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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic and Heat Pump Systems for a North Macedonian Hospital

Beltran, Francisco, Fisher, Lesley January 2019 (has links)
The International Energy Agency’s Global Status Report 2017 estimates that existing buildings must undergo deep energy renovations, which reduce the energy intensity of buildings by 50% - 70% in order to achieve the “Beyond 2°C” scenario [1]. Many buildings in Bitola, The Republic of North Macedonia, will need considerable upgrades to meet these goals. Among them, health care facilities and education centers have the greatest potential, with energy savings that could reach 35 to 40% [2]. PHI Clinical Hospital Bitola is the largest health care facility in the southwestern region of North Macedonia with a capacity of 500 beds, providing care to almost 300.000 patients annually. It has a heating system based on heavy fuel oil, and an inefficient distribution system which has not been upgraded since the 1970s. There is no centralized ventilation or cooling systems, making it necessary to open and close windows in order to regulate the indoor temperature and generate natural ventilation. This study aims to replace the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO), reduce building related GHG emissions, and increase the primary renewable energy fraction of PHI Clinical Hospital Bitola, by investigating a replacement energy system using heat pumps and solar energy. Special consideration is given to increasing the level of comfort of patients and improving the safety of the indoor environment. Space conditioning, domestic hot water, and electricity demands for three critical buildings are considered in Polysun over a 1-year period. The costs and benefits of technologies including air and ground source heat pumps, solar photovoltaics, and ice thermal energy storage are analyzed. It is determined which of these technologies can be implemented in an energy and cost-efficient manner in the Republic of North Macedonia, thus contributing to the reduction of building related greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants that contribute to poor air quality. Ground source heat pumps perform superior to air source heat pumps, however, the total life cycle costs of ground source heat pump systems are much higher than air source heat pump systems, making the marginal gains in the technical performance not worth the investment in a borehole field. When using ice thermal energy storage within the cooling and domestic hot water systems the benefits of improved heat pump performance and reduced electricity consumption are not observed. The configuration of thermal storage tested here uses the domestic hot water system to withdraw heat from the thermal storage tank, creating ice, which is then used to decrease the need for cooling using the chiller. However, the cooling load is much larger than the hot water demand, and so any ice generated in the tank is depleted within the first few days of cooling. Many other configurations and control strategies for thermal storage exist which could be the subject of further research. When selecting a renewable energy system that could replace the current HFO boiler in the hospital, the results of this study suggest that an air source heat pump system with solar PV is the recommended solution. For buildings 1 and 2, the final results achieved a primary renewable energy fraction of 62%, a GHG emissions savings of 840 tons of CO2eq equating to a 26% reduction, coming at a capital cost of nearly 2,7 million €, and reducing annual energy expenses by 47%. For building 4 the final system delivers a primary renewable energy fraction of 64%, GHG emissions savings of 109 tons CO2eq or 17%, while costing 0,67 million € in capital expenses and lowering annual energy expenses by 50%. / Den internationella energi byråns globala status rapport 2017 uppskattar att existerande byggnader måste undergå djupgående energi renovationer, som ska reducera byggnadernas energiintensitet med 50% - 70% för att uppnå i scenariot “Beyond 2°C” [1]. Många byggnader i Bitola (Republiken av nora Makedonien), kommer att behöva betydande uppgraderingar för att uppfylla dessa mål. Bland dem har hälsovårdsanläggningar och utbildningscenter den största potentialen, med energi besparingar där dessa kan uppnå 35% till 40% [2]. PHI Kliniskt Sjukhus Bitola är den största sjukvårdsanläggningen i den sydvästra regionen av Nora Makedonien med en kapacitet på 500 sängplatser, som ger vård till nästan 300.000 patienter årligen. Det nuvarande värmesystemet är baserat på tung eldningsolja och ett ineffektivt distributionssystem som inte har uppdaterats sedan 1970-talet. Det finns inga centraliserade ventilations- och kylsystem, vilket gör det nödvändigt att öppna och stänga fönster för att reglera inomhustemperaturen och generera naturlig ventilation. Denna studie syftar till att ersätta användningen av tung eldningsolja, minska byggnadsrelaterade växthusutsläpp och öka den primära förnyelsebara energifraktionen av Kliniskt Sjukhus Bitola. Genom att undersöksöka ett ersättande energisystem med värmepumpar och solenergi. Särskild hänsyn tas till öka patienternas komfort och förbättra säkerheten i inomhusmiljön. Värme och kyla, varmvatten och el-krav för tre kritiska byggnader betraktas i Polysun under en 1- års period. Kostnaderna och fördelarna med tekniken inklusive luft och markvärmepumpar, solceller och termisk energilagring analyseras. Det fastställs vilken av dessa tekniker som kan implementeras på ett energi- och kostnadseffektivt sätt i Republiken av nora Makedonien, vilket bidrar till att minska byggnadsrelaterade växthusgasutsläpp och andra föroreningar som kan bidra till dålig luftkvalitet. Markvärmepumpar har högre prestanda än luftvärmepumpar, men de totala livscykelkostnaderna för ett markvärmepumpsystem är mycket högre än för ett luftvärmepumpsystem. Vilket gör den marginella vinsterna för den tekniska prestandan inte värda investeringen av ett borrhåls fält. Vid användning av is som termisk energilagring och kylning och varmvattensanläggningar, tog ingen hänsyn till fördelarna med en förbättrad värmepumps prestanda och minskad elförbrukning. Konfigurationen av termisk lagring som testas här använder det inhemska varmvattensystemet för att ta bort värme från den termiska lagringstanken, vilket skapar is som sedan används för att minska behovet av nedkylning av byggnaden. Kylbelastningen är emellertid mycket större än varmvattenbehovet. Vilket betyder att all is som genereras i tanken används upp efter några dagar av kylning. Många andra konfigurationer och styrstrategier för termisk lagring finns och kan vara till ändamål för framtida forskning. När val av ett förnybart energisystem görs som ska kunna ersätta den nuvarande tung eldningsolja pannan på sjukhuset antyder resultatet av denna studie att ett värmepumpsystem med luftkälla och sol-PV är den rekommenderade lösningen. För byggnad 1 och 2 uppnådde det slutliga resultatet en primär förnyelsebar energifraktion på 62%, vilket skulle innebära en besparing av växthusgasutsläpp med 840 ton CO2 ekvivalenter. Vilket motsvarar en minskning med 26%, med en kapitalkostnad på nästan 2,7 miljoner €. Samt minskade årliga energikostnader med 47%. För byggnad 4 levererar det slutliga systemet en primär förnybar energifraktion på 64%, med en -5- besparing av växthusutsläpp på 109 ton CO2 ekvivalenter eller 17%. Medan det kostar 0,67 miljoner € i kapitalutgifter och sänker den årliga energikostnaden med 50%.

