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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the stress levels and alcohol use amonst first entering students at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus)

Nekgotha, Thapelo Kleinboy January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / The study explored the stress levels and alcohol use amongst first entering students at the University of Limpopo. There are various reasons that students’ use and abuse alcohol for instance, academic workload, peer pressure, negative life events and boredom. In this study a cross-sectional survey design was used with a random sample of 217 first year psychology students. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), which measures individual stress and the Alcohol Use Identification Disorder Test (Audit), which measures alcohol use were used. Descriptive statistics, the chi-square test and an independent t-test were used to analyse data. Findings revealed that the majority of students drink alcohol but only a few drink to excess. Stress was reported mostly in the low to moderate range. However, female students did report significantly more stress than males in the sample. Some findings, although not significant, were problematic as for instance, a portion of students stated they could not remember what they were doing the night before after drinking and one female student was found to be dependent on alcohol. The Self-Medication Model (SMM) posits that people in a group are likely to selfmedicate if certain conditions are met in order to avoid stress, this appears to be the case in this study. It was recommended that a larger study be undertaken with a qualitative component to ascertain reasons why students are drinking alcohol in ever increasing numbers. It was also recommended that the institution run programmes related to the dangers of alcohol use and about stress and its consequences.

Early Age of Alcohol Initiation and its Association with Suicidal Behaviors

Ahuja, Manik, Awasthi, Manul, Records, Kathie, Lamichhane, Rabindra Raj 01 January 2021 (has links)
Objective: The relationship between alcohol use and suicidal behaviors is well-accepted, but less is known about the contribution of its early initiation. This study was designed to test the association of early alcohol initiation versus later initiation with suicidal ideation and attempt in an ethnically diverse sample. Methods: The Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys (CPES), 2001-2003 (n = 20,013), database was used. A total of 13,867 participants were selected included 56.9% females and 43.1% males. Race and ethnicity were reported as 28.8% non-Hispanic White, 39.1% Black, 20.3% Latino, and 11.9% Asian. Logistic regression analyses tested the associations between early (< =14 years) and later (> =15) age alcohol initiation with suicide ideation and attempts. Alcohol initiation was indexed by self-report of the first time that any alcohol product was consumed. Potential confounders were controlled. Results: Early alcohol initiation was associated with higher odds (AOR = 3.64, 95% CI [2.51, 5.28]) of suicide ideation as compared with adults who had initiated > = age 15 (AOR = 2.11, 95% CI [1.46, 3.04]). Early age initiation was also associated with higher odds (AOR = 3.81, 95% CI [2.02, 7.18]) of lifetime suicide attempt versus later age initiators (AOR = 2.03, 95% CI [1.08, 3.79]). Significant differences were found between early and later age of initiation. Conclusion: Early age of alcohol initiation has profoundly increased odds of suicide ideation or attempt. It is critical that effective prevention programs for children and their caregivers be implemented to prevent or delay alcohol initiation and lessen the risk for future suicidal behaviors.

Examining Alcohol Related Consequences in Undergraduate Sorority Women

Cortez, Veronica L. 12 1900 (has links)
Members of Greek Life organizations consume more alcohol and participate in risky drinking behaviors at higher rate than their non-Greek counterparts due to deep rooted social norms within this population. Undergraduate sorority women at college and universities are often overlooked in research regarding trends in alcohol use in Greek Life organizations. However, women between the ages of 18 and 24 are more vulnerable to the consequences of heavy alcohol use compared to men, including liver disease, sexual assault, poor academic outcomes and post-collegiate alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Although higher education institutions are tasked with educating their students about safe alcohol use and protecting students from harm, these interventions are often inadequate in decreasing alcohol related consequences. Among students, sorority women consistently consume higher amounts of alcohol and exhibit higher rates of risky drinking behavior. This thesis aims to examine the unique alcohol-related consequences and risk factors sorority women face. Implications are discussed to guide college administrators, counselors and other supports that are likely to encounter issues associated with alcohol use within this population.

Family-of-Origin Quality, Regulation of Negative Affect, Marital Stability, and Couple Drinking Patterns

Brunner, Heidi M. 10 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of family-of-origin quality, adult regulation of negative affect, and marital stability with the extent to which couples report they drink similarly and the extent to which they report that the husband drinks more than the wife. It was hypothesized that these two types of couple drinking patterns would be impacted by each individual spouse's context as well as by the interaction of those contexts. A national sample of 1498 couples or 2996 individuals (1498 wives and 1498 husbands married to each other) participated in this study. This study sought to understand the family-of-origin influences when there was not an alcoholic parent in the home. Therefore, adult children of alcoholics were excluded from the sample. The results of this study suggested that wives family-of-origin quality and both spouses' regulation of negative affect were highly predictive of a husband drinking more than the wife, and moderately to highly predictive of couple drinking similarity. The husband's family-of-origin had only indirect effects on both alcohol use patterns. His family-of-origin had moderately significant effects on drinking similarity through the mediating variable of the husband's regulation of negative affect. His family-of-origin had moderate to highly significant effects on whether or not he drinks more than his wife through two indirect paths, with regulation of negative affect and marital stability as mediating variables. When examining partner effects on couple alcohol use patterns, findings suggest the contributions of husband and wife are not entirely equal. Findings suggest that the wife's family-of-origin influences the pattern of the ‘husband drinking more than his wife’, through the mediating variable of the husband's regulation of negative affect, and this relationship was found to be stronger than his own family-of-origin. The wife's family-of-origin and her regulation of negative affect were more predictive of whether or not the couple drank similarly than the husband's family-of-origin or his regulation of negative affect. The most poignant conclusion drawn from this study is the importance of recognizing not only individual contributors to later alcohol use, but also the influence of the interacting couple contexts when examining couple alcohol use patterns.

