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[pt] No presente trabalho, foi avaliado num modo sistemático o
processo de
eletrocoagulação (EC) usando eletrodos de alumínio e ferro
como material
de anodo e aço inoxidável como material de catodo, operando
com diferentes
parâmetros tais como: concentração inicial do óleo,
distanciamento entre os
eletrodos, relação área-volume (SA/V) e densidade de
corrente. A redução
da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e turbidez foram às
variáveis respostas analisadas. Os ensaios foram feitos em
batelada com um
efluente sintético (5,1 litros) e com agitação magnética
(150 rpm). A densidade
de corrente e a relação SA/V foram os parâmetros com maior
no processo. O aumento deles reduz notoriamente o tempo de
Os resultados mostraram que a eletrocoagulação, para os dois
tipos de
materiais (Fe/Al), conseguem uma excelente redução da DQO e
da turbidez
nas seguintes condições experimentais: densidade de
corrente, 9,4 mA/cm(2),
distanciamento entre os eletrodos, 10 mm, relação
área-volume(SA/V), 30,35
m(2)/m(3) e 30 minutos de operação.
Eficiências de redução de 99% e 98,3% foram alcançadas para
a DQO e a
turbidez com anodos de alumínio. Do mesmo modo 94,8% da DQO
e 98,5%
da turbidez para o caso do ferro foi reduzido do efluente
sintético. O processo
de eletrocoagulação, operando nessas condições envolve um
custo total de 7,1
R$/m(3) e 5 R$/m(3) por metro cúbico para alumínio e ferro,
Estes custos só incluem custo de energia e consumo dos
eletrodos. A borra
produzida foi de 2,23 kg/m(3) para alumínio e 2,76 kg/m(3)
para o ferro.
Finalmente, o consumo de energia foi de 4,15 kWh/m(3) e 3,72
kWh/m(3) para
alumínio e ferro, respectivamente. Um tratamento de
eletrocoagulação para
um efluente oleoso sintético foi satisfatoriamente
implementado do ponto de
vista da redução destes parâmetros. / [en] In the present work, electrocoagulation process (EC) with
and iron as materials for anode and stainless steel as
cathode, under different
operational parameters, such as: initial concentration of
oil, distance between
electrodes, area-volume relation (SA/V) and current density,
were examined in
a systematic manner. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and
turbidity removals
were selected as a performance criteria. Tests were carried
out batch-wise in an
electrochemical cell (5.1 liter) with synthetic wastewater
and with magnetic
stirring (150 rpm); the current density and SA/V relation
were found to be
the most significant parameters, an increase of theses
notably reduces the
electrocoagulation required time for the treatment. The
results have shown
that electrocoagulation, using both kind of materials
(Fe/Al), successfully
removes the COD and turbidity in experimental conditions
such as: the current
density, 9.4 mA/cm(2), distance between electrodes, 10 mm;
SA/V relation,
30.35 m(2)/m(3) and 30 minutes of operation .
Removal efficiencies over 99% and 98.3% were measured for
COD and turbidity,
using anodes of aluminum. Likewise 94.8% of COD and 98.5% of
were removed from synthetic wastewater, using anode of iron.
process operated under theses conditions involves a total
cost of
7.1 R$/m(3) for aluminum and 5 R$/m(3) for iron per meter
cubic of treated
wastewater. These costs only include energy cost and
electrode consumptions.
The sludge produced after electrocoagulation treatment was
2.23 kg/m(3) for
aluminum and 2.76 kg/m(3) for iron, and the power
requirements were 4.15
kWh/m(3) and 3.72 kWh/m(3) for aluminum and iron. An
treatment of a synthetic wastewater was successfully
implemented from removal
efficiency point of view.