Advanced control strategies for optimal operation of a combined solar and heat pump system

Ahmad, Muhammad Waseem January 2013 (has links)
The UK domestic sector accounts for more than a quarter of total energy use. This energy use can be reduced through more efficient building operations. The energy efficiency can be improved through better control of heating in houses, which account for a large portion of total energy consumption. The energy consumption can be lowered by using renewable energy systems, which will also help the UK government to meet its targets towards reduction in carbon emissions and generation of clean energy. Building control has gained considerable interest from researchers and much improved ways of control strategies for heating and hot water systems have been investigated. This intensified research is because heating systems represent a significant share of our primary energy consumption to meet thermal comfort and indoor air quality criteria. Advances in computing control and research in advanced control theory have made it possible to implement advanced controllers in building control applications. Heating control system is a difficult problem because of the non-linearities in the system and the wide range of operating conditions under which the system must function. A model of a two zone building was developed in this research to assess the performance of different control strategies. Two conventional (On-Off and proportional integral controllers) and one advanced control strategies (model predictive controller) were applied to a solar heating system combined with a heat pump. The building was modelled by using a lumped approach and different methods were deployed to obtain a suitable model for an air source heat pump. The control objectives were to reduce electricity costs by optimizing the operation of the heat pump, integrating the available solar energy, shifting electricity consumption to the cheaper night-time tariff and providing better thermal comfort to the occupants. Different climatic conditions were simulated to test the mentioned controllers. Both on-off and PI controllers were able to maintain the tank and room temperatures to the desired set-point temperatures however they did not make use of night-time electricity. PI controller and Model Predictive Controller (MPC) based on thermal comfort are developed in this thesis. Predicted mean vote (PMV) was used for controlling purposes and it was modelled by using room air and radiant temperatures as the varying parameters while assuming other parameters as constants. The MPC dealt well with the disturbances and occupancy patterns. Heat energy was also stored into the fabric by using lower night-time electricity tariffs. This research also investigated the issue of model mismatch and its effect on the prediction results of MPC. MPC performed well when there was no mismatch in the MPC model and simulation model but it struggled when there was a mismatch. A genetic algorithm (GA) known as a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) was used to solve two different objective functions, and the mixed objective from the application domain led to slightly superior results. Overall results showed that the MPC performed best by providing better thermal comfort, consuming less electric energy and making better use of cheap night-time electricity by load shifting and storing heat energy in the heating tank. The energy cost was reduced after using the model predictive controller.