Alcohol Use Trajectories & The Transition from Adolescence into Young Adulthood: An Examination of Crime, Sex, and Gender

Wiley, Lia Chervenak 15 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Social Determinants of Recent Alcohol Use and Episodic Heavy Drinking among African American and Hispanic Young Adults

Frank, Joseph S. 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Women's discourses about secretive alcohol dependence and experiences of accessing treatment

Pretorius, Liezille Jean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a paucity of research documenting women’s undisclosed drinking. This study explored the discursive accounts of women’s alcohol dependence, treatment history and barriers in accessing alcohol dependence treatment. The goals of this dissertation were to explore women’s alcohol dependence history; explore women’s treatment history (or lack thereof); identify barriers and nature of barriers that limit women’s access to alcohol dependence treatment; identify the reasons for women not accessing treatment, and to interpret women’s experiences of treatment per se. A Human Scientific Approach was adopted to examine and interpret how women’s drinking is socially constructed. A social constructionist approach was utilised to access and construct meaning from the discourses emanating from the women’s narratives of their experience with alcohol and their attempts at rehabilitation. Ten women were interviewed using the life story (narrative) interview method. The findings illustrate two major discourses namely, secret drinking and inaccessibility of appropriate treatment facilities for women alcohol dependents. This means that participants feel forced to conceal their drinking and to drink secretively because of the stigma associated with women drinking heavily. The stigma they experience translates into barriers (mostly internal barriers) to seeking institutionalised treatment. This makes it easier for them to seek alternative treatment such as an anonymous fellowship, like Alcoholics Anonymous. Other discourses signify the importance of problem identification and treatment readiness. This means that if the alcohol dependent woman realises what the real problem is causing her to use alcohol as an escape or as a coping strategy, she will be more willing to address the underlying problem. Recommendations are made focusing on micro and macro-level intervention strategies such as access to treatment, public health campaigns and policies to improve the quality of life of women recovering from alcohol dependence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is min inligting beskikbaar oor die dokumentering van vroue wat in-die-geheim alkohol gebruik. Hierdie studie het die diskursiewe weergawe van vroue se alkoholgebruik, behandelingsgeskiedenis en hindernisse tot die behandeling van alkohol-misbruik verken. Die doelstellings van hierdie verhandeling is om die volgende te verken: Vroue se afhanklikheidsgeskiedenis; vroue se rehabiliteringsgeskiedenis (of die gebrek daaraan); die identifisering van hindernisse en die aard van die probleme wat vroue se toegang tot die behandeling van alkohol-misbruik beperk; die identifisering van redes waarom vroue rehabilitering weier; en die interpretasie van vroue se belewings van behandeling per se. ‘n Humanisties-wetenskaplike benadering is gebruik om die sosiale konstruksie van vroue se drinkgewoontes te ondersoek en te interpreteer. Die verstaan van en die skep van betekenis van die diskoerse van die vroue, en die temas wat na vore gekom het vanuit hul vertellings/narratiewe van hul alkohol-ervarings en hul pogings tot rehabilitering, is binne die raamwerk van die sosiaal-konstruksionistiese uitgangspunt aangepak. Onderhoude is met tien vroue gevoer en die narratiewe metode is gebruik. Die bevindings toon twee hoofdiskoerse naamlik, drinkery in-die-geheim en die ontoeganklikheid van gepaste behandelingsfasiliteite vir vroue met afhanklikheidsprobleme. Dit beteken dat vroue ondervind dat hulle gedwing word om in-die-geheim te drink, as gevolg van die stigmatisering van vroue en oormatige alkohol-gebruik. Hierdie stigmatisering kan herlei word tot hindernisse (meestal interne hindernisse) te make met ge-institutionaliseerde behandeling. Om die rede is dit makliker vir vroue om alternatiewe behandeling soos anonieme gemeenskappe, byvoorbeeld Alkoholiste Anoniem te oorweeg. Ander diskoerse beklemtoon die identifisering van probleme en die instemming tot rehabilitering. Dit beteken dat wanneer die alkoholis die werklike probleem vir alkohol-gebruik verstaan as ‘n ontsnapping of as ‘n hanteringsstrategie, sy meer gewillig sal wees om die onderliggende probleem aan te spreek. Aanbevelings is gemaak met die fokus op mikro- en makrointervensiestrategieë, soos die toegang tot rehabilitering, openbare gesondheidsveldtogte en beleide ten einde die leef-kwaliteit van vroue in die herstelproses van alkoholafhanklikheid te verbeter.

