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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plant Compound Pest Control in California Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) Production

Weissman, Eli Mahanes 01 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Allelopathy occurs when one organism releases a compound into the environment that affects the functioning of another organism. Scientists have long suspected that alleopathic plant compounds could offer novel, softer chemistries to the ongoing battle of controlling pests in agricultural fields. Strawberry growers rely on toxic fumigants to kill soilborne fungal pests, weeds, nematodes, and insects. Increased regulations have reduced the use of fumigants (including methyl bromide), and strawberry growers need new sustainable pest control solutions. We selected four putative allelochemicals with known fungicidal and herbicidal activity (ferulic acid, gallic acid, juglone, and p-Coumaric acid). We assessed the pesticidal activity of these plant compounds both in agar and in soil on two emerging soilborne fungal pathogens (Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. fragariae), and four annual weeds commonly found in strawberry production fields (Malva parviflora, Melilotus officinalis, Poa annua, and Senecio vulgaris). We also assayed lettuce (Lactuca sativa ‘Inferno’), which served as a positive control plant species due to its sensitivity to phytotoxic compounds. Fitted sigmoidal dose-response curves predicted EC50 and EC75 values for each combination of plant compound and pest. All plant compounds inhibited the in vitro radial mycelial growth of the two soilborne fungal pathogens in a dose-dependent manner. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. fragariae was more sensitive to the plant compounds than Macrophomina phaseolina. Average EC50 values for the radial mycelial growth of two F. oxysporum f.sp. fragariae isolates were 75.1 parts per million by weight (ppmw) juglone, 469 ppmw p-Coumaric acid, and 687 ppmw ferulic acid. Average EC50 values for the radial mycelial growth of two M. phaseolina isolates were 196 ppmw juglone, 2869 ppmw p-Coumaric acid, and 5716 ppmw ferulic acid. The three compounds we assayed in vitro also reduced M. phaseolina colony forming unit counts in soil and the EC50 values were 476 ppmw ferulic acid, 612 ppmw juglone, and 827 ppmw p-Coumaric acid. Metconazole, the conventional fungicide control, did not inhibit M. phaseolina colony forming unit counts in soil at its label high rate. The plant compounds required similar or lower rates to inhibit colony forming units that grew from M. phaseolina overwintering structures (microsclerotia) in soil as to inhibit radial mycelial growth in vitro. Based on the EC50 value in soil assays, ferulic acid was the least expensive plant compound to apply on a per acre basis to inhibit M. phaseolina ($74,226). In F.oxysporum f.sp. fragariae soil assays, the compounds induced hormesis at lower rates and may be germination stimulant candidates. Metconazole and the high rates of every compound effectively or completely inhibited F. oxysporum f.sp. fragariae colony forming units in soil. The plant compounds were more herbicidal than fungicidal in vitro. When combining the in vitro seedling length results for L. sativa, M. parviflora, P. annua, and S. vulgaris the EC50 values differed significantly (p < .0001) and were: 47 ppmw juglone, 120 ppmw p-Coumaric acid, 189 ppmw ferulic acid, and 297 ppmw gallic acid. At least one rate of ferulic acid, juglone, and p-Coumaric acid inhibited the germination of all plant species, while gallic acid only inhibited the germination of P. annua at 1000 ppmw (p < .05). In soil, visible microbial contamination in individual wells of 24-well plates and seed dormancy made it difficult to fit curves to weed seedling length data. The soil assay L. sativa seedling length EC50 values 11 days after initial treatment were slightly higher than in vitro, although plant compounds were in the same order of phytotoxicity: 129 ppmw juglone, 616 ppmw p-Coumaric acid, 644 ppmw ferulic acid, and 1584 ppmw gallic acid. Based on the EC50 value in soil assays, the least expensive compound to inhibit L. sativa seedling length on a per acre basis was gallic acid ($21,676). Germination 26 days after initial soil treatment generally declined in a dose-dependent manner for each compound. There was a direct relationship between plant compound rate and seedling damage in soil with the higher rates of all compounds, except p-Coumaric acid, inducing damage comparable to a conventional herbicide (pendimethalin or oxyfluorfen). Contaminated treatments appeared to be due to an interaction between plant compounds and microorganisms because herbicide and water controls had almost no microbial growth 11 days after initial treatment. Further, there was a significant positive linear relationship between level of contamination in phenolic acid-treated wells (ferulic acid, gallic acid, and p-Coumaric acid, p < .0001) and the in soil rate. This relationship was slightly negative in juglone soil treatments (p = .0167), which may be due to its greater antimicrobial activity than the phenolic acids. We propose that herbicidal effects in soil were due to the joint effect of the plant compounds themselves, and the microbial growth in wells. Microbial growth was either antagonistic or additive to the inhibitory action of the plant compounds. The plant compounds we assayed were inhibitory of emerging fungal pathogens in strawberry production and common annual strawberry field weeds. Evidence presented in this thesis correlates well with past research that not only found plant compounds to be herbicidal and fungicidal, but also described their modes-of-action (such as the production of reactive oxygen species that causes necrotic lesions on roots, and inhibition of glycolytic enzyme activity that prevents germination), and implicate plant compounds as carbon sources for a variety of microorganisms. Compound prices are currently exorbitant, but may decline as demand increases. Whether or not they provide effective pest control may depend on soil texture, organic matter, microbial diversity, and other edaphic factors.

