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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facility Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Using Machine Learning

Jared A Wright (18387855) 03 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The goal of this thesis is to develop a method of evaluating long-term IAQ performance of an industrial facility and use machine-learning to model the relationship between critical air pollutants and the facility’s HVAC systems and processes. The facility under study for this thesis is an electroplating manufacturer. The air pollutants at this facility that were studied were particulate matter, total-volatile organic compounds, and carbon-dioxide. Upon sensor installation, seven “zones” were identified to isolate areas of the plant for measurement and analysis. A statistical review of the long-term data highlighted how this facility performed in terms of compliance. Their gaseous pollutants were well within regulation. Particulate matter, however, was found to be a pressing issue. PM10 was outside of compliance more than 15% of the time in five out of seven of the zones of study. Some zones were out of compliance up to 80% of the total collection period. The six pollutants that met these criteria were deemed critical and moved on to machine learning modeling. Our model of best fit for each pollutant used a gaussian process regression model, which fits best for non-linear rightly skewed datasets. The performance of each of our models was deemed significant. Every model had at least a regression coefficient of 0.935 and above for both validation and testing. The maximum average error was 12.64 ug.m^3, which is less than 10% of the average PM10 concentration. Through our modeling, we were able to study how HVAC and production played a role in particulate matter presence for each zone. Exhaust systems of the west side of the plant were found to be insufficient at removing particulates from their facility. Overall, the methods developed in this thesis project were able to meet the goal of analyzing IAQ compliance, modeling critical pollutants using machine learning, and identifying a relationship between these pollutants and an industrial facility’s HVAC and production systems.</p>

Assessing urban air quality through measurements and modelling and its implications for human exposure assessment