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Thermodynamic modeling and critical experiments on the Al-Fe-Nb system / Modelagem termodinâmica e experimentos críticos no sistema Al-Fe-NbSilva, Antonio Augusto Araujo Pinto da 24 August 2015 (has links)
The equilibrium diagrams are the starting point and the guideline to predict and control the microstructure that will form during processing materials. Despite experiments being necessary in binaries and ternaries systems, it is difficult to experimentally determine phase diagrams of higher orders systems over wide ranges of compositions and temperature. The CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) method was developed in order to solve this problem. The essence is to optimize the parameters of thermodynamic models that describe the Gibbs free energies of each phase aiming to reproduce the experimental and estimated (abinitio) data. The compound energy formalism (CEF) is widely used in order to describe phases which present several sublattices. It allows the modeling of a large variety of phases and numerous methods have been developed to treat different situations. The activities in this work developed a new approach of the CEF (NACEF) based on a mathematic analysis of the parameters which leads to a new formulation of the Gibbs free energy function evolving new independent parameters in which new independent parameters are obtained to express the Gibbs free energy. This approach was used in this work to describe the intermetallic phases with two-sublattice in which the only defect type is anti-sites (A,B)a(A,B)b. The Al-Fe-Nb system was chosen due to its importance for the manufacturing process of several families of alloys currently used, e.g. steels, light alloys, and also for the development of new materials for high temperatures application. The binaries Al-Nb and Fe-Nb were reassessed and the Al-Fe-Nb system was assessed for the first time using literature information and new experimental data. / Os diagramas de equilíbrio são o ponto de partida e a diretriz para prever e controlar a microestrutura ao final do processamento de um material. Apesar de experimentos serem necessários em sistemas binários e ternários, é muito difícil determinar experimentalmente diagramas de fase de sistemas de ordens superiores numa vasta amplitude de composições e temperatura. A fim de solucionar este problema, o método CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) foi desenvolvido. A essência consiste em aperfeiçoar os parâmetros de modelos termodinâmicos que descrevem as energias livres de Gibbs de cada fase de modo a reproduzir as informações experimentais ou estimadas (ab-initio). O compound energy formalism (CEF) é amplamente utilizado para descrever fases que apresentam várias sub-redes. Ele permite a modelagem de uma grande variedade de fases e vários métodos têm sido desenvolvidos para o tratamento de diferentes situações. As atividades deste trabalho ajudaram a desenvolver uma nova abordagem para o CEF (NACEF) com base em um estudo matemático dos seus parâmetros termodinâmicos que levou a uma nova formulação para função da energia livre de Gibbs envolvendo novos parâmetros independentes. Esta nova abordagem tem sido utilizado como parte do presente trabalho para modelar fases intermetálicas binárias constituídas de sub-redes cujo único defeito é do tipo anti-sítio (A,B)a(A,B)b. O sistema Al-Fe-Nb foi escolhido devido a sua importância para o processo de fabricação de diversas famílias de ligas usadas atualmente, e.g. aços, ligas leves e, além disto, é um sistema importante para o desenvolvimento de materiais para aplicações em altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho os binários Al-Nb e Fe-Nb foram reavaliados e o sistema Al-Fe-Nb foi modelado pela primeira vez utilizando as informações da literatura e novos dados experimentais.
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Mechanisms and kinetics of the galvannealing reactions on Ti IF steels / Mécanismes et cinétiques des réactions de galvannealing dans des aciers IF TiZapico Alvarez, David 12 February 2014 (has links)
Les revêtements galvanisés alliés sont produits par immersion à chaud d’une bande d'acier dans un bain de zinc fondu à environ 460 °C, saturé en fer et contenant de faibles quantités d'aluminium (de 0,1 à 0,135% poids), suivie d’un traitement thermique (jusqu'à des températures voisines de 500-530 °C pendant environ 10 s) afin de déclencher les réactions d'alliation entre le fer et le zinc. La microstructure finale de ce type de revêtement est composée d'une succession de couches stratifiées de phases Fe-Zn et ses propriétés d'usage sont directement liées à la distribution de ces phases dans le revêtement. Les paramètres process à appliquer sur ligne industrielle doivent donc être optimisés pour obtenir la microstructure de revêtement souhaitée avec des coûts minimaux. Le développement d'un tel revêtement passe par différentes réactions complexes : la formation de la couche d'inhibition, la rupture de cette couche, la consommation du zinc liquide et l'enrichissement en fer du revêtement solide. Les cinétiques de ces réactions doivent être étudiées et modélisées séparément afin de contrôler avec précision l'évolution du revêtement au cours du cycle thermique. Dans ce travail, les deux premières réactions ont été étudiées dans le cas des aciers IF Ti. La cinétique de formation de la couche d'inhibition est extrêmement rapide et n’a par conséquent pas été étudiée. L'attention a été portée sur la nature de cette couche et sur les mécanismes responsables de sa formation. Il a été démontré que la couche d'inhibition formée dans des bains classiques pour la production de ces revêtements est composée d'une première couche très mince de Fe2Al5Znx (20-30 nm) sur la surface de l’acier et d’une seconde couche plus épaisse de δ (FeZn7) (environ 200 nm) au-dessus. Lorsque l'acier est immergé dans le bain de zinc, la dissolution du premier