Ecological crashes and explosions: improving early warning signals for ecological tipping points and exploring how eco-evolutionary feedbacks change the trajectory of species invasions

Patterson, Amy 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Integrating weed-suppressive cotton chromosome substitution lines and cover crops for sustainable weed management in cotton production systems.

Miller, Alyssa Lea 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Weeds pose a challenge to cotton production, and herbicides have been the primary means of control. However, there is growing concern over weed resistance to herbicides. To address this issue, we evaluated three cover crop species and six cotton accessions for weed suppression. The study found that hairy vetch, wheat, and B16 cotton CS line effectively suppressed Amaranthus species, while MNTN 4-15, B16, hairy vetch, and wheat were correlated with the highest cotton yield. Cover crops were also analyzed for chlorogenic acid content, with wheat, MNTN 4-15, and hairy vetch producing the highest amounts. The greenhouse tray study showed that wheat and hairy vetch cover crops were among the best treatments for weed suppression. These findings suggest that cover crops may provide effective weed control and improve crop yield.

Environmental Isolations, Community Nutrient Ratio Effects, and Allelopathy of Microcystis from Grand Lake Saint Mary's

Marshall, Randall S. 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

An assessment of the allelopathic potential of <i>Alliaria petiolata</i>

Barto, Eulondia Kathryn 11 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The evolutionary ecology of spiteful bacteriocin production

Inglis, Robert Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Understanding the conditions that favour the evolution and maintenance of spiteful bacteriocin production combines two important questions from the fields of social evolution and microbiology. Spiteful behaviours, though, initially thought to be rare represent an important class of interactions between bacteria through the production of bacteriocins. Bacteriocins can be considered spiteful as they are costly to produce (in many cases requiring lysis) and are costly to sensitive bacteria (i.e. they are lethal). However, much about the ecology of spiteful behaviours and bacteriocin production remains unclear. Mathematical models have given us important insights into some conditions that should favour bacteriocin production, but few empirical studies exist supporting these results. In this thesis I use the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a prolific producer of bacteriocins), to examine conditions that favour bacteriocin production. I also investigate more specific elements about this system and toxin production in general. I find that bacteriocin production in P. aeruginosa closely follows predictions made from mathematical models under a range of different conditions (e.g. frequency, scale of competition, multiple social traits). I also find that resistance can evolve to bacteriocins and biological mechanisms such as the neutralisation of one’s own toxin can have important consequences. Finally, I consider bacteriocin as a policing trait testing predictions about the role that linkage plays in policing. This work represents a comprehensive study into the importance of bacteriocin production in bacteria.