Wu, Hao January 2017 (has links)
Outdoor air pollution is a major contributor to adverse health effects of citizens, in particular those living in urban environments. Air quality monitoring networks are set up to measure air quality in different environments in compliance with national and European legislation. Generally, only a few fixed monitoring sites are located within a city and thus cannot represent air pollutant concentrations in urban areas accurately enough to allow for a detailed human exposure assessment. Other approaches to derive detailed urban air pollutant concentration estimates exist, such as dispersion models and land-use regression (LUR) models. Low-cost portable air quality monitors are also emerging, which have the potential to add value to existing monitoring networks by providing measurements at greater spatial resolution and also to provide individual-level exposure assessment. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how measurements and modelling in combination allow detailed investigations of the variability of air pollutants in space and time in urban area, and in turn improve on the current exposure assessment methods. Three types of low-cost portable monitors measuring NO2, O3 (Aeroqual monitors) and PM2.5 (microPEM monitor) were evaluated against their respective reference instruments. The Aeroqual O3 monitor showed very good correlation (r2 > 0.9) with the respective reference instruments, but biases in the slope and intercept coefficients indicated that calibration of Aeroqual O3 monitor was needed. The Aeroqual NO2 monitor was subject to cross-sensitivity from O3, which, as demonstrated, can be effectively corrected by making O3 and NO2 measurements in tandem. Correlation between the microPEM monitor and its reference instrument was poor (r2 < 0.1) when PM2.5 concentrations were low (< 10 μg m-3), but significantly improved (r2 > 0.69) during periods with elevated PM2.5 concentrations. Relative humidity was not found to affect the raw results of PM2.5 measurements in a consistent manner. All three types of monitors cannot be used as equivalent or indicative methods instead of reference methods in studies that require quantification of absolute pollutant concentrations. However, the generally good correlations with reference instruments reassure their application in studies of relative trends of air pollution. Concentrations of PM2.5, ultrafine particles (UFP) and black carbon (BC) were quantified using portable monitors through a combination of mobile and static measurements in the city of Edinburgh, UK. The spatial variability of UFP and BC was large, of similar magnitude and about 3 times higher than the spatial variability of PM2.5. Elevated concentrations of UFP and BC were observed along streets with high traffic volumes whereas PM2.5 showed less variation between streets and a footpath without road traffic. Both BC and UFP significantly correlated with traffic counts, while no significant correlation between PM2.5 and traffic counts was observed. The relationships between UFP, NO2 and inorganic components of PM2.5 were further investigated through long-term measurements at roadside, urban background and rural sites. UFP moderately correlated with NOx (NO2 + NO) and showed varying relationships with NOx depending on the particle size distribution. Principal component analysis and air-mass back trajectory analysis revealed that PM2.5 concentrations were dominated by long-range transport of secondary inorganic aerosols, whereas UFP were mainly related to varying local emissions and meteorological conditions. These findings imply the need for different policies for managing human exposure to these different particle components: control of much BC and UFP appears to be manageable at local scale by restricting traffic emissions; however, abatement of