dans le second conduit à une sursaturation en fer à l'interface solide / liquide. Une très fine couche de Fe2Al5Znx métastable germe alors sur la surface de l'acier favorisée par des relations préférentielles d’épitaxie avec la ferrite. Par la suite, une couche de δ germe sur la couche de Fe2Al5Znx ce qui permet à la microstructure finale de devenir thermodynamiquement stable. L'effet de la teneur en aluminium du bain sur la nature de la couche d'inhibition a également été étudié. Quand la teneur en aluminium du bain diminue, la couche de Fe2Al5Znx devient discontinue car cette phase devient plus métastable et sa germination sur la surface de l'acier moins probable. Cette étape d’inhibition n'est que transitoire et un traitement thermique prolongé conduira à la rupture de la couche d'inhibition et au développement des réactions Fe-Zn. Le mécanisme de rupture, contrôlé par la diffusion du zinc dans les joints de grains de l'acier, peut être expliqué à l'aide du diagramme de phase ternaire Al-Fe-Zn et résumé en deux étapes : la disparition de la couche de Fe2Al5Znx à l'interface couche d’inhibition / acier résultant de l’enrichissement de cette interface en zinc, et la germination de la phase Г (Fe3Zn10) aux joints de grains de l'acier lorsque la concentration en zinc y devient suffisante. C’est cette germination qui va provoquer localement la rupture de la couche d’inhibition. La cinétique de cette réaction dépend fortement de la composition chimique de l'acier IF Ti et de la teneur en aluminium du bain. D'une part, il apparaît que l'effet de la composition chimique de l'acier sur la cinétique de rupture d'inhibition est contrôlé par la compétition entre deux phénomènes opposés : la vitesse de diffusion du zinc dans les joints de grains de l'acier et la capacité de l'acier à y accumuler les atomes de zinc. D'autre part, la diminution de la teneur en aluminium du bain favorise la discontinuité de la couche de Fe2Al5Znx, ce qui accélère la rupture de la couche d'inhibition car le zinc est supposé diffuser plus rapidement dans δ que dans Fe2Al5Znx. / Hot-Dip GalvAnnealed (HDGA) coatings are produced by the immersion of the steel strip into an iron-saturated liquid zinc bath at around 460 °C containing small amounts of aluminium (from 0.1 to 0.135 wt.%, normally) and its subsequent heating (up to temperatures around 500-530 °C for about 10 s, typically) in order to trigger the alloying reactions between iron and zinc. The final microstructure of this kind of coatings is composed of a sequence of stratified Fe-Zn phase layers and its in-use properties are directly related to the phase distribution within the coating. The process parameters to be performed in industrial lines must therefore be optimized in order to obtain a successful coating microstructure with the minimum costs. The development of such a coating passes through different and complex reactions: the inhibition layer formation, the inhibition layer breakdown, the liquid zinc consumption and the iron enrichment of the solid coating. The kinetics accounting for these reactions must be studied and modelled separately in order to accurately control the evolution of the coating along the heat treatment performed in the industrial line. In the present work, the two first reactions were investigated in the case of Ti IF steel grades. The kinetics of the inhibition layer formation is extremely fast and has therefore not been investigated in detail. Concerning this reaction, the focus was given to the nature of this inhibition layer and to the mechanisms accounting for its formation. It has been found that the inhibition layer formed in typical baths for galvannealed coatings production is composed of a very thin layer of the Fe2Al5Znx phase (20-30 nm) on the steel surface and a thicker layer of the δ (FeZn7) phase (around 200 nm) on its top. As the steel strip enters the zinc bath, iron dissolution from the former into the latter leads to an iron supersaturation at the solid / liquid interface. As a result, a very thin layer of metastable Fe2Al5Znx nucleates on the steel surface favoured by preferential epitaxial relationships with ferrite. Subsequently, δ nucleates on the Fe2Al5Znx layer allowing the final microstructure of the inhibition layer to become thermodynamically stable. The effect of the bath aluminium content on the nature of this inhibiting structure has also been studied. As the bath aluminium content is lowered, the Fe2Al5Znx layer becomes discontinuous: the lower the bath aluminium content is, the higher the metastability of Fe2Al5Znx is and the less probable its nucleation on the steel surface is. The inhibition state is only transient and continued heat treatment will lead to the inhibition layer breakdown and the development of the further Fe-Zn alloying reactions. The breakdown mechanism, controlled by the diffusion of zinc towards the steel grain boundaries, can be explained using the Al-Fe-Zn ternary phase diagram and summarized in two steps: the disappearance of the Fe2Al5Znx layer at the inhibition layer / steel interface as a result of the enrichment of this interface in zinc, and the local nucleation of the Г (Fe3Zn10) phase at the steel grain boundaries, breaking the inhibition layer off, when the zinc concentration at these locations becomes high enough. The kinetics accounting for this reaction strongly depends on the Ti IF steel chemical composition and the bath aluminium content. On the one hand, it has been found that the effect of the steel chemical composition on the inhibition layer breakdown kinetics would be ruled by the competition between two opposite phenomena: the rate of zinc diffusion at the steel grain boundaries and the ability of the steel to accumulate the zinc atoms at these locations On the other hand, decreasing the bath aluminium content favours the discontinuity of Fe2Al5Znx, which accelerates the inhibition layer breakdown as zinc is expected to diffuse faster through δ than through Fe2Al5Znx.