GANIMEDE, CRISTINA 24 March 2017 (has links)
L’intensificazione sostenibile delle pratiche agricole rappresenta un paradigma per il passaggio da sistemi agricoli tradizionali all’applicazione di tecnologie e tecniche moderne per la produzione agricola. A livello globale si è diffuso l’interesse verso il modello di Agricoltura Sostenibile (AS), in vista di alcuni problemi che possono minacciare la sicurezza alimentare mondiale: crescita della popolazione mondiale, cambiamenti nella domanda delle produzioni agricole, percentuale elevata di persone sottonutrite, cambiamenti climatici, diminuzione delle risorse naturali. Il progetto “Produzione di cibo appropriato: sufficiente, sicuro, sostenibile”, ancora in corso, lavora per raggiungere alcuni scopi: (1) rilevare e valutare la disponibilità quantitativa e qualitativa degli alimenti destinati al consumo umano, (2) proporre nuovi sistemi di produzione agro-zootecnica, (3) sviluppare tecniche appropriate per processare e conservare gli alimenti, al fine di ottenere uno stato di sicurezza alimentare e sostenibilità ambientale ed economica. L’obiettivo generale di questo lavoro è quello di mostrare quali sono le possibili alternative ai sistemi agricoli tradizionali, sia nei Paesi Sviluppati sia in quelli in Via di Sviluppo, al fine di aumentarne l’efficienza e diminuirne gli impatti sull’ambiente, aumentando lo stato globale di sicurezza alimentare. Per i Paesi in Via di Sviluppo l’attenzione si concentra sulle pratiche di sviluppo rurale integrato, al fine di implementare quantitativamente la produzione alimentare e, conseguentemente, la sicurezza alimentare, preservando nel contempo l'ambiente. Per i Paesi Sviluppati, in cui i rendimenti agricoli sono già potenzialmente molto elevati, l’attenzione viene focalizzata sul migliorare la produttività del suolo, riducendo gli input esterni e le emissioni di gas ad effetto serra, attraverso l’adozione di sistemi agricoli conservativi. / Sustainable intensification of agricultural practices represents a paradigm shift from traditional farming systems to the application of modern technologies and techniques to crop production. At global level it has been widespread interest towards Sustainable Agriculture (SA) model, in view of some issues that will may threaten the world food security: growing world population, changes in agricultural product’s demand, high prevalence of undernourishment, climate changes, decreasing of natural resources. The project “Production of proper food: sufficient, safe, sustainable" is still working to achieve some purposes: (1) to detect the availability quantity and quality of food for human consumption, (2) to propose new agro-livestock production systems, (3) to develop appropriate techniques for processing and storage of foodstuffs, in order to achieve food security, environmental and economic sustainability. The objective of this work is to show what are the possible alternatives ways at traditional agricultural systems, both in Developed and Developing Countries, in order to increase the efficiency and to decrease the impacts on the environment, raising a global condition of food security. For Developing Countries the attention is focused on integrated rural development practices in order to implement food production and the state of food security, while preserving the environment. For Developed Countries, in which yields are already potentially higher, the attention is focused on enhance soil productivity while reducing external farming input and greenhouse gases emission by the adoption of conservation agricultural systems.

Interação entre Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii e Microcystis aeruginosa: implicações no crescimento de culturas e na produção de microcistinas / Interaction between Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa: implications in cultures growth and microcystins production

