtain significant differences. The results of the soil investigations however indicate that the inclusion of lupins and medics in wheat cropping systems in the Swartland could help to limit the decline of mineral N in the soil profile, experienced within a growing season. This will therefore enable farmers to reduce fertilizer inputs without facing soil mineral N depletion. Plant samples were also collected from wheat plots during the 1999 growing season on three occasions (23/06/99 (growth stage 5), 5/08/99 (growth stage 15), 14/09/99 (growth stage 23)). Plots were selected to represent the same treatments as in the soil sampling procedure during the growing season of 1999 as described above. Plant and tiller numbers of a 0.25m2 sub sample from each plot were counted and leaf area was determined, whereafter the dry material was weighed. The percentage nitrogen content in the leaves and stems were subsequently determined using Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy. In terms of vegetative growth, little difference was observed. A significant increase in nitrogen content of wheat plants growing in plots where wheat and canala were grown in 1998 was observed in the second plant sampling (growth stage 15) and this was attributed to higher nitrogen topdressing. However, on the third sampling date on 14/9/1999 (growth stage 23), the difference was no longer evident. The most important conclusion to make from this study, is that farmers can probably save on fertilizer inputs when including lupins and medics in their wheat production systems, without risking poorer wheat growth. At growth stage 28, a 0.25m2 sub sample of wheat plants was removed at a randomly chosen point in each of the plots described above. Ears and grains were subsequently counted. The wheat remaining on the plots were then harvested at the end of October 1999 using a plot combine. Subsequently the yield, hectolitre mass, thousand grain mass and % crude protein was determined from samples of harvested grain from each plot. The % flour and % bran extraction were then determined whereafter the % flour protein was determined. Micro bread loafs were baked to estimate the loaf volume. Flour and dough properties were also tested using the Falling Number System, mixograph and alveograph. Wheat in cropping systems consisting of legume phases such as lupins and medics, required less nitrogen fertilizer application to achieve statistically the same yield, flour and dough properties. These crop rotations can therefore be considered as more ecologically sustainable and economically viable for the Swartland. This study was aimed at determining the effect of different crop rotations on soil fertility, and because clear soil fertility trends take time to form, this study was probably too short to obtain fully significant differences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Proteïen- en oliesaad produksie in die winter reënval streek van Suid Afrika (hoofsaaklik die Suid- en Weskaap) is ver benede die potensiaal vir die streek. Een moontlike manier om die produksie hiervan te verhoog is om produsente in hierdie streek te oortuig dat die insluiting van proteten en oliesaad gewasse die volhoubaarheid van koring verbouingstelsels sal verhoog. Na aanleiding hiervan, is In projek in 1999 van stapel gestuur om die effek van canola (Brassica napus), lupiene (Lupinus angustifolius) en medies (Medicago spp.) op daaropvolgende koring (Triticum aestivum) produksie, asook die invloed daarvan op grondvrugbaarheid in terme van stikstofinhoud, te ondersoek. Die langtermyn wisselbouproef op Langgewens proefplaas naby Malmesbury, het