Efficient Adoption of Residential Energy Technologies Through Improved Electric Retail Rate Design

Rauschkolb, Noah Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation combines methods from engineering, operations research, and economics to analyze how emerging residential energy technologies can be effectively used to reduce both energy costs and carbon emissions. Our most important finding is that air-source heat pumps can be used to reduce both energy costs and carbon emissions in four out of the five major climate regions studied, but that electric retail rate reform is needed to provide customers with appropriate incentives. In cold climates, it may be advantageous to use heat pumps in tandem with fossil fuel-powered furnaces; in warmer regions, furnaces can be cost-effectively abandoned altogether. We do not find that distributed rooftop solar panels or distributed battery storage are effective tools for reducing the cost of energy services. Rather, in our simulations, customers adopt these technologies in response to poor price signaling by electric utilities. By reforming electric retail rates so that the prices paid by consumers better reflect the cost of energy services, utilities can promote the adoption of technologies that reduce both aggregate costs and carbon emissions.

Development, Calibration and Validation of A Dynamic Modeling Framework for Air-Source Heat Pumps Under Cycling of Frosting and Reverse-Cycle Defrosting

Jiacheng Ma (8072936) 02 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis presents a comprehensive dynamic modeling and model calibration framework and experimental validations for air-source heat pumps under cycling of frosting and reverse-cycle defrosting operations. </p>

Vėdinimo įrenginių su integruotais šilumos siurbliais projektavimas, tyrimas ir analizė / Design, Research and Analysis of Air Handling Units with Air Source Heat Pumps

Bareika, Paulius 20 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami vėdinimo įrenginiai su integruotais šilumos siurbliais. Darbe atliekama tokios rūšies įrenginių literatūros apžvalga. Apžvelgiami šilumos siurblio komponentai, darantys didžiausią įtaką jo darbui. Darbo metu atlikti įrenginių projektavimo ir konstravimo darbai. Pateikiamos projektavimo rekomendacijos. Lyginami skirtingi kompresorių galios moduliacijos principai. Nagrinėjami įrenginių darbo režimai, kylančios problemos eksploatacijos metu, ieškomi problemų sprendimų būdai. Pateikiamos kintamo sukimosi greičio kompresorių galių moduliacijos ribos. Atliekamos energinė ir ekserginė analizės pagal eksperimentinio bandymo duomenis. Nustatomi realūs termodinaminio efektyvumo ir naudingumo koeficientai. Jautrumo analizės metu atliekami elektrinio šildytuvo efektyvumo ir naudingumo skaičiavimai. Pateikiami rezultatai, išvados ir rekomendacijos tokios rūšies įrenginių tobulinimui ir tolimesniam vystymui. Darbo apimtis – 94 psl. teksto be priedų, 66 iliustr., 7 lent., 43 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / Master's thesis examines air handling units with integrated air source heat pumps. Literature review about this type of units was carried out. An overview of mostly important heat pump‘s components are given. Thesis was an opportunity to design, construct and analyze these units. Different heat pump‘s operation modes examined and main issues turned out. Based on experimental data variable speed compressor's capacity modulation results defined. Moist air thermodynamic calculations have been made and air handling unit with integrated air source heat pump experimental energy and exergy efficiency was defined. Sensitivity evaluation changing heat pump with electric heater carried out. The main recommendation provided for units designing and further development. Thesis consist of 94 p. text without appendixes, 66 pictures, 7 tables, 43 bibliographical entries.