Santos, Paulo Vagner dos 18 June 2009 (has links)
Cianobactérias desempenham importante papel ecológico em diversos ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos. Contudo, tornam-se problema de saúde pública quando biossintetizam compostos secundários tóxicos, denominados cianotoxinas, as quais podem atuar sobre diversos organismos. Sistemas aquáticos impactados favorecem o desenvolvimento destes microrganismos, que podem tornar-se dominantes em função dos diversos mecanismos que lhes conferem vantagens adaptativas em relação aos demais grupos fitoplanctônicos. Muitas vezes, elas apresentam-se sob forma de florescimento, cuja toxicidade varia de acordo com espécies e cepas que o compõem. Apesar das cianobactérias Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii e Microcystis aeruginosa formarem florações, terem potencial tóxico, serem competitivas e estarem presentes em diversos reservatórios, é desconhecido o efeito da interação entre elas na produção de microcistina. Para esclarecer esta questão, nesta pesquisa, foi estudada a interação entre cepas de C. raciborskii e M. aeruginosa visando: caracterizar o cultivo das espécies em monocultura e cultura mista; verificar se o caráter tóxico das cepas favoreceu a competição; mensurar a microcistina de M. aeruginosa e avaliar o efeito da interação sobre esta variável. Em salas climatizadas de cultivo (22ºC, fotoperíodo 12h, 60 \'mü\'mol photon/\'M POT.2\'.s) experimentos de interação foram realizados em culturas batch compostas por três tratamentos: (1) monocultura de M. aeruginosa, (2) monocultura de C. raciborskii, (3) cultura mista de M. aeruginosa e C. raciborskii. Foram realizadas análises da densidade e biovolume dos organismos, da velocidade específica de crescimento (\'mü\') e tempo de duplicação (Td) e da concentração de microcistinas, clorofila-a e nutrientes. A interação reduziu em até 22% a \'mü\' das linhagens estudadas. Tanto C. raciborskii quanto M. aeruginosa apresentaram vantagem competitiva em pelo menos um dos ensaios e, no caso de linhagem tóxica de M. aeruginosa, verificou-se que o seu caráter tóxico favoreceu a competição da espécie com linhagem atóxica de C. raciborskii. Além disso, M. aeruginosa elevou em até 53% a síntese de microcistina ao interagir com C. raciborskii. Este processo poderia se relacionar a três principais mecanismos: competição por interferência, produção de alelopáticos e comunicação química. Estudos de balanços genéticos dos florescimentos bem como da possível comunicação química existente entre cianobactérias são ferramentas investigativas importantes que poderão ajudar no aprimoramento da prevenção e manejo de florações tóxicas. / Cyanobacteria play important ecological role in many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, they become a public health problem when synthesize secondary toxic compounds, known as cyanotoxins, which may act on several organisms. Impacted aquatic systems favor their growth and these microorganisms can become dominant due to mechanisms that confer them adaptive advantages in relation to other phytoplanktonic groups. Frequently, cyanobacteria can form water blooms, whose toxicity varies according to their species and strains composition. Although the cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa can form blooms, have toxic potential, are competitive and present in several reservoirs, it is unknown the interaction effect between them in the production of microcystins. To solve this question, the interaction among strains of C. raciborskii and M. aeruginosa was studied to: characterize the culture of the species in monoculture and mixed culture; check whether the character of toxic strains favored the competition; measure microcystin concentration produced by M. aeruginosa and evaluate interaction effect on this variable. In climatized growth room (22°C, 12h photoperiod, 60 \'mü\'mol photon/\'M POT.2\'.s) four interaction experiments composed by three treatments were performed in batch cultures: (1) monoculture of M. aeruginosa, (2) monoculture of C. raciborskii, (3) mixed culture of M. aeruginosa and C. raciborskii. Density and biovolume, specific growth rate (\'mü\'), doubling time (Td) and concentration of microcystin, chlorophyll-a and nutrients analyses were performed. The interaction reduced up to 22% the of studied strains. Both C. raciborskii and M. aeruginosa presented competitive advantage in at least one of the tests. In the case of toxic strain of M. aeruginosa, it was found that its toxic character favored the competition with non-toxic strain of C. raciborskii. Furthermore, M. aeruginosa increased by 53% the synthesis of microcystin while interacting with C. raciborskii. This process could be related to three main mechanisms: interference competition, communication and production of allelopathic chemicals. Genetical balance studies of blooms as the possible chemical communication existing among cyanobacteria are important investigative tools that might help prevention and management improvement of toxic blooms.

Prospecção de compostos orgânicos voláteis e seus efeitos na auto-regulação fisiológica em cianobactérias / Prospection of volatile organic compounds and their effects on physiological self-regulation in cyanobacteria.