as infrastruktuur vir die ondersoek gedien. Gedurende die 1999 en 2000 koring groeiseisoene is 50m2 plotte in koringkampe gekies waarop koring, canola, lupiene en medies geproduseer is in onderskeidelik 1998 en 1999. Hierdie plotte is skoon gehou van plantegroei en het ook geen stikstof in kunsmisvorm gekry nie. Met drie tot vier week intervalle is grondmonsters op hierdie plotte versamel in die bogrond (0-15cm diep) en ondergrond (15-30cm diep), waarna die beskikbare nitraat-N en ammonium-N konsentrasie bepaal is. Adissionele grondmonsters van die bogrond is ook geneem op 9/03/2000 na In somer braak periode. Hierdie monsters was geneem op persele wat blootgestel was aan In koringproduksie in 1999, maar voorafgegaan is deur koring, canola, lupiene en medies in 1998. Hierdie monsters is dan vir 60 dae geïnkubeer teen 15°C en 75% van die grond se water houvermoeë. Minerale N inhoud bepalings is gedoen na 0, 3, 7, 15, 30, 45 en 60 dae van inkubasie. Groot variasie in die minerale stikstof inhoud, het die verkryging van herkenbare tendense en konstante statistiese verskille belemmer. Die resultate wat verkry is dui egter dat die insluiting van lupiene en medies in koring produksie stelsels in die Swartland, hoër minerale N vlakke in die grond handhaaf en dit kan boere gevolglik in staat stelom kunsmis insette te besnoei sonder dat grondvrugbaarheid verswak. Op 23/06/99 (groeistadium 5), 5/08/99 (groeistadium 15) en 14/09/99 (groeistadium 23) is plantmonsters versamel van koringpersele. Hierdie persele is gekies om die behandelings van die grondmonsterontledings soos hierbo beskryf, te verteenwoordig. Plante en halms van 'n 0.25m2 area uit die persele is getel en die blaaroppervlaktes is bepaal, waarna die droëmateriaal massa van die area bepaal is. Die persentasie stikstofinhoud van die blare en stingels was daarna bepaal. In terme van vegetatiewe groei was daar nie groot verskille te bespeur nie. Betekenisvolle hoër stikstof inhoud van koringblare in plotte waar daar in die vorige jaar canola en koring verbou was, is in die tweede planttrekking (groeistadium 15) gevind en dit is toegeskryf aan die hoër stikstof kopbemesting wat daardie behandelings ontvang het. Teen die derde monsterneming op 14/09l99 (groeistadium 23), was hierdie verskille nie meer in die ontledingsdata te sien nie. Die afleiding wat van hierdie studie gemaak is, is dat boere moontlik stikstofbemesting kan verminder as hulle lupiene en medies in hulle koring produksiestelsels inbring, sonder om die risiko van swakker groei te verhoog. Op 20/10/99 (groeistadium 28) is 0.25m2 plante van elke koringperseel verwyder waarna die are en die korrels getel is. Die koring wat nog op die persele was is teen die einde van Oktober 1999 met 'n perseelstropertjie geoes. Opbrengs, hektoliter massa, duidendkorrel massa en % ru-proteïene is daarna bepaal. Volgende is die % meel en % semel ekstraksie bepaal waarna die % meelproteïene bepaal is. Mikro broodjies is ook gebak om die broodvolume te bepaal. Meel en deeg eienskappe is ook getoets met die Falling Number System, mixogram en alveogram. Koring in produksiestelsels met peulplant fases (lupien en medies in hierdie geval), het minder N toediening nodig gehad om statisties dieselfde opbrengs, meel- en deeg eienskappe te verkry. Lupien en medic gebaseerde wisselbou praktyke in die Swartland kan gevolglik as meer ekologies volhoubaar en ekonomies haalbaar bestempelword. Hierdie studie het gepoog om die invloed van wisselbou op grondvrugbaarheid te ondersoek. Sodanige veranderings neem egter tyd en daarom is dit waarskynlik nog te gou om werklike grondvrugbaarheids verskille waar te neem.