Beer as a signifier of social status in ancient Egypt with special emphasis on the New Kingdom period (ca.1550 – 1069 BC) : the place of beer in Egyptian society compared to wine.

Klop, Damian Jerome O'Reilly 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Some academics are of the generalist opinion that ancient Egyptian beer was only consumed by the lower classes because of its low social status. This is based on the generalization that individuals only consume alcoholic beverages matching the status of their social class. Therefore the lower classes consumed beer while the upper classes consumed an alcoholic beverage of higher status, i.e. wine. However, other academics are of the universalist opinion that Egyptian beer was universally consumed by all Egyptian social classes irrespective of the status of beer. This study aims to test the validity of these opposing academic opinions and also strives to understand how statements of status in Egyptian society were devised, and what they were conveying. This was achieved by determining the status of Egyptian beer and wine and then comparing them to the respective status of beer and wine drinkers in the New Kingdom period (c. 1550-1069) according to the factors of production, consumption, health, economic exchange & distribution, and religion. Use is made of an anthropological approach which allows the researcher to limit social bias and understand ancient Egyptian society on its own terms. Results of this study indicate that Egyptian beer had a much lower status than Egyptian wine and all social classes consumed beer while only the upper classes consumed wine. The generalist opinion, therefore, is falsified and the universalist opinion validated. The results also indicate that the upper classes justified their beer consumption by producing, consuming and exchanging an elite beer of higher status in a manner reminiscent of wine so that it compared more favourably with the status of their social classes. This study, therefore, not only settles an old academic dispute but also provides new insight into Egyptian beer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sommige akademici huldig die algemene siening dat antieke Egyptiese bier uitsluitlik deur die laer klasse gebruik is, omdat bier ‘n laer status geniet het. Dit is gegrond op die veralgemening dat individue slegs alkoholiese drank gebruik het wat ooreenstem met hul eie sosiale klas. Die laer klasse het dus bier gedrink terwyl die hoër klasse alkoholiese drank van ‘n hoër status, naamlik wyn, gedrink het. Ander akademici is egter van mening dat Egiptiese bier deur alle Egiptiese sosiale klasse gebruik is, ongeag die status van bier. Hierdie studie poog om die geldigheid van hierdie teenstrydige akademiese menings te toets en poog ook om te verstaan hoe stellings oor status in die Egiptiese samelewing bedink is en wat hulle wou oordra. Dit is bereik deur die status van Egiptiese bier en wyn te bepaal en dit dan te vergelyk met die besondere status van bier en wyndrinkers in die Nuwe Koningkryk tydperk (c. 1550-1069) volgens die faktore van produksie, verbruik, gesondheid, ekonomiese uitruiling & verspreiding en godsdiens. ‘n Antropologiese benadering is gevolg omdat dit die navorser in staat stel om sosiale partydigheid te beperk en sodoende die Egiptiese samelewing in eie reg te kan verstaan. Resultate van hierdie studie dui aan dat alhoewel Egiptiese bier ‘n veel laer status as Egiptiese wyn geniet het, het alle sosiale klasse nietemin bier gedrink, terwyl net die hoër klasse wyn gedrink het. Die algemene mening is gefalsifiseer, terwyl die universele mening gestaaf word. Die resultate dui ook aan dat die hoër sosiale klasse hul bierverbruik geregverdig het deur ‘n elite bier van hoër status te produseer, uit te ruil en te gebruik op ‘n wyse soortgelyk aan diè van hul wynverbruik, sodat dit gunstig vergelyk met die status van hul sosiale klasse. Hierdie studie los dus nie net ‘n ou akademiese meningsverskil op nie, maar gee ook ‘n nuwe insig in Egiptiese bier en die gebruik daarvan deur die hoër klasse.


Saunders, Meredith A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
An estimated 13.9% of Americans currently meet criteria for an alcohol use disorder. Ultimately, chronic alcohol use may result in neurological deficits, with up to 85% of alcoholics exhibiting signs of cognitive decline. However, biochemical and behavioral factors contributing to this decline have remained elusive. Our ongoing research program encompasses a multi-tiered screening of a natural product library and validation process to provide novel information about mechanisms underlying these deficits and to identify novel chemical scaffolds to be exploited in the development of pharmacological treatments for alcohol use disorders in a rodent organotypic hippocampal slice culture mode. Experiment 1 sought to establish a 48 h high throughput model for testing novel scaffolds against ethanol (EtOH) toxicity. Experiment 2 tested multiple natural product compounds for their ability to attenuate ethanol-induced cytotoxicity. Results from Experiment 1 revealed EtOH (100 mM) induced significant cytotoxicity at 48 h. Trolox (100 µM), a potent antioxidant, was found to reduce ethanol-induced cytotoxicity in this assay. Experiment 2 revealed two spoxazomicins (1, 1-1) demonstrated potent cytoprotective effects against ethanol toxicity. These findings highlight the potential applications of these novel scaffolds for use in the treatment of alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol consumption and mortality among male factory workers in Guangzhou, China

Liu, Kit-ling., 廖潔玲. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Community Medicine / Master / Master of Public Health

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