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Thermodynamic modeling and critical experiments on the Al-Fe-Nb system / Modélisation thermodynamique et expériences critiques sur le système Al-Fe-Nb / Modelagem termodinâmica e experimentos críticos no sistema Al-Fe-NbSilva, Antonio Augusto Araújo Pinto da 24 August 2015 (has links)
Les diagrammes d’équilibre sont le point de départ et la ligne directrice qui permet de prévoir et contrôler les phases pouvant se former au cours de différents processus industriels. Bien que l’étude expérimentale soit nécessaire pour les systèmes binaires et ternaires, elle est difficilement envisageable pour déterminer les diagrammes de phases des systèmes d’ordre supérieur sur de larges gammes de composition et de température. Afin de contourner ce problème, la méthode dite CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagram) a été développée. Son principe consiste à optimiser les paramètres des modèles thermodynamiques utilisés pour décrire l´énergie libre de Gibbs de chaque phase à partir d’informations expérimentales ou estimées (ab-initio). Le modèle appelé « Compound Energy Formalism » (CEF) est largement utilisé pour décrire les phases qui présentent plusieurs sous-réseaux. Ce modèle et ceux qui en dérivent permettent la modélisation d'une grande variété de composés. Les activités menées au cours de ce travail ont permis de développer une nouvelle approche du CEF (NACEF) basée sur une étude mathématique de ses paramètres thermodynamiques. Elle a conduit à une nouvelle formulation de la fonction d'énergie libre de Gibbs faisant intervenir de nouveaux paramètres indépendants. Cette nouvelle approche a été utilisée dans le cadre de ce travail afin de modéliser les phases intermétalliques binaires constituée de deux sous-réseaux présentant des défauts uniquement de type anti-sites (A,B)a(A,B)b. Le système Al-Fe-Nb sur lequel porte notre étude a été choisi en raison de son importance dans la fabrication de nombreuses familles d'alliages tels que les aciers, les alliages légers et plus récemment dans le développement de nouveaux matériaux réfractaires à base Nb pour des applications à hautes températures. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles modélisations des bordures binaires Al-Nb et Fe-Nb et pour la première fois du ternaire Al-Fe-Nb sont proposées en utilisant la NACEF et en s’appuyant sur les informations issues de la littérature ou obtenues dans cette étude. / The equilibrium diagrams are the starting point and the guideline to predict and control the microstructure that will form during processing materials. Despite experiments being necessary in binaries and ternaries systems, it is difficult to experimentally determine phase diagrams of higher orders systems over wide ranges of compositions and temperature. The CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) method was developed in order to solve this problem. The essence is to optimize the parameters of thermodynamic models that describe the Gibbs free energies of each phase aiming to reproduce the experimental and estimated (ab-initio) data. The compound energy formalism (CEF) is widely used in order to describe phases which present several sublattices. It allows the modeling of a large variety of phases and numerous methods have been developed to treat different situations. The activities in this work developed a new approach of the CEF (NACEF) based on a mathematic analysis of the parameters which leads to a new formulation of the Gibbs free energy function evolving new independent parameters in which new independent parameters are obtained to express the Gibbs free energy. This approach was used in this work to describe the intermetallic phases with two-sublattice in which the only defect type is anti-sites (A,B)a(A,B)b. The Al-Fe-Nb system was chosen due to its importance for the manufacturing process of several families of alloys currently used, e.g. steels, light alloys, and also for the development of new materials for high temperatures application. The binaries Al-Nb and Fe-Nb were reassessed and the Al-Fe-Nb system was assessed for the first time using literature information and new experimental data. / Os diagramas de equilíbrio são o ponto de partida e a diretriz para prever e controlar a microestrutura ao final do processamento de um material. Apesar de experimentos serem necessários em sistemas binários e ternários, é muito difícil determinar experimentalmente diagramas de fase de sistemas de ordens superiores numa vasta amplitude de composições e temperatura. A fim de solucionar este problema, o método CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) foi desenvolvido. A essência consiste em aperfeiçoar os parâmetros de modelos termodinâmicos que descrevem as energias livres de Gibbs de cada fase de modo a reproduzir as informações experimentais ou estimadas (ab-initio). O compound energy formalism (CEF) é amplamente utilizado para descrever fases que apresentam várias sub-redes. Ele permite a modelagem de uma grande variedade de fases e vários métodos têm sido desenvolvidos para o tratamento de diferentes situações. As atividades deste trabalho ajudaram a desenvolver uma nova abordagem para o CEF (NACEF) com base em um estudo matemático dos seus parâmetros termodinâmicos que levou a uma nova formulação para função da energia livre de Gibbs envolvendo novos parâmetros independentes. Esta nova abordagem tem sido utilizado como parte do presente trabalho para modelar fases intermetálicas binárias constituídas de sub-redes cujo único defeito é do tipo anti-sítio (A,B)a(A,B)b. O sistema Al-Fe-Nb foi escolhido devido a sua importância para o processo de fabricação de diversas famílias de ligas usadas atualmente, e.g. aços, ligas leves e, além disto, é um sistema importante para o desenvolvimento de materiais para aplicações em altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho os binários Al-Nb e Fe-Nb foram reavaliados e o sistema Al-Fe-Nb foi modelado pela primeira vez utilizando as informações da literatura e novos dados experimentais.