PM2.5 requires a more strategic approach, in cooperation with other regions and countries on emissions control to curb long-range transport of PM2.5 precursors. A dispersion model (ADMS-Urban) was used to simulate high resolution NO2 and O3 concentrations in Edinburgh. The effects of different emission and meteorological input datasets on the resulting modelled NO2 concentrations were investigated. The modelled NO2 and O3 concentrations using the optimal model setup were validated against reference instrument and diffusion tube measurements. Temporal variability of NO2 was predicted well at locations that were not heavily influenced by local effects, such as road junctions and bus stops. Temporal variability of O3 was predicted better than for NO2. Long-term spatial variability of NO2 was found to correlate well with diffusion tube measurements, while modelled spatial variability of O3 in ADMS-Urban compared poorly with diffusion tube measurements. However, it was found that the O3 diffusion tube measurements may be subject to some unidentified biases affecting their accuracy. Land-use regression (LUR) models are widely used to estimate exposure to air pollution in urban areas. An appropriately sized and designed monitoring network is an important component for the development of a robust LUR model. Concentrations of NO2 were simulated by ADMS-Urban at ‘virtual’ monitoring sites in 54 different network designs of varying numbers and types of site, using a 25 km2 area including much of the Edinburgh city area. Separate LUR models were developed for each network. These LUR models were then used to estimate ambient NO2 concentrations at all residential addresses, which were evaluated against the ADMS-Urban modelled concentration at these addresses. The improvement in predictive capability of the LUR models was insignificant above ~30 monitoring sites, although more sites tended to yield more precise LUR models. Monitoring networks containing sites located within highly populated areas better estimated NO2 concentrations across all residential locations. LUR models constructed from networks containing more roadside sites better characterised the high end of residential NO2 concentrations but had increased errors when considering the whole range of concentrations. No particular composition of monitoring network resulted in good estimation simultaneously across all residential NO2 concentration and of the highest NO2 levels implying a lack of spatial contrast in LUR-modelled pollution surface compared with the dispersion model. Finally, the results from the measurement and modelling studies presented in thesis are synthesised in the context of current exposure assessment studies. Low-cost air-quality monitors currently do not possess and are unlikely in the near future to provide the robustness and accuracy to replace the existing routine monitoring network. Development of the low-cost air-quality should be aiming at upgrading them as the indicative method as defined in the data quality objective in the EU directive. The monitoring sites used to build LUR models should capture well the population distribution in the study area as opposed to capturing the greatest pollution contrast. The traditional methods of evaluating LUR models are also ineffective in characterising the models’ capability at estimating pollutant concentration at residential address. Given that the dispersion models are also subject to the availability and uncertainties in the input data, future air quality model development should endeavour to incorporate both dispersion and land-use regression models, where the uncertainty in the input data can be reduced by using LUR models built on actual measurements, and the limitation in the statistical modelling can be replaced by adopting the deterministic approach used in the dispersion model.