The design, implementation and assessing of an agroecological cropping system by rural KwaZulu-Natal households : its effect on their diet and food security

Strachan, Brian Douglas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis documents a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project conducted from 2011 to 2013 in a rural communal area in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The area is a microcosm of the global environmental and socio-economic polycrisis; with adult unemployment at 50 percent, 73 percent female-headed households, heavy dependence on government social grants and a food system reliant on purchased food. Eight, mainly female-headed households (the co-researchers), assisted by the student researcher, implemented and assessed a cropping system, designed on agroecological principles, on their abandoned garden plots. The objective was to grow culturally acceptable food crops to supplement their household diets and positively affect their food security. The student researcher provided the necessary infrastructure, including goat-proof plot fences, hand tools, a grain hammermill, seed, and fertiliser. The literature review, which also used early 1900’s photographs and contemporary isiZulu language as evidence, revealed the agroecological basis of pre-colonial agriculture. However, colonial and apartheid influences destroyed this knowledge base. The cropping system design utilized practices from this pre-colonial era combined with current agroecological techniques. The agroecological techniques employed on the plots included non-inversion tillage of planting pits using garden forks, precision placement of phosphate fertiliser and animal manures, open pollinated seeds, east-west orientated strip cropping, soil surface mulches, crop rotations including legumes and the use of chickens to control pests. Dryland crops included maize, beans, sweet potatoes, and butternuts, with small trial vegetable patches on some plots. The research identified a method to calculate the planting frequency of these vegetables to ensure a constant annual supply, however further research is needed. The dryland crops supplemented household diets between harvests. The formation of structured groups amongst the households proved vital to the success of the cropping system, providing mutual labour assistance, shared decision-making, building knowledge and moral support. The importance of dialogue and trust, reinforced by the student researcher’s ability to communicate in isiZulu with the co-researchers, formed the basis of both the PAR, and Focus Group Discussions(FGD), used to qualitative assess the cropping system. During these, the households reported a good understanding of the agroecological principles of the cropping system, a willingness to continue with it post research, and positive benefits, including better health, and money saved on food purchases, redirected to improve their asset base. The World Food Programme (2008) Food Consumption Score Analysis Method (FCS), modified to show the percentage contribution of homegrown food to the FCS, provided the quantitative assessment of the cropping system. The FCS scores rose during the research, with homegrown food contributing over a third of the FCS at times. The co-researchers suggested instituting group ‘stokvels’1to finance inputs and maintain infrastructure post research. The financial implications of these ‘stokvels’ was calculated. Due to the initial success of the PAR, the research recommends a method to extend the cropping system to more households, utilizing state finance to provide the infrastructure, and the co-researchers imparting technical knowledge through farmer-to-farmer extension. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word verslag gedoen van ’n deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek wat van 2011 tot 2013 in ’n landelike dorpsgebied in die suide van KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika, uitgevoer is. Die gebied is ’n mikrokosmos van die wêreldwye omgewings- en sosio-ekonomiese polikrisis, met volwasse werkloosheid op 50%, 73% huishoudings met vroue aan die hoof, swaar afhanklikheid van die staat se maatskaplike toelae en ’n voedselstelsel wat van gekoopte kos afhanklik is. In die studie het agt huishoudings, wat hoofsaaklik vroue aan die hoof het (die medenavorsers), met behulp van die studentenavorser, ’n verbouingstelsel, wat op agro-ekologiese beginsels gegrond is, op hul verlate tuingrond geïmplementeer en geassesseer. Die doel was om kultureel aanvaarbare gewasse te verbou om hul huishoudelike dieet aan te vul en hul voedselsekerheid positief te beïnvloed. Die studentenavorser het die nodige infrastruktuur verskaf, met inbegrip van bokbestande omheining, handgereedskap, ’n graanhamermeul, saad en kunsmis. Die literatuurstudie, waarin foto’s uit die 1900’s en moderne Zoeloe as bewyse gebruik is, toon die agro-ekologiese grondslag van prekoloniale landbou. Koloniale en apartheidsinvloede het egter hierdie kennisbasis vernietig. Die verbouingstelselontwerp was gegrond op praktyke uit hierdie prekoloniale era gekombineer met moderne agro-ekologiese tegnieke. Hierdie tegnieke het ingesluit nie-inversie-grondbewerking van plantgate met gebruik van tuinvurke, presisieplasing van fosfaatkunsmis en dieremis, oop bestuifde sade, oos–wes-georiënteerde strookverbouing, grondoppervlak-deklae, wisselbou met onder andere peulgewasse en die gebruik van hoenders om peste te beheer. Droëland-gewasse het ingesluit mielies, bone, soetpatats en botterskorsies, met klein toetsgroenteakkers op sommige stukke grond. ’n Metode is in die navorsing geïdentifiseer om te bepaal hoe gereeld hierdie groente geplant moet word om ’n konstante jaarlikse voorraad te verseker. Verdere navorsing is egter nodig. Die droëland-gewasse het huishoudelike diëte tussen oeste aangevul. Die vorming van gestruktureerde groepe onder die huishoudings het noodsaaklik geblyk te wees vir die sukses van die verbouingstelsel, waardeur wedersydse hulp met arbeid, gedeelde besluitneming, die bou van kennis en morele ondersteuning gebied is. Die belangrikheid van dialoog en vertroue, wat versterk is deur die studentenavorser se vermoë om in Zoeloe met die medenavorsers te kommunikeer, het die grondslag gevorm van die deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek asook die fokusgroeponderhoude, wat gebruik is om die verbouingstelsel kwalitatief te assesseer. In hierdie onderhoude het die huishoudings verslag gedoen van hul grondige begrip van die agro-ekologiese beginsels van die verbouingstelsel, hul gewilligheid om ná die navorsing daarmee voort te gaan, asook die voordele wat dit bied, soos beter gesondheid en geld wat op voedselaankope gespaar is, wat heraangewend is om hul batebasis te verbeter. Die Wêreldvoedingsprogram (2008) se Food Consumption Score- (FCS-)ontledingsmetode, wat aangepas is om die persentasie bydrae van selfgekweekte voedsel tot die FCS aan te toon, is gebruik vir die kwantitatiewe assessering van die verbouingstelsel. Die FCS-tellings het tydens die navorsing toegeneem, met selfgekweekte voedsel wat by tye tot meer as ’n derde tot die FCS bygedra het. Die medenavorsers het voorstel dat ’n stokvel gestig word om insette te finansier en die infrastruktuur ná die navorsing in stand te hou. Die finansiële implikasies van hierdie stokvel is bereken. Op grond van die aanvanklike sukses van die deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek stel die navorser ’n metode voor om die verbouingstelsel na meer huishoudings uit te brei met behulp van staatsfinansiering om die infrastruktuur te verskaf asook die oordrag van die medenavorsers se tegniese kennis na ander boere.