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Aluminium matrix nanocomposites produced in situ by friction stir processingLee, I-Shan 26 March 2011 (has links)
Friction stir processing (FSP) was applied to produce aluminum based in situ
composites from powder mixtures of Al-Fe, Al-Mo, and Al-Fe2O3. Billet of powder
mixtures was prepared by the use of conventional pressing and sintering route. The
sintered billet was then subjected to multiple passages of FSP. During FSP, the material
has experienced both high temperature and very large plastic strain. The basic idea for
fabricating the composites is to combine the hot working nature of friction stir
processing (FSP) and the exothermic reaction between aluminum and transition metals
(Al-Fe, Al-Mo) or metal oxides (Al-Fe2O3).
In the Al-Fe alloy, in situ Al¡VFe reaction can be induced during FSP and form
Al-Al13Fe4 composite. The size of reinforcing particles formed by the in-situ reaction is
~100 nm. In Al-Mo alloys, fine Al-Mo intermetallic particles with an average size of
~200 nm were formed and uniformly dispersed in the aluminum matrix by FSP. The
Al-Mo intermetallic particles were identified mainly as Al12Mo with minor amount of
Al5Mo. The exothermic reaction could result in local melting of Al at the Al/TM
interface, and the liquid Al may accelerate the reaction. In addition, it is suggested that
the critical mechanism responsible for the rapid reaction and the formation of nanometer
sized particles in FSP is the effective removal of the Al-TM intermetallic phase from
the Al-TM interface, maintaining an intimate contact between TM and Al.
In the Al-Fe2O3 system, the reactions taking place during FSP includes the thermite
reaction (2Al +Fe2O3 ¡÷ Al2O3 + 2Fe), and the reaction between the reduced Fe and Al
to form Al13Fe4. In the FSPed Al-Fe2O3 specimens, there are two types of second phase
particles, Al13Fe4 and Al2O3. The Al2O3 particles (about 10 nm in size) usually appear
as a cluster of 100-200 nm in diameter. There are two types of Al2O3 phases existed in
the Al matrix after FSP passes, depending on the content of Fe2O3. One is £^-Al2O3 in Al-2Fe2O3 specimens, and the other is £\-Al2O3 in Al-4Fe2O3 specimens. It is suggested
that the formation of different type of Al2O3 particles in the Al-Fe2O3 composites may
be attributed to different heat release in each system. The lower heat release in
Al-2Fe2O3 sample favors the formation of the while the higher heat release in
Al-4Fe2O3 sample results in the £\-Al2O3.
The Al-Al13Fe4/Al2O3 composite produced by FSP exhibits both high strength and
good tensile ductility. The higher strength in Al-Fe2O3 specimen may be due to the
presence of fine Al2O3 particles. The flow stress of the Al-4Fe2O3 composite can
maintain at 100 MPa even at 773 K. The good thermal stability and high temperature
strength of Al-Al13Fe4/Al2O3 composites could be attributed to the fine dispersion of
second phase particles in the aluminum matrix, especially the nanometric Al2O3
particles. These Al2O3 particles are very stable at elevated temperatures, even after long
time exposure at 873 K.
The temperature excursion in FSP is determined by both the FSP parameters and
the exothermic reaction involved. The peak temperature in Al-Fe or Al-Fe2O3
system during FSP was calculated as a function of the fraction of Fe or Fe2O3 reacted.
Based on calculated results, it is noted that with the in situ reaction, the value of
can easily reach the melting point of Al, especially for the Al-Fe2O3 system. The
reaction mechanism and microstructure evolution during FSP are discussed.