Essays on Birnbaum-Saunders models

Santos, Helton Saulo Bezerra dos January 2013 (has links)
Nessa tese apresentamos três diferentes aplicações dos modelos Birnbaum-Saunders. No capítulo 2 introduzimos um novo método por função-núcleo não-paramétrico para a estimação de densidades assimétricas, baseado nas distribuições Birnbaum-Saunders generalizadas assimétricas. Funções-núcleo baseadas nessas distribuições têm a vantagem de fornecer flexibilidade nos níveis de assimetria e curtose. Em adição, os estimadores da densidade por função-núcleo Birnbaum-Saunders gene-ralizadas assimétricas são livres de viés na fronteira e alcançam a taxa ótima de convergência para o erro quadrático integrado médio dos estimadores por função-núcleo-assimétricas-não-negativos da densidade. Realizamos uma análise de dados consistindo de duas partes. Primeiro, conduzimos uma simulação de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho do método proposto. Segundo, usamos esse método para estimar a densidade de três dados reais da concentração de poluentes atmosféricos. Os resultados numéricos favorecem os estimadores não-paramétricos propostos. No capítulo 3 propomos uma nova família de modelos autorregressivos de duração condicional baseados nas distribuições misturas de escala Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS). A distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) é um modelo que tem recebido considerável atenção recentemente devido às suas boas propriedades. Uma extensão dessa distribuição é a classe de distribuições SBS, a qual (i) herda várias das boas propriedades da distribuição BS, (ii) permite a estimação de máxima verossimilhança em uma forma eficiente usando o algoritmo EM, e (iii) possibilita a obtenção de um procedimento de estimação robusta, entre outras propriedades. O modelo autorregressivo de duração condicional é a família primária de modelos para analisar dados de duração de transações de alta frequência. A metodologia estudada aqui inclui estimação dos parâmetros pelo algoritmo EM, inferência para esses parâmetros, modelo preditivo e uma análise residual. Realizamos simulações de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Ainda, avalia-mos a utilidade prática dessa metodologia usando dados reais de transações financeiras da bolsa de valores de Nova Iorque. O capítulo 4 trata de índices de capacidade do processo (PCIs), os quais são ferramentas utilizadas pelas empresas para determinar a qualidade de um produto e avaliar o desempenho de seus processos de produção. Estes índices foram desenvolvidos para processos cuja característica de qualidade tem uma distribuição normal. Na prática, muitas destas ca-racterísticas não seguem esta distribuição. Nesse caso, os PCIs devem ser modificados considerando a não-normalidade. O uso de PCIs não-modificados podemlevar a resultados inadequados. De maneira a estabelecer políticas de qualidade para resolver essa inadequação, transformação dos dados tem sido proposta, bem como o uso de quantis de distribuições não-normais. Um distribuição não-normal assimétrica o qual tem tornado muito popular em tempos recentes é a distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS). Propomos, desenvolvemos, implementamos e aplicamos uma metodologia baseada em PCIs para a distribuição BS. Além disso, realizamos um estudo de simulação para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Essa metodologia foi implementada usando o software estatístico chamado R. Aplicamos essa metodologia para um conjunto de dados reais de maneira a ilustrar a sua flexibilidade e potencialidade. / In this thesis, we present three different applications of Birnbaum-Saunders models. In Chapter 2, we introduce a new nonparametric kernel method for estimating asymmetric densities based on generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. Kernels based on these distributions have the advantage of providing flexibility in the asymmetry and kurtosis levels. In addition, the generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators are boundary bias free and achieve the optimal rate of convergence for the mean integrated squared error of the nonnegative asymmetric kernel density estimators. We carry out a data analysis consisting of two parts. First, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. Second, we use this method for estimating the density of three real air pollutant concentration data sets, whose numerical results favor the proposed nonparametric estimators. In Chapter 3, we propose a new family of autoregressive conditional duration models based on scale-mixture Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS) distributions. The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is a model that has received considerable attention recently due to its good properties. An extension of this distribution is the class of SBS distributions, which allows (i) several of its good properties to be inherited; (ii) maximum likelihood estimation to be efficiently formulated via the EM algorithm; (iii) a robust estimation procedure to be obtained; among other properties. The autoregressive conditional duration model is the primary family of models to analyze high-frequency financial transaction data. This methodology includes parameter estimation by the EM algorithm, inference for these parameters, the predictive model and a residual analysis. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. In addition, we assess the practical usefulness of this methodology by using real data of financial transactions from the New York stock exchange. Chapter 4 deals with process capability indices (PCIs), which are tools widely used by companies to determine the quality of a product and the performance of their production processes. These indices were developed for processes whose quality characteristic has a normal distribution. In practice, many of these characteristics do not follow this distribution. In such a case, the PCIs must be modified considering the non-normality. The use of unmodified PCIs can lead to inadequacy results. In order to establish quality policies to solve this inadequacy, data transformation has been proposed, as well as the use of quantiles from non-normal distributions. An asymmetric non-normal distribution which has become very popular in recent times is the Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution. We propose, develop, implement and apply a methodology based on PCIs for the BS distribution. Furthermore, we carry out a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. This methodology has been implemented in a noncommercial and open source statistical software called R. We apply this methodology to a real data set to illustrate its flexibility and potentiality.

