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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistemática para avaliação da substituição de ativos no setor aeroportuário

Beuren, Marcelo Müller January 2016 (has links)
O setor aeroportuário apresentou forte crescimento nos últimos anos, ressaltando as ineficiências na gestão de sua infraestrutura e de seus ativos, especialmente no Brasil. Assim, com a exaustão das técnicas tradicionais para a redução de custos, as empresas necessitam buscar melhorias apoiadas no uso de métodos mais complexos a fim de aumentar a produtividade de seus ativos. Desta forma, desponta a necessidade de modelos para a identificação da vida útil e análise da substituição econômica de ativos, uma vez que estas informações auxiliam na tomada de decisão e conduzem a melhores planos de manutenção, reduzindo as perdas do processo. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem por objetivo propor e aplicar uma sistemática para avaliação da substituição de ativos no setor aeroportuário, apoiado em modelos adequados às especificidades do setor através do estudo das suas variáveis. Para isto, são identificados os elementos que influenciam na vida útil dos ativos e, posteriormente, modelos de identificação de vida útil e substituição econômica de ativos são propostos e aplicados em um aeroporto brasileiro de grande porte. Pode-se concluir que a sistemática produziu resultados consistentes e que auxiliam a decisão de substituição de ativos de uma forma estruturada. / In the past years, an increase in aviation transport can be noticed and it highlights inefficiencies in asset management, especially in Brazil. Hence, the exhaustion of traditional techniques to cost reduction lead companies to seek improvements supported by more complex methods in order to increase productivity of their assets. Thus, it is crucial to develop models for useful life identification and economic replacement of assets, since these information assist the decision making process and lead to better maintenance plans, reducing wastage. As a result, the main objective of this work is develop and apply a systematic for evaluation of asset replacement in airports, supported by models that consider the specificities of the aviation sector and its particular variables. In this direction, elements that influence assets useful life are identified and, then, models for useful life identification and economic replacement of assets are developed and applied in an important Brazilian airport. It can be concluded that the systematic have produced consistent results and can assist in asset replacement decision in a structured form.

Características de aderência de revestimentos asfálticos aeroportuários. Estudo de caso do aeroporto internacional de São Paulo/Congonhas. / Adherence characteristics of asphalt runway surfaces. Case of São Paulo/Congonhas International Airport.

Oswaldo Sansone Rodrigues Filho 21 August 2006 (has links)
Existe uma preocupação geral quanto à aderência que se pode obter entre os pneus de uma aeronave e as superfícies das pistas de aeroportos, principalmente naqueles em que operam aeronaves a jato, em altas velocidades, tornando a aderência um fator importante relacionado à segurança de vôo. O atrito nas pistas muda ao longo do tempo, em função do tráfego, das condições climáticas e das práticas de manutenção adotadas. Contaminantes, tais como água e resíduos de borracha, causam diminuição do atrito das superfícies das pistas, em grandes extensões, principalmente nas zonas de toque. Este trabalho analisa a aderência pneu-pavimento em revestimentos asfálticos aeroportuários, por meio da avaliação da macrotextura, do atrito dinâmico, do atrito medido com o Pêndulo Britânico e da drenabilidade, em regiões das pistas submetidas a diferentes solicitações de tráfego e diferentes ações de manutenção. O Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo / Congonhas foi escolhido para o estudo de caso, pois conta com duas pistas de pouso e decolagem com revestimentos asfálticos com grooving e tráfego de aeronaves com intensidade suficiente para promover os problemas de aderência relatados na literatura. Os resultados indicam a influência do volume de tráfego, do grooving, do acúmulo de resíduos de borracha e das práticas de manutenção sobre a aderência pneu-pavimento proporcionada pelos revestimentos. / There is a general concern about braking performance in runways pavements surfaces, particularly in airports operating turbojet aircrafts with high landing speeds, making friction become a significant safety subject. Runway friction changes along the time depending on aircraft traffic, weather conditions and maintenance works. Contaminants such as rubber deposits and water cause friction loss on pavement surface, mainly in the touchdown zone on runways, and it can reach quite extensive areas. This work analyzes the tire/pavement adherence on asphalt runways surfaces, by evaluating parameters as macrotexture, friction (using British Pendulum and MuMeter) and draining capability, in different areas of runways, submitted to different traffic and different maintenance actions. The field surveys were performed at Congonhas Airport. Congonhas operates two asphalt runways (grooved) with enough traffic to promote the adherences problems reported in literature. The results indicate how volume of traffic, grooving, rubber deposits and pavement maintenance practices can influence on runway surface adherence level.