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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-10at%Fe Alloy Subjected to Friction Stir ProcessingLee, I-shan 07 August 2006 (has links)
In this study, billet of a binary Al-10at%Fe alloy was prepared from pure Al and Fe powders by the use of conventional press and sinter route. The sintered billet was then subjected to multiple passages of friction stir processing (FSP). After FSP, the structure of a binary Al-10at%Fe alloy can be refined to sub-micrometer scale. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that particles of Fe-containing phase were distributed uniformly in the aluminum matrix, and the mean size of these second phase particles was about 100nm. From the results of X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), the Al-Fe second phase was identified as Al13Fe4. We also observed obvious reaction zone around iron particles in the friction-stirred zone. Apparently, a rapid in-situ reaction between Al and Fe had occurred in FSP. In order to reduce the reaction time and the heat input, the higher traversing speed was used. In addition, a higher sintering temperature was used to promote Al-Fe reaction. Furthermore, micro-hardness, tensile and compressive tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of the Al-10at%Fe alloy fabricated by FSP.
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Predicting heat capacity and experimental investigations in the Al-Fe and Al-Fe-Si systems as part of the CALPHAD-type assessment of the Al-Fe-Mg-Si systemZienert, Tilo 10 August 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work was to improve the heat capacity estimation of a material for usage within a CALPHAD-type assessment. An algorithm is derived that estimates the trend of heat capacity with temperature based on zero Kelvin properties and the thermal expansion coefficient at the Debye temperature. The algorithm predicts not only the trend of heat capacity but also the temperature trend of the volume and the bulk modulus, which can be also included in new thermodynamic databases. The algorithm is used to assess thermophysical properties of the intermetallic phases eta (Fe2Al5), epsilon~(Fe5Al8) and tau4 (FeAl3Si2).
The heat capacity of the intermetallic phases zeta, eta, theta and epsilon of the Al-Fe system and of tau4 of the Al-Fe-Si system was measured using DSC. For the phases zeta, eta, and theta, a non-linearly increasing heat capacity approaching the melting temperature was observed. In addition, the heat capacity of three bcc-based Al-Fe samples including the B2-->A2 transition were determined.
The Al-rich section of the Al-Fe phase diagram was studied using DTA and quenching experiments. The homogeneity ranges of the intermetallic phases were determined using SEM/WDS measurements.
Based on own and literature values, a thermodynamic description of the Al-Fe system was assessed including the modelling of A2/B2 ordering and the homogeneity range of all intermetallic phases. In addition, thermodynamic parameters of the Al-Fe-Si, Al-Fe-Mg, and the Fe-Mg-Si system were assessed to obtain a thermodynamic description of the Al-rich side of the Al-Fe-Si-Mg system, which can be used to study phase transitions of typical A356-aluminium alloys.
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-31 / The technique of remelting superficial laser (RSL) has been set up as a tool of increasing interest in recent years because of its ability to improve the corrosion performance of aluminum alloys, as a result of the formation of thin melting layers, with refined microstructures and practically free of intermetallic precipitates and inclusions. The laser treated samples are much more chemically homogeneous than the base material. This technique is promising versatile and it can be used to modify the surface region by melting and rapid solidification processes without affecting the property of the base material. In this study we used the RSL technique in a media without gas protection and with 2 kW Yb-fiber laser (IPG YLR-2000S), it was applied to the hypereutectic alloy Al-2.0 wt%Fe in order to analyze the changes caused by the treatment, therefore the resultant microstructure was evaluated, as well as, the surface quality (roughness), hardness and corrosion resistance in the aerated media 25ºC, solution of H2SO4 0.1 mol/L. The study of corrosion was analyzed by different techniques such as corrosion potential measurement, cyclic voltammetry and potentiodynamic polarization tests (micro and macro polarization) and the technique of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). By EIS technique, the characterization of the electrochemical behavior of the treated layer was performed and the values of the equivalent circuit, composed of resistors, capacitors and inductors. Therefore equivalent electrical circuits were generated according to the results presented by EIS using computational mathematical tools and Matlab software (tools toolbox) was used to perform this step. These results showed that the laser surface treatment performed on the alloy Al-2.0 wt%Fe resulted to the formation of a more compact structure, homogeneous and finer microstructure, producing an increase in microhardness at about 60.7% compared to the base material, reducing roughness, and corrosion rates was of approximately 11 lower smaller when compared to the untreated alloy, the laser treated layer has behaved passively in a wide range of potential, the polarization resistance of the treated layer was higher in relation to the untreated sample, by the EIS technique at high frequencies the samples had capacitive behavior, however, at low frequencies the samples had an inductive behavior. The treated layer thus evidence the effectiveness of treatment RSL to improve the surface quality of the samples