Study of Response Surface Models for the characterization of the performance in Refrigeration Equipments and Heat Pumps

Marchante Avellaneda, Javier 24 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] En un contexto de creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global y de políticas energéticas internacionales, en el cual los sistemas de climatización de los edificios suponen una parte importante del consumo energético global, los sistemas de bombas de calor son considerados como opciones muy interesantes debido a su alta eficiencia y por ser fuentes de energía renovables. En este sentido, una caracterización precisa de estos equipos es de vital importancia con el objetivo de mejorar su diseño y, en aquellos casos dónde este tipo de unidades se integren como parte de sistemas más complejos, implementar estrategias de control eficientes. En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el modelado de bombas de calor con el fin de obtener modelos que permitan conocer con precisión el desempeño global de estas unidades en todo el rango de trabajo. En la primera parte del trabajo, se han realizado numerosos ensayos experimentales utilizando un nuevo prototipo de bomba de calor dual, obtenidos dentro del marco de trabajo del proyecto europeo GEOTeCH. Debido a la tipología hibrida de esta unidad, los resultados experimentales obtenidos incluyen datos de desempeño para las principales tecnologías de bombas de calor: las bombas de calor aerotérmicas y geotérmicas. Haciendo uso de toda esta información experimental, esta primera parte del trabajo se centra en obtener modelos polinómicos para la predicción del consumo eléctrico y las capacidades de calefacción y refrigeración en función de las variables externas a la unidad. Dichas variables son fáciles de obtener y suelen medirse en instalaciones reales. Por tanto, estos modelos caracterizan a la bomba de calor como un único componente, simplificando su implementación en modelos globales de sistemas más complejos donde se instalan estas unidades. Además, seleccionado un enfoque empírico para el modelado, en esta parte también se analizan algunos aspectos relevantes, como los términos a incluir en el polinomio, o cómo conformar las matrices experimentales de ensayo necesarias, es decir, cuántos puntos experimentales realizar y dónde situarlos en el rango de operación. Por último, la segunda parte de la tesis doctoral está dedicada a modelar uno de los componentes principales en estas unidades, el compresor. En este caso, el desarrollo de una extensa base de datos que incluye numerosos ensayos calorimétricos de las dos principales tecnologías de compresores, pistón y scroll, ha permitido el análisis detallado de las superficies de respuesta del consumo eléctrico y el caudal másico de refrigerante en función de las temperaturas de evaporación y condensación. A partir de esta información y siguiendo un enfoque similar al utilizado previamente, en esta segunda parte se revisan los modelos incluidos en la norma actual de caracterización de compresores, el estándar AHRI 540 (2020), para comprobar si son adecuados o si, por el contrario, debemos utilizar otro tipo de expresiones polinómicas. También se analizan en profundidad cuestiones críticas como el número de puntos necesarios para caracterizar cada tecnología de compresor, dónde situarlos en el dominio experimental, cómo evitar un posible sobreajuste del modelo minimizando problemas de extrapolación o interpolación, o cómo extrapolar los resultados para predecir con otros refrigerantes u otras condiciones de aspiración. / [CA] En un context de creixent preocupació per l'escalfament global i de polítiques energètiques internacionals, en el qual els sistemes de climatització dels edificis suposen una part important del consum energètic global, els sistemes de bombes de calor són considerats com a opcions molt interessants a causa de la seva alta eficiència i perquè són fonts d'energia renovables. En aquest sentit, una caracterització precisa d'aquests equips és de vital importància amb l'objectiu de millorar el seu disseny i, en aquells casos on aquest tipus d'unitats s'integren com a part de sistemes més complexos, implementar estratègies de control eficients. En aquest context, aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el modelat de bombes de calor per obtenir models que permitisquen conèixer amb precisió el funcionament d'aquestes unitats a tot el rang de treball. A la primera part del treball, s'han realitzat nombrosos assajos experimentals utilitzant un nou prototip de bomba de calor dual, obtinguts dins del marc de treball del projecte europeu GEOTeCH. A causa de la tipologia hibrida d'aquesta unitat, els resultats experimentals obtinguts inclouen dades de funcionament per a les principals tecnologies de bombes de calor: les bombes de calor aerotèrmiques i geotèrmiques. Fent ús de tota aquesta informació experimental, aquesta primera part del treball se centra a obtenir models polinòmics per a la predicció del consum elèctric i les capacitats de calefacció i refrigeració en funció de les variables externes a la unitat. Aquestes variables són fàcils d'obtenir i se solen mesurar en instal·lacions reals. Per tant, aquests models caracteritzen la bomba de calor com un únic component, simplificant-ne la implementació en models globals