Desenvolvimento de um modelo de gerenciamento de pavimentos aeroportuÃrios como apoio à tomada de decisÃo sobre estratÃgias de manutenÃÃo e reabilitaÃÃo / Development of an airport pavement management model as support for decision making on maintenance and rehabilitation strategies

Francisco Heber Lacerda de Oliveira 17 February 2016 (has links)
Como medida de aumento do desempenho da seguranÃa das operaÃÃes de pousos e decolagens nos aeroportos brasileiros, este trabalho propÃe um modelo de gerenciamento de pavimentos aeroportuÃrios, em nÃvel de rede, atravÃs de um procedimento de avaliaÃÃo tÃcnico-econÃmica, com base em parÃmetros estruturais, funcionais e de aderÃncia, visando o apoio à tomada de decisÃo sobre estratÃgias de manutenÃÃo e reabilitaÃÃo. Para tanto, estudos sobre as definiÃÃes e as caracterÃsticas de textura superficial, condiÃÃes funcionais e estruturais, com os respectivos parÃmetros normativos vigentes e ensaios estabelecidos pelos organismos reguladores da aviaÃÃo civil no Brasil foram observados. CaracterÃsticas e padrÃes tÃcnicos de outros paÃses tambÃm foram descritos e serviram como fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica deste trabalho. O Aeroporto Internacional Pinto Martins, localizado em Fortaleza, CearÃ, serviu como estudo para a aplicaÃÃo dos cenÃrios simulados no modelo proposto. Objetivando facilitar a indicaÃÃo otimizada das estratÃgias de manutenÃÃo e reabilitaÃÃo a partir das combinaÃÃes das classificaÃÃes das condiÃÃes, um programa computacional foi desenvolvido, como sendo a ferramenta-modelo denominada Sistema de Gerenciamento de Pavimentos AeroportuÃrios (SGPA). Os resultados obtidos, com o auxÃlio desse programa, mostraram ser possÃvel o planejamento e a execuÃÃo adequados das tÃcnicas, dos custos e da aplicaÃÃo das estratÃgias de manutenÃÃo e reabilitaÃÃo para incremento da seguranÃa operacional de uma rede de aeroportos. / As a measure to increase the operational safety performance at Brazilian airports, this work proposes a model of management of airport pavements, in network level, through a technical and economic assessment procedure, on the basis of structural, functional and grip parameters, aimed at supporting decision-making on maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. To this end, studies on the definitions and characteristics of surface texture, functional and structural conditions â with current regulations and testing parameters established by the regulatory bodies of civil aviation in Brazil were observed. Features and technical standards from other countries have also been described and served as theoretical basis of this work. Pinto Martins International Airport in Fortaleza, CearÃ, served as a study for the application of simulated scenarios for the proposed model. The results gathered proved possible the planning and the proper implementation of techniques, costs and application of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for increasing the safety of takeoffs and landings operations.

A associação entre o marco regulatório e a inovação : um estudo exploratório sobre as operações de processamento de passageiros nos aeroportos brasileiros controlados pela INFRAERO

Possas, Paulo Henrique January 2006 (has links)
No Brasil, como em diversos países, a aviação civil é um setor que sofre regulação. A questão central para esta pesquisa é: neste setor, por que os agentes responsáveis pelas Operações de Processamento de Passageiros (OPP), sejam empresas aéreas, o administrador do aeroporto e órgãos públicos, mesmo com disponibilidade tecnológica, não usufruem intensamente de novas tecnológicas, já que elas estão disponíveis para melhorar e agilizar o atendimento na venda de passagens e no embarque de passageiros? Por isto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar se existe, ou não, no marco regulatório do setor de aviação civil, elementos que possam, de alguma maneira, comprometer o dinamismo inovador característico deste ambiente. Tratando-se de um setor que comporta segmentos muito específicos e distintos entre si, o foco foi dirigido às atividades que identificam as OPP, quais sejam: a reserva, a vendas de passagens e o embarque de passageiros. Para se atingir este objetivo, foi realizado um estudo de caso de natureza exploratória que envolveu a análise do marco regulatório e entrevistas com decisores de empresas aéreas, do agente regulador, acadêmicos e da INFRAERO, empresa que administra parte dos aeroportos brasileiros.Pela análise dos resultados, verificou-se que no marco regulatório, existem elementos que podem afetar indiretamente o dinamismo inovador deste ambiente. Há pontos na legislação que podem provocar a ausência de competição entre as empresas aéreas nas OPP pelos passageiros, não incentivando, desta forma, a inovação como estratégia de diferenciação. Observou-se que, ao longo do tempo, a regulação e a inovação são ações que se impactam mutuamente. A interação complexa entre estes conceitos e entendimento desta interação é o grande desafio do agente regulador. / Civil Aviation is an industry that has suffered regulation as in Brazil as in several countries. Based on this industry I formulated the following research question: why agents that are responsible for Passengers Processing Operations (PPO) have not used new available technologies intensely if have they created to improve processes of ticket sales or boarding in Brazilian airports? I considered that these agents are airlines companies, public institutions, and airport administrator. The research objective was to verify whether there were elements that could be restricting innovative attribute of this industry. So I focused this study in PPO that are seats reservation, ticket sales and boarding of passengers. I accomplished an exploratory case study that involved analysis of the regulatory legislation and interviews with managers of airlines, the regulator agent, academics and the enterprise that controls part of Brazilians airports. In the regulatory legislation, I found evidence that some elements can be affecting innovation in those processes indirectly. There are rules that can generate the competition absence and can not motivate innovation. I still observed that the regulation and the innovation are actions that have related mutually along time. As challenge the industry regulator agent needs to understand such complex interaction.