Ecological food sense : connections between food waste flows and food production in Enkanini Informal Settlement, Stellenbosch

Mollatt, Michelle Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In situ Informal Settlement Upgrading (ISU) was explored in this thesis, focussing on its relevance to waste service upgrading options immediately available and practically implementable for residents of Enkanini, a poorly serviced township (slum) in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Household food waste (kitchen scraps) was chosen as a key point of entry for exploring the context and viability of in situ improvement of solid waste management services in the area. This was done by investigating ways biological and social aspects of soil quality and food waste management can be incrementally improved in the settlement. Transdisciplinary methodology, Participatory Action Learning and Social Learning perspectives, combined with ecological thinking were used to explore different methods of managing food waste in Enkanini. A food waste collection pilot project was initiated in Enkanini by the Stellenbosch Municipality in 2012. The project was modified and continued in 2013, which served as the case study for this thesis. In 2013, food waste was collected by 56 households over five months. It was treated with Bokashi Effective Micro-organisms (Bokashi EM) containing yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, actinomycetes and photosynthetic bacteria. The Bokashi EM partially fermented the waste before it was used for composting or feeding to Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae. Laboratory testing of food waste, compost, soils and larvae waste residue determined the safety, potential and sustainability of food waste for recycling and contribution to local urban agriculture by closing the organic waste loop, and for generating an income stream. A total of 5851kg food waste was collected, saving 6m3 landfill space. Households generated 5,2kg - 9,6kg food waste per week. Extrapolating this lower figure for all of Enkanini (about 2400 households), about 50,2 tonnes of food waste could be generated per month. If this were collected and recycled or composted, this would save 51,2m3 landfill space per month. The most commonly cited benefit of food waste collections by participants was reduction of vermin in or around their homes. Laboratory testing indicated that some samples had high levels of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. No traces of Salmonella were found in food waste, compost and soil samples, and most were within acceptable limits for heavy metals. It was cautioned that vegetables grown on soils or compost with high E. coli be washed or cooked before consumption. Following socially and ecologically sustainable management of Enkanini’s food waste requires a combination of waste management methods. Options include localised composting - burying EM treated food waste in soil; in situ container composting of waste and adding this to soil; processing of EM treated food waste by Black Soldier Fly larvae (and their subsequent use as feed for chickens or fish); and finally by anaerobic digestion for generation of biogas and effluent fertiliser in local biodigestors. The thesis showed that biological elements (such as bacteria and soil nutrients) have impacts on residents in communities and these need to be considered significant. The thesis suggests ecological elements be considered as indicators or building blocks for ISU locally, nationally and internationally. Keywords: in situ incremental upgrading, food waste management, Effective Micro-organisms, social learning, urban agriculture, closed-loop systems, organic waste management, informal settlements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In situ Opgraderingsprojek vir Informele Nedersetting (OIN) is in hierdie tesis ondersoek, met die fokus om die relevansie van afval diens opgradering opsies prakties te implementeer vir die inwoners van Enkanini, Stellenbosch, Suid Afrika, 'n gemeenskap met swak dienslewering. Huishoudelike kombuis voedselafval is gekies om die konteks en lewensvatbaarheid van in situ verbetering van vaste afval bestuur dienste te ondersoek. Dit is bereik deur maniere te ondersoek om die biologiese en sosiale aspekte van die kwaliteit van grond en voedselafval bestuur in die nedersetting te verbeter. Transdissiplinêre metode, Deelnemende Aksie Leer en Sosiale Leerprosesse, gekombineer met ekologiese denke, is gebruik is om verskillende metodes van die bestuur van voedselafval in Enkanini te verken. 'N Enkanini voedselafval versamelingsprojek is in 2012 deur die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit begin. Dit is in 2013 aangepas en vir hierdie studie gebruik. Gedurende vyf maande in 2013 is voedselafval deur 56 huishoudings ingesamel. Dit is behandel met Bokashi effektiewe mikro-organismes (EM Bokashi) met gis, melksuur bakterieë, aktinomisete en fotosintetiese bakterieë. Die Bokashi EM het die afval gedeeltelik gegis voordat die afval gebruik was vir kompos of voeding aan Swart Soldaat Vlieg (Hermetia illucens) larwes. Voedselafval, kompos, grond en larwe oorskot laboratourim toetse het die veiligheid bepaal, asook die potensiaal en volhoubaarheid van die afval vir herwinning en die bydrae tot die plaaslike stedelike landbou deur middel van die organiese afval siklus, en vir inkomste generering. 5851kg voedselafval is ingesamel en 6m³ se opvullingsruimte bespaar. Die huishoudings het 5,2kg – 9,6kg voedselafval per week gegenereer. Die laer syfer in aggeneem, kan sowat 50,2 ton voedsalafval per maand in Enkanini (ongeveer 2400 huishoudings) gegenereer word. As dit ingesamel, herwin of gekomposteer was, sou 51,2 m³ opvullingsruimte per maand bespaar word. Die belangrikste voordeel van die voedselafval versamelings was die vermindering van knaag en aasdiere rondom wonings. Laboratoriumtoetse het hoë vlakke van Escherichia coli (E. coli) bakterieë in sommige monsters gevind. Geen spore van Salmonella is in die voedselafval, kompos en grondmonsters gevind nie en meeste was binne die aanvaarbare perke vir swaar metale. Die gemeenskap is gewaarsku om groente wat in die grond of kompos gekweek is voor verbruik in chloorwater te was of kook. Die sosiale en ekologies volhoubare bestuur van Enkanini se voedselafval vereis 'n kombinasie van afval bestuursmetodes. Opsies sluit gelokaliseerde kompos - begrawe EM behandelde voedsel afval in die grond; in situ houer kompos afval en die toevoeging van hierdie tot die grond; verwerking van EM behandelde voedselafval deur Swart Soldaat Vlieg larwes (en hul daaropvolgende gebruik as voer vir hoenders of vis); en uiteindelik deur mestvergisting vir die generasie van biogas en kunsmis in biovergisters. Die tesis toon dat biologiese elemente (soos bakterieë en voedingstowwe in grond)'n impak het op die gemeenskap se inwoners en as n belangrik faktor beskou moet word. Die tesis dui ekologiese elemente as n toekomstige aanwysers aan indien OIN plaaslik, nasionaal of internasionaal oorweeg word. Sleutelwoorde: in situ toenemende opgradering, kos afval bestuur, effektiewe mikro-organismes, sosiale leerproses, stedelike landbou, geslotestelsel-sisteme, organiese afval, informele nedersettings.