and wear and corrosion resistance. / A técnica de Refusão Superficial a Laser (RSL) tem se configurado como uma ferramenta de crescente interesse nos últimos anos, por sua capacidade de melhorar o desempenho à corrosão das ligas de alumínio, tendo como resultado a formação de camadas fundidas finas com microestruturas refinadas que são praticamente isentos de precipitados intermetálicos e inclusões. As amostras tratadas com laser são muito mais homogêneas quimicamente do que o material base. Esta técnica é versátil e promissora e pode ser utilizado para modificar a região superficial por processos de fusão e solidificação rápida sem afetar a propriedade da amostra base. No presente trabalho utilizou-se a técnica de RSL sem proteção a gás com 2 kW Yb-fibra laser (IPG YLR-2000S) que foi aplicado na liga hipereutética Al-2%Fe a fim de analisar as modificações causadas pelo tratamento, para tanto foram avaliadas a microestrutura resultante, qualidade superficial (rugosidade), dureza e a resistência à corrosão em meio aerado à 25ºC em solução de H2SO4 0,1 mol/L. O estudo da corrosão foi analisado por diferentes técnicas tal como o monitoramento do potencial de corrosão, voltametria cíclica e ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmicas (micro e macropolarização), além da técnica de espectroscopia da impedância eletroquímica (EIE). Através da EIE, pôde-se caracterizar o comportamento eletroquímico da camada tratada e estipular os valores do circuito equivalente formado por resistores e capacitores e indutores. Para tanto foram gerados circuitos elétricos equivalentes aos dados apresentados pela EIE utilizando ferramentas matemáticas computacionais, sendo o software Matlab com ferramentas (toolbox) escolhido para realização desta etapa. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram que o tratamento superficial a laser efetuado na liga Al-2%Fe conduziu à formação de uma estrutura com microestrutura mais compacta, homogênea e refinada, levando ao aumento de dureza superficial em torno de 60,7% em relação ao material base, redução de rugosidade e taxas de corrosão de aproximadamente 11 vezes menor quando comparada com a liga não tratada, evidenciando assim a eficiência do tratamento RSL para melhorar a qualidade superficial das peças em termos de resistência ao desgaste à corrosão.
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Resistência à corrosão e simulação numérica da temperatura e tensões induzidas na refusão superficial a laser da liga aerospacial Al–1,5% FeTeleginski, Viviane 31 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:42:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
VIVIANE TELEGINSKI.pdf: 4135573 bytes, checksum: d862e0fdfd063afd1dec2d86b22b4031 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In this work, the aerospace alloy Al–1.5wt.%Fe was submitted to laser surface remelting (LSR). This process occurs thought the application of a localized laser radiation with high power density, causing fast heating and melting of the irradiated material, following with high rates of cooling causing the non-equilibrium solidification of the treated layer. In the present work a broad experimental survey was made in relation to microstructure, composition of the resulting phases, morphology characterization, microhardness and corrosion resistance of the treated layer and the results were compared with the untreated sample. Predictions through the numerical simulation were done relative to the thermal history, heating and cooling cycles, the depth of the treated layer and the thermal stress caused by sudden heating and cooling of the treated layer. The results indicate that the high cooling rates of the order of 104 K/s promoted the formation of metastable intermetallic phases and oxides. Due to the laser treatment there was an increase in microhardness, reduction in surface roughness and there was an increase in corrosion resistance about fourteen times on the studied electrolyte. These results indicate that laser surface remelting is an effective tool for upgrade the surface quality of parts that require high level performances. The RSL technique is a modern technology for surface processing and it is being applied in industry such as automotive, aerospace and energy. / Neste trabalho a liga aeroespacial Al–1,5%Fe foi submetida ao tratamento de refusão superficial a laser (RSL). O processo ocorre através da aplicação localizada da radiação laser com alta densidade de potência, acontecendo um rápido aquecimento e fusão do material irradiado, seguido de um resfriamento com taxas elevadas sendo que a solidificação da camada tratada ocorre em condições fora de equilíbrio. No presente trabalho realizou-se um amplo levantamento experimental quanto à microestrutura, composição das fases resultantes, característica da morfologia, microdureza e resistência à corrosão da camada tratada e os resultados foram comparados com a amostra não tratada. Através da simulação numérica foram previstos o histórico térmico, ciclos de aquecimento, resfriamento, profundidade da camada tratada e as tensões termicamente induzidas pelo brusco aquecimento e resfriamento provocado pelo processamento. Os resultados indicam que em consequência do resfriamento com taxas da ordem de 104 K/s houve a formação de fases intermetálicas metaestáveis e óxidos. Houve um aumento da dureza, redução da rugosidade superficial e aumento da resistência à corrosão em torno de quatorze vezes no eletrólito de ácido sulfúrico 0,1 mol/L. Estes resultados indicam que o tratamento de refusão superficial a laser é uma eficiente ferramenta para aprimorar a qualidade superficial de peças que exigem alto nível de desempenho. A técnica de RSL é uma tecnologia moderna de processamento superficial e vem sendo aplicada nas indústrias como automobilística, aeroespacial e de energia.