Essays on Birnbaum-Saunders models

Santos, Helton Saulo Bezerra dos January 2013 (has links)
Nessa tese apresentamos três diferentes aplicações dos modelos Birnbaum-Saunders. No capítulo 2 introduzimos um novo método por função-núcleo não-paramétrico para a estimação de densidades assimétricas, baseado nas distribuições Birnbaum-Saunders generalizadas assimétricas. Funções-núcleo baseadas nessas distribuições têm a vantagem de fornecer flexibilidade nos níveis de assimetria e curtose. Em adição, os estimadores da densidade por função-núcleo Birnbaum-Saunders gene-ralizadas assimétricas são livres de viés na fronteira e alcançam a taxa ótima de convergência para o erro quadrático integrado médio dos estimadores por função-núcleo-assimétricas-não-negativos da densidade. Realizamos uma análise de dados consistindo de duas partes. Primeiro, conduzimos uma simulação de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho do método proposto. Segundo, usamos esse método para estimar a densidade de três dados reais da concentração de poluentes atmosféricos. Os resultados numéricos favorecem os estimadores não-paramétricos propostos. No capítulo 3 propomos uma nova família de modelos autorregressivos de duração condicional baseados nas distribuições misturas de escala Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS). A distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) é um modelo que tem recebido considerável atenção recentemente devido às suas boas propriedades. Uma extensão dessa distribuição é a classe de distribuições SBS, a qual (i) herda várias das boas propriedades da distribuição BS, (ii) permite a estimação de máxima verossimilhança em uma forma eficiente usando o algoritmo EM, e (iii) possibilita a obtenção de um procedimento de estimação robusta, entre outras propriedades. O modelo autorregressivo de duração condicional é a família primária de modelos para analisar dados de duração de transações de alta frequência. A metodologia estudada aqui inclui estimação dos parâmetros pelo algoritmo EM, inferência para esses parâmetros, modelo preditivo e uma análise residual. Realizamos simulações de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Ainda, avalia-mos a utilidade prática dessa metodologia usando dados reais de transações financeiras da bolsa de valores de Nova Iorque. O capítulo 4 trata de índices de capacidade do processo (PCIs), os quais são ferramentas utilizadas pelas empresas para determinar a qualidade de um produto e avaliar o desempenho de seus processos de produção. Estes índices foram desenvolvidos para processos cuja característica de qualidade tem uma distribuição normal. Na prática, muitas destas ca-racterísticas não seguem esta distribuição. Nesse caso, os PCIs devem ser modificados considerando a não-normalidade. O uso de PCIs não-modificados podemlevar a resultados inadequados. De maneira a estabelecer políticas de qualidade para resolver essa inadequação, transformação dos dados tem sido proposta, bem como o uso de quantis de distribuições não-normais. Um distribuição não-normal assimétrica o qual tem tornado muito popular em tempos recentes é a distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS). Propomos, desenvolvemos, implementamos e aplicamos uma metodologia baseada em PCIs para a distribuição BS. Além disso, realizamos um estudo de simulação para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Essa metodologia foi implementada usando o software estatístico chamado R. Aplicamos essa metodologia para um conjunto de dados reais de maneira a ilustrar a sua flexibilidade e potencialidade. / In this thesis, we present three different applications of Birnbaum-Saunders models. In Chapter 2, we introduce a new nonparametric kernel method for estimating asymmetric densities based on generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. Kernels based on these distributions have the advantage of providing flexibility in the asymmetry and kurtosis levels. In addition, the generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators are boundary bias free and achieve the optimal rate of convergence for the mean integrated squared error of the nonnegative asymmetric kernel density estimators. We carry out a data analysis consisting of two parts. First, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. Second, we use this method for estimating the density of three real air pollutant concentration data sets, whose numerical results favor the proposed nonparametric estimators. In Chapter 3, we propose a new family of autoregressive conditional duration models based on scale-mixture Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS) distributions. The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is a model that has received considerable attention recently due to its good properties. An extension of this distribution is the class of SBS distributions, which allows (i) several of its good properties to be inherited; (ii) maximum likelihood estimation to be efficiently formulated via the EM algorithm; (iii) a robust estimation procedure to be obtained; among other properties. The autoregressive conditional duration model is the primary family of models to analyze high-frequency financial transaction data. This methodology includes parameter estimation by the EM algorithm, inference for these parameters, the predictive model and a residual analysis. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. In addition, we assess the practical usefulness of this methodology by using real data of financial transactions from the New York stock exchange. Chapter 4 deals with process capability indices (PCIs), which are tools widely used by companies to determine the quality of a product and the performance of their production processes. These indices were developed for processes whose quality characteristic has a normal distribution. In practice, many of these characteristics do not follow this distribution. In such a case, the PCIs must be modified considering the non-normality. The use of unmodified PCIs can lead to inadequacy results. In order to establish quality policies to solve this inadequacy, data transformation has been proposed, as well as the use of quantiles from non-normal distributions. An asymmetric non-normal distribution which has become very popular in recent times is the Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution. We propose, develop, implement and apply a methodology based on PCIs for the BS distribution. Furthermore, we carry out a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. This methodology has been implemented in a noncommercial and open source statistical software called R. We apply this methodology to a real data set to illustrate its flexibility and potentiality.