de sistemes més complexos on s'instal·len aquestes unitats. A més, seleccionat un enfocament empíric per al modelatge, en aquesta part també s'analitzen alguns aspectes rellevants, com els termes a incloure al polinomi, o cóm conformar les matrius experimentals d'assaig necessàries, és a dir, quants punts experimentals realitzar i on situar-los al rang d'operació. Per acabar, la segona part de la tesi doctoral està dedicada al modelat d'un dels components principals d'aquestes unitats, el compressor. En aquest cas, el desenvolupament d'una extensa base de dades que inclou nombrosos assajos calorimètrics de les dues principals tecnologies de compressors, pistó i scroll, ha permès l'anàlisi detallat de les superfícies de resposta del consum elèctric i el cabal màssic de refrigerant segons les temperatures d'evaporació i de condensació. A partir d'aquesta informació i seguint un enfocament similar a l'utilitzat prèviament, en aquesta segona part es revisen els models inclosos a la norma actual de caracterització de compressors, l'estàndard AHRI 540 (2020), per comprovar si són adequats o si, per contra, cal utilitzar un altre tipus d'expressions polinòmiques. També s'analitzen en profunditat qüestions crítiques com el nombre de punts necessaris per caracteritzar cada tecnologia de compressor, on situar-los al domini experimental, cóm evitar un possible sobreajust del model minimitzant problemes d'extrapolació o interpolació, o cóm extrapolar els resultats per predir amb altres refrigerants o altres condicions d'aspiració. / [EN] In a context of global warming concerns and global energy policies, in which heating and cooling systems in buildings account for a significant amount of the global energy consumption, heat pump systems are widely considered as a really interesting option for enabling high efficiency and also for being renewable energy sources. In this sense, an accurate characterization of these units is of vital importance to improve their design and implement efficient control strategies, when the unit is integrated in more complex systems. Against this background, this PhD thesis focuses on heat pump modelling in order to create map-based models able to accurately characterize the global performance of these units for the entire working range. In the first part of this work, many experimental tests have been obtained for a new Dual Source Heat Pump prototype tested in the framework of the European project GEOTeCH. Due to the dual typology, the experimental results include performance data for the two main heat pump technologies: Air Source Heat Pumps and Ground Source Heat Pumps. By using all this experimental information, this first part focuses on obtaining empirical polynomial models capable of accurately predicting energy consumption and heating and cooling capacities as a function of external variables. Such variables are easy to measure and are usually recorded in real installations. Therefore, these models characterize the heat pump as a single component, simplifying its implementation in global models of more complex systems where these units are installed. Furthermore, selecting the empirical model approach, this part also includes some critical aspects, such as how to obtain the best polynomial expression, or how to perform the required experimental test matrices, i.e., how many tests should be conducted and where in the operating range. Finally, the second part of this PhD thesis is dedicated to modelling one of the main components of these units, the compressor. In this case, the development of an extensive database including numerous calorimetric tests on the two main compressor technologies, reciprocating and scroll compressors, has allowed the detailed analysis of the response surfaces of their performance parameters, i.e., the energy consumption and mass flow rate as a function of the evaporation and condensation temperatures. Using this information, and following an approach similar to that used in the first part, this second part reviews the models included in the current compressor characterization standard, the AHRI 540 (2020), in order to check whether they are appropriate or, on the contrary, whether we should use of other types of polynomial expression. Critical issues such as the number of points needed to characterize each compressor technology, where to place them in the experimental domain, how to prevent possible overfitting in the model adjustment to minimize extrapolation or interpolation problems, or how to extrapolate results for predicting other refrigerant or suction conditions, are discussed in depth. / I would like to acknowledge the financial support that has made this PhD thesis possible. The doctoral fellowship FPU15/03476 was founded by “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y deporte” inside the program “Formación de Profesorado Universitario”, and the GEOTeCH project (No 656889) founded by the European Union under the “Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for European Research and Technological Development” / Marchante Avellaneda, J. (2023). Study of Response Surface Models for the characterization of the performance in Refrigeration Equipments and Heat Pumps [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192653

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