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:43:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Jean Cleber Bertoni.pdf: 7862049 bytes, checksum: 4c77f7ebc3fc211aac8ad8a7de58ccad (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-01-30 / There are currently extensive research on aluminum alloys, mainly due to its wide application in the automotive and aerospace industries, due to the following characteristics, among them, low density, high thermal conductivity and high corrosion resistance at room temperature. Al-Fe alloys have a high degree of microstructural change due to changes in their properties when appropriate techniques are applied. The Al-Fe alloy was studied in the composition of 1.5% Fe by weight, which was subjected to the treatment laser surface remelting in order to enhance its surface characteristics. The characterization of these alloys in order to determine the variation of the chemical composition at different depths was performed by Grazzing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXRD). In this technique, the angle of incidence of the X-ray beam was fixed and the detector moved in 2θ, it is possible to obtain the XRD patterns at different depths by varying the angle of incidence. In this work, the characterizations the micro and nano structural sample of alloy Al-1.5wt.%Fe treated by laser surface remelting (LSR) were performed, on the treated surface, as well as the transverse section, this study was performed at treated samples surface and at the isolated weld fillet on samples, where were applied laser beam speeds of 20, 40 and 60 mm / s. In this study we used different characterization techniques, such as, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, together with atomic force microscopy, and the Vickers hardness. Also in this work the technique of GIXRD was used to obtain depth profiles of near the surface chemical composition of the alloy. The analysis was performed in the micrometer range varying the angle of incidence between 0.5° to 6° in steps of 0.5° and analysis with incident angles 3° and 6° in steps of 0.02° for each 10 sec. As a result by examining the microstructure was characterized melted zone, the heat affected zone and the substrate, a particular features were found for each velocity of the laser beam, generally the treated area showed a more homogenous microstructure consisting of grains smaller feature, with low roughness and high hardness. The heat affected zone was more notorious the morphology of grains elongated feature in the treated and untreated interface for low laser beam scanning velocities. By means of the technique of X-ray diffraction various metastable phases were found, such as aluminum oxide, nitrides, etc., with different intensities of peaks as a consequence of the variation of angle of incidence. / Atualmente há uma ampla investigação sobre ligas de alumínio, principalmente devido a sua larga aplicação na indústria automotiva e aeroespacial, devido as seguintes características, entre elas, a baixa densidade, alta condutividade térmica e elevada resistência à corrosão a temperatura ambiente. Ligas de Al-Fe possuem um alto grau de modificação microestrutural, devido a mudanças em suas propriedades quando técnicas adequadas forem aplicadas. A liga Al-Fe foi estudada na composição de 1,5% de Fe em peso, a qual foi submetida ao tratamento de refusão superficial a laser de modo a aprimorar suas características superficiais. A caracterização dessas ligas com a finalidade de determinar à variação de composição química em diferentes profundidades foi realizado mediante a difração de raios X com ângulo de incidência rasante (DRXIR). Nesta técnica, o ângulo de incidência do feixe de raios X foi fixado e o detector moveu-se em 2θ, sendo possível obter os difratogramas em diferentes profundidades com a variação do ângulo de incidência. Neste trabalho, as caracterizações a nível micro e nano estrutural das amostras da liga Al-1,5%Fe tratadas por refusão superficial a laser (RSL) foram realizadas, tanto na superfície tratada e bem como na parte transversal, este estudo foi realizado nas amostras tratadas em toda a superfície, quanto nas amostras com trilhas isoladas que foram aplicadas as velocidades de feixe laser de 20, 40 e 60 mm/s. Para isso foram utilizados diferentes técnicas de caracterização, tais como, microscópio ótico, microscópio eletrônico de varredura, espectroscopia por energia dispersiva, acompanhada da microscopia de força atômica, bem como da microdureza Vickers. Também neste trabalho a técnica de DRXIR foi utilizada para obtenção de perfis de profundidade da composição química próxima à superfície da liga. A análise foi realizada em escala micrométrica por meio da variação do ângulo de incidência entre 0,5° a 6° com passos de 0,5°, bem como as análises com ângulos incidentes de 3º e 6º com passos de 0,02º a cada 10 s. Como resultado mediante o estudo microestrutural foram caracterizados a zona fundida, a zona afetada termicamente e o substrato, sendo encontradas características particulares para cada velocidade do feixe de laser, de modo geral a zona tratada mostrou ter uma característica microestrutural mais homogênea formada por grãos menores, com baixa rugosidade e de alta dureza. A zona afetada termicamente mostrou ser mais notória a morfologia de grãos com característica alongada na interface tratada e não tratada para baixas velocidades de varredura do feixe laser. Por meio da técnica de difração de raios X diferentes fases metaestáveis foram encontradas, tais como, óxido de alumínio, nitretos, etc, com diferentes intensidades de picos como consequência da variação do ângulo de incidência.
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