Avaliacao dos riscos ocupacionais a compostos organicos volateis em ambientes aeroportuarios: implementacao de metodologia / Evaluation of the occupational risks of organic volatile compounds-VOCs in airport environments: implementation of methodology

PASTORELLO, NILCE A.H. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:55:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Com o aumento do tráfego aéreo, as emissões de poluentes provenientes da queima do combustível das aeronaves nos aeroportos e regiões circunvizinhas conseqüentemente, também aumentam, desta forma agências governamentais e muitos pesquisadores têm demonstrado interesse no estudo dessa situação, que envolvem as populações vizinhas, os indivíduos que utilizam os aeroportos, como passageiros, e aqueles que, por força da atividade de trabalho, permanecem em suas áreas internas durante longos períodos de tempo. As emissões causadas pelos motores das aeronaves carregam diversas substâncias tóxicas entre outros compostos orgânicos voláteis, especificamente benzeno, etilbenzeno, tolueno e xilenos, conhecidos pela sigla BETX. Estes poluentes podem produzir vários efeitos nocivos à saúde. No presente trabalho foi estudada a exposição ocupacional dos fiscais de pátio do Aeroporto Internacional André Franco Montoro (Cumbica/Guarulhos/São Paulo). O método 1501 do Manual de Métodos Analíticos do NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (NIOSH, 2003), foi implementado como metodologia para a determinação dos compostos orgânicos voláteis. Os resultados mostraram teores máximos de até 1,37 mg/m3 de tolueno, 0,21 mg/m3 etilbenzeno, 0,15 mg/m3 de xileno, os quais estão abaixo do limite máximo de exposição no ser humano. O benzeno não foi detectado no ambiente aeroportuário em teores de até 3,3 mg/m3. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Recommendations on land usage in La Mercy airport's simulated noise pollution zone

Goldschagg, Paul Louis 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Geography) / The development of a new airport usually brings with it the problem of aircraft noise pollution for land users located within about 15km of the airport boundaries. Excessive aircraft noise levels can cause health problems for residents and workers, and be responsible for a decrease in residential property values in the noise impacted areas. This dissertation reviews the problems associated with aircraft noise, examines the predicted noise impact of aircraft operations at the proposed airport at La Mercy in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, and concludes with recommendations for future land use around the airport. A number of relatively small urban settlements (Tongaat, Verulam, Waterloo, La Mercy, Umdloti Beach) are located around the La Mercy airport site. Almost all of the land not used for urban sett~ements is used for cultivation of sugar cane - very little land remains undeveloped. The agricultural land will probably eventually be converted to urban use, given the close proximity to Tongaat, Verulam and Durban. As such, comprehensive land use planning may still be done in order to avoid development of land for uses which will not be compatible with the anticipated aircraft noise levels. The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA of the United States) computerised Integrated Noise Model (INM), designed to model aircraft noise impact was used to derive contours representing aircraft noise exposure around the airport. Taking factors such as airport elevation, mean temperature, runway usage, aircraft type, and flight routes into account, a set of contours unique to the airport at La Mercy were produced. By overlaying the noise contours on land use maps, land uses which would be incompatible with aircraft noise, should the airport be constructed were identified. Recommendations were then iii made on future developments in those non noise compatible areas. Much of Tongaat would be exposed to a moderate noise impact, whilst small portions receive a substantial impact. The whole settlement of Waterloo, and the southern portion of Verulam would be exposed to a severe noise impact. The central and northern portions of Verulam would receive substantial and moderate impacts respectively. Mount Edgecombe and Duffs Road would be exposed to a substantial impact, whilst the northern suburbs of Durban including Westville would encounter a moderate impact. An examination was then made of the general principles for land development - physical requirements of commercial, industrial and residential land use, and locational requirements of these land users in relation to one another. Thereafter, undeveloped land (undeveloped from an urban point of view ie. land used for sugar cane cultivation) was identified, and broad recommendations made for developing that land for urban use, taking general land use development principles into account

Problematika zavedení IFR provozu na malá letiště v ČR / The issue of the introduction of IFR operations at small airports in the Czech Republic

Minčík, Igor January 2015 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is focused on the evaluation of conditions for IFR operations in the Czech Republic and their neighbours. The thesis is also focused on evaluation of posibilities of IFR navigation for small airports. In this context part of thesis is dedicated to a modern way of navigation using GNSS.