Smallholder agriculture as local economic development (LED) strategy in rural South Africa: exploring prospects in Pondoland, Eastern Cape.

Manona, Siyabulela S January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the role and the prospects of smallholder agriculture as local economic development in Eastern Pondoland, in the former Transkei homeland. The study explored the role of agriculture in contributing to local economic development and the upliftment of the rural poor. It also explored the role that government and its agencies have played and could play in stimulating agricultural development.

Exploring the impacts of climate variability on urban food security in female headed households in KwaZulu-Natal, a study of Durban South Africa

Mkhondo, Penelope Sarona January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geography. 24 March 2017 / There is substantial evidence to show that the climate has been changing on various scales across the world. The change in climate conditions has had negative impacts for developing countries, particularly poorer communities who use climate-sensitive resources such as urban agriculture which is prone to extreme weather. It is evident that urban agriculture has become a major source of income for a lot of people and its contribution to household food security is significant and in many instances it is increasing. The MSc study investigated the implications of climate variability and change on food production focusing on urban agriculture. It was also of key interest to explore the different adaptive approaches that FHH employ in reducing the impacts thereof. The approach informing the study combined two approaches; firstly, the `bottom-up' participatory research undertaken in three communities namely Inanda, Ntuzuma and Kwamashu; secondly, a rapid appraisal of policies, programs and institutions. The results were then triangulated using a micro-action planning workshop and a consultation process. A total of 84 small scale farmers who are actively involved in subsistence farming participated in the research study. From the empirical findings it is evident that climate change has manifested itself in floods and droughts and has been ranked extremely prevalent and frequent by 75% and 86% of the overall responses from the three study sites. The combination of these two extreme events has had negative impacts on food production and food accessibility. However, it has been found that FHH use asset based adaptation to modify and adjust their livelihoods as a way of coping with established threats. The eThekwini municipality has developed the Municipal Climate Change Protection Programme (eTMCCPP) with the purpose to mainstream climate change adaptation in the general city planning and development framework as well as to harmonize local urban responses to climate variability. However, only 48% of the participants have received any form of assistance and support from the Municipality. More needs to be done to help build capacity at household level and improve livelihoods of the local community particularly of Female headed households. / MT 2017

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