Silva, Simone Vieira da 07 December 2017 (has links)
Apesar dos diversos estudos sobre a presença de cianobactérias e a correlação entre fatores ambientais que influenciam ou desencadeiam florações, é ainda incipiente a informação sobre o controle fisiológico e bioquímico da produção de metabólitos secundários, cianotoxinas e compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) nestes organismos. Os COVs mais comumente encontrados em cianobactérias são a geosmina e o 2- metil-isoborneol, compostos que resistem ao tratamento convencional da água, causam mau cheiro e alteram seu gosto, além de bioacumular em peixes e moluscos. Estudos sobre possíveis sistemas de competição (alelopatia) entre linhagens de cianobactérias, ou entre elas e outros organismos, podem contribuir para elucidação do papel da produção de COVs por cianobactérias. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste projeto foram (i) prospectar a produção de COVs e seus efeitos na auto-regulação fisiológica em cianobactérias mantidas em laboratório; e (ii) desenvolver um método analítico, por microextração em fase sólida (SPME) e cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas (GC-MS), para a determinação destes compostos. Foram realizados ensaios para avaliar os perfis de produção dos COVs em duas linhagens de M. aeruginosa em diferentes fases de crescimento, sob diferentes intensidades luminosas (50, 150 e 250 ?&#181;mol.fótons.m-2.s-1) e também ao longo do ritmo circadiano, avaliando a influência dos períodos claro e escuro. Para avaliar efeitos alelopáticos, exsudatos de uma linhagem de M. aeruginosa produtora de microcistinas foram testados em culturas de outra linhagem de M. aeruginosa não produtora de toxinas por meio de técnicas tradicionais de cultivo com monitoramento do crescimento. Na análise da produção de COVs, por GC-MS, observou-se que se destacam, majoritariamente, os compostos &#945;-ciclocitral, &#946-ciclocitral e &#946;-ionona, sendo o &#946;-ciclocitral o mais abundante, em todas as condições testadas, para as ambas as linhagens estudadas. A linhagem não toxigênica, no entanto, apresentou produção mais elevada de todos os compostos identificados. Dentre as intensidades luminosas testadas, a intensidade de 250 &#181;mol.fótons.m-2s-1 foi a que apresentou a maior taxa de crescimento para a linhagem LTPNA 08 e relação negativa entre o aumento da irradiância e a produção de &#946;-ciclocitral. Foram identificadas, também, variações na produção dos compostos &#945;-ciclocitral, &#946;-ciclocitral e &#946;-ionona nas linhagens ao longo do ritmo circadiano, sendo as maiores concentrações encontradas no período escuro. Observou-se morte celular e redução na produção de COVs 24 horas após adição de exsudatos pertencentes à linhagem de M. aeruginosa toxigênica em cultivos da linhagem não-toxigênica. Sendo assim, pode-se inferir que a produção dos COVs pode sofrer alterações qualitativas e quantitativas dependendo do estímulo ambiental presente, tanto por interações bióticas (com outros organismos e ritmo circadiano), quanto por fatores abióticos (intensidade luminosa). / There are several studies on the presence of cyanobacteria and the correlation between environmental factors that may influence or trigger blooms. However, information concerning the physiological and biochemical control of the production of secondary metabolites, toxins and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by cyanobacteria is poorly understood. Geosmin and 2-methyl-isoborneolare are commonly found VOC in cyanobacteria, they resist to conventional water treatment and can cause bad smell and taste in the final water. In addition, VOC can bioaccumulate in fish and shellfish. Studies on possible competition systems (allelopathy) either among strains of cyanobacteria or among them and other organisms such as green microalgae, may help to elucidate the role of VOC production by cyanobacteria. Thus, the main objectives of this study are: (i) prospect the production of VOCs and their effects on physiological self-regulation in cyanocrobacteria kept in the laboratory; and (ii) to develop an analytical method, by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS), for the determination of these compounds. The assays were carried out to evaluate the production profiles of VOCs in two strains of M. aeruginosa at different growth stages under different light intensities (50, 150 and 250 &#181;mol.fótons.m-2.s-1) and also along of the circadian rhythm, evaluating the influence of light and dark periods. To assess allelopathic effects, exudates from a microcystin-producing strain of M. aeruginosa were tested on cultures of another non-toxin producing M. aeruginosa strain by traditional growth monitoring culture techniques. In the analysis of VOC production by GC-MS, it was observed that &#945;-cyclocyclal, &#946;-cyclocyclal and &#946;-ionone compounds were the most prominent, with &#946;-cyclocitral being the most abundant in all conditions tested, for both strains studied. The non-toxigenic lineage, however, showed higher production of all the identified compounds. Among the light intensities tested, the intensity of 250 &#181;mol.fótons.m-2s-1 was the one with the highest growth rate and positive relation between the irradiance increase and the &#946;-cyclocitral production. Variations in the production of the &#945;-cyclocyclal, &#946;-cyclocyclal and &#946;-ionone compounds were also identified in the lines along the circadian rhythm, being the highest concentrations found in the dark period. Cell death and reduction in VOC production were observed 24 hours after addition of exudates belonging to the toxigenic M. aeruginosa lineage in cultures of the non-toxigenic lineage. Thus, it can be inferred that the production of VOCs can undergo qualitative and quantitative changes depending on the environmental stimulus present, both by biotic interactions (with other organisms and circadian rhythm) and by abiotic factors (luminous intensity).

Análise fitoquímica, antioxidante e fitotóxica dos extratos de folhas de salvia officinalis l. sobre lycopersicon esculentum / Phytochemical, antioxidant and phytotoxic analyses of leaves extracts from salvia officinalis l. on lycopersicon esculentum

Silva, Claudia Tatiana Araujo da Cruz 18 January 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:24:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Tatiana_ silva.pdf: 2022908 bytes, checksum: a04e53fead9716247a3d90eaa7333faf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-18 / Allelochemicalare substances present in plants, released into the environment that influence on the community, since the allelopathic potential of one plant can inhibit the development of others. Medicinal plants that have essential oils in their composition have typically been promising in weed control. Thus, this study evaluated the phytotoxic potential of dried leaves, extracts and essential oil of sage on germination and growth of tomato, guinea grass and chia plants, under laboratory conditions and at greenhouse as well as identified the chemical composition and antioxidant activity. For the bioassays in laboratory, dried leaves were soaked using hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol solvents and extracts were submitted to reactions for phytochemical characterization. The essential oil was obtained by hydro-distillation of leaves and its composition was determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Antioxidant activity was measured by free radicals as DPPH. Allelopathic tests used extracts at 1% concentration and essential oil at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000 and 2,000 mg L-1 (v/v). In greenhouse, dry mass of sage was tested at 3.75; 7.5 and 15 t ha-1 rates and the control (no mass). Phytochemical analysis revealed the occurrence of tannins, flavonoids, saponins and triterpenoids on extracts. Acetone and methanolic extracts have registered some high antioxidant activity. All extracts reduced tomato germination parameters and the extracts produced with hexane and ethyl acetate also reduced tomato shoot growth. The acetone extract had no effect on germination of guinea grass, while other extracts tested inhibited the answers and hexane extract decreased seedling growth of this specie. Hexane extract reduced the germination of chia seeds. However, the other parameters of germination were affected by the other extracts without any effect on growth. Twenty-eight compounds were recorded (corresponding to 98.82% essential oil) and the highest were: camphor (27.59%), camphene (23.70%), &#945;-pinene (13.75%), &#946;-pinene (6.28%) and limonene (5.38%). Monoterpenes (68%) have been prevalent in essential oil. The essential oil showed 85.3% of DPPH radical seizing activity and a 3.67 &#956;g mL-1IC50value characterizing it as a great antioxidant. The final germination percentage of the three species was not inhibited by the essential oil at the tested concentrations. However, germination speed, time indices and average speed of germination rates were adversely affected in most tested concentrations for tomato and chia seeds. The same behavior was not observed for guinea grass seeds. In greenhouse, chlorophyll contents of tomato and guinea grass plants were reduced with 7.5 and 15 t ha-1 sage as cover crop. Tomato shoot length was inhibited in all tested rates, and guinea grass plants showed some growth decrease when using 15 t ha-1 sage mass. The dry mass of tomato plants was reduced when 15 t ha-1 sage and 7.5 and 15t ha-1 guinea grass were used as cover crops. In general, the extracts showed better phytotoxic activity to parameters of germination than the seedling growth. The effect varied due to the target specie and solvent used to prepare the extract. Sage as cover crop reduced the evaluated variables in tomato and guinea grass, but there was no effect on chia plants. It is suggested that planting in sequence or too close must be avoided. On the other hand, the essential oil showed no influence on guinea grass seeds. But, it is worth noting that botanical species respond differently and, usually, there is no allelopathic effect on germination percentage / Aleloquímicos são substâncias presentes nos vegetais, liberadas no ambiente e influenciam a comunidade ao redor, visto que, o potencial alelopático de uma planta pode se manifestar inibindo ou estimulando o desenvolvimento de outras. As plantas medicinais que apresentam óleos essenciais em sua composição, normalmente, têms e mostrado promissoras no controle de plantas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alelopático de folhas secas, extratos e óleo essencial de sálvia sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento de tomate, capim mombaça e chia, em condições de laboratório e casa de vegetação bem como identificar a composição química e atividade antioxidante. Para os testes de laboratório, folhas de sálvia foram submetidas à extração com os solventes hexano, acetato de etila, acetona e metanol que passaram por reações de caracterização fitoquímica. O óleo essencial foi obtido por hidrodestilação e sua composição foi determinada usando cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massa. A atividade antioxidante foi medida pela eliminação de radicais livres DPPH. Os testes alelopáticos utilizaram extratos na concentração de 1% e o óleo nas concentrações: 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 e 2000 mg L-1 (v/v). Nos testes em casa de vegetação, a massa seca de sálvia foi utilizada nas proporções de 3,75; 7,5 e 15 t ha-1, além da testemunha. A análise fitoquímica indicou a presença de taninos, saponinas, flavonóides e triterpenóides nos extratos. Os extratos acetônico e metanólico apresentaram maior atividade antioxidante. Todos os extratos influenciaram negativamente os parâmetros germinativos do tomate e os produzidos com hexano e acetato de etila reduziram o crescimento aéreo. O extrato acetônico não influenciou os parâmetros germinativos de capim mombaça, enquanto os demais extratos inibiram as respostas e o extrato hexânico reduziu o crescimento da plântula. As sementes de chia tiveram a germinação inibida pelo extrato hexânico. Entretanto, os demais parâmetros germinativos foram afetados pelos demais extratos, sem efeito sobre o crescimento. No óleo essencial, foram detectados 28 compostos (98,82% do óleo) e os majoritários foram: cânfora (27,59%), canfeno (23,70%), &#945;-pineno (13,75%), &#946;-pineno (6,28%) e limoneno (5,38%). Monoterpenóides foram predominantes no óleo essencial (68%). O óleo apresentou 85,3% de capacidade de sequestro do radical DPPH e EC50 de 3,67 &#956;g mL-1, caracterizando-o como ótimo antioxidante. O percentual final de germinação das três espécies não foi inibido pelo óleo essencial nas concentrações testadas. Entretanto, os índices de velocidade, tempo e velocidade média de germinação foram influenciados de forma negativa na maioria das concentrações testadas, para as sementes de tomate e chia. O mesmo não foi observado para sementes de capim mombaça. Em casa de vegetação, o teor de clorofila das plantas de tomate e capim mombaça foi reduzido com 7,5 e 15 t ha-1 de sálvia em cobertura. O comprimento da parte aérea do tomate foi inibido em todas as proporções testadas e as plantas de capim mombaça apresentaram redução do crescimento quando foram utilizados15 t ha-1desálvia. A massa seca das plantas de tomate reduziu com o uso de 15 t ha-1 de sálvia como cobertura e a de capim mombaça com 7,5 e 15 t ha-1. De forma geral, os extratos apresentaram melhores respostas alelopáticas para os parâmetros germinativos do que para o crescimento das plântulas. O efeito variou em função da espécie alvo e do solvente utilizado para preparo do extrato. A sálvia em cobertura reduziu as variáveis avaliadas em tomate e capim mombaça. Assim, a semeadura em sequência ou muito próxima deve ser evitada. Entretanto, não apresentou efeito nas plantas de chia. Ao passo que o óleo essencial não influenciou o capim mombaça. Deve ser destacado que as espécies botânicas respondem de forma diferenciada e muitas vezes o efeito alelopático não está sobre o percentual de germinação

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