Srovnání vybraných středoevropských letišť / Comparison of chosen central European airports

Kubecová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This Master Thesis is specialize in comparison of three central European airports in Prague, Vienna and Munich. In the first part there is general information about infrastructure of air transportation. It also includes development of air transportation and also organizations connected with aviation. After that there is some information about airports in general. This part is ended by airlines and low cost airlines. Second part of the thesis is dedicated to individual airports and their characteristics. There is some information about their history and about their attitude to environmental questions. This part also includes information about number of passengers, destinations and airlines. Third part is mostly about analysis of services like transportation to the airports, parking and other services which are compared at the end.

The bald eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus Alascanus (Townsend)) as an aircraft hazard at Port Hardy Airport

Cuthbert, James T. January 1979 (has links)
A significant bird hazard to aircraft occurs at times at Port Hardy Airport through the presence of numbers of northern bald eagles in the vicinity of the airport and its approaches. This study investigated bald eagle abundance, distribution, movement patterns, productivity and feeding habits within the airport vicinity and satellite region. Findings were analyzed in the light of comparable ecological information available on the species. The study extended from October 1972 to October 1974. The resident summer and winter population within the airport vicinity approximated 3 eagles. Numbers increased gradually from late August until early November (when salmon were spawning in the Keogh River) and when 11 eagles were continuously present. The maximum number of eagles at any one time was 35. Even a relatively small spawning run of salmon was adequate to attract the eagles and the very large runs did not attract eagles in the same ratio. Eagle numbers decreased from early November until the herring spawning season in March and April when at least 5 eagles were continuously present. The potential hazard to aircraft, expressed as the maximum number of eagle sightings and the number of eagles observed per hour, was greatest during the fall salmon spawning season and the spring herring spawning season for each of the 5 observation areas within the airport vicinity. The population within the study area (200-250 resident eagles) was sufficiently large to dismiss a killing program, even if this was socially acceptable. Mean nesting density in the study area was at least .1 active nest/lineal km of coastline with .2 active nest/lineal km of coastline in the airport vicinity. Fifty seven per cent of the nests failed but those that produced young averaged 1.4 young/nest. Five active nests were within the area of airport activity and they did not differ in success rate or fledged young per successful nest from nests more remote. Statistical analysis of distribution data within the airport vicinity revealed that eagle use was significantly greater in the Keogh River mouth region and significantly lower in the inland region than in the remaining observation areas. The aggregation area along the KeoghiiRiver in the southeast flight path for runway 1028 presented the greatest hazard to aircraft. Direct eagle flights across the flight path occurred at frequent intervals in September and October and were often at the same elevation as approaching or departing jet aircraft. Since it is not likely that the behaviour of the eagles can be changed, ways of altering the flight paths of the aircraft were considered so as to lessen the frequency of interaction. This can be done by extension of runway 102 8 (by about 610m) to allow approaching or departing Boeing 737 jets to pass over, instead of through, the hazardous zone above the Keogh River. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Unknown

Constructed destinations : art and representations of history at the Vancouver International Airport

Rorke, Rosalind Alix 11 1900 (has links)
Since its opening in 1931, the Vancouver International Airport has been a site where significant representations of the city, its geography and its population have been made. Instead of being utilitarian structures the airport terminals have been purposefully designed and decorated with art chosen specifically to communicate Vancouver's distinct qualities and culture to travelers. As culture is never static and changes continuously, the representations have also shifted over time. By considering the specific history of Vancouver's airport in conjunction with the wider history of Canadian and international airport development, patterns (such as the continuous use of symbols from native cultures to represent aspects of the colonizer's culture) and tensions (such as Vancouver's relative position as a major Canadian urban centre and the growth of visible immigrant populations) which accompany the representation of locality at the airport become apparent. Henri Lefevbre's understanding of space as an active social product, David Harvey's assessment of the impact of globalization upon the local and Siegfried Kracauer's interpretation of architecture as illustrative of broad social trends underpin my analysis. The adoption,of an historical and theoretical framework within this thesis is directed at developing an interpretation of the current art program at the Vancouver International Airport which can move beyond the point where debate regarding "authenticity" and the agency of the native artists or their communities constricts the discussion. Through an examination of airport design, both theoretical and actual, the genesis of and reactions to art programs executed at the airport since the 1960s, as well as aspects of the city's social history, I illustrate that the current art program is representative of more than a superficial thematic strategy. Instead, it points to a complex and ongoing struggle to define and represent Vancouver both to its residents and the rest of the world. / Arts, Faculty of / Art History, Visual Art and Theory, Department of / Graduate

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