Essays on Birnbaum-Saunders models

Santos, Helton Saulo Bezerra dos January 2013 (has links)
Nessa tese apresentamos três diferentes aplicações dos modelos Birnbaum-Saunders. No capítulo 2 introduzimos um novo método por função-núcleo não-paramétrico para a estimação de densidades assimétricas, baseado nas distribuições Birnbaum-Saunders generalizadas assimétricas. Funções-núcleo baseadas nessas distribuições têm a vantagem de fornecer flexibilidade nos níveis de assimetria e curtose. Em adição, os estimadores da densidade por função-núcleo Birnbaum-Saunders gene-ralizadas assimétricas são livres de viés na fronteira e alcançam a taxa ótima de convergência para o erro quadrático integrado médio dos estimadores por função-núcleo-assimétricas-não-negativos da densidade. Realizamos uma análise de dados consistindo de duas partes. Primeiro, conduzimos uma simulação de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho do método proposto. Segundo, usamos esse método para estimar a densidade de três dados reais da concentração de poluentes atmosféricos. Os resultados numéricos favorecem os estimadores não-paramétricos propostos. No capítulo 3 propomos uma nova família de modelos autorregressivos de duração condicional baseados nas distribuições misturas de escala Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS). A distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) é um modelo que tem recebido considerável atenção recentemente devido às suas boas propriedades. Uma extensão dessa distribuição é a classe de distribuições SBS, a qual (i) herda várias das boas propriedades da distribuição BS, (ii) permite a estimação de máxima verossimilhança em uma forma eficiente usando o algoritmo EM, e (iii) possibilita a obtenção de um procedimento de estimação robusta, entre outras propriedades. O modelo autorregressivo de duração condicional é a família primária de modelos para analisar dados de duração de transações de alta frequência. A metodologia estudada aqui inclui estimação dos parâmetros pelo algoritmo EM, inferência para esses parâmetros, modelo preditivo e uma análise residual. Realizamos simulações de Monte Carlo para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Ainda, avalia-mos a utilidade prática dessa metodologia usando dados reais de transações financeiras da bolsa de valores de Nova Iorque. O capítulo 4 trata de índices de capacidade do processo (PCIs), os quais são ferramentas utilizadas pelas empresas para determinar a qualidade de um produto e avaliar o desempenho de seus processos de produção. Estes índices foram desenvolvidos para processos cuja característica de qualidade tem uma distribuição normal. Na prática, muitas destas ca-racterísticas não seguem esta distribuição. Nesse caso, os PCIs devem ser modificados considerando a não-normalidade. O uso de PCIs não-modificados podemlevar a resultados inadequados. De maneira a estabelecer políticas de qualidade para resolver essa inadequação, transformação dos dados tem sido proposta, bem como o uso de quantis de distribuições não-normais. Um distribuição não-normal assimétrica o qual tem tornado muito popular em tempos recentes é a distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS). Propomos, desenvolvemos, implementamos e aplicamos uma metodologia baseada em PCIs para a distribuição BS. Além disso, realizamos um estudo de simulação para avaliar o desempenho da metodologia proposta. Essa metodologia foi implementada usando o software estatístico chamado R. Aplicamos essa metodologia para um conjunto de dados reais de maneira a ilustrar a sua flexibilidade e potencialidade. / In this thesis, we present three different applications of Birnbaum-Saunders models. In Chapter 2, we introduce a new nonparametric kernel method for estimating asymmetric densities based on generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. Kernels based on these distributions have the advantage of providing flexibility in the asymmetry and kurtosis levels. In addition, the generalized skew-Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators are boundary bias free and achieve the optimal rate of convergence for the mean integrated squared error of the nonnegative asymmetric kernel density estimators. We carry out a data analysis consisting of two parts. First, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. Second, we use this method for estimating the density of three real air pollutant concentration data sets, whose numerical results favor the proposed nonparametric estimators. In Chapter 3, we propose a new family of autoregressive conditional duration models based on scale-mixture Birnbaum-Saunders (SBS) distributions. The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is a model that has received considerable attention recently due to its good properties. An extension of this distribution is the class of SBS distributions, which allows (i) several of its good properties to be inherited; (ii) maximum likelihood estimation to be efficiently formulated via the EM algorithm; (iii) a robust estimation procedure to be obtained; among other properties. The autoregressive conditional duration model is the primary family of models to analyze high-frequency financial transaction data. This methodology includes parameter estimation by the EM algorithm, inference for these parameters, the predictive model and a residual analysis. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. In addition, we assess the practical usefulness of this methodology by using real data of financial transactions from the New York stock exchange. Chapter 4 deals with process capability indices (PCIs), which are tools widely used by companies to determine the quality of a product and the performance of their production processes. These indices were developed for processes whose quality characteristic has a normal distribution. In practice, many of these characteristics do not follow this distribution. In such a case, the PCIs must be modified considering the non-normality. The use of unmodified PCIs can lead to inadequacy results. In order to establish quality policies to solve this inadequacy, data transformation has been proposed, as well as the use of quantiles from non-normal distributions. An asymmetric non-normal distribution which has become very popular in recent times is the Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution. We propose, develop, implement and apply a methodology based on PCIs for the BS distribution. Furthermore, we carry out a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. This methodology has been implemented in a noncommercial and open source statistical software called R. We apply this methodology to a real data set to illustrate its flexibility and potentiality.


石坂, 隆 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:17510006 研究代表者:石坂 隆 研究期